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Sample Question Paper 2018-19

English Language and Literature

Class – X

Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

General Instructions:
I. The question paper is divided into three sections :

SECTION A : Reading 20 MARKS

SECTION B : Writing and Grammar 30 MARKS
SECTION C : Literature 30 MARKS
II. All questions are compulsory.
III. You may attempt any section at a time.
IV. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

(Reading) [20 Marks]

1. Read the passage given below -

1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to
experience water shortages, life didn‟t grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a
retired civil engineer in the Jammu and Kashmir government came up with the idea of
artificial glaciers.
2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 metres above sea level, has a low
average annual rainfall rate of 50mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water.
Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon-fed
India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and snowfall
patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given the
severe winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one harvest season
3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to the
village and lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April/May, the crucial
sowing season. Further layers of ice above melt with increasing temperature thus ensuring
continuous supply to the fields. Thus, farmers have been able to manage two crops instead
of one. It costs about Rs.1,50,000 and above to create one.
4. Fondly called the “glacier man”, Mr. Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and
around Leh since 1987. In recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma
Shri by President Pranab Mukherjee, in 2015.
5. There are few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier.
6. River or stream water at higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north,
where the winter sun is blocked by a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of
winter/November, the diverted water is made to flow onto sloping hill face through
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distribution channels. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the
flow of water, making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slope.
Ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice which is
referred to as an “artificial glacier”.

Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read. (8×1= 8 Marks)

i. Who was Chewang Norphel?

ii. What kind of land form is Ladakh?
iii. Why have Glaciers been the only source of water for Ladakh?
iv. Why has the pattern of snowfall and rainfall changed?
v. How are Glaciers significant for irrigation?
vi. How do farmers manage to grow two crops instead of one?
vii. In which year did President Pranab Mukherjee confer Padmashri to Mr. Norphel?
viii. How many months does the ice formation continue for?
ix. Find the word in the paragraph 6 which means the same as “gathering”?

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. Just a few days ago, my daughter's friend committed suicide. This girl was
bright, creative and different. Nobody knows what was going on in her mind
when she took the drastic step but from what I understood it was her sense of
failure. She was slightly short of attendance and was being taken to task for that
and she could not cope. As the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan spreads, the authorities
that we are trying to get children to come to school, luring them with mid-day
meals and other sops; perfectly understandable. The target is to get the children
and parents used to the idea of a school. But, I haven't been able to understand the
need not to trust our young adults with the decision of attending or bunking a
class, when we can entrust them with voting the people they want into
Parliament. Doesn't it reflect poorly on the quality of our teaching when a student
prefers to spend time away from class rather than inside it?

2. For an 18-year-old, the university is itself a teacher, whether inside or outside

class. Why then this mindless insistence on attendance as a criterion? There was a
teacher of economics in our college at Delhi University for whose class students
would be spilling over into the corridor. Friends who lived nearby were asked to
reserve seats. Each seat meant for two had four people and the window sills were
also used as seats. Such was the power of his words and his lecture. Not only
people from other sections, but students from other colleges would also plead to
be allowed to attend his lecture. The same subject taught by another teacher in
the next classroom had the meager attendance of only two or four students who
could not make it to the other crowded class. To put the blame on the student for
missing classes reflects poorly on the ability of our teachers to make their
subjects interesting enough for students to come running to their classes rather
than bunking them. Holding the attendance criteria as a necessary prerequisite is
like holding a gun to a child's temple, figuratively and literally as my daughter's friend proved.

A. Answer the following questions in about two lines each: (2x4=8 Marks)
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i. Why did the daughter of writer's friend commit suicide?
ii. What is the target of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan?
iii. How did the teacher of Delhi University attract so many students?
iv. What does it reflect when students bunk a class?

B. Choose the most appropriate option in each of the following: (1x4=4Marks)

(v) The word 'drastic' means....................

