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Yil SE€AR€
tr&ffi4$try ffiN

Z\ / or qenerationsthe irresistablearomasof cakesfresh from the over-r
( tlf harl *armed countless kitchens. Toclay more and more people
\--l are returning to the old-fashionedpleasuresof home baking,which
is part of the soul of a happy family. In this Collector's Cookbook of
FavouriteCakeRecipesfrom the food editors of FamilyCircle,we present
hundreds of delicious cakesfrom our cookerv files.You'll find wickedlr.
rich chocolateand classiccontinentalvarieties, heavenlysponges. simple
butter cakes,nutritious health food and fruit cakes,time-savingmixtures {|
and delectable small cakes,as well as icings, frostings and decorations.
Here are recipes for temptationsto crown the partv table; cakesfor special
occasions;for afternoon tea-s,coffee mornings, picnics and lunch boxes.
Come and celebratethe cakewith us! JOYFTA\€S


Publisher:Ray Ramsay
Editor-in-Chief: Joy Hayes
Design and Production:John Bull
ConsultantHome Economist:Judy Simmons
Typeset and printed in Australia at
Griffin PressLimited, Netley, South Australia
National Library of Australia
Favourite Cake Recipes
lncludes index
I S B N 0 8 6 4 1 11 1 69
1. Cake. I. Title: Family Circle (Sydney,N.S.W.).
All rights reserved.No part ofthis publication
may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system
or trmsmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, L
mechmical, photocopying, recording or otherwise
without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Publishedby Advertiser MagazinesPty. Limited
14 Herbert Street, Artarmon NSW 2064
Copyright Adveniser Nfagzines Pty. Limited.
NewsagencyDistribution by Gordon and Gotch Limited.
2. Pour into a greased23 cm (9 in)
EGG YOLK SPONGE sandwich cake tin and bake in a
moderate oven 25-30 minutes until
4 eg ylks
cooked. Cool.
2 tablepoonsltot water j. Wash the cake tin, dry carefully
t/z cap caslor sugar and brush inside with egg white.
3A cupself-raising
flour Dissolve the felly crystals in 3/+cup
1 tablupoon cornflour boiling water. Pour into caketin and
chill until firm.
Pinch salt 4. Spreadtop of cake carefully with
Few drops /emonessence jam (use a iam that goes well with
2 tablespoonshot nilk the flavoured jelly, e.g. raspberry
jam with raspberry jelly or straw-
Jo, berry jam with strawberry jelly).
Whipped crean
Unmould jelly onto the iu .
1. Beat egg yolks and hot water to- Decorate with whipped cream.
gether until thick. Slowly add sugar, If desired, carefully cut through
one tablespoonful at a time and beat centre of sponge and spread with
well after each addition. jam and whipped cream.
2. Fold in lightly the sifted dry
ingredients, lemon essence and
Iastly hot milk. Pour into a greased
d e e p 2 0 c m ( 8 i n ) c a k et i n .
3. Bake in a moderate oven until SPONGE
cooked-about 35 minutes. \When
cool, cut carefully through centre 4 eggs,separated
and spread with jam and whipped t/z cup castorsugar
cream. Sprinkle sifted icing sugar t/z cup arrowroot
over toD.
plain flour
2 tablespoons
1/zteaspoonbicarbonateof soda
1 teaspooncream of tartar
JELLY TOPPED 1 teaspoonuani//a essence
whipped cream
2 aggs
Jan (optional)
1,/scup castor sugar
Icing sugar
Pinch salt
1. Beat egg whites until stiff but not
t/z cupself-raising
flour dry, gradually beat in the sugar and
t/zpkt crystals continue beating until stiff and
2 tablespoons shiny. Add the egg yolks and beat
well. Sift together three times the
arrowroot, flour, bicarbonate of
1. Beat together eggs,sugar and salt soda and cream of t^ftM ^nd fold in
for 10 minutes on electric mixer lightly, with the vanilla essence.
until thick and fluffy. Sift flour 3 2. Turn into two 20 cm (8 in) sand-
times and fold in lightly with a metal wich tins, greased and lightly
tablesooon. floured, and bake in a moderate

oven for about 25 minutes. Turn
out onto a wire rack and leave until HONEY-SPICE ROLL
cold. Join together with whipped
i egs
cream and, if you wish, jam, dust top
with sifted icing sugar. % cap castorsagar
r1) 1 tablespoonhonel
3A capself-raising
1 teaspoonnixed spice
HONEY SPONGE /z teaspooncinnamon
SAND!7ICH 1 tablespoonbot uater
i egq separated HonelBat t er ( recipefoIkws)
Pincb sah /. Greasea 30 x 25 cm (12 x 10 in)
/z cup castor sugar Swiss roll tin, line with greased,
12 cupplain flour greaseproofpaper. Beat eggs,gradu-
ally add the sugar beating after each
2 teaspoonsbaking powder
addition. Continue beating until
/z cap cornflour thick and cre my.
1 teasbooncinnamon 2. Stir in the honey (if very stiff,
2 teaspoons
groand ginger soften a little over hot water). Sift
together twice the flour, spice and
t tablespoonwater
cinnamon, fold in gently and then
2 leaspoonsbutter quickly fold in the hot water. Pour
2 tabhspoonsbonel into the prepared tin, gently shake
Honel Cream (ruipe folhws) mixture into corners and then
spread out evenly.
1. Beat egg whites with a pinch of 1. Bake in a moderately hot oven
salt until thick. Gradually add sugar, about 20 minutes, or until done
beating until dissolved. Beat in egg when tested. Have rcady a large
yolks. piece of greaseproof paper well
2. Fold in twice sifted dry ingre- dusted with castor sugar, turn
dients very lightly with a metal sponge onto this, remove the lining
spoon or spatula. papef.
i. Heat together water, butter and 4. Quickly cut the crisp edge from
honey then fold this into mixture each side and roll up with the paper.
very lightly. Pour evenly into 2 well Leave until cold and then unroll.
greased 20 cm (8 in) sandwich cake Spread Honey Butter over surface,
tins. Bake in a moderate oven roll up agan and dust with castor
approx 20 minutes or until cooked. sugaf.
Cool and join with Honey Cream. HOIIEY BUTTER-BeaI 1.25 g
Dust top with sifted icing sugar. (4 oz) butter until creamy, gradually
HONEY CREAM-Heat together beat in 4 tablespoonshoney. Add 1
2 tablespoons honey and 1 table- teaspoon grated lemon rind and 1
spoon water, allow to cool. Cream tablespoon water, continue beating
90 g (3 oz) butter or margarine and until very creamy.
gradually beat in the cooled syrup. NOTE-Lemon butter, whipped
Beat until fluffy. In hot weather, cream or mock cream flavoured
chill filling before adding to sponge. with honey may be used for filling.
ring, until the mixture is of a Pour-

CHOCOLATE ing consistencY'Pour over sPonge

LAYE,R SPONGE immediately. If necessary,smooth
surfacevzith a spatuladippedin very
4 egs hot water.
1 cup castor stgar c?tt

11/z tablespoonsbatter
2/z tablespoonscocoa APPLE
4 tablespoonsboiling water
I r/t cupsself-raisingJloar 2 egq separated
Pinch sah Pinchsah
CreamFillirg (ruiPefollows) /z cupcastorsugar
Glacalcing (reciPe
follows) tA capplain floar
IYalnat halaesfor garnislt 1 roandedteasPoon bakingPowder
1. Beat the eggs until Yolks and /z teaspoongroundgirlcr
whites are combined, gradually beat 1/zteaspooncinnanon
in the sugar, continue beating for 1/znaspoonuixed spice
about 15 minutes or until Yery thick
and creamy. 2 tabhspoonsuater and 1 tablespnltt
2. Add butter and cocoa to boiling
water, stir until combined, fold in' Fiiling
Sift flour and salt twice, sift again t/r% cu| well-drained snteetened
over surface of egg mixture and fold apple putp Jlaaoared aitb 1 teaspnn
in lightly and evenlY. i,iooiioiti andfine! grand rind 1
,. Fill into two greased 20 cm (8 in) lemon
sandwich tins and bake in a moder- LemonIcing (reciPe
ate oven for 20-25 minutes or until
elastic to touch and slightly shrink- 1. Beat egg whites with a Pinch of
ing from sides of tins. Remove from salt until thick. Gradually beat in
tins on to a cake cooler and leave sugar until dissolved. Beat in egg
until cold. Split each sPonge layer in volks. Liqhtly fold in flour, baking
half. po*d.. al"d ipices which have been
4. Join layers together with cream siftedtogether3 times. Lastly gently
filling, ice with glace icing and fold in honey and water.
decorate with walnut halves. 2 Pour into a well greased23 cm
CREAM FILLINC'-PuI 1 cuP of (9 in) saridwich tin and bake in a
cream in a bowl and sPrinkle over 1 moderate oven until cooked-
tablespoon of cocoa and 1 table- approx30 minutes'When cold sPlit
spoon of castor sugar. Chill for at caiefully and spreadwith the apple
least 30 minutes. \Whip until thick' and lemon mixture. Ice with lemon
CHOCOLATE GLACE ICINC icing and spinkle with cinnamon'
-Sift together1 cuP icing sugar LE M ON I ClN G-P lace3/+cuP sift-
and 2 tablespoonsof cocoa' Put into ed icing sugarin a basin.Add 2 tea-
a saucepan with 1 tablesPoon of spoons lemon iuice and graduallY
water and a few droPs of vanilla slir in milk (a few droPs at a time),
essence. Heat very carefully, stir- mixing to a spreadingconsistency'

Rlght: ChocolateLaYerSPonge
tA capself-raising 4 egs
Pincb salt )/+ cap castorszgar
a5 g (11/zoz)butter 112 cuPsself-raisingflour
i egs 1 tablespoonbutter, melted
1/zcup castor sugar 4 tablespoonshot water
2 teaspoons
instantcffie powder Strawberryor raspberryjam
tA cup castor sugar IYbippedcrean ( optional)
1. Beat together eggs and sugar
Finefi cbopped
bazelnuts about 10 minutes, or until thick and
IVhole bazelnats creamy. Sift the flour three times
and quickly and lightly fold in.
1. Sift together flour and salt three 2. Add butter and hot water. fold in
times. Gently warm the butter until
quickly and lightly. Turn into 2
just soft and pourable (do not let it
20 cm (8 in) sandwich tins, greased
get hot or oily). Beat the eggs lightly, and lightly floured, and bake in a
gradually beat in the 1/z cup castor moderate oven for 20 minutes.
sugar, continue beating until very 3, T.un out onto a wire rack and
thick and creamy. Ieave until cold. Sandwich together
2. Gently fold in two-thirds of the with jam or iam and whipped cream
flour, add the melted butter, then and top with a dusting of sifted icing
quickly fold in rest of flour. Turn sugar or icing.
into a 23 cm (9 in) sandwich tin,
greased and lined on base with a 'i1:t
round of greased, greaseproof paper
lightly dusted with flour. Bake in a
moderate oven 30-35 minutes, or
until done when tested. Turn onto a A tbick,flauourfulpranefilling adds
wire cake rack and leave until cold. tbeperfecttouchto tbespicl Swissroll.
3. Sprinkle coffee powder and cas-
tor sugar over the cream, chill in the
12 teaspooncinnamon
rcfrigerator for at least 2 hours and
then beat until thick. Split the cake Pincb sah
into halves, spread some of the 4 egs
cteam over, sprinkle with a gener-
1 teaspoonaanilla
ous layer of very finely chopped
hazelnuts. 3Acapsugar
4. Top with the second layer, cover Icingsugar
the cake completely with the rest of PruneFilling ( ruipefollows)
the cream and decorate with whole
hazelnuts. Chill before serving. 7. Greasea 38 cm x 25 cm X 3 cm
.NIOTE-If you wish, sprinkle a (15 x 10 x 1 in) Swissroll pan; line
little Tia Maria or Kahlua liqueur with paper cut to fit; greasePaper.
over cake before covering with 2. Measure flour, cinnamon and
the whipped creiun. salt into a sifter.
3. Beat eggs until foamy in the t/z teaspoonbicarbonateof soda
small bowl of electric mixer at high
2 teaspoons
goldensyap, warmed
speed; gradually beat in sugar until
mixture is very thick and light. Stir IYbippedcrean
in vanilla. 2-j fine[, choppedpreserued
4. Sift dry ingredientsover egg mix- ginger
ture; gently fold in until no streaks Icing (ruipefo//ows)
of flour remain. Spread batter even-
Extra piecesofpreseruedginger
ly in prepared tin.
5. Bake in moderately hot oven 13 1. Beat the egg whites until stiffen-
minutes, or until centre springs back ing, gradually beat in the sugar, con-
when lightly pressed with fingertip. tinue beating until sugar has com-
6. Loosen cake around sides of tin pletely dissolved. Add the yolks all
with a sharp knife; turn upside at once and beat only until colour is
down onto clean towel sprinkled evenly mixed.
with icing sugar. Starting at short 2. 51ft together three or four times
end, gently roll up cake with towel; the arrowroot, flour, ginger, cinna-
cool. seam side down. mon, cream of tartar and bicarbon-
7. To serve, unroll carefully; ate of soda. Sift this over the egg
remove towel; spread cake with mixture and fold in gently but
Prune Filling; re-roll. Decorate cake thoroughly.
roll with whipped cream, if you 3. Pour in the warmed syrup and
wish. Cut crosswise into 10 slices. fold in, then divide mixture evenly
PRUNE FILLING-Combine 2 between three greased 20 cm (8 in)
cups pitted prunes with 3/+ cup sandwich tins. Bake in a moderate
water in a small saucepan;simmer, oven 15-20 minutes, or until done
covered, 25 minutes; puree prunes when tested.
vzith remaining cooking liquid, 4. Cover a wire cake cooler with a
some at a time, in blender (or press clean tea towel, turn spongesout of
through a sieve). Stir in 2 table- tins and carefully invert so that tops
spoons sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon are uppermost. Leave until cold.
juice, and Yz teaspoon cinnamon. 5. Join the layers together with
chill. whipped cream with chopped pre-
served ginger mixed through. Pin a
6".{} double band of greaseproof paper
around outside of sponge,extending
about 1 cm (/zin) above edge of
GINGER SPONGE sponge.Quickly pour the icing over,
leave until set and then carefully
4 egs, separated remove the paper. Decorate 'with
1/zcap castorsagar preserved ginger.
l,/zcap arrowrool lClNC-Sift 1 cup icing sugar, add
1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon syrup
plain floar
4 tablespoons from ginger and enough cold water
ground ginger
2 teaspoons to mix to a stiff paste.Put bowl over
1 teaspooncinnamon simmering water and stir for a
minute, ot until mixture will pour
1 teaspooncrean of tartar
readily from a spoon.
CAKE Makes 6-8 seruings'

t/z cupsugar 17 w gt* tP'"tt h4":

Tegs, seParated
,/urp,l*rdt !:!Pt!
t/z cup castorsu{
4 tgt
1 cap sugar ifr;;tr*Am
capsPlairiour ground almonas
I tablesPoon
baking Powaer
4 leasPoons
-t*rP*n /s cuPf ne semolina
t ,t1Y"t inttln'1 to'fft: Extra castorsugar
-zs gf+ *7 b'r!rr:'"lt'd- ll/hipped crean
z/s cupmilk
Grated chocolate
)/+ cup icing_suga:
a sieve and let
ut t er J. n,ra aPricots into
T-o bl rt Poor t n eIt ed b half and cut
arui., ,no-"ghlY, mash
1 iblttPoon boil''S tott' ;;;';" into"striPs' Let drain
cffie or egg yolks
' tu"t@tlriinstant
1 ""--r' ,'i"-tgnty. Beai together
cofee and creamY'
refnedinstant and suqar until thick
2 teasPoons il ffi;t iuiceandrind
T teasPoan,o'ilk:ttt'-tt
in almonds and semollna'
')l."srluegg not
very gentl} whites,untilstiff but
1. Heat the Vz c'tP sugar into a
colot'r' but don't let it lru ^nd s;;tlY fold in'
,r.rti u -fftt rolr
the almottds' stir in' ;l;:; "i;'110 13 in)Swiss
;.";.';il " greaseProor
quickly Pour on to a greasedPlate' un titt.a with greased'
urrtil set, then crush' bakqin a moderate
';.- fup.t -a
-rrrrtit the eggs and sugar about 15 mtnutes'
ttti.t ."^nd creamy' Sift
together j. SPrinttte with castor t"g**t-:t:
n""t, UrOt"g Powder
and coffee' outontoa sh5e1
:l ffH:3ffi
^iil"Ji"ra?n well'Addthemix ln' paper, let stand-{or
lining PaPer'

;;.; and the milk and i^i.frffy peel off r.he

of the iigrt'tywith castorsugar'
il;; ;,tn 2 tablesPoons iptinkl. li
almond Praline' ,ir.^a thJ mashed
,. Tr',rn-intoa greased
25 x 12 cm '^. with the aprtcotsirips'Roll.up
bake in a servingplate
i, )- s in) loaf tin and ."^[.".r..fttty' Puton a
35 mtnutes'or leave until coid'. .
)r'oderateovenabout ..c-ou.,
on to a roll with sweetened
on,it aon. whentested'T"tl 7
colo' cream' chill for about I
c a k er a c k a n d l e a v e . u n t l l *ni*J
a bowl' stir n""ii -o with grated
4. Sift icing sugar tnto
butter' Stir boiling serve at once'
'" ;;. *.iitd
and cocoa
;^;.; into the coffee
,ogttrttt' When combined' i,j
stir into icing sugar mixture'
the vanilla essence'
if necessarY'
!. c'nilr the icing,
cake' then sPrtn-
,or.*t over toP of
k\e the remaining Praline

1 cupwlf-raisingflour,sfted
Pincb salt
1 teaspoonbutter, melted
2 egq wparated 2 tablespoons
bot water
Pincb salt
/. Lightly grease two 18 cm (7 in)
l,/zcap castor sugar
sandwich tins and dust with com-
Vt cupself-raisingfloar bined sugar and cornflour. Preheat
2 tablespoonshot water oven to moderately hot.
1/zcup cream wbified 2. Beat eBgs, sugar and vanilla
together until very thick and lemon-
2 teaspoonsicing sugar coloured. (If you hold a beater
1 cap drainedfruit salad above the bowl. mixture should fall
2 passionfrait off in a ribbon which will hold its
1. Beat egg whites stiffly with salt. -1. Sift flour and salt on to a sheet of
Gradually add sugar and beat until greaseproofpaper. Fold half into the
dissolved. Beat in egg yolks. egg mixture quickly and lightly,
2. Fold in carefully the sifted flour using a large metal spoon. Fold in
and lastly the hot water. Pour mix- remaining flour.
ture into a greased 20 cm (B in) 4. Combine butter and hot water.
recesscake tin. Bake in a moderate Sprinkle over top of batter, then
oven approx 20-25 minutes, until fold in quickly. Divide batter be-
lightly browned and springy to tween prepared tins, and tilt them to
touch. spread batter evenly.
-?. Remove cake from oven and J. Bake for 20 minutes, or until
allow to cool. Mix whipped cream cakes are well-risen, golden brown,
and sifted icing sugar together to and tops spring back when touched
slightly sweeten. Pile into recesson with fingertips. Remove from oven,
cake. Cover with fruit salad and and cool for a few minutes in the tin
trickle passionfruit over top. Chill on a wire rack. Turn out to finish
before serving. cooling. r,r)

i egs
Tbis is easl to make, upecialj uith an 3A cap castorsugar
electricnixer. Add loxr fauoxrite
fiiling. 1 table$oor orangejuice

1 teaspooneacbsagar and cornfloxr to 2 tablespoons,tater

prepare tins 1 cupplainflour
j egs 1 teaspoonbaking powder
34 cup castorsagar Pincb salt
1 teaspoonuanilla Extra castorsagar
600 nl cream,wbipped Orange Cream (netbod follows)
1 x 425 g cancberries 34 ctp sugar
t/t capplain floar
1. Beat eggs until thick, gradually
add the sugar, beating after each -7x Na. 55 egylks
addition. Continue beating until 2 teaspoonsgrated orangerind
thick and creamy. Gently beat in the t/z cap orargejuice
juice and water.
1 tablespoonlemonjuice
2. Sift together flour, baking pow-
der and salt and, using a metal i00 nl cream,whipped
spoon or spatula, carefully fold in. 1 cupcbopped
Spread evenly into a greased 38 x
25 cm (15 x 10 in) Swiss roll tin, 1. Using an electric mixer, beat
together eggs and salt about 5 min-
greased and lined with greased
utes, or until vegy'thick and crearny.
greaseproof paper.
i. Bake in a moderate oven 13-15 Gradually beat in the castor sugar
minutes, or until cooked (top and then, with a spoon, fold in the
springs back when lightly pressed). orange juice.
Turn out on to a clean tea towel 2. Sift the flour and gently fold in,
lightly sprinkled with castor sugar, then fold in the ground walnuts.
quickly peel off lining paper and Spreadevenly into a 38 X 25 cm (15
trim off crusts. x 10 in) Swiss roll tin, greased and
4. Roll up cake and towel together, lined with greased, greaseproof
starting with a long side, put on a paper.
cake cooler until cold. i. Bake in a moderate oven for 15
5. Unroll and spread with half the minutes, or until top springs back
whipped cream and half the drained, when lightly pressed with fingertips.
4. Turn out onto a tea towel dusted
stoned cherries. Carefully roll up
again and place, seam side down, on with castor sugar. Remove lining
a serving plate. Cover with cream paper, carefully lift on to a cake
and cherries. cooler. leave until cold. Cut into
thirds, sprinkle each with some of
+;;t the liqueur or orange iuice.
5. For the orange cream, combine
sugar and flour, beat the egg yolks
ORANGE-WALNUT and stir in, with the grated rind,
SPONGE orange juice and lemon juice.
6. Stir over simmering water until
3x60geggs very thick, approx 20 minutes. Stir
Pixcb sah over cold water to cool mixture,
Ieave until cold and then fold in the
/z ct'rpcastor sxgar
whipped cream.
th cup orangejrice
7. Sandwich sponge layers together
1 cxp self-raising
Jloxr with some of the orange cream,
/z capfine! groundwalnuts spread the rest over top and sides.
Press walnuts over sides, chill and
3 tabhspoons Grand lIyxier liqueu
0r orange Jt'ttce serve decorated with orange slices
and, if you wish, mint sprigs.
2. Turn into two greased 20 cm or
COFFEE,SPONGE, 23 cm (8 or 9 in) sandwich tins,
greased and dusted with verv, very
Lalers hauea creaml butterfi/ling and
finely chopped walnuts. Bake in a
topping is a cffie-flauoared icing.
moderate oven about 25 minutes, or
2 teaspoonsinstant cffie powder until done when tested. Sandwich
1/+cap boi/ing waler together when cold with the butter
cre^m, top with icing and walnuts.
4 egs, separated
iA cap castorsugar COFFEE BUTTER CREAM
Beat 90 g (3 oz) butter until sof-
1 cupself-raisingflour yq cup icing
tened, graduallybeat in
Very,ueryfinej cboppedwalnufs sugar and 2 teaspoonsinstant coffee
Cofee Batter Cream ( recipefollows) p o w d e r , s i f t e d t o g e t h e r .S t i r i n l +
Cffie Icing (recipefollows) cup very finely chopped walnuts
and 1 teaspoon sweet sherry.
IYalnut balues
7. Dissolve coffee powder in the COFFEE IClNC-Sift together 1,/z
boiling water. Beat egg whites until cups icing sugar and 1 teaspoon
stiff. Beat together egg yolks and instant coffee powder. Put into a
sugar until thick and creamy, small saucepan, add 2 tablespoons
gradually fold into beaten whites. hot milk or water and stir over
Sift flour twice, fold in alternately gentle heat until just warmed. Pour
with the coffee. over cake.

