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Chapter-X and Development in India wome™ py the World Ec i im. Y ir progress towards jn four dimensions. They are: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival and Political Empowerment. This is quite indicative of the fact that women are still under developed in India and still fail to avail equal bapa in the society. This makes women s a ‘ myth in the country. However, India stands Constitution a, in making adequate provisions in its protect and pro making women specific legislations to cee — the interests of women. A thorough attempts of the government to stir women develo pment i Pages, in the country can be made in the following [402] Constitutional Safeguards for Women in India The principle of gender equality is enshrine d Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundaments| p Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. With frame work of a democratic Polity, laws, develop... Policies, plans and programmes have aimed at w advancement in different spheres. Key among them is ratification of the Convention on Eliminations of Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1:0 The Constitution of India not only grants equ! to women but also empowers the state to adopt measurse of positive discrimination in favour of women --. neutralizing the cumulative socio-economic, education and political disadvantages faced by them. Right from ‘re Preamble the commitment of the Constitution to the c of women is very much discernible. A threadbare analysis of the Constitution brings to the forefront the following provisions made for the wome= or having direct bearing on women in the country. Various Provisions enshrined in the Constitution under various heads are delineated below. The Preamble The Principle of gender equality is enshrined in nist Constitution in in its Preamble. The constitution "ct only grants equality for women, but also cores the State to adopt measures to positive discriminati® in favour of women, Within the framework of a democratic polity, our law 4 es have development policies, plans and programme an been aimed at women’s advancement in dif ia - {403} India has also ratified various international waventions and human rights instruments committing qo secure equal rights of women, Fundamental Rights Equality before law for women (Article 14) The State not to discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them (Article 15 (1)) The State to make any special provision in favour of women and children (Article 15 (3)) Equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State (Article 16) Prohibition of Human Trafficking and bonded labour (Article 23) Directive Principles of State Policy The State to direct its policy towards securing for men and women equally the right to an adequate means of velihood (Article 39(a)) Equal pay for equal work for both men and women (Article 39(d)) To promote justice, on a basis of equal opportunity and to provide free legal aid by suitable legislation or scheme or in any other way to ensure that portunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities (Article 39 A) Th ol fe State to make provision for securing just and humane iti y : (arte annaitions of work and for maternity reli (a erapnsy) yoseyoued & UE SADUAMNSUOD 1U9I9}51p oF uone, {a pane AY OF SHES LPNS PUP UaWION 105 pyysor, ax orveaeyputd {4919 UF UORDa. Doa1p 4g pay agen yeas 70 40 [R101 UB JO (SQ. Painpayrc, ay pue sapst) POINPOUPS AU} 04 SUIFUOIAq UaLWOM 104 pansasay gqoos yo aquinu aty Surpn jsut) pary-au0 eM S804 Jor; sauttediorunyy ((F) d €¢ a}pHAy) Uaw0m soy Passasaz 2x 09 94a] yPLa Te STeAPYPUEY AYP UT SUOSIAdIoy> Jo suyo Jo Jaq [P}0} Up JO paTIA -auo UPYR $59 Jo, (Oa ezapny) yeieysued & UL saizuaNyysuOD yuarayIp 0; uoNe}or 14 PAHO|TE 3q_ 0} syeAS YoNs pur UaLOM 40} pactasar aon eAeyouEY AzaAa Ut UoRDaIa PauIp Aq Pally aQ 04 3e2s Jo JOqUUNU [e}O} YY Jo (SaquI] Pafnpayps axp pue SISPD Pa|MPayss ayy 0} SurZuojaq uawom 10) paauasar ‘e980 Jaquunu ayy Sutpnjout) paryy-auo ueyy $591 oN; syeseypueg (2) (WTS aPHV) “WOM Jo AWUBYp ayy oy ALOyeBouap sadqdeud aunouaL * Pur eipuy jo ajdoad ayy jye yssuowe pooysayjoug “SWWO? Jo puids ayy pue AUoWIeY ayowodd of sang jeyuawepund (Ut apy) ajdoad 40 Runny ® SOY) pure UOQLANU JO janay oypaset a (of appay) uouevords? e an HL YRIDOS Whoa) Wty payoud oF i “ Haas saya ayy }o assis ee ag 0 ayy agen poroadds pest ae {rl h ae sn (g Pur (9Z€ ‘D9LE ‘GOL ‘VOLE ‘9z€ ‘s16 suompsc jade (a9ze pue v9z_ suoKy>a6) PRY poy axe Sa sepun : uouioms ysureBe sou ayy "Hoy UO ous ek 0} quaunystund yuaBurys 105 umop sie] pur _uaue jsureSe sawn, BuLMoyfos ayy saziuSor01 1 ay quauadoyaaap pure snyeys stay) 0} eyuaUIT2p stusioG jsure8e sour supe (qq) apod euag uerpuy at SMe] Pbadg ayy pue apo [euag uerpuy zapun smeq eusw5 ayy, 871 sad. omy oyun pazuo8aye> aq Ue? uaUHO% jo sasne) ay 0} aanoddns are yeuy sey ayy “421005 au; ur way amodusa pue Aunses [eD0s uNaLR apraos pure uaulom jsureSe sayone pua 0} pur aouajo. SULIOJ SNOLTRA Woy UaWIOM yayord pue uogeuT Te1bos quaaard 0} ‘sjyB1x fenbs amsua oj aun 0} au Woy samseaus aane|siSa| snoues p2}>eus sey =p) Jo JUaWTLIaA05 ayy ‘ayepueU FeUoENyNsUOD au pjoydn ot suopstaoag [2891 JeuOReU 0} [P20] WO (iz ¢¢z ApH) SLO jo A108aye> 40 ssej> yons wosy ssaquiaul SuLsFe pue siaquiaus se s[enprarput yo Suysisuo> aayeiado-09 Araaa Jo preog UO uatUOm IO} SEES ON ((F) G €FZ aPHAY) UAWOS 10} F aq 0} Jana] ypea ye syedeypued ayy UE SUOSET sadtyo Jo 1aquunu [e}0} aup Jo pary BuO VEL = [sor] ¥eN Sd -g66L Ut PapuaUTY L96L PV WEUag GrusayeEy -gg6t "PY (wontaAazg) ay e , zed, KL Tezouruy yl 1UAWIPUBUTe YIM YEG PY Worssazong, ape : mH ayy, ‘S961 ‘Py 08 jeLLIeY npunyy ayy PO6L PV aSeLEY [erDadg ayy °PSEL “PV SHNOD Ajrutey ayy, TS6L PY Iogey OHeIUR|Y ayT, Sh6L WV aouEMsuT ayEIg seaXojdurg ayy, sapnppur smey fepads sapun sysaz3}UT vouos pronfayesol supisraoadepods one yong se (60g woR>ag) eur je sapousoxp aan on papoose and PH (gage uo 9g) aBe Jo stead 17 04 dn s[u18 jo uoeHoduay (age uonDas) SurqreIs (opge uorag) wistinason, (apg 4oH?2S) aurom uo yNeSsy uewom e aqossyp oF WUayUT YAM (ypge woR>ag) tauussesed Temes (p¢¢ uoI}2ag) UALIOM JO Aysapow arp Bu8eH90 (vg6p wonsag) soanerax sty 10 pueda fq S47en19 pue aoe ‘z0¢ Su0H295) (90 Pop Aisog, ‘JOP (ese-€9€ su01}2°S) uonanpae pur Surddeuy ‘ads justo OF Ssodind quaseyjiP 104 ses du (11g/oze uoH?9) {oot 14 181)80u ssouue sens areys sawp 194% SsOD04d Bury Lose au JO HquIL aly OF! UDWOM ayy BuLIq 07 Pasnpony ces fg "vsiv ruin 0 see rae a sarpoq [POO] Ur saotJo paydapa [Je Ul usWOM Joy pe Te}0} atp Jo paryp-ouo soarasorquaureT eg LEIP ayy fq 2661. ut passed oy uawpuaUTY euONMINSUO .