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Khanh - Writing lesson 8

Practice B: The diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured.
The diagram describes how instant noodles are manufactured in the factory.

We can see that there are eight main stages in the process: beginning with the flour
into the storage silos to make a dough and ending with labeling the instant noodles
for consumption.

Firstly, the flour is transported from somewhere to the storage silos by truck. Next,
flour is put into a mixer with water and oil. Then, this mixture is turned into dough
sheets by rollers. After that, the dough sheet is rolled into dough strips by a smaller
metal roller.

In the next stage, the dough strips are put into the metal mold to be noodles discs.
Then, it is deep-fried in this metal mold and dried to prepare for packaging. Noodle
discs are passed by a conveyor belt and are put into a white plastic cup with some
vegetables and spices. These cups are labeled and sealed in the last stage and ready
for consumption.

Practice C: The diagram below describes how stormwater is recycled in an

Australian city.
The diagram describes how stormwater is recycled in an Australian city.

There are 5 main stages in this process: beginning with draining the stormwater after
rain and ending with using clean water in households.

First of all, the rainwater is collected from drains. Then, the stormwater is cleaned by
the water recycling plant in 4 steps: plastic and rubbish, small particles, bacteria and
viruses, molecules, and salt, respectively.

In the next stage, 4 milligrams of chlorine are added to 1 liter of water to clean up the
stormwater. Then, water is put into the water storage under the ground. This clean
water is pumped from the ground for households after the water recycling.

Practice D: The diagram shows the process of recycling plastic bottles.

The diagram describes the process of how plastic bottles are recycled.

We can see in the process 9 main stages: beginning with some plastic bottles in the
rubbish and ending with the products that are made of plastics for users.
Initially, people leave some plastic rubbish in the recycling bin. Next, the rubbish is
collected by a rubbish truck and carried to recycling. Then, the rubbish is sorted by
employees in the recycling center. In this stage, the sorted waste is compressed into
huge blocks. After that, the block is crushed by the circle metal with serrated chains
and washed into the water tank.

Then, the washed scrap plastics are produced into plastic pellets with the machine
that has one head to put plastic pellets from above and blow these out onto the
ground. These plastic pellets are heated from the ground to form raw material in the
next stage. Finally, raw material is produced into some products for consumption.

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