Dayna Pathfinder PC Cheat Sheet

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Currently Prepared Category

No Buff/Fortune

No Damage

Yes 1x Damage

Yes 1x Movement

No Movement/Area
Yes 1x Debuff

No Debuff/Reaction

No Protection

No Utility/Knowledge
No Buff/Fortune

yes 2x Damage

yes 1x Damage/Area

No Damage/Debuff
No Debuff/Utility

No Damage/Area

No Damage/Area

No Damage/Debuff
No Damage/Debuff

No Debuff

No Utility/Exploration
Spell Name

True Strike

Magic Missile

Shocking Grasp

Hydraulic Push



Mage Armor

Pocket Library
Lucky Number

Scotching Ray


Heat Metal
Dispel Magic


Lightning Bolt

Curse of Lost

Day's Weight

Safe Passage
Use Case

Use to roll 2 d20 and pick best when you cast attack spell. Use
before targeting to increase chances of critical hit or if you need to
hit the enemy. This is really good for blasters

Always hits no matter what, increase amount of missiles based on

actions and spell level, long range, good for creatures you have a
hard time hitting or to guarantee finish off a weakened enemy

High single target dmg, touch range but can be expanded with
reach metamagic, heighten increases damage, get bonus when
target is wearing metal and takes persistent dmg

Target 1 creature father away, deals dmg and push's them back

Target creatures in cone in front of you and push back. Use on less
agile enemies
Curses 1 Target for a round. Makes them easier to hit and lowers
thier saves. If they crit fail they may attack thier allies. Use on low
will enemies

When you critical fail a saving throw from an enemy, curse that
enemy, use on low will enemies

Gives you better armor, last whole day, cast at the beginning of

Use to get bonus on recall knowledge checks, if you succeed you

also get additional info. Lasts 24 hours and can be used multiple
times at higher levels
Best to cast at the start of the day, roll d20 and keep result, as a
reaction if you roll your lucky number on a d20 you can reroll it
and use the new result instead

Attack fire spell that can target multiple creatures based on actions

Sustained damage in an area with telekinesis, long rage, More

effective on less agile enemies

Target 1 creature wearing/using metal deals initial and persistent

dmg, might catch fire or melt, creature can attempt to drop item.
Works best on non-agile enemies
Counteract magic spells, items or effects

Large Area of effect Fire damage spell, really long range. Best used
on non-agile enemies. Great for nuking marketplaces from afar

High dmg line spell, long range. Best used on non-agile enemies

Curse creature or object with age debuff. Touch range but can be
expanded with Reach metamagic. Does different things depending
if target is construct, living creature or object. Best used on weak
body enemies
Curse a target, takes a long time to work so bested used at start of
combat on enemies that will be around for a bit. Can frighten,
stun, flatfoot, paralyze and dmg target. Best used on weak will

Curse living creature to age and makes them fatigued and

enfeebeld, long range. Fatigue lowered AC and saving throws,
enfeedbeld lowers strength. Best used on weak body enemies

Use to make a section of an area safe to traverse. Great for trap

dungeons and dangerous terrain. Does not protect against
Level Actions Throw/Attack Targets Range

1 XX N/A Self N/A

As many
1 X-XXX N/A as missiles 120 ft
you have

1 XX Attack 1 Touch

1 XX Spell Attack 1 60 ft

1 XX Reflex Save Area 15 ft cone

1 XX Will Save 1 30 ft

1 Reaction Will Save 1 30 ft

1 XX N/A N/A N/A


2 Reaction N/A Self N/A

2 X-XXX Attack 1-3 60 ft

2 XX Basic Reflex Save Area 120 ft

10 ft burst

2 XX Reflex Save 1 30 ft
2 XX N/A 1 120 ft

3 XX Basic Reflex Save Area 20 ft burst

3 XX Basic Reflex Save Area 120 ft line

3 XX Fortitude Save 1 Touch

3 XX Will Save 1 30 ft

3 XX Fortitude Save 1 120 ft

10-foot-tall, 60-
3 XX N/A Area foot-long
section of
Damage Duration

Until the end of

N/A your turn

1d4+1 per missile N/A

2d12 electric
increases if heightened N/A

3d6 bludgeoning
increases if heightened N/A

2d4 bludgeoning dmg N/A

increases if heightened
N/A 1 Round

N/A 1 round

N/A Until next


N/A 24 hours
Until next
N/A preparations

2d6 fire dmg

4d6 if 2 or more actions used N/A
increases if heightened

2d10 bludgeoning dmg initial

1d10 bludgeoning dmg sustained Sustained
increases if heightened

4d6 fire initial

2d4 fire persistent N/A
increases if heightened
N/A 10 min for magic

6d6 fire dmg

increases if heightened N/A

4d12 N/A
increases if heightened

4d6 on Constructs and Objects Depends

6d6 mental dmg
increases if heightened 3 rounds

N/A Depends

N/A Sustained

A glimpse into the future ensures your next blow strikes true. The next time you make an attack ro
the better result. The attack ignores circumstance penalties to the attack roll and any flat check req