¢/ a4), uaudopaaap sry} 0} WNUaLIOW e UaALg Aqarayy pur Aya1D0s UeTPUT ayy UL UAUIOM Jo ad10n pu Aqsa ayy Suuseaxut Jo} pangiquo Anue>rpusis Bary YPTYM T9OZ ‘UUM Jo JUaLUZaModuT ayy 10; Adtod TUOHRN Mp Pur PIIYP [HI ayp 10} UONDY Jo ue} Teuonen ayy Py JsUPUDUTY [PUORNMINSUOD pig/ayy ynoge apeul aq UkD UOHUAUT ‘s}>e Yons YIM BuoLYy £107 PV (Tessarpay pur uoH gyorg ‘UoHUaAarz) aoeydyi0m ye uawIOM Jo JuaUIsseIeH Jenxag ay] “9002 “Pv aBeLEY PID Jo uoNTqryord ay, “so0z “PY aDUAIOIA INSaUIOG WO Ua Jo UOHIa}O1] AY “L861 “PY (uoRUAAALg) HES Jo UoIssTUNHO) 9861 “py (uoniqryorg) uau0M Jo uoNeuasaday WuerPUT “O86L “PV QuawpuUaurY) Sato} FUL “E861 PY (TUaUpUaUTY) eT [EUR AL “9261 ‘PY UOHeIaUNWOY yenby oul “gz6l ‘ov (uonHoqy pue uoHEINBay) anogey PeNUED TL “TZ6L Py AoueuSaig jo uoHeuTuay [ertPa T96L “Py UORIqMod sumo - — mb? ginsud 07 suBredures youney 0}, eaiyBut aup Jo=}0xd 04 S| MON ae pees yp weuTetted UEIPUT aM a poosed Sein 3yptemtio ot A csputwJ0_) TEUOREN, AUR ‘O66T M1 PEPUT Jo Neuro ig 2661 UE PAUSTIAENS® WOUIOM 10} Apoq Tedliven MON) USHOM, 10} UOISSTERIOD [RUOHEN 4] ‘aad “Mauro M JO; WoYSsTUED feuOHEN “SUOReNG ATO EME “preog areyj2M TOS EHUD -uausom Jo} SUOISSTUNLIO uv UAUTO NM 10} UOISSTUTOD [EUOREN ayeas Pl -aup aze suormmsur yons Suoure yuaurord jy seereyp ul aypads uoutom axe YPniM SRN wuios payeau9 Seu IUSUULTIAOD Wel ‘samseaut re3aq pure uoMESUOD 2x{8 09 pure URTOM J > pur uautoM JO quauedad: wu myo 1uSULTaMOgULA a [409] men right from the labour market to the of the 8 »NCW is constituted of a chairperson, a member The nd five other members. It functions include cect etaty a Investigation, Action Research, Legal inquity an Review of cases of violation, Research, intetY a and Participation in planning. The NCW has pala layed a catalyst role in protecting the interests ee mast the women and echoing, their voice in the and 6 | forum. Prototype Commissions have been instituted at the state level to reach the women and to safeguard their rights. Central Social Welfare Board: The Central Social Welfare Board was set up by a Resolution of Government of India on 12" August 1953 to promote social welfare activities and to implement welfare programmes for women. It comprises of a full-time chairperson and members representing state and union territories. Its general body consists of 51 members headed by the chairperson. She is appointed by the government in consultation with the ministry of social welfare from amongst prominent women social workers. The major functions of the Central Social Welfare Board include: To survey the need and requirements of social welfare organisations. To promote the setting up of social welfare institutions in remote areas. To promote programmes of training and organize pilot projects in social work. To subsidies hostels for working, women and the blind. TULTAT Ka 2 eetudojana Jer 1Aacy pup pue wawom JO Ansty £q uoneususardia gaurayps Tofeur JO S[Le@P ay], “Suoneastuupy Aoyuisa frown PUL SIUPWTLIOACD aIIS ‘epuy 45 Wawwad0% éq panuauta| du! 2x2 USLUOM 40} S3LUaYDS a1041944 Kuvyy PPEPUY UT UaWION 105 soura ‘sroumo ssautsng wmnIpaut pur jews ayy 0} [aay yy ou ayy puodeq HPAI puayxa o} “aiduexa 405 ‘Mou paau sopisoid 2105 [eDUeUY JyI0 pue sfurg “paurejureus aq 0} spaeu 4eY} WINJUaUTOW [eyTA e SEY “sasuudsaqua unypaut PUP [PUTS LMO 1134} 32e}s 0} UaLO.M a8einosua 0} ‘saIpisqns pur {Pa Jo uorstAoud ayy YBnomy ‘sarow juadar ave a1oy “AqunoD ayy ur juauidoraaap uawon ajoword ot Prestio} days sofeur pue awioajass e st fueg suouna PHB 0} LOM 0296 Jo BBP s juswusas08 94) ‘surg epryey “sepelg erypuy pue Yseperg 129A) Aq pamojjoy ‘suoneys fod uautom Jo raquinu tunuIxew ay} sey npeny jure y {og “Atenuef 41 uo eipuy sso12e suonels aoyjod uawiom ch inoge aram SIU "JO paaraouod are suoners artfog TINEW ‘uawom ysureSe SOUITID ay} YIM [ap of sSUONRIS aorfod eTyEW “saDLAlas areyam pweudojarap pue uorsuedxa ayy ut prvog areyjay4 Wha 'Slequas 94 ISIS 0} pur pavog ayy jo souuerSord ayy spy ota 07 Sa140}1119} Uorun pur sayeys ay} ur dn jas a1am "Hl Atostapy azeyjayy [elses ares ay “FG6I Ul “SuawUaA08 a}e]s pur uoluy Aq sarsuase 0} papuayxa aoUL}SISSE a}LUIPIOOD O|, -Aya1D08 Jo SuoK>2s “ 0} adtasas aseyjam Surptaosd oa. NAsur Areyunjoa 0} pre-ul-syurss als OL fort 4S pas K Suon, a ageqan-twias ueqin UE fajqissod 12A0104M ‘UAIP[YD 1104p 10y ‘urbej area ep ypta “uauo% BUPYIOM 20} UOREPOULLONE ppaye20] Apquatuaauod pure afes Jo Ayiqeneae ayy ayouoid 0, ‘st aWAaYpS AY} JO aaralgo ay, :$]2380H UautoM Bury20,4 [gy st zaquinu autyd jay 294}-1[ ay), ‘aurdjaH znoy-47 EE payesdayut ood auo Japun aouafo1n yo supa oj santas Suryjasunio> PUE [RIPEN eB} 450 Mod "iaifoys Surpiaosd 10) expul Ut suO|EDO| snoues qe paystyqeyse axe sennu dor 2UO AL Puns pACYQuIN, au Aq paouruty SLO judy 3s1 uo payuoutajdur sem i *upyes, se unoury Aendod st pue yjad ‘gelung ‘ysepetd Zen “eur “pueyyeseny Peuayenfo ayy sjaszey pure y] 'S2z039 OL SUP Suupuny perms ue ypiar payoumey Sea AUIHPS oeypeg 19g ‘oeypeg Hod ‘sLoz Atenue{ zz uo paypunel seis juauiarou UPI BID amp anes, au SHS UeIPUL Sumo 103 papuan! Souaias azejjam uo ssauazeane Suystex puP APPA! yeu Jo uoronpar ‘ajeurds Jo uoneorpe19 1® peut’ uBtedwe? fetoos e Jo wo} ayy ur aUTdoIAacy 224H0s>% uewa} go Axstury oup pur azes12M Aqruaeg pur yite?H JO AxystutN ayy Juaudojaaaq pilus pue uawioy Jo Aaistuyy Aq uni aanjenmut yurol e st sia: oeMPed Hed ‘ovpeg 18 -aunsodxa yayseUl 10s apiaoad pue Aiessuouos® uawwors s29sodua > St SI ‘JOYALU AApeo & OY AIOM 10) Aojouypay a8esaAay pure ur Aos MAE ye sonjasuiayy 1aysiZas ue> UOWIOM " Bid, ayy jo wed v st sty “WOU Aq posapues pue wiayy Aq paonpoid syonposd aseomous ol SuonestueZuQ [eyuatUUaAES VON PUP (sous) age wat papa? ayy Suyseomer® ss eyouyeu™ anyerntue JJoH] J)P6 ‘Sanauasdosqua ULuom jroddns oF we net PUY pue uowor jo Aaystuyn an Ad po tN paramere Sunaxyzeur auyfuo ysosyp ws! wwe i (412) or even rural areas where employment opportu Nity women exists. Swadhar Greh: The Swadhar scheme was launched by nion Ministry of Women and Child Devel d lopment in 29) It aims at the rehabilitation of women in difficy, circumstances, The scheme Provides shelter, food, cloth inp and care to the marginalized women/girls and desi who are in need. The beneficiaries include widg deserted by their families and relatives released from jail and without family support, women survivors of natural disasters, women victims of terror ist/ extremist violence etc, The implementing agencies are mainly NGOs, tute ows * women prisoners STEP: The Support to Train Programme for Women (STEP) skills that give employabili ‘ing and Employment Scheme aims to provide employed/ entrepreneurs, The sectors included under taining are Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Processing, Handlooms, Tailoring, Stitching, Embroidery, Zari — etc, Handicrafts, Computer & IT enable services along ue soft skills and skills for the workplace such as en English,Gems & Jewellery, Travel & Tourism, — ctc.The project duration is | maximum up to 5 ae depending upon the nature, kind of activities and number of beneficiaries to be undertaken. s are Nari Shakti Puruskars: The Nari Shakti Purushars national level awards in recognition of the contribu >y women and institutions in ea Lished services for the cause of wom Sawada vulnerable and marginalized women one 8 March, Presented by the President of India every yea pravan in Ne International Women’s Day at Rashtrapati Bi Dell (413) Ujawala Scheme for prevention of trafficking: This e is launched by the Ministry of Woman & Child : i. ment to check the prevention of trafficking of girls Dev? or nercial use or for sexual exploitation or forced Fe cone Pradhan Mantri Ujjawala Scheme 2020 would Pee any such victim who trapped in such organized ee Once it recovers, it would rehabilitate and give counselling, to the victims. Interested Organisations aiming to provide such aid to victims need to be registered by the Government to receive the government aid. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh Scheme: Rashtriya Mahila Kosh Scheme or National Credit Fund for Women isa body set up under the Ministry of Women & Child Development. It provides micro credit to underprivileged women to become economically self-dependent. Nand Ghar Yojana: Nand Ghar Yojana aims to aid abandoned children and women. A Nand Gahr is a place where many people belonging to the same group reside. Here pre-primary health, education, and nutritionservices are available . It also enables empowerment for women belonging to rural areas.The Nand Ghar scheme works under the Women & Child Development Ministry. The scheme aims to build 4000 Nand Ghar like this in the nation and help the underprivileged. Mantri Mee Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana: Pradhan are pre latru Vandana Yojana seeks to aid women who ec and about to deliver a baby. This scheme lost wa “ ee rests at home without any tension of the of canis cS Government provides lost wages in terms Wage lossto overnment gives some cash incentives for and afte ensure thata woman takes a proper diet before et giving birth to a child. It leads to produce a healthy mother and child. ° P f 4 al \ 4 i tating poe an who 1S pregnant and lac 2 ey word der the scheme. However, those title uh a currently 1" regular employment undet paca and state Governments are not likely to bencfit ander the Pradhan Mantri Matra Vandana Yojana schema 2020. These eligible women get a total of Rs 5000 incentive instalments through cash transfers. \ kanya Yojana dhi Yojana: Su encourages the parents of a girl child to get open 4 bank account in the name of a baby girl and save some money. This money is used in future for either education or | marriage of the girl child.The parents of the girl child can | open a bank account if the beneficiary gitl child is under _ the age of 10 years. The account is opened ai i governmental, or privatized bank. The minimum deposit for one bank account limited to Rs 250. The maximum amount of Rs 1,50,000 deposited under this scheme. e parents get an interest of 8.5% charged quarterly. Loi National Créche Scheme for Children of eats ne evneresn order to promote women’s the para ie bour force participation, in the country, Creche Scheme ee ate up with Rajiv Gandhi National in 2006 Under this chileren of Working Mothers scheme nutrition, immunizati eme, day-care facilities, improve’ better physical, tents facilities, sleeping facilities for working women is ana growth of children ° Women’s Help li Me Wanere eaeumplemented in April 2015" upliftment of women 1091 scheme is an initiative f°" emergency response ae at need of immediat® It provid . les 24 hour toll free telephonic assistan” to any women or girl faci sphere of life. er acing violence in the public or private spreads awareness about various plans Sukanya Samrit wae w— (313) nd run by the government and their help. These helplines g to nearest department, grams jaunched a ymental agencies for critical situations by referrin al [ambulance facility, police station, fire jomen Development Issues: ent of the Government to untry is reflected Five Y& The very com aaprove the conditions © m In different Plans, the strategies, mitm {¢ women in the co ive-¥ ear Plans. re hes to and financia! in different. the F r focus. 4P) ] allocations for women s deve! e Year Plan (1951-56): It was mainly welfare orie! were concerned. The Central Social Welfare Board ok a number of welfare measures through the y sectors to ensure the needed welfare functions for the women of the country. The outcome, however was ot very notable in terms of women’s development rather it was sporadic and retarded. Second Five Year Plan (1956-61): efforts were geared to organize : ts levels to ensure better plementation of welfare schemes. Participation of the omen themselves in the development process was zed. However, the participation was not direct or . s centered due to the conservative ta of an attitude and skill among the women. Third, Fourth, Fifth Five Year Plan (1961-74): Duri ‘ ‘ eae tae ae eee! priority was given to women’s supplementary pee ieee an health services and mothers to ane ovisions for nursing and expectant @ an educational advancement among proac Jopment remal First Fiv nted as far as women’s _ During this period, Mahila Mandals” at grass-roo! process of developm Se women, of the women was SUPP' development by the women. Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-90): ighth Five Year Plan (1992-97): Du = cate women were enabled te process fun ‘ners and participants in the devel Teservation of seats in the loc (417) Nineth Five Year Plan (1997-2002): iu This plan made substantial provisions for making development realistic for women in the country. It focused evel on: werment of women and socially disadvantaged wm euch as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and oer Backward Classes and Minorities as agents of socio- economic change and development. (b)Promoting and developing people’s participatory institutions like Panchayati Raj institutions, co-operatives and self-help groups. (Strengthening efforts to build self-reliance. (d)The convergence of services from different sectors. (e)To develop a women’s component plan at the Central and State Levels, Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07): The Tenth Five Yea: Tequisite access and services, is plan eco} r Plan was formulated to ensure plan of women to information, resources and advance gender equality goals. During nomic empowerment of women through Self ri PS were expected to bring changes in the ees and esteem of women. Skill and capacity th ‘opment through trainings were insisted upon. eventh Five Year Plan (2007-12): This Measures ean PecPosed to Minig " gender empow undertake special plan try of Wi erment and equity. The to make tyerenn and Child Development was expected ;, 1s “*instreaming prosee® of gender budget and gender {418} Twelfth Five year Plan (2012-2017) The twelfth plan called for economic em, transformative social and physical infrastructure, enabling legislations, greater women’s Participation in BOVernan inclusiveness of all categories of vulnerable ; Power, women anj engendering national policies/ Programmes. It had mae a target to increase women’s employability in the formal sector and focus on women’s work participation Promote skill development among women to enable thon {© move from traditional skills to emerging skills and s to transfer technology to Women inall aspects of farming, farm management, animal husbandry, forestry, sustainable natural resoure management. Another ‘major target of this plan period was toaccord joint land titles in all government land transfers, It also wanted to ensure safety to women at workplaces from sexual violence and to Provide intensive political training to women, Inclusion of more women from vulnerable communities was also set as a goal during five-year plan, Committees on Women: From time to time, the Government of India instituted committees to Teview the various dimensions affecting the development of women. Here a mention is Ti, bouttwo important committees which havealready Biven revolutionary reports and a committee that is yet 0 start functioning Committee on the Status of Women 1971-1974: level Committe to review te tats nce independence. The Departmen identified to do this. Phulrenu Gul 9) recharge of Social Welfare it eted that such a study 2 blty msistee ould be considered iipe following were the members | Phulren Guha Chairperson Kumari Mani Ben Kara- member gmt Neera DORE” member ‘ri Shyam- member Sn gakinaHHasan- member on Lakshmi Raghuramai ‘Smt. Urmila Haksar- member Dr(Smt) Leela Dube- member Dr(Smt.) Lotika Sarkar- member tui V ikramMahajan- member Dy mt Vina Majumdar-member Secretary "The Committee on the status of women in India, whose report coincided with the International Women’s Year, compiled evidence of gender gaps in virtually every yes suffered by women sector and highlighted the inequaliti * the spheres of employment, health and education and ; sions government to ensure the application of rights Samed aby a constitution to women. The Committee Adon the Indian state has failed in its eee esponsibility and promise not to Eide Gece gender. On a stronger note, it Bia nes to be no acknowledgement of Cae needs in all the major sectors of Indian Mean had been increasingly viewed by Treflansers as not being in need of an independent betas oe decreasing work participation rate, imstate fn employment, situation of poverty and Problems requir ied to exist and were not even viewed as ‘ing change. The report suggested that sant. Savi ah- member wy - Aywury pue Aysodord oid aUINyJOA ayy ur synod AyL 7 : HEY Oy sapere vaouryiayur ‘ooueuaureut ‘diysuerpaen’ jo ypors & yenuout MOTH OL ® ue (OTH) eenTEWOS, cE ) SULLA} SUL us uref ed22q “jug Y~ Anes TUS, 1G, eys eAinsnuy “siyy, roUENA WEUINS ‘Siyy may PURELY “spy A REET AREA guy OW VW PaTER YY “1g, (— FAR, BLEU “1g, PUSHY PUES “1g, UUs eURIOUEW -1q, HOA ~ ULES BIE “spy, AW ~ indley weg “1g OW = UBUIS eMUTY “1g maeBy euIg Lossajory HD ~ Jed PUMY aoysn{ YA JO UOMIsoduuoD ayy, | SeMadHNUUOD jana] 1 uasaad 0} parmbar st NjOsay Opts payyysuor UL “Spaou s,usuo0M 1O paseq SUOTUAAIEU Sv ][aM SP 686L ie oy Apmys aatsuioyeude 4S dYI UO daqyTWUWOD ) UaWUTAADD eUL 0 aoyTUTOD [9A - oye! = ave peur? ut a 10. saanoedsied aid ‘aioarp ‘e8eVAIeUW UO UoIssnostp ee quzkteuy “seonead payejor ‘oBeraeU pur suoNEZULaey suze As quassap ‘suoMIpeN snorStfo1 &q pauraacg xyes s JRININ-O10s sossnastp yzodar ayy. “soryjod, eee vanes a) 40} sautppms Inyosn Surpiacad Tepes i wouloM Jo snyeys pur syst our 07 Sunejar — Tle Jo HoReUTUX® SASTTOY pu aaisuayaiduio> Oe eat ant aeGoe Weowpxexory pur yeanid ‘os1a,1p e unin aeuieur pue Ajmurey a>{11 SuoRMAQSUT eID0s an fq pawiouus, Santen pue sonteudp ayy soioidxd iy “wipe jetuojoo ysod Jo uawOM ayy UO ssac0id Surpyng uoReU ayy uo edust ayy sassasse AAyenba, spremoy - Squares pur vpyeoy ‘ey ‘uonedionsed eannod aquouora pue rapuas jo sansst ui ay Jo wonezifemdaouos-a1 & pao 1s} SEM YL Lay SHY, B Se paquosap “Some JO smeis ay) UO aoxnuto- ap wp wodoy,, au ‘edeins “g'> ‘eumeyg pnumy ‘re "IA “Id £q paryerp sem yoda, Jo snqeYS a UO a iM. fax ayy sty ‘Ayyenby spremoy, “rappereys ut Suuaayap ue PeuoHsuny ag oy ypeordde pare, SMU ‘UaUIOM Jo 4 suueIZ 03d sBaqUT Ue aALY, uaudojsaap pur uoneds WoRde 40 Koy HRW a Sataye NP Burars kq Aywuny ae leads pue 20M Jo sad Ay quay one UIpieay SPLoau Suysixa yo uoreur TPE WBUOM 404 KoJod qwourkojdus ayy Suysesar loze —_.. ue saporae 4 4 “ouineninentonuon gers HL Ay FUP IOMpUOD [LLM 74 Su *SMOTIOJ Se ane (> ; 0 BuaLajy yo oo Areya.199g Jaquiayy - ysuig uref edaag 4, SeqUW~ aney AMO ~ euLteys edinsnuy ay, JoquaW -reumy uewing iy quay ~ trey], eur NPL sy AMOI ~ LON HUXETeAeLEA yw TAIN = OWL Y eMTUE YY 4g TOQUIW ~ 149q PreULIN iq TOQUE ~ ueUYsiY eUUEYS 1q PQ ~ YBuIs eUreIOUEY “iq TOU ~ UTES eI spy Joquiay - indley weg ug Jequiay - y8urg emuy ig Foquiayy ~ femreBy eurg 105s9}01 uosradareyD - jeg eumny aonsn{ “JOPUN sv St dd} TUTWOD ayy Jo UORTSodwio> ayy andley weg 4q papeay semaay rus [2177 USIEH ayy ‘stead Z uTUpTM J10dar Ss} yuasard 0} pazinbar st Hi pure Z10z Areniqay /z payep uoynjosay apis paynyysuo> SEM aaITUWOD [OAs] YBIE ay, “spaau s,yowo Jo quouissasse Arerodurqo> e uo paseq suonuassn! Aotod ayetidoidde aajoaa 0} sv [Jam sv 6g6L oa UaUIOM JO sN}ejs By} pue}sIapuN oO} Apnjs aatsuayad a ayxeEpuN 0} UdWOM jo snye}s ayy WO aoqq!UHU yeae’] YySrpy e dn yas sey erpuy jo yUsUUIIACD YL O18 a4, ( 19491 Ut aaoge ayy 4 ‘i (31 HUDUIOM JO 8NyxIg UO aay TUTUTOD [9471 1H “mey POUT UF suo : nye" pur apoo [LAID wWrosrun ayy uo saayoodsiod olf {izel Steal Awaponpord ut aseasout uo squrersuo9 pur “9 Sunayxzew “WOHepess dn jyrys pue Surureny “Pax Yueq ‘SueUYOIIW O} ssa02y >) “sapanosax aayonpord soy}0 pue pury ‘Ayszadoid 1aa0 osyu09 pu 0} $9908 ‘SIaAa] BWLOIUE PUR aseq yasse say] (aq) “2}2 Awrouor aze> /sti0m predun ‘Ayanse suouosa s1aup Jo waned peoryder3038 ‘uonedionred jo svare Su2zaura uaudojdura pred fewzoyut pue jeutios ur uonedioned pu oy ssaove sua (e souTUTeXe eYe-OIUE “TIEM TH YL (at) “‘uoneuauafdunt ur sde8 se qjam se uonejsi89] pur A>yod ut sanyenbaut Ayquapr jim pue ‘uawom jo quauuamodura sysHOY pur AjEMDds ‘Ayrpenba uo sa8ueys aaneysiaj pur sarorod Sunsixe Aq apeur pedur ayy ssasse ose pynom yf ‘ployasnoy ayy apisyno pue unpIaL Yjoq saRieNbauE UO sno0j pue sadUaa;AIP [ewo1Sax ssouo jo juno2oe ay} p[nom sisAjeue ay] “(s19y}0 /surysnyy 89) snyeis Aquoutus Aq ajqissod zaaaiayn pur (uaurom jues8yur ‘uauiom pagesip ‘uautom a/8uIs ‘15/5 “Idd /TdV"8a) uoyisod jeIsos pur stwoUoda ‘uegin / [ein 4g payeSax88esip ‘smyeys jeonyjod pur je8aq ‘{euoHLyNU Pue wpjeay ‘1woU0s9-o190s ayy ‘eH[e-19}UT SULpNpUT UaWOM Jo snye}s [Je19A0 ayy SUTUIEXA TIM y[ (IH) “UaWOM jo JUaULaModWa Hsl[OY 10} samnseaur puauwodal pur UALIOM uO jedwuT 78M Jo suuzay ut syadse asay} Jo ssaupa}auuoy Ja]Ut ayy Pue erpuy ur uautom jo snqeys [eB] pure feontfod ‘onuoUODa “100s quam oy3 uo yoday v aredad ym yy (u) eIpuy “{Wawom jo sneys ayy Uo ‘SpAeAUO GGT Woy Y>Ivasai {ctl up 0 Aida ua OMIM & Ut 40} JAYSTUT “y quaudoy ey TUNA “ARAL, BUYSLIS, HUG eg IPED ies 0 SH Ug Kg pone PEP Ln ARIS SeAK ‘uawi0m aup fq, won Jo uauusa Modo aso ingot 4K 40} AIO Jo svar AIHUAP! inom soy 394 Surana . ion 1 yuryp Aes aannumuros ayy yeup ane ones auHo i eongjod pur e8. Ue “ i Enjejs e940 a4 Suyaosdur uo soumyps pursue’ dujuad udUOM Jofew yo jedwr sq 1 uaurtamoduua s1u10u1022-01208 say} st jeontfod s,uauom ur saBueyp Jo yoedunt pur sau: = won fionaed yo JUSIXS pus auMeU ag 2H 7 pure aime[si2ay avis ‘syedeypued ul wonedonnd ae oodsou uate smyeys feanijod syuawom urea 10 RUIN ap aane]st ua S890 05 =H YO sat was jo gu -guorynyyysut [eTporsn> Ye yead {sews pure suostid ur uausos Jo UORIPLOS | Puyo pue syedeyoued aise 10 ote yon ae saute yuowsanonse NUL ror der ase 08 Ayqeur S ueUoN NOL 5590 mez yo sped sane] XB INO scquiareae 200M ae worn "yy{ea4 JOS Moyanap fusou0s2 cos 1 | -uoyeonp? P' yo suniay uy OU noooe Uo HEU aim Od Aavutoysn2 joqun enoy ata apis PUP UN spuazora Jo ase foal sprstoap. uf TUSWOALON juaraysiP UE Mer xas BUTUTPOP TP eeyowp saguey? PUP jawoas oF 3P' (al ‘sauuuessord pur suejd autig| du 10 Yomauueyy euK MHL end Aq aldondord yooudo eae >you aaela & ueuudofoaap aaneussye al se pa8iows acy oy sue teio Areunjoa ath so suonenes id enoneeaen BITE fepol, “siuase qwourdojaaap aaneusayre yo we ur skeae Sean TopoUr wuoudojeaap aareurayye ayy, Myeureysns Aqpewwauryorraua quauidojesep axeut oy pus guouog waudojaaap Jo uonnginsip arqennba “sj>edut Surzjueumny