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Most Essential Topic # 6: Hypothesis Testing Using Correlation Analysis

Lesson 1: Correlation Analysis

Prerequisite Content Knowledge: Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing (Steps and concepts)

Prerequisite Skill: Analytical skills to check the understanding of the fundamental concepts of hypothesis testing.

Prerequisite Assessment: 7-item quiz

Direction: The teacher participant will answer the following questions.

Analyze the given situations below.

A – If both statements are true.

B – If both statements are false.
C – If statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D – If statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.

1. Statement 1: The null hypothesis always shows inequality.

Statement 2: The null hypothesis is the hypothesis to be tested.
Answer: D. Statement 1 is false. Ha is the hypothesis that always shows inequality. Statement 2 is true

2. Statement 1: If the test statistic is greater than the critical value, then reject the null hypothesis.
Statement 2: If the critical value is greater than the test statistic, then fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Answer:A. Both statements are true
3. Statement 1: The first step in hypothesis testing is determining the level of significance.

Statement 2: The last step in hypothesis testing is formulating the hypothesis.

Answer: B. Both statements are false. For statement 1, the first step in hypothesis testing must be formulating hypothesis. For the second statement, the last step in hypothesis testing
is the conclusion.
4. Statement 1: A level of significance of 5% means 95% confidence level.
Statement 2: The level of significance can be a negative percentage.
Answer: C. First statement is true. Second statement is false.

5. Statement 1: Hypothesis plays a significant role in hypothesis testing.

Statement 2: There are 4 types of hypotheses in hypothesis testing.
Answer: C. The first statement is true. Second statement is false. There are only 2 types of hypotheses.

6. Statement 1: To fail to reject the null hypothesis leads to the rejection of the alternative hypothesis.
Statement 2: Rejecting the null hypothesis means the p value is less than the level of significance.
Answer: A. Both statements are true.

7. Situation: In a study, it was found out that the social awareness of the students significantly decreased and their social skill is not significantly different at all. Propose
recommendation for the findings.
Statement 1: No recommendation at all because the result is not bad.
Statement 2: Device programs to improve the social awareness of the students and programs to strengthen their social skills
Answer: D. First statement is false. There is significant difference in the result and so therefore there must be recommendations on the programs to help the students improve their
social awareness.
Pre–lesson Remediation Activity
Null Hypothesis
✔ states that the “null” condition exists; that is there is nothing new happening, the old theory is still true, the old standard is correct, and the system is in control
✔ A claim about a population characteristic that is initially assumed to be true.
✔ It is denoted by Ho,
✔ It is the hypothesis to be tested. It has a statement of equality, such as ≥, ≤ or =.
Alternative Hypothesis
✔ States that the new theory is true, there are new standards, the system is out-of-control, and/or something is happening
✔ Also defined as the competing claim.
✔ It is denoted by Ha

✔ It is the hypothesis that has no statement of equality, such as >, < or ≠.

A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new drug changes the mean pulse rate of patients. It is known that the mean pulse rate of the patients is 75 beats per minute.
𝐻𝑜 : The drug does not change the mean pulse rate of the patients 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 = 75
𝐻𝑎 : The drug changes the mean pulse rate of the patients 𝐻𝑎 : 𝜇 ≠ 75

A school reports an average grade of 84 among its currently enrolled Senior High School students. Some parents believe that this is an underestimate of the actual average.
𝐻𝑜 : The average grade of currently enrolled Senior High School students is equal to 84. 𝐻𝑜 : 𝜇 = 84
𝐻𝑎 : The average grade of currently enrolled Senior High School students is greater than 84. 𝐻𝑎 : 𝜇 > 84

Note: To strengthen further the knowledge of the teacher participants, it would also be essential to look back on the topic t-test. Recall the different concepts and the criteria when to use the

This part of the ATG is where teacher participants will give an overview of the topics to be discussed.

The teacher-participants will learn about correlation analysis, its meaning, and when to use it to solve or address a problematic situation. There will be a presentation of data sets for the
students to observe about relationships. They will be equipped to conduct hypothesis testing and identify appropriate statistical tools to be used by analyzing a real-life situation. They will
learn to solve the relationship between the two variables manually, or using a calculator, or statistical software (Jamovi). They will also learn to organize and present the data and interpret
the results. Thus, it will enable the students to think critically by formulating good and valid arguments to make sound decisions/judgments.

