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Năm học 2024-2025

(July - 2024)
(TH Education collects & edits)

Student’s name:…………………………………
Class: GRADE 5A

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Student’s name:………… Date:………… Class:…………

PASSAGE 1: Jobs we’d like to do: For each question, choose the correct answer.

Jobs we’d like to do

I’ve always enjoyed playing computer games and I’d like to make them when I’m older.
My cousin works in IT and makes cartoons and games so I asked him if I could go to
work with him. I learned so much including how to draw a simple cartoon. But it was
really tiring – all I wanted to do was relax at the end of the day, not play computer games!
I love sport the most and want to teach it when I’m older. I’m good at basketball, but I
need to work harder in rugby lessons so I can teach different sports. After school, I want
to go to college and study sports science. After that, I want to help with after-school clubs
and lessons. My uncle is a teacher so I plan to ask him if I can give drinks to the players
at the American football club next week.
I play a lot of musical instruments including the piano and guitar and would love to have
a career in music. Last year, I received a prize for the best young musician in my town. I
want to study music at university. I probably won’t get work as a musician after school
so I might have to get a job in a café or restaurant first. My dream is to be paid to play in
a group and travel around the world.
1 Who is going to ask a family member for help with their job plans?
A Artur B Mika C Henri
2 Who hopes to work in different countries?
A Artur B Mika C Henri

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3 Who has won a competition in their chosen subject?
A Artur B Mika C Henri
4 Who needs to get better at the school subject they like best?
A Artur B Mika C Henri
5 Who has had some help from their family with their job plans?
A Artur B Mika C Henri
6 Who was ready for a break after their experience of working?
A Artur B Mika C Henri
7 Who may have to work as a waiter after school?
A Artur B Mika C Henri

PASSAGE 2: How important are museums to you? For each question, choose the
correct answer.

How important are museums to you?

We asked three young people this question and this is what they told us.
A lot of my friends think museums are boring but I love them. I prefer ones where they
move things round regularly, and bring in new things to keep it interesting. I also like to
have things to listen to as well as look at. I suppose I like museums because I’m really
interested in history and art. We study these subjects at college, but I’ve actually found
out a lot more about them from museums than from my textbooks.
I’m lucky because I live in New York, so there are lots of great museums for me to visit.
One thing I’ve learnt is that you should never try to see a whole museum the first time
you go. Just go to one or two rooms, and then return as often as you can to see the rest.
For me, it’s important that the people who work in the museum are pleasant, and happy
to talk to me about the things in the exhibition. That makes a big difference.

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I don’t go to museums much, except during my holidays in new cities. Then I make sure
I spend at least a day going to the most famous ones. If it’s a big museum and I don’t
have much time, I sometimes walk into a room and choose just five things to look at. I
also take a tour if there is one, as I learn so much more from listening to the person
showing us round than I do if I’m by myself.
1 Who always visits museums when they travel?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel
2 Who says it is important to visit the same museum several times?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel
3 Who likes museums where the exhibitions often change?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel
4 Who says that museums should have friendly staff?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel
5 Who says that they sometimes only look at a few things in a room?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel
6 Who learns more in a museum than in a classroom?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel
7 Who prefers going around a museum with a guide to going alone?
A Chris B Emily C Daniel

PASSAGE 3: Joining a ballroom dancing club:

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Joining a ballroom dancing club

By Pippa Cartwright
When I started college, I wanted to find a club to join. One of the first ones I looked at
was ballroom dancing – a type of dance you do with a partner. The people there seemed
to be having a great time, and it didn’t cost much, so I decided to join.
The first week I went, I was really worried because the teacher told us that there were
nineteen different dances we had to learn. But it’s been fine. When there’s a new thing

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to learn, he shows it to us lots of times and makes sure we’re all good at it before we do
the next thing.
When I joined, I didn’t know any of the other people in the club because we all study
different subjects. But it’s been a great way to meet people, and I’ve made some of my
best friends in the club.
One of the reasons we learn the dances is to enter competitions. I couldn’t wait to do my
first one. Before we started, I was a bit worried. But during the competition, my partner
and I remembered everything about our dances. We were great. We didn’t win any
prizes, but it didn’t matter – we loved it!
Joining the ballroom dancing club has been fantastic. In the past, I always did the same
sports and activities, year after year, but ballroom dancing has taught me there’s nothing
scary about doing something you’ve never tried before. I still do lots of sports, but now I
can add ballroom dancing to my list of hobbies.
1 Why did Pippa join the dance club?
A She thought it looked fun.
B She didn’t have to pay for it.
C She didn’t like any of the other clubs.
2 What does Pippa say about the dance teacher?
A He teaches them a new dance every week.
B He often tells new members how good they are.
C He repeats new things until everyone can do them.
3 What does Pippa say about the other club members?
A She has become close to some of them.
B She is on the same course as some of them.
C She was friends with some of them before joining.
4 How did Pippa feel about her first dance competition?
A happy to win first prize
B upset that she forgot the dances
C excited to take part
5 In the final paragraph, Pippa says

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A ballroom dancing is her favourite hobby.
B she’s learned not to be afraid to do new things.
C she isn’t sure which activity to try next.