Leff: Orange-WalnutSponge Above:CotteeSponge

(recipepage 17)


iY; a
i 5. Put the third layer on top, spread
$TALNUT CAKE, with whipped cream. Pipe swirls of
whipped cream on top, decorate
iil 1 np siftedplain flour
I lr.i with orange segments and walnuts,
l'r I teaspoonbaking powder chill until ready to serve.
Pixcb salt
p r'il
fu cup walnzts,ueryfinej cbopped
j egs
3A cupsugar
j egs
/l cap water
1/zcrp castorsugar
1 teasboonaanilla essence
14 cap cornfloxr
Catted orailge segmentr
tA uQ self-raisingfloar
3 tablespoons
creamsherryor dry
sberry 2 tabhspoons
lVbippedctean 3 tablesboonsmilk
IYalmt ltalaes 1 teaspoorbutter
CreamFilling (recipefollows)
7. Sift together three times flour,
baking powder and salt, stir in the Sfted icingsryar
chopped walnuts. Beat eggs until /. Greasea 35 x 25 cm (14 x 10 in)
frothy, gradually beat in the sugar Swiss roll tin, line with greased
and continue beating at high speed greaseproof paper. Beat eggs well,
on an electric mixer for about 5 gradually beat in the sugar and con-
minutes, or until very thick and tinue beating until thick and creamy
crearrry. Stir in water and vanilla and sugar has dissolved.
essence. 2. Sift together three times the
2. Gently fold in the sifted dry cornflour, flour and coffee, heat
ingredients, pour into a lightly milk, add butter and let melt. Sprin-
greased 20 cm (8 in) springform tin kle sifted dry ingredients over sur-
and bake in a moderate oven for 35 face of egg mixture, fold in lightly,
minutes, or until done when tested. then quickly fold in the hot milk.
Let cool 'in tin 5 minutes, then -7. Pour into the prepared tin and
remove from tin and put aside until bake in a moderate oven 8-10 min-
cold. utes. Turn out on to a sheet of
i. Dtain the orange segments, mix greaseproof p^per, quickly pull off
3 tablespoons of the syrup with the the lining paper and, using a sharp
sherry. Put aside some of the orange knife, cut the crisp edges from the
segments for decoration, chop the long sides.
rest and add to the sherry mixture. 4. With the help of the greaseproof
4. Split the cake into three layers, paper, roll up, wrap in a tea towel
put bottom layer on a serving plate. and leave until cold. Unwrap gently,
Spread half the sherry mixture over, spread with the cream filling, care-
cover with whipped cream, put fully re-roll. Just before serving dust
second layer on top, spread with all over with sifted icing sugar.
sherry mixture and whipped cream. CREAM FILLINC-BaaI 125 g
(4 oz) butter until softened, gradu- tin, then carefully turn out on to a
ally beat in3/+ cup sifted icing sugar, wire rack to frnish cooling.
continue beating until light and NOIE-You can serve the cake
fluffy. Chop 100 g cooking choco- plain, or dust it with sifted icing
late into pieces,melt over simmer- sugar. It makes a wonderful dessert
ing water, cool a little. Gradually with sliced fresh fruit and lightly
beat into the cream mixture, com- whipped cream, or icecream and
bining thoroughly. Stir in 1, tea- caramel sauce.
spoon vanilla essenceand 1 table-
spoon Coffee Supreme orTiaMaria. 4l's
6 3:!
€ {tis!

You'// beintrigred fu tbeligbt texture 4 egq separated
of tbis cakeand tbeprettl yllow-and-
wbiteappeararce wbencat. Pinch salt
1 cup castor sagar
l0 eg wbins
)A cup cornfloxr
1 teaspooncreamof tartar
tA cupplain
Pincb of salt floar
j teaspoonsbaking powder
114 cuPscastorsugar
4 tabhspoonsntater and 1 tabhspoon
1% cuPsself-raisingfloar,sifted batter, beatedtogetber
4 egylks Passionfruit Icing ( recipefollows)
2 teaspoonsuanilla
/. Beat egg whites and salt until
7. Beat egg whites, cream of tartar stiff. Gradually beat in sugar until
and salt at high speed in the large dissolved. Beat in egg yolks. Fold in
bowl of an electric mixer until very the dry ingredients which have been
thick. Gradually beat in 1 cup of the sifted well together 3 times. Lightly
castor sugar, a tablespoon at a time, fold in hot water and butter. Pour
until mixture forms soft oeaks. into 2 well-greased 20 cm (8 in)
2. Fold in sifted floui and the sandwich tins. Bake in a moderate
remaining Y+ cup of sugar. oven 20-25 minutes. When cold
3. Beat egg yolks and vanilla join together with passionfruit but-
together. Fold in half of the egg ter (see Icings and Fillings) spread
white mixture. lightly with whipped cream to
4. PIace alternate spoonfuls of the which has been added the pulp of 1
white and yellow batters in a passionfruit.
greased 23-25 cm (9-10 in) ring 2. Ice lighdy with Passionfruit
tin. (Use a fluted tin, if you have it, Icing.
for a pretty effect.) Bake in a moder- Pl-tllONFR U IT I C ING-Place 3/+
ate oven for 45 minutes, or until cup icing sugar, sifted, into a basin
cake springs back when touched and stir in the pulp of 1-2 passion-
with a fingertip and is beginning to fruit. Add a little milk only if neces-
shrink away from the sides of the sary to make into a soft spreading
tin. Cool for a few minures in the consistency.

' F:-{'


]i ,

Top with butter icing and sprinkle
with a little grated orange rind.
2 cupsplain flour
/z cup sliced glace cherries to the
bakingpowder mixture, top with butter icing and
185 g (6 oz) butter decorate with whole cherries or wal-
1 cup castor sugar nut halves.
3 eg4 beaten Ga:t
i tablespoonsnilk
7. Butter and line a deep-sided 20 COFFEE BUTTER
cm (8 in) round cake tin with grease- CAKE
proof paper. Sift together flour and
baking powder. Beat together butter 125 g G m) btnr or margarire
l and sugar until light and fluffy. I up brownsugar
2. Add eggs gradually, beating well
2 egs
after each addition. Mix in half the
flour and milk, combine well. Add irstant cofa
2 teaspoons
remaining flour and milk and mix I teaspootrcimamon
well. Turn into the prepared tin, 2 aps self-raisirgflour
level top and bake in a moderate 1/zoQ nilk
oven for t hour.
CofeeButter Cream(ruipe follows)
IT/ALNUT BUTTER CAKE 1. Beat butter and sugar until
Add 1 teaspoon mixed spice and ll crearny. Add eggs and instant coffee
cup finely chopped walnuts to the and beat well. Mix in cinnamon
mixture. When cooked, brush hot sifted with flour alternately with
cake with melted butter and sprinkle milk and beat until smooth.
with castor sugar and cinnamon. 2. Divide evenly into 2 greased
ORANGE BUTTER CAKE 20 cm (8 in) sandwich cake tinsand
Substitute orange juice for the milk bake in a moderate oven 25-30 min-
and add the grated rind 1 orange. utes until cooked.
t. FtlI and frost when cool with ) egs, separaled
Coifee Butter Cream and decorate 1 teaspoonuani/la
top with toasted flaked almonds. 1,/zcup CaramelSyap
Beat 1.25g (4 oz) butter until soft, 3 cupsself-raising
add 2 tablespoons coffee essence Pinch of salt
and gradually beat in 2 cuPs sifted )A cupof nilk
icing sugar, beating until soft
Frosli ng: ( net hodfo/lows)
enough for easy spreading.
125 g (4 o7) butter
500 g (1 /b) sifted icing strgar
IHAZF..LNUTGINGE,R t/+ caP carame/slrap

CAKE, 11/zteaspoonsuanilla
Pecanbaluesand choPPed
185 g (6 o7) batter or marganne decorate
)A cup castor sugar
/. Make the syrup first. Heat sugar
I pooe
in a heavy saucepanover verY low
1l/t cupsplain flour heat, stirring, until melted and a rich
Pincb salt caramel colour. Remove from heat
and gradually stir in the boiling
125 g G oz) hazelnuts,choPPed
water-be careful to avoid splashes.
1 cup chopped ginger
Allow to cool before using.
1. Crearn butter and sugar. Add 2. For the cake, cream butter and
eggs and beat well. Stir in sifted brown sugar until light and fluffY.
flour and salt. Lastly mix in hazel- Add egg yolks and vanilla and beat
nuts and ginger. Line a greasedloaf well. Mix in half a cuP of the sYruP.
cake tin 23 cm x 13 cm (9" x 5") 3. Sift flour and salt together and
with greasedgreaseproof paper and stir into creamedmixture alternately
carefully add cake mixture. with milk. Beat egg whites until
2. Bake in a moderately slow oven thick, and fold through. Divide bat-
until cooked-about lt/z hours. ter between two greased 23 cm (9
Allow to cool 15 minutes in tin in) sandwich cake tins, and bake in a
before carefully turning out. Wrap moderate oven for 35 minutes, or
in foil when cold and leave for a daY until cooked when tested with a
before cutting. skewer. Cool on wire racks. When
quite cold, join cakes together with
half the frosting, and ice all over
with remaining frosting' Decorate
CARAMEL CAKE, with pecan halves and choPPed
Caranel SlruP: Pecans.
1 cupsugar FRO-tTING-Have butter softened
tl cup boiling water at room temperature, and beat in
Cake: icing sugar until smooth and
185 g (6 oz) batter creamy. Gradually add caramel
syrup and then vanilla, beating mix-
1/z cup brown sugar
ture well.


I tcasputt baking pontdcr
% tcarpoonnfimeg
125g( cz)tuttcr 4 tabhspns dr1 sbcrry
1 tablcspangmtnd gingn 2 tcaspns haor jain
W tcaip@n cinnaaon Sftcd icingstgar
/z tcarpt mixcd spicc
1. Beat together butter and lemon
/z np bronnstgar rind, then gradually beat in the
lz np goldn symp sugar. Add the eggs, one at a time,
1 cgg hatn beating well after each addition.
2. Sift together flour, baking pow-
/z np cboppdraisinsor prescntcd
der and nutmeg and fold in, alter-
nately with the sherry and the lemon
/z *p varm nilk juice.
th naspott bicarbanatcof td" -?. Tum into a 20 x 10 crn (8 x 4 in)
l/z ctpsplainJlwr, sftcd loaf tin, greased and lined with
greased greaseproofpaper. Bake in a
1. Beat the butter until light and moderate oven 4F50 minutes, or
fluq', beat in the spices. Gradually until done when tested. Dust with
add the sugar, syrup, egg and rai- sifted icing sugar before serving.
sins, beating well after each
addition. r'$
2. Add the milk, with the bicarbon-
ateof sodadissolvedin it, dtemate-
ly with the flour, mixing in well. ORANGE-ICED
Butter a loaf tin approx 22x 14 crn BUTTER CAKE
(8V+x 5rr1,in), line basewith grease-
proofpaper. 250 g (8 cz) tuttcr
J. Pour mixture into the tin and 1 crp sugar
bake in a moderately slow oven for
I tgt
t hour 20 minutes. Top with water
icing decorate with preserved 2th arysnf-raisingflou
gnger. Serve warm or cold, with Pincb salt
butt€r- OrargeIcing (rccip follm,s)
NOIE-The flavour of this loaf
improves with keeping. 1. Cream together butter and sugar.
Add eggsone at a time and beat well
car12 after each addition. Stir in sifted
flour and sdt and mix until smooth-
2 Place in a greased 20 cm (8 in)
SAND CAKE fluted ring cake tin. Bake in a
125 g (4 a) httcr moderate oven l-lV+ hours until
cooked. Cool. Pour over icing.
1 tcaspr grad hnd, drd
OR 4NGE ICINC'-Place /+ cup
I up ngar sifted icing sugar and 1 tablespoon
I I!!
iw orange iuice in a smdl saucepanand
1/z rzrpr stir over a very low heat until
IL fuinJIar
smooth and heated through.
il l i
i Eighf: Orange-lc-ed Butter Cake


at ^ time. Fold in flour and coconut,
MERINGUE-TOPPED together with milk, beat until well
CAKE mixed. Spoon into a greasedbar tin
25 x 8 X 5 cm (10 x 3 x 2 in), bake
185 g (6 o7) margarine in a moderate oven 30-35 minutes.
1 cap brown sugar or until done when tested. When
cold, top with the frosting.
1 tablespoonltonel
FRO.ITING-PuI 11l+ cups icing
2 eggylks sugar, sifted, and 2 tablespoons
1 capself-raisingfloar desiccated coconut into a bowl.
l/t cap nilk Melt 30 g (i oz) copha over gentle
heat, add, with 1 tablespoon lemon
MeringueTopping(ruipe follows)
juice, stir in. Slowly stir in enough
t/z cub sliuered almonds
milk to mix to a cre my spreading
1. Beat margarine, sugar and honey consistency,then stir in a few drops
together until creamy. Beat in egg of pink food colouring.
yolks. Mix in sifted flour alternately c::-
with milk and beat until smooth.
Place in a greased 18 cm-20 cm
(7-B in) springform cake tin. SOUR CREAM CAKE
2. Spread topping over cake mix-
ture and lightly press in the slivered
almonds. Bake in a moderately slow 1 teaspoonuanilla essence
oven until cooked-about 1-1V4 1 cap sagar
hours. Cool slightly before carefully 2 eggs
removing spring.
2 cupsself-raising
egg whites until stiff. Gradually beat % teaspoonbicarbonateof soda
in 4 tablespoons castor sugar, beat- 1 cab well-masbedbananas
ing until dissolved. Fold in 1 tea- t/1 cup sour cream
spoon vanilla.
1. Beat together butter and vanilla
essenceuntil creamy, gradually add
COCONUT BAR the sugar, beating after each addi-
tion. Beat in the eggs thoroughly,
125 g (a o7) butter or margarine one at a time.
t/z cup sagar 2. Sift together flour and bicarbon-
1 teasboon aani//a essence ate of soda, fold in alternately with
the combined bananas and sour
2 eggs
cream. Turn into a 20 cm (8 in)
1 cupself-raisingfloar,stfted deep sided tin, lined on base with
1/z cub desiccatedcoconut greasedgreaseproofpaper. Bake in a
th cupnilk moderate oven about 1/+ hours. or
until done when tested. Serve
CoconutIce Frosting (recipefollows)
topped with sifted icing sugar (or
1. Cream together butter, sugar and finish with a lemon or orange
vanilla essence.Beat in the eggs,one flavoured icing).
2. Turn into a greased20 cm (8 in)
SOMERSET SE,ED deep-sided tin, lined on base with
CAKE greased,greaseproofpaper and bake
in a moderate oven for about 1
tA cup batter or margarine hour. When cold, top with the icing.
% cup castor sagar ORANCE ICING-PuI 1 cup icing
2 teaspoonscarawal seeds sugar, sifted, into a small saucepan,
add 2 teaspoonsbutter or margarine
3 eegs,separated
and 1 tablespoon orange juice. Stir
1 tablespoonground almonds over gentle heat until butter has
2 cupsself-raising
flour melted and ingredients are com-
2 tablespoonsnilk bined. r'i)
Extra carawal seeds

1. Beat together butter and sugar

until creamy, stir in the seeds.Beat BUTTE,R CAKE
egg whites until fairly stiff, add
This recipeis so sinple, 1oa can keep it
yolks and whisk in lightly, fold into
in lour menzzrJand make it in minates
the creamed mixture. with the
wheneuer 1ou aailt a cakein a ltarry.
2. Sift the flour and fold in, with the 2 cupsself-raisingflour
milk. Turn into a large loaf tin, Pinch salt
greased and lined on base with
2 egs, separated
greased,greaseproofpaper, top with
a light sprinkling of caraway seeds. 125g G oz) butteror margarine,
Bake in a moderate oven about 1 softened
hour. or until done when tested. 1 cup sagar
Leave in tin for 10 minutes. then 1 teaspoonuanilla
turn Out. r$ tA capnilk

/. Sift flour and salt onto paper.

PUMPKIN CAKE, Beat egg whites until they form soft
peaks in the small bowl of electric
1/zcup butter or margarine
mixer at high speed; then, in the
2 teaspoonsgrated orangerind large bowl of mixer, beat butter or
tA cap sagar margarine, slowly adding sugar and
beating until fluffy.
1 cup cooked,thorough! drained
2. Beat in egg yolks and vanilla.
Add flour mixture, a third at atime,
1 cup saltanas alternately with milk, beating iust
2 cupsself-raising Jlour until blended. Fold in beaten whites.
1/zcupnilk Pour into 2 greased 20 cm (8 in)
layer cake tins.
OrangeIcing (ruipe follows)
i. Bake in moderate oven 30 min-
7. Beat together butter, orang€ utes, oluntil top springs back when
rind, sugar and pumpkin. Mix in lightly pressed with fingertip. Cool
sultanas and then fold in the sifted in tins on wire racks 5 minutes: turn
flour alternately with the milk. out on racks to cool.

*W @:

N u tR n g

\ c r \ L r c a r i l \ ..'|]'l
\ ( l ( |+l^^
u r ( c g g s .o n c l l i l
i:-- r - - ^ , ; - - ^4 rcL l ^r - I^ a c h a . l d i ri o n .

Sift the flour and mix in, u'ith the

185 g (6 oz) butter ground almonds, beat until com-
ll cup castor sagar bined.
2. Turn into a greasecl, flourecl
+ egqs 20 cm (B in) kugelhopf tin or baba
2 cupsse/f-raisingflour tin, or a clcepfluted or plain ring tin
t,/zcap ground almrnds anclbake in a moderatc oven 50-55
minutes,or until brou,necland clone
Whipped creant
u'hen tested.
Graled chocolate
J. Cool slightly in tin, then turn out
and leaveuntil colcl.To serl'e,cover
7. Beat butter, graduailvbcat in the all over u,'ith whippecl cream ancl
sugar ancl continue beating until sprinkle with the chocolate.

30 il
1. Drain strawberries, put into a
STRAWBERRY suainer and leave to drain
CAKE thoroughly. Beat together €Bgs,
sugar and vanilla essenceuntil thick
Seruefor afternoontea. and creamy. Beat in the cooled,
melted butter.
1 x 425 g canstrawberries 2. Sift flour. add and mix in until
2 egs smooth. Spoon into a 20 cm (8 in)
)A cap castorsugar spring form tin, greased well and
t/z teasboonuanilla essence sprinkled with t-rne, d.,v bread-
crumbs. Insert strawberriesinto the
125 g (a o7) butter, meltedand cooled mixture, but only half-way down,
2 capsw/f-raisingfloar and bake in a moderate oven about
Icing sugar 40 minutes.Just before sen'ing, sift
icing sugar over top.


;' tl

and sugar until creamy. Beat the egg a

BE,LGIAN BUN yolks, gradually add, beating well.