*If the teacher-participants need help in accomplishing the required tasks in this lesson, the teacher can be reached through e-mail or using the contact number 09xxxxxxxxx

Teacher Participant/’s Experiential Learning

Chunk 1: Concepts on Correlation Analysis
Formative Questions
Note: The trainer will be asking a series of questions
and show various data that will lead the teacher-
Lesson presentation (PPT, interactive discussion), videos, and/or other platforms) on the discussion of the concepts in correlation
participants to dive into the topic.
analysis (definition and examples of bivariate data, scatter plot and introduction to correlation).
What do you observe with the given data?
What is bivariate data?

What is Correlation Analysis?

Situation: Suppose that a researcher of a school wanted to investigate whether there is a relationship between two variables. These
two variables are the grades of the students and the amount of time spent studying

Note: The following questions will be answered by the teacher - participants to gauge their understanding of the concept.

Questions to ponder: Do you think there is a direct or indirect relationship between the two variables? What variables might have a
direct and indirect relationship to the grades of the students?

What do you observe with the following examples below? Possible Answer: Variable 1 is related to variable 2.

Variable 1 Variable 2
income No. of hours working
Alcohol consumption Cholesterol level
grade Time spent playing online games

Prompting Connection to Prior Knowledge

Income No of Working Hours (per week)
12,250 35
17,500 50
19,600 56
7000 20
1750 5
3500 10
5250 15

1. What do you observe with the given data? Possible Answer: If the income decreases the number of working hours
per week also decreases or vice versa.
2. How could you describe the variables? Possible Answer: The variables are connected/ related.
3. If you try to plot the data, what could be the behavior of the graph? Possible Answer: The behavior of the graph is in
an upward trend.

4. What conclusion could you make given the data? Possible Answer: Income has a direct relationship to the number
of working hours per week or vice versa.
Note: Answers of the teacher-participants will be processed to highlight important points.

Bivariate data – examines the relationship between two variables.

Example: Relationship between the grades in Statistics and Probability and General Mathematics of the senior high school

Note: Emphasize to the teacher-participants that interchanging the X and Y variables will not change the relationship.

Scatter Plot

A graph of plotted points that show the relationship between two sets of data.

It consists of a series of points plotted on a rectangular coordinate plane x-axis and y-axis.

Note: The teacher-participants will answer the given examples below to assess their understanding on the discussion in
scatter plot.

Prompting for Effortful Thinking

Example 1:
The table below shows the time in hours spent (x) by six grade 11 students in playing computer games and the score (y)
these students got on a Mathematics test. Construct a scatter plot diagram using Jamovi and describe the degree and pattern
of relationship.

Time Spent Scores in a Math test

1 30
2 25
3 20
4 15
5 5
6 10

Possible Answer:

Example 2:
A student wants to determine the relationship between income and the number of working hours per week of the 7 participants
involved. Construct a scatter plot diagram using Jamovi and describe the degree and pattern of relationship.
Income No of Working Hours (per
12 250 35
17 500 50
19 600 56
7 000 20
1 750 5
3 500 10
5 250 15

Possible Answer:

Example 3:
The table below shows the number of selfies (x) posted online of students and the scores (y) they obtained from a Science
test. Construct a scatter plot diagram using Jamovi and describe the degree of relationship.
Number of Scores in a Science Test
2 25
3 5
1 20
5 40
4 25
6 9

Possible Answer:

Note: Answers of the teacher-participants will be processed to highlight important points.

Correlation = Relationship

Discussion: Correlation analysis determines the relationship of two continuous variables. The process tests the association
of the variables.

Correlation ≠ Causation

Discussion: Correlation analysis does not imply causation. This means that even if two variables are correlated,
this does not necessarily mean that changes in one variable cause changes in the other variable. Therefore,
correlation analysis simply shows that there is a relationship between the variables. Determining causation often
requires further investigation, such as experimental studies or controlled trials.

