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Adult Neurogenesis in Humans

Olaf Bergmann, Kirsty L. Spalding, and Jonas Frisén

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institute, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

Adult neurogenesis appears very well conserved among mammals. It was, however, not until
recently that quantitative data on the extent of this process became available in humans,
largely because of methodological challenges to study this process in man. There is substan-
tial hippocampal neurogenesis in adult humans, but humans appear unique among
mammals in that there is no detectable olfactory bulb neurogenesis but continuous addition
of new neurons in the striatum.

here has been an enormous expansion in the mate evolution, and whether the extent of this
T knowledge regarding adult neurogenesis in
experimental animals over the last two decades.
process in humans is sufficient to have any func-
tional impact (Rakic 1985; Kempermann 2012).
A strong motivation in this research field has
been that similar processes are likely to operate
in humans, and that alterations in adult neuro-
genesis could underlie neurological or psychi-
atric diseases. Moreover, many have hoped that Several studies have shed light on adult neuro-
the potential of resident neural stem cells could genesis in humans by quantifying the number
be harnessed to promote the generation of of cells displaying neuroblast markers in the
new neurons for cell replacement in neurologi- human postmortem brain. In humans, double-
cal diseases. A seminal study by Eriksson, Gage cortin (DCX) and polysialylated neuronal cell
and colleagues (Eriksson et al. 1998), in which adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM)-expressing
they were able to show the presence of 5-bromo- putative neuroblasts are found in both the den-
2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) in hippocampal neu- tate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus (Knoth
rons of cancer patients who had received the et al. 2010) in the lateral ventricle wall (Sanai
label for diagnostic purposes, established the et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011), the neurogenic
presence of adult-born neurons in the human niche for olfactory bulb neurons in other mam-
hippocampus. This study was exceptionally im- mals. The density of neuroblasts in both these
portant in that it provided strong evidence for two regions is highest in the perinatal period,
the presence of adult neurogenesis in humans. and drops dramatically during the first few
However, it did not enable any quantitative postnatal months, to then decline more slowly
estimates, and a lingering question has been throughout life (Göritz and Frisén 2012). A lim-
whether adult neurogenesis decreased with pri- itation with the analysis of neuroblast markers

Editors: Fred H. Gage, Gerd Kempermann, and Hongjun Song

Additional Perspectives on Neurogenesis available at
Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a018994
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O. Bergmann et al.

is that it is not possible to know whether they stem or progenitor cells (in transgenic strate-
differentiate to become mature neurons and gies), and later assessing whether such a mark
integrate long term. A large number of studies is present in mature neurons, which then indi-
have been performed with markers associated cates neurogenesis. Prospective labeling strate-
with neurogenesis in several human pathologies gies are difficult to apply in humans, as any
(Curtis et al. 2012), but the uncertainties with mark that is stably integrated in genomic DNA
these types of markers makes it difficult to draw may introduce mutations or be toxic in other
a firm conclusion regarding neurogenesis. ways. Moreover, one needs to wait until the per-
The process of adult neurogenesis is most son dies so that the brain can be analyzed. With
often studied in experimental animals by pro- these substantial hurdles, it is not surprising
spectively labeling newborn cells. This can be that there have not been more studies managing
done, for example, by administering labeled nu- to assess adult neurogenesis in humans by la-
cleotides, which integrate stably in DNA when beled nucleotide incorporation (Eriksson et al.
it is duplicated during mitosis, or genetic label- 1998).
ing with retroviruses or transgenic strategies. A The challenges associated with prospec-
common factor for all strategies used in exper- tively labeling adult-born neurons in humans
imental animals is that they entail first intro- prompted us to develop a strategy to retrospec-
ducing a stable mark in cells, specific for cell tively determine the age of cells, and in that way
proliferation (in the case of labeled nucleotides assess the turnover dynamics within a cell pop-
or retroviruses), or the origin from a candidate ulation (Fig. 1). Aboveground nuclear bomb