Sift together three times the flour,
t/z cap batter or margarine
bicarbonate of soda, baking Powder
)A cup castor silgar and salt, fold into the mixture alter-
ltg nately with the yoghurt.
2 cupsself-raisingfloar 2. Beat egg whites until stiff but not
dry, fold in. Turn into a greased,
Pinch salt
floured 25 cm (10 in) squarecaketin
Apricot jan and bake in a moderate oven 45-60
Blanched almonds,sblit into ltalues minutes, or until done when tested'
i. Turn onto a wire rack and let
1. Beat together butter and sugar cool. Pierce the surface all over with
until thick and creamy, add the egg a small skewer, spoon the hot
and beat in well. Sift together flour strained syrup evenly over. Score
and salt. add and work in to make a surface into diamond shaPes, or
firm dough. squares, put a toasted almond in
2. Divide into halves, press half centre of each.
into a gteased 20 cm (8 in) sand- .fiiRUP-Put into a small saucePan
wich tin, spread with a generous /z cup water, /z cuP sugar, striP
layer of apicot iam. Cover with rest lemon rind and a small Piece of
of mixture and arc^nge sPlit cinnamon stick. Bring to boiling
blanched almonds around the edge. point, stirring until sugar has dis-
3. Bake in a moderate oven for solved, then boil gently for 10 min-
35-40 minutes, or until lightly utes. Remove the lemon rind and
browned and cooked through. Cut cinnamon stick. A teaspoon or two
into wedges, when cold and serve of rose w^ter may be used instead of
with coffee or te . the cinnamon stick-add lust before
<c?;f l pouring over cake.
<stf -
185 g (6 o7) butter or margarine
1 teaspoongrated lemonqrind
I cup castor sagar grated orangerind
2 teaspoons

4 egs, separated grated lemon rind

2 teaspoons

21/zcupsplain floar 125 g (4 o7) butter or rnargarine

1 teaspoonbicarbonateof soda 1 cup caslor sugar

j egq separated
1 teaspoonbaking powder
Pincb salt 11/zcupsself-raising
I cupnaturalygburt
% *P nataralloghurl
Slrup (recipefollows) 2 tablespoonsorangejuice
tl cupchopped
Blancbed almonds,toasted
Lemonflauoured icing
1. Beat together butter, lemon rind

o a
a 7. Add grated rinds to the butter, ginger and chocolate and cover with

gradually beat in the sugar. Contin- remaining cake mixture.

ue beating until creamy, then beat in 3. Bake in a moderately slow oven
the egg yolks, one at a time. 1%-1/z hours until cooked. Wrap
2. Sift the flour, mix together yog- while still warm and allow to cool
hurt and orange juice. Fold flour then remove cake tin.
into creamed mixture alternately r'il
with the yoghurt, then fold in the
3. Beat egg whites until stiff but not
dry and fold in thoroughly. Turn 90g(joz)margarine
into a 23 cm \ 1.2cm (9 in x 5 in)
1 cup sugar
loaf tin, greased and lined on base
with greased, greaseproof paper, 2 egs
bake in a moderately slow oven Crated rind 1 lemon
about t hour. or until done when 11/zcupsself-raising
tested. When cold, top with lemon
Pinch salt
flavoured icing.
t/z cupnilk
car:t j tablespoonslemonjaice
t/z cap cboppedwalnats
SURPRISEBUTTER LemonSagarSyup (recipefollows)
1. Beat together margarine, sugar,
250 g (8 oz) butter eggs and grated lemon rind until
1/+ caps castor sugar light and fluffy. Add sifted flour and
salt alternately with milk and lemon
1 teaspoonuanilla
juice. Beat until smooth. Lastly stir
j egs
in the walnuts.
3 cupsplain floar 2. Pour into a greased23 cm (9 in)
3 teaspoonsbaking powder loaf tin, lined with greased,grease-
proof paper. Bake in a moderate
Pincb salt
oven approx t hour or until cooked.
t/z capnilk
-?. Remove from oven and allow to
1 cupchopped preserued
ginger stand 10 minutes on wire rack
1 x 100 g pkt chocbits before carefully removing cake tin
and greaseproof paper. Slowly
1. Crcam together butter, sugar and brush Lemon Sugar Syrup on top
vanilla. Add eggs one at a time and and sides of cake, allowing time for
beat well after each addition. Add the cake to absorb the syrup. Cover
sifted dty ingredients alternately Ioosely with aluminium foil and
with milk, adding a little extra milk allow to stand 24 hours before cut-
if mixture is too firm. ting. Garnish with lemon slices if
2. Place alayer of cake mixture into desired.
a greased and paper-lined deep 20 LEMON SUGAR .l)ilR.UP-Com-
cm (8 in) cake tin. Sprinkle with half bine 2 tablespoons lemon iuice and
the ginger and choc bits. Cover with /z cup sugar in a small bowl. The
more cake mixture, add remaininq sugar does not need to be dissolved.
2 1/zcuPsself-raisingfloar
t tablerpoonsorangeliqzear
1. Beat butter and sugar until
185 g (6 o7) butter or margarine creamy and add the eggs, one at a
1 cup castor sagar time, and continue to beat. Add
Crated rind 1 lemor grated orange rind and juice and the
chopped mixed peel that has been
1 egs
tossedin some of the flour. Stir flour
2 capsse/f-raising
flour into batter. Pour into a well-greased
Pinch salt deep ring cake tin sprinkled with
1l cap cream fine dry breadcrumbs and bake in a
moderate oven for about 1/zhours.
1 tablespoondrinking chocolate
Cover the cake with a piece of
1 x 100 g block cbocolate kitchen foil if browning too much.
Few drops uegetableoil Let the cake get coid in the cake tin.
Prick and pour on the orange
1. Beat butter, sugar and lemon
rind until creamy. Add eggs one ^t a ,*rl"'p
time and beat well. Stir in sifted
flour and salt alternately with cream
and beat until smooth. BUTTER CAKE
2. Take ourtY3of the batter and mix
into this the drinking chocolate.
Grease a fluted 20 cm (8 in) ring t25 g G oz) butteror margarine
cake tin and cover base with half of )A capsugar
the plain batter. Add a layer of the
2 egs
drinking chocolate mixture and top
with remaining white mixture. Swirl 2 cupsself-raisingfloar
with a fork. 2 apples
j. Bake in a moderate oven about
1 tablespoonsagar
50 minutes until cooked. Cool. Melt
1 tablesbooncinnamon
chocolate over hot water, add a few
drops of cooking oil and pour over 1,/qcab sliaered almonds
cake, letting the chocolate run down
1. Cream butter and sugar,then add
the sides.
the eggs,one at a time and continue
to beat and stir flour into the batter.
Pour into a well-greased 20 cm
ORANGE LIQUE,UR (8 in) springform cake tin, sprinkled
with fine dry breadcrumbs. Peel the
CAKE apples,cut them in wedges and coat
250 g (8 o7) bntter or margarine them in the sugar and cinnamon
mixed together. Insert the apple
114 cupscastorst/gar
wedges partly into the batter and
4 egs sprinkle with the slivered almonds
Grated rind and juice of 1 large orange and any remaining cinnamon mix-
tA cupchopped
nixed peel ture. Bake in a moderate oven for
about t hour until cooked.

OrangeLiqueur Cake
OldFashioned TigerCake
1 cupself-raisingflour,sifted
Pincb salt
125 g (4 o7) butter Pincb cream of tartar
1 cap castor sugar
7. Cut plums into slices and
i eggs sprinkle with the 3 tablesPoons
1 cupself-raisingflour sugar. Beat together until creamY
r/+capplain floar the butter, lemon rind and remain-
t/+ cap nilk ing sugar, add the egg yolks, one at ^
!* time, beating well after each addi-
1 capfinei choPPedwalnuts
tion. Stir in the sifted flour.
5 fs
Orange Icing (ruiPe follows)
2. Beat egg whites with salt and
cream of tartar until stiff, fold into
li cake mixture. Turn into a greased
1. Beat butter, gradually beat in the 23 cm (9 in) springform tin, sPread-
sugar, continue beating until very
ffi ing evenly.
:t:'' creamy. Add the eggs,one at a time, i. Anange the drained PIum slices
E! beating after each addition' Sift over top and, if they are very t^rt,
R together the flours and fold in alter- sprinkle with 1-2 tablesPoons of
nately with the milk, then fold in the sugar.
walnuts. 4. Bake in a moderate oven 45-50
F1 2. Tvn into two greased 20 cm (B minutes. remove from oven, let cool
in) sandwich tins and bake in a a little and then turn out. Serve as a
moderate oven about 30 minutes.
Leave in tins for 3-4 minutes and
then turn out on to a cake cooler.
\When cold, ioin together with
dessertcakewith whiPPed cream, or
serve for afternoon tea.
NOTE-Some of the Plum slices
X'i may sink into the cake while cook-
i.: whipped cream (add a little grated ing, but this makes it more interest-
&! orange rind, if you wish) and toP ing and delicious.
i€ with the icing. r,/il
/C/NG-Melt 30 g (1 oz) butter or '@e'i*

margarine, stir in 1/+ cuPs sifted
w icing sugar and 1 tablespoon orange MOCHA RUM CAKE
juice, stir well until mixture is a
ffi t/z cup cocoa
ffi, pouring consistency (ddd a little
tsrj more orange iuice, if necessarY). instantcffie
2 teaspoons
dd$ t/z cap water
M €:,:,s&
l/t cap ran
PLUM CAKE 125gGoz)butter
H Vanilla essence to taste
f;r 500 g (1 lb) ParPlePlans
$ I t/a cups castors,,tgar
3 tablespoonssugar
125 g (4 oz) batter or marganne i egs, separated
H. I teasPoonbicarbonateof soda
i'r 1 teaspoongrated leaon rind
1/zcap sagar 1,/zcap sour cream
3 eggs,separated 2 cupsplain floar, sifted
). 1


a t
a a
1,/zczp sugar hot water, let cool and then beat
into the cheese.Gradually mix in 1
Extra rum
cup sifted icing sugar and, when
Cberrl jan combined, stir in 1 tablespoon rum.
IVhipped crean t'$
CbocolateFrosting (ruipe follows)
Cbocolatecurls or toastedalmonds VICTORIA CAKE
250 g 1t7t/b) butter
7. Put cocoa into a bowl. Heat to-
gether instant coffee, water and the 2 teaspoons
grated orangerind
V+ atp rum, slowly stir into the 1 cap castorsugar
cocoa, put aside until cold. 4 x 55 g eacbegs
2. Beat together butter and vanilla
2 cupsself-raising
essenceuntil creamy, gradually add
the castor sugar, beating well after Strawberries
each addition. Crand Marnier or Cointreau
,. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, 114 cupscream
beating after each, stir in half the
Castor or icing sugar
cocoa mixture. Add bicarbonate of
soda to the sour cream, stir well. /. Soften butter, add orange rind
Fold flour into creamed mixture, and beat until creamv. Graduallv
alternately with the sour cream and beat in the castor sugar and continul
remaining cocoa mixture. beating until light and creamy. Beat
4. Beat egg whites until soft peaks eggs lightly, add them, a little at a
form, gradually add the remaining time, beating well after each addi-
sugar, beating after each addition. tion.
Continue beating until stiff and 2. Fold in the sifted flour and spoon
glossy, fold into chocolate mixture. into two 20 cm (8 in) sandwich tins,
5. Turn into a deep-sided round greased,lined on base with a round
23 cm (9 in) tin, greased and lined of greased paper and then dusted
with greased greaseproof paper. lightly with flour. Bake in a moder-
Bake in a moderate oven about 1,/+ ate oven about 25 minutes, or until
hours, or until done when tested. done when tested. Turn our onro a
Turn out of tin on to a cake cooler cake rack and leave until cold.
and leave until cold. -1. \flash and hull strawberries. slice
6. Split cake horizontally into three some for between cake layers, leave
layers, sprinkle each lightly with one whole, halve the rest. Put all
rum, then sandwich together with into a bowl, sprinkle lightly with
cherty iam and whipped cream. Top Grand Marnier and leave for 30
the cake with the frosting, decorate minutes. Whip cream until thick,
with chocolate curls or slivered sweetento tastewith castoror icing
toasted almonds. sugar. Spread some over one cake
CHO C OL ATE FRO.f TINC-Beat iayer, arcange strawberry slices
1 tablespoon cream into 60 g(2 oz) around edge, top with the other
cream cheese,continue beating until cake, swirl cream over top. Put a
creamy. Chop dark cooking choco- whole strawberry in centre, decor-
late from a 100 g packet, melt over ate with halved stravrbernes.
tu %-

a a
a a
a mixture is thick and creamy. Sift the
AUSTRIAN CAKE flour and fold in and then fold in the
egg whites, beaten until stiff.
This is realj a cakefrom Austria but
2. Tulrn into a lightly greased and
it's traditionalj called a bread.
floured 23 x 1.2cm (9 x 5 in) Ioaf tin
2 cupsfloar and bake in a moderate oven for 30
2 teaspoonsbaking powder minutes. Leave in tin for a few min-
utes and then turn out onto a cake
1 teaspoonsalt
1 cupcltopped
walnuts i. Beat together butter and egg yolk
1 cupcltopped
dans until creamy,beat in the icing sugar.
1 cup s/ind glace cherries lfhen smooth, mix in the coffee.
When cake is cold, split into halves,
1 cup coarsel1cboppedseni-sweet
join together again with the butter
cream, pressing top down lightly.
4 egs
Leave for 2-3 hours and serve
1 cap sugar topped with a dusting of icing sugar.
/. Sift together flour, baking pov/- <ct:-

der and salt. Lightly mix in the rval-

nuts, dates, cherries and chocolate. MOCHA GATEAU
Beat eggs, gradually beat in the
sugar, continue beating until thick 1 iablespooncocoa
ano cteamy. 2 teaspoons
2. Stk into flour mixture and turn 1/zcup bot water
into a 23 x 12 cm (9 x 5 in) loaf tin,
lined with greased, greaseproof 125 g (4 o7) batler or margarine
paper. Bake in a moderately slow lW cuPsbrownsugar
oven about lV+ hours, leave for 5 3 eggs
minutes. then turn out onto a cake
2 cupsself-raising
cooler and leave until cold. Wrap
well and stote for 2 davs. Pincb salt
1/zteaspoonbicarbonateof soda
'c?:- 1/zcup sour cream
MocbaFrosting(ruipe follows)
SSTISS Flaked almonds
1,/3cup castor sugar
/. Stir cocoa and coffee into the hot
j egq separated water and mix until smooth. Allow
Few drops aanilla essence to cool. Beat butter and sugar until
3Acupflour creamy. Add eggs one at a time and
beat well after each addition.
90 g (3 o7) butter 2. Stir in sifted dry ingredients
Yolk of 1 eg alternately with cooled cocoa mix-
t/z cupsiftedicingsugar ture and sour cream. Beat until
aerJstrongblack cffie
2 teaspoons j. Divide evenly into 2 x 23 cm
1. Beat together the sugar, yolks of (9 in) sandwich cake tins greased
the 3 eggs and vaniila essenceuntil and base lined vzith greased grease-
proof paper. Bake in a moderate thoroughly. Beat the egg whites un-
oven until cooked-about 30 min- til stiff and carefully fold into choco-
utes. Allow to stand in tins 5 min- late mixture alternately with the
utes before turning out carefully. flour.
Remove paper and allow to cool. 2. Pour into a buttered and paper-
4. FilI and frost all over with NIocha lined 20 cm (8 in) round cake tin.
Frosting. Coat sides of cake with Bake in a moderate oven for t hour,
flaked almonds and pipe small or until a skevrer inserted into the
rosettes of Mocha Frosting around centre comes out clean. Leave until
top edge of cake. cold.
It is best to make cakes the day 3. Level cake if necessaryby trim-
before assembling becausethey are ming the rounded top. Turn cake
soft and light. u p s i d ed o w n . H e a t t h e a p r i c o t c o n -
Complete cake may be kept in an serve urith the brandy, strain and
airtight container in refrigerator if spreadover the top ofthe cake. Pipe
desired. a small amount of the chocolate
NOTE-This gateau freezeswell. icing around the edge of the cake.
MOCHA FRO-tTlNG-Beat 125 g Leave to set for a few minutes, then
(4 oz) butter until soft. Gradually c a r e f u l l yp o u r t h e r e m a i n i n g i c i n g
beat in 4 cups icing sugar sifted, and on top. (This will prevent the icing
2 tablespoons sifted cocoa. Add Y4 running down the sides.)
cup strong hot coffee and 1 table- 4. Chop the remaining chocolate,
spoon coffee liqueur and continue melt over simmering water. Line
beating until smooth and creamy. In the base of a 20 cm (8 in) round
hot weather it may be necessaryto cake tin with a round of foil, a little
chill before spreading on cake. larger than the base. Pour in choco-
late and let set. Remove from tin
and peel off the foil.
5. Cut chocolate round into 12
SACHE,RTORTE, wedges with a hot, wet knife. Place
chocolate wedges evenly around the
Makes 12 seruings. cake on an angle, one side in the
15 5 g (5 oz) dark cboco/ate icing and one side upwards. Support
this side with half a toothoick near
185 g(6 o7)bwtter
the edgc of the cake.
1 cup castorsugar 6. Put the cake into the refrigerator
6 eggs,separated to chill. Remove the toothpicks and,
1 cupplainflour, sifted if you wish, serve with svreetened
whipped cream flavoured with
/a cap apricot conserae
1 teaspoonbrandl
ChocolateIcing ( ruipe fo//ows) CHOCOLATE lCING-Sift to-
gether 1 cup icing sugar and 1 table-
Extra 155 g(5 o7) dark cbocolate
spoon cocoa. In a small saucepan
/. Chop the chocolate and melt heat together 1 tablespoon butter,
over simmering water. Add the but- 1-2 tablespoons water and /z tea-
ter and stir until melted and mixture spoon vanilla essenceuntil the but-
is smooth, pour into a bowl. Add t e r h a s m e l t e d .A d d t h e i c i n g s u g a r -
sugar and egg yolks and beat cocoa mixture and stir until smooth.



''-* P
2 . l l c ' ; r te s g u ' h i t c s u n t i l s t i f f b u t n o t
G RI E S T O R T E , clrv anrl firlcl in.
irrto a '() cr-n
( 8 i n ) s : r n r { ui c h t r n u ' h i c h h a s i r c e n
) t.qqs,stpart/trl
linccl on lrrrsc u-ith rt rouncl oi
|: a/tf tdJlttr J/t'iLtt greescrl, urclrscproof pllrer ancl

.ltlre drd graltd rltrrl 1 ttttditru-.r1:.ed s p r i n k J c c lu ' i t h r r l i t t l e c a s t o r s u g : r r

/t nt ttt rnrl flour.
1 /ub/esprtrtt,qrr,anda/tilatd.r J . l J , t k t i t t . t t t r , r r l c r : t l t, r v t n I , r
t't cup l0-.1(l minutcs, or until it shrinks
fiw .retto/jt,t
i r o m s i c l e so i t i n . I - e r L v cf i r r : t f e u
I '2 ttp rredu
minutcs, then turn ()ut on to lt cukc
fearlt .r/tce-r,p/ttnt.r. or .qrtrtst- rack ancl lcavc until colcl. l'o scrve,
herrt ts t o p u ' i t h c r e a m , u ' h i p p c c lu n t i l t h i c k ,
s u ,e e t c n c c l u ' i t h c l t s t o r s u g a r l n c l
7 . I l c e t t ( ) g e t h er e g g r o l k s a n r l s u g a r
flavourerl u.ith r anilla cssence,
until thick lntl crcrurtt', arlcl thc
clcconrtc u'itl-r clrainccl clnnecl pcech
l e r r o n j r - r i c ea n r l r i n c l a n r l c ( ) n t l nu e
s l i c e s ,p l u m s o r g o o s e b c r r i c s .
b er r t i n g u e l l . \ l i x i n t h c : l l l t l ( ) l l ( l s
l u r c ls e n r o l i n : 1 .


F @s ,.$:,i:
, lrrirr




1 1 ' r , 1, r! r :



F:ntr<v Ql r o

7. Combrne crushed biscuits, nuts

FANTASY SLICE, ancl chocolatc. N{clt honcy ancl but-
ter ovcr a low heat ancl stir into
375 g (12 o7) shortbreadbiscuils,
biscuit mixture. Aclcl sultanas ancl
coffee liquicl, mixing we ll. Prcss into
60 g (2 oz) wa/nuts,chopped' 18 x 29 cm (7 x 11 in) slab cake tin
100 g cltoco/ate,
fnely chopped or usc a loaf cakc tin.
2 tablespoonshoney lC/NG-Prepare icing bv clissolr'-
ing instant coffee in enough hot
185 g (6 o7) buttur
water to give 3 tablespoons of coffee
I cup su/tanas liquicl. Beat butter ancl icing sugar
1 teasprnninstant crffie dissoluedin 3 together. Aclcl meltecl chocolate and
tab/espoonshol water coffee liquid, mixing well. Spread
Icing (nethod fol/ows) over biscuit base and leave to set.
Cut in small slices.
1 tab/etpooltinstant cffie
1 cup iring sagar
2 tab/etp\ont baller
60 g (2 o7) choro/ate,mc/led


one at a time, beating well after each

MOIST FINNISH addition, stir in the ground hazel-
CAKE nuts.
2. Sift together flour and salt and
lrg mix in, alternately with the milk.
1 cap sour cream Turn into a well greased, floured
20 cm (8 in) spring form tin and
% cup castor sugar
bake in a moderate oven for 30 min-
1 teaspoonalmond essence
11/zcupsplainflour -7. Reduce temperature totlow and
t/z teaspoonbicarbonateof soda bake another 15-25 minutes. or un-
Pinch salt til done when testql and top is frrm.
Let cake cool initd.tid:for 10 min-
t/z teaspoonground cardaaom
utes, then remoVp"si$beof tin. Store
7. Place egg, sour cream, sugar and in an airtight container and sprinkle
almond essencein bowl of electric sifted icing sugar over top and deco-
mixer. Beat for a few minutes. Add rate with hazelnut halves.
remaining sifted dry ingredients and ileir
beat a few minutes longer until
F1 smooth and evenly mixed.
',1 2. Pour into a 23 cm (9 in) sand- H.AZELNUT-HONEY
wich cake tin and bake in a moderate CAKE
oven until cooked-about 40 min-
tA cupbutter
t utes. Cool 10 minutes before
removing from tin. 1 cap castor sugar
Sprinkle top with sifted icing
4 egs
sugar before serving.
6 teaspoonsthin bonel
125g G o7)groandbawlnuts
tA capplain flour
HAZELNUT CAKE Caramel Icing (recipefollows)
60 g (2 oz) butter, softened 1. Beat butter until softened.
$ri 1 cap szgar gradually beat in the sugar and con-
1,/zteaspoongrated lemon rind tinue beating until light and fluffy.
lil Add eggs, one at a time, beating
.: 1 tables?oonhnon jaice
after each addition. then beat in the
2 egs honey. Fold in the hazelnuts and
Vt cupgroundhazelnuts then the sifted flour.
1 t/+ cups self-raisingflour 2. Turo into a greased20 cm (8 in)
sandwich tin and bake in a moderate
Pinch salt oven for about 45 minutes, or until
t/t cap nilk done vzhen tested. Carefully turn
Sifted icing sugar out on to a wlre rack, Ieave until
cold, top with icing.
Hazelnut halues
1. Beat together butter, sugar, brown sugar, 2 tablespoons milk
Iemon rind and iuice. Add the eggs, and 1 tablespoon butter into a

;: ii j.