Note: The trainer will ask the teacher-participants why correlation is not the same as causation.

Using Examples and Non Examples

1. Correlation: There is a positive correlation between the number of umbrellas sold and the amount of rainfall.
Causation: Selling umbrellas does not cause rainfall. Rather, rainfall causes an increase in umbrella sales.
2. Correlation: There is a negative correlation between outdoor temperature and sales of winter coats.

Causation: Decreasing outdoor temperature does not cause people to buy winter coats. Rather, colder weather
leads to an increased demand for winter coats due to the need for warmth.
3. Correlation: There is a positive correlation between ice cream sales and the number of drowning incidents at
Causation: Selling more ice cream does not cause an increase in drowning incidents. Instead, both variables are
influenced by warm weather, which leads to more people going to beaches, buying ice cream, and swimming,
consequently increasing the risk of drowning incidents.
Note: Provide feedback and highlight important concepts to address the teacher-participants misconceptions if there is any.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

also called Pearson’s r, in honor of the English mathematician Karl Pearson who developed the formula in the 1880s.

a statistical tool that determines the existence, strength, and direction of correlation between two variables.

STEPS in Solving Pearson Product Correlation:

a) Look for n (number of elements/respondents/participants)

b) Solve for the summation of x (∑x)

c) Solve for the summation of y (∑y) Solve for the summation of x times y (∑xy)

d) Solve for the summation of x times x (∑x2)

e) Solve for the summation of y times y (∑y2)

f) Solve for the value of r (use substitution)

g) Interpret the value of r (refer to the table below)

Schober, P., Boer, C., & Schwarte, L. A. (2018). Correlation coefficients: appropriate use and interpretation.

h. Determine the correlation between the two variables. Then, interpret the results.

Chunk 2: Conduct of Hypothesis Testing using Correlation Analysis

Data will be presented and served as a springboard of the lesson. The teacher participants will be asked to give their insights on the
The trainer will be asking series of questions and given data.
show various data that will lead the teacher
participants to dive into the topic and realize Drawing Attention to Meaning
gradually the direction of the lesson. Example 1:
Income No of Working Hours (per week)
Drawing Attention to Meaning
12,250.00 35
1. Describe the given data. Identify the two variables
17,500 .00 50
involved. What can you say about the behavior of the
19,600.00 56
values? Can you see any trend/pattern?
7000.00 20

2.What is the possible implication of the relationship 1750.00 5

of the two variables (income and no of working 3500.00 10
hours) 5250.00 15
3. Here’s another set of data, analyze the data and
check if there is a possible relationship between the Hours spent in Number of finished activities(with an
given variables. Describe the behavior of the two social media on average given activities in a week is 10)
variables in terms of the given values. a weekly basis
4. If t-test is used when comparing means of two 2.5 hours 10
groups, What do you think is the statistical tool to be 10 hours 6
used to test if we want to know the strength of 17.5 hours 5
relationship/association of variables? 21 hours 5
4. Can you apply the steps in hypothesis testing to 31.5 hours 3
answer the problem?
35 hours 1
35.5 hours 1
40 hours 0

Note: All responses of the teacher participants will be processed in a form of interactive discussion.

Possible Responses:
Prompting Connection to prior knowledge ➢ The two variable are income and the number of hours, hour spent on social media and number of finished activities
Can you recall the steps in hypothesis testing? ➢ For example 1, as the number of hours working increases, the salary increases also.
➢ For Example 2. As the number of hours spent on social media increases, the number of finished activities decreases.

Prompting Connection to Prior Knowledge

Prompting Effortful Thinking Recall the steps in hypothesis testing.
- Given the data/situation, analyze and
perform hypothesis(manual method and The following are the steps in hypothesis testing:
using applications and calculator) test to see Step 1 Hypothesis: Formulate the null (H0) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses.
if there is a relationship between the given Step 2 Level of Significance: Decide the appropriate or identify the indicated level of significance. Typical
variables. values are 0.05 and 0.01.
- The students will interpret the results. Step 3 Test Statistics: Gather sample data and calculate a test statistic where the sample statistic is
- compared to the parameter value.

