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Just A Summer Fling (Boys Of Rose

Briar Hill) Alisha Williams

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Just A Summer Fling (Boys Of Rose Briar Hill) Alisha


Just A Summer Fling (Boys Of Rose Briar Hill) Alisha


NOAH A. Briar

Crestfire Hill 2 Summer Aspen
Crestfire Hill 2 Summer Aspen

The Summer Villa Melissa Hill

His Witness To Protect: A Friends To Lovers Romance

(Destiny Falls Book 1) Summer Rose

The Ghosts of Rose Hill R. M. Romero

Entangled Love: Steamy Romance (Takes Two to Tango Book

3) Summer Rose
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents
are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead,

events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Alisha Williams

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used

in any manner without written

permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of quotations

in a book review.

For more information, please address:

Book Cover Design: Kismet New Mood Graphics And Designs

Table of Contents

Copyright Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9





To anyone who just wanted to have a wild summer with sexy hot
strangers, this ones for you.


Just A Summer Fling is a prequel to an upcoming series, Boy’s Of

Rose Briar Hill. It is recommended

that you read this book before the first one.

This book is an over all sweet and steamy read, however, the series
that follows will be a dark

college romance and deal with some darker topics.

Chapter 1

“Delaney, sweetie, we better get going!” Mom’s voice drifts through

the open window where she

waits in the driveway, car packed and ready to go.

Taking one last walk through my childhood room, I close the window
and look around. It’s so
strange to see it empty, like all the years that I’ve spent in here
didn’t happen.

“Sorry, just wanted to make sure we didn’t forget anything,” I tell

her as I jog down the front


“If we did, Mrs. Randell will make sure we get it.” My mom smiles,
her chestnut hair, the same

shade as mine, blows in the wind. She brushes it out of her face as
she looks up at the house. “I’m

gonna miss this place.”

“Me too,” I sigh, wrapping my arm around her waist and placing my
head on her shoulder as I

look up to take in as many details as I can. Change is a big thing for

me, because it’s not something I’m used to. But this is the good
kind, something we both need.

“Dede!” That voice has my body going stiff.

“Want me to get rid of him?” My mother’s voice is full of the same

disdain I feel.

“No, I got this. Get in the car, I’ll join you in a second.” I give her a
weak smile before turning

around to face my boyfriend. Sorry, my ex-boyfriend.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snarl, crossing my arms over my

chest while giving him a death

“Please, don’t leave.” He looks rough. His hair is a mess, and the
dark rings under his eyes make

it look like he hasn’t slept in days.

“Nope.” I shake my head. “You don’t get to do this, Kyle.”

“I said I was sorry!” He raises his arms in the air. “What more do you

“How about you don’t stick your dick in my best friend!” I shout
back, anger rising within me. “I

loved you. I wanted to spend the rest of my fucking life with you.
And you go and fuck my best friend.

Someone who’s been my person since we were four!”

“Delaney, please,” Lora steps out of Kyle’s car.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I snort out a humorless

laugh, shaking my head. I haven’t

seen her since the night I found her underneath him, moaning his
name like a bitch in heat. “You

brought her, really?”

“She wanted to see you too. We both wanted to apologize. It was a

mistake. We were both drunk.


I don’t know what I ever saw in him. Maybe it was the surfer-boy
good looks with his blond hair

and sun-kissed skin. Funny thing was, Lora was the one who told me
not to date him, that he was a
player and would break my heart. Fucking pathetic.

“How long?” I ask her. “How long were you fucking him behind my

Her face pales as she looks from Kyle back to me. “I don’t know–”

I take a step toward her, getting in her face. “I asked. How. Long.” I
don’t have time for people

who betray me. I have a new life that I’m about to start and just
want to make sure I get the closure of this one.

“Two years,” she whispers, casting her eyes to the ground.

“So, our whole relationship?” I ask Kyle.

“It’s not like–”

He doesn’t get a chance to finish because I pull my fist back and

punch him right in his stupid,

cheating face. “Fuck!” we both shout. He clutches his nose, blood

gushing out as I shake my hand.

“We’re done. Lose my number, forget we ever met. You're dead to

me. Both of you,” I spit. Lora starts to cry, rushing to Kyle’s side as
he oozes blood.

My chest heaves, anger vibrating through my body as my hand

throbs in pain. I don’t care. It felt

good to make that fucker hurt.

Walking in on him pumping deep into my best friend at a party he

brought me to, it hurt bad. I cried for days, did all the stages of
grieving a break up.
Then my mom came into my room and reminded me he wasn’t
worth it. That I was worth more.

