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® TRAINING RESOURCES INDIA PVT LTD INDIA'S LARGEST CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY HEAD OFFICE : No. 1/5, SIVAGANGA ROAD, NUNGAMBAKKAM, CHENNAI - 600 034. O44 - 28 28 28 29 / +91 9363 28 28 29 Greetings from SMART! We are happy in welcoming you to the world of SMART TRAINING RESOURCES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED — A premier institution dedicated to providing exceptional training and development opportunities. Our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their chosen fields and to foster lifelong learning. Each course is led by industry experts with extensive experience and a passion for teaching. Our flexible learning options, including online, in-person, and hybrid formats. $ SMART: Campus Recruitment Training (Quants, Reasoning & Verbal) M4 —_ © wo} Company Specific Training (Prema Based & Service Based) * ZZ m AL! Coding Skills (C, C++, JAVA & PYTHON) Full Stack (JAVA & PYTHON) oy Soft Skills 7 : a va | Spoken English 0 ’ | a Bank Exams (IBPS, SBI, RRB & RBI) COURSES OFFERED COURSE DURATION : 30 HOURS © Numbers © Ap, Gp & Hp © Percentage © Ratios & Proportions CP ettay © Alligation & Mixtures © Profit And Loss © Partnership © Problems On Ages © Simple Interest & (Gyro m blocs © Time And Work © Time Speed, Distance © Pipes And Cisterns © Probability © Permutations cmon tee Le Cel eey © Statistics © Data Interpretation On Multiple Charts © Data Sufficiency > ittiisectsets © Coding And Decoding © Odd Man Out © Lr - Arrangements [> Bee cri ttt © Blood Relationship © Direction Sense © Seating Arrangements © Data Arrangements © Syllogism © Assertion And Reasoning oes ee Gone) e-Cat iy © Statement And Assumptions © Character Puzzles © Clock Puzzles © Parts of Speech © Sentence Correction & Sentence Completion © Sentence Selection & RTS oee calcd BS Term telerik Atty COURSE DURATION : 30 HOURS [CS accenture © cognizant Capgemini TECH mahindra amazon Aleysko P PayPal Deloitte. int & Wa\ Adobe COURSE DURATION : 60 HOURS OUR eeu Et Rut tees OTROS nut aa © What to listen for and why Reo etd © Starting and sustaining a conversation OR OC oe UC ee OR ee LC es lt nS Rec ee Coen Co Recta ety RSCG cad Berner ara Rog RO CC ten aCe Sata pyrene CReeaimeen tric RE ene eC Ce eee Oe ec mee cere It Rh tccertn tg OSU eont tert OPO eC Cee Cues ect ee rote uretcc cht) OPC e eas OM eso rats Cet CTA CCRT Cee eee heer Cund eee ne TS OTSA Onan ameter ceased © Managing content that one posts on platforms like Peace Une meee aren ee eee eeaessg Oe Ren aed Puro eee eon) OSS Trg oy vmientaty Oenieaur) er Cm te RE eek Cli CSch eee Crt Psa ree Gun) OUR PSEC ELD) OUR enc Cee SDE p tr tat URES ULSoemcClie Moan Tuted Perera acta Oar ees meee ead Parent Oy einen mer en eaten} One eeu e nets Ones sean eects OTe eu cena ace OER R tie nC Ae Uke rca © GD Dos and Don'ts - Worksheet practice ere Sei canes Cece Ceara rca OS ee eee Q Interview questions from based on resume Crees CoA eer eats CECE ULiSEs Orit nessun este UC cany © Body language during a personal interview. OSU eens r end uence ie PCM Cesc Oya UCase tate esac eater itis TES ye eties Oye erg DESC Re cc iees cee Ly se oe Yer tte CCeee cry OC aE SU Re aes eee ice ORC eee arena Oe ee See creat tenta Cce art ) OCC