Note: questions will be asked to teacher participants Step 4 Decision Rule/ Rejection Region/ Probability Value: A p-value is found by using the test statistic
the steps in solving the problem. to calculate the probability of the sample data producing such a test statistic or one more
extreme. The rejection region is found by using alpha to find a critical value; the rejection region is
Using non examples and examples the area that is more extreme than the critical value.
5. The given data was gathered during the Step 5 Computation: Solve for the computed value.
celebration of Panagbenga just last month, tell Step 6 Decision: Make a decision about the null hypothesis. In this step, we decide to either reject the
whether the two variables are associated to each null hypothesis or decide to fail to reject the null hypothesis. Notice that we do not make a
other? decision where we will accept the null hypothesis.
Step 7 Conclusion: State an overall conclusion. Once we have found the p-value or rejection region and
made a statistical decision about the null hypothesis (i.e. we will reject the null or fail to reject the
null), we then want to summarize our results into an overall conclusion for our test.

Prompting Effortful Thinking

1. Using the hypothetical/dummy data below, conduct a hypothesis test to see if there is a significant relationship
between the

A. grades of students and the amount of time spent studying. Use a 5% level of significance.
B. Grades of students and the amount of time spent playing online games. Use a 5% level of significance.

A. Use Jamovi to generate data needed to conduct hypothesis testing

First, we correlate the variables: Grades and Studying time.

Step 1. Input data


Step 2. Label the data with the two variables


Step 3. Choose appropriate data analysis to be used


Step 4. Interpret the computed value. (Refer it to the given table)


Since the Pearson’s r value is 0.87, hence, we have a Very High Positive Correlation.

Step 5. Make a conclusion and interpretation

Note: All responses of the teacher participants will be processed in a form of interactive discussion. To deepen the result, include the
implication of the result.

Secondly, we correlate the variables: Grades and time spent playing online games

Step 1. Input data

We follow the steps above in Steps 1 & 2.

Step 2. Label the data with the two variables

Step 3. Choose appropriate data analysis to be used


Step 4. Interpret the computed value. (Refer it to the given table)


Since the Pearson’s r value is -0.801, hence, we have a Very High Negative Correlation.

Step 5. Make a conclusion and interpretation


B. Using Manual computation, we set the grades as our x variable.

Note: Using a guided approach the teacher participants will be performing the manual computation.

First, we correlate the variables: Grades and Studying time.

Set Studying time as our y variable, then following the required variables (such as, xy, 𝑥 2 , 𝑦 2 ) as taken from the formula above. We then
follow the following steps:

h. Look for n (number of elements/respondents/participants)

There are 30 respondents.
i. Solve for the summation of x (∑ 𝑥)
∑ 𝑥 = 85 + 87 + 84 + 90 + 98 + 95 + 96 + 95 + 86 + 88 + 86 + 90 + 94 + 94 + 93 + 84 + 84 + 80 + 82 + 81 + 81 + 82 + 83 + 88 +
90 + 94 + 90 + 95 + 95 + 88
∑ 𝑥 = 2658
j. Solve for the summation of y (∑ 𝑦)
∑ 𝑦=3+4+2+5+6+5+4+5+2+4+3+5+6+5+5+2+3+3+2+2+2+2+3+4+5+6+5+7+6+5
∑ 𝑦 = 121
k. Solve for the summation of xy ( ∑ 𝑥𝑦)
∑ 𝑥𝑦 = 255 + 348 + 168 + 450 + 588 + 475 + 384 + 475 + 172 + 352 + 258 + 450 + 564 + 470 + 465 + 168 + 252 + 240 + 164 +
162 + 162 + 164 + 249 + 352 + 450 + 564 + 450 + 665 + 570 + 440
∑ 𝑥𝑦 = 10 926

l. Solve for the summation of 𝑥 2 (∑ 𝑥 2)

∑ 𝑥 2 = 7225 + 7569 + 7056 + 8100 + 9604 + 9025 + 9216 + 9025 + 7396 + 7744 + 7396 + 8100 + 8836 + 8836 + 8649 + 7056
+ 7056 + 6400 + 6724 + 6561 + 6561 + 6724 + 6889 + 7744 + 8100 + 8836 + 8100 + 9025 + 9025 + 7744
∑ 𝑥 2 = 236322

m. Solve for the summation of 𝑦 2 (∑ 𝑦 2)


