Teaching Concept

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What is the Teaching concept?

Traditional concept:

Teaching is the act of imparting instructions to the learners in the classroom situation. It is
traditional classroom teaching. In the traditional classroom teaching the teacher gives
information to students, or one of the students or one of the students reads from a
textbook, while the other students silently follow him in their not merely imparting
knowledge or information to students. While imparting knowledge, the teacher should keep
in mind the child as well as the orderly presentation of subject matter.

Modern concept:
Teaching is to cause the pupil to learn and acquire the desired
knowledge, skills, and also desirable ways of living in the society. It is
a process in which learner, teacher, curriculum, and other variables are
organized systematically and psychologically to attain some
predetermined goals.
शिक्षण का उद्दे श्य छात्र को वाांछछत ज्ञान, कौिल और समाज में रहने के वाांछनीय तरीकों
को सीखने और प्राप्त करने के शलए प्रेररत करना है । यह एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जजसमें कुछ पूवव
छनर्ावररत लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के शलए शिक्षार्थी, शिक्षक, पाठ्यिम और अन्य चरों को
व्यवजथर्थत और मनोवैज्ञाछनक रूप से व्यवजथर्थत क्रकया जाता है ।

Basic requirements of Teaching शिक्षण की बुछनयादी आवश्यकताएां
•The teacher ➢ शिक्षक
•The Learner ➢ शिक्षार्थी
•The Subject ➢ ववषय
•The Environment ➢ पयाववरण

Nature and characteristics of Teaching
•The main character of teaching is to provide guidance and
•Teaching is the interaction between teacher and
•Teaching is an art to give knowledge to students with effective
•Teaching is a science to educate fact and causes of different topics of
•Teaching is continuing
•The teacher can teach effectively if he has full confidence in the
•Teaching encourages students to learn more and
•Teaching is formal as well as informal

शिक्षण की प्रकृछत और वविेषताएां
➢ शिक्षण का मुख्य चररत्र मार्वदिवन प्रदान करना है और
➢ शिक्षण शिक्षक और छात्रों के बीच की बातचीत है
➢ शिक्षण प्रभावी ढां र् से छात्रों को ज्ञान दे ने की एक कला है
➢ शिक्षण ववशभन्न ववषयों के ववशभन्न ववषयों के तथ्यों और कारणों को शिक्षक्षत करने
का ववज्ञान है
➢ अध्यापन जारी है
➢ शिक्षक प्रभावी ढां र् से पढा सकता है यदद उसे पूणव ववश्वास है
➢ शिक्षण छात्रों को और अधर्क सीखने के शलए प्रोत्सादहत करता है और
➢ शिक्षण औपचाररक भी है और अनौपचाररक भी


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