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* Petitioner’s position
* Respondent’s position


A. Property Allocation

Marital Home
2. Respondent

Petitioner requested that the marital home be estimated and petitioner request by paying
respondent 50% of this home net value to the respondent based on the estimate. .and
respondent & my kids can stay at this house until my kids grow up a little for a certain period.
I do this because I concern to my kids always. And Petitioner request 3 TO 6 Month time
frame to get Money from my bank or mortgage company and paid the 50% value of the
home. if the respondent can’t reach agreement this Iida Petitioner will agree to sell this home
and divide


1, 2021 GMC DENALI

Petitioner purchased the Denali with$40,000down. And this vehicle had major accident last year
and it’s fixed now but the value is estimated $32,000 and there is still a balance to be paid to the
GMC Financial $27,470.80. petitioner request both vehicles must be estimated by the dealer.
and respondent must be share both asset and liability of the vehicles 50%. then After the
Vehicle estimated net value petitioner can keep one vehicle or if respondent can keep the other
vehicle and pay the difference. or it can sell.

2, 2014 LANDROVER LR4.

This vehicle is fully paid of there is no liability the value is estimated $20,000 so it may can
estimate by the dealer and Petitioner can keep it this vehicle. if respondent keep the GMC (the
other vehicle) or respondent Can keep this vehicle. if respondent can’t agree both vehicles can
sell and paid the liability fully then we can take the rest of the money 50% each.


1, PETITIONER Chase bank* 0525 has a current balance of $1,150.81

The business red fox transportation LLC account * 2705 has the Current balance of $4,299.60.
The Business have 2 trucks and 2 trailers and a Liability. $ 189,478.13 currently. The list is SBA
LON $148,200, Chase Bank $17,518.81 and US Bank 23,759.32 the total amount of Liability has
$189,478.13 so Petitioner request to sell the business and paid the liability. And respondent
must be share50% of both from Liability and Asset this all debt and credit were incurred for
marital purpose such as both Vehicles and all our property in USA and ETHIOPIA source are this
D. Ethiopian Property
1, House in Gonder purchased $45,000 and Current Value $18,000 this house was living from
the date purchased to the End of 2020respondanet family. And 2021 was not rented because of.
Sanitation issue from2021 to current it is rented $50 a month and petitioner pay Government
property tax and utility that the money collects from rent and even by adding extra money from
my pocket.
2, House in Gonder purchased $30, 000.and current value $28,000 this house has total 8 class.
And from 3 of them my family living there based on our discussion because her family living on
the other house. And there 1 common shower room, 1 common Kachin single room and the rest
3 room is rented $25 each ever month and that even dose not cover utility fee and property tax.
I pay from my pocket to much to maintenance and other cost. So, respondent she goes to
Ethiopia last year and she visit both properties and she higher a lawyer and she got Estimated
value of the house from local Brookers and Government office. the house one of them is
Estimated to sale price 1,000 000 (1million) Ethiopian Birr or equivalent USD$18,000 and the
other house she gets 2,000 000(2million) Ethiopian birr or equivalent USD$28,000 .so based on
the estimated value petitioner requested to pay her 50% that Canty currency 1,500 000
Ethiopian birr which is equivalent $23,000 used for both houses. So, Petitioner request to keep
both house and pay her 50% which is 1.500 000 Ethiopian birr that men’s equivalent $23,000
USD Within 3month.bUT I need 3month to get a lone from the local bank.
E. The Marital Company Redfoxtransportation LLC income last 3 consecutive years has
approximately $70,000 per year or 5,833. A month as gross make sure I give to
respondent Lawyer all 3 years tax return and bank transaction that indicates this. but the
trucking Industry is decline dramatically in 2023 to currently and my Income decreased almost
70% because of the market is dad. most small trucking Company is shut down even some of big
Company i.e yellow trucking 99 years old company shut down 4 month ago and 35,000
employees without job because of the market decline. this is Reported by all American TV
So the Company have 2trucks and 2 trailers the total value of those asset is $40,000 and the
total liability is $216,948.21 so Petitioner request to sell the company and divide to respondent
both the asset and liability must sure 50% each.

F, Respondent sister L&M Grocery borrowed from us, and respondent take that responsibility
(warranty) to get back. and she tell me that she gets the money and deposit from kid’s account.
So I need to make sure that to see and the money must be divide 50% each or deposited to my
kids account 100% .

G. Rental Elisa Asfaw respondent family member live in the house and she use one of
bedroom & agree to pay $1500 every month and respondent say she got the money and
deposited to the kids the rental is the last 3 years total amount $54,000 I’m
requested to divide 50%each or deposited 100% to the kids account.
 And I am not working like I do before because all my drivers are quit, because of the
business is decline. and My doctor advise me to take a brake and change lifestyle.
because my blood pressure is too high. So I’m not working good because of market. And
my health problem.
So currently I’m working just for survival. For additional evidence it can check from the national
trucking business and broker load bord. all my income and expense are through my bank. And
this is the only sources of income.
So, I’m asking the Court to recognize this and allow me to pay the minimum child support. I
really care and love my kids and I will do the best for the feature period.

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