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SUBJECT 1: Tinder is for simps and virgins

Hey [NAME],

30% of men between the ages of 18 and 30 haven’t gotten laid within
a year…

A big reason why is because of dating apps like tinder, which has
dramatically shifted the power balance between men and women -
when it comes to dating.

Think about it...

A woman on tinder doesn’t even have to be attractive in order to sleep

with an even semi-attractive man.

As a matter of fact, I’ve spoken to some women who look like absolute
ogres, who essentially just catfish the men they meet up with, and
most of the time these men sleep with these unattractive women

This has drastically inflated the egos of mediocre women across the
country into believing they deserve more than they actually do.

So most guys on tinder are fighting for mediocre women with a bad
case of unjustified entitlement.

If that’s not bad enough just listen to some of these terrifying tinder

● 75% of tinder users are men.

● Women on dating apps view 80% of men on these dating apps
as below average.
● Men swipe right on over 60% of women’s profiles, while women
swipe right on 4.5% of men’s profiles.
● The most attractive women don’t use dating apps.
● There’s a higher percentage of unstable women are on dating
● And I could go on and on…

So what’s a guy to do?


As the kids would say, go touch grass.

Go outside and talk to women in real life.

Here’s a simple, yet insanely effective way to get women

interested in you, and excited to go out with you MINUTES after
introducing yourself ←


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