∑ 𝑦 2 = 9 + 16 + 4 + 25 + 36 + 25 + 16 + 25 + 4 + 16 + 9 + 25 + 36 + 25 + 25 + 4 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 + 25
+ 49 + 36 + 25
∑ 𝑦 2 = 555
To put the results in a table, we have

Grade Studying (x)(y) 𝑥2 𝑦2

s (x) Time (y)
1 85 3 255 7225 9
2 87 4 348 7569 16
3 84 2 168 7056 4
4 90 5 450 8100 25
5 98 6 588 9604 36
6 95 5 475 9025 25
7 96 4 384 9216 16
8 95 5 475 9025 25
9 86 2 172 7396 4
10 88 4 352 7744 16
11 86 3 258 7396 9
12 90 5 450 8100 25
13 94 6 564 8836 36
14 94 5 470 8836 25
15 93 5 465 8649 25
16 84 2 168 7056 4
17 84 3 252 7056 9
18 80 3 240 6400 9
19 82 2 164 6724 4
20 81 2 162 6561 4
21 81 2 162 6561 4
22 82 2 164 6724 4
23 83 3 249 6889 9
24 88 4 352 7744 16
25 90 5 450 8100 25

26 94 6 564 8836 36
27 90 5 450 8100 25
28 95 7 665 9025 49
29 95 6 570 9025 36
30 88 5 440 7744 25

∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 ∑ 𝑥2 ∑ 𝑦2

= 2658 = 121 = 10 926 = 236322 = 555

g. Solve for the value of r.

𝑛∑ 𝑥𝑦 − ∑ 𝑥∑ 𝑦
√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]
Substitute the variable by its values and solve for the value of r.
(30)(10 926) − (2658)(121)
√[(30)(236322) − (2658)2 ][(30)(555) − (121)2 ]
327 780 − 321 618
√(7 089 660 − 7 064 964)(16 650 − 14 641)
6 162
√(24 966)(2 009)
6 162
√50 156 694
6 162
7 082.1391
𝑟 = 0.87

h. Test the degree of the relationship of Student’s Grades and their Studying Time
h.1 Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis.
Ho = There is no correlation between the student’s grades and their studying time.
Ha = There is a significant degree of relationship between the student’s grades and their studying time.
h.2 Level of Significance
5% level of significance.
h.3 Test statistics:
Use t-test at 5% level of significance.

h.4 Computation for the Test-Statistics

𝑟√𝑛 − 2
𝑡𝑐 =
√1 − 𝑟 2
0.87√30 − 2
𝑡𝑐 =
√1 − 0.872
𝑡𝑐 =
√1 − 0.7569
𝑡𝑐 =
𝑡𝑐 =

𝑡𝑐 = 9.3370
h.5 Rejection Criterion
Reject Ho if |𝑡𝑐 | > (30 − 2) = 2.048

h.6 Decision: Since |9.3370| > (28) = 2.048, reject Ho
h.7 Conclusion: The result reveals that there is a significant relationship between the student’s grades and their studying

Secondly, we correlate the variables: Grades and time spent playing online games

Set Time spent playing online games as our y variable, then following the required variables (such as, xy, 𝑥 2 , 𝑦 2 ) as taken from the
formula above. We then follow the following steps:

a. Look for n (number of elements/respondents/participants)

There are 30 respondents.

b. Solve for the summation of x (∑ 𝑥)

∑ 𝑥 = 85 + 87 + 84 + 90 + 98 + 95 + 96 + 95 + 86 + 88 + 86 + 90 + 94 + 94 + 93 + 84 + 84 + 80 + 82 + 81 + 81 + 82 + 83 + 88 +
90 + 94 + 90 + 95 + 95 + 88
∑ 𝑥 = 2658

c. Solve for the summation of y (∑ 𝑦)