TS eR CCRT g es Ue Orne eee Re et ho) Otc Oy eneher eg Clee hetn ie’ OTe COLT SPOKEN CNGLISHT COURSE DURATION : 60 HOURS © Phoenics (Modulation,Tone, Annotations &Fillers) © Vowel-consonant Combination © Root Word Vocabulary © Sentences-Sentence Formation,Sentence Completion © Names of days and months &Time, seasons and directions, Names of relationships,Parts of the body and © common ailment,Names of professions & Words related to travelling © Silent letters © Singular and plural forms © Homophones,Functional words,Prefixes and riib com teed IElyCmuiecery © Learn 1000 frequently used words © Simple requests & Some useful expressions (> Bfoulcanecoctsilcanee geyeutliCye crane Completion &Simple sentences © Instructions and directions © Basic conversation pieces © Idioms and Phrases © Parts of Speech & Tenses © Voices & Speech © Telephone & Email Etiquette © LSRW Related Exercises eee recs Ce moka unt Recreate some’ (IDEs, compilers) UIP U Eee RnR etal Con ence un sce OB ORC Tes ag eects rnd ec Ree ens ea a) © Looping constructs (while, for, do-while) ote eects OR OURS UR Oe eee Co BUT Dra RO BOL attay Oem eran ne cra ere ecasn rd OSes (by value, by reference) eens on COBOL OP erent nic ut Ens Smo uci Ome erat) OMe esc ars rues CUCncun ie nad Ones OSS © Pointer to functions PCRS aS Tay (malloc, calloc, realloc, free) Sng OC retook Orne eU eee os Ou EME tener RSE e Com Ararat OUI recreate © Declaring and accessing structure variables Cees eet) Oss OR cetera Perea en Un CMe tenes © Opening and closing files CS ur hata kone OB ees] Ces eC acti esata Ce ocd > er Cy OB esate esac Ceres ete eenne ts ISS ee Mesut} Omer etertit eared Ces un st OE UU Rey eer ct ure Teter ty rare Cee ener eo cae ce Td OR aa Crs acess ees COUR atest ty CRS eee CULT oka © Overview of C++ language and its features DSC n ROS een auea conrad (IDEs, compilers) OU ECE LTRS Chama net CO UCR ca kas Soeur etnies er cnet re Ree CEB CEE CTE Cue Seo) © Looping constructs (while, for, do-while) Oe enn eats ORONO kes Caner rt nt? CO Ser cence natok et Ce oem ere Le Ete Brrr ree nele Oey ca Ceres CeCe enemas [oR ere eC aed © Access specifiers: public, private, protected pest OTC UE Ss ek Cn mC Le eects et) © Base and derived classes SEBO ELLs UC (public, protected, private) OR CU Ue nay Pe Ue ene ct} CoM Mertens hed OR Men een Raina ita PS eto EEE GA Ocean OD SECU ne eee erat eaters Cer euCetind OR re uC ara Oe ue anne CUCL IATC Breer Oe Cn tree Urano Rene ener Roar cemented ‘Templates and Generic Programming CoB rns etced © Function templates Co Rereg nrc OM utnete erty © Template metaprogramming (if time permits) ee tee OR ee cnn OU Re eo Po RSC too ke Cay eters cet ents Serr MCSA esa CHO) Oe es a Onn em emma tat ee cue nace Ce BT ‘Smart Pointers and Memory Management OB Or Renn s it OR Cee Ce cones OBO Se CEC) Cena ca tars ected ren COTE © File handling in C++ Oe Sie EU Ret hteon Cone n eric ORs OR ese eR re Pte nee Rotate ceo Coram id CR re CRU etn CUr outa’ © Synchronization mechanisms: mutex. condition variables Oe TTS COR SCE e Cott BUS Bere c Este ee een Ren rd OR en etree times nt Project Work CoB nen On ses as scale DR ELC C OM ee Corus CoB ores sear ksi OR a UCU CCGG eStart) Oe SUL eno ee ment Cire) Rte ene sco Or eae © Input and output operations (System.out.printin) Reo