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Agenda for Today’s Session = What is Regression? "= Regression Use-case : 20, Gradient Search Points and Line = Types of Regression ~ Linear vs Logistic Regression ieeration = 93 Pe) AH ast Bros 120] = What is Linear Regression? 2 100| = 10 pal * Finding best fit regression line using Least Square Method 4, © £ 0) = Checking goodness of fit using R squared Method oo 20 ° = Implementation of Linear Regression using Python Ds 00 OS 10 15 -20°0 20 40 60 80 100120 line y-intercept (8) = Linear Regression Algorithm using Python from scratch = Linear Regression Algorithm using Python (scikit lib) rrotbe ecu Copyright ©, edureka and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. = “Regression analysis is a form of predictive modelling technique which investigates the relationship between a dependent and independent variable” Regression? Cree go co Three major uses for regression analysis are = Determining the strength of predictors = Forecasting an effect, and = Trend forecasting Regression edureka! EEae Pee aioe) ease tee a) Core Concept The data is modelled The probability of some using a straight line obtained event is Linear vs represented as a linear e ry function of a combination of Logistic predictor variables. Used with Continuous Variable Categorical Variable Output/Prediction Value of the variable _ Probability of occurrence of event Accuracy and measured by loss, R Accuracy, Precision, Recall, Goodness of fit squared, Adjusted R F1 score, ROC curve, squared etc. Confusion Matrix, etc Pretec <1 Selection Criteria PTetbeg sc Classification and Regression Capabilities Data Quality Computational Complexity Comprehensible and Transparent Linear Regression used? Pret beg) <1 Evaluating Trends and Sales Estimates Analyzing the Impact of Price Changes Assessment of risk in financial services and insurance domain edureka! Linear Regression Algorithm Creag) Dependent Variable \ \ Independent Variable Machine Learning Training with Python | @ esimmated value edureka! Linear Regression Algorithm roth cu Dependent Variable R Minimize the error Independent Variable Machine Learning Training with Python edureka! Linear Regression Algorithm rrohbee eu Machine Learning Training with Python Speed edureka! Linear Regression Algorithm rrohbe ecu Machine Learning Training with Python Speed edureka! ~~ Linear Regression Algorithm ve Relaiorship Speed Geese) Machine Learning Training with Python Understanding Linear Regression Algorithm x y Y TED Es. erent atte 314 . e 32 4 [4 _ 5 [5 3 mean 3 3.6 2 st oC a 6 Cees te ae + Understanding Linear Regression Algorithm 9 y =mx+e alalwlry|A]s A) AIM) A/Wle RSS ce Machine Learning Training with Python Rerwnaledurslon/ca/ pythons Understanding Linear Regression Algorithm x y [x—* | y—y|@—x?|@_-DO_-yV Y + ae 1 3 -2 -0.6 4 1.2 arma 2 [4 “1 0.4 1 “0.4 5 eo 3 P4 0 -1.6 0 0 4 4 1 0.4 1 0.4 7 s [5 2 14 4 28 3 3 36 E=10 r=4 21 ne BOD a = x)? 10 One ear een See as SS as ee Understanding Linear Regression Algorithm y=mxtc ES y [x-* | y-Vil@—-x)7|~-YNO—-Y) Y Sel 1 [3 2 -0.6 4 12 2 4 -1 0.4 1 -0.4 3 2 oO -1.6 0 0 4 4 1 0.4 1 0.4 5 5 2 1.4 4 2.8 3 3.6 x= 10 v= py GO —/) a+ (x — x)? 