∑ 𝑦=5+6+7+4+1+2+3+2+5+4+4+2+2+2+3+5+5+7+6+6+7+6+6+5+2+2+3+4+2+6
∑ 𝑦 = 124
d. Solve for the summation of xy ( ∑ 𝑥𝑦)
∑ 𝑥𝑦 = 425 + 522 + 588 + 360 + 98 + 190 + 288 + 190 + 430 + 352 + 344 + 180 + 188 + 188 + 279 + 420 + 420 + 560 + 492 +
486 + 567 + 492 + 498 + 440 + 180 + 188 + 270 + 380 + 190 + 528
∑ 𝑥𝑦 = 10 733
e. Solve for the summation of 𝑥 2 (∑ 𝑥 2)
∑ 𝑥 2 = 7225 + 7569 + 7056 + 8100 + 9604 + 9025 + 9216 + 9025 + 7396 + 7744 + 7396 + 8100 + 8836 + 8836 + 8649 + 7056
+ 7056 + 6400 + 6724 + 6561 + 6561 + 6724 + 6889 + 7744 + 8100 + 8836 + 8100 + 9025 + 9025 + 7744
∑ 𝑥 2 = 236322
f. Solve for the summation of 𝑦 2 (∑ 𝑦 2)
∑ 𝑦 2 = 25 + 36 + 49 + 16 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 4 + 25 + 16 + 16 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 25 + 25 + 49 + 36 + 36 + 49 + 36 + 36 + 25 + 4 + 4 + 9
+ 16 + 4 + 36
∑ 𝑦 2 = 612
To put the results in a table, we have

Grade Time Spent Playing (x)(y) 𝑥2 𝑦2

s (x) Games (y)
1 85 5 425 7225 25
2 87 6 522 7569 36
3 84 7 588 7056 49
4 90 4 360 8100 16
5 98 1 98 9604 1
6 95 2 190 9025 4
7 96 3 288 9216 9
8 95 2 190 9025 4
9 86 5 430 7396 25
10 88 4 352 7744 16
11 86 4 344 7396 16
12 90 2 180 8100 4
13 94 2 188 8836 4
14 94 2 188 8836 4
15 93 3 279 8649 9
16 84 5 420 7056 25
17 84 5 420 7056 25
18 80 7 560 6400 49
19 82 6 492 6724 36
20 81 6 486 6561 36
21 81 7 567 6561 49
22 82 6 492 6724 36
23 83 6 498 6889 36
24 88 5 440 7744 25
25 90 2 180 8100 4
26 94 2 188 8836 4
27 90 3 270 8100 9
28 95 4 380 9025 16
29 95 2 190 9025 4
30 88 6 528 7744 36

∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦 = 124 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 ∑ 𝑥2 ∑ 𝑦2

= 2658 = 10733 = 236322

= 612

g. Solve for the value of r.

𝑛∑ 𝑥𝑦 − ∑ 𝑥∑ 𝑦
√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]
Substitute the variable by its values and solve for the value of r.

(30)(10 733) − (2658)(124)

√[(30)(236322) − (2658)2 ][(30)(612) − (124)2 ]
321 990 − 329 592
√(7 089 660 − 7 064 964)(18 360 − 15 376)
−7 062
√(24 696)(2 984)
− 7 062
√73 692 864
− 7 062
8 584. 4548
𝑟 = −0.82

h. Test the degree of the relationship of Student’s Grades and their Studying Time
h.1 Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis.
Ho = There is no significant relationship between the student’s grades and the time they spent playing games.
Ha = There is a significant relationship between the student’s grades and the time they spent playing games.

h.2 Level of Significance:

Use t-test at 5% level of significance.
h.3 Test Statistic

Pearson’s r
h.4 Computation for the Test-Statistics
𝑟√𝑛 − 2
𝑡𝑐 =
√1 − 𝑟 2
−0.82√30 − 2
𝑡𝑐 =
√1 − (−0.82)2
𝑡𝑐 =
√1 − 0.6724
𝑡𝑐 =
𝑡𝑐 =

