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The Clash of the

Galaxies - Part 1
Chapter 1 – The Weather
Chapter 2 – The Bluehole
Chapter 3 – The Arts of Ninjutsu
Chapter 4 – Battle number one: Against the
Chapter 5 – Battle number two: Invisible Enemies
Chapter 6 – The True Identity of The Fortune Teller
Chapter 7 – The Final Battle

Hi, I’m Daniel, Dan for short. I’m just a normal person living a
normal life and there is something really bad that’s going to
happen to me and my friends. A fortune teller has told us
that we are going to get swallowed in some blackhole. I don’t
even know how that’s possible because the closest blackhole
is lightyears away from us. Even if a blackhole did swallow us
up, it would swallow the whole Solar System. So why was she
telling us that only we were going to be swallowed? Or was
she just trying to get money by cheating? She said it in such a
peculiar way. It’s creepy to talk about such things. Let me just
talk about something else. My younger brother has been
begging me for candy lately. His name is Nick and he is ten. I
am nine years elder to him. You can do the maths to find my
age. For the money to buy the candy, I am writing this book. I
am very poor, you know. I am so poor that I have to wait a
few months to earn enough money to make ten copies of this
book. By the way, if for some reason you don’t like the book,
you can’t return it to the publishers. If you are wondering
why, it’s because I say so. And when Daniel Martin says
something, you’ve got to listen. All the best!
I’m Nick, Dan’s brother. No matter how kindly I
ask him, he won’t give me my candy. Instead, he
spends his money buying the pages for “his” book
when I was actually the author and he just wrote
the introduction. Anyways, my brother has been
talking about what the fortune teller told him and
his gang. For some reason, he thinks the weather
is the cause of everything. First of all, he thinks
that a powerful tornado or cyclone might turn
into a blackhole. That’s an example of how stupid
he is. He also thinks that the fortune teller is some
mysterious lady who uses dark magic.
“This is unbelievable!”, he cried as he tossed the
last cornflake we had towards his mouth. It went
past his head and hit a globe before falling onto
the floor, that is if you could call it a floor. It was
made from wood that looked older than King
Henry VII. “Maybe I should just forget what she
told us”, my brother said, “Nick, I am going away
for a few days with my friends. Will you stay at
home and take care of yourself like a good boy?”
He knew that I could cook and somehow knew
that there was enough food for me. “No Dan, it’s
against the law, you can’t leave me here!” I
blurted. “If you won’t tell, I’ll buy you candy”, he
replied. “I will tell”, I said. He sighed, “Fine you
can come along. But on one condition.” “What is
that condition?” I asked. “Promise me that you
will not beg me for candy”, he said. I stayed silent.
The next day, Dan, his friends and me set off.
“Where are we going?” I asked. “To Timbuctoo”,
he replied. See, this is why I call him stupid. When
you ask him a question, he gives you an answer to
a completely random question. For example, once
I asked him what we were going to eat for lunch.
The answer I got was “Your head.” We were
walking up a hill and I saw a sudden flash of
lightning. I knew that there was something weird
about it. Then it struck me. The sky was cloudless
and there was lightning! Something bad was going
to happen, I knew it. I tried to warn Dan but
everything suddenly still. There was a deathly
silence and it was completely dark around us. We
couldn’t see or hear anything. “Hello? Is anyone
there?” a voice came. It was one of Dan’s friends.
There was another flash of lightning which
showed us that we were no longer on the hill. We
were in some black mist which kept swirling. It
was getting blacker, and right in the centre I saw a
tall figure wearing a kind of cloak and holding a
staff with a sort of orb on it.