10 x Independent Variable = eas = Understanding Linear Regression Algorithm Y= me x y [x-x | y-y¥ [@=—)?|@-)O-y) Y Se 1 3 -2 -0.6 4 1.2 cr 2 [4 “1 04 1 “0.4 - eo 3 2 0 -1.6 0 0 4 4 1 0.4 1 0.4 : s [5 2 14 4 28 3 3 36 E=10 r=4 2} _ ft m=, @—x*)O—y¥) (x — x)? ae oie ae eG Oana a a Mean Square Error : ie £ 2 5 ; ae H ye ae > So Save: 3 We Noo od tt = WU A 8X gored + 88 ANNA E x & ett a Saacaa So igs KK KK hf ge Fheye >» —8 soocc 83 Hoh th tl ‘ > >> as 3 aw £3 £ a 3 é Machine Learning Training with Python Mean Square Error m=04 c=24 y=04x+2.4 For givenm = 0.4 &c = 2.4, lets predict values for y for x = {1,2,3,4,5} y=04x14+24=28 y=0.4x2+ 2.4=3.2 0.4.x 3+ 2.4= 3.6 y=04x4+ 2.4= 4.0 y=04x5+2.4=4.4 x Independent Variable Machine Learning Training with Python Mean Square Error Distance between actual & predicted value t Ebert x o 3 > Independent Variable SE =e edureka! == 20 Gradient Search Points and Line iteration = 66 1407 y = 1.20x + 0.02 Find ay 1st ‘b= o02 120 inding the i 1.0 80 best fit line 7 “ " 40 0.0 20 oO 03515 -0.55 0.0 0.5 1.0 pj -20 0 20 40 60 80 100120 line y-intercept (8) Algo loops to find min err edureka! i rf Let’s check the Goodness of fit edureka! Copyright ©, edureka and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. edureka! What is R- Square? Cree) cu = R-squared value is a statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line = It is also known as coefficient of determination, or the coefficient of multiple determination Machine Learning Training with Python ‘ Calculation of R2 —| Actual vs Predicted Value |__ Regression line Distance actual - mean vs Distance predicted - mean = Op - 7)" This is nothing but R? = re 2 @—y) HH HEH x o 3 o Independent Variable ee Ls Calculation of R Z Machine Learning Training with Python = y yry o-» |» Oy -) 1 06 036 28 “08 z 7 04 0.16 32 “04 2 -1.6 2.56 36 0 is 04 0.16 4.0 om 5 14 1.96 44 08 3.6 >» 5.2 Calculation of R2 0.3 2 R Independent Variable Machine Learning Training with Python Actual vs Predicted Value edureka! Calculation of R” 7 = 0, R2 x Independent Variable {| t jassume if 3 : f ‘ z E i Machi: edureka! Calculation of R2 Independent Variable Machine Learning Training with Python N mK ° ce 2 vw) we 5 wo © O 0.02 2 R Independent Variable & $s 3 5 4 3 E £ ; i Machine Learning Training with Python edureka! > ~ Low R-squared eu Machine Learning Training with Python ‘ Let’s learn to code Creole bee BSB rome Bi umitess3 Unites Home Oo a tocathos = = jupyter Untitled14 cast checkpoint: 2 minutes ago (unsaved changes) | Logout : Kemel get Trusted | # | Py ° B+ a Bw S| Run mC) m |cose = import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcparams['figure.figsize’] = (20.0, 10.0) #@ Reading bata data = pd.read_csv(‘headbrain.csv") print(data. shape) data.head() (237, 4) out[a Gender Age Range Head Size(em*3) Brain Weight(grams) ° 7 7 “4512 7530 1 1 1 3738 1297 2 1 1 4261 1335 3 1 ba amr 1282 4 1 1 a7 1590 [eo BSB tome © univest3 Bi Home Oo a locatnos x 2 @ = jupyter Untitled14 cast checkpoint: 4 minutes ago (unsaved changes) PF | Logout Trusted # | F ° B+) a mh & + fm Run| mc | con: Gender Age Range Head Size(em*3) Brain Weight(grams) ° 7 7 “4512 530 1 1 4 2738 1297 2 1 1 4261 1235 3 1 1 avr 1282 