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What is Angular

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used for building dynamic and interactive web applications. It's a
powerful tool that helps developers create single-page applications (SPAs) with a focus on structure,
modularity, and testability.

A REST API is a way for different software applications to communicate over the internet. It uses unique
URLs to identify resources and different HTTP methods to perform operations on those resources. JSON or
XML is commonly used to format the data exchanged. It's a standardized and scalable approach for systems
to interact and share information.

Need of rest API:

We need REST APIs because they provide a flexible and standardized way for different software applications
to communicate and interact with each other over the internet. They allow systems to exchange data and
perform operations on resources in a consistent manner. REST APIs enable seamless integration between
different services, applications, and platforms, making it easier to build complex and interconnected software
systems. They also enable developers to leverage the functionality of existing services and create new
applications that can consume and provide data to other systems.

Advantages of REST APIs:

1. They are widely adopted and supported, making integration with various systems easier.
2. They are scalable and can handle high volumes of requests.
3. They promote a stateless architecture, improving performance and scalability.

Disadvantages of REST APIs:

1. They can be more complex to design and implement compared to simpler communication methods.
2. They may have limited support for real-time communication or push notifications.

Example of a REST API:

Let's say you have a mobile app for a food delivery service. The app needs to retrieve a list of nearby
restaurants for a given location. You can create a REST API endpoint, such as /restaurants, that accepts a
GET request with the user's location as a parameter. The API then fetches the relevant data from a database
and returns a response containing the list of nearby restaurants in a standardized format, such as JSON. The
mobile app can consume this API to display the restaurant information to the user.


Python is a high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It supports multiple
programming paradigms and is widely used for web development, scientific computing, artificial intelligence,
data analysis, and more. Python's syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code
compared to languages like C++ or Java, making it popular among developers for its ease of use and

Session handling in programming refers to the process of managing a user's session, which is a sequence of
interactions between the user and a web application or website. It involves storing and retrieving data related
to the user's activities, preferences, and authentication status, among other things.

Session handling is commonly used in web development to:

- Track user login/logout status

- Store shopping cart contents
- Personalize user experience
- Maintain user preferences
- Authenticate users

Programming languages and frameworks provide various session handling mechanisms, such as:

- Server-side session storage (e.g., PHP sessions)

- Client-side session storage (e.g., LocalStorage)

Effective session handling is crucial for building robust, secure, and user-friendly web applications.

Difference between sessions and cookies

Sessions and cookies are both used to store data in web development, but they serve different purposes and
have different characteristics.


- Store data on the server-side

- Data is stored in a server-side dictionary or object
- Each user has a unique session ID
- Session data is accessible only on the server-side
- Sessions are typically used for sensitive data, like user authentication

Syntax (PHP):

$_SESSION['username'] = 'john';


- Store data on the client-side (user's browser)

- Data is stored in a text file on the user's device
- Cookies are sent with every request to the server
- Cookie data is accessible on both client-side and server-side
- Cookies are typically used for non-sensitive data, like preferences

Syntax (JavaScript):

document.cookie = 'username=john; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-2023 23:59:59 GMT; path=/';

Key differences:

- Storage location (server-side vs client-side)

- Accessibility (server-side only vs both client-side and server-side)
- Security (sessions are more secure)
- Lifespan (sessions typically expire after a shorter time period)

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