The figure had disappeared and the mist was

becoming thicker, swirling faster and starting to
turn blue. What did that mean? “Help me!” Dan
cried, “I’m going to die!”. “No, you aren’t”, Tim,
his best friend replied. The mist had become thick
enough to carry us now. Suddenly, I felt
everything spinning around me, and it went silent
again. The mist was gone. My feet were on the
ground again, but wait, was it really the ground?
It was softer than the cotton on the most fertile
cotton plant and we were somehow standing on it
without sinking into it. Had we teleported? We
were definitely in a different place. “Olleh”, said a
voice which startled us. We looked around and
saw a human like thing with one eye, four ears
and no noses. “Ohw era uoy syug?”. I tried to
decode the language but something distracted
me. It was that tall figure. It was much closer now
and resembled a human more than the other
alien. But this was no alien, it was an actual
person! He proved it to me by asking “Ya know
who I am?”. There was something familiar about
him, like I’d seen him somewhere before the
entire bluehole thing. Before I could tell him this,
he pointed the staff at me and made it release
some kind of laser. I was frozen to the spot,
waiting for myself to die. The laser went right
through me like I were some hologram and hit the
one-eyed alien which disappeared immediately
after it was hit. We were terrified. We wanted to
know who he was and why he wanted to kill these
innocent creatures. “They’re not innocent”, he
said reading our minds, “They’re the most vicious
kind of creature in the entire Ultraverse. He there
was going to kill you by tricking you into walking
through a force called Craft energy. If you walk
through it, you will die instantly and your body
will be made to whatever he wants to eat. But
there are a few exceptions. No one can eat the
Fruit of The Infinity Dimension except the Five
Brothers of the Ultraverse.” “What does the Fruit
of The Infinity Dimension do to you?” I asked. “Ah,
looks like you have a ton of questions for me. I’ll
give you some knowledge through telepathy. And
do you guys know why you are here in the first
place? I want some really good fighters for my
army and have selected you to be the chiefs of
each troop. We are having a war against another
universe.” We stopped talking. Now I knew the
answers to the questions I wanted to ask him. I
also learnt that he was called as ‘Universal
Master’ and never had a real name. It seems that
if you ate the Fruit of The Infinity Dimension, the
seed gave you access to the Infinity Dimension,
which is basically an infinite loop which you can’t
escape unless you are the one who ate the fruit
and has the seed. The seed also let you put people
in the Infinity Dimension. That alien was talking
backward English. I also found out that he knew
about almost everything that was going on.

In the planet we were in, there was nothing like

time. No one aged. We all slept feeling odd that
we were just listening to what our master was
saying. We were still wondering whether it was
safe to trust him or not. We ate some fruits that
boosted our energy and were given a drink that
refreshed you like no other and also made you
feel peculiar. “Time to start training”, our master
announced, though there was no time. “First, you
need to learn the basics of movement.” We
trained hard on our movement and in what I
calculated to be a week and a half, we were able
to move at two hundred metres per second.
“You’ll need a lot more speed than this if you’re
going to war”, he said. Finally, after months of
training we learnt how to move at billions of
lightyears per second. Actually, it was over a
trillion years of training, but Master paused time;
he could do that and after resuming time, he
made us forget time. So that’s how trillions of
years feel like a few months. In this time, I learnt
that it was he and his brothers who created the
Ultraverse. His brothers were Killerfrost,
Demonslayer, Flamedweller and Hurricane. After
a year or so, we were done. Or probably twenty
quintillion years. We learnt tricks from throwing
fireballs to creating blackholes and to even
destroying a beast which on our first try terrified
us. But the most important of all is the ability to
defend, regenerate and regain power quickly. By
quickly I mean QUICKLY. If your capacity is a
hundred units of power, you should be able to
regain it by a thousandth of a microsecond. I also
learnt the art of mind controlling and mind
reading. If you concentrate all your power into
your mind, you can control things from pencils to
planets to even stars. We also about learnt the
different types of warts and weeds that grew on
the planet. They could heal you when you were
injured or give you the ability to do something
really powerful without using any of your power.
One of the coolest things we learnt is that you can
use hand actions to summon great beasts such as
dragons of different elements. Cloning yourself
was very useful too.

I was really nervous but confident. We were going

to fight our first battle against another army. The
battlefield was like a never-ending stretch of
plainness. Dan looked like he had fought so many
wars in his life and this was just another piece of
cake for him. We took our positions like players in
a football game and moved fast towards the
demons. That’s what Master told us to do; don’t
wait for the battle cry because there was never
one in the history of intergalactic war. We
charged forward, in our positions. Our army
spread out to form what looked like an arrow’s
head. Then they spread further out, forming a
head of a charging bull, just that it had a third
horn in the middle; my troop. Both the armies
clashed, making a huge soundwave which threw
back some of our soldiers. There was a sudden
flash as a giant demon advanced towards us. Dan
sent a fire dragon at it and killed it instantly. I
didn’t know he could do that. “Hey Dan”, I cried,
“Isn’t this terrific?”. We lost at least a thousand
soldiers already and I was starting to worry. I
thought of a plan quickly and told everyone else
about it. “Hey guys”, I said, addressing everyone,
“We can pretend as if we’re retreating and they
would be so happy that they won. We will secretly
combine our forces and make a huge blackhole
which we will send on them when they are leaving
the battlefield. When, every demon is swallowed,
we will seal the blackhole, compress it and give it
to Master to keep in the Infinity Dimension.” We
executed our plan by controlling the blackhole
with our minds and sending it towards the
demons. The first battle in my entire life was a
victory! “Very nice, very nice indeed”, said Master
to us. He sent the soldiers away to take rest and
taught us how to increase your capacity of power.
He also read my mind and answered my question.
“I made you the leaders of the troops because
you are more capable of learning than any living
creature in the world. The soldiers take a long
time to train and have a limit of power too. You
can become at least a quadrillion times more
powerful than them in the same time period of
training.” said Master. “Speaking of time, have I
taught you how to control it?” he asked. We all
shook our heads. In a few days we were ready.
Actually, a million years. And I wondered why we
didn’t age a single day during training because we
did it in another planet. The answer came directly
to my head. Not in a single planet in this galaxy
will you age. Why? Because it was in the centre of
the Ultraverse which was basically like the core of
it. Being in that position, the galaxy attracted a lot
of energy creating a force which defied time. We
learnt how to attain this force and use it to stop
and control time. We were definitely going to
crush our enemies in the next battle using this.

