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(Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics)

Assignment Submission Schedule
6 credit Hours Due Date 3 credit hours Due date
Assignment 1 08-07-2024
Assignment 1 05-08-2024
Assignment 2 05-08-2024
Assignment 3 02-09-2024
Assignment 2 30-09-2024
Assignment 4 30-09-2024
Note: Tutorial schedule (Rehnama-e-Tulba) will available on AIOU website:
Course: Compulsory English-II (1424-5411-9408) Semester: Spring, 2024
Level: BA/AD/BS
Please read the following instructions for writing your assignments. (SSC, HSSC & BA
1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks but within a question the
marks are distributed according to its requirements.
2. Read the question carefully and then answer it according to the requirements of the
3. Late submission of assignments will not be accepted.
4. Your own analysis and synthesis will be appreciated.
5. Avoid irrelevant discussion/information and reproducing from books, study guide
of allied material.
Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks (BA): 40
Pass Marks (AD)/BS: 50
(Units 1-4)

Q.1 Read Unit 1. Define Academic Essay. What are its types and three main body
parts? Write the one Cause and Effect Essay about "Inflation in Pakistan". The
essay should include an explanation of the concept of inflation, its types, three
major causes and three main effects of rising inflation in Pakistan. (20)

Q.2 (i) Read page no 59-70 of Unit-2. Draw a flow chart based on the process of
"planting a tree". (10)
(ii) Read the following paragraph demonstrating the method of Sequence Writing. After
reading, write down steps in following which paper is recycled? (10)
What is the Process of Recycling Paper?

Paper is recycled by taking it to the recycling plant where it is separated and then
the separated paper is cleaned and washed with soap to break it down. After
breaking down, it is exposed to heat and after some time it breaks down into
cellulose Recycling is an essential method to minimize waste accumulation and
reduce pollution. We can recycle old newspapers. notebooks and used envelopes.
Paper contaminated with food, carbon paper and stickers cannot be recycled.

Q.3 Read the Unit 3. What is classification? How to write the classification essay write
the just main steps name? Illustrate the different types of diet as a healthy food or
drink to survive for the longer in age than any other person who enjoys the
Unhealthy diet in his/her life? (20)

Q.4 Complete the following cause and effect sentences: (20)

(i). Lack of students attention to their studies leads to_____________________.
(ii). The cotton industry in the city consumes a lot of energy which results
(iii). My kids go to school on motorbike in such cold weather which is resulting
(iv). Tobacco consumption by our youth is a major cause of _________________.
(v). Since I was up all night with my sick child, __________________________.
(vi). Because I forgot to set the alarm last night,___________________________.
(vii). I need to go to the bank since______________________________________.
(viii). There is a forecast of heavy storm, so_______________________________.
(ix). When you complete writing your book,______________________________.
(x). Because the cat was frightened,____________________________________.

Q.5. Read Unit 5. Using appropriate transition words, compare and contrast a cell phone
and a laptop. How are both similar to each other, and how are they different? (20)

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks (BA): 40

Pass Marks AD/BS: 50
(Units 5-9)
Q.1. This question is based on unit 6. Read this paragraph and answer the question given
at the end. (20)
A hare was very popular with the other beasts who all claimed to be her friend. But one
day she heard the hounds approaching and hoped to escape them with the help of her
many friends. "What are friends for," she asked herself, "if not to help out in time of
need?" Furthermore, most of her friends were big and brave, so at least one should be
able to help. First she went to the horse, and asked him to carry her away from the hounds

on his back. But he declined, stating that he had important work to do for his master." I
feel sure," he said, "that all your other friends will come to your assistance." She then
applied to the bull, and hoped that he would repel the hounds with his horns. The bull
replied: "I am very sorry, but I have an appointment with a lady. However, I feel sure that
our friend the goat will do what you want." The goat, however, feared that his back might
be harmed if he took her upon it. The ram, he felt sure, was the proper friend to apply to.
So she went to the ram and told him the case. The ram replied: "Another time, my dear
friend. I do not like to interfere on the present occasion, as hounds have been known to
eat sheep as well as hares." The hare then applied, as a last hope, to the calf, who
regretted that he was unable to help her. He did not like to take the responsibility upon
himself, as so many older persons had declined the task. By this time the hounds were
quite near, so the hare had to take to her heels. Luckily, she escaped.

i). The hare was confident she would find a friend to help for all the following reasons
A: She knew she was popular.
B: She assumed friends were there to help.
C: Most of her friends were big and strong
D: Her friends had promised help whenever she needed it.
ii). The hare thought at least any of her friends would help them because:
A: She was very dear to them
B: All were her neighbours
C: All were fearless and powerful
D: She was lonely
iii). The hate want to the horse who (chose the right option)
A: Was willing to help her
B: Assigned the task to some other friend
C: Prefirred not to help the hare
D: Was carrying load at his back.

vi). The ram did not help the hair because (choose the correct option)
A: She was too busy on that occasion
B: She was occupied with her master
C. She feared her back will be damaged.
D: She was afraid of the hounds
v). Choose the most suitable moral for the story:
A: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B: Never rely on your friends in a time of crisis
C: Popularity does not mean friendship.
D: In a time of crisis you discover who your true friends are.

Q.2. Read Unit 7 and answer the following questions:

(i). What is the meaning of implied reading? write some advantages of it. (10)
(ii). Look at the picture below and discuss what it implies. (10)

Q.3. Refer to Unit 7 of your book. On page 224, read "THE NEW SCHOOL" in
exercise 2. then answer the following questions. Some are simple comprehension,
and some need you to infer the implied meaning. (20)
1. What dose Tahira like to do?
2. How does Tahira feel about her new school?
3. Why did Tahira walk slowly and carefully to the front of the class room?
4. Why did the children gasp when they saw tahira's picture?

Q.4. Read Unit 8 and attempt the following: (20)

i. Define connotation and denotation in simple words
ii. Explain Positive, Negative and Neutral connotation with the help of
iii. Write down (and explain) various connotations of the word "dog"
iv. Write down (and explain) various connotations of the word "smart"

Q.5. a) Read Unit 9. Write down the short history of newspaper when it was made
for the first time? How can Newspaper help a person gain huge amount of
the information? (10)
b) Write down the one of the famous newspapers from the last 2years in
Pakistan and Characteristics of that Newspaper? (10)

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