𝑡𝑐 = −7.5809
h.5 Rejection Criterion
Reject Ho if |𝑡𝑐 | > (30 − 2) = 2.048
h.6 Decision: Since |−7.5809| > (28) = 2.048, reject Ho
h.7 Conclusion: The result reveals that there is a significant degree of relationship between the student’s grades and the
time they spent playing games.
Note: Process all responses of the teacher participants

Using Examples and Non Examples

Instruction: Identify the appropriate test statistic given the data and situation below

1. A vlogger wants to determine the relationship between the number of tourist spots visited and the total amount of money spent on
food by people who visited Baguio during the celebration of Panagbenga. He interviewed a group of tourists listed the following data

Tour Number of Total amount spent

ist tourist spots on food(y)
visited (x)
1 1 3500.00
2 2 3000.00
3 3 2500.00
4 4 3600.00
5 5 5000.00
6 6 1500.00
7 6 1000.00
8 7 1200.00
9 7 10000.00
10 10 85000.00

Answer: Correlation Analysis. Correlation analysis determines the relationship of variables

2. Sociologist wants to differentiate the Social Intelligence of Pre - Service Teachers and In - Service Teachers of JKL University.
Answer: T-test


Note: Assist the teacher participants on how to provide the synthesis.

Ways to run the synthesis:

1. The synthesis could be done through an interactive discussion to gauge the understanding of the teacher participants.
2. graphic organizer to compare t-test and correlation

T- Test Similarities Correlation Analysis

When to Use? Both are statistical techniques When to Use?

Use to determine if there is significant difference Use to measure the strength of relationship of variables
on the mean of two groups

Types of Variables: Types of Variables

Quantitative Variables independent variable to - Two continuous variables

continuous dependent variables
- data is normally distributed
- data is normally distributed - relationship of variables is linear

Example Example:

Compare the scores of two groups of students to Examining the relationship between temperature and ice
see if there is a significant difference between cream sales. This is to determine if there is correlation between
them. them.

Summary: T- Tests compare means of groups, while correlation analysis measures the relationship between continuous variables. Bothe are useful in the field of research depending on
the research questions and the type of data. Correlation does not imply causation.

Note: To assess the readiness of the teachers in hypothesis testing using correlation analysis, they will be working individually, pair or by group and answer the given activity
RUA of a Student’s Learning

Drawing Attention to Meaning and Prompting Connection

Answer the following questions carefully.

1. Briefly explain correlation analysis and state when to use this statistical tool?

Correlation Analysis is used to determine the strength of the relationship/association between two variables. Remember that correlation does not imply causation therefore it is very essential
that we have to be very careful in interpreting the results and do not neglect to consider factors that may influence the result of the relationship of the two variables.

You need to perform a task using the given data below.

Weight (kg) Time spent exercising per day Sleeping time per day
(hours) (hours)
36 3 8
40 4 7
45 2 6
45 3 8
44 2 6
43 4 7
42 4 8
45 2 6
40 5 5
37 6 6
35 5 7
50 1 8
50 1 9
49 2 8
48 2 9
46 3 6
45 2 7
53 1 6
52 1 4

2. Using the hypothetical/dummy data above, conduct a hypothesis test to see if there is a significant relationship of the following variables:
a weight and the time spent exercising. Use a 5% level of significance.

b. weight and sleeping time. Use a 5% level of significance.

c. State the implications of the results.


a. Based on the result, the possible implication is that a person who spends more time exercising loses more weight.
b. Based on the result, the possible implication is that a person who spends more time sleeping gains more weight.

3. What real-life situations can you give that use correlation analysis? Give at least two.
➢ Temperature and Ice cream Sales
➢ Driving time and distance traveled
4. Provide hypothetical or empirical data from one of the real-life situations you have identified in number 3 above. And conduct a hypothesis test if there is a significant relationship
between the variables you have identified. Use level of significance of 0.05.

Note : Use the Table below for your interpretation

Schober, P., Boer, C., & Schwarte, L. A. (2018). Correlation coefficients: appropriate use and interpretation.

Post – lesson Remediation Activity

The teacher will provide feedback on the outputs submitted by the students and conduct a tutorial session as the need arises. Then, give another similar activity to capture or achieve the
target competencies and skills of the lesson.

Note: The activity to be given will be based on the result of the previous activity.

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