.Jr' lr"d
'' -'+
,r{ ,&
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saucepan,stir over gentle heat until jam is cold and then pour the choco- t:

sugar has dissolved and surface is late icing over.

bubbling. Boil, without stirring, for lclNcjqhop 125 g(4 oz) cooking
3 minutes, remove from heat, add /z chocolate, add 1 tablespoon
teaspoon vinegar and a few drops of chopped Copha and 1 tablespoon
vanilla essence.Beat until mixture strong black coffee and heat over
thickens and takes on a caramel simmering water until Copha and
appearance.Quickly pour on top. butter are melted. Beat well, cool
until mixture is of a spreading con-
sistency,pour onto top of cake and
rl) spreadto edges.If you wish, decor-
GE,RMAN TORTE, ate with blanchedalmonds.
125 g G oz) noking cbocolate,
125 g (4 o7) batter
34 cup castor sugar This creamcheese moald is a Russian
spuia/t1, oftenseruedwith cffie, as we
11/zcapsflour would seraea slice of cake.
1 teaspoonbaking powder
/+ cap sultanas
t/z cap blanchedalmonds,cbopped
3 tablespoonsbrandl
125gG o7)butter
Apricot jan t/z cupsugar
Icing (recipefollows)
125 g (4 oz) soarteam
7. Melt chocolate and butter over 125 g (a o7) creamcbeese
simmering water, beat until smooth
1 tablespoonlemonjaice
and well blended. Beat together eggs
and sugar until thick and creamy, Rind 1 lemon,grated
fold in flour and baking powder, I teaspoonuanil/a essence
sifted together, alternately with the 100 g choppedcbocolate
chocolate mixture. Gently fold in
60 g (2 oz) cboPPed
2. Divide evenly between two /. Soak sultanas in brandy for
greased,floured 18 cm (7 in) sand- several hours. Cream butter and
wich tir-rs, lined on base with a sugar until light and fluffy, then
round of greased,greaseproof paper gradually add sour cream and beat
and bake in a moderateoven 30-35 well. Add softened cream cheese,
minutes, or until they shrink from lemon juice and rind, and beat until
sides of tin. Cool slightly and then well combined. Stir in vanilla
carefully turn out of trns. essence,melted chocolate,almonds,
-?. When cold, join together with sultanas and iny juice which has not
sweetenedwhipped cream (flavour been absorbed.
with rum, if you wish). Melt some 2. Fill mixture into individual
apricot jam over gentle heat, push moulds or one large mould and chill
through a sieve and brush a thin for 24 hours. Unmould to serveand
layer over top of cake. Leave until decorate with slace fruits and nuts.

r,.i l
itf: 1(r-'

2/z cupssugar
2 tabhspoonslemonjuice
1. Beat butter with the lemon rind
12 cup water
for a minute, gradually beat in the
125 g (4 oz) butter sugar and continue beating until
3 egs light and creamy. Add the eggs, one
at a time, beating well after each
1 cap castor sugar
11/zcupsplain Jloar 2. Sift together twice the flour,
2 teaspoonsbaking powder
Grated rind 1 nedium-sized lemon , then fold
/z cap glace cherries

/. Bring water to boiling point, stir (11 x 7 in) slab dFlamington tin,
in butter, remove from heat and arrange the split almonds over top.
allow to cool. Beat together eggs Bake in a moderate oven for 45-50
and sugar until thick and creamy, minutes, or until golden and done
sift together flour and baking pow- when tested.
der and fold in. Add cooled liquid 4. While cake is cooking, make the
and lemon rind and fold in gently. syrup. Put water and sugar into a
2. Pour into a well-greased baba saucepanand stir over medium heat
mould or large ring tin, drop cher- until sugar has dissolved. Add
ries, one at a time, around centre- lemon juice, bring to boiling point
they will fall to the bottom. Bake in and cook over medium heat for
a slow oven for t hour or until light- about 15 minutes. remove from
ly browned and cooked. heat. let cool.
J. When cake is done. remove from
.CaP oven, prick surface lightly with a
fine skewer, pour the cooled syrup
over while cake is still hot. Leave in
SE,MOLINA CAKE tin until cold and then cut into
squares for serving.
125g(oz)butter l'r)
G?rf t
2 teaspoons grated lerton rind
t/t cup castor sagar
1 capplain flour 125 g (4 oz) dark cbocolate
| 1/zcupsfine semolina 4 egs, separated
1 tablespoonbaking powder 12 cup castorsugar
1/zcap nilk
125 g G oz)groundalmonds
% cupfinej choppedtoastedalmondt IVhippedcrean
Split blancbedalmonds Aprint jan
Syup: CbocolateClaw (ruipe folhws)
j caps water

ri f l
rt 46
l/OTE-NIake cake the day before 30 minutcs, or until done when test-
it is to be served. ed (approx 45 minutes in loaf tin).
/. Chop chocolate, melt over hot Carefullyturn on to a cake rack and
water, let cool. Beat egg yolks with leaveuntil cold.
sugar until thick and creamy,beat in 4. Join layerstogether with a thick
the chocolate,a little at a time. Beat layer of sweetenedwhipped cream,
egg whites until stiff but not dry and or carefully split the single cakes
fold in. into halves and join together again
2. Sprinkle ground almonds,gradu- with the cream. Spreada thin layer
ally over surface of cake mixture, o f w a r m e d , s i e v e da p r i c o t j a m o v e r
folding in after eachaddition. Spoon top and Frnish with the chocolate
i n t o t w o 1 8 c m ( 7 i n ) s a n d w i c ht i n s , glaze and a sprinkling of chopped
or into one 20 cm (8 in) sandwich blanchedalmonds.
tin, or a loaf tin approx. 20 cm x CHOCOLATE GLAZE-Chop 1
1 0 c m ( 8 x 4 i n ) , a l l g r e a s e da n d x 100 g block rich dark chocolate
lined on base with greased,grease- and a knob (about the sizeof a wal-
proof paper. nut) of copha. N{elt together over
-1. Bake in a moclerateoven about hot water, stirring occasionally.

caramel covered round on toD.
DOBOZ TORTE Spread rhe resr of the creme over

Tbis beautful tpecial-occasioncake is of sides of cake.

Hungarian origin. fIOIE-If you wish, press grated
chocolate over creme-coveredsides.
11/+cupsflour or make'extra caramel, crush faidv
Pinclt sah finely and pressover creme.
4x60gegs CREME AU BEURRE-BeaI egg
3A cup castorsagar yolks with half the sugar until thilf,
and cteamy, dissolve rest of sugar in
1 cuploafsugar the milk. Bring to boiling
12 cup water foint,
pour onro yolks and stir over gentle
Creme au Beurre (recipefol/ows) heat until it coats the back of a
spoon, let cool. Beat until
4 egylks
soft, gradually whisk into rhe cus_
1 cup castorrugar tard, along with the cooled, melted
1l/t capsnilk chocolate.
500 g (1 /b) unsaltedbutter r'il
250 g (8 oz)dark rltorolotr,irlid
ouerhot water
7. Sift togerher flour and salt. Beat
the eggs, gradually beat in the castor CAKE
sugar, continue beating until thick
129 G oz) butter or margarine
and creamy. Fold in thellour lightly,
then divide into six eq.r"l porti-o.rr.' )/+ cup brown sttgar
2. Mark 20 cm (8 in) circles on 2 tablespoonstreacle
oven trays lightly greasedand lightly
1 tgg
dusted with flour, spread ^ poition
ot mrxture rnto each circle and bake
1t/z cupsself-raisingflour
in a moderate oven 5-8 minutes. Pincb sah
3. Trim each round while still on t/z teasPoonbicarbonateof
tray, remove to a wire rack and 1 teas?oonmixed spice
leave until cold. Continue thus until
all layers are cooked. (After each is I cupbeer
cooked, the tray must be wiped, re_ )A cup cbopped
oiled and floured.)
1. Cream butter, sugar and treacle.
4. Put loaf sugar and the water into
Beat in egg. Sift together flour, salt,
a saucepan and let sugar dissolve
bicarbonate of soda and spice. Beat
over low heat. Increase heat and
in alternatelywith beer. Lastly mix
cook rapidly until a rich, brown
in walnuts.
caramel colour. Take one of the cake
2. Pow into a well greased 20 cm
rounds and pour the caramel over
(8 in) ring cake tin and bake in a
and, when just about to set, mark
moderate oven until cooked-about
into 1.2 serving portions with an 3/qhour.. This is a soft, light
cake, s<)
oiled knife, trim around edge. put
allow to stand in tin, before turning
out, for 10 minutes.
5. Join the layers together with
When cold, sprinkle sifted icing
some of the creme au beurre, put the
sugaf over top.

O l OaO,1Oa O e^-o\ry\S'^9

buttermilk; stir in prunes. Beat in
PLANTATION flour mixture, a third at a time, until
PRUNE,CAKE, well blended. Pour into prepared
cake tins.
Rich witlt buttermilk and walnats, this 4. Bake in moderate oven t hour or
cake ltas a cbarm a// its own. until top springs back when lightly
2 t/z cupsself-raising pressedwith fingertip. Cool 10 min-
utes in pan on a wire rack. Loosen
Pincb salt
cake around edge with a knife; turn
1 teaspoonground a/lspin out onto rack; cool.
1 teaspoon cinnamon 5. Vrap cake in plastic wrap, then
1 teaspoongroand nztmeg in heavy-duty aluminium foll; freeze
uo to 8 weeks.
1 capfine/1tcbopped
0. I he day betore servrng, remove
i egs cake from freezer; let stand, still
1 cap sugar wrapped, at room temperature to
I cup uegetab/eoil thaw. An hour before serving, un-
t/z cap butterni/k wrap cake and place on a deep plate.
7. Make Vanilla Glaze. While hot,
1 cupcbopped drizzle slowly over cake, spooning
Vanilla Claze (recipefollows) any that drips onto plate back over
cake. Serve with ice cte m, if you
7. Grease a 25 cm (10 in) fluted wish.
r i n g c a k et i n ; f l o u r , t a p p i n g o u t a n y VANILLA GLAZE-Combine
excess. 1 cup sugar, W cup buttermilk,
2 . S i f t f l o u r , s a l t ,a l l s p i c ec, i n n a m o n 1 tablespoon light corn syrup and
and nutmeg into a medium size | 2 5 g ( a o z ) b u t t e r o r m a r g a r i n ei n a
bowl; stir in walnuts. medium-sizesaucepan.Heat slowly,
3. Beat eggs well in the large bowl stirring constantly, to boiling; then
of eiectric mixer at high speed;slow- cook, stirring constantly 2 minutes.
ly beat in sugar until mixture is Remove from heat; stir in 1 tea-
fluffy. Beat in vegetable oil, then sooon vanilla.
. . . , r l i 'rr.

1. Place flour, salt, sugar, egg, soft

MINCEME,AT LOAF' margarine and milk in a basin. Beat
3 cupsself-raisingfloar well 3-4 minutes. Place in a greased
20 cm (8 in) spring form tin. Lightly
Pinch salt
spread lemon butter over top of
1/+teaspoonbicarbonateof soda cake mixture.
% cupfirnj packedbrownsagar 2. Sprinkle Crumb Topping over
| 1/zcupscbopped lemon butter. Bake in a moderate
oven 40-45 minutes until cooked.
2 egs
Cool a few minutes before releasing
r/z capn;lk spring.
% cup uegetabh
oil CRUMB TOPPIl,iHombine 2
1 cupfruit minceneat tablespoons plain flour, 1 table-
spoon brown sugar, 1/z teaspoon
/. Sift flour, salt and bicarbonate of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon soft butter
soda into alarge bowl; stir in brown and /z cup chopped walnuts and
sugar and walnuts. mix lightly together until crumbly.
2. Beat eggs well in a small bowl ::,'
{t} :'":,*e
with a wire whisk, stir in milk, vege-
table oil and fruit mincemeat. Add
all at once to flour mixture; stir just
until evenly moist. Spoon into a 2 capsplain flour
greased23x 13X 8 cm (9 x 5 x 3 in)
1 teaspoon,cinxamon
loaf tin, spread top evenly.
1,/zcap castor sagar
3. Bake in moderate oven t hour,
rl:l or until a wooden pick inserted in t/z cup currafit
centre comes out clean. Cool in tin 1/zcap saltanas
on a wire rack 10 minutes. Loosen
Crated rind 1 large orange
around edges with a knife; turn out
Ii onto rack. Cool completely. 125 g (a w) nargarine,melted
ill 4. lVrap loaf in waxed p.aper,foil or 1 teaspoonbicarbonateof soda
plastic wrap. Store overnight to
mellow flavours. .,,,,
Vt cupnilk
.ii.-' ;
1 teaspoonainegar

/. Sift flour and cinnamon into a

basin. Stir in sugar, currants, sul-
tanas and orange rind. Add melted
margarine. Dissolve bicarbonate of
11/zcupsself-raisingflou r soda in the milk and stir in vinegar.
Pincb salt Pour onto ingredients in basin and
beat with a wooden spoon until
/z cupsagar
evenly mixed.
lf Itg 2. Place in a greased deep 20 cm
90 g (i oz) toft margarine (8 in) cake tin and bake in a moder-
t/z cupnilk ate oven approx t hour until
Lenon Batter (seeIcings and Fillings) cooked. Test with a frne skewer
before removing from oven. Cool
Crumb Topping (ruipe follows)
slighdy before removing from tin.

,:.' :r:;.l,arua,r:'ti..;t:,:':..,,::::::'
1. Beat together eggs and sugar
NUTTY NUTMEG until thick and creamy, beat in the
RING melted butter and melted chocolate.
When combined, stir in the walnuts
11/zcuPsself-raisingJlour and then the flour and baking pow-
Pincb sah der, sifted together.
2 teaspoons
ground nutmeg 2. Turn into ,a greased, floured
25 cm (10 in) square cake tin and
Vt cup brownsagar bake in a moderate oven about 40
1 tablespoongolden syap minutes, or until firm to the touch.
ltg -1. Meanwhile, chop the copha and
90 g (i oz) margarine, melted chocolate, heat together over gently
simmering water until melted and
14 cap chopped
nuts combined. When brownies are
% cupsour ream done, let cool, then pour the choco-
late glaze over and mark into
/. Sift flour, salt and nutmeg into a
squares or oblongs while glaze is -
basin. Add sugar, golden syrup and
egg. Pour in melted margarine, nuts e;,*
and sour cream. Beat well with a
wooden spoon until well mixed and
2. Pour into a greased 20 cm (8 in)
ring cake tin and bake in a moderate 2 cupsself-raisingflour
oven until cooked-about 40-45 Pincb salt
minutes. 1 cup castorsugar
Ice if desired vzith thin lemon
icing and sprinkle with chopped
nuts, or just sprinkle with sifted 2 egs
icing sugar. t/z caPnilk
W:1,1{ss to taste
Vanilla essence
Melted batter
4 egs 7. Sift together flour and salt, add
11/zcupssugar the sugar, softened butter, eggs,
185 g (6 o7) butter or margarine, milk and vanilla essence, beat at
nelted high speed on an electric mixer for 3
minutes, or until creamy.
185 g (6 oz) cookingcbocolate,nelted
oaer ltot water 2. Tutn into a greased 28 x 18 cm
(11 x 7 in) lamington tin and bake
1 cup cbopped in a moderate oven 30-35 minutes,
11/zcupsplain whohnealfloar or until done when tested. Turn out
2 teaspoonsbaking powder of tin and, while still hot, brush top
i0 g (1 n) npba with melted butter and sprinklo.
with equal quantities of cinnamon
185 g (5 oz) cookingcbocolate
and sugar.

Ice when cool with Caramel Frost-

7/+ cups brown sugar, 1 tablespoon
/+ cup brownszgar butter or margarine and 3 table-
3 tablespoonsbonel spoons milk in a saucepan and stir
over low heat until boiling. Boil
1 cupself-raisingfloar
without stirring 4-5 minutes until
Pincb salt soft ball stage (when a little dropped
1 teaspooncinnamon into cold \vater forms a soft ball
ltg with fingertips). Remove from heat
and stand until just warm. Add 1
60 g (2 oz) s& margarine
teaspoon vanilla essence and beat
% cupnilk until thick enough to spread on
/. Place all ingredients in a basin cake. stj
and beat well 4-5 minutes until
smooth. Place in a greased20 cm (8
in) sandwich cake tin and bake in a POPPY SEED CAKE
moderate oven about /z hour until
/z cuppoppl seeds
2. Ice when cool with lemon icing % cupnilk
and sprinkle cinnamon on top. 185 g (6 m) batter oi margarine,
,6! f rr .jjil;jl
3 egs
CARAMEL DATE 1 cupsagar
CAKE 1 teaspoonaanilla essence
2 capsself-raisingflour
1 cupligbtb fxlled brownsagar
Pincb salt
1 tgg
Icing sugar
1 teaspoonaanilla
1. Put poppy seeds and milk into
1 cupself-raising
the large bowl of an electric mixer
Pincb salt and leave for t hour. Add the re-
90 g (1 oz) softmargarine maining ingredients, except icing
% capnilk sugar, and beat on medium speed
t/z cap chopped for 1-2 minutes, scraping down
sides of bowl while beating.
CaramelFrwting (ruipe follows) 2. Turn into a well greased 23 x
7. Place sugar, egg, vanilla, flour, 12 cm (9 x 5 in) loaf tin and bake in
salt, margarine and milk into small a moderate oven about l,Vqhours, or
bowl of electric mixer. Beat 3-4 until done when tested.
minutes at medium speed, scraping -?, Remove from oven, leave in tin
sides of bowl and beating until for 10 minutes and then turn out on
smooth. Stir in dates. to a cake cooler. Leave until cold
2. Place in a greased 20 cm (8 in) and sift icing sugar over top of cake
ring cake tin and bake in a moderate before slicing.
oven 35-40 minutes until cooked. NOTE-This cake freezes well.
1. Dtizzle Y+ cup of the butter-
APPLE CAKE scotch topping over the top of the
sponge. Drain the peach halves,
125 g (4 oz) bunr or margarine,
softened ^rcangepeaches on the sponge, leav-
ing a margin for the decorative
2 egs
border of piped whipped cream.
Grated rind 1 lemon 2. Spoon the remaining topping
1 cupfirnj packedbrownsugar over the peaches, then put sponge
) medium-sized cookingapples,peehd under the griller just until topping
and grated bubbles, having surfaceabout 12 cm
(5 in) from heat. Decorate with
whipped cream and glace cherries.
Pincb salt dd3
/+ cup wheatgerm
% cup applecideror apphjuice ONE,-EGG MOCHA
tA cup cltoppedwalnuts CAKE,
Icing sugar
1 cup brownsugar
1. Put all ingredients except icing lrg
sugar and walnuts into the large
bowl of an electric mixer and beat
1 cupself-raisingflour
on medium speed for 3-4 minutes, 1 teaspoon
scraping down sides of bowl while 1 tablespooncocoa
beating. Stir in the walnuts. Pincb salt
2. Turn into a greased 23 x 12 cm
12 teaspooncinnamon
(9 x 5 in) loaf tin and bake in a
moderate oven 1-1 /+hours. or until 60 g (2 oz) softmargarine
done when tested. % cupnilk
-7. Remove from oven. leave in tin MocbaIcing (recipefollows)
for 10 minutes and then turn out on
Crated cbocolate
to a cake cooler. Leave until cold
and sift icing sugar over top of cake /. Place all ingredients into a basin
before slicing. and beat until smooth and well
NOTE-This cake keens moist and mixed. Beat 3-4 minutes by hand or
': electric mixer,
*.q.r 2. PIace in a greased 18 cm (7 in)
ring cake tin or deep 15 cm (6 in)
PEACH CAKE, square or round tin and bake in a
moderate oven until cooked. When
Makes 6 seruings. cool, ice with Mocha Frosting and
sprinkle with grated chocolate.
1 spongemadefrom a packet mix
1,/zcup buttervotch or carame/ice cream
tablespoon margaine until soft.
nPPing Beat in /z teaspoon instant coffee, 1
1 x 825 g canpeach halues teaspoon sifted cocoa and 1 cup
IYbipped crean icing sugar and just enough milk to
mix into a soft spreading consis-
Clace cberries
:.., .ri:. iir

'i '-' r,.:

... 1,1;6'
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.... ,
:::: ..::.
,l::r. r, ... .
r:: ;:::.
/. When cake comes from the oven,
LUNCH BOX make several holes over top with a
SULTANA CAKE metal skewer and sprinkle with the
liqueur. Put aside until cold.
125 g G oyr/z cup) batter,softened 2. Melt apricot jam or red currant
1/zcup castor sugar jelly (if using jam, push through a
t tabletpoonsorangejuin sieve), spread over sides of cake,
press on the almonds.
1 tablespoongrated lemon rind
3. Dtain cherries, femove stones, if
2 cupsself-raising
floar necessary, heat syrup and thicken
2 egs with a little cornflour blended with
1 cap sultanas water, cool. Spoon cherries and
some of the sauceover top of cake,
i tablespoonssugar
pipe whipped cream around edge.
2 teaspoons
grated lemon rind Chill before serving.
2 teaspoons
grated oraxge rind N.....:.

i /. Put into electric mixer bowl the

softened butter, castor sugar, orange CHOCOLATE
juice, 1 tablespoon grated lemon COCONUT CAKE,
rind, sifted flour and the eggs. Beat
at medium speed for 2-3 minutes. 2 pkx ChuolateCake Mix
Add sultanas,mix in well. 1 cap dessicatedcoconxl
2. Turn into a 20 cm (8 in) sand- 2 egs
Iii wich tin, greased and lined with 1/2cap sour cream
greased, greaseproof paper. Put

iltl sugar and grated rinds into a bowl,

mix with a fork until well combined.
Sprinkle over surface of cake mix-
Frosting ( ruipefol /ows)
Grated chocolateor packaged cbocbits
ture and bake in a moderate oven 35
minutes. or until done when tested.
1. Beat together the cake mix, coco-
nut, eggs, sour cream and milk for
3-4 minutes, or until smooth. Pour
rilr into a greased loaf tin approx 20 x
12 cm (8 x 5 in), (make patty cakes
QUICK CHERRY with any left-over mixture).
'11 CAKE, 2. Bake in a moderate oven 45-50

minutes, or until done (patty cakes

G' Makes 6 seruings.
-i take about 15 minutes to cook).
EF ''- 1 plain cake madefron a packet mix, Turn cake out on to a cake cooler
I baked in a 20 cn (8 in) deepsided tin
t and leave until cold. Top with frost-
Cherrybrandl ing and decorate with grated choco-
l1' late or choc bits.
Aprint jan or redcurrantjelll
Toastedflaked almonds -Beat 3/+cup crbam until thick, fold
1 x 425 g can cberries in 3 tablespoons sifted icing sugar,
CornJ'lour then 3/+cup dessicated coconut and
IYbippedcrean /z teaspoon vanilla essence, com-
rining thoroughly.

rliita I ru ta:tir.:al:l1lilitl1li,r,r,l::ll;r'itia ,r,ll,r.',)ij..