She told me to break up with him, delete his number, and find me
someone who would love and

respect me, like I deserve.

And she’s right. I would never have thought to ever cheat on him,
but he could so easily do that to

me. He doesn’t deserve me.

But what hurt more, was the fact he cheated on me with my best
friend. Someone who I did

everything with, spent the most time with, and shared all my secrets
with. Fifteen years of friendship gone over dick. How fucked up is

“Let me see that,” Mom says, taking my hand as I get into the car.
She lets out a little hiss. “That’s going to need some ice. We can get
something at a gas station on our way out of the city.”

“Worth it,” I mutter as she starts up the car.

She gives me a cheeky grin. “It was a good punch.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” I chuckle. She gives me a high five before pulling
out of the driveway. She

stops, rolls down the window, and flips off my ex.

“Take that, you little prick!” she shouts before taking off down the

I burst out laughing, and she joins me.

My mom is my number one person in my life. She’s the best. Never
once has she let me down.

Always there for me when I needed her. If anything, she’s my best


It sucked that her job caused her to spend a lot of time travelling as
a pharmaceutical rep. But

she’s sacrificed so much to be a single mom and raise me, that I

couldn’t complain when she took a

job that paid amazingly. Sometimes I’d get to go on trips with her if
it didn’t interfere with school.

But I’ve been staying on my own for weeks at a time since I was
sixteen. Our neighbor, Letty, would

keep an eye on me for my mom.

I was the kind of teenager who would go to parties but never had
them, even if my mom was out

of town. I didn’t ever think to break her trust by throwing one just
for a drunken night of fun. So it was mostly spent with Lora coming
over and eating a lot of junk food.

Something amazing happened to my mom because of this job. She

met a man. A good man who

treats her how she deserves. Only thing is, he lives on the other side
of the country in Rose Briar Hill, Florida, and we live in San
Francisco, California.

They have been dating long distance for the past year. I haven’t had
a chance to meet James yet,
but we’ve talked a few times on video chat. I’d say he sounds like a
good guy.

Now that I’ve graduated high school, she felt like it was time to
move closer to be with him, and

of course, I fully supported her.

I did plan on staying here for college, but after everything with Kyle
and Lora, I chose to move

with Mom. Mostly because I don’t think I could live that far away
from her. I wasn’t set on any

specific school, so it was a no brainer to start over somewhere new.

The moving trucks took everything this morning. Mom wanted to

take the chance to have a fun

cross country trip, so we’re doing a summer sightseeing road trip for
the next few weeks.

I’m excited. With the windows down, music blasting, and a summer
to remember just waiting for me, there’s nothing stopping me from
living my best life.

But before we get to Rose Briar Hill, we’re spending a few days at
James’ resort. Yeah, his

resort. The man is loaded. He and Mom actually met because he’s
my mom’s boss. He owns the

pharmaceutical company and then when he made his first million, he

started building resorts to

expand his empire. It happened on one of the business trips; the

way she talks about it, it sounds like something out of a romance
book. She deserves that kind of love.
We pull up to a gas station and Mom gets out. My phone is going
crazy with text messages from

Kyle and Lora. First, it’s him calling me a crazy bitch, then switching
it up to he’s sorry and he loves me. I roll my eyes and look at Lora’s.
She’s saying the same bullshit about how much she regrets it

and I’m her best friend. Years together and blah, blah, blah. Sorry,
but real friends don’t fuck their best friend’s boyfriend. I’d never do
that to someone.

“Here.” Mom hands me a bag of frozen peas. I raise a brow, a grin

cracking on my lips. “What?”

She laughs. “They were selling cups of ice but some lady bought the
last one.” She glares out the

window. I look over to see some older lady bending down to give
her little rat dog the ice to eat. “I tried to tell her my daughter’s
bruised hand was more important, but she wasn’t having it.”

“It’s fine,” I laugh. “This works.”

“I also got snacks,” she says excitedly, putting two full bags into the
back seat. “Can’t have a road trip without them.”

“No, you can’t.” I laugh again. She’s too cute.

Once we’re on the highway, it’s like a weight has been lifted off my
chest. I start to feel excited, rolling the windows down. We both
giggle as our hair whips around and mom blasts the radio.

