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Row Labels Total Revenue % Grand Total Column Labels

Aspen $140,411,138.67 4.28% 2017

Beaut $192,760,111.69 5.88% Row Labels Total Revenue
Bellen $151,774,713.00 4.63% January $16,688,612.58
Carlota $135,125,097.63 4.12% February $14,955,632.33
Eagle $363,321,357.01 11.08% March $42,552,579.99
Elevate $244,226,824.84 7.45% April $88,037,793.81
Flattop $113,984,473.84 3.48% May $89,629,690.82
Kangaroo $129,380,115.08 3.94% June $40,899,009.07
LongRang $77,267,752.49 2.36% July $16,528,953.34
NaturalElbow $76,057,880.19 2.32% August $16,483,603.71
Quad $801,532,047.74 24.44% September $16,115,433.61
Sunset $128,687,582.44 3.92% October $97,935,609.46
Sunshine $112,792,186.84 3.44% November $176,740,110.86
TriFly $54,472,063.64 1.66% December $166,829,301.59
Vrang $50,200,366.79 1.53% Grand Total $783,396,331.17
Yanaki $507,957,075.46 15.49%
Grand Total $3,279,950,787.35 100.00%
2018 2019
Cumulative Yearly Total Total Revenue Cumulative Yearly Total Total Revenue Cumulative Yearly Total
$16,688,612.58 $10,998,763.70 $10,998,763.70 $3,616,412.47 $3,616,412.47
$31,644,244.91 $10,040,729.03 $21,039,492.73 $3,195,422.55 $6,811,835.02
$74,196,824.90 $27,438,399.10 $48,477,891.83 $9,252,678.13 $16,064,513.15
$162,234,618.71 $57,925,100.30 $106,402,992.13 $18,550,751.73 $34,615,264.88
$251,864,309.53 $59,380,484.81 $165,783,476.94 $18,995,548.24 $53,610,813.12
$292,763,318.60 $26,077,626.31 $191,861,103.25 $8,666,621.34 $62,277,434.46
$309,292,271.94 $10,921,405.13 $202,782,508.38 $3,631,247.52 $65,908,681.98
$325,775,875.65 $10,870,859.27 $213,653,367.65 $3,367,260.72 $69,275,942.70
$341,891,309.26 $10,564,369.45 $224,217,737.10 $3,492,559.19 $72,768,501.89
$439,826,918.72 $62,719,173.51 $286,936,910.61 $20,030,909.83 $92,799,411.72
$616,567,029.58 $115,016,865.04 $401,953,775.65 $37,516,118.92 $130,315,530.64
$783,396,331.17 $109,554,846.48 $511,508,622.13 $35,530,887.38 $165,846,418.02
$783,396,331.17 $511,508,622.13 $511,508,622.13 $165,846,418.02 $165,846,418.02
2020 2021 2022
Total Revenue Cumulative Yearly Total Total Revenue Cumulative Yearly Total Total Revenue
$11,407,930.64 $11,407,930.64 $9,107,085.70 $9,107,085.70 $12,749,172.36
$10,490,832.48 $21,898,763.12 $8,394,079.50 $17,501,165.20 $11,192,321.69
$29,418,505.75 $51,317,268.87 $23,918,930.02 $41,420,095.22 $32,314,741.40
$62,130,454.95 $113,447,723.82 $48,444,069.34 $89,864,164.56 $67,930,084.29
$62,526,894.40 $175,974,618.22 $49,868,974.93 $139,733,139.49 $68,812,098.30
$28,160,330.95 $204,134,949.17 $22,441,418.14 $162,174,557.63 $30,934,329.16
$11,610,203.76 $215,745,152.93 $9,256,128.65 $171,430,686.28 $12,502,670.15
$11,421,632.19 $227,166,785.12 $9,214,911.92 $180,645,598.20 $12,662,167.14
$11,172,527.20 $238,339,312.32 $9,150,702.14 $189,796,300.34 $12,401,396.09
$67,567,543.15 $305,906,855.47 $54,053,962.49 $243,850,262.83 $74,281,181.53
$122,640,167.74 $428,547,023.21 $98,245,058.36 $342,095,321.19 $136,042,511.00
$115,589,158.70 $544,136,181.91 $92,817,092.32 $434,912,413.51 $128,062,503.39
$544,136,181.91 $544,136,181.91 $434,912,413.51 $434,912,413.51 $599,885,176.50
2023 Total Total Revenue
Cumulative Yearly Total Total Revenue Cumulative Yearly Total
$12,749,172.36 $5,089,386.83 $5,089,386.83 $69,657,364.28
$23,941,494.05 $4,602,179.86 $9,691,566.69 $62,871,197.44
$56,256,235.45 $13,129,572.03 $22,821,138.72 $178,025,406.42
$124,186,319.74 $26,843,811.15 $49,664,949.87 $369,862,065.57
$192,998,418.04 $27,777,415.13 $77,442,365.00 $376,991,106.63
$223,932,747.20 $11,986,453.69 $89,428,818.69 $169,165,788.66
$236,435,417.35 $5,061,169.52 $94,489,988.21 $69,511,778.07
$249,097,584.49 $5,150,322.12 $99,640,310.33 $69,170,757.07
$261,498,980.58 $4,959,496.04 $104,599,806.37 $67,856,483.72
$335,780,162.11 $30,025,903.94 $134,625,710.31 $406,614,283.91
$471,822,673.11 $54,561,281.58 $189,186,991.89 $740,762,113.50
$599,885,176.50 $51,078,652.22 $240,265,644.11 $699,462,442.08
$599,885,176.50 $240,265,644.11 $240,265,644.11 $3,279,950,787.35
Total Cumulative Yearly Total

