Agric SS1

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Class: SS1 Subject: Agric. Sc.

1. Staking is very essential in the cultivation of … a yam b cassava c cocoyam d cocoa

2. The average condition of weather over a long period of time is known as …
a climate b temperature c rainfall d humidity
3. Adequate knowledge of climate is useful in determining the following, except …
a when to carry out land clearing b marketing practices and strategies
c tillage practices to adopt d time of harvesting and storage
4. Yam can be propagated by all of the following, except …
a yam cuttings b seed yam c roots of yam d yam setts
5. The following are types of soil, except …
a sandy soil b clayey soil c loamy soil d humus
6. Cowpea is a … crop a cereal b beverage c spice d legume
7. The species of yam called Discorea rotundata is …
a yellow yam b white yam c water yam d trifoliate yam
8. Manihot esculenta is the botanical name for … a cassava b carrot c cocoyam d cocoa
9. Wild life includes the following animals, except, a leopard b cattle c elephant d tiger
10. In which of these ways can maize be used?
a roasted b boiled c fried when dry d all of the above
11. Some cassava tubers are poisonous to non-ruminants because they contain …
a hydrocyanic acid b sodium chloride c sodium hydroxide d hydrochloric acid
12. The most important limiting factor in crop production is …
a rainfall b temperature c atmospheric pressure d sunlight
13. The spreading dry grasses and other suitable materials on surface of the soil to conserve soil moisture is
termed … a thinning b mulching c supplying d spacing
14. The turning of soil to increase aeration, water infiltration and easy penetration of plant roots is called …
a ploughing b harrowing c ridging d cultivation
15. The following are ways of improving soil fertility, except … a fertilizer application
b crop rotation c mulching d leaching
16. After clearing a new farmland, which of these farm implements will be used next?
a harrow b ridger c plough d planter
17. Theobroma cacao grows best in the … a sudan savannah zone b humid rainforest zone c mangrove
swamp forest zone d northern guinea savannah zone
18. Commercial agriculture is characterized by … a use of machines b small farm holdings
c low capital investment d little research activity
19. Tobacco belongs to the group of crops called …
a fibres b beverages c stimulants d cereals
20. Maize is a popular crop in West Africa because it … a is a cereal b has multiple uses
c is of high nutritional value d was introduced from Europe
21. Which of the following products is used in the production of buttons?
a skin b fur c bone d horn
22. Subsistence farmers mostly practice …
a monoculture b monocropping c mixed cropping d crop rotation
23. The transfer of seedlings from one plot to another is called …
a weeding b transplanting c weathering d uprooting
24. The process of removing big trees together with their roots is called …
a stumping b planting c tilling d removal
25. The tillage practice that aids easy penetration of crop roots is …
a ploughing b ridging c harrowing d flooding
26. Which of these implements/tools are not used in stumping?
a pick axe b ridgers c axe d cutlass

27. In choosing a farm site, which of these is not considered?

a vegetation b climate c soil type d education
28. Which of the following is not a preplanting operation? a thinning b choice of farm site c stumping d
farm clearing
29. Granite is … …
a weathered rock b. igneous rock c sedimentary rock d metamorphic rock
30. The parent material of a soil is formed from the disintegration of …
a sand b gravel c organic matter d rock

THEORY: Answer all questions

1a. Define cultural practices 1 mark
b. Mention the three types of cultural practices 3 marks
c. State six factors you will consider in choosing a farm site. 6 marks

2a. What do you understand by mulching? 2 marks

b. Mention four mulching materials 4 marks
c. State four reasons for mulching 4 marks

3a. What do you understand by Vegetables? 3 marks

b. State the three classes of vegetables, with one example each. 3 marks
c. Mention the botanical names of the following crops:
i. Pineapple ii. Cocoa iii. Fluted pumpkin iv. Pepper 4 marks

4a. What is Agricultural ecology? 2 marks

b. Explain any two types of Agricultural ecology 4 marks
c. Highlight four importance of Agricultural ecology 4 marks

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