California Gurls by Katy Perry is on, and we start to belt out the

My goal is to enjoy this summer, make it the best one ever. One I
hope to never forget.
Chapter 2

As much fun as the past two weeks have been with my mom, I’m
over this road trip. My ass is numb,

my legs are cramped, I smell like a gas station, and I haven’t slept in
a real bed in way too long.

So when we pull up to James’ massive resort, I’m both in awe and


“Holy shit. I knew he made good money but damn, Mom, this place
is amazing. Look at you,

getting yourself a sugar daddy,” I joke as we step out of the car.

“Delaney!” she hisses, slapping me on the arm. “Stop that.”

We take everything out of the car and set it on top of the curb. I’m
about to start bringing

everything inside when a man approaches us.

“Welcome back, Miss Jones. Mr. Cross has made your stay known to
us beforehand. Anything you

need, please just add it to his account. And I mean anything at all.
That goes for you too, Miss


Mom hands over the car keys to the valet. “Thank you so much.”

“Of course. It’s my pleasure.” He nods, giving her a smile. “We will
have your bags brought to

your room.”
“Thank you,” Mom thanks him again.

“Seriously, Mom. This is insane.” I look around, taking everything in

as we walk into the lobby.

“James does really well for himself, but don’t let all of this fool you.
He might have money—a lot

of it—but he’s a wonderful, humble man.”

“I believe you. You wouldn’t be with a rich asshole.” I laugh.

“Never.” She laughs back.

We check in, and I shouldn’t be surprised when I hear the front desk
lady mention the penthouse

suite. I know this has become a normal thing for my mom, but this
is the first time I’ve really seen this side of her life.

“I’m going to grab a brochure,” I tell Mom as she talks to the lady.
Going over to the table where

they’re all laid out, I pick up a few that look interesting to me before
turning around to head back to my mom.

“Oh, shit. Sorry,” I curse as I crash into someone.

“No need to apologize, I should have watched where I was going,” a

voice that has my insides

turning to a puddle of goo says, as two hands land on my shoulders

to steady me. I look up into a pair of deep blue eyes that take my
breath away. “Sorry about that.” He gives me a side smile that has
me stunned. Running a hand through his dark wavy hair, he gives
me a wink before leaving me there,

gaping like an idiot.

I watch him walk away. “What a wonderful time to be single,” I
mutter to myself. It’s like I’ve

been so focused on Kyle, I never let myself look at other guys. And
that’s how it should be, right?

When you're with someone, they should be the only one who
catches your eye.

But that’s not the case right now. I’m single, and I’ve only ever been
with one guy sexually. I’m

free to do whatever the hell I want.

“Are you ready?” Mom asks.

“Yup.” I give her an excited smile.

“We’re here for a few days, so enjoy yourself. Don’t think you have
to spend the whole time with

me. Go, be a teenager, have some fun. There’s tons to do here.”

“I think I will.” I look at one of the pamphlets. “They have a spa,

three pools, hot tubs, bars, and restaurants. Heck, they even have
surf lessons. I think I’ll try that out.”

“I thought you didn’t like to surf? You’ve never gone before, as far
as I know.”

“Because it’s warm as hell in Florida. And back home, it’s a little too
cold for me.” I shrug.

“Maybe Florida is perfect. You always seem to be cold.” She laughs

as we reach our floor.

“Yeah, I think I’d die if I wore my hoodies all the time here.”
The doors open, and my jaw drops. “Welcome to our home for the
next few days.”

“Yup, that’s it. I need to get me a sugar daddy,” I state, tossing my

purse on the kitchen counter.

“Mom, this isn’t a hotel room, this is an apartment.”

“Delaney,” Mom sighs.

“Sorry. You know I’m just joking about the money stuff, right? I
don’t care if this man has two

cents to his name as long as he treats you well. Money means

nothing if you're unhappy.”

“I know.” She gives me a small smile. “I just don't want you to think
that I’m only with him

because of what he can offer me. I really couldn't care less about
any of this. At first, I fought him on it. But after a while, I came to
accept this is just how he lives. He doesn’t know any better. He grew
up with money. So, I just enjoy it now. It’s there, so why not? I don’t
ask him for anything.”

“I know you don’t.” She’s engaged to a billionaire but still wears

clothes from Target and her

purse is thrifted. I mean, the girl looks good, so who cares, but it’s
one thing I love about my mom. No one can change her. She’s
unapologetically herself. Something I strive to take after her.

There’s a knock at the door and Mom answers it. It’s the bellhop
with our bags. Once we get

everything in, Mom tips the man and closes the door.
“Want to get showered and changed? Then we can go grab
something to eat? Maybe check the

place out. I’ve been here before, but I know you're dying to take a
look,” she laughs.