(a) sudden (b) normal (c) extreme (d) extraordinary
(vi)The word 'entrust' means......................
(a) belief (b) care (c) make responsible (d) ensure
(vii) The word 'criteria' has the same meaning as ....................
(a) system (ii) method (c) standard of measurement (d) means
(viii) The word 'meager' has the same meaning as......................
(a) great (b) vial (c) small (d) advanced



3. You are Hemant / Harsha of Old Lady Convent School, Amritsar, Punjab who had arranged a trip
for fifty students to Nainital in summer vacations for ten days with “Mount Travels and Tourism”.
The arrangements done by the travel agency were far below the standard .The accommodation and
food facilities were inferior in quality .Write a letter of complaint to the director of the agency to
stop duping tourists with false promises as it tarnishes the image of locals . (100-120 words)

You are Dr Avinash / Kirti. You came across the following information about the outbreak of swine
flu and the number of lives taken by it. You decided to write an article for a leading daily about the
precautions to be taken to prevent it from spreading. Write the article in 100-120 words using ideas
from the unit on 'Health and Medicine,' your own ideas, and the bar- graph given below

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4. Write an original story with the given value points in about 150-200 words. Give a suitable
title to your story. (10 Marks)

We, a group of five ........................passing through jungle ................... carrying rifles on shoulder
...................a narrow stream ................... encounter with short, black men ...................a primitive
tribe…………………crucial moment .................., … mobile phone rang ................... men in loud talk ....................we are gods ….my brother threw a spear on them
...................the men scared .....................miraculous escape

5. Fill in any four of the blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given in the box.
Write the answers in your answer –sheet against the correct blank numbers.
(1×4=4 Marks)

1. Butterflies are abundant (a) _____________ the Central African Republic.

2. It (b) ___________home to nearly 600 identified species.
3. Many butterflies are brilliantly coloured and small(c) ___________ some are as big as saucers.
4. Farmer Philippe (d) _______________ solace in collecting butterfly wings from his field and turning
them into works of art.
5. My favourite hobby, since my childhood, is (e) _________________ butterflies.

1. (a) (i) in (ii)from (iii) for (iv) into

2. (b) (i) has (ii) is (iii) was (iv) are
3. (c) (i) if (ii) therefore (iii) so (iv) while
4. (d) (i) find (ii) to find (iii) finding (iv) finds
5. (e) (i) catch (ii) caught (iii) catching (iv) has been

6. In the following paragraph one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along
with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it. Underline the word which you
have supplied. The first correction has been done as an example. (4 marks)

According to the Bible, Noah saw rainbow e.g., saw a rainbow

as a sign from God the flood. (a).......................

In the 17th century men a scientific (b) ......................
explanation this 'glorious natural phenomenon. (c)......................
The-French scientist philosopher Rene Descartes (d) ......................
finally confirmed the explanation now known to be

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7. Rearrange any four of the following word or phrases to make meaningful sentences.
(4 Marks)
i. enters / millions tons / the/ every year / of / ocean /plastic
ii. are / waters/ sightings / junk – filled /of /common
iii. population / middle-class / increasing / is / coastlines / along
iv. trash/ increase/ has led / waste management/lack/of/in / to
v. close/like/ others/ helping/my/friends

(LITERATURE) [30 Marks]

8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. (1×4=4 Marks)
The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, and stars were shining in the clear sky above me.
There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping countryside.
i. Who narrates the above lines?
ii. Which type of weather conditions are being discussed in the above lines?
iii. Explain the term “the sleeping countryside”?
iv. Why is the narrator happy?

Read the extract and answer the following questions:-

Neither stones nor prayers nor sticks.

Insults or complaints or bricks
Stilled the frog's determination
To display his heart's elation.
But one night a nightingale
In the moonlight cold and pale
Perched upon the sumac tree
Casting forth her melody.


i. Why did all efforts to stop the frog fail?

ii. Why did the frog continue to sing?
iii. What rhyme scheme is used here?
iv. Who narrates the lines?