uo saziseydura jopour qywawdojanap sujuaa aidoag wwaudojaaap ounua> ajdoad o juauidojaaap sus? wars ogy ud9q sey NYS YL “uoRISUE UL aie uouidojaaap 30 sarsyod ‘sanuioud ayy “sivas sun tog SurSuey> uaaq sey, qwaudojaaap jo w8ipered ouL yuaurdotasag OA JO ajo “suUIOja ‘eouod ‘sumnora Jo uoneumuexa MP pue Suppoyzen quowsserey Me] UO SuoHepudUTUODaI apeut wodar sy Pennugqns aayruwo> AOHDOS sOUIIO; ‘UMULUeIqnS UR Jo a8pn{ sa9Us0y “unas epie7 SMOUOM UF suoHeZrUeBi9 Areyuny Ruoneanpa pur [ero}2a[9 oppor ‘asnqe jenxas py lnxas ‘oder 0 payejar s; A eLoz ‘ez ‘Arenue{ uo ‘surgp “uauIO.M “oy yun iInesse lenxas Sunjrumuos JO pasnooe syeuru> Asp wustund Peouryus pue yery sayoinb 30} apiaosd oy OS Mey Feuruts ayy 0} syuatupuaue puatmUodar 0} rag SU09 Sean 4aN0D auaadng ayy jo aoysn{ jaryD 19110} Mud 'S Leonsny Aq Papeay aaynuuo> una, se uMouy oS oquiaw-aaryy e Zz “Ez 19qUID2aC] UO. saaypUTUTOD PUI A, Irzel [9A] 1004 ssex8 ayy ye suoNoUN HOHDUNG yLoddns jo WUT SOON SurBsaw AL mou Aura p up are PI SOON woddng 4 Ou JO Spaeu wmuNUTUT J0 dISeq ay) ains ACW SOON asap ‘AuE|NoNIeE “spoou ney Seomnosas teu AHUApt “AUNTS oun y AOU ‘suoQeztueSi0 Arequnjoa ypns are UOHPIPap pur yuauyTuU0> Mol 38 “@oyLDeS YIM aotaras Buy “tn poten es Sem y i ney AEN “UyTeaY Jo vare eu 0} ureyad sadraras sayz JO UPN “usutOM jo sdnowg Papnpxe poziteurBseu “ood ayy 04 saotaios ope Aare] Loy, “ano Burdjay 10 ApreYD, jo sjdiounes ay 4q papin are Aoyy “SOON aresjam se umouy astauayjo 2x8 SOON Burptaoid aatateg “SOON quautiomode ue SOON Hoddng ‘SOON BuIpraoig aa1A49g 5 payise, Aypeorq aq ues suoneztue8i0 Arejunjoa ay © Spaou aip az JOSaINye95 payio, Ouary 9 YBIy ‘osuads PLACA “SUOIStAOId i305, oy adeys aanisod pue mau e uaat8 yqnop ou aaey yoddns Pur UOHeZTIgour ay ‘s\OY SuIpTINg [[P4s /ApedeD Hou ‘suBredue> Suneiouds ssausnorssuos stay “uawon ey} 0} Yoear May] "USIP spueys suoHeztueZI0 ypns jo jor ayy Guawidojaaap suowom 304 ‘amyeu ut Suuaarep pur payuarso UoR>e arout ng ajdoad ayp 0} ajqeidane suo JOU WTaYY axLU [aAa] JOO! sseIB ayy 0} SUOeZTULSI0 as2U Jo Ayqeyovoidde pur ssauasoyy ‘afdoad ayy jo .qpede> ayy 8urpying ur ‘ajdoad ayy yo spaou yay ayy Suumde> ur ‘uondasied paSuryp ev Supra Aq ajdoad Surziqo ‘rene UoHediogsed Supyeur ut sary suoreZTUeS10 —— re au Jo efor Aay ayy, ‘sastudsoqua ayeatsd ayy pue eS WUUIUTIAOS dy 0} 4x9U 1099s PITY}, at] SE payeusisap Aay], ‘snopuauiay st aSuryp Jo ysApeyEd aup sv sUOHEZUP® AIEIUNJOA ay Jo aor ayy ‘pjiom Surdopanep aWp Ul {szp) yajadiio? aio pur wsifeuotssajord Surdojarap uy sanuay poy ou 1uwaHTUIS & paceyd Sey 0.95 AzeWUNIO A, cepor i quaudojaaap = uawom 0} adeys sonieq & apiaord oy jusutuzaos uy pur suoneztueiio AsvIUR]OA UaDM}ag diysiaued Gojaaap pur yuawdojaaep s,uoutom 20j Asyun05 uy ur ustanse AIe}UNJOA BuIseD.2Ut UO S50235 v Sere 9:04) pouad aouapuadaput-ysod ayy uy ‘uatiom jo siySi1d ayy gqouioad 0} saMtAgoe AzeyUN]OA 0} snjadut ue Paptaoud ose steleg pur sepiig ‘see a>]] SISHTeLYsNpur Uerpuy -Ayar>0s ayy Ul UBWOM JO SUOHIPUOD ay} a}oWOAd 0} Pur uawos jsufe8e SIIAa [PIDOS ay} JeQUIOD 0} syIOJJa AyrUNUTWOD pue [e1s0s Suosjs jo paau ayy paziseydwa ar08ey. PEN EIPUILY ‘“MrypUED ‘ey UeYouRUey eley ‘pueuEeq ueMg epUBUEYBALA eM ay] SIOWIOJa4 [P1905 afBBnns wopaey JeuoneU ay} UT UawOM ayy SuTWeansurew pue Suruayeme feuoHeU auy jo yed e uaaq sey pue Aquno> ayy ur pajoor daap st uoyse Areyunjoa jo uoMIpen ayy si@yeu-UoIsDap Juapre UAIDYIMS sJas A|]e>r!WOUOD way? aye 0} uawiOm ayy Suoue juawdojaaap [NYS “Surutes ajowoad ayy ‘aury ares ayy yy “syyatiag pur sountieS02d Suorstaosd jequauusaac5 snouea ynoge uawosm } uonedpnsed Sunowoid pue sapnyye ayy Sundojarap Yondasiad ayy SurSueyp ‘ssauareae Jo [2.9] au Sutseasut 4 9]oa quesyruSts e Aeyd Ay] -uawom 105 sauue301d Sudojaaap |[pys pue Surpymg ADede> pue saver. Ape .PNpuod ‘ssauareme Suryeiauas ‘suoyuaarazur “onpogut je wie ». ae “uous go dagenquans 3 ont -suoneztuesio joourye es Ud V MAS ‘UAW AOU! Y MAS 9 ae ee Ilayy se SUOTyeIYSUO! Sea W Mas “8 ns ra te oe ySUOWAP JO SpoyyaUt judy ven fe a SIYBEE SIOYIOM UaLIOM 105 yyy 6a aoe pore Jeutzosuy se ANUAPL way Sun A eoeke eer suare a] “Aqqeqo1s Bemeiicoor ncn Vii ssautsng, {[euls 1 TNOge{ LAO sFoy) YBnos eis res vaUIOM 36011], “SIOPIOM UOUIOM Padus iesunde tuorjestuedio ue sty uoTun apes ese ahaseiin gare u Te ea a zee ‘Ur paystyqese Sem I] senieoae 0 : IM padojdurg 12S UL 40} spuers VMas ‘Mas: saotaras stay yBnonp AAUNOD a quauadoanap suaviom oy AuBoYyRUsIs SuaNau are yoIym MO ppauomuauraze safuade Arequinfon 82} yooureu ay -pampadxa qustiequngoa ysnoust yeu 04 sagtotd pure pazitiaus oso ‘pausyfi8UU97s 94 OVE CN aay pt doad uaamyaq diysiouned juawdojo™? puv aypesods 0s" Aauneo s puny 19n9M011 quaurdoppaap uattom oy are sure pur quasar ‘I 3 pousoas s9uH0904 PPFD Senor so Peasds UaAun Ue St guoneziuedio A2e}UnIon OM ur papaasans oAPH yorum ayy are GMIN “aMSO Hs ‘ssuuTes [Ud yuu Burdojrep sanrunoddo yoreonP? suauuostaue Jo Ue year JO Proneutwassip Pue US jaysestp ‘TOAUO? uonendod Jayem pue ios att ease [eH tal [428] Help Age India: Established in 1978, Help ,, contributes significantly towards the protection of 4. "i aged women population who are the worst yjeq,.!"! neglect in the society. MS of Vimochana Vimochana is a Bangalore-based NGO 1979, It is an activist group that fights for wom, Angala, a centre in Vimochana, helps the women i jobs. Besides, they find admission for their child Veer in orphanages if the mother is not able to look sfc" and provide medical treatment to women in need.” NEN: North East Network NEN was set up as part of the Beijing World Conference on Women, in 1995. The vision of NEN incorporates upholding gender justice, equality and respect for human rights. It works on areas like gender budgetary allocations and security of women in confi areas. The organization operates within the geographical boundaries of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland and other parts of North East India. Azad Foundation ‘Azad Foundation works for the poor women living in urban India. It focuses principally on the abused women It works to ensure them with a life of dignity and make them independent. At the Foundation, women go through a six-month course which includes self-awareness, defen° trainings, sexuality and reproductive rightsand more.) have also collaborated with Sakha which is a wome? cab driver service for women clients in cities CREA found, en’ allenges the opPr® Founded in 2000 in New Delhi, nts organization. It ch: ge — {429} Irorganises and conduct programmes to increase oorms I Gene, awareness about sexuality and develop teh among, women. It is a part of International epen’s Organization in global south. sammaan Foundation: The Sammaan Foundation has been working since 2007 with an aim to empower the downtrodden, marginalized population of the society with focus on womnen by mainstreaming them by employment generation activities, micro-credit facilities providing health services. Smile Foundation: This foundation was instituted in 2002. The foundation is dedicated to make provisions of livelihood for youth, health care for rural villages and urban slums, education for children having a women component with it. Sutra: is the Society for Social Uplift through Rural Action. tis a Himachal Pradesh based organization. It has designed an innovative community led approach to