“Sounds perfect. I could use a shower to wash all this car smell off
me.” I grab my bags and take

them to one of the rooms. “A king-size bed,” I sigh happily, dropping

everything and launching myself onto the mattress. I giggle as I sink
in, it’s so comfortable that If I close my eyes right now, I’d fall

“Delaney, honey, don’t fall asleep. You're going to be up all night if

you do,” my mom’s voice

comes from the doorway of my room.

“I won’t,” I murmur sleepily. “Promise.”

“Delaney Jones! Go shower.”

I let out an umph as my mom hits me with a pillow. “Hey!” I burst

out into giggles. “Alright, I’m

going, I’m going!”

Sighing, I drag myself out of the cloud of a bed and into the
bathroom connected to my room. “We

each get our own,” Mom says just as I flick on the light.

“Holy fuck,” I whisper, eyes widening as I take in the massive


“Language,” Mom huffs.

“Sorry, but Mom, do you see this?!” I gasp, flinging my hand toward
the lavish room. “It’s almost

the size of the whole top floor of our old house.”

Mom rolls her eyes. “It’s not that big. Just shower.” She closes the
door, and I take an extra minute to look around.

“Rich people,” I say as I strip out of my clothes and grab a towel,

placing it on the sink.

Turning on the shower, I step inside and sigh as the water cools my
body. Using the amazing

smelling shampoo and body wash they provide, I clean up, feeling
the travel grime wash away.

When I’m done, I step out, smiling as my eyes catch the tattoo I’d
gotten on the second day of our

trip. It’s the smallest thing, a little cupcake right on my hip. It’s only
the outline of one, so I’m happy that it’s already healed. It was a
spontaneous thing to do, still riding on the high of punching Kyle the
previous day.

I don’t regret it though. It’s cute, and it means something to me.

The start of my new life. A new

adventure. I’d like to get more tattoos, but I think I’ll wait until I find
something a little more


Grabbing the towel, I wrap the plush softness around me. Even the
towels are fancy as fuck. If this

is what my new step-dad’s resort were like, what is his house like? I
bet he lives in a mansion.
Mom said I could live in the house, seeing no point in staying on
campus when I could have

everything I need in one place.

If this is how the rich live, then maybe it’s not so bad. I mean, if it’s
there, why not?

James called my mom about halfway through our trip to tell her that
I got accepted into Rose Briar

Hill University and will be starting in the fall.

A part of me doesn’t like the fact that Mom used her connections to
get me in, but another part is

grateful because I don’t think I’d have been accepted otherwise. My

grades weren’t the worst, but this school was insanely hard to get
into; one of the best in the country, alongside Silver Valley

That was my next choice in schools, if I couldn’t get into Rose Briar
Hill. But it would have been an eight-hour drive from Mom, and
while it’s still closer than San Francisco, it’s still too far from mom.

It’s one less thing I need to worry about, leaving me to be able to

really enjoy my vacation. And I

did. Mom and I stopped at every cheesy tourist place along the way,
and we loved every moment of

it. Mom took so many photos, she’s almost out of storage on her

It’s nice to see her smile, to be happy and carefree. She’s always
worked herself to the bone to
make sure I wanted for nothing. And I love her for it. But it’s her
time now. Her time to be loved by a good man, to be the one who’s
getting taken care of.

My dad left before I was born, and I don’t know anything about him
really. He seems to always be

a sore subject for my mom, so I never asked about him, respecting

her feelings.

It’s okay, I didn’t need him. My mom was enough. She’s all I ever

Grabbing a smaller towel, I dry my hair and head back out to my

room, going straight to my


Once I’m done digging through it for something to wear, I get

dressed and do my hair.

“Ready,” I tell my mom, stepping out into the living room area. I’m in
a cute yellow romper, and

my hair is braided to one side. I was going to change into a

swimsuit, but I think after we eat, I’m going to call it an early night.
I’ll start my fun here tomorrow.

“Don’t you look cute,” Mom says, her hair still wet from her own
shower. She doesn't need

makeup or fancy hair. For being in her early forties, you could never
tell. You would be surprised at the amount of times we’ve been
mistaken for sisters.

“As do you.” I grin. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

“Now you're speaking my language.” She laughs.

The restaurant is packed when we step up to the hostess booth. I
looked the place up online to see

the menu to try and save time when ordering. I found out this place
is so popular, it’s booked out

months in advance, making it nearly impossible to get a reservation.

