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NMP XXIV 2011-12 HRM Core

Interview Schedule:


Name of the company:


Companys key HR policies:


Does your company have a formal HR strategy? If yes, could you please elaborate a bit?

4. Does your company have a formal recruitment & selection strategy? If yes, could you please explain?

5. What importance in your view is given by your company to linking hiring and company strategy?

6. About what percentage of managerial positions in your company are filled by promotion and what percentage by open selection? 1

7. Kindly rank, (1, 2, 3, .) on the left side, in order of importance, the methods of recruitment that are used by your company for managerial personnel: Advertisement Employment agencies Management consultants Campus recruitment
Acceptance of Unsolicited applicants

Recommendations: Referrals Cyberspace recruiting Any other/s 8. Please rank (1, 2, 3, ) on the left side, the following methods of selection tools in terms of importance that your company uses while selecting managerial personnel? (in case some of these tools are not used in your company, please leave it blank, and rank other methods): Structured interviews Unstructured interviews Ability tests Personality assessment Work sampling Assessment centre for job performance References Years of work experience Graphology (Handwriting analysis) Any other/s 9. Does your company consider hiring a part of its strategic HRM function? Can you please explain this?

10. Can you rank (1, 2, 3, ) on the left side, the following as approaches to strategic hiring followed in your company? Attract people with multi-dimensional skills/experiences Recruiting people with new skills/perspectives to work as change agents Build organizational culture to attract people (i.e. employer brand) Keep searching people whose profiles fit company values Search for talent globally, not just within the country (esp. for managerial personnel) Anticipate/ find people for positions that dont exist at present Devise new methodologies for assessing traits/competencies of people concerned
Any other such innovative approaches that are followed

11. Does your company give any special attention to recruiting women managers? Can you please give reasons for your answer?

12. Does your company use some novel recruiting methods like facebook, linked in, etc. on the internet or others? If yes, which ones?

13. Please rank (1, 2, 3, .) on the left side, the following as factors (in order of their importance) that are appraised in candidates concerned while making the hiring decisions in your company? Presentation skills Interests Goals & Ambition Experience 3

Knowledge Acquired skills Education Attitudes & beliefs Self motivation Maturity & judgement Behaviour
Any other/s

14. What improvements you think can be made in the recruitment and selection system in your company so as to make it a more effective instrument of implementing its business strategy?

15. In your view, would your company hire people who are smarter than most managers or does it prefer to hire those who are similar in intelligence and competencies to the existing managers?

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