tackle female feticide in rural areas. Samata: Andhra Pradesh - introduced a ground breaking education and research programme to tackle with child Marriage and child labour in India’s tribal communities which helped out the females. Sure: (Society To Uj a jplift Rural Economy): Rajasthan - has ise OPeda fresh model promoting peer learning on health sues among adolescents. ar Socity for Rural Industrialization) Bihar, Jharkhand transfor Hees technology in ground breaking ways to from trie ne Chtfepreneurial activists among young girls ‘bal and other marginalized communities. Oasis: Mad hya Pradesh — i i M ‘esh - spreading education through the ‘useum Model to impart interest? ® o dood { wa qeua sia saoysnt pue Ayypenbs Suraaiype sp.emoy 4IOM 04 ajdo; soSemoous pue Aupiqeiunoare ‘ssauanisuodsar cena ‘ssonoid Supyeuu uotspap ayp ul uoned nud sokqeunne [e89] suo Jo apap mouy ayy “AreroIpn{ ay) pue dane BUR /AHJOe aU aYH] SEULAALIS Jo JessaIPAL ax 10) ajquprad sjouueyp snoures azyinn pure yrvordde oy si04a9s aonshl oy, svete} ose ssavord siy, ‘syuaWaAHUD PUP SWYSis sy jnoge oreme AyeBaj aoejndod yeooy ayy SuBfeur 405 posure sa8iawua aroty Aja10s ayy jo JuaUIaMOdUIA [eBay a}ouNOsd pur ‘syy8tr prenBayes “[[e 107 aoNsn{ 3499s 0} 19ps0 Uy ‘stoquiaw Ajnuy ay9y3 Jo asoyy pur saay stay aaordwut 0} uoyoe aye} pue syYySEr tay Umea oF AyuMyLoddo ou avy {arp FYI OS “SPjoyasnoy sTayY UE pauTuo ysowrye are uawoMm 4ang ‘saoysnfur Sy 0} asn Us AaB YoTYM S}YBLE AIH Jo areme uattiom ayeur pur romoduta 0} st aSuaTeyD solew ayy via siyp Uy “A.qunod ap Jo UONDas paztfeurSzeUL yout siKp jo qy8y1d pue syurexysuod [ear ayy ye Yoo] Jou saop amparo.d uoyEyauajdwt ayy [[e aAoge pue ysomaureyy Aoxjod pue peo] au -aovy 0} avy Aau YIM sasnqe syst weUINy pur juauussesey Jo ayer ayy Aq pauayvaryy st UattOM Jo aDU;a}S? ayy “Ar0jDejsHVs WLOIy TRF Sf UBUIOM Jo VOHENYS ah SUOQESIS3] 1AYIO Pure UONNANSUOD ayy Aq pa1a}jo uwonpayoud yeSay ayy aytdsaq “Ayyear pue Aype8ay uaamjeg des BIL] e SWIOOT [9S a19Y} UBUIOM JO uoHpazord ayy oj pares uaag aavy smey [eraaas “YSnoy "UauTOM 40} paulle? HUSUTSATUS pur SPAS ayy ore syySrr s,woWOM :syySr noge ssauazeme SuppeIUeTE squapysNs JJas A[pesrUMoUOIa aUIOI9q OF WELT aa pure asuajadwwod say} 0} an[ea PPe OF em aan?! Pe a1 & UT paztyyN aq uvo ABsaua pure oul wet wath aay aaes pur Ara8pnap yeoisdyd soup wos; ULE daaljer ued Ady, “sastadsoqua mau pur drystapet lietl ea uu na ye Od 1 $9039 y / UaOM wma ay ouiand suoTMANsUL 3110102? yon e20P? 41e}2YJ0 P}B|A Se pur siapea} 49H se pa So anuriuos! engl cut auinear Lokop soe a pIpuUT UL UALOM Ng “suULLOJo4 STLUOUOD9-01 oo e> OYM S499 JLayTod mati oUODq ULD Koy ae paddequn ue quasoid uawoM “wonedianied leaned pas Per ‘Sontumyoddo Suwuses UoReonpa Ypeoy se|noqied ‘SM audo[eAap Jo swAMIAsUOD ath ss90>" 0} UoUlON yo Srmige au aAordUT WED YaLIOS 40 ‘wausomodusy e uamodtuo s,uouiom pue Wlatudojasap sou) Romig diystonelas [euORD=sIpIG e st 910q | -diyssapeay Surdojaaaq’y sayqunui0> group jo wauudoypaap ayy ur aredronued Ajjenbo pue Ssnuiowd ‘suondasiad “SmalA saip ayestunustHD ‘AymuMUTAIOD auf Jo suIadUTOo Surssardxa Bupyurys juspuadapul Surinsua suapysuod [NSU OL s1ope saipo pue Arersepnl saysty ups: WORDEN ySnosy ADOOApY PUL YoMaU § UaWON UASUAIS OL sgy039e pasaauod soySry aup az0jaq surA010 PUP atom 07 twopeld eap!sosd OL dua pe8ay Susnsu? spremo} TOS OL rayyo pur Arerorpnt sonst s104p aste4 01 UaUTOM JO TUALLLLI MO toy yaomaureay paseq SHUBH PS pe Aqaneys> -saonsnut $524P| 3040fu2 pue sys pour 105 oy uauiom jo juauomodtle e8at = fqaipos au UE HOHENIES | sijsn pure ayesart AEB UN aq ues suorjua tout Suimelleh Ty Pageyueapestp out > ATI Serayy peBay avez Ley sed \ be ers, 1 to nd for sues ther cacy ther dent nity, rities their ween ment. ity of yy [33] tight from the local level to the nation: al. As a result, jsomen do not have equal influence over the policy decisions that affect their lives. The participation of women in local government can have a particular influence on local and national development, global affairs and/or social issues that affect their families’ daily lives such as healthcare, education, infrastructure and asset formation. They are more under-represented in high-level decision- making positions, including as heads of state and government, members of parliaments and in cabinet positions. The factors commonly identified as barriers to women’s participation include gender stereo- types and outright discrimination, personal obstacles such as lack of confidence, culturally prescribed domestic roles, low voter education, women’s relative lack of financial and socio- economic capital, electoral systems, and political institutions that are not conducive to balancing family and public life. But without improving the leadership quality in the women , their development cannot be imagined. So, it becomes imperative now- For the political parties to develop incentives to attract women to the party by providing funding to run an election campaign, providing access to networks, arranging training and_ skills development for women candidates to stand for cle tions, or setting targets within the party fora Certain number of executive positions to be held by women. ning for women. vant to women hese toolkits should aim at increasing nd chances of success -and information -sastiduayua yeu pars UaUUORAtia saJUT ADIIOq oy sioptrord way deus INS dojrap uF alqeus ues 1 ABojouy>9, TUIOD a,0uUK9r sayrumroddo uauidojsaaq usuemodina Aap [IE Wosy JOU e ‘sartjod quauuamoduia sos ayqeynba sjsu 9x0 pue qeua pue sis 7 juowsamodua \ ‘woreuTsosut Me aanonpord 54 yur0uor? OF Ww ay tusopietd aiqeureysns uauwtom 2 ‘fest zyueBi0 pean uv> soaneiodooy ng uy SUALSDAU S940 FEUDNELIDLL $8018 Suns we sotenbout sound fo edt 9 Pur euoneM poe GuistuSooas UL 2ADagJa aUtODaq pue oe Sees eo! purrS aN O80 pu sonperd oyu pep yenbo s9puod oy Sse (em pu moa pay wouny Parerap ney suonestueiio Seo] epayace sere “UU B PUP AOAINTS ¥ OD 0 9 5 a sunday “aoddns rewp 0059 aeteenmtia sooner, os odds yo djoyotp ponu Ao, Soaesuown watt S pasnsua siyjotag ay qfeae Pue SUCHIN af Ss>5 oi PeRgauros ‘UaLIOM Buoue ywourdeyap sewoxd 01 1 oesSozd pousisap ifs pu stuoddes uonns OF See oad e83] Jo aneds wf ‘SuonIEMES YOU UI ssuonezteSio s,uausom SurustAysoHs “¢ ona ayjand oy HsatwoP wos pue Soamed ut pongo Suuwoneg wi ayerouas pue vous Suu? 