You send a dart of force streaking toward a creature that you can see. It automatically hits and dea
when Casting the Spell, increase the number of missiles you shoot by one, to a maximum of three m
individually. If you shoot more than one missile at the same target, combine the damage before ap
weaknesses, and so forth.

Heightened (+2) You shoot one additional missile with each action you spend.

You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the

If the target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your
persistent electricity damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double the initial damage, but not the persis

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12, and the persistent electricity damage increases by

You call forth a powerful blast of pressurized water that bludgeons the target and knocks it back. M
Critical Success The target takes double damage and is knocked back 10 feet.
Success The target takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked back 5 feet.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

A spray of heavy rocks flies through the air in front of you. The rubble deals 2d4 bludgeoning dama
a Reflex save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you.

Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d4.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is clumsy 1 and stupefied 1.
Failure The target is clumsy 2 and stupefied 2.

Critical Failure The target is clumsy 3, stupefied 3, and confused.

You distract your enemy with their feeling of smug pleasure when you fail catastrophically. They m
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is distracted by its amusement and takes a –1 status penalty on Perception ch
Failure The creature is overcome by its amusement and is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is lost in its amusement and is stupefied 2 for 1 round and stunned 1.

You ward yourself with shimmering magical energy, gaining a +1 item bonus to AC and a maximum
use your unarmored proficiency to calculate your AC.

Heightened (4th) You gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws.

Heightened (6th) The item bonus to AC increases to +2, and you gain a +1 item bonus to saving thro
Heightened (8th) The item bonus to AC increases to +2, and you gain a +2 item bonus to saving thro
Heightened (10th) The item bonus to AC increases to +3, and you gain a +3 item bonus to saving th

During the duration of this spell, you can call forth a tome from the extrad
Knowledge check using your chosen skill. This is part of the action to Recall K
The tome appears in your hand, open to an appropriate page. This grants yo
check. If you roll a critical failure on this check, you get a failure instead. If th
you gain additional information or context about the creature. Once you re
spell ends.

Heightened (3rd) The status bonus increases to +2 and you can reference yo
Heightened (6th) The status bonus increases to +3 you can reference your p
Heightened (9th) The status bonus increases to +4 and you can reference y
When you Cast this Spell, roll 1d20 and make a note of the result. You gain the following reaction; o
temporarily immune to lucky number until the next time you make your daily preparations.
That's My Number! (divination, fortune) Trigger You roll your lucky number as your d20 result on a
You call upon the fortune stored within your lucky number and reroll the triggering check. Howeve
the same number again, you critically fail, regardless of what degree of success you ordinarily woul

You fire a ray of heat and flame. Make a spell attack roll against a single creature. On a hit, the targ
takes double damage.
For each additional action you use when Casting the Spell, you can fire an additional ray at a differe
different targets for 3 actions. These attacks each increase your multiple attack penalty, but you do
make all the spell attack rolls for scorching ray. If you spend 2 or more actions Casting the Spell, the
deals double damage on a critical hit.

Heightened (+1) The damage to each target increases by 1d6 for the 1-action version, or by 2d6 for

You use your mind to manipulate unattended objects in the area, temporarily animating them to att
nearby creatures in a chaotic flurry of debris. This assault deals 2d10 bludgeoning damage (basic Re
round you Sustain the Spell, you deal 1d10 bludgeoning damage (basic Reflex save) to each creatur
Heightened (+2) The initial damage increases by 2d10 and the subsequent damage increases by 1d

This spell heats the targeted metal to become red-hot for a moment. This is usually harmless to an
though the GM might rule that flammable materials connected to the object catch fire or melt. If yo
target a creature made primarily of metal, the heat deals 4d6 fire damage and 2d4 persistent fire d

If you target an item held by the creature, the creature can Release the item to improve their degre
throw. The persistent damage is associated with the object and damages whichever creature is hol
item, but you continue to attempt flat checks to end the persistent damage as normal, since the ite

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature takes half damage and the object deals no persistent fire damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and the object deals full persistent damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature takes double damage and the object deals double persis
Heightened (+1) The initial damage increases by 2d6 and the persistent damage increases by 1d4.
You unravel the magic behind a spell or effect. Attempt a counteract check against the target (page
If you succeed against a magic item, the item becomes a mundane item of its type for 10 minutes.
target is an artifact or similar item, you automatically fail.