rra;:, :t.i
peel and beat well. Place in a greased
CURRANT-RUM 25 cm (10 in) square cake tin and
CAKE bake in a moderate oven until cook-
ed, about /+hour.
1 x i40 g pkt cakenix May be left plain or iced with a
1/zcup currants thin lemon icing.
14 cup rum at,
Icing sugar
1. Combine cake mix ingredients
following directions on packet. ROLL
2. Blend in currants and then beat
I pkt Sponge
at medium speed for 2 minutes.
Turn into a well-greased 20 or 1 teaspooncinnamon
23 cm (8 or 9 in) fluted ring tin and tA teaspoonground cloues
bake in a moderate oven for 35-40 1 teaspoonground ginger
minutes, or until done when tested. 1,/lcup water
-?. Remove cake from tin, put on a
2 tablespoons
serving plate, prick top and sides.
Gently heat the rum in a small Castor sugar
saucepan, slowly spoon over the 300 ml cream
warm cake. Just before serving, dust
I tablespoonicing sagar
top with sifted icing sugar.
ueryfinefi chopped
2 tablespoons
ffiile preseraed
1. Mix together sponge mix, cinna-
OLD FASHIONE,D mon, cloves, ginger, u/ater and
GINGE,RBRE,AD golden syrup. Beat on low speed of
electric mixer for 1 minute, then
125 g (4 oz)t& nargarine high for 4 minutes.
/z cuptreacle 2. Greasea 30 x 25 cm (12 x 10 in)
1Acupgoldenryrap Swiss roll tin, line with greased
th cap nilk greaseproof paper.
J. Pour into the prepared tin and
2 egs, beaten bake in a moderate oven 15-20 min-
2 cupsplain flour utes. or untll elastic to touch and a
1 teaspoonbicarbonateof soda light brown colour. Turn on to a
sheet of greaseproof paper lightly
Pinch sah
sprinkled with castor sugar.
1 tablespoonground ginger 4. Quickly peel off the lining paper
1 teaspoonnixed spice and, with a sharp knife cut off the
t/z cup cbopped
nixed peel crisp edges from long sides. Gently
roll up sponge in greaseproof paper,
1. Place margarine, treacle, golden leave until cold.
syrup and milk irr a saucepan. Stir 5. Beat cream until thick, stir in
over a low heat until margarine sugar and the ginger. Carefully un-
melts. Remove from heat. roll the sponge, spread the cream
2. Stft in beaten eggs and sifted dry evenly over and carefully roll up
ingredients together with mixed again.
utes, then turn into two well-
BANANA ORANGE greased 20 cm (8 in) sandwich tins.
CAKE Bake in a moderate oven for 25 min-
utes, turn out on to a cake cooler
1 x 340 g pkt cakenix and leave until cold.
Grated rind 1 orange i. Beat the cream until soft peaks
1 cupnashedripe bananas form, fold in the sugar and rum.
Split the cakes into halves horizon-
1/+cap cbopped
tally, sandwich together with some
Orange Frosting (recipefollows) of the cream, spread the rest over
Sliced bananasor cboppedryalnuts top. Decorate with whole straw-
berries and chill until required.
1. Combine cake mix ingredients NOTE-If you wish, decorate with
given on packet. grated chocolate, chopped toasted
2. Blend and then beat at medium hazelnuts or toasted almond slivers
speed for 2 minutes. Add orange instead of the strawberries.
rind and mashed bananas and beat
for another minute, fold in the €f :sF
3. Turn into three well-greased
18 cm (7 in) or 20 cm (8 in) cake
tins and bake in a moderate oven for SLAB CAKE
25 minutes, or until done when test-
2 cupsfirnQ packedbrwn sugar
ed. Remove to a cake cooler and
leave until cold. 1 cxp self-raisingfloar
4. Sandwich together with some of 1 capplain floar
the frosting, spread remaining frost- Pincb salt
ing over top and sides, decorate
2 teaspoonsnixed spice
edge with banana or walnuts.
ORANGE FRO"tT/NG-Beat 125 125 g (4 oz) butter or margarine
g(4 oz) butter until soft and creamy, 1/zteaspoonbicarbonateof soda
gradually beal in 3% cups sifted t/z cub buxermilk
icing sugar, 3 tablespoons orange 1/zcap well-nasbed bananas
iuice and 1 tablespoon hot water.
Continue beating until smooth. 1 eg beaten
&r"Z& /. Mix together sugar, flours, salt
and spice, cut butter into pieces, add
RUM CAKE, and rub in until mixture resembles
crumbs. Press half into a greased
1 x i40 g pkt cakenix 23 cm (9 in) square sandwich tin.
600 nl codainer tbickened crean 2. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda
% cup castor sagar in the buttermilk, stir in the mashed
t/+ cub wbite rum bananas and beaten egg. Beat this
mixture into remaining half of the
lYbolestraaberries crumb mixture, pour into the tin.
/. Combine cake mix ingredients i. Bake in a moderate oYen 40-45
following directions on packet. minutes. leave for 5-10 minutes in
2. Beat at medium speed for 2min- tin and then carefully turn out.

1. Beat together cake mix, egg and
BANANA NUT LOAF' water until smooth. Add the grated
carrots and the pineapple, beat well
l tA cupsself-raising
flour for 3-4 minutes.
Pincb salt 2. Turn into a greased, floured
/t teaspoonbicarbonateof soda 18 cm (7 in) deep-sidedtin and bake
2/t cup brown sagar in a moderate oven 45-50 minutes,
or until done. Remove from tin,
125 g U oz) butter or margarine
leave until cold and then top with
1 cup masbedbananas the icing.
2 egq beaten LEMON /CllVG-Sift 1 cup icing
1 tablespoongrated orangerind sugar, add 1 teaspoon soft butter, 2
1/zcup cbopped teaspoons lemon juice, 3 table-
spoons thickened cream, mix to-
Cboppednixed peel gether until thick and creamy.
Extra grated orangerind e'**
7. Sift together flour, salt and bi- SMALL ORANGE
carbonate of soda, stir in the sugar. CAKE
Cut butter into pieces, add and rub
in lightly. 1/zcap sagar
2. Add the bananas, beaten eggs, ltg
grated orange rind and walnuts, mix
Grated rind 1 orange
in thoroughly. Turn into a 23 x
72 cm (9 x 5 in) loaf tin, greasedand 1 cupself-raisingflour
lined on base with greased, grease- Pinch salt
proof paper. 60 g (2 oz) toft margarine
-7. Sprinkle chopped mixed peel
/t cup orangejaice
over top, add a sprinkling of grated
orange rind and sugar. Bake in a OrargeFrosting(recipefolkws)
moderate ovdir 50-60 minutes, or 7. Place all ingredients in small
until done vrhen tested. bowl of electric mixer. Beat on
@ l:::ffis medium speed 4-5 minutes, scrap-
ing down sides of bowl now and
2. Place in a greased 18 cm (7 in)
PINE,APPLE CAKE, sandwich cake tin and bake in a
moderate oven approx 30 minutes
1 x 370 g pkt Lenon VelaetCake
Mix until cooked. Ice when cold with
Orange Frosting and sprinkle with
t/t cup water
I cupgrated carrots tablespoon margarine until soft.
3 tablespoonswell-drained canned, Gradually beat in 3/+cup sifted icing
crusbedpineapple sugar and just enough orange juice
to make mixture into a soft spread-
Lemon lcing (recipefolkws)
ing consistency.
/. Sift the 2 cups flour, stir in the
ALMOND LE,MON sugar, make a well in centre. Beat
LOAF the egg, stir in the milk, add to flour
and beat well. Add the melted
3 capsself-raising
Jlour margarine and mix in well. Turn
Pincb sah into a greasedring tin.
'A capsugar 2. Sift together remaining flour, the
cinnamon and sugar. Rub in the
1 teaspoonalmoxd essence
margarine and sprinkle over top of
tA crp chopped
blarchedalmords mixture in tin. Bake in a moderate
Crated rind 1 medium-siwd lenon oven about 30 minutes. or until
1 eg beatenwell done when tested.
tA cupnilk rt{ !it'tr:tt:

2 tabhspoonshmon jain
60 g (2 oz) margarine, melted HA$TAIIAN CAKE
Topping(ruipe folkws) 1 x 340 g packetGoldenBattercake
7. Sift together flour and salt, add nix
sugar, almond essence,almonds and pineapple
1 x 450 g cancrashed
grated rind. Mix together beaten grated hmon rind
2 teaspoons
egg, milk, stir in lemon juice and
134 capssrgar
melted margarine.
1/zcap boiling water
2. Add to the dry ingredients and
mix to a flrm dough. Turn into a 1/zteaspooncream of tartar
well-greased large loaf tin. 2 teaspoonshmon juice
i. Cover with the topping and bake
2 eggwhites
in a moderate oven 1,-1,/zhours, or
until done when tested. 1. Make up the cake, following
TOPPlNC-Combine 30 g (1 oz) directions on packet but, instead of
melted margarine, 1 tablespoon the water, use Vz cup syrup drained
sugar and V+ cup slivered almonds. from pineapple and V+ c,ap water.
'i:l :_ : :it:
Drain pineapple thoroughly, mea-
sure 3/+cup. Chop any large pieces
finely and stir in, with the grated
il.ll. lemon rind.
CAKE 2. Turn into two 18 cm (7 in) sand-
2 capsself-raisingfloar wich tins, greasedand lined on base
with greased, greaseproof paper.
2 tablespoonssugar
Bake in a moderate oven about 30
1tg minutes, or until lightly browned
1 cupnilk and done when tested. Turn on to a
i tablespoonsmargarine,melted cake cooler and leave until cold.
i. For the filling and frosting, put
self- raisi rg;flour
3 t abh spoons
sugar, water and cream of tartar into
lt.:.1: 2 teaspoonscinnamon a saucepan and stir over low heat

3 tablespoonsbrown sugar until sugar has dissolved. Boil rapid-
1 tablespoonmargarine ly, without stirring, until a little
forms a soft ball when dropped into

,. ..,,i'::::til:..

.4, .iti;
.:'..,,,: ,,:l
cold water. Add the lemon juice. back when lightly pressed with
4. Beat.the egg whites until stiff, fingertip.
gradually pour in the sugar syrup, -i. Remove from oven. leave in tin
beating constantly, until thick and 10 minutes. turn out on to a cake
cool. cooler and leave until cold. When
5. Join the cake layers together with needed, drizzle the topping over.
some of the filling, spread the rest TOPPIfJC-Beat together peanut
over sides and top, completely butter and icing sugar. Gradually
covering cake. Using the back of a stir in the buttermilk and then the
spoon, press rest of pineapple in a melted copha, mix until smooth.
. dr;$
strainer to remove any syrup, then €{i1e
gently swid over top.
PEANUT BUTTER 1th cupswlf-raisingJlour
CAKE, 1 cupcastorsugar
Pincb sah
| 85 g (6 o7) batter or margarine,
softmed 125 g (4 oz) butter or nargarine,
1l cup creaml peanut butter nelted
r/t cupnilk
4 egs
1Acuphnon juin
1/zcap butternilk
2 egs, beaten
1 cap sagar
1 tablespoongrated lemon rind
1 capsself-raising
I Creaml Lemon Icing (recipefolkws)
Pinch salt
Choppednixed peel
p 1 teaspoonaanilla essence
12 cupwater /. Place flour, sugar and salt into a
I T opping ( netbodfolkws)
basin. Add .melted butter, milk,
lemon juice, beaten eggs and lemon
1,/+cap creanl peanat butter
rind. Beat until well combined and
1 cup icingsugar,sfted smooth.
2 tabhspoonsbutternilk 2. Pour_into a greased deep 18 cm
(7 in) cake tin or a ring cake tin.
30 g (1 oz) copba,nelted
Bake in a moderate oven 30-40
7. Put the cake ingredients into the minutes until cooked. Cool and ice
large bowl of an electric mixer and with lemon icing. Sprinkle chopped
beat at medium speed for 2-3 min- mixed peel around edge of cake.
utes, scraping down the sides of the CRE A MY L EMON ICINC-B eat
bowl while beating. 90 g (3 oz) butter or margarine and
2. Turn into a well greased 8-9 cup 2 teaspoons grated butter and lemon
(25 cm-10 in) fluted or plain tube rind until soft. Gradually beat in 1,/+
tin and bake in a moderate oven 45 cups icing sugar, sifted and2-3 tea-
minutes. Reduce temperature to spoons lemon juice, beating until
moderately slow and bake another soft and creamy and smooth enough
20-25 minutes, or until top springs for spreading.
(11x7 in) lamington or slab tin and
COCONUT RING bake in a moderate oven for 40 or
CAKE 45 minutes, or until done when
125 g G m) batteror margarine, j. Carcfully remove from tin on to
softened a wire cake cooler, sprinkle the
'A cupsugar grated chocolate over the hot cake.
2 cupsself-raisirgfloar Leave for 1 minute and then, using a
2 egs, beaten spatula or knife, spread the softened
chocolate over. Leave until cold
r/z cupnilk
before cutting.
2 tablespoonsduiccated coconat si*
l/z teasboonlemon essence

/. Put into the small bowl of an E,CONOMICAL

electric mixer the softened butter. LEMON CAKE
sugar, sifted flour, beaten eggs and
milk. Beat on medium speed for 3
minutes then stir in the coconut and ltg
lemon essence. Grated rind 1 nedism-sized lemon
2. Pour into a greased 20 cm (8 in)
1% cupsself-raising
ring cake tin and bake in a moderate
oven for about 45 minutes or until Pinch salt
done when tested. 4 tabhspoons milk
{S : " i8*, 60 g (2 oz) npha, nelted
Lemonlcing ( recipe,follows)
MISSNSIPPICAKE Choppednixed peel

185 g (6 oz) butteror margarine, /. Put sugar, egll, lemon rind and
softened half the flour and salt, sifted to-
t/z cup cream gether, into a bowl. Mix together
r/z cup coldblack cffie milk and melted copha, pour over
ingredients in bowl.
4 egs 2. Beat 3-4 minutes, stir in remain-
1 cupsagar ing flour and beat another minute.
1,/zcap cocoa Pour into a greased 18 cm (7 in)
sandwich tin and bake in a moderate
13A capsself-raising
flour oven 30 minutes, or until cooked.
Pincb salt Leave until cold and then top with
1 teaspooruanilla esserce lemon icing and sprinkle chopped
100 g blwk cookirg cbocolate, peel on top.
LEMON ICINC-PuI 1 cup sifted
/. Put all the ingredients except icing sugar into a small saucepan,
chocolate into the large bowl of an add 1 teaspoon copha and enough
electric mixer and beat at medium lemon juice to mix to a pouring coh-
speed for 1 minute, scraping down sistency. Stir over low heat until
sides of bowl while beating. copha has melted, pour over cake
2. Pour into a greased 28 x 18 cm and spread to edges.

melted butter. Combine remaining

BANANA COFFEE ingredients, sprinkle over top and
CAKE, bake in a moderate oven for 45 min-
utes. or until done when tested.Let
1 cupplain f/our cool, cut into squaresand serve.
11/zteaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoonssugar CHOCOLATE rl'i'
1/+cap butter or nargarine CHIFFON CAKE,
1 eg beaten
1 x 370 g packet cbocolate
cake mix
1 tablespoonsnilk
I egg
4 medium-si7edbananas
1 leaspoonpeppermint essence
2 tablespoontbutter or margarine,
90 g (i oz) cookingchocolate,
12 5 g (4 oz) After dinnermints
2 tablespoonssagar

7. Make up cake mix according to
Pinch salt
directionson packet,using the 1 egg
l/z teaspoon cinnamon
and 170 ml water. Add the pepper-
1 teaspoongrated orangerind mint essenceand grated chocolate
1 teaspoongrated lemon rind and mix in well.
2. Pour into a greased,paper lined
/. Sift together flour, baking pow- lamington tin, 28 X 18 cm (11 x
der and Vz teaspoon salt, stir in 2 7 in), and bake in a moderate oven
tablespoons sugar. Cut butter into 40-45 minutes, or until done when
pieces,add and rub in until mixture tested.
resemblescrumbs. Combine beaten J. Remove from oven, leavecakein
egg and the milk, add and blend only tin and immediately arrange the
enough to moisten the flour. mints on top. They will start to
2. Spreadinto a greased28 x 18 cm soften, swirl gently with a knife
( l l x 7 i n ) s l a b o r l a m i n g t o nr i n . until top is completely covered.
Peel bananas,slicethem evenly over Allow to cool then carefullyremove
top of mixture in tin, brush with the from tin.



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2 eggs 250 g (8 oz) butter,softened
/z cap castor sugar 1 cap brownsugar,firn! packed
plain flour
3 tablespoons I egylk
3 tablespoons
cornfloar 1 teaspoonaaxi/la essence
1 teaspoonbaking powder 2r/t cupsplain flou, sifted
wbipped crean
Sweetened 185 g (6 n) dark chocolate,

lilt Sfted icingsugar ualnuts or pecans

1 cupchopped
1. Beat eggs, gradually add the 1. Cream butter and sugar until

i' sugar, beating after each addition, light and fluffy. Add egg yolk and
continue beating until thick and vanilla and mix well. Stir in flour
creamy. Sift together twice the until blended, and press mixture
I flours and baking powder, lightly into a greased30 x 23 cm (13 x 9 in)
fold in. shallow baking tin.
I 2. Using a piping bag with a 1 cm 2. Bake in a moderate oven for
t (Vz in) pipe, form into small rounds 30-35 minutes, until pale gold. Re-
on greasedoven trays (or use a tea- move from oven.
spoon). Bake in a hot oven for 6 -?. Melt chocolate in a bowl placed
minutes, carefully lift onto a wire over simmering water, and spread
rack and leave until cold. When evenly over the biscuit mixture.
needed, join together in pairs with Sprinkle with nuts, pressing them
sweetened whipped cream and light- gently on to the chocolate. Cut into
ly coat with sifted icing sugar. fingers before the chocolate sets.


1. Beat together butter, lemon rind
SOMERSET CAKES and sugar until light and fluf$'. Add
the eggs, one at a time, beating after
Tbel bauea nin apphflaaouranda
toppingof cras! cinnamon
andsagar. each addition. Sift the flour and add.
with milk, beat in until smooth.
125g(4 m) bxtter 2. Spoon into paper patty cases in
/z cupcastorsugar patty tins and bake in a moderately
2 egs, beaten hot oven about 15 minutes, or until
done when tested. \fhen cold, cut a
2 cupsself-raisirgfl our
slice from top of each, fill with
th teaspoonnutmeg lemon cheese (see page 77 ). Re-
4 tablespoons place tops and dust with sifted icing
stewedapph, well drained sugaf.
1 teaspooncinnaruon
j teaspoonssugar
1. Beat together butter and castor
sugar until cre lrlry, gradually add
the beaten eggs, beating after each 125 g (4 oz) batter or margarine
addition. tA cupcastorsugar
2. Fold in the flour and nutmeg,
sifted together, alternately with the 2 egg,s,
apple juice. Put paper patty cases 1/z cupsself-raising
into patty tins, fill to half way with Pincb sah
cake mixture.
2 teaspoons
cffie essenceor blackcffie
-?. Put a teaspoonful of the apple on
top, cover with another teaspoonful 2 tablespioonsnilk
of the cake mixture. Cffie GlaceIcing (recipefollows)
4. Mix together cinnamon and
1. Beat butter, gradually beat in the
sugar, sprinkle some over each cake
sugar, continue beating until very
and bake in a moderate oven for 15
creamy. Add the eggs, a little at a
minutes. &"{,,}
€f,je time, beating well after each addi-
2. Sift together the flour and salt,.
LEMON PATTY fold in half the flour, add the coffee
CAKES and milk and then fold in rest of
flour. Spoon into paper patty cases
125 g (4 oz) batter or margarine in patty tins and bake in a moder-
Crated rind 1 nediam-sized lemon ately hot oven for about 15 minutes.
tA cup castorsugar Sfhen cold, top with the icing.
2 egs
cup icing sugar, stir in enough water
1t/z cupsself-raising
flour just to mix to a stiff paste, add 1
2 tablespaons
nilk teaspoon instant coffee powder and
Lemon cheese 1 teaspoon butter. Stir over low heat
until mixture will pour readily from
Icing sugar
a sPoon.
a ,;
lemon rind, passionfruit pulp, eggs
PINE,APPLE ROCK and milk, beat at low speed on mixer
CAKES for a minute.
2. Increase speed and beat for
2 cupsself-raisingJlour another 2 minutes. Put paper cases
Pincb salt into deep patty tins, spoon some of
1/zteaspoonnixed spice the mixture into each and bake for
1,2-15 minutes in a hot oven. Re-
90 g (i oz) butter or margarine
move, put aside until cold, top with
/t cupsugar passionfruit icing.
1/zcap well drained cannedcrushed lCINC-Soften 60 g (2 oz) butter
pineapp/e or margarine, add 1 teaspoon grated
1l cap saltanas lemon rind. Gradually beat in 1 cup
sifted icing sugar, then mix in the
yrtlp frln pineapple
4 tablesplnns
pulp of 1 medium-sized passion-
1 eg well beaten fruit. a;ie
4ff "'P
/. Sift together flour, salt and spice,
cut butter into pieces, add and rub PEACHE,S
in. Stir in the sugar, then mix in
pineapple and sultanas. Add pine- 125 g G o7) butter or margarine
apple syrup to the beaten egg, stir 12 cupsagar
into dry ingredients, mixing in
I teaspoonaanilla essence
j egs
2. Drop small rough heaps on to
lighdy greased oven trays, sprinkle 2 cupsself-raisingflour
very lightly with sugar and bake in a Pincb sah
moderate oven 20-25 minutes. 12 cupnilk
t*t ..,
6#;. Y',W
PASSIONFRUIT lYhippedcrean
PATTIES 1 pkt strawberrljelfu crystals
1. Crcam butter, sugar and vanilla.
2 cupsself-raising
Jlour Add eggs one ^t a time and beat well
Pinclt sah after each addition. Stir in sifted
% *? castorsagar flour and salt alternately with milk
125 g (4 oz) butter or margarine, and beat until smooth.
softened 2. Spoon into greased gem irons,
filling to two-thirds and bake in a
1 teaspoongrated lemon rind
moderately hot oven about 12-15
Pulp 2 pnsionfrait minutes until cooked. When cold
2 egs remove a little from the centre of
3A cupmilk each cake and fill with iam and
cream and join together in pairs.
Passionfrai t I cing ( ruipefollows)
-7. Dissolve some of the jelly crystals
/. Sift flour, salt and sugar into in hot water and brush over cakes.
bowl of an electric mixer. Add the Roll in dry crystals. Garnish vzith
softened butter or margarine, grated peach leaves if available.
1. Beat together butter and sugar
SPONGE FINGERS until creamy, then beat in vanilla
essence.Add the eggs, one at a time,
2 egs, separated
beating after each addition.
t tablesPoottscastor sttgar 2. Sift together flour and cocoa and
2 tabhspoons cornflour fold in with enough of the milk to
1/zcupself-raisingfl our make a soft dropping consistency.
3. Turn into heated, greased gem
irons, bake in a hot oven 15-20
IYbipPed sweetenedcream minutes. When cold, coat with the
1. Beat egg whites until stiff. icing and desiccated coconut.
Gradually add sugar and beat until 4. When needed, split the cakes
dissolved.Add egg yolks and beat almost through and fill each with a
well. generous amount of whipped
2. Sift cornflour and flour together cfeam.
and fold in lightly. Place small por- lCINC-?ut 2 .cups sifted icing
tions into greasedfinger moulds or sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa and 2
pipe onto greasedoven trays using a teaspoons butter into a saucepan.
largeplain meringuepipe. Add enough cold water to mix to a
3. Bake in a moderately hot oven stiff paste and'heat gently, stirring,
8-10 minutes until lightly brown until it will pour
- from a spoon.
and cooked. Remove at once from - {8t::,&'
moulds or trays and cool.
4. Join together with i^ and COBURG CAKES
whipped sweetened iream a few 90 g (i oz) butter
hours before setving. t/t cup castorsrgar
Unfrlled spongefingers keepvery
well in an airtight container. 1 teaspoon
. r'v I teaEoon treacle
1 egglight! beater
SNOSTBALLS plainflour
1/+ cups
bakiry powder
/z teaspoon
Tbeselittle cakesare coatedwitb icitg
1 teaspoon
and ncoi*,fitled whb vttipped creai.
2 tablespaTsnilk
S,lit blanchedalmonds
.1 cupcastorsugar 1. Beat together butter and sugar
I teaspoonunilla essence until creamy, beat in syrup, treacle
2 cgs and then the egg. Sift together flour,
2 mpsself-raisingflour baking powder and ginger, fold in
and then stir in the rfrilk.
2 tablesboonscocoa
2. Put an almond half on base of
tA cupnilk (approx)
gfeased patty tfis, spoon m the mlx-
ateI cing ( recipefol I ows)
Cltocol ture, filling to three quarters. Bake
Duiccand coeofir/t in a moderately hot oven 10-15
'IVhippedCream minutes,'tupn out of tins on to a cake
cooler and leave until cold.

