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t TRABALHO - Estudos Independentes

Professor (a): ANDRÉ GARNÉRIO N. D. ARAÚJO Componente Curricular: LE ENGLISH

Data: ___/___/_____ Série: 3º ANO EJA M1 Total: _____


Aluno: __________________________________________________Valor Obtido: _____

1) De acordo com o estudo do plural dos substantivos, marque a sequência

correta das palavras a seguir: foot, sheep, dish, potato.
a) foots, sheep, dishes, potatos.
b) feet, sheep, dishes, potatoes.
c) foots, sheeps, dishs, potatos.
d) feet, sheeps, dishs, potatoes.
2) A tradução da frase: “Aqueles alunos estão na sala de aula” é:
a) That student are in the classroom.
b) Those students are in the classroom.
c) These student is in the classroom.
d) This students are in the classroom.
3) Na frase “These are _________ pen, not _______” qual a alternativa que
contém os possessivos para completá-la corretamente?
a) my – yours.
b) mine – yours.
c) my – your.
d) mine – your.
4) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “In my school
________ many students”:
a) there have.
b) there are.
c) there is.
d) there to be.
5) Marque a alternativa que apresente apenas substantivos incontáveis em
a) money, water, advice, news.
b) sugar, salt, milk, car.
c) girl, information, gold, love.
d) bird, student, flower, song.

6) Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes que substituem as palavras

sublinhadas. Em seguida, marque a sequência correta:
I – The dog is in the house. _____ is in the house.
II – Is Mr. Browm a doctor? ________ a doctor?
III – Sally is French. ________ She is French.
IV – Bob and Jack are in the kitchen. ______ are in the kitchen.
a) it – it – she – he
b) he – he – she – they
c) it – he – she – they
d) it – she – he – they
7) A frase “There is a mistake in your exercise” no plural é:
a) There to be many mistakes in your exercices.
b) There is not a mistake in your exercise.
c) There are many mistakes in your exercises.
d) There is many mistakes in your exercises.
8) Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: “Mr. Jone and I
________ happy but the girls __________.
a) is – aren’t.
b) am – isn’t.
c) are – aren’t.
d) are – am not.
9) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase: “____________ a
clock on the wall”:
a) There are.
b) There have.
c) There is.
d) There to be.
10) Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Let’s talk about love!”?
a) Don’t let’s talk about love!
b) Not let’s talk about love!
c) Let’s not talk about love!
d) Let’s talk not about love!

Complete as frases afirmativas com o verbo “to be” no “simple past”.

11) It ________ a beautiful sunset at the beach.

12) The weather ________ sunny and warm yesterday.

13) George ________ a talented musician.

14) Me, Jenny and Bob ________ excited about our upcoming vacation.

15) The books ________ on the shelf in the library.

16) Carlos and Rita ________ happy to see their friends at the party.

17) Camila ________ a great student in school.

18) You ________ late for the meeting yesterday.

As frases a seguir contêm as formas contraídas do verbo “to be”. Reescreva-
as para a forma completa.

19) I'm going to the store to buy some groceries.


20) She's studying for her exams at the library.


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