CO2 + H2O + photons C6H12O6 + O2 + H2O

14 C

Figure 1. Retrospective birth dating of cells. Schematic depiction of the strategy to retrospectively birth date cells.
Nuclear bomb tests during the Cold War resulted in a large addition of 14C to the atmosphere. 14C in the
atmosphere reacts with oxygen to form 14CO2, which is taken up by plants in photosynthesis. Eating plants or
animals living off plants results in the atmospheric 14C concentrations at any given time being mirrored in the
human body. When a cell divides and duplicates its genome, it will integrate 14C in DNA with a concentration
corresponding to that in the atmosphere at any given time. Measuring the 14C concentration in genomic DNA
allows determination of when cells were born.

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Adult Human Neurogenesis

tests conducted during the Cold War in the as the individual, not supporting any detectable
1950s and 1960s resulted in an almost doubl- neurogenesis in this situation (Huttner et al.
ing of atmospheric 14C (De Vries 1958; Nydal 2014).
and Lovseth 1965). After the Test Ban Treaty in
1963, the atmospheric 14C levels have since de-
clined owing to a redistribution mainly into the
oceans (Levin and Kromer 2004; Levin et al. Neural stem cells residing in the walls of the
2010). In the atmosphere, 14C reacts with oxy- lateral ventricles of the brain give rise to neuro-
gen to form 14CO2, which enters the food chain blasts that migrate to the olfactory bulb through-
through plant photosynthesis. Being at the top out life in most mammals. Arturo Alveraz-
of the food pyramid, 14C concentration in the Buylla and colleagues investigated the cellular
human body closely parallels that in the atmo- architecture of the human subventricular zone
sphere at any given time (Libby et al. 1964; in a large study including 110 surgical and post-
Harkness 1972; Spalding et al. 2005b). When mortem specimens (Sanai et al. 2004). They
cells undergo mitosis and duplicate their identified a ribbon of glial fibrillary acidic pro-
DNA, 14C integrates into genomic DNA, and tein (GFAP)-expressing astrocytes that paral-
the 14C concentration remains stable after the lels the ependymal cell layer, which is different
last cell division. Relating the measured geno- from the rodent subventricular zone. The de-
mic 14C concentration to atmospheric levels es- scribed interaction in rodents of migratory neu-
tablishes the birth date of cells and their turn- roblasts (type A), astrocytic stem cells (type B),
over dynamics (Spalding et al. 2005a, 2008; transiently amplifying cells (type C), and epen-
Bhardwaj et al. 2006; Bergmann et al. 2009). dymal cells could not be seen in the human
This strategy is schematically shown in Figure 1. subventricular zone. In contrast to these find-
Retrospective birth dating was first applied ings in adults, the human fetal forebrain revealed
for the analysis of cell turnover in the cerebral a high proliferative activity with cells coexpress-
cortex (Spalding et al. 2005a; Bhardwaj et al. ing the migrating neuroblast marker DCX and
2006). Nonneuronal cells had 14C concentra- PSA-NCAM (Wang et al. 2011). Similarly, a
tions in their genomic DNA corresponding to study of the infant forebrain found expression
times after the birth of the individual, indi- of DCX and the immature glial marker vimen-
cating the continuous generation of such cells tin in the subventricular zone (Sanai et al.
in the human neocortex. In contrast, neurons 2011). Most neuroblasts migrated tangentially,
from all major subdivisions of the human cere- but some formed chains within the rostral mi-
bral cortex had 14C concentrations in genomic gratory stream, comparable with chains of mi-
DNA that corresponded to the time around the gratory neuroblasts in the subventricular zone,
birth of the individual, establishing that most and rostral migratory stream of the rodent and
neurons must be as old as the person and that monkey brain (Sanai et al. 2011; Wang et al.
there could have been no major postnatal neu- 2011). In human infant forebrains, an addi-
rogenesis (Bhardwaj et al. 2006). Moreover, tional migratory stream of DCX-positive cells
analysis of BrdU incorporation in the cerebral was identified. These DCX/PSA-NCAM co-
cortex in the material procured by Eriksson and expressing cells branch off at the proximal
Gage (Eriksson et al. 1998) showed BrdU la- limb of the rostral migratory stream, and head
beled nonneuronal cells but no labeled neurons. to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Prolifer-
The combined analysis of BrdU and 14C incor- ation and DCX expression in both infant migra-
poration gave a very high sensitivity to detect tory streams sharply decline after birth. Only a
rare events, concluding that if there is any few migratory neuroblasts and limited prolifer-
adult neurogenesis in the human neocortex, it ation in the subventricular zone and rostral mi-
amounts to maximally the exchange of 1/1000 gratory stream could be observed after 6 to
neurons every fifth year (Bhardwaj et al. 2006). 8 months of age (Sanai et al. 2011). However,
Even after stroke, cortical neurons appear as old the existence and configuration of the adult ros-