A roaring blast of fire appears at a spot you designate, dealing 6d6 fire damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

A bolt of lightning strikes outward from your hand, dealing 4d12 electricity damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12.

You mimic the process of aging or erosion on the target. The effect depends on whether the target
objects and constructs made of precious materials, as determined by the GM, are immune.
Construct The construct takes 4d6 damage (basic Fortitude save). On a failure, for 1 hour the const
the curse attempts to counteract any spell that would restore the construct's Hit Points. On a critic
Living Creature The living creature must attempt a Fortitude save. Ageless creatures are immune.
Critical Success The living creature is unaffected.
Success The living creature briefly ages, becoming clumsy 1 and enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
Failure As success, with a duration of 1 hour.
Critical Failure As success, with an unlimited duration.

Object If the object is attended, its bearer can attempt a Fortitude save. If the bearer fails or the ob
damage (applying Hardness normally) and the item is cursed with an unlimited duration. Until the c
and the curse attempts to counteract any spell that would restore the object's Hit Points. Remove c
You sift through myriad potential futures, seize upon one potential moment in which the target me
a vision of its impending demise. The intense mental vision grows more and more terrifying to the
reach its conclusion. The target must attempt a Will saving throw to determine the effects. At the e
target witnesses its death and takes 6d6 mental damage.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature is unaffected for 1 round. On the second round, it becomes flat-footed. Finall
the third round, it takes half damage.
Failure The creature is immediately flat-footed. On the second round, it becomes frightened 2. Fina
end of the third round, the creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature is immediately flat-footed and frightened 3. On the second round, it be
becomes paralyzed. At the end of the third round, the creature takes double damage.

Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

You fast-forward time for a single creature, burdening it with the aches and pain of an entire day an
attempt a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is fatigued and enfeebled 1 for 1 round.
Failure The target is fatigued and enfeebled 1 for the duration.
Critical Failure The target is fatigued and enfeebled 2 for the duration. The fatigued condition does
removed with a night's rest or by similar means).

Heightened (6th) You can target up to 10 creatures

You repel dangers from all around you, making passage through the chosen area safe for a brief am
following benefits against harmful effects of the terrain and environment, including environmental
spell grants a +2 status bonus to AC and saves against such effects, and resistance 5 to all damage f
in the area that's prone to collapse, such as a rickety bridge or an unstable ceiling, from collapsing,
structure of its type.
Safe passage protects only against harm, not inconvenience, and it doesn't reduce difficult terrain,
the like, nor does it protect against creatures within the spell's area.
Heightened (5th) The granted resistance increases to 10, and the area can be 120 feet long.
Heightened (8th) The granted resistance increases to 15, and the area can be 500 feet long.
Category Spell Name Use Case

Use to roll a d20. Target of spell

Buff/Fortune Diviner's Sight can choose to substitue a d20 roll
they did for yours. Good when
you have an extra action left.

When creature is hit by an attack

Delay you can delay the dmg from that
Buff/Fortune Consequence for 1 round. Good if an ally will
die from attack and can be healed
that turn.
Level Actions Saving Throw/Attack

Cast at highest spell level X N/A


Cast at highest spell level Reaction N/A

Targets Range Damage Duration

1 willing creature 30 ft N/A Until end of your next


1 30 ft N/A 1 round

You glimpse into the target's future. Roll a d20; when the target
attempts a non-secret saving throw or skill check, it can use the
number you rolled instead of rolling, and the spell ends.
Alternatively, you can instead reveal the result of the die roll for
one of the target's secret checks during the duration, and the
spell ends. Casting it again ends any active diviner's sight you have
cast, as well as any active diviner's sight on the target.

You transpose the moment that the target would be injured to

later in its timestream. Roll damage normally, but do not reduce
Hit Points or apply any other effects of the attack until the spell’s
duration has elapsed. When the spell ends, the target is
immediately affected by the attack, taking damage and being
affected by any additional effects. You can Dismiss this spell.
Magic Item Category

Staff of Divination (Starts

with 3 charges) Utility/Exploration

Staff of Divination (Starts Buff/Fortune

with 3 charges)

Staff of Divination (Starts Utility

with 3 charges)
Staff of Divination (Starts Utility/Vision
with 3 charges)

Staff of Divination (Starts Utility/Vision

with 3 charges)

