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ARAB 100

Simon Fraser University

Turn the following words/phrases into definite, then transliterate:

‫ِإکْتَ َش َف‬
‫غَشا َش ٌة‬
‫تَ َز َّو َج‬
‫َٔا ْل َم ْج ُنو ِن‬
‫ِب َجوا ِر‬
‫َحک َْت‬
‫َم ْم ِلکَ ِتها‬
‫َسنَوا ٍت‬
‫لصبا ِح‬ ‫َٔا َّ‬
‫ب َ ْع َد‬
‫َٔال ْأَیَّا ِم‬
‫َٔا ْلکَبی َر ِة‬
‫َٔاكُو ُن‬
‫ُم ْل ِک ِه‬
‫َٔا ْل ُم ْستَغ ِر ُب‬
‫َٔا َم َر‬
‫فا ْر ِسیَ ًة‬
‫َٔا َّلتي‬
‫بِلا ٌد‬
ARAB 100
Simon Fraser University

Write the following nouns/adjectives in definite then transliterate:

‫َهوا ٌء‬
‫َم ْس ِج ٍد‬
‫اب‬ٌ َ‫ب‬
‫قَلَ ٌم‬
‫َج َم ٍل‬
‫ُٔا ٌّم‬
ً‫َص ِديقا‬
‫َزما ٍن‬
‫ف ُٰؤا ٌد‬
‫راب‬ ٌ ُ‫ت‬
‫نا ٌر‬
‫ِإنْسا ٌن‬
‫ِحما ٌر‬
‫قَ ْري َ ًة‬
‫َمکْتَبَ ٌة‬
‫َشر ِي َع ٍة‬
‫دي ٌن‬
‫َض ِعي َف ٌة‬
‫ُسو ٌر‬
Write the following nouns/adjectives in Arabic then transliterate:

sun – son – hill – lamp – book – merchant – weak – lord – physician – light – knife – forks –
beds – wife – knives – chair – balcony – rooms – daughter – subjects – building – classroom

Write the above nouns/adjectives in definite then transliterate:

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