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O. Bergmann et al.

tral migratory stream with migration chains of odorant discrimination, and social interactions
neuroblasts has been controversial (Curtis et al. (Ming and Song 2011).
2007; Sanai et al. 2007). Curtis et al. (2007) In humans, olfaction is only rudimentarily
reported an extension of the lateral ventricle developed compared with other mammals,
that reaches the olfactory bulb with highly pro- which might be reflected in the relatively re-
liferative cells surrounding this hollow tube. Al- duced size of the olfactory system, including
though the localization of the described rostral the olfactory epithelium, the olfactory bulb,
migratory stream has been confirmed, the ex- and related cortical projection areas. However,
istence of an open ventricular structure and 3D reconstruction of fossil skulls have provided
chain migration with high numbers of dividing evidence for the olfactory system having evolved
neuroblasts has been questioned (Sanai et al. in Homo sapiens. Modern humans have larger
2011; Wang et al. 2011). In the study by Curtis olfactory bulbs, and relatively wider orbitofron-
et al. (2007), neuroblast proliferation was main- tal and temporal cortices than the early Homo
ly documented by immunolabeling with the (Bastir et al. 2011). Another fundamental dif-
proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) anti- ference between species is the number of olfac-
body. Other studies, however, could only find a tory receptor genes. The number of different
small number of Ki67- or MCM2-positive neu- olfactory receptors is much lower in man com-
roblasts in the adult rostral migratory stream pared with mice (350 vs. 1100). However, the
(Sanai et al. 2004, 2011; Wang et al. 2011), sug- number of glomeruli in humans is approxi-
gesting that PCNA immunoreactivity might mately threefold higher than in mice, resulting
not be specific to dividing cells in the human in a much higher glomeruli-to-olfactory recep-
brain. Moreover, a recent study suggests that tor convergence ratio (Maresh et al. 2008). This
DCX is not restricted to neuroblasts, but has finding indicates that, although rodents share
been shown to be expressed in postmitotic neu- similarities in odor processing at the molecular
rons in the piriform cortex where DCX is im- and synaptic level, there are significant differ-
portant for synaptic plasticity, and necessary to ences in glomerular organization in humans
process olfactory information (Klempin et al. compared with mice.
2011). These data emphasize that the inter- It is not possible to infer the extent of ol-
pretation of markers for neurogenesis and cell factory bulb neurogenesis from the number of
proliferation should be done cautiously, partic- stem or progenitor cells in the human subven-
ularly when species borders are crossed and/or tricular zone. The kinetics of subventricular
regions outside well-characterized neurogenic zone stem cells and the future fate of neuroblasts
regions are analyzed. migrating to the olfactory bulb are not possible
to determine. We do not know how many of the
neuroblasts give rise to new olfactory interneu-
rons, and how many of these new neurons inte-
In rodents, large numbers of neuroblasts mi- grate stably into the circuitry and survive long
grate from the subventricular zone to the olfac- term. Even a small number of migrating neu-
tory bulb every day (Ming and Song 2011) roblasts could give rise to a substantial portion
where they differentiate to interneurons and in- of adult-born neurons given an efficient neuro-
tegrate into the neuronal circuitry. About 40% nal integration, resulting in long-term survival
of the newly born neurons integrate and survive of the new neurons in the olfactory bulb. More-
for ,18 months (Winner et al. 2002). Adult over, there is evidence that interneurons in the
neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb is not re- olfactory bulb are not exclusively derived from
stricted to rodents, but has been found in many subventricular zone stem cells, but may also de-
mammalian species including adult monkeys rive from local progenitor cells residing in the
(Kornack and Rakic 2001). The new neurons olfactory bulb (Pagano et al. 2000).
participate in functional synaptic circuitry and Analysis of the 14C concentration in olfacto-
are implicated in olfactory memory formation, ry bulb neuronal DNA from adult humans re-