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SuswOM “ABayeys yueyroduy ue se psider” Pmoys Ayenba s9puas aaanyoe oy SuPp0M ate [eyUSUTUIAAOS-UlOU Joy pu suOHesTULSI0 oe yioddns Surpuny ‘og “yuaurzamoduua penyn pur 42° (ser) 1 aq) SOON ORDO} Hq pur pauren eHUNIOA 1 aoreag eiséyd \\ “Stor Th Kauy } pause} Aquofeuw sayjddns suypraord gq UatIOM [aWIOM IO} aiqepsose yp Supe uvdxa pue uur? omML — asod pur Gesyy feo} 01 yovosdde poresBaquy safiens ooo] Ut Stauntd aytoads pero] jo uonesedargt sounueaBoxd Sova [LUONDUNY Jao SurAuses uy diyssaujzed sae Syand aBemooug-usuiom ayy jo uonedionsed co. Suipjing WEUUOLLAUD Jadosd UO ssang'suoHeLEA Teuotos © spqul pue ypeoadde jo Aysiaarp soy paou au jo se aye} 01 apOUL LOISsHU UT ABayeNS euOHeUe \dopy c -oesayy] yIMpe [eEUoHDUN; jo s[eo8 yas ayy aaanyse OF paydope aq Aew saiZayexjs Suuwoyfo} ay :AAUNOD ayy UL yUaLIdoanap s,soUON yo} papaaut Advs9}T] WMPe pue yeuoNUuNy quaoiad 390 anype oF partes Sey ANNUNOD af MOU [IB 9820 -yja ‘suus0U Aqpures [fetus Jo s0ueA28q0 UUOAIAUD tf] JO UOTEAIASUOD fo sanpea ayy Surqiquit Buroqejom [e32U28 ys Subse quaudojanep pure ‘uonesrue8io yBnon ue spxemoy Sursow Pur Surw029q “Ayyyenba $,uauiom Ua quoeaBayut peuOTIeU F pue snyeys axtuouo> sup anor OSI yo ssapoid ayy ut uonediaied uonIpuos sayy Jo LORETO! uompeatidap a1oqp Jo sasme> ayy JO SHEME rmoesouur pure Coes] ur 2aweHA! ses SUAPY ssay dunt £28 ypipey 50030 2 yeay JO pgosDUny saueyp [eULpraHe Pare ares pyryp ‘auersay “UH 0) Aoerayyy yp BuoTe SIIAS re yinpe ayesarytt paraeu? “PF PLY payessoqul peruaurtedse Tyg) aauuow HPV 2 ung skoesoHtL IMPS me ever ioe saul ayes twoteacad saon2ead euonypes YF SONTANDE yy ApIsuazUT of "ue a aWOM SuoUTe ssousnoDsui Tjwzey jo pafeanooua oq 109 ypqeay doyorap i oy SON ySa}OUIaL ay 0} 5a agiMprut ps a ser mente unfeay, Sine pure saayrumuos yypeay, “Gnutaa ee staunjoa pawn ayy Aq paSeiaaay Aqeas8 aq 109 J SHOHD Arvqunjon “saAt] AxOU! UaA 24 ue> SPAS UOISAOUd mx 2 anes UL Aayy ‘suOHRyNsUO: Parag 0} ssa08 pur sauoyd {[a yim paddinba > uerrsiyd aavy Aoup axoym Aqumuntos ayy ut Aes 2 OHM ‘Sioa. ‘sggmmu Se Udo pase a[pprua pauten hey a Tha fou aoe moutz9 Ade "Spoeu [expeKt i jo ce een auf Jaaur teD aM wo|starodns sejnBax pue ie aiseq Bursnoy ‘TUT a7qeyns & yEM WOR Surpisod pue soaLmprur asinu yo zaquimu aip Suppuedss Aguas, fo suomte 10} ypear yo 40 ST ey HAL © ue LON 2 Fogus ulna feIuOuepuny © st SoOLANS UM ADE 0} ssanoy “UTeaY TOUT Jo smoPsuoD USUTOM ‘ayy Sunjeut pu puey suo atyy UO $29}4495 cpapeay yo wossuedxe pur ganraras waqeau jo Aurenb ay ‘gaoudus 0} az At "W20U0> quadin spac Zo}998 wpTeat OW ‘uy syvadse OM) spare sig Um jurig pur santazes WATE Sursorduys yaurom azour 3u18! uourdo?? gounues3ord 4 ue “Ut gquedied a ‘JO squatdioer Pl i : nua 03 du fl? aup go syyoued aut ‘ras ues UaTIOM JO igquuofeur ayy ve aul yo Ayenb oun tur nse 1 « Apexayy] [eUOH ayrunun6s BUEN pue Bursiqoyy ‘sony ayy 8U ‘aB8ueys av attoraq 04 ajdoad Bunok Bunsoddns, saouanbasine soy SISIANP “Kk Aayy way wOHREZ1UeRio ued suoHUdAraIE 19410 OU.“ Attous Aouy U9? peut ag prone aq > 07 WYSE aroUQ Jasse 0} S]13 djoy ued UOY usnt amnsua oy oe 2 I9]O1A aSaLO) WpapIsio J pur LYS ued SMB o1aYM_sooeds ayy apts avec ayes, SUNCAID puk SyIOMIoU yZOddns Sutprscid paeinosiis s, But SUOLEZIULSI09 ToWeNpS pue S]IAS uLeS 07 satunyoddo IP URS UdswOEm wary Butiasjo Aq ‘s[18 Sutemodurg -s9ye] sxeak A@Ps0 UY [eID oj asvIBAP UO SALT aYs ‘UOWRONpe jo sivah aiow US[OLA aBSauOp Jo U9AIS SOATSOI ELPUT UT [MIB ve UaYM “aBeuIeUL HUIIAOS-UOU yo Aejsp 03 diay []1M pure uoQeonpa Arepuoras e ‘Surures N Parmodurg . JO sooueyp si aseasout YIM Burooyss Apyenb aduayors PUD Jo syuase se U PUY “SUIOIA 04 WNjos Surayap ur WOD ‘ajqeidasseun “yeo8 au Ystduosse TOLARYaq aatsnge oO dn uayey 8q Ue suOTyDe BSuIM Wed JEUX SyOMyaU . id ayy wor adysnl ae su8teduies dM ‘suuayqoad asaya tomodurs oy Ay sKemye Ayreau pur : poe ‘Japanur ysaout 4y{Nd ABU Uy © ssaove sin8 Suracadwy “aBeureu pry punore suIOU WTYS sdjoy aourpuaye jooups se Aureur S13 ‘Pee ye oe auy AepDp 04 s[oo4 NyLamod ysour auf jo ono St Woneonpa ‘s[n18 Sutamoduis pue Sueonpy sq-aepuss Burpud ‘TL oreme Suristey :eSeueU pry Suquaacig's snore SIO 20} Ore uBTeay Jo poou au moge suBredwes Loe ayy egg EUPL Pinoys erpaum guid pure sues sere JaSe uma On oy ocd sus ilesquts Uses ase ue Suyoeud, Tay pon A!S 2q oy sey Surute uoRRMULS “of JO © P : 2q pred 2B UnyeAY Jo pani 2 ual SuIsuLd Pin UL TeITA BY INOgL SNOLSUOD: Pe pur souno A “uotioa ¥ leer] SUS S[I8 yuassato a oe ' Priority to empy ness campaigns rene and preventchil 3 can be taken upt girls: Education ise ) delay the age at hid {ance helps shift roving gis 4 + chances! ase gitls ¢ eee aa willnee on ane cies ev ia fo neste e ms, DY oft Bits an? “tis ski and cre gl ots Tg meet per i ett os" gett the! tio | St inter a? er ne? 1439] ging men and traditional lea enforcing laws for marriage- ders on board. ben that set a legal Enacting, and minimum age roducing incentives. Int Raising awareness throu gh d violence: the media. 4. Ending gender-base' Inmany cultures, domestic violence including rape, incest, murder, acid attack, honou? killing etc. are endemic and nearly always occurs with impunity. To overcome these problems, women are to act collectively to demand justice from the police. Women are to be connected to networks that can draw public attention to cases. The abusive behavior towards women. must be viewed as ‘unacceptable. Communities need to have an important role in defining solutions to violence and providing support to victims. And men must be engaged in the process too, as agents of change standing alongside women to end violence. + Empows I“ izati i impo rered Non; government organizations: The role ear vernmental organizations in controlling the eal a ee and curbing its worse consequences is women or ler to curb domestic violence among, women, Sie seek the help of non-government donee eir efforts i domestic violence and insist for cae cree BI ensure justice to the victi e quick disposal of cases ould be made b ims. Vigorous sensitizati y them to end domestic vi one jomestic violence. These Organizations wi s will consequen make people aw. equences and get justice to the vieting about the Sensitizin, lackling th & the police : Poli , the domestic violence cates They vee in - They need to be jquom ayy pue azand 2 PUE suonesiuedio Asequn| umgusono an so Hed 2 0 ssousnoLias v aq pue paysunel 24 ties SuUOMUBAIOIUT PIesas0OJe AY jf -soqqeu ayp odes pue puta vane Kx jt ses} aus09 09 sau, PUESMOD HU? wpe ge yy TE KB Butoc =DUROH Ho eon pe anunotn 2SAUOP WOH} WEP owns Put rssey PU psuno> ued oy S1y]aunoo pays unin» vont Pure soy yuewoduut Sioa st 1: SUNPSUNED + oUt aygnd ySnosyp Yt Jo apmazuseut ayy anpes pur oygnd ry aap 2001 2ASawOp SuuA URD STL SHIR>ES 3th anasar 0} pur ssaUniet aai8 0} KMo2s ovenboPE wan Be pmoys aydoad ayy, “Suu ayy ano day pue svonn os strat dn a1wo> 0} ajdoad aBeznooue pue Sun22e Pue820 0} jue yoduay Ara. S| S9se2 YoRs Ul SAP OME tons moqe wunus daay pure aouajora 2Ns=wop sPremoso12 purge winy Apsour ajdoag :uayeaztp you PUE afemoouy + oad sugars ay} 01 JH 2 pue 41 yequioD 0} painsua suojsiaosd ayy pur 22uoTo} ysaiop jo amnyeu ayy ynoge j[e Use| 04 STOqWON AKA AA} aoyepuew aq plnoys 1 yeep yueLoduy G90 sta" ATEN? UL :soez aouazora ayJseurop node ssausieMy + gnp soyo Aue woxy papnyox® a9 PInOUS PUP SLOT 2ayod qe 0} paypene ‘sansst s uawom tples Sue ed 10 Sura ayeredas v aq pnoys a22UL S197) aoyjod auy 30 Suruten ay ut Azoyepuewy apes ad PIN g Suruteny Pur Staunzedap /sarnuo8e ruaunuanod “€aersrpnl JO HON ldddng Suypaefas uoreULsojul YI! PEP xoad aq pInOUs NI, aaz0y aoyjod oy payredur 24 PINCUS sgase) aT9]O!. MUop ajpury oy Sure. yopadg “aus sue cue Inotaas gv gasv9 aouiapo1d INSSWOP VON 0} poznysuas ort! (ozoz)ev0g ey 4 PIPUY Jo uo. uowidojaaq. pI PUL Uaulony jo tng suaystgnd Moquiey -,0140; a : , n nM Xag sm sunapuni - $ suunpicy, AZOOe) “N Mleuysuy, “Cut “seplomeey ew FL su e pay uy juowdoyanag s,xauon,c00e) toe eee TPG MAN “Bupa “2761 i wiopaey ay} Uy uatuoy4 Jo 210Y,, (8961) youre ‘ime ZL ; dno Aq paupa - i ‘uawoy, unipuy 8uszipnst, ,, (9002) ae a “YIP MON “S40 UMBua, Axew-,, vipul ut saipnyg suawom,, ‘(8002)’ A pee apary wdap-uy uy :erpul ur quawiamodug uawom (ozoz)umysyTemeuoH] — “6 fast pue ssa (Kpmig aatyeredusoa y) eppuy ut wuaurdopaseq