Wand of Manifold Damage

Missiles (1st-Level Spell)
Spell Name Use Case

Sweep area for magic, can

Detect magic be used during

Use to roll 2 d20 and pick

best when you cast attack
spell. Use before targeting
True Strike to increase chances of
critical hit or if you need to
hit the enemy. This is really
good for blasters

Understand a language that

Comprehend is being spoken for 1 target.
Language If heightened can speak the
language as well
See in the dark, if
Darkvision heightened can target

See Invisibility Let's you see invisible

creatures and objects

Cast Magic Missle but you

can keep casting it each
turn for a certian amount of
Manifold Missiles actions (lets you do other
things as it auto casts).
Great method of sustained
dmg. Cost an action to take
Amount/Daily Level Actions

None 0 XX

1 1 X

2 2 XX
more if heighted
2 2 XX
more if heighted

2 2 XX
more if heighted

Once a Day
Can use twice but 1 X-XXX
might break
Throw/Attack Targets Range

N/A N/A 30 ft radius on self

N/A Self N/A

N/A 1 30 ft
N/A Self N/A

N/A Self N/A

N/A As many as missiles 120 ft

you have
Damage Duration


N/A Until the end of your


N/A 1 hour
N/A 1 hour

N/A 10 minutes

1d4+1 per missile Depends


You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic.

You receive no information beyond the presence or
absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're
fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells
of you and your allies.

A glimpse into the future ensures your next blow strikes

true. The next time you make an attack roll before the
end of your turn, roll the attack twice and use the better
result. The attack ignores circumstance penalties to the
attack roll and any flat check required due to the target
being concealed or hidden.

The target can understand the meaning of a single

language it is hearing or reading when you cast the spell.
This doesn't let it understand codes, language couched in
metaphor, and the like (subject to GM discretion). If the
target can hear multiple languages and knows that, it can
choose which language to understand; otherwise, choose
one of the languages randomly.
Heightened (3rd) The target can also speak the language.
Heightened (4th) You can target up to 10 creatures, and
targets can also speak the language.
You grant yourself supernatural sight in areas of darkness.
You gain darkvision.
Heightened (3rd) The spell's range is touch and it targets
1 willing creature.
Heightened (5th) The spell's range is touch and it targets
1 willing creature. The duration is until the next time you
make your daily preparations.

You can see invisible creatures and objects. They appear

to you as translucent shapes, and they are concealed to
Heightened (5th) The spell has a duration of 8 hours.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus

overcharge; Effect You cast magic missile of the indicated
level. After you cast the spell, an additional missile or
missiles are released from the wand at the start of each
of your turns, as though you cast the 1-action version of
magic missile. Choose targets each time. This lasts for 1
minute, until you're no longer wielding the wand, or until
you try to activate the wand again.
Source Category

Investigator Buff/Fortune

Investigator Utility/Knowledge

Investigator Utility/Knowledge

Skill Feat Utility/Knowledge

Skill Feat Utility/Knowledge

Skill Feat Utility/Magic

Kenku Buff/Debuff/Fortune
Kenku Buff/Fortune

Wizard Buff/Magic

Wizard Utility/Magic

Wizard Utility/Magic

Time Mage Buff/Magic

Kenku Utility/Fortune

Kenku Utility/Vision

Investigator Utility/Exploration

Kenku Damage/Weapon
Action Name

Investigator's Stratagem

Keen Recolection

That's Odd

Assured Identification
Dubious Knowledge

Trick Magic Item

Eat Fortune

Reach Spell

Drain Bonded Item

Spell Substitution

Bend Time
Jinxed Tengu

Low-Light Vision

Pursue a Lead

Sharp Beak
Use Case

Best used at start of turn. Spend 1 action

to roll a d20 dice which you can use
instead of rolling for a future attack.

So if you roll high use for an attack spell. If

you roll low you can insterad use a spell
that targets an enemy save. Basically give
you insight into what options/action you
might want to take

Your proficiency bonus to untrained skill

checks to Recall Knowledge is equal to
your level instead of +0.

Means at worst you are always adding

your level plus to a knowledge role

When ever you enter a new location if

there is anything off or out of the ordinary
the DM has to let you know

Helps you identify Magic Objects

When you fail a knowledge check you still
learn 2 things, but 1 thing is correct and
the other is false

Lets you use a magic item from others


If an ally or enemy uses or is forced to

do a reroll effect you can stop it once
a day
If you critical fail a social roll, you get
a failure on the roll instead (must
make sound to work)

For one extra action add 30 ft range to

any spell. Makes touch spells have a 30
foot range (really improtant to keep out
of melee range)

Once a day you gain the ability to cast one

spell you prepared today and already cast,
without spending a spell slot

Cast that great spell again

By spending 10 minutes you can swap one

of your prepared spells for another.
Change yours spells for any new situtation

Once a day you gain an extra action to

If you succed at saving throw for a curse
or misfortune affect, you get a crit success
instead. You also get a roll to prevent the
doom condition (makes you die easier)

You can see in dim light as though it were

bright light, and you ignore the concealed
condition due to dim light.