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Adult Human Neurogenesis

vealed levels corresponding to the time around zone (Ernst et al. 2014). An analysis of publicly
birth of the individual, establishing that there available transcriptome data from different sub-
is no significant postnatal neuronal turnover divisions of the human brain revealed expres-
in the human olfactory bulb (Bergmann et al. sion at all ages of the neuroblast marker DCX
2012). Mathematical modeling gave an upper in the striatum, located adjacent to the sub-
limit of 1% of neurons being replaced in 100 ventricular zone, at levels comparable to those
years of life. These findings suggest that adult in the hippocampus. Western blot revealed
olfactory bulb neurogenesis, contrary to most DCX protein levels in the adult human stria-
mammals, is absent in adult humans. This tum comparable to or higher than in the hip-
might not be surprising because humans rely pocampus, and immunohistochemistry showed
much less on olfaction than animals. In mice, DCX and PSA-NCAM coexpressing putative
odor stimuli result in higher survival rates of neuroblasts in the striatum (Ernst et al. 2014).
newborn neurons (Rochefort et al. 2002), and Generation of new striatal interneurons
a deprivation of olfactory stimuli in young mice was shown by the detection of iododeoxyuri-
leads to apoptosis in the olfactory glomeruli dine (IdU)-positive neurons in postmortem tis-
accompanied by smaller bulbs (Cummings sue from cancer patients who had received IdU
et al. 1997). Have we lost the ability to generate as a radiosensitizer (Ernst et al. 2014). Carbon
new neurons because our olfactory epithelium dating revealed that neuronal turnover was re-
has regressed making odors less perceptible for stricted to the subpopulation of DARP23-neg-
us? Difficult odor discrimination and learning ative interneurons, and mathematical modeling
have been associated with the activity and inte- indicated a turnover rate of 2.7% per year with-
gration of adult-born interneurons in mice in this population (Ernst et al. 2014). Some of
(Alonso et al. 2012). Would a more frequent the DCX-positive putative neuroblasts, as well
exposure to novel odors from early childhood as some of the IdU-labeled neurons in the adult
rescue the decline of neuroblasts migrating to- human striatum coexpressed the striatal inter-
ward the olfactory bulb, and support long-term neuron markers calretinin or neuropeptide Y
survival of newly born neurons into adulthood, (NPY). Interestingly, adult-born striatal neu-
or is human olfaction conceptionally differently rons are selectively depleted in Huntington’s
modulated? disease (Ernst et al. 2014).
Deprivation of neurogenesis in the human The generation of neuroblasts in the sub-
olfactory bulb has been implicated in several ventricular zone, located adjacent to the stria-
neurodegenerative diseases that compromise ol- tum, make it tempting to speculate that the new
faction and can lead to anosmia (Turetsky et al. neurons in the adult human striatum derive
2000; Höglinger et al. 2004; Hansson et al. 2010; from the subventricular zone. However, other
Negoias et al. 2010; Winner et al. 2011). How- origins are also possible, and the recent finding
ever, the limited or absent olfactory bulb neuro- that local astrocytes give rise to new striatal neu-
genesis makes it unlikely that the anosmia is a rons in mice after stroke raises the possibility
consequence of reduced adult olfactory bulb that parenchymal astrocytes may mediate stria-
neurogenesis. tal neurogenesis in adult humans (Magnusson
et al. 2014). Interestingly, neurogenesis by astro-
cytes in the mouse striatum is under the con-
trol of Notch signaling, and neurogenesis in the
The presence of neuroblasts in the subventric- healthy adult mouse striatum can be induced
ular zone in adult humans, but very few migrat- by blocking this signaling pathway (Magnusson
ing along the rostral migratory stream or giving et al. 2014). This points to a potential therapeu-
rise to neurons in the olfactory bulb, posed the tic target for promoting striatal neurogenesis.
question of what the fate of these neuroblasts Low levels of striatal neurogenesis have
may be. There is no apparent apoptosis of neu- been reported in mice, rats, rabbits, and mon-
roblasts within the adult human subventricular keys (Bedard et al. 2002a,b; Dayer et al. 2005;