9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each (2×4 = 8 Marks)

i. Hari Singh is both a thief and a human being. Explain.

ii. How does the necklace change the course of the Loisel‟s life?
iii. Explain the qualities of the post office employees?
iv. Why would you not agree with Lencho calling them „a bunch of crooks‟?

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10. Attempt any one out of two long answer type questions in 100-120 words. (8 Marks)

A. People should always try to live within their means. Aspirations have no limits but one
should never forget the ground realities. Elaborate on the basis of chapter, “The Necklace”.

B. Simple moment proves to be very significant and saves rest of the day of poet from being
wasted. Explain on the basis of the poem “Dust of Snow”.

11. (A) Answer the following questions in about 200-250 words. (10 Marks)

a. Kitty plays a vital role in Anne’s life. Elucidate


b. In spite of the heartrending circumstances in which “The Diary” was written, it

was not an inspiring rather a depressing book. Explore.


(B) Answer the following questions in about 200-250 words (10 Marks)

a. How did Miss Anne Sullivan help Helen to communicate properly?

b. Helen was gifted with an exceptional sense of smell. Exemplify the statement.

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Solutions of Sample Question Paper 2018-19
English Language and Literature
Class – X

Section A (Reading)

1. (8 Marks)

a) a retired civil engineer

b) cold desert
c) Ladakh is a cold desert at 3000-3500 meters, annual rainfall rate of 50mm
d) Climate change
e) Glaciers provide water in the months of April/May which is crucial for irrigation
f) Glaciers and their layers close to the village melt and provide water
g) 2015
h) 3 to 4 months
i) Accumulation

2. A (i) She had a sense of failure. (2x4=8 Marks)

(ii) To get the people used to the idea of attending school.
(iii) He had a wonderful power of words.
(iv) It reflects poorly on the ability of the teacher
B. (v) c (vi) c (vii) c (viii) c (1x4=4Marks)

3. To, (8 Marks)
The Director,
Mount Travels and Tourism,
Sub: Report of the services provided to Old Lady Convent School.

Dear Sir,
It is to state that I, the programme coordinator of Old Lady Convent School want to throw
some light on our recent trip to Nainital through the tourism package provided by you.
Sir, I wanted to inform you that the package provided by your office was very substandard,
and that right from the time the team landed in Nainital, it has been very hassling on our part
to cope with your poor services. No one came to receive the students to the station on time.
After calling your guide for half an hour, he turned up with a bunch of excuses. Second, to
mention, the rooms provided by you were very shabby and dingy, even the food was
absolutely filthy. I cannot tell you what embarrassment I had to face because of your poor
Last but not the least, we had a horrible experience with your company, and I assure you I
will never again recommend your tours & travels to anyone, least of all avail it in future.

Biology 1
Please stop duping tourists like this, as this spoils the face value of the local community, and
questions the integrity of honest providers.

With a lot of regret,

Yours Sincerely,
Hemant / Harsha
Programme coordinator,
Old Lady Convent School
Amritsar, Punjab

The Menace of Swine Flu By Avinash / Kirti

Swine flu is one of those pandemic diseases which people imported from some foreign countries.
It originated in Mexico and spread like forest fire. The cases of Swine flu are on the increase. It
has taken the lives of 25 people in Pune, 20 in Bangalore Initially in Chennai only 6 - 7 lives
were lost Swine fI'u and other such diseases can prove to be fatal if not detected and treated
timely and properly. The symptoms of the swine flu like fever, running nose and sore throat
resemble the common flu and cold, misleading many people. If prevalence of any such symptom
is found, a doctor has to be consulted. The attendants of the patients should wear masks. Crowded
places contribute a lot to the spread of this deadly disease. So such places should not be visited.
Prescribed medicines and rest are a panacea for any disease. So the instructions should be
followed. Any bodily contact should be avoided with those people who are already infected.
Testing facilities should be enhanced in civil and private hospitals and the production of its
vaccines should be accelerated to encounter deadly diseases like swine flu.