' :::,1.:.
. 1. Beat together butter and sugar
SPONGE until creamy, add the eggs, one at a
ROLLETTE,S time, beating after each addition,
stir in vanilla essence.Sift together
2 egs the flour and cornflour and add.
1/zcup castor sugar with the coconut, alternately with
3A cupself-raising the milk, beat until well mixed.
2. Spoon into greased shallow patty
2 tablespoonsbot water
tins and bake in a moderate oven 15
Strawberrl jan minutes. When cold, top with
Castor sagar lemon icing and sprinkle with desic-
cated coconut.
7. Grease a Swiss roll tin 33 x 25 LEMON /CINC-PuI Uz cups
cm (13 x 10 in) and line with sifted icing sugar into a bowl, add 1
greased,greaseproof paper. Beat the tablespoon lemon juice. Soften 1
eggsuntil thick, gradually beat in the tablespoon butter or margarine and
sugar and continue beating until mix in, then beat in enough milk to
very thick and creamy. make a soft spreading consistency.
2. Sift the flour three times, fold in
and then quickly fold in the hot
water. Pour into the prepared tin,
tilting to fill corners. Bake in a
moderately hot oven for 1,2
minutes. MINTIES
-7. Turn on to a tea towel sprinkled
with castor sugar, peel off the lining 2 cupswlf-raisingflour
paper and cut off the crisp side Pinch salt
crusts. Roll up, unroll, then cut into t/+ cup castor sagar
thirds lengthwise. Spread each strip
125 g G oz) butter or margarine,
with jam, cut each into thirds cross- softened
wise and roll up.
1 teaspoonpeppermint essence
2 eggs
tA cupnilk
FAIRY CAKES 3 tablespoonscocoa
125 g (4 oz) batter i tablespoonsuarm milk
1/zcupsugar PeppernintIcing (recipefolhws)
2 egs 1. Sift the flour, salt and sugar into
1/zteaspoonuanilla essence the bowl of an electric mixer. Add
| 1/zcupsself-raisingflour the softened butter, peppermint
1/zcup cornflour essence,eggs and 3/+cup milk, beat
on low speedfor 1 minute. Increase
2 tablespoonsduiccated coconat speed and beat for another 2
1/zcapnilk minutes.
Lemon Icing (recipefollows) 2. Sift the cocoa, mix with the
warm milk and then mix into the
Desiccated coconat
cake batter. Put paper cases into

,,. :::,.r.:i, ., l

deep pattv tins, sPoon some of mix- GINGER CAKE,S
ture into eachand bake in a hot oven
for 12-15 minutes. Remove, Put 125 g G oz) butter or margartne
aside until cold and then toP with grated orangeor lemonrind
1 tuaspaon
mint icing.
lC/NG-soften (r0 g (2 oz) butter 7t cupsugar
or margarine, add 1 teasPoon Vani//a etsenrcto taste
peppermint essence.Graduallv beat 2 egs, beatenlightll
in 1 cup siftecl icing sugar, then a 2 capsself-raisingflour
few clrops green food colouring.
2 teaspoonsueryfnelY choPPed
preseraed gtnger
r/z cupnilk
ItrLLY CAKE,S Mock creamor whiPPed fresh cream
1/zcup butter' or marganne Icing sagar
1 teaspoongrated orangerind /. Beat together butter, grated rind
1/zcuP castor sugar and sugaruntil creamv,add the van-
2 egs, beatenligbtlY illa essence.Gradually add the beat-
en eggs,beating after each addition'
2 cupsself-raisingfloar
Sift the flour ancl fold in, alternately
t/z cup nilk
w i t h t h e g i n g e ra n d m i l k .
Whipped creaa or mock cream 2. Drop tablesPoons of mixture
1 packet strawberrl jelll' cr)'stals into greased, deeP Patty tins and
bake in a moderatelY hot oven
12-15 minutes. \X/hen cold, cut a
1. Beat together butter ancl orange small circle from toP of each cake'
rind, gradually beat in the sugar, spoon in some of the cream, rePlace
continue beating until creamy' tops and dust with sifted icing sugar'
Gradually acldthe beateneggs,beat-
ing after each addition'
2. Sift the flour and fold in alter- COCONUT
nately with the milk. Spoon into hot
greased gem irons ancl bake in a
moderatelyhot oven 10-15 min- 2 eg whites
utes.Turn out on to a cake rack and )/+ cap castor sugar
leave until cold.
-i. Slice tops from cakes,if slightll mcontl
1t/z cupsdesiccated
rounded, to give a flat even surface, 1 leaspnon aani//a essenre
then join to€lether in Pairs with
whipped cream or mock cream' 7. Beat egg whites until stiff but not
N{akeup the ielly accordingto direc- clry, gradually beat in the sugar and
tions on packet,pour into a shallou' continue beatinguntil sugarhas dis-
container anclleaveuntil the consls- solved.Fold in the coconut and van-
tency of unbeaten egg white. Roll illa essence.
2. Drop tcasPoono s F m i x t u r eo n t o
cakes in the iellY' coverlng com-
pletely, coat with coconut and Put greasecloven trays and bake in a
into the refrigerator to let iellv set' s l o w o v e n l t o r . 1 0 - 1 5m i n u l c s '

t "cu*'*#nrli,ii*itili,!*,",1i1r::i;:lS.*ii5$1;X;*i#..',':ti
bu; Beat 250 g (8 oz) unsalted butter
r$' MOKATINES until soft, gradually add cooled cus-
tard, beat well after each addition.
',t,* % *P plain flour
"?$ Pirch salt
Stir in 2 teaspoons black coffee.
a5 S (11/z oz)bamr
j egs
1/zcup castorsugar
solve 3 teaspoons instant coffee
powder in 3 tablespoons boiling
water. Sift 3 cups icing sugar, make
a well in centre, add the hot liquid, 3
* CofeeBxtter Cream(ruipe follows) teaspoonsbutter and vanilla essence
Aprimt jan to taste. Stir until smooth and shiny.

*i Cffie GlaceIcing (recipefollows) {ffi:a&"


1. Sift together three times flour
and salt, gently warm the butter un-
til soft and pourable, making sure it
* is not too hot or oily. Beat the eggs
iii until light, gradually beat in the Makes24.

sugar, continue beating until very
thick and creamy.
1 cup btrtter or margarine
/z cupcastorsugar
lalll 2. Gently fold in two-thirds of the
flour, then add melted butter and 1 teasboonuanilla essence
then quickly fold in rest of flour. 2 cupsplainfloar
Turn into a 23 cm (9 in) square Pinch talt
sandwich tin, greased,Iined on base
with greased,greaseproof paper and
dusted lightly with flour. Bake in a Apricot or stravberryjam or lemon
moderate oven for 30-35 minutes, clteese
or until cake springs back when 1. Beat together butter, sugar and
Iightly touched with a finger. Put on vanilla essence until thick and
a cake rack until cold. creamy. Gradually add the flour and
i. Cut the cake into 8 x 2.5 cm (3 x salt, sifted together, and mix to a
1 in) pieces, split each and join to- firm consistency.
gether again with butter cream. 2. Put into a piping bag with alarge
Heat apricot iam, push through a star pipe and pipe into paper patty
sieve. brush all over the iakes and casesplaced in patty tins, keeping a
then coat with glace icing. Put aside small hollow in the centre. Bake in a
until set and then pipe a decoration moderate oven for 20-25 minutes.
of butter cfeam on toD. or until very lightly browned and
COFFEE BUTTER CREAM- flrm to touch.
Beat 2 egg yolks with /t cup castor -i. When needed, sprinkle lightly
sugar over hot water until creamy. with sifted icing sugar and spoon a
Dissolve /z cup castor sugar in 150 little jam or lemon cheesein centre.
ml milk over low heat, then bring to NOTE-You can make these a
boiling point. Slowly pour into egg week or two beforehand and store
yolks, stirring constantly, then stir in an airtight container. Do not top
over Iovr heat until it coats the back with icing sugar and jam until
of a spoon, put aside until cooled. needed.
2. Drcp small rough heapsonto a
PINEAPPLE RUM greasedoYen tray, sprinkle lighdy
CAKES with sugar and bake in a hot oven
for 10-15 minutes.
125 g (4 a) butter or margarine
/t cap eastorsugar *i'i*
1 tabhspoongrated hmon rind
2 cupsself-raitingflour
125gG oz)margarine
Pinclt sah
tA cq castorvgar
I mp well-drained, cannedcrusbed
t/z teaspoonaarilla esseree
1 tablespoon
run 2 egs
th cup eraporatednilk 2 cupsself-raising
Sfied icingsagar Pincb sah
t/z cupnilk
1. Beat together butter, sugar and
CbocolateIcirg (netbod follows)
lemon rind until creamy, add the
egg and beat in. Sift together flour 1 cups icittg s*gar
and salt and mix in, then add the 2 tablespoonscocoa
pineapple, rum and evaporated 30 g (1 m) copha
2. Beat until well mixed, then 5-6 tablespoons
spoon into greaseddeep patty tins Coconut
and bake in a moderatelyhot oven 1. Beat together margarine, sugar
15-20 mintites. Serve sprinkled
and vanilla until fluf$r. Add eggs
with sifted icing sugar. and beat well. Add sifted flour and
t?:jl salt alternately with milk and beat
until smooth.
ROCK CAKES 2. Place in a greased slab cake tin 28
cm X 18 cm (11 in x 7 in) and bake
2 eupsself-raising
florr in a moderate oven about 3p nrin-
1 teaspoonnixed spice utes, until cooked. Allovz to cool.-
90 g (1 oz) margarine This is best made the day before
1/zcupsugar dipping in the icing. If this is not
possible, freeze the cake for easier
t/z cupsuharus
2 tables?ootumixed peel 3. Cut into squares-about 30.
1 tgg Using 2 forks, dip into the chocolate
icing and toss in coconut.
4 tabhspoons
t. Sift together flour and spice,rub sugar and cocoa into a saucepan.
in margarine lightly. Mix in the Add copha. Stir over a low heat,
sugar, sultanas and peel. Beat the adding water gradually until copha
egg, stir in the milk, add to dry has melted and icing is smooth and
ingredients,mix to firm dough. thin enough for dipping.

-. 1,:,:t':.ti


1 cap thickened cream

: ::l
1 tablespoonicing sugar
, ,:r.r. 1 teaspoonaanilla essence
1 x 100 g block cookingchocolate Cbocolatelcing (ruipe follows)
i 1/+cup softenedbutter or margarine
Extra wbippedcream
1 cupsugar Candied Orange Peel (ruipe follows)
2 egs
/. Empty cake mix into small bowl
1 teaspoonuanilla essence of an electric mixer. Add the egg,
l)A cuPssiftedfloar grated orange rind, orange juice and
1 teaspoonbaking powder oil, beat for 2-3 minutes, or until
1/zteaspoonbicarbonateof soda smooth and thick. Divide evenly
between 24 well greased patty tins
Pinch sah and bake in a moderate oven about
lt cap butternilk 20 minutes. or until cooked.
1r/+ caps qaick cooking rolled oats 2. Carefully remove from tins, put
asideuntil cold and then cut a 5 mm
Icing sagar or cbocolateicing
(/+ in) slice from top of each. Using
/. Chop chocolate, put into a bowl a teaspoon, gently scoop out centre
and melt over hot water. Beat butter ofeach cake,leaving 1 cm(/zin)on
1 until creamy, beat in the sugar. Add sides and base. (Centres can be
the eggs, one at a time, beating after frozen and used as cake crumbs.)
each addition. 3. Beat cream until thick, mix in the
ii 2. Blend in melted chocolate and sifted icing sugar and vanilla
vanilla essence and then the flour, essence.Spoon into centres ofcakes

ti baking powder, soda and salt, sifted

together, and the buttermilk. Beat
and lightly press the cut-off slices
back on to cakes.
until smooth, mix in oats and fill 4. Hold cakes, one at a time, on a
into paper patty cases, standing in fork or spatula, over a saucepan of
I patty tins and bake in a moderately chocolate icing and spoon icing
hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve over, letting excess drip back into
dusted with sifted icing sugar or Dan.
topped with chocolate icing. 5. Plurc each cake on greaseproof
paper and leave until set. Decorate
each with a rosette of whipped
cream and a piece ofcandied orange
CREAMS cups icing sugar and 2 tablespoons
cocoa into a saucepan,add 4 table-
1x 370 gpkt battercupyllowcake
spoons water and stir over Iow heat
until smooth-2 to 3 minutes.
Crated rind 1 orange Using a vegetable peeler, peel 1
1/zcup orangejuice orange thinly-do not take any pith.
1/+cap saflower, maiTe or sanflower oil Cut into very thin 1 cm (Vz in) long
strips. Put 2 tablespoonssugar and 1


lrr.:. ., :.r;
tablespoon vrater into a saucepan 2 tablespoons
(approx) water
and stir over low heat until sugar LemonIcing (nethodfollows)
has dissolved. Add the orange
2 cupsicingsagar
strips, bring to boiling point and
boil until syrup becomes very thick 2 tabhspoons leruoljuice
and the peel is well coated. Remove (approx) water
2 tablespoons
strips with fork, separate and leave Few dropsyllw food nhuring
until cold. *o".. * Thick hnon butter and crystallised
aioletsto decorate
ICE,CRE,AMPATTY /. Make up the cakemix following
CAKES directions on packet, mix in the
ground nuts. Pour into a greased
Swissroll tin and bakein a moderate
1 eupcastorsagar oven 20-25 minutes, or until cook-
i egq beaten ed. Carefully remove and put aside
2 cupsself-raisingflour,sifted until cakeis cold.
2. Trim off crustsand cut cakeinto
% cupnilk squaresor triangles.Using a fork,
Strawberryor raspberryjan dip cakesinto the cooledicing, coat-
Vanilla ice cream ing completely, drain on grease-
hius proof paper. (Keep spooning the
icing which runs off over tops.)
1. Beat together butter and sugar i. Leave until the icing has set and
until creamy, gradually add the then decoratethe lemon iced cakes
beaten eggs, beating well after each with thick lemon butter piped on
addition. top and the strawberry cakeswith
2. Fold in the flour alternately with crystallised violets or decorative
the milk, spoon into paper patty piping.
cases and bake in a moderate oven STRAIV/BERRY ICINC - Sift
for 25 minutes. icing sugar into a small saucepan,
-?. When cold, cut a circle from top stir in the strawberry topping. Stir
of each, spoon in a little jam. Cut the over low heat, gradually adding
lid of each into halves and ice. S7hen enough of the water to mix to a
needed, add ice cream. Replace lids smooth thin icing. Stir for 2-3 min-
on top, to resemble butterfly wings."" utes,no longer, removefrom heat,
&"d& let cool slightly. If icing thickenstoo
much, stir in a little warm water.
LEMON ICING-Sift icing sugar
PASTEL into a small saucepan,stir in the
PARTY CAKES lemon juice. Stir over low heat,
gradually adding enough of the
1 pkt golden buttercake cake mix
water to mix to a smooth thin icing.
1/zerp groud walnutsor bazplnuts Mix in enough food colouring to
StrawberryIcing (netbodfollows) give a pale lemon colour. Stir 2-3
21/z capsicing sugar minutes only, then let cool slightly.
If icing becomestoo thick, stir in a
2 tabhspooasstrawberrytopping little warm water.
*,,d€:8l,tl;;to*l*l* r:xl*

back when lightly pressed with

6. Cool in tin on wire rack 5 min-
Sone of the most beautful additions to a
utes; Ioosen around edges with a
PastrJ tray Titry piecesof cbffor cake
are coatedn)itbfoildant and gaill knife; invert onto a large rack or
decorated.Makes aboxt 50 tiny cakes. clean towel; peel off paper; cool cake
completely. Wrap tightly in alumin-
2 1/+capsself-raisingfl oar ium foil or plastic wrap and store
Pincb salt overnight. (If cutting layer into Petit
11/+cupssagar Fours immediately, freeze 30 min-
utes to set crumbs.)
2 egs, separated
Z. When ready to frost and decor-
th cap uegetabhoil
ate, unwrap cake and place on a cut-
1 cupruilk ting board; trim crusts. Cut cake
1 taasboonaarilla into diamonds, squares,and rounds,
or other shapesabout 4 cm (1,/z in)
Apricot Claze (seeCffie Sqaares,
page74) across.
8. Place cakes 5 cm (2 in) ^part, on
Fondant Frosting ( recipefollows)
wire racks over aluminium foil.
Vanilla- Almond Cream ( ruipe
',tt fol/ows)
Spoon Apricot Glaze over to coat
completely. Allow to dry 3 hours, or
lgl Creen,lellow and redfood colouring until sticky and firm.
* 9. Make Fondanq Frosting.
ti. j0 g (1 o7) cbocolate,
'1.. /. Grease a 38 cm x 25 cm X 3 cm
/0. Replace foil under wire racks.
Spread half the frosting over ro
(15 x 10 x 1 in) Swiss roll tin; line cover completely. Scrape any frost-
bottom with paper and grease ing that drips onto foil back into
paper. bowl. Let cakes stand 2 hours.
2. Sift flour and salt into large bowl 1/. When ready to add final coat of
of electric mixer. Stir in 1 cup of the frosting, divide remaining frosting
sugar. into three small cups; stir almond
i. Beat egg whites until foamy- essenceand few drops colouring to
white and double in volume in small tint frosting a pale green into one
bowl of mixer at high speed; cup; stir lemon essence and a few
sprinkle in remaining /+ cup sugar, drops of food colouring to tint frost-
1 tablespoon at a time, beating all ing pale yellow into the second cup;
the time until meringue forms soft stir a few drops of peppermint ess-
peaks. ence and red food colouring to tint
4. Blend vegetable oil and /z cup of frosting pale pink into the third cup.
the milk into flour mixture, then /2. Working with one shade of
beat 2 minutes vrith mixer ^t frosting and a third of the frosted
medium speed. Stir in egg yolks, cakes at a time, spoon frosting over
remaining /z cup milk and vanilla; cakes to cover tops and sides com-
beat 1 minute at medium speed. pletely. (Iffrosting gets too thick to
Fold in meringue with wire whisk spoon, stir in a drop or two of hot
until no streaks of white remain. water to dilute.)
Pour into prepared tin. li. Prepare Vanilla and Almond
5. Bake in moderate oven 30 min- Cream. Divide among 4 tiny cups.
utes, or until top of cake springs Tint one each with green, yellow
and red food colourings. Stir melted 1 tablespoonchopped nixed peel
chocolate into last cup. Sfted icingsugar
FONDANT FRO.'TI]VG 1. Beat together margarine, lemon
i cupssugar rind, sugar and golden syrup. When
14 teaspooncreamof tartar creamy, add the egg and beat in
well. Sift flour and fold in
1/z cupswater
1/zkg (1 lb) icingsugar,sfted
2. Add the currants and peel and
1l teaspoonsah mix in. Spoon into greased patty tins
I teaspoonaanilla essence and bake in a moderately hot oven
1,/zteaspoonalmond essence for 1,5-20 minutes, or until a light
brown. Serve dusted with sifted
14 teasqoottlemonessence
icing sugar.
Fewdropspeppermintessence. €lre
Combine granulated sugar, cream of
taftar and water in alarge saucepan; APPLE CAKES
heat slowly, stirring constantly, un-
Makes 1/z dozen.
til sugar dissolves, then cook, with-
out stirring, to soft ball stage then 1/zcupsugar
remove mixture from heat. Cool
slightly, and then beat in the icing
sugar, salt and vanilla until smooth Gratedrind t hnon
and syrupy. 11/zcr.tps
90 g (i o7) butter or margarine, welted
CREAM-Makes 3/+ cup. Beat 3 nilk
i tablespoons
tablespoons softened butter or lnar- 2 teaspoonshnon jaice
garine with 1,3/+cups icing sugar, 1/zcup cookeduell-drained sveetened
small pinch salt, 2 teaspoons milk, apple
/z teaspoon vanilla essence and /+ 1 teasbooncinnamon
teaspoon almond essencein a small
bowl until creamy and smooth. 2 teaspoons
&"&'* 1. Put sugar, egg, lemon rind and
half the sifted flour into a bowl. Mix
together melted butter, milk and
CURRANT-LEMON lemon juice, add to ingredients in
CAKE,S bowl and beat well 2-3 minutes.
Add remaining flour and mix well
50 g (2 oz) margarine until smooth.
1 teaspoongrated lemon rind 2. Place p^pet p tty cases in patty
1/l cap brown sugar tins and spoon in the mixture, filling
to half way. Put some of the apple
1 tabhspoon
on top and cover rvith more cake
1eg mixture. Sprinkle with cinnamon
tA cupself-raising
flour and sugar mixed together and bake
2 tablesPoonscarrants in a moderate oven 15 minutes. or
until cooked.
NOTE-Make the cake the day or
SQUARES night before needed before finish-
1 x 340 g pkt uanillacakenix ing, or, freeze the cake squaresuntil
firm enough tot:Tt handling.
I teaspoona/mond essence ''l':llr'
Aprint Glaze (ruipe folhws)
Cffie Batter CreamFrostixg(ruipe !TALNUT
follows) ME,RINGUES
Flaked almonds
Tbel'reflauouredwitlt cffie andjoined
/. Make up the cake mix according togetberin pairs with chocolate
to directions on packet, beat in the
almond essence.. Pour into a greased 2 eg whins
lr 28 x 18 cm (1 1 x 7 in) slab cake tin 1,/zcup castorsagar
and bake in a moderate oven about 1 teaspootirstant cffie powder
35 minutes. or until done when test-
ed. Put aside until cold. finej cboppedwalnuts
2 tablespoons
2. Trim off crusts and carefully split ChocolateCream ( recipefollows)
cake into two layers, sandwich to- 1. Beat egg whites until stiff but not
gether again with some of the apri- dry, beat in 1 tablespoon of the
cot glaze then cut into squares. sugar and continue beating until
Cover with the coffee butter cream, very stiff. Sift remaining sugar, mix
press flaked almonds on sides and in the coffee powder and walnuts.
decorate top of each with a rosette 2. Sprinkle over meringue and fold
of the coffee butter cream. in gently but thoroughly. Spoon or
APRICOT GLAZE-Push 1y2 pipe dessert-sizedrounds on to oven
cups apricot conserve through a trays covered with lightly greased
sieve into a small sauceDan.Stir in greaseproof paper, dusted with
Vz cup water and then cook over cornflour. Bake in a slow oven
gentle heat, stirring, for 5 minutes. about t hour, or until dry.
I Cool, then stir in 2 tablespoonsrum. 3. Leave in oven. heat turned off
COFFEE BUTTER CREAM and door open, until cold. When
FRO.tTllVG--Soften 185 g (6 oz) needed, join meringues together in
butter, gradually beat in 4 cups icing pairs with the chocolate cream.
sugar, sifted. Dissolve 1 tablespoon CHOCOLATE CREAM-PvI
instant coffee powder in 3 table- 150 ml fresh cream into a basin,
spoons hot water, pour into the sprinkle 2 tablespoons castor sugar
butter mixture and beat until soft and 1 tablespoon sifted cocoa over
and creamy. (If mixture thickens too surface, cover and chill for t hour.
much, add hot water.) When needed, whip until thick.