RoE Ame eels Coronet) CO ee eee ACL ELEY Biter ete CRele Reri tered Pe eereesrer oes fo eC nC UCR ee UE © Access modifiers: public, private, protected CUE LCCC ORIG ILtd eee Rea eee Cor cen Deen OSC UCR an CR eC EUR oI Punt Cee UCR © Final keyword and final classes Interfaces and Packages Br Cr C RD Coated encarta Cemetery Rien eeu CL OP cso santa te Pn Con ny eee our neg Ree aoc ere Unio ei OB LOE U GEC Count cae Re ae Eee ee eee eee OnLy OR eRe Reo enue ea) © Collection interfaces: List, Set, Queue, Map OP Renner Re eee Ent) oe eee attest en CER ees ee ener e eae Co Bac ete ates od Reena Ree ners © Bounded type parameters Roce e URC Ueno e cata Pred Sea inetd oe STILE UCR nur UICC Cre seCEe tir ctca CR CED ce ny Cenc etets as File /O and Serialization Cee toercy Cerrone CR remetnte ecto OEE UC Can ea Ute cot ee eco DoT TOR AAP nut) SOR RC ut © Executing SQL queries ocean et ese Oe ements nd Ree ear) Cen eensy Cece nen srt Cer er ene een eed CR STO dag Oe ren ees eee Cee ee Sng OP TRC ESET e eS TutaCa © Creating GUI components: JFrame. JPanel, Ibutton, ete. Org nC augur SOUR ke ety Pee SELECT Rice Coeur ea cug yer etaer te ucts CX ete renter tnt Dears CE eR eae ts © Group or individual project assignment CE eure ea ee Cec Cena Cee Ie eed © Setting up the development environment Cr mel CR re LC RCE senor concn Peek ar Pena eor tet ecncog eg © Control flow: if statements, loops (while and for) PEt ue! PT OULU UC mun CBee Cmca OU e oman moran ony RS LCC n aa tteedy Dee ed Cee CU a Some ect Ceara ree ens ects Oe rete eaae Cee OSS eRe LCR OO eg OT Cue SUR Una ae Eee Ue) Ce erie eet etre CPR en ceric CR Ure UC Rees ee Pee etre © Lambda functions © Higher-order functions (map. filter, reduce) ORS oR OCRed ceria Rerun Deut OSE ECR Auer CR ecm Oe MCs Ce erent Coser erect Cem Laer Meer cere noes Rec ur Re eentin eee tee BOUL C RC Raed OB TCLS Une nied Exception Handling and Debugging Otc rd © try except, finally blocks Oe eT ie es See SCC eG using debuggers Iterators and Generators Cente eras Cee Nr eno ace err en tans Cents eens Working with Libraries Cees esr ncorn itd Cran ean Pandas, Matplotlib ROSSER Surge UCR Un oy OBO CU e Reco BR CUR no Meee eam Used © Introduction to Tkinter library for GUI Cee aun CR TOU IC RU eC Sas entry fields) Ce aun aCe tad perenne oe errant OP rane ees tinog Peau ae CO OTR CC ruse Se Re uine tenner toe eects Pers OR eee Re ect Coen Ce Cert} eee ee LOR eran ate Cee ceed Ce eure cag Prue ur Recency CR ete rennin te ints Pe eea aa Oot Oo eet en as OR gure a cee eu Re UM Uke RU ELEC © Core Java © Advanced Java © HTML and CSS © JavaScript Basics © saL > SN Bele ee lire) =R-Tie yd K ty omer 4 © MEAN Stack - Node.js © Fullstack Integration © Full Stack Project and Review © Core Python © Advanced Python © SQL Basics © Web Development Basics (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) © Introduction to Flask © Flask Basics >nul Cw ae © Introduction to Django © Advanced Flask and Django © Fullstack Project with Flask © Project Planning and Setup © Project Implementation © Fullstack Project with Django © Project Planning and Setup > om uct ST ae SS at ELS Cy by SBI / IBPS / RRB shied ENGLISH TRAINING Licieiictatl bliin a bed ‘044 - et et mn vi ay) nr 28 28 29° ;

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