4 1 1 a7 1590 m cay: SSUES X Cdate[ need size(cn3)" J values ¥ 2 dstal-erain weight (grams) 1-values J =o B 2B tome FS univess2 ES Untiteasa Gi Home =e cn oO a Yocom we) & 2 2 = jupyter Untitled14 cast checkpoint: 6 minutes ago (autosaved) | Logout , : | Keel Widg 7 Trusted Py ° Bt is Bw we) Run | S| con: = In [ ]:|# Mean x and ¥ mean_x = np.mean(x) mean_y = np.mean(¥) n= len(x) Using the formula to calculate b1 and b2 numer = 0 denom = 0 for i in range(m): numer += (X[i] - mean_x) * (Y[i] - mean_y) denom += (x{i] - mean_x) ** 2 bi = numer / denom bo = mean_y - (b1 * mean_x) # print coefficients print(b1, be) B 2) 5 Hone Unies TB Untitersa < |B Hore + ¥ = 9 x oa tocatnost % e jupyter Untitled 14 Last checkpoint 8 minutes ago (unsaved changes) PF | oout 7 \ \ Cell Kemel Widgets Hel Trusted Python 3 O Sa + =< & BH & + Run BC Pw | Code = u mean_y ~ np-mean(v) # Total number of values m = len(x) # using the formula to calculate bi and bo numer = @ denon = 0 for i in range(m): numer += (X[i] - mean_x) * (Y[i] - mean_y) denom += (x[i] - mean_x) ** 2 bi = numer / denom bo = mean_y - (ba * mean_x) # print coefficients print(bi, be) 2. 263429339489399a5 325.57342104944223 m c [os B 5) B tome FS univest3 Unites B Home z =o oO a tocaost x £2 2 = jupyter Untitled14 Last checkpoint: 9 minutes ago (unsaved changes) | Logout File i ser Kemel Widget Trusted) # | Python3 © B+ = @ oe) [pRun| mci» 2 Print coeffictents print(b1, bo) @.26342933049039945 325.57342104944223 In [ ]: | # Plotting values and Regression Line max_x = np.max(x) + 100 min_x = np-min(x) ~ 100 # calculating Line values x and y x = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 1000) y = bo+bi= x Ploting Line plt.plot(x, y, color="#58b970", label='Regression Line’) # Ploting Scatter Points plt.scatter(x, Y, c="#efS423", label="scatter Plot’) plt.xlabel(‘Head size in cm3") pit.ylabel(‘erain weight in grams") pit legend) pt show()I Sowa * eae BSB tome Bi Umivesss SB Unuiteasa Home is oO a locathost B | tooo = jupyter Untitled14 cast checkpoint: 10 minutes ago (autosaves) F E View er | Kemel — Widgets_-—Help. Notebook saved || Trusted Python 3 © B + eo BH ® +) Run Mm Cl» plt.xlabel(‘Head size in cm3") plt.ylabel(‘grain weight in grams‘) plt.legend() 1, 1500 200 Head Size in cm3 [= B 2B tome i Unsiiesis Unites Bi Home ry =o ox oO a rocoto x £2 2 = jupyter Untitled14 cast checkpoint: 12 minutes ago (unsaved changes) | Logout i Kemel get Trusted Python 3 © Bote a B® &) RUN mC] con: = In [5]: | sst = © ss = 0 for i in range(m): y_pred = bo + bi * x[i] sS_t += (¥[i] - mean_y) ** 2 ss_r 4= (VLi] - y_pred) ** 2 r2= 1 - (ss_r/ss_t) print(r2) @.6393117199570003 [mcs B 5) tone 1 Unites Bi Home ES Untiieas TT Sys oO a ocathost x zoe <= jupyter Untitled15 cast checkpoint: a few seconds ago (unsaved changes) | Logout ' : Kemel 7 Trusted) # |Python3 © B +i & Hw + Run mCi» In [ ]: from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error ‘annot use Rank 1 matrix in scikit Learn X = X.reshape((m, 1)) reating Model reg = LinearRegression() # Fitting training data reg =, Y) Y_pred = reg.predict(x) calculating R2 score r2_score = reg.score(x, Y) yprint(r2_score)

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