O AO^O_\O^O g\g\g\ o^*g^J:-\q :\9 \9^g^9^g \9,.\-?,\9_\re

Saficientfor top of 2 x 20 cn (8 in) ICING
fruit cakesor top and sidesof 1 cake. Ttt couertop of a 18 cn (7 in) cakeor
Usual/y usedto coaera/mondpaste.
a bar caketin 25 cn x 8 cm (10 in x
500 g (1 /b) icingsugar 3 in)
1 teaspoong/ycerine 2 teaspoonsbutter
2 tablespoonsliqaid glucose,softened 1 cup icing sugar, sifted
oaerbot water
| /ablespoonmilk or aaler
1 eg white
Few drops brand.y,optiona/
Flauouring andfood co/ouring
/. Nlelt butter in a small saucepan,
/. Sift icing sugarinto a basin,make add icing sugar and gradually add
a well in the centre and add glycer- milk and brandy, stirring with a
ine, glucose,egg white and flavour- wooden spoon until smooth. Spread
ing. Beat, drawing in the icing sugar o'n.ercake and ruffle with a fork.
until a stiff paste is formed and all A few drops of pink or yellow
the icing sugar is absorbed. food colouring may be added if
2. P\ace on a board dusted with desired.
icing sugar and knead until smooth, VARIATIOI{S
working in the food colouring, until ORAIIGE-OmiI milk and substi-
the desired colour is obtained. tute orange iuice.
-1. Brush fruit cakeor almond paste, CHOCOLATE-SifI 2 teaspoons
if used, with beaten egg white. Roll cocoa with icing sugar and add Vz
out fondant until it is large enough teaspoonvanilla.
to cover cake. Lift carefully with P,4-tllO^JFRUlT-Omit milk and
rolling pin ancleaseonto cake.Press add pulp l-2 passionfruit.
with hands dusted with cornflour PEPPERMIIII-Use peppermint
and smooth over surface.Cut away essencein place of brandy.
surplus from baseof cake and allow LEMON-Use half milk and half
to stand 1-2 days to clry before lemon juice. Add 1 teaspoongrated
decorating. lemon rind.

, ,a::
ir,ilil,"r:l]:rirt:,..rrrl.*i {*ii.iitiitli,rjilll

place of sherry. Add 1 teaspoon

ROYAL ICING grated orange rind and a few drops
? Usedfor duorating cakesthat baaebeen
orangefood colouringif desired.
PEPPERMINT-Add 1 tablespoon
coueredwith fondafi, or just for piping a
messaSe ofi anJ ca/<e.
peppermint liqueur in place of
sherry and a few drops green food
1 cuppure icingsugar colouring.
1 egwbite P/-TSIONFRUIT-Add 1 table-
spoon passionfruitpulp in placeof
Few drops lemonjaice
I 7. Sift icing sugar through a very
fine sieve (a coffee strainer is good

to use becausethe icing sugar must

be finely sifted with not a trace of a SEVEN MINUTE
lr lump). FROSTING
2. Beat egg white vrith a wooden
spoon or electric mixer and gradu- Sfficient to coaer18 cn (7 in)
ally add icing sugar, beating well all sanduicb cake.
the time. Add lemon juice and test 7/acap sagar
for correct icing consistency by
1 egwbin
touching with fingertips. If Peak
::il holds its shape, the icing is ready. I teaspoonliqaid glanse
:ii l
;ii i. The icing should be glossy and 2 tablespoonswater
stiff. If egg white is large, it may be 1 teaspooncrbamof tartar
'i,, necessaryto add a little more sifted
'tii F/auoaring
icing sugar. Add a few drops of food
'::_ colouring if necessary and cover 1. Place sugar, egg white, liquid
basin with a damp cloth to prevent glucose and water in a double sauce-
drying out and a crust forming. pan or a heatproof basin over boil-
;i t'l;
i\ llil'l
ing water. Beat with a tot^ry beater
or hand held electric mixer until
mixture is thick enough to hold its
VIENNA ICING shape.This takes about 7 minutes. If
Snficientfor a 20 cm (8 in) cake or 1 not cooked enough the frosting will
doTenpat! caku. i be sticky and will not set. If over-
cooked, it will become sugary, so it
125 g G oz) batter,softened
is important to time this carefully.
11/zcapsicingsugar,sfted Make peaks with fingertips and if
1 tablespoonsberryorfruitjuice they hold their shape,the frosting is
1. Beat butter until soft, gradually 2. Cool slightly, stir in cream of
add icing sugar, beating until tattar, flavouring and colouring if
creamy and fluffy. Beat in sherry. used. Spread quickly onto cake and
VARIATIONS swirl roughly.
CHOCOLATE-SifI 1 tablespoon
cocoa with icing sugar.
COFFEE-Add 1 teaspoon instant PINEAPPLE-Use unsweetened
! coffee with icing sugar. pineapple juice in place of water.
ORANCE-Add orange juice in Colour vrith a few drops lemon food

l':rt rr,.ril
.:, ,:,:l
colouring and decorate with late and pull towards you, making
chopped glace pineapple. "professional" curls.
CHOCOLAIE-Add 90 g (3 oz)
melted chocolate to frosting, iust
before spreading on cake. ALMOND PASTE,
Snftcient to couertop and sidu of a 20
cn (8 in)fruit cake.Often usedas a
COCONUT ICE, basecoueringunderfondant.
FROSTING 500 g (1 /b) icing sugar

Tbis makessfficient to couernp of 20 250 g 1t7t /b) groand almondsor

crt (8 in) cakeor bar cake25 cn x 8 marTipan meal
cn (10 inx i in). 1 large egylk
11/zcaps icing sugar, sifted 2 tablespoonssherrl
j tablespoonscoconut 2-i leaspoonslemonjuire

60 g (2 oz) copha 7. Sift icing sugar into a basin. Stir

in ground almonds. Beat egg yolk
2 teaspoonslemonjuice
and sherry and mix in to form a firm
1-2 tab/espoons
mi/k pastewith lemon juice, which can be
Pinchfood colouring easily rolled out.
2. Place on a board lightly dusted
7. Place icing sugar and coconut in
with icing sugar and knead gently
a basin. Melt copha over a low heat.
until smooth.
Pour in basin with lemon juice and
-7. Brush cake with beaten egg
heat, adding milk slowly until thick
white. Roll out almond paste to
enough to spread on cake. Colour
correct size. Lift carefully with roll-
pale pink if desired.
ing pin and cover cake. Press onto
cake with cornflour dusted hands.
Trim surplus away from base of
CHOCOLATE CURLS cake and allow to stand for 2 days to
dry before covering with fondant.
Chocolate curls are usually made
by shaving off thin layers from the
flat side of a block of chocolate
with a knife or vegetable peeler. A JIFF'Y LE,MON
spokeshave, which is similar to a CHE,E,SE
small wood plane, used by carpen-
ters for trimmins the surface of nilk
1 x 400 g can condensed
timber, is much iasier to use. It
glides easily over the chocolate, Juice 2 lemons
making fine or thick curls accord- Grated rind 1 lemon
ing to the amount of pressure 2 egylks
applied. The cheapest spokeshave
1. Reat all the ingredients together
you can find at your hardware
store will do the job. until thoroughly combined.
For the more experienced cook: 2. Po:u into small lars and seal air-
spread a laminex board thinly with tight. Store in the refrigerator until
melted chocolate. When almost set required. It will thicken in 30 min-
insert a knife blade under choco- utes to t hour.

?t 'ri;;

ORANGE CURD Palp 12passionfruit

2 teaspoonslemonjaice
Delicious in small pastry cases.
/. Placebutter and sugarin a sauce-
'.aa:ti 125 g G o7) butter or rnargarine pan. Stir over a very low heat until
iiti: 3A cap sagar butter melts. Beat together eggs,
Grated rind andjaice 2 large zranges passionfruit and lemon juice. Add to
saucepan and stir until thickened.
2 egs
Cool and store in refrigerator.
1 teaspoonlenon juin ,t,l.,t
'n!i: r'r::i,.

/. Place butter, sugar, orange rind

and juice in a saucepanand stir over MOCK CREAM (1)
tlt: a low heat until butter and sugar has
melted. l25g(oz)batter
2. Beat eggs very well and stir into 1/zcup castor sugar
orange mixture. Stir until thickened t,/zcup water
and boiling. Simmer until consis-
Vanilla essence
tency of honey. Stir in lemon juice.
i* Allow to cool, pour into small jars /. Soften butter, gradually beat in
and store in refrigerator. the sugar, continue beating until
,:,,i..,, sugar has completely dissolved.
::a- , : :*.
(Test a little between your thumb
and forefinger to make sure there's
EGG YOLK LEMON no grittiness left.)
CHEE,SE 2. Add the water 2 teaspoons at a
time, beating well after each addi-
60 g (2 oz) batter
tion until mixture is smooth. \When
Grated rind and jaice 2 large lemons all the water has been beaten in. add
j eglolks, beaten vanilla essenceto taste.
1/zcup sugar gl:',i
.*{r 1! lr}
1.. Place all ingredients in top part
of a double saucepan. Stir with a MOCK CREAM (2)
wooden spoon over simmering
tiul v/ater until thick. Cool and keep in tA capsugar
refrigerator. Use as a filling for 1l cup water
'ut: cakesor small tarts. 125 g (4 oz) batter
t;i; d l : ; " Lltt Flauouring
/. Put the sugar and u/ater into a
PASSIONFRUIT saucepan and cook over low heat,
BUTTER stirring, until sugar has dissolved.
Bring to boiling point, boil for 5
Use as afillingfor sponga or butterf[t
minutes then out aside until cold.
t11 2. Beat the butter until white and
125 g ( o7) batter or margarine creamy, gradually add the sugdr
1A cup sagar syrup, beating well after each addi-
tion, beat in the flavouring. Cover
l:ir:l 2 egs
and chill.

,... ti:.,

':: '
. :!ii::::l
.. . . .:: :..,":

To n.rakea Rose:Secure
wax paper square tcl top of
small iar. Pressout frosting,
wliile turning jar, to form
corre;tilt tip slightl.vand
ovcrlap three tight petals
around cone; tilt tip mclre
ar-rdsl-rapelarger overlap-
ping petalsout and around
to fr;rm full rose.Allow tcr
drr, 3 hours or overnight.

To make Drop Florvers:

Squeezethrough tip, turn-
ing bag as f'ar fiom left to
right as possible; pull awar,.

sweeping movements ol
both arnrs;follor,vthe out-
lined messageon cake.

Printing: Begir-rbv
practising with horizor.rtal
and verticallines.Outline
messageon cake with
wooden tootl-rpick; ther"r
print, just touching tube Outlining PetitFours:
tJsea contrastir"rg frosting
to surfaceand using steadl'
pressureon pastq hag. t o m a k es i m p l c b o r d e r .
To make a Flower Spray: Makestemsof bouquet to right aspossible;relax
Placetip on pastrybag. pressure.Usecontrasting
Hold bagupright,with hand frostingto makeflower
asfar to left aspossible; centres.Finishbouquetwith
squeeze, turninghandasfar touchesfrom leaftip.


l l


ilil HOUSE
l (recipespage1I7) (recipe page121,) (recipe page 1.24)
ll ltl i





vanilla essenceand melted choco-
BE,STF'UDGtrCAKE, late, then the bicarbonate of soda.
Sift together flour and salt and add
90 g (3 oz) dark cookingchocolate
alternately with the sour cream,
125 g (4 oz) butter, softened beating on low speeduhtil smoorh.
2 cupsftrnj packed brown sagar 3. Pour in the boiliq[ water, srir
3 eggs with a spoon until well blended.
Turn into two greasecland floured
1 I t leaspaons uani//a essence
23 cm (9 in) sandwichtins and bake
11/zteaspoonsbicarbonateof soda in a moderateoven for 35 minutes,
2 caps self-raisingf/our or until done when tested.
Pinc/t salt 4. Cool in the tins on wire cake
lA cup .rour cream coolers,turn out and put asideuntil
cold. Using a long serrated knife,
tA cup boiling water
split each layer into halves.Beat the
11/zcups cream cream until thick, whisk in the icing
1/zcap icing sugar, sifted sugar and vanilia essence.
t,/zteaspoonuani//a essence 5. Join the layerstogether with the
cream, cover top and sideswith the
Mocha Frosting (recipefollows) frosting. If you wish, presschopped
Choppedpecan nuts ar walnats nuts over the sidesand decoratetop
(optional) with grated chocolate.

/. Chop the chocolate and melt MOCHA FRO-tIIlJG-Beat 125 g

over hot warer. Beat butter until (4 oz) butter until smooth, gradually
smooth, add the brown sugar and beat in 4 cups sifted icing sugar.
eggs,beat (high speedon an electric Add /+ cup cocoa,2 teaspoonsvan-
mixer) about 5 minutes, or until illa essence and /+ cup strong hot
light and fluffy. coffee, beat until smooth and
2. With mixer on low speed,beatin spreadable.


,lilli;!l::rr,, . --il
j cupsself-raisingflour 125g G oz) butter or margarine
1 teaspoonbicarbonateof soda I cap sugar
Pincb salt 2 eggs
114cupssugar 1 teasboonuanilla essence
185g (6 oz) margarine % cup cocoa
112 cupsnilk /z cup hot water
i egs 2 teaspoonsuinegar
t/+ cap marsala or sweetsherry 1 capnilk
1 x 100 g pkt cookingcbocolate, 1t/+ cupsplain flour
mehed 1 teaspoonbakirg powder
3 tablespblnschoppedglaa clterries
1 teaspoonbicarbonateof soda
Creaml Choc-ClterryFrosting(ruipe Pixch salt
ChocolateVienna lcing (recipefolhws)
/. Sift flour. bicarbonate of soda
and salt into large bowl of electric /. B$at butter until creamy, add
mixer. Stir in sugar. Add margarine, sugar, eggs and vanilla and beat un-
milk, eggs, marsala and cooled til light and fluffy. Blend cocoa in
melted chocolate. hot water to make a smooth paste.
2. Beat onJow speeduntil all ingre- Gra{ally add to creamed mixture.
tio-bi.r.d Add vinegar to milk to sour.
dients ur. then increase
speed to high and beat 3 minutes 2. Sift together flour, baking pow-
until smooth. Stir in cherries. der, bicarbonate of soda and salt,
J. Divide evenly into 3 portions and add to creamed mixture alter-
and pour into greased 23 cm (9 in) nately with sour milk. Stir lightly
sandwich tins, lined with a round of but thoroughly. Pour into two
' greasbd 20 cm (8 in) sandwich tins
greased gredseproof paper.
4. Bake in a moderate oven approx and bake in a moderate oVen 30
30 minutes until cooked. Carefully minutes or until tops spring back
remove from tins and gently peel off when lightly pressed.
paper. Put layers together with i. CooI in tihs for 10 minutes then
Creamy Choc-Cherry Frosting and turn out and" Allo- to cool com-
cover cake all over with remaining pletily,''Fil$and ice with Chocolate
frosting. Garnish with a few mara- Vienna Icing. Decorate with qhoco-
chino or fresh cherries if desired. late curls if.desired. (See page 77)
dark cooking chocolate and 60 g Beat 725 g(4 o4butter until creamy.
(2 oz) butter or margafine over a 51ft 2V2 crips icing sugar and blend 3
low heat. Stir until well mixed. Stir tablespoons cocoa with 3 table-
in 500 g (1 lb) sifted icing sugaqald <t.$poons hot water until smooth. Add
4-5 tablespoons milk and beat until the icing sugar to the. butter alter-
smooth enough to s6ead easily.Stir nately with sufficient of the cocoa
in tA cup chopped gltd cherries. mixture to spreading consistency.


beat in the sugar and continue beat-

CHOCOLATE, DATE ing until thick and creamy. Fold in
CAKE the sifted flour alternately with the
cooled chocolate mixture.
j tablespoonscocoa 2. Turn into a greased, floured
1/+cxp bot water 20 cm (8 in) springform tin and
bake in a moderate oven 30-35 min-
60 g (2 oz) butter or margarine
utes. Leave in tin for 10 minutes
11/zczpsself-raisingfloar before removing. \While cake is still
I Pincb salt warm, sprinkle brandy over, chill
,i, tA cupsugar overnight. Cover cake completely
with whipped cream, decorate vzith
lr 1 eg beaten
tl chocolate and chill again before
lz cupnilk serving.
tr 1 cup choppeddates t'o
/z cupchopped ytalnuts
ii /. Stir cocoa into hot water and mix CHOCOLATE,
,il until smooth. Add butter and stir
iil until melted over hot water.
tlir 2. Sift flour and salt into a basin. 250 g (8 oz) batteror margarine
Mix in sugar. Add cocoa mixture, t tablespoons
,l: beaten egg and milk and beat vrell
lrll 1 capfirnl packedbrownsagar
with a wooden spoon until smooth
Irtl I teasboonaanilla essence
ltfr and well mixed. Stir in dates.
iiti 3. Place in a greased loaf tin 23 x t/+ ctp nilk
Il i n 13 cm (9 x 5 in) and sprinkle wal- 2 tablesboonscocoa
llu nuts on top. Bake in a moderate
il! 1,/zteaspoonbicarbonateof soda
oven until cooked-about 7+ hour.
2 egs, beaten
2 capsself-raising
Pinclt salt
1 capcbopped
CHOCOLATE, CAKE CbocolateCream Icing (recipefollows)
125 g G n) dark cbbcolate
1. Cream butter, golden syrup,
2 tablespoons
strongblack cffie brown sugar and vanilla together.
4 egs Place milk, cocoa and bicarbonate of
1/zcup castor sugar soda in a small saucepan and stir
over a low heat until well mixed.
Add to creamed mixture together
1-2 tablespoonsbrand1 with eggs and beat well.
Saeetenedwbipped rean 2. Stir in sifted flour, salt and
Cbocolan curls or grated cbocolate walnuts and mix thoroughly. Place
in a well greasedand baseJined with
/. Chop chocolate, melt over hot greased paper 20 cm (8 in) deep
water, stir in the coffee, put aside cake tin.
until cooled. Beat eggs, gradually 3. Bake in a moderate oven approx

t hour until cooked.Test with a fine edges from sides. Roll up in the
skewer before removing from oven. towel, put on a cakecooler and leave
4. lce when cool with Chocolate for at least t hour.
Cream Icing and sprinkle chopped 4. Have the cream cheesesoftened
walnuts over toD. at room temperature, beat until
CHOCOLATE CREAM ICING smooth. Beat in the sifted icing
-Place 2 tablespoonsbutter, 60 g sugar and vanilla essence,then mix
(2 oz) chocolate and V+cup cream in in the almonds.
small saucepan,stir over low heat 5. Beat cream until thickened and
until chocolate melts. Pour onto 2 mix in until combined. Unroll the
cups sifted icing sugar and beat until sponge, remove tea towel, spread
smooth and creamy. the frlling over, carefully re-roll,
servedusted with sifted icing sugar.

I cupself-raisingflour
2 tablespoons
cocoa Makes 18.
I eggs,separated 1 cupse/f-raisingfloar
1,/zcap castor sugar
2 tablespoonscocoa
2 tablespoorcbot water tl cap sagar
1 x 250 g packet creamcheese 3 tablespoonsbutter
t 1/zcup sifted icing sagar
2 egls

l t/+ cup
1 teaspoonaani//a essence
fine/1 choppedtoastedblancbed wbipped crean
sfted icing sugar
I t/z cup cream
Sfted icing sugar 7. Sift the flour and cocoa into a
mixing bowl. Stir in the sugar.Nfelt
/. Sift together flour and cocoa. r h e b u r t e ra n d p o u r i n t o a m e a s u r i n g
Beat egg whites until stiff, gradually cup. Add the eggs and then enough
beatin the castorsugarand continue milk to make 1 cup. Pour over the
beating until mixture is thick and dry ingredients and beat for 4 min-
sugar has completely dissolved. u t e s .S p o o n t h e m i x t u r e i n t o p a p e r
2. Add the egg yolks ancl beat in, cases,placed in patty tins, and bake
then fold in the hot water, siftecl in a moderate oven for 15 minutes,
flour and cocoa. Turn into a 33 x or until a skewer comes out clean
25 cm (13 x 10 in) Swiss roll tin, when inserted in the centre. When
greased and lined with greased, cold, cut a slice from the top of each
greaseproofpaper. cake and put a teaspoon of whipped
3. Bake in a moderate oven 10-15 cream on each cake. Cut the slices
minutes, turn on to a cleantea towel into halvesand replaceon the cakes,
sprinkled with castor sugar.Quickly butterfly fashion. Dust with icing
p e e l o f f t h e l i n i n g p a p e r ,c u t c r i s p sugar.

