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Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the
safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. All occupational health and
safety programs aim to foster a safe work environment. Thus, the development of OSH must be
aligned with vast development in all industries sectors including Small and Medium Industries

SME are currently getting attention due to issues related to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
as mass media continuously report various workplace accidents that result in deaths. With the
increased number of SME, Malaysia is facing greater challenges to monitor OSH requirements,
workers’ safety and health issues. In the SME strategic plan 2020, the Department of
Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) target is to increase the number of OSH practitioners in
Malaysia. Therefore, DOSH takes the initiative to manifest a competent OSH Coordinator, a
representative of safety practitioners in the industries to monitor OSH requirements.
By the end of this training, the participants will be able:

1. Explain the purpose, objective and importance of OSH Coordinator in an organization

2. Perform duties as OSH Coordinator in an organization
3. Understand the requirement of DOSH report
4. Promote a safety culture at the workplace
5. Take reasonable action pertaining to OSH compliance
6. Manage and maintain OSH documents
7. Be a competent OSH Coordinator

• OSH Managers or Heads of Departments
• OSH Engineers / Executive
• OSH Practitioners such as Safety & Health Officers (SHO), Safety Advisors or

The training content will be delivered through short lectures, group discussions and skill practice
during the training program. The session between the facilitator and participants will be limited to
a maximum of Two (2) to Three (3) hours per session. There are 9 sessions together, and the
total contact hours will be 21 hours. The minimum tools or equipment for participants to attend
this training are:

• Pen/pencil and notebook (slides material will be provided by MSOSH Academy)


In order to get a certificate of completion, participants are required to:

1. Attend NINE (9) program sessions by attending the Physical Class.

2. Complete TEN (10) assessments for each topic.
3. Pass a minimum of 70 per cent of the overall assessment.

In order to be registered under MyKKP as a Trained Person, participants are required to answer
all the assessments after all the training sessions are completed. Participants also need to fill up
all the attendance that was prepared by the training provider as evidence and reference attending
this course.


Day Hour(s) Topic Activity

• Introduction session • Introduction session
(10 min)
Topic 1- Challenges and Reality In • Safety briefing (10 min)
Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) • Teaching sessions
• Background, current state (60 min)
and categories of IKS • Discussion session
• Challenges faced by SME (20 min)
sector operators • Topic 1 Assessment
• Examples of accidents and Activities
types of injuries that have (10 min)
occurred in the industry • Rest (10 min)
9.00 am – • The importance of cultivating
11.00 am MPAs in the workplace.
(2 hours) • Characteristics, roles,
requirements and
advantages of OSH-C

Topic 2 - Introduction to Department

1 dan Legal Basis
• Functions and roles of the
• History of Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) in

Topic 3 - Principles of IKS MPA • Teaching session

Management (60min)
• Employer's obligations form a • Discussion session
Safety and Health Policy (40min)
• Safety and Health Committee • Valuation Activities
11. 00 am - (20 min)
1.00 pm Topic 4 – Chemical Management
(2 hours) • Identifying chemical hazards
• Chemical Safe Control
• The effect of chemicals on
• Concept “Cradle to Grave”

Day Hour(s) Topic Activity
Topic 5 – Introduction to • Teaching session
occupational diseases (60min)
• Introduction to DOSH • Discussion session
Occupational Health Division (60min)
Malaysia • Rest (20 minutes)
• Introduction to Occupational • Valuation Activities
Health (40 min)
2.00 pm
- 5.00 pm
• Statistics of Occupational
(3 hours) Diseases in Malaysia
• Types and statistics of
occupational diseases in

Assessment Session for Topics 1 –


Day Hour(s) Topic Activity
Topic 6 – Introduction to Road Safety • Topic recap session
(WRRS) (10 min)
• Introduction to the status and • Teaching sessions
impact of road accidents (60 min)
including those involving road- • Valuation Activities
related jobs (20 min)
• The importance of WRRS • Discussion session
9.00 pagi –
management as well as the (40 min)
11.00 pagi
(2 jam) requirements of the
Occupational Safety & Health
Industry Code of Practice for
Road Transport Activities 2010
• Concept of driver, vehicle and
travel management
• ISO 39001 and ISO 39002
Topic 7 – Hazard Recognition, Risk •
2 Assessment and Risk Control
Teaching sessions
(60 min)
• Definition Hazard, risks and • Discussion session
11. 00 am - dangers (40 min)
1.00 pm • The method of recognizing hazard • Topic 3 Assessment
(2 hours) • Risk estimation process Activities
• Risk estimation matrix (20 min)
• Control hierarchy
How to use the HIRARC schedule
• Practical Training for Hazard • Teaching session
Identification, Risk Assessment (60min)
2.00 pm
and Risk Control – safety • Discussion session
- 5.00 pm (60min)
(3 hours) Assessment Session for Topics 6 & 7 • Rest (20min)
• Valuation Activities
(40 min)

Day Hour(s) Topic Activity
• Topic recap session/
Topic 8 – Material Storage and introductory session
Handling (10 min)
• Handling and storage of • Teaching sessions
unplanned materials (60 min)
increases the cost of accident • Valuation Activities
risk (20 min)
• Discussion Session (20
• Effective ways of storage
• Use of manual and • Rest (10 min)
mechanical assistance tools
9.00 am – • Arrange and store goods at
11.00 am
(2 hours) work

Topic 9 – Work Station Design &

• Definition of workstation
• Best workstation design
(increases productivity,
reduces ergonomic risks)
3 Interactive exercises
• 4 principles of workstation

Topic 9 – Work Station Design & • Teaching sessions (60

Lighting mins)
• Productivity and quality of • Discussion session (40
work increase with good min)
lighting. • Topic Assessment
• 3 principles with regard to
Activities (20 min)
11:00 a.m.
1.00 pm
Topic 10 – Productive Machine
(2 hours)
• Principles and types of
• Types of 'feeders'
• Types of 'Holding Equipment
• Impressions of the use of an
unsafe machine

Day Hour(s) Topic Activity

Topic 11 – Premises and Work- • Teaching session

Related Welfare Facilities (60min)
• Basic methods for • Discussion session
improving the workplace (60min)
environment • Rest (20min)
2.00 pm
- 5.00 pm
• The relationship between • Valuation Activities (40
(3 hours) productivity and a good min)

Assessment Session for Topics 8 -



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