We charged towards the battlefield, ready for

battle. We formed that bull again, after forming
an arrowhead. We had travelled really far, but
there was no one in sight. Suddenly, a soldier
started to float. Or at least it looked like he was
floating. Then he was dropped. Another soldier
floated and was dropped. I used my mind-reading
power to read their minds but I sensed an enemy
attack instead. I paused time, got some liquid
which makes you very clear to other people and
sprayed it around. After spraying it on them I saw
what they looked like. They were like humans
with wings and fangs and horns and everything
you would expect to see on this kind of creature.
It was as tall as the length of my arm and thrice as
wide as my hand. There were swarms of them. I
knew these guys but had never seen them in such
numbers before. They hated water and I sent a
tsunami hurtling at them just as I started time
again. They were instantly drenched and killed. I
felt sad. Though they were ugly, they were
harmless. They just wanted to play around with
the soldiers. “No”, came a voice in my head,
“They aren’t harmless. They were trying to break
the soldiers’ necks so they could feast on them. If
they bite you, which they were going to, you will
have a disease called osteopowdrentisis, which
will slowly lead to the crumpling of your bones
and other body parts.” I really never knew they
were such bloodthirsty creatures. I went over to
Dan. “Could you believe it?!” he asked, “Two
consecutive wins against beasts on our first try
without Master to guide us!” “Dan”, I said “Your
hair has grown twice as long as it was in the
battle.” “So?”
“You look like you belong here for some reason.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you don’t look like you anymore.”
“Maybe it’s the long hair, Nick.”
“Not only your hair, your face, hands, everything
looks like Master’s.”
“Yes, you are taller and thinner now.”
“So are you!”
“What? How?”
“I don’t know.”
“I think it’s something to do with training.”
“Oh yeah, so do I.”
We were going to become real heroes! And we
were actually taking the shape of them. Tall and
thin to move fast and squeeze through our
obstacles. Long hair to indicate that you have
trained for long. At least that’s what I thought.
“Time to learn how to control and aim your
techniques”, a voice interrupted my thoughts. Not
again! I was so tired after the battle and now we
had to do training. “Nick”, my master said, “I have
a letter from Killerfrost for you. I read the letter. It
was very weird. Here’s what it said –
12 – 4 – 2016
Frosty Mountain, Blizzard Planet,
Typhoon galaxy, in the middle of your

Dear Nick,
Carleton Andrew Needs a Yorkshire Orbit
Undercover and quick.
Can an Orbit Month End
End be determined?
Tom Ostler Ends Ashok Rider To a Heap
of flesh.
International Hockey player Ashley
Vermon Endra wins the world cup with
her team.
Alex, your friend breaks the Speed limit
in your country.
Ulrich was an old knight who was very
Pudding is served at the Ridged hut
I am Surprised at why you are reading
this Eternal letter.
Wait, Are you In the Tetra galaxy?
I always wanted to Note how the Galaxy
looks like.
From me, please share this letter to Ostler
Rick has just arrived at York.
Ostler also wants a USB for his
From Killerfrost.
Letter code: Look only at the first capital
letters of a word. In USB, look only at
the letter ‘U’. This will help you form the
message. A line of punctuation marks
marks the end of a sentence ending with
that particular punctuation mark.

If I followed the code, I got “Can you come to

Earth? I have a surprise waiting for you.” It was
just peculiar for some reason. It sounded like the
way that fortune teller talked. “Okay, Nick, Time
to continue training. You have to practice blurring
your face and hitting your target”, came Master’s
voice. I didn’t know how they were related but
began practising. I saw Dan in the distance, face
blurred, trying to break a boulder using a lightning