Following pages:Chocolate Butterf

a n dC h o c o l a S
t ew i s sR o l l

\$TICKED in the tin for 10 minutes, then
remove sides and allow to cool com-
CHOCOLATE CAKE pletely. Cover top and sides with
Chocolate Frosting, and let set
2 capsself-raisirgflour before cutting cake.
Pincb salt To make frosting, combine all
1 cup boilingwater ingredients in a saucepan and stir
constantly over very gentle heat
125 g G oz) butter,cbopped
until butter and chocolate melt.
100 g (i1/2 oz) dark chocolate, Remove from heat: beat until mix-
cbopped ture thickens slightly. Cool, and use
1 cap sugar to frost top and sides of cake.
I teaspoonaanilla essence NOTE-For apafty, you might like
to decorate the cake with crystallised
2 egs, separated
violets or small bunches of graoes.
/2 cup soar cream Grated chocolate and maraschino
I teaspoonbicarbonateof soda cherries are also pretty.
CbocolateFrosting l'r:)
100 g (312 oz)dark cbocolate,
4 tablesboonscream CHOC-BUTTERMILK
1 teaspoon
instantcffie CAKE
2 tablespoonsbutter Fine dry breadcrambs
t/z teasbooncinnamon
185 g (6 oz) cookingcbocolate
I teaspoonaanilla essence 1Acupstrongblack cofee
llA capsicing sagar 185g (6 oz) batter
7. Sift flour and salt, and greaseand 11/zcupsbrownsagar
flour a 23 cm (9 in) springform cake 1 teasboonaanilla essence
3 egs
2. Pour boiling water over butter
and chocolate in a bowl, and allow
2 1Acupsself-raising
to stand for 5 minutes until melted. 1 teaspoonbicarborute of soda
Stir in sugar and vanilla essence. Pincb sah
Beat in egg yolks, one at a time, I cupbatternilk
blending thoroughly.
600 nl tbickened cream
-?. Combine sour cream and bicar-
bonate of soda and beat into choco- instantcffie powder
2 teaspoons
late mixture. Stir in flour, combin- 2 tabhspoonsicirg sugar,sifted
ing thoroughly. Coarsefi grated cbocolate
4. Beat egg whites until soft peaks
form, then fold lightly into choco- 7, Grease two 23 cm (9 in) each
late mixture. Pour into the prepared sandwich tins, dust lightly with fine
pan and bake in a moderate oven for dry breadcrumbs. Chop the choco-
about 50 minutes, or until cake is late, add to the black coffee and melt
firm to touch and beginning to over gentle heat, cool.
shrink from sides of tin. Cool cake 2. Beat together butter, brown
sugar and vanilla until creamy. Add well. Add cooled cocoa mixture and

the eggs, one at a time, beating well beat in sifted flour and salt alter-
after each addition, then beat in the nately with milk.
chocolate mixture. 2. Pour into 2 greased20 cm (8 in)
-7. Sift together flour, bicarbonate sandwich cake tins and bake in a
of soda and the salt, stir in, alter- moderate oven until cooked. about
nately with the buttermilk, then beat 30 minutes. Cool. Join together with
well until smooth and well mixed. whipped cream, sweetened if
4. Divide evenly between the pre- desired with icing sugar and pour
pared tins and bake in a moderate icing over top.
oven 35-40 minutes, or until done THI^/ CHOCOLATE lClNG-
when tested. Carefully invert on to Sift 1 cup icing sugar and 1 table-
cake coolers but do not remove tins spoon cocoa into a small saucepan.
for 15 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon butter and stir over
5. Carefully remove the tins, leave a low heat, adding a little milk, very
the cakes until cold, then split each gradually into a smooth thin icing.
Iayer into halves. Beat the cream
until very thick, mix in the coffee <C?7lr
powder and the sifted icing sugar.
6. Join the layers together with
some of this cream, then cover top
and sides of cake with the CHOCOLATE CAKE
remainder. Top with grated choco- WITH OIL
late and chill several hours before
serving. i tablespoonscocoa
l'r) 1/zcap boiling water
1 cupwlf-raisingflour
Pinclt salt
FAVOURITE )/+ cup castor sagar
CHOCOLATE CAKE, 14 cap uegetableoil
2 tablespoonscocoa 4 egq separated
2 tab/espoonsplun jan 1 teaspoonaanilla
1/zcup bot water Pincb crean of tartar
125 g G oz)softmargarine /. Blend cocoa in the boiling water.
1 cup brownsugar Cool. Sift flour and salt into a basin.
2 egs Stir in sugar. Add oil, egg yolks,
2 cupsself-raising vanilla and cocoa mixture. Beat well
until smooth.
Pinch salt
2. Beat egg whites with cream of
% cupni/k tartar until thick and fold into cake
IYbippedcrean mixture. Pour into a greased deep
Thin CbocolateIcing (ruipe follows) 20 cm (8 in) cake tin and bake in a
moderate oven about 3/+hour untll
/. Blend cocoa and jam with the hot cooked. Cool and ice with a thin
water and allow to cool. Cream mar- chocolate icing. Sprinkle top with
garine and sugar. Add eggs and beat coconut if desired.

--,*f 4
F'. ;r?16

"x: "

.. l.+g

M o c h aR u mC a k el r e c p e p a g e3 6 )

beat in the sugar, continue beating

MOCHA CAKE u n rr l r h i c ka n d c r e a m .\
2. Sift the flour ancl folcl in alter-
125 g (4 a7) dark c0lking chrtco/ate
natelv u'ith the cooled chocolate
2 lablespoonsstrong black cofee mixture. Turn into a greased20 cm
4 egs ( 8 i n ) s p r i n g f o r mt i n a n d b a k e i n a
1/zcup castor sugar m o d e r a t eo v e n f o r a b o u t 3 5 m i n -
1,/zcup p/ain utes, or until done u'hen tcsted.
flrtur Remor.efrom oven, leave in tin for
2 tablespoons
dark rutl 1 0 m i n u t e sb e f o r er e m o v i n g .
wbipped creant -1. \X'hilecakeis still u'arm, sprinkle
Cbocalatecur/s the rum o\:er, put into refrigerator
and chill overnight. Cor.er cake
/. Chop chocolate, melt in the completelv u'ith u,hipped cream,
coffee over hot water, put asicleuntil clecoratetop u,'ith chocolate curls
cooled. Beat eggs lightly, gradually a n d c h i l l l g a r n l r e f o r es e r v i n g .
125 g (4 oz) butter
2 cupsbrownsugar,firnj packed 90 g (i oz) butter
2 egq separated | 25 g G oz) bkck noking chocolate,
1/zcup choppedwalnfis chopped
12 cup cltoppedraisins 1 tablespoon
black cffie
125 g (4 oz) cookingcbocolate,nelted 4 egs, separated
ouerhot water 1/zcup castor sugar
212 cupsself-raising
flour tA cupflour
l,/zteaspooncinnamon /z naspoonbakingpowder
14 cup bot water 1/zcap cream
1/zcap butternilk Rum, brandl or uanilla essence
1 tablesboondark rum Apricot jan
Cbocolate-RumFrosting ( ruipe CbocolateClaw (ruipe follows)
/. Heat together over hot water the
lYalnat piecesfor decoration
butter. chocolate and coffee until
melted and combined, cool. Beat
1. Beat butter to soften, gradually together egg yolks and sugar until
add 1/z cups of the sugar, beating thick and creamy, gradually add the
well after each addition. Beat in the chocolate mixture, beating con-
egg yolks, then mix in the rest of the stantly, then beat another 2 minutes.
sugar, walnuts, raisins and melted 2. Sift together flour and baking
chocolate, combining thoroughly. powder and fold in. Beat egg u'hites
2. Sift together flour and cinnamon, until stiff and fold in. Turn into a
fold in alternately with the hot greased 23 cm (9 in) sandwich tin
water, buttermilk and rum. Beat egg and bake in a moderate oven 25-30
whites until stiff and fold in. minutes, or until done when tested.
-7. Turn into a greased20 cm (8 in) Leave in tin for 2-3 minutes and
deep-sided round tin, bake in a turn out on to a cake cooler.
moderate oven 1,-U+ hours, or until -1. rWhen cold, carefully split cake
done when tested. Leave;in tin for into halves and join together again
10 minutes and then turn out on to a with the cream, whipped until thick,
cake rack. !7hen cold top with frost- sweetenedand flavoured with rum,
ing and decoratewith walnut pieces. brandy or vanilla essence.Warm a
FROJT/NG-Chop 155 g (5 oz) little sieved apricot jam and spread a
cooking chocolate and melt over hot thin layer over top, then pour the
water. Stir in /+ cup dark rum and glaze over.
/z teaspoon vanilla essence. Sift 2 CHOCOLATE CLAZE{hop a
cups icing sugar and mix in, with 100 g block of cooking chocolate
30 g (1 oz) butter, softened, and 1 and 30 g (1 oz) copha and heat
tablespoon hot milk. Whisk over together over hot water, stirring
hot water until smooth and glossy occasionally, until melted and
(if too thick, add a little more milk). combined.
1 tablesboonKirsclt

LEMON CAKE j cupscream,wbipped
125 g G o7) batter or margarine 1 x 580 g jar pitted Morello clterries,
1 cup brownsugar drainedand cbopped
Crated rind 1 lemon 1-2 tabhspoons Tia Maria
2 egs Cbocolatecarls or grated cltocolate
90 g (i oz) cookingchwolate,
1. Melt chocolate over hot water.
1 cuPsself-raising
flour Beat together butter, sugar and
Pincb salt vanilla essence until creamy. Add
12 cup soar cream eggs one at a time and beat well after
each addition. Beat in melted choco-
late. Mix in sifted dry ingredients
1. Cream butter, sugar and lemon alternately with sour cream and
rind together. Add eggs and beat boiling water and beat until smooth.
well. Mix in grated chocolate. Add 2. Divide evenly into 2 greased and
sifted flour and salt alternately with base paper-lined 23 cm (9 in) sand-
sour cream and beat well. wich cake tins and bake in a moder-
2. Place in a greased 23 x 13 cm (9 ate oven approx 45 minutes until
x 5 in) loaf tin and sprinkle with
cooked. Invert onto cake coolers
topping. Bake in a moderate oven and leave 5 minutes before remov-
until cooked 50-60 minutes. ing cake tins. These cakes are soft
TOPPINC-Mix together 2 table- and delicate so handle carefully.
spoons sugar and 1 tablespoon j. Allow to cool thoroughly. Frceze
grated lemon rind with fingertips. lightly if desired and cut each cake
<sl:t carefully through the centre, making
4 layers.
JUDY'SBLACK 4. Place 1 cake layer onto serving
FORESTCAKE plate. Trickle some of the combined
syrup ingredients over. Spread with
1 x 100 g pkt cookingchocolate whipped cream and some chopped
125gGoz)butter drained cherries. Repeat each step
2 cupsbrownsxgar until all the syrup, cherries and cake
have been used and about half the
I teaspoonaanilla essence
whipped cream.
3 egs J. Cover with foil or plastic wrap
2 capsself-raising
flour and chill overnight. Fold the Tia
Pincb salt Maria into remaining whipped
cream and spreadover sidesand top
I teaspoonbicarborate of mda
of cake. Decorate with chocolate
% *P soilr crean curls. Mry be chilled again
1/zcup boiling water overnight if desired before cutting.
This cake improves with keeping
and is ideal for parties, as it can be
,/z c*p slrup drainedfron cberries
prepared well ahead and kept in
1 tablespooncberrybrandl refrigerator until required.
Cream Filling
FRUIT AND tA cap tbickenedcream
CHOCOLATE RING 1 tablespooricing sugar
A moist cake with frait and chocolate. Topping
It keepsaery well. Large cbocolatecarls
| 5 5 g (5 o7) butter or margarine Sfted icingsugar
1/zcupraw sugar Cocoa
i.egs 1. Beat egg whites with a pinch of
1 tablespoons
aalnuts salt until foamy, gradually beatin/z
1/zcup raisins cup of the castor sugar. Beat egg
yolks with rest of castor sugar until
1/zcapcbopped nixed peel thick, fold in egg whites.
60 g (2 n) dark cbocolate, chopped 2. Sift together three times flour,
1t/z caPsself-raisingfloar cornflour and cocoa, fold in lightly,
using a metal spoon or spatula.Turn
/t cup soar cream
into a well-greased 25 cm (10 in)
1. Beat butter and sugar until Iight springform tin and bake in a moder-
and creamy. Add the eggs one at a ate oven 40-45 minutes, or until
time during vigorous beating. Mix cake shrinks from sides of tin and
nuts, raisins, peel and chocolate top is springy when lightly pressed
with a little of the flour and stir into with fingertips.
the mixture. Finally stir in the rest -1. Remove from oven, cool on a
of the flour And the sour cream. cake cooler for 10 minutes before
Pour into a well-greased 20 cm releasing spring clip. Leave until
(8 in) deep fluted ring cake tin and cold before removing base. For the
bake for 3/+-7 hour, in a moderate chocolate filling, beat together egg
oven, until cooked. yolks and sugar in a saucepan,stir in
Cal!3 milk, stir over low heat until thick-
ened. Pour through strainer into a
CHOCOLATE CURL bowl, add chocolate and vanilla. Stir
until chocolate has melted, chill
Makes 12 seruirgs. thoroughly. Beat cream until thick,
fold in, chill until thick enough to
7 egs, separated
Pincb sah 4. Carefully cut cake into three lay-
2h cup castorsagar ers, put bottom layer on a serving
% cupself-raisingflour platter. Beat cream until thick, light-
ly stir in icing sugar, spread over
% cupcorxflour layer, top with a second layer.
1,/lcup cocoa
Spread this layer thickly with choco-
CltocolateFillirg late filling, top with last cake layer,
5 egglolks spread rest of filling over top and
l/t cap sagar sides.
J. Finish with large chocolate curls,
1 ctp euaporated
nilk chill overnight. Sprinkle curls with a
155 g (5 oz) noking cbocolate,cbopped little icing sugar and cocoa, sifted
1/zteasboonaanilla essence together. (If you wish, decorate top
with coarsely grated chocolate in-
1 cupream
stead of the curls.)
I L> €tl

60 g (2 o7) margarine CAKE
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 185 g (6 oz) butter
t/) cup castor sagar tA cup castor sugar
1x50geg 1 tablespoonlemonjaice
Vt cap nixed fraix, cboppedcoarsel1 i egs
2 tablesplnrcchoppedpreserued
ginger iA cuPglace cherries,cut into qaarters
% cupcbopped walnuts 2 cupsplain flour
1 cxp self-raisingflour 11/zteaspoonsbaking powder
nixed spia
1. Beat butter, sugar and lemon
1/zcupnilk juice together until soft and creamy.
1 tablespoo/tlemonjuice Add eggsone at a time and beat well
I tablespoonorangejuice after each addition. Toss cherries in
some of the flour.
i tablespoonssugar
2. Sift remaining flour and baking
1. Beat together margarine, lemon powder together and beat into egg
rind and castor sugar, add the egg mixture. Add cherries and mix
and beat in well. Mix in the fruits. thoroughly.
ginger and walnuts. 3. Placein a deep, greasedand base-
2. Sift together flour and spice and lined 20 cm (8 in) cake tin and bake
add alternately with the milk. Turn in a moderately slow oven 1,-1/q
i n t o a g r e a s e d2 5 x 8 c m ( 1 0 x 3 i n ) hours until cooked. Test with a fine
bar tin and bake in a moderate oven skewer before removing from oven
about 40 minutes. or until done -if skewer comes out of centre of
when tested. Mix together fruit cake free from cake mixture, the
juices and the sugar, pour over top cake is cooked. Cool slightly before
of loaf immediately it comes from turning out. This cake keeps ,well,
the oven. Leave in tin until cold. wrapped in foil.
i eg4 beaten
1 teaspoonbrandl
/. Place nuts and fruit in a large
185g (6 oz) burter bowl. Stir in sifted flour and baking
tA cap castor sagar powder, sugar, beaten eggs and
3 egs brandy. Spoon into a greased and
)f cup saltanas paper-lined loaf tin 23 cm X 13 cm
(9 in x 5 in) and spreadevenly in tin.
90 g (i oz)glacefzgs,cltoppped 2. Bake in a slow oven2-2/q hours.
125 g (4 o7) preseruedor glaceginger, Cool in tin then turn out. Remove
cbopped paper and wrap in foil.
1/zcap walnzts, cbopped l'r)
t/z cupplain floar
1,/)cap sour cream CAKE,
1. Beat together the butter and 90 g (3 oz) butter
sugar until light and fluffy. Add the
eggs one at a time beating well after
each addition. Stir in the sultanas,
2 egs
figs, ginger and walnuts, then add 1/+
1 capsrclf-raisingfloar
the flours, sifted together, and sour Pincb salt
cre m, mix vrell. t,/+teaspoonbicarbonateof soda
2. Spread into a greased and lined
23 x 12 cm (9 x 5 in) loaf tin and
bake in a moderately slow oven for t/+ cap nilk
1,Vqhows. or until cooked vrhen 1A cup duiaated coconut
tested. When cold, top with glace 1/zcap grated carrot
icing and decorate with walnuts and
t/+ cap glace cherries
ginger. r,r)
G?':t 1/+cap raisins
2 tablespoonschoppedblancbedalmonds
GOURMET CAKE /. Beat together the butter and
sugar, add the eggs, one at a time,
500 g (1 lb) Brazil nats
and beat well after each. Sift
1 capglacepineapple,chopped together flour, salt, bicarbonate of
1 cap cboppeddates soda and the cinnamon. beat into
34 cup cboppednixed peel the mixture, together with the milk.
2. Stir in the coconut, carrot, whole
1 cupglaa aprinls, cbopped
cherries, raisins and almonds until
1/zcup wltole red glace cberries
thoroughly combined. Turn into a
1/zcap wholegreenglace cherries well-greased loaf tin, approximately
tA cupplain floar 23 x 12 cm (9V 5 in) and bake in a
t/z teaspoonbaking powder moderate ovdn 50-60 minutes, or
until brown and firm to touch.
tA cap castor sagar
NOIE-This cake freezeswell.
beat well. Sift flour, bicarbonate of
APRICOT CAKE, soda and salt together and beat in
3/t cap cboppeddried apricots alternately with sour crearn. Lastly
stir in prunes and chopped lemon.
/z cxp raw stgar i. Place in 2 greased 20 cm (8 in)
t/z ctp water sandwich cake tins lined on base
90 g (i oz) margarine with greased greaseproof paper.
Bake in a moderate oven until cook-
ed, about h.hour.
th eupultohmealself-raisingflour
4. When cool, sandwich together
lz cup wbin self-raisingfloar with some of the frosting and spread
1/+cup sliuered almonds the remainder on top.
7. Place apricots, sugar, water and tablespoons soft margarine, add 775
margarine in a saucepan and stir cups icing sugar, sifted, 3 table-
over a low heat until boiling. spoons sour cream, 1 teaspoon
Remove from heat and allow to grated lemon rind and just enough
cool. Beat in egg and then stir in lemon juice to mix into a smooth
flours and mix well. Place in a creamy frosting.
greased 18 cm (7 in) ring cake tin l'^)
and sprinkle almonds over top. G!f l
Press in lightly. Bake in a moderate
oven 35-40 minutes until cooked. SULTANA CAKES
Gltt Makes 16-18.
155 g (5 oz)htter or margarine
PRUNE,SOUR % -P castorsugar
CRE,AM CAKE, 1 teaspoonaanilla
2 egs
1 mediam siwd hnon
| cupsself-raisingfloar
125 g G oz) softmargarine
Pincb sah
1 cup raw sotgar
tl capsultaras
2 egs
2 cupsplainflo4r 1. Beat the butter (which should be
2 teaspoonsbicarbonateof wda at room temperature) with the van-
illa and sugar until light and fluffy.
Pincb salt
2. Add the eggs one at a time. Mix
,A cupsour cream together the remaining ingredients
1 cupfine! cboppedpruxu and add to the mixture, blend until
Creaml Frosting(recipefollows) smooth.
3. Spoon the cake mixture into
1. Grcte rind from lemon. Cut paper casesin patty cake tins, filling
lemon in half and remove seeds. them half way up. Bake in the centre
Place in blender or processor and of a moderately hot oven for about
very finely chop. 15 minutes.
2. Beat margarine and sugar to- Variation: Add z/+ cup chocolate
gether until creamy. Add eggs and piecesinstead of sultanas.

STRE,ATH i egs
250 g (8 o7) dessertdata 1 cupsugar
125 g G oz)glacepineapple t/z leasboon uani//a essence

125 g (4 oz) glace apricots 112cuPsPlainflour

125 g G oz) red glace clterries 11,/zteaspoonsbaking powder
125 g G o7) greenglace cberries 1/+teaspoonsalt
125 g (4 oz) wbole blanchedalmonds 2 cups blanchedalmonds,roilglru
250 g (8 oz) sbelled brazil nats cbopped
125 g G o7) seededraisins 1 cup seededraisins, cbopped
125 g (4 o7) halued stonedprunes I cup glaa cberries,cut into qtlarters
tA cap dark chocolatecbips or pieces
2 egs
1/zcap brown sugar, ligbtj packed 1. Beat the eggs until foamy. Add
1 teaspoonuanilla essence the sugar and vanilla essencevery
gradually, beating constantly until
2 tablespoonsrum
smooth. Sift the flour, baking pov/-
90 g (j o7) butter der and salt, and fold in.
t/z cupplain flour 2. Add the almonds, seededraisins,
1/zteaspoonbaking powder cherries and chocolatepieces,mix-
ing well. Spoon into a greased and
Pincb salt
lined 23 x 12 cm (9 x 5 in) loaf tin
7. Stone the dates, then chop the and bake in a moderately slow oven
pineapple and apricots into fairly for 1./q-1,y2hours, or until cooked
large pieces,and leavethe remaining when tested. Cool. and remove
fruits and nuts whole. Mix all these from the tin. When cold, wrap in
fruits, reserving Vz cup combined foil and store for severaldays before
nuts and glace fruits for the topping. using.
2. Beat the eggs until light and
fluffy, then add the sugar, vanilla
essence, rum and softened butter.
Continue beating until well blended.
Sift the flour with the baking pow- CAKE
der and salt and add with the fruit
and nuts, mix thoroughly. . 6 cupsplain floar
-1. Grease a20 cm (B in) ring tin and t/z teaspoonnixed spia
line the base. Spoon mixture evenly 1/zteaspoonntltmeg
into the tin, arrange reserved fruit
15 g (1/2 oz) conPrusedJeast
and nuts over the top, pressing
down gently. Bake in a slow oven 250 g (8 o7) batter
for about Uzhours. or until cake is 2 cups castor sugar
firm to touch. Allow to cool for 10 250 g (8 oz) currants
minutes in the tin before turning
250 g (8 oz) seededraisins, cbopped
out. Store in an airtight container
wrapped in foil. 250 g (8 o7) sultanas

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