“Did you book a table?” I ask my mom.

“No.” She laughs lightly. “Honey, my future husband owns the place,
I don’t have to.”

“Right.” I nod. “Yeah, this is going to take some getting used to.”

The hostess greets us, being extra nice to my mom as she leads us
to a really nice booth with an

ocean view. We order our drinks and food. Once the waiter leaves,
my mom speaks.

“How are you doing with everything?” she asks me, her eyes
searching for any sort of lies I might

tell to please her.

“Well, it still hurts,” I admit. “Being cheated on isn’t fun. But life is
short, and I’m not going to waste my time on some asshole who
didn’t see what he had.”

“That’s my girl.” My mom smiles brightly. “You're too good for him.
You can do way better. I just

know there’s a good man out there who will treat you right, with
love and respect. Who will see the

good woman he has and not need to step out on you.”

“I hope,” I mumble, taking a sip of my soda.

“And what about the move? It’s a big change.”

“That I’m excited for.” She gives me a look that says she doesn’t
really believe me. “Really,” I

say with a laugh. “I only really had one friend, and well, she’s not in
my life anymore. I didn’t grow some emotional ties to the place. This
is a chance to experience new things. And I’m going to an

amazing school. I’m getting an opportunity so many dream about.

I’m not going to be a fool and let my pride make me miss out on
some amazing things in life.”

“I like your outlook on all this, Delaney. I’m so proud of you.” She
takes my hand, tears welling in her eyes, as she gives me a smile.

“Mom, you're going to make me cry.” I laugh, feeling the back of my

eyes sting.

“Sorry. I just want you to know that I love you so much, sweetheart.
You're my whole world. And

I promise you, if James wasn’t a good guy, I would never have

brought him into your life. I’ve met his sons only once, but they
seem like good boys. I think you will get along well.”

This was one of the first times mom has mentioned James’ sons.
She told me their names before,

but I don’t remember. I’m about to ask when the waiter brings us
our food.

The rest of the night is spent eating good food and laughing with
Mom before I take her tipsy ass
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
“Yes, the camera does. I’ve wondered why nobody ever caught them
this way before. Once you see them on film, they’re unmistakable—
that third eye.”
“Infra-red film’s comparatively new, isn’t it? And then I’ll bet you have
to catch them against that one particular background—you know—or
they won’t show on the film. Like trees against clouds. It’s tricky. You
must have had just the right lighting that day, and exactly the right
focus, and the lens stopped down just right. A kind of minor miracle.
It might never happen again exactly that way. But ... don’t look now.”
They were silent. Furtively, they watched the mirror. Their eyes slid
along toward the open door of the tavern.
And then there was a long, breathless silence.
“He looked back at us,” Lyman said very quietly. “He looked at us ...
that third eye!”
The brown man was motionless again. When he moved, it was to
swallow the rest of his drink.
“I don’t think that they’re suspicious yet,” he said. “The trick will be to
keep under cover until we can blow this thing wide open. There’s got
to be some way to do it—some way that will convince people.”
“There’s proof. The photographs. A competent cameraman ought to
be able to figure out just how you caught that Martian on film and
duplicate the conditions. It’s evidence.”
“Evidence can cut both ways,” the brown man said. “What I’m hoping
is that the Martians don’t really like to kill—unless they have to. I’m
hoping they won’t kill without proof. But—” He tapped his wrist-
“There’s two of us now, though,” Lyman said. “We’ve got to stick
together. Both of us have broken the big rule—don’t look now—”
The bartender was at the back, disconnecting the juke-box. The
brown man said, “We’d better not be seen together unnecessarily.
But if we both come to this bar tomorrow night at nine for a drink—
that wouldn’t look suspicious, even to them.”
“Suppose—” Lyman hesitated. “May I have one of those
“If one of us had—an accident—the other one would still have the
proof. Enough, maybe, to convince the right people.”
The brown man hesitated, nodded shortly, and opened his watch-
case again. He gave Lyman one of the pictures.
“Hide it,” he said. “It’s—evidence. I’ll see you here tomorrow.
Meanwhile, be careful. Remember to play safe.”
They shook hands firmly, facing each other in an endless second of
final, decisive silence. Then the brown man turned abruptly and
walked out of the bar.
Lyman sat there. Between two wrinkles in his forehead there was a
stir and a flicker of lashes unfurling. The third eye opened slowly and
looked after the brown man.
The third eye opened slowly and looked after the man
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