PASSAGE 4: Callie Rice – ice dancer: For each question, choose the correct

Callie Rice – ice dancer

Growing up, I was in an ice-skating club, and my friends and I did lots of competitions.
When I was 18, I entered a big one in Italy, and I came first. The prize was a job as an
ice dancer in a big show. That’s how my career started.
One of the things I love about the shows is the beautiful clothes. The only trouble is that
sometimes they’re heavy and I get very hot. Also, I have to change lots of times in one
show. The people who make the clothes are very clever – it’s amazing how quickly they
Before the show starts, we get dressed, put our skates on, and wish each other good
luck. Then, while I’m waiting to go on, I like to sit quietly by myself and think about what
I’m going to do. The other skaters chat together or listen to music.
In the shows, we have to dance, sing, and also speak. For me, ice dancing is fine, but
I’m not an actor. I’m always a bit scared I won’t remember the words. I’m not bothered
about falling – it doesn’t usually happen. And I really enjoy joining in with all the songs.
People always ask me if I’m tired when each show finishes, but I love skating, so I never
feel that way. I love listening to the people who came to watch – so excited as they leave,
talking about what they’ve seen. That’s when I’m really happy I chose ice dancing as a
1 How did Callie’s career as an ice danger begin?
A She won a competition.
B She saw an advert for a job.
C A friend invited her to join an ice show.
2 What does Callie say about the clothes she wears?

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A Some are prettier than others.
B It’s hard to skate in them.
C Making them takes a long time.
3 What does Callie do just before each show?
A She talks to the other skaters.
B She checks her skates are okay.
C She takes a moment to be alone.
4 What does Callie worry about?
A having an accident on the ice
B forgetting what she has to say
C dancing and singing at the same time
5 How does Callie usually feel after a show?
A ready for a rest
B glad that she’s finished
C pleased about making people happy

PASSAGE 5: Playing music: For each question, choose the correct answer.

Playing music
Playing music in a rock band is a great way to meet people who are interested in the
same things as you, and to have a lot of fun. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide
what instruments you want in your band. Most bands have one or two guitars, a singer,
drums and keyboards, but you can change this. However, every band must have drums
– you will need someone who can play those.
The next thing is to find your bandmates. Begin by making a poster. Describe the kind of
music you want to make and the instruments you want in your band. Put the poster up
in your school or college and ask your friends if they know anyone who would like to join.
Once you have a band, you’ll need to quickly think of a name. The best way to do this is
to spend two hours with your bandmates, writing down hundreds of ideas. Most will be

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really bad, but there will be a few good ones. Choose something surprising and
interesting, that people won’t be able to forget.
Next, you’ll need to practise as much as you can. You will need a place where you can
make a lot of noise without making your neighbours angry. Trying to play quietly will not
help you get better. Don’t spend time learning songs written by other people. Try writing
your own. And don’t be afraid of writing about your normal everyday experiences. All
bands begin like this.
1 Which instrument does the writer think is most important in a band?
A drums
B guitars
C keyboards
2 What does the writer suggest in the second paragraph?
A listen to your classmates’ bands
B advertise in the place where you study
C ask your friends to join your band
3 What does the writer say about choosing a band name?
A Make sure it is easy to remember.
B Be ready to change it if it is not popular.
C Spend a few weeks thinking about it.
4 The writer thinks it is important for new bands to
A write songs about unusual things.
B begin by learning famous songs.
C play loudly when they practise.
5 What is the best title for this article?
A The world’s best rock band
B How to start a rock band
C My life in a rock band

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Listening Part 1. Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

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Listening Part 2: Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a
number or a date or a time.

New music club

Start date: 15th September

Day club will meet: (6) ………………………………

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(7) from ……………………………… to 5

Teacher’s name: (8) Mr ………………………………

Teacher’s phone number: (9) ………………………………

Place: (10) ………………………………

Listening Part 3. Questions 11-15 - For each question, choose the correct

You will hear Luis talking to his friend Charlotte about a computer game.
11 Where did Luis first find out about the game?
A from a game website
B from a school friend
C from a magazine advertisement
12 Charlotte likes the game because
A it’s funny.
B it’s hard.
C it’s new.
13 Who does Luis want to play the game with?
A his brother
B his granddad
C his cousin
14 How long did Charlotte play the game for last Saturday?
A forty-five minutes
B one hour
C one hour and thirty minutes
15 Which part of the game does Luis like best?
A finding food
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B building a hut
C crossing the river

Listening Part 4: Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear two friends talking about shopping.

What did the boy buy yesterday?
A something to wear
B something to eat
C something to read
17 You will hear a teacher talking to a student called Lyn.
Why didn’t Lyn come to school yesterday?
A She was sick.
B She was in a competition.
C She arrived back late from holiday.
18 You will hear a boy talking about surfing.
How did he learn to surf?
A by doing a course
B by watching videos
C by practising by himself
19 You will hear a girl talking about her day at school.
Which subject did she like best?
A geography
B English
C biology
20 You will hear two brothers talking about last night.
Why did they both sleep badly?
A Their bedroom was hot.
B There were noises in the street.

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C They were excited about going on holiday.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Lucas talking to his mum about the jobs his friends want to do. What job
does each friend want to do?
0 Lucas F

Friends Jobs

A actor
B coach
21 Tyler ……
C dentist
22 Ava ……
D journalist
23 Mark ……
E mechanic
24 Victoria ……
F pilot
25 Bobby ……
G receptionist
H tour guide


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