ns agdoad OUL, uawom, ‘(c00z) ‘Touuy ‘epumyeys ‘ednD "8 fc dn a0 0} SUID puy sBnuq Vo 221910 SOREN fn oy reyoduw > panun ‘,suosiag ul BuPPHFPAL, “(erog) Hodew e991 daay aSpuquiey ‘ssaiq Asia, aspuquie) feean ipsow ayd 1 npr wsapoyy Ht uawoM,, (8661) ‘2IPIe2D ‘saqtog SSIOUst}aMd YATEOM WOUROD , PHL HE juoudoeaag pun vawom,, (6002) “weuoed S vgeyney —“S myjed Man ‘suoneorand SPUN wwopoaug sof 3% cs uawuoM, woypur,, (eget) “apeleuer ekexypedonetD = t oz “etpur Jo Sse edeypureg pur UDWOM ‘TOROS °F ‘pSpopnoy, ‘CIeUHIN ‘PA “hyusopon nd emul UL SY uorssaiddg Word, “(o102) red ‘SPA : 40) morg uauoy uBIPHL “PA “epueN’ was ast ; ag aup UL uOLHOM JO 710%, “0% eed _sSingp voy 2SPEDHS i 00g jo poate! hua & SuTLH0220} PO auidopanap 18 © {qyyeau at0.309 HOS TTA (ul eur edxa Aap yu HAC Tey o3mn0 dug ye8ay uray 1x9 1Uq wnWOg Gmbg > aay) aipany ise{ Aq, .19U0D out ayy yurur0, Ayguept puaasid “xed uy axe9 Ut apuedeP >M 22D) 41 3592278 wry Ueisy, rq, asexud ooqued NASINA) ~ Aes s10ve>1PUt uoraygrp op Tey waUON IuTEse VOUT pue sasejg ropued, “(€002) “Wetd 18eysny cerpuy jo quaunusaao5 juauudo|ascd aomosey weump] jo Ansruny quawdorened pin pue uawom jo wourredad “uOHY 30} yoday Aquno3 eypul WIOPe|d AYE suvah gL, Hod fgann ‘Hoday wawdors2cl ueumpy /,X8PUL Aqyjenbauy 2pued,, “(e1oz) Hoda -sonuaD uoneusopuy jeuorsayx NA. ‘RIND uy, “(er02) HOF ued pHOM ‘uaudopoaag pue Aupenbal PHD “(znoz) Hodes Ap jouoHeN ut Hoee eipuy ‘neaing pxovey ot ag 1005 puv saul pup uy uso Jo 1 [443] Annexure-l Gender Related Terminologies Bamboo ceiling:In 2005, Jane Hyun coined the phrase "bamboo ceiling” to describe the barriers Asians and Asian Americans face in achieving upper-level professional success in the United States. Care Work: Care work encompasses care provided to dependent children, the elderly, the sick and the disabled in care institutions or in the home of the person requiring care. Cisgender: A term used to describe a person whose gender identity aligns with the sex assigned to them at birth. Commodity feminism: A variety of feminism that co-opts the movement's ideals for profit. Concrete ceiling: “Concrete ceiling” was coined in 2016 by Jasmine Babers to describe the significantly toughe hurdle women of color face in reaching elevated success in their careers. Equity feminism (conservative feminism): Christina Hoff Sommers, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, is a champion of what she calls “ equity feminism.” In her view, “equity feminism” is focused on legal equality between men and women. Empowerment: Describes both the process and the outcome of people - women and men - taking control over their lives: setting their own agendas, gaining skills (or having their own skills 7 and knowledge recognized), increasing self-confidence, solving problems, and developing selfreliance. Empowerment implies an expansion in women’s abi ity to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to rl UN (counues8ord wonnqinstp pooy a) yx om go seare qe ul uour pure uaLow Jo vowed ynbs A Fumes ast aoxmosou UEWUNY © StS OUETEG ApUaT . ‘SAPO JO suoKEMs qey29 ut sKoq, pur S18 “UaWIOM “WUE Daye spHUAPHUD /siy8u pur santunyioddo ‘spaau ‘santanpe ‘Sajor apa ul fe faa ao fo UORCUIUEXD [EHD Y sIsKJeue Z9pUIH, pue sajos aup 01 siajau AyBuypsoope pur ‘'eKoq pur spi8 “uawom pue uous Jo sagnqlsne ays Ul $82ua0} IP saysin3unsip Foyt “vonsysuo> [exmy]N> pur [e908 Y yApueD 2a “uatto% 10) S1YStE reno soy sanuns ¢ pue sanrenbaut xapuas sures rede fst gf aus pue uowioss Jo yqenbs aquouor» PUP qeontiod feunyjn> “etDos 40g yuawaaous e st wisuruiny ABSHUR AL oyunuay fooypea v x0j wny {aoyeRox8p y -FEUNNOA sapto8 azatp yo asned0q s[a8 pue uauuoas Jo SHUNT AL? pprwag ‘sBureq euny se jenuayod (ny stouh Suyztes 205 somumpoddo 0j ssanve jonba aavy ayy yeud pue sees an Surrey jo aoueyp are e are sdnous yo Wun Ste aul : ; re ‘uorednted Sayeuiay pure sopeUt 0} papioyse SWAG Pp aie use ‘uonepmendon ur ssaute] saazonut SUEY eee 7 ys Aynb; axarype oy pasn sassanoad ayy 0} 49)°H sayporens GIN , sages 1x28 21 voneyuaro penxas ‘AupqestP PE yp Hud WOH dno yo spumoa ayy Uo 388 PH dno Aquourwa wosy a1doad spayoud ae go te8al 248 Uo Yoneurunapsrp-nyue yes SIdwH0> oF ce wy ste Poseg st ap sarod yenba, 294 co ‘ se ul ‘argos 90 pv anogel Jo va seo sou Sambar uatuose go 1aLUsEMoT? am (tl L es fo “A yuSyp pur S siy3u uewny + x etter tees ttn asset ny 2 aunean ‘su suis ‘uow pure udu0M, 2 cian gen SIND GAL Mec ee uo! | :Autjenba sopuss Ceo ee ere put posnemitas Supa owes Pua Pl yeu Inq ‘pasn sem poy UIA au “AWS: av ,aapuosip £9 iS IWS vp 01 J0UNg “ys opl a pur ‘Kpoq s,auo 10 /pur x {98 JO astias jeuosiad aouruossip 0} 31 |@puas pausisse s,oU0 Ua} fuLLIaJOr WE} [e>IUNL seHOYdsK _ a ssunz0u Sunstxa aBuayTeu> 10 pelt “wou oe ore parsoyrueu are Aap MOY eae qanteiee yap UA Sdaysuone|Px somod ayy pur sapuas om 4 i eee ‘hq pauzojuy axe soureudp 29PL2D Mt pao jt ‘sKoq Suoure pe uaostiag suoHDEs pure sdiysuoneyes out OF srajay ispqureusp 1995 HEE ane eo {Aqqyenbaut ue 9524 yeup spai3 pue sfog ‘UauIom ppue uaur u39.024 (,sde8, $e 07 ppaaiojas Uayo) SeusHOHP feonsneys ssanedsip 29PH29 yous ue ayes 10 w0wson pus Ue SO pue sonuapr on 0 42h Sty patsuoo se 19puas SUIT IS raysks bt 2H!4 PED sepunos3ype4 pur sR yeonrgod pur 21moudm syeamyno “TEBOS 9HPECE wan ot va aaxe spsi3 /uawow pure shog /t030 sagqiq3suodss ror aun TEAR 221 sete 2 SUPE SP 5 ‘oa{8au pI? 2° 2PE yor toge 288228 pur woH?ah 5051 oid Suuanp “PAUSES Pg, :woH?a195 © guimor1o} 2° Agueuw ay. 1946) and for contributing to (and benefitting from) economig social, cultural and political development. : Gender Expression / Presentation: The physical expression of one’s gender through clothing, hairstyle, voice, make yp, body shape, etc. Most transgender people seek to make their gender expression (how they: look) match their gender (Who they are) Gender parity: A numerical concept concerning relative equality in terms of numbers and proportions of men and women, girls and boys. Gender parity addresses the ratio of female-to-male values (or males-tofemales, in certain cases) of a given indicator. Gender planning: A planning approach that recognizes the different roles that women and men play in society and the fact that they often have different needs. Gender relations : A specific sub-set of social relations uniting men and women as social groups in a particular community. Gender relations intersect with all other influences on social relations - age, ethnicity, race, religion = to determine the position and identity of people in a social group. Gender-roles: Social and behavioral norms that, within a specific culture, are widely considered to be socially appropriate for individuals of a specific sex. These often determine the traditional responsibilities Gender fluidity: Not identifying with a single, fixed gender. Gender-neutral programming and policies: Programming and policies that do not centre gender concerns oF distinguish between genders in their design, interventions and monitoring Gender-responsive programming and policies: Intentionally employing gender considerations to affect the design, implementation and results of programmes and policies. Gender-responsive programmes and policies reflect girls’ and women’s realities and needs, in components such

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