Boomerang In
Region SalesRep Ave Daily Rev Month Total Revenue This shape
MW Diego Vasque $38,500.88 January $69,657,364.28 represents a
Hoyt Potts $38,508.39 February $62,871,197.44 slicer. Slicers
Marylouise Halverson $28,517.10 March $178,025,406.42 are supported in
Rhiannon Cathey $37,628.23 April $369,862,065.57 Excel 2010 or
MW Total $141,817.15 May $376,991,106.63
NE Neida Ashe $31,169.93 June $169,165,788.66 If the shape was
Shanta Spring $38,315.69 July $69,511,778.07 modified in an
Tomi Benton $38,738.54 August $69,170,757.07 earlier version
Tyrone Smithe $145,240.37 September $67,856,483.72 of Excel, or if
NE Total $252,531.15 October $406,614,283.91 the workbook
was saved in
NW Claudine Dupuis $38,593.00 November $740,762,113.50
Excel 2003 or
Naoma Bloom $25,920.25 December $699,462,442.08 earlier, the
Rana Burchfield $33,946.40 Grand Total $3,279,950,787.35 slicer cannot be
Shon Stein $38,389.37 used.
Sioux Radcoolinator $145,763.03
NW Total $281,169.25 Products Total Revenue % Gross Profit
SE Chin Pham $144,729.10 Aspen $140,411,138.67 32.68%
Janyce Betancourt $38,447.30 Beaut $192,760,111.69 32.69%
Yoshiko Murillo $38,765.80 Bellen $151,774,713.00 29.27%
SE Total $221,443.57 Carlota $135,125,097.63 23.32%
SW Chantel Zoya $144,946.25 Eagle $363,321,357.01 19.02%
Ghislaine Stidham $38,458.83 Elevate $244,226,824.84 19.80%
Ramonita Babcock $38,518.67 Flattop $113,984,473.84 31.04%
SW Total $221,441.97 Kangaroo $129,380,115.08 30.01%
W Alysha Dewitt $39,142.78 LongRang $77,267,752.49 33.44%
Dean Washington $21,284.73 NaturalElbow $76,057,880.19 32.06%
Dominica Ordonez $36,699.78 Quad $801,532,047.74 22.83%
JoJo Jones $23,802.01 Sunset $128,687,582.44 28.76%
Kiki Lim $19,205.13 Sunshine $112,792,186.84 34.64%
Vannessa Deloach $38,905.52 TriFly $54,472,063.64 36.31%
W Total $164,832.75 Vrang $50,200,366.79 -1.70%
Grand Total $1,283,235.83 Yanaki $507,957,075.46 35.27%
Grand Total $3,279,950,787.35 26.95%
oomerang Inc. Metrics for the Years: 2017 to 2023
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Total Revenue
Ave Transaction Revenue
$1,266.28 Cumulative Yearly Total Column Labels
$1,838.68 Row Labels 2017 2018
$1,369.97 January $16,688,612.58 $10,998,763.70
$1,218.23 February $31,644,244.91 $21,039,492.73
$1,021.91 March $74,196,824.90 $48,477,891.83
$2,527.84 April $162,234,618.71 $106,402,992.13
$1,338.19 May $251,864,309.53 $165,783,476.94
$1,282.32 June $292,763,318.60 $191,861,103.25
$2,205.95 July $309,292,271.94 $202,782,508.38
$1,888.46 August $325,775,875.65 $213,653,367.65
$2,254.24 September $341,891,309.26 $224,217,737.10
$1,167.69 October $439,826,918.72 $286,936,910.61
$1,016.66 November $616,567,029.58 $401,953,775.65
$1,186.57 December $783,396,331.17 $511,508,622.13
to 2023
Total Revenue

Total Revenue

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

$3,616,412.47 $11,407,930.64 $9,107,085.70 $12,749,172.36 $5,089,386.83
$6,811,835.02 $21,898,763.12 $17,501,165.20 $23,941,494.05 $9,691,566.69
$16,064,513.15 $51,317,268.87 $41,420,095.22 $56,256,235.45 $22,821,138.72
$34,615,264.88 $113,447,723.82 $89,864,164.56 $124,186,319.74 $49,664,949.87
$53,610,813.12 $175,974,618.22 $139,733,139.49 $192,998,418.04 $77,442,365.00
$62,277,434.46 $204,134,949.17 $162,174,557.63 $223,932,747.20 $89,428,818.69
$65,908,681.98 $215,745,152.93 $171,430,686.28 $236,435,417.35 $94,489,988.21
$69,275,942.70 $227,166,785.12 $180,645,598.20 $249,097,584.49 $99,640,310.33
$72,768,501.89 $238,339,312.32 $189,796,300.34 $261,498,980.58 $104,599,806.37
$92,799,411.72 $305,906,855.47 $243,850,262.83 $335,780,162.11 $134,625,710.31
$130,315,530.64 $428,547,023.21 $342,095,321.19 $471,822,673.11 $189,186,991.89
$165,846,418.02 $544,136,181.91 $434,912,413.51 $599,885,176.50 $240,265,644.11

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