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O. Bergmann et al.

Tonchev et al. 2005; Luzzati et al. 2006; Inta et al. lifespan, showed a loglinear decline in labeling,
2008), so this does not appear to be a human- indicating an age-related reduction in neuro-
specific feature. The extent of striatal neurogen- genesis. The most significant decline in DCX-
esis does, however, appear to have increased with positive cells was seen within the first years of
evolution. Although direct comparisons are dif- life, with approximately a fivefold decrease in
ficult owing to a paucity of quantitative data the DG from 20 to 100 years.
from nonhuman mammals. It is currently diffi- Neuroimaging has been used as a tool to
cult to speculate about a potential functional assess the effects of a variety of parameters that
role for striatal neurogenesis. The striatum has impact hippocampal neurogenesis with hip-
traditionally been primarily associated with mo- pocampal phenotype. Such parameters include
tor functions. Presently, however, it is appre- enriched environment and learning, physical
ciated for important cognitive functions. The activity, aging, stress, depression, and antide-
relative size of the striatum has expanded sub- pressant treatments. Correlations of these pa-
stantially with evolution and is thought to be rameters to changes in hippocampal volume
important for cognitive flexibility in humans, a have been reported, leading investigators to sug-
type of plasticity that potentially could be influ- gest that a decrease/increase in hippocampal
enced by adult neurogenesis (Ernst and Frisén volume relates to changes in hippocampal neu-
2015). rogenesis (for a review on hippocampal vol-
ume and major depressive disorder [MDD],
see McKinnon et al. [2009]; for a comprehen-
sive review of in vivo imaging of adult human
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis has been ex- hippocampal neurogenesis, the reader is re-
tensively studied in mice, with distinct develop- ferred to Ho et al. [2013]). Definitive studies,
mental stages and marker profiles identified however, that link imaging outcome measures
(Kempermann et al. 2004). In an extension of to adult neurogenesis are yet to be established.
this, Kempermann and colleagues mapped fea- Several factors may account for the observed
tures of rodent hippocampal neurogenesis in hu- differences in hippocampal volume, such as
man hippocampal tissue. They investigated the changes in cell soma size, dendritic complexity,
pattern of DCX-positive neuroblasts in the adult and glial cell size and number.
human DG, using a large cohort of individuals To assess whether a decrease in hippocam-
(n ¼ 55) ranging in age from 1 day to 100 years pal DG volume in antidepressant treated and
(Knoth et al. 2010). DCX-positive cells were untreated individuals suffering from MDD is
found in the DG across the entire lifespan, with a result of decreased neurogenesis, mature
DCX-positive cells in young individuals show- granule neuron number and DG and granule
ing dendritic features of immature neurons. cell layer volume were determined (Boldrini et
DCX expression was also investigated with al. 2013). Boldrini et al. found that untreated
other markers shown in rodents to associate MDD patients had fewer mature granule neu-
with hippocampal neurogenesis. Proliferative rons in the anterior hippocampal DG than
markers, such as Ki67 and Mem2, showed cell antidepressant treated or control individuals
proliferation in the DG up to at least the ages 38 (a result consistent with imaging studies of
and 65 years, respectively. Prox1 and calretinin, McKinnon et al. [2009]), as well as smaller
a transcription factor related to granule cell de- DG and granule cell layer volumes (estimated
velopment in rodents and a calcium-binding stereologically using the Cavalieri method).
protein expressed by immature granule cells, Although tempting to conclude that neuro-
respectively, were expressed across the entire genesis occurs in humans and is impaired in
lifespan. An overlap between DCX and the ma- untreated MDD individuals, direct evidence
ture neuronal marker, NeuN, was also found in for neurogenesis per se, or the effect of antide-
individuals up to 85 years. Semiquantitative pressants on hippocampal structural plasticity
analysis of DCX labeling in the DG across the is still missing.