My master let me go back to Earth. I set off a few

hours after I had seen the letter. But I took my
brother and his friends too. We reached Earth a
few minutes later. I went straight to our town.
“Hey guys”, I said, “Try to act as normal as
possible when we reach. We will teleport home
now.” We teleported. Dan and me tried to look as
though we had not been out for a few months
though we were much taller and thinner now, and
we had long hair. There was a knock on the door.
It was Dan’s friends. But one among them seemed
odd. He had short hair and was short. I went
closer to him to get a better look. He grinned. I
watched and waited. He suddenly charged
towards me and threw some kind of orb at me.
Everything went black. A few minutes later, or a
few hours or even a few days, I had just lost track
of time and was sitting alone in what looked like
some kind of prison. I tried melting the bars with
my Golden Laser power but it was as useless as
trying to melt it with toy laser. There was a slow,
bright flash and my brother appeared. Before you
could count to five, everyone was there. That
included the short man. “You know who I am?” he
asked. “No”, we said “But you seem familiar.”
“Ah, that’s because I am”, he replied, “Think
about it.”
We thought. His voice was very confident, like he
was very good at predicting things. Wait, that was
it! Predicting! That reminded me of the fortune
teller who spoke in a similar fashion.
“Are you the fortune teller who told us that we
were going to be swallowed in some blackhole?” I
“Oh yes, I am that fortune teller, but do you know
my real identity?”
“I’ll show you.”
There was a roar as his outer skin tore and some
creature emerged from it. It was huge, uncoiling
itself. I wondered how a beast two thousand
times as big as me and everyone else combined
would fit in such a tiny space. The beast had razor
sharp teeth, things that looked like gills on its
neck, eight horns which made it look evil, a bad
temper, a hollow mouth, and a dozen fiery blue
eyes staring straight at us, as though it was
looking at our souls. It gave a loud roar and
rushed at us at a tremendous speed. We dodged
it, barely missing its teeth. I forgot to mention it
had tentacles too, and with those, it grabbed one
of Dan’s friends and threw him into the sky. He
never seemed to come back. I was terrified. The
titan gave another cry before sending a boulder at
us. We tried to break it, but it didn’t work. The
boulder seemed to be unbreakable. When it was
just about to hit us, there was a blinding flash and
it broke into pieces.

The Universal Master had saved us. “Attack him”,

Master commanded as I summoned a Void
Dragon and used my Golden laser. Dan cloned
himself and positioned the clones everywhere
around the beast. Then, he smashed the biggest
fireball I had ever seen on the beast’s back,
making it collapse. It rose instantly, ready for
attack. It swung its longest tentacle, smashing half
of Dan’s clones and my dragon, which all were
instantly killed. We used the Interdimensional
Multiportal attack on it. To our dismay, it just
dismissed the portal. Then, it attacked, using all of
its tentacles. It swirled around at very high
speeds, creating a crack in time and space. The
crack absorbed so much energy as we lost three
people and the beast lost a tentacle. Finally, the
crack couldn’t take it anymore and exploded. The
explosion spread at least a billion lightyears from
where it originated. All of Dan’s friends were
carried away with the explosion to some far-off
place. The both of us finally figured out what to
do. The beast attacked. We dodged and cloned
ourselves. Then, we gathered all our power and
attacked the beast from behind. We aimed
straight for the gills and shot an energy beam at
them. This was the worst time at which it could
happen but it did. We missed and created another
crack. But this time I had an idea. We could gather
energy from the crack and use that to defeat the
beast. “Dan”, I called out to him, hoping that the
beast didn’t understand what we were saying,
“Gather energy from the- The beast attacked
again and sent me flying. It had destroyed the
clones. Dan had somehow understood me and
gathered as much energy as possible from the
crack. He shot the most powerful energy beam at
the beast. It hit it right in the gills. Nothing
seemed to happen to it. “This is the end”, I
thought. But something happened. The beast
started to glow like the energy beam. There was a
sudden burst and it was ripped apart. In the
middle of it all was an orb. “Dan, you won’t
believe it!” I cried “This beast had swallowed the
lost orb of destiny!”
“Come and take a look!”
We picked it up and handed it to Master.
“Thanks”, he said “But you can keep it. You
deserve it.”

We tracked down more beasts and easily

destroyed them with the orb. The owner of the
orb can write and change destiny. We used the
right way at least. But there is one thing I am
definitely going to do with the orb and that is get
my candy!
The author, Arya Ayireddy, started writing
fantasy books at the age of ten. He has
written several books and series such as
‘The Clash of the Galaxies’ series of which
this is book number one. He has also
written Legoman, which is also a movie
now. He is a wonderful author and will
remain so.
“The more I thought I was successful, the
less I was actually successful” – Quote by
Arya Ayireddy.
is a story based on how Nick, a kid who lives with his
nineteen-year-old brother, meets a peculiar fortune
teller. Nick’s elder brother, Daniel is really afraid of
what is going to happen to him. The brothers, along
with Daniel’s friends get caught in some blackhole and
are taken to some planet where they meet the creator of
the Ultraverse. Read the book to find out what happens
to them next.

“Exciting” – Advith Ayireddy

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