4. (10 Marks)
We were a group of five people. We were through an extremely wild, dark
jungle, quite unknown to us. At one place we cooked ourselves a good meal.
Slowly moving, with our rifles on our shoulders, we were passing by a narrow
stream, on the other side of which were tall trees of death.
Suddenly we had to stop. Someone had thrown a spear barring our way. As if from
nowhere, utterly black, short men wearing only loin clothes appeared. One of them
came closer and uttered something in a loud voice. I was the only one who knew
the language. I told my friends that men belonged to a very primitive tribe, almost
extinct, and suspected us to be their enemies. The man asked us to get ready to be
killed as no white man could cross their land. There was suspense in the air.
At this crucial time my mobile phone rang up, and I began to talk. It proved to be
very lucky for us. The black men withdrew in terror and kept standing at a
distance, bewildered. Their leader, old man, asked me what it was. Without
thinking I said, "We are gods. God is speaking to us. Would you listen ?" I told my
brother on the other end to speak as if he were God, asking the man not to block

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our way. He understood. I told him in which language to speak.
The moment my brother spoke to the blackie - we don't know what happened to
him - he threw his spear down, shouted something to his men. All of them knelt
down. "Spare us, my Lords. We are happy that gods have come to visit us," the old
man said in a pleading tone. In an impressive voice I told him that God's will would prevail and
ordered him to help us come out of that jungle. A few minutes later, we were walking leisurely,
laughing at what had happened, while the black men were carrying our load,
guiding our path religiously, and thus we reached our destination without any

5. GAP FILLING (1×4=4 Marks)

a) (i) in
b) (ii) is
c) (iv) but
d) (iv) finds
e) (iii) catching

6. (4 marks)

(a) God for the (b) men gave a (c) explanation for this (d) scientist and philosopher

7. Sentence Re Ordering: (4 marks)

1) Millions tons of plastic enters the ocean every year.

2) Sightings of junk filled waters are common.
3) Middle – class population is increasing along coastlines.
4) Lack of waste management has led to increase in trash.
5) My close friends like helping others.

8. (1×4=4 Marks)
a) The pilot who was flying an aeroplane from Paris to England
b) Favourable weather conditions. Sky was clear.
c) Everything was going well/calm and quiet
d) happy because of being alone


a) All efforts to quieten the frog failed because of, the frog's stubbornness
b) The frog continued to sing as he wanted to take full pleasure out of his singing
c) The rhyme scheme used here is aa, bb, cc
d) Vikram Seth

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9. (2×4 = 8 Marks)
i. No doubt Hari is a thief as well as good human being. Situations compel a person to
become either beast or remain as a human being. Even goodness and nobility of a person
changes anyone’s heart and mind.
ii. Only because of necklace and showing off, Loisel fell in a debt trap which forced her
to live like an ordinary lower middle class housewife. She started doing all the
household chores which a lady of her status normally does not do. Aspirations have no
limits but one should never forget the ground realities.
iii. Employees were kind and helpful.
iv. Lencho was not at all justified in calling them ‘a bunch of crooks’ because they helped
him by collecting money and helping him.

10. (8 Marks)
i) Live a contented life,
ii) Best quoted phrase is ‘Honesty is the best policy’
iii) Simple living and high thinking,
iv) We should not run after materialistic world
v) We must not think beyond our limits.


i. Nothing is good or bad only our thinking makes so

ii. Best things in life are free
iii. Life is full of problems we should solve them rather than sitting and regretting.
iv. Sometimes unimportant things change the meaning of life.
v. Like a lesson taught by crow and the hemlock how to take adverse season in stride
and work for the better life

11. (10 Marks)

(i) Got on her 13th birthday
(ii) Her father gifted her

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