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Adult Human Neurogenesis

Other imaging techniques attempting to dendrocyte-lineage cells, as well as several small-

measure human hippocampal neurogenesis in er populations, such as leukocytes and blood
vivo include cerebral blood volume (CBV) mea- vessel – associated endothelial and perivascular
surements and magnetic resonance spectro- cells). Estimates of individual turnover rates
scopy (MRS). CBV maps regional blood vol- suggest that there is a decline in nonneuronal
ume, and given the established relationship cell turnover with age (r ¼ 20.35, p ¼ 0.04).
between angiogenesis and neurogenesis (Palmer Unlike 14C levels in genomic DNA of neu-
et al. 2000), it was tested to determine whether a rons from cortex, cerebellum, and olfactory
regionally selective increase in CBV may provide bulb, hippocampal neurons had 14C levels that
an imaging correlate of neurogenesis (Pereira corresponded to times after the individual’s
et al. 2007). Based on this relationship (and ex- birth year (Fig. 2), indicating neuronal turnover
trapolated from animal data), the investigators (Spalding et al. 2013). Modeling of the data
reported that 3 months of aerobic exercise in- showed that there are two populations of neu-
duced neurogenesis. MRS detects metabo- rons within the hippocampus, one rather ho-
lites through their unique chemical shifts, in mogenous population (constituting 35% of
which the area under the signal peak represents hippocampal neurons), turning over at a median
the metabolite concentration. Manganas et al. rate of 1.75% per year, and the other not turning
(2007) reported a “neurogenesis-specific” peak over (Fig. 2). The exchange rate of hippocampal
at 1.28 ppm in the adult human hippocampus. neurons declines moderately with age, parallel-
A significant decline in neurogenesis with age ing the decline in the number of neuroblasts
was also reported. Controversy exists, however, (Fig. 2). This corresponds to 700 new neurons
as to whether this “neurogenesis peak” actually per day in each hippocampus, or 0.004% of the
represents neurogenesis or whether it reflects DG neurons exchanged per day. Unlike mice, in
apoptosis (Ramm et al. 2009). As summarized which 10% of dentate granule neurons are
by Kempermann (2012), any MRI/MRS-based subject to exchange in adulthood (Ninkovic
method requires validation studies that include et al. 2007; Imayoshi et al. 2008), nearly all den-
an independent method of assessing human tate granule neurons turn over in the adult hu-
neurogenesis. Nevertheless, such studies pro- man hippocampus (Spalding et al. 2013).
vide additional indirect information supportive Stereological investigations of neuronal
of a role of hippocampal neurogenesis in hu- number in the adult human hippocampus have
man health and pathology. established that neuronal number declines with
Radiocarbon analysis of DNA from neu- age, with neuronal number in the DG least af-
ronal and nonneuronal hippocampal cells fected (West and Gundersen 1990; West 1993;
showed that both populations are turning over Simic et al. 1997; Harding et al. 1998; Korbo
in adulthood. Mathematical modeling of 14C et al. 2004). In line with this, a relative increase
data allows for a detailed analysis of neuronal in the proportion of neurons in the renew-
and nonneuronal turnover. By fitting models ing fraction fits the 14C data well (Spalding
to the data, it is possible to infer how much et al. 2013). Within the renewing population
cell renewal is needed to reproduce the observed of cells, young neurons were found to die faster,
C, and whether the renewal is restricted to a supporting the notion of a preferential loss of
subpopulation (Bergmann et al. 2009). A large adult-born neurons. Establishing the turnover
proportion (51%) of the nonneuronal cells were dynamics of hippocampal neurons, together
found to be continuously exchanged, with a with data on the change in neuronal numbers
median turnover rate of 3.5% per year. Mathe- with age, allows the derivation of an integrated
matical models that allowed subpopulations model of hippocampal cell dynamics (Fig. 3).
to have different turnover dynamics fitted the It is not possible to assess the potential func-
data better, in line with the heterogeneous na- tion of the continuous hippocampal neurogen-
ture of nonneuronal cells (which are mainly esis in humans, but it is possible to compare the
comprised of astrocytes, microglia, and oligo- extent of this process with other species, which