Once per 10 min, you can persue a lead

and geta bonus when you take actions
trying to figure out what that lead is.

You have a 1d6 beak attack that uses dex

Actions Saving Throw/Attack






Reaction N/A
Reaction N/A

x N/A






Targets Range

Self N/A





1 30 ft







Damage Duration

N/A 1 Round








N/A 10 min




1d6 N/A

You assess a foe's weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a plan o
you can see and roll a d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later this round,
Devise a Stratagem for your Strike's attack roll instead of rolling. You make th
against the creature this round, not any subs

Your proficiency bonus to untrained skill checks to Recall Knowled

When you enter a new location, such as a room or corridor, you immediate
determines what it is, or whether there's nothing reasonable to pick up, sk
without a check or specifically looking for them. You learn only that an a
suspicious. For example, if you entered a study with a large bloodstain o
suspicious it's evident to you already, so the GM might note that there's s
instead. You would then need to investigate the drawer further to find out w
doesn't reveal whether creatures are s

You don't typically get any benefit when you leave and come back to a place
and time has passed, the GM might determi

When using Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion checks to Identify Mag

instead. If you would misidentify a cursed item because you roll a success bu
it instead.
You’re a treasure trove of information, but not all of it comes from reputable
Recall Knowledge check using any skill, you learn a bit of true knowledge an
have any way to differentiate which i

You examine a magic item you normally couldn’t use in an effort to fool it and
allow a fighter to cast a spell from a wand or allow a wizard to cast a spell
must know what activating the item does, or you ca

Attempt a check using the skill matching the item’s magic tradition, or mat
you’re trying to cast a spell from the item. The relevant skills are Arcana for
Religion for divine, or any of the four for an item that has the magical trait a
DC based on the item’s level (possibly adjusted dependin

If you activate a magic item that requires a spell attack roll or spell DC and
relevant tradition, use your level as your proficiency bonus and the highe
modifiers. If you’re a master in the appropriate skill for the item’s tradition,
and if you’re legendary, you instead use the expe

Success For the rest of the current turn, you can spend actions to activa
Failure You can’t use the item or try to trick it again this turn, but y
Critical Failure You can’t use the item, and you can’t try to trick it ag

As someone tries to twist fate, you consume the interference. Th

misfortune effect, Eat Fortune gains the fortune trait; if it's a fortun
trait. This fortune or misfortune applies to the same roll the triggerin
a fortune effect with Eat Fortune and then apply a misfo
You critically fail a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check agai
You let out an awkward squawk, ruffle your feathers, or fake some ot
or faux pas. You get a failure on the triggering check, rather than a c
you Squawk are temporarily immune f

You can extend the range of your spells. If the next action you use i
that spell’s range by 30 feet. As is standard for increasing spell ranges
you extend its range to 30 fe

You expend the power stored in your bonded item, as long as the item is o
ability to cast one spell you prepared today and already cast, without spend
meet the spell's other requireme

You don’t accept the fact that once spells are prepared, they can’t be chan
have uncovered a shortcut allowing you to substitute new spells for those yo
to empty one of your prepared spell slots and prepare a different spell from y
during such a swap, the original spell remains prepared and can still be cast.
you must start the process over a

Your turn begins; Effect You are quickened this turn. You c
Your lineage has been exposed to curse after curse, and now, they slide off y
throw against a curse or misfortune effect, you get a critical success instead
attempt a DC 17 flat check. On a success, reduce the value of the d

You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore

You spend 1 minute examining the details of one potential clue, designating
your active investigation. This subject is typically a single creature, item, or
the GM might allow a different scope for your investigation. You don't need
subject, but you do need to be aware of its existence. For instance, finding a
that left it, and seeing a hasty sketch of an item or location can be enoug

Whenever you attempt a Perception or skill check to investigate a designate

the check. The exact checks this applies to depend on the actions you use to
checks to investigate are typically Perception checks or skill checks tha

You can maintain two active investigations at a time. If you Pursue another
from any of your current investigations (or rather, they must be different as
subject of your choice. Once you've given up pursuit of a subject, you can't P
you make your daily preparatio

With your sharp beak, you are never without a weapon. You have a beak un
Your beak is in the brawling weapon group and has the

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