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O. Bergmann et al.

A 900 B 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500

400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
–100 –100
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Calendar year Calendar year

C 1000
DCX-positive cells per mm2

Neuronal turnover per year




0 20 40 60 80 100
Age (years)

Figure 2. Neuronal turnover in the adult human hippocampus. (A) Schematic illustration of the representation
of measured 14C concentrations in genomic DNA based on the year of birth for individuals born before (orange
circle) or after (red circle) the nuclear bomb tests. The black line indicates the 14C concentration in the
atmosphere at different time points in the last century. (B) Individually measured 14C concentrations in genomic
DNA of human hippocampal neurons.14C concentrations above the atmospheric 14C curve, for subjects born
before the onset of nuclear bomb tests, and data points below the curve, for subjects born after the nuclear tests,
indicate cell turnover. (C) Individual turnover rates for neurons within the renewing fraction were computed
based on individual data fitting (data from Spalding et al. 2013). The number of doublecortin (DCX)-positive
cells per mm2 in the dentate gyrus (data from Knoth et al. 2010) shows a similar modest decline during adult ages
as the computed neuronal turnover rates. Straight lines depict linear regression curves, with the regression line
for DCX cell counts calculated for individuals 10 years and older. Individual turnover rate calculations are
sensitive to deviations in measured 14C, and values ,0.001 or .1.5 were excluded from the plot; however, the
full dataset is given in Spalding et al. (2013).

can provide insights as to whether there is suf- (Kempermann et al. 1997; Kornack and Rakic
ficient generation of new cells in humans to play 1999; Jabès et al. 2010). There is an 10-fold
a similar role. Perhaps the best way to compare decline in neurogenesis in mice between 2 and
the extent of neurogenesis between species is to 9 months of age (Ben Abdallah et al. 2010),
compare the proportion of new to old neurons indicating that the extent of adult hippocampal
in the DG (Kempermann 2012). The neuronal neurogenesis is comparable in middle-aged
exchange rate of 0.004% DG per day in adult mice and humans (Fig. 4). Hippocampal neu-
humans, can be compared with 0.03% to 0.06% rogenesis mediates pattern separation in mem-
per day in 2-month-old mice and 0.004% to ory formation and cognition in mice (Clelland
0.02% per day in 5- to 16-year-old macaques et al. 2009; Sahay et al. 2011; Nakashiba et al.

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Adult Human Neurogenesis

Nonrenewing neurons
Neurons born the last year

Number of neurons (millions)

- Decade cohorts





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Age of individual (years)

Figure 3. Dynamics of hippocampal neurogenesis in humans. Schematic representation of the change in

neuronal number and turnover in the human hippocampus. The dentate gyrus neurons constitute the popu-
lation above the white line, and the other subdivisions of the hippocampus are shown below the white line.
Neurons generated before birth of the individual are depicted in black, and decade cohorts of new neurons are
shown in shades of gray. The proportion of cells shown in light gray represent the neurons generated during the
last decade, the next shade darker represent the neurons generated the decade before that and so on. Newborn
neurons have specific functional properties, and the neurons generated during the last year are depicted in gold.
(Figure adapted from Spalding et al. 2013; reproduced, with permission, from the author.)

2012), and it is, thus, possible that adult neuro- important implications for human brain func-
genesis has a similar function in humans. tion and disease. There are major differences in
adult neurogenesis between humans and ro-
dents, the most commonly studied experimen-
CONCLUDING REMARKS tal animals, which makes it important to assess
The substantial neurogenesis in the human hip- this process in humans in parallel with model
pocampus supports that this process may have organisms. It will be very interesting, albeit

New/old neurons (%)






129/SvJ C57BL/6 Macaque Macaque Human C57BL/6
mouse mouse mouse
Age: 2 months 2 months 5–10 years 5–16 years 40 years 1 year

Figure 4. Interspecies comparison of the extent of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Representation of the
proportion of newborn neurons to old neurons in the dentate gyrus, based on published data (Kempermann
et al. 1997; Kornack and Rakic 1999; Jabès et al. 2010; Spalding et al. 2013). The extent of neurogenesis in 1-year-
old mice was estimated from data from the 2-month-old mouse and the reduction in hippocampal neurogenesis
with age in mice (Ben Abdallah et al. 2010).

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Adult Neurogenesis in Humans

Olaf Bergmann, Kirsty L. Spalding and Jonas Frisén

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2015; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a018994

Subject Collection Neurogenesis

Adult Neurogenesis and Psychiatric Disorders Adult Olfactory Bulb Neurogenesis

Eunchai Kang, Zhexing Wen, Hongjun Song, et al. Pierre-Marie Lledo and Matt Valley
Neuronal Circuitry Mechanisms Regulating Adult Adult Neurogenesis in Fish
Mammalian Neurogenesis Julia Ganz and Michael Brand
Juan Song, Reid H.J. Olsen, Jiaqi Sun, et al.
Neurogenesis in the Developing and Adult Brain In Vitro Models for Neurogenesis
−−Similarities and Key Differences Hassan Azari and Brent A. Reynolds
Magdalena Götz, Masato Nakafuku and David
Genetics and Epigenetics in Adult Neurogenesis Engineering of Adult Neurogenesis and
Jenny Hsieh and Xinyu Zhao Gliogenesis
Benedikt Berninger and Sebastian Jessberger
The Adult Ventricular−Subventricular Zone Computational Modeling of Adult Neurogenesis
(V-SVZ) and Olfactory Bulb (OB) Neurogenesis James B. Aimone
Daniel A. Lim and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla
Diversity of Neural Precursors in the Adult Control of Adult Neurogenesis by Short-Range
Mammalian Brain Morphogenic-Signaling Molecules
Michael A. Bonaguidi, Ryan P. Stadel, Daniel A. Youngshik Choe, Samuel J. Pleasure and Helena
Berg, et al. Mira
Detection and Phenotypic Characterization of Adult Neurogenesis: An Evolutionary Perspective
Adult Neurogenesis Gerd Kempermann
H. Georg Kuhn, Amelia J. Eisch, Kirsty Spalding, et
Maturation and Functional Integration of New Epilepsy and Adult Neurogenesis
Granule Cells into the Adult Hippocampus Sebastian Jessberger and Jack M. Parent
Nicolas Toni and Alejandro F. Schinder

For additional articles in this collection, see

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