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TERM END - II, 2023-24

Grade : IX Date: DD-MM-2023

Subject : English Marks: 40
Sub code : 184 Time: 1½ Hrs
General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into three sections: Section A (10 marks): Reading has 8 questions.
Section B (10 marks): Grammar & Writing Skills, Section C (20 marks): Literature.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Internal choice has been provided in some questions with separate instructions. Read the instructions
carefully and make your choices correctly.
4. Please write down the correct serial number of the question in the answer sheet before attempting it.
5. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.
6. Kindly check before submitting the paper within the given time limit.


I. Read the passage given below.
The difference in the ways of thinking and perception of the people of two different
generations, which results in behavioral differences and sometimes, conflict among
them is usually called the generation gap.

The generation gap is generally seen in the family between parents and their children.
It is not only because of the age gap but also because of the way parents react to a
particular situation. Children being very young and immature do not understand the
way of thinking of their parents. In many cases, the parents, even if they are mature,
do not empathize with the changing values and thinking patterns of the modern world.
This creates a communication gap between these two generations.

The generation gap between parents and children is mostly caused by parents
themselves. They do not talk openly to their children and do not take part in solving
their problems. This behavior gives the impression of parents being authoritative
persons because they only dictate without understanding the problems faced by their
children. As a result, the children become mentally isolated from their parents. Some
parents become so busy with their work that they don't spend quality time with their
family, which makes them completely unaware of how their children are growing, what
kind of mentality is being developed in them, and so on. This ultimately creates a gap
between them. They only realize it when it is too late. Changes in technology have led
to the generation gap in this modern world. Children tend to spend most of their time
with their digital devices and are so busy with social media, that they do not discuss
their problems with their parents. The internet provides solutions to most of the
worldly problems. So, children, instead of contacting their parents, seek the help of the
internet in case of any problem, thus again reducing communication, leading to a
generation gap between them. The generation gap has greatly increased these days
because the time is changing fast and people find it difficult to cope with this change.
To overcome this problem, parents should show interest in all matters of their children
and deal with them positively instead of just scolding them and leaving them alone to
deal with their problems. Giving time to the children, having open communication, and
allowing the child to feel free and not under any kind of pressure, will eventually
reduce the generation gap to a tolerable extent.
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Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below:
1. What causes the gap between the parents and their children? 1
(a) Difference in thinking
(b) Difference in talking
(c) Difference in clothing style
(d) Difference in lifestyle

2. Why do children view their parents as dictatorial? 1

(a) Parents don't talk to children openly (b)Parents love children a lot
(c) Parents shower them with gifts (d) Parents spoil them

3. What is meant by the word, 'particular'? 1

a. Specific b. usual c. normal d. instant

4. How has advancement in technology led to the generation gap? 2

II. Read the passage given below.

Once, it so happened that a Lion and a Bear were resting not very far from each other.
They both chanced to see a strong kid nearby. The great Bear rushed to seize the kid from one
direction and the Lion came towards it from the other.

Since both the lion and the Bear wanted the prey, they fought savagely for it. In the battle, both
received so many wounds that they sank to the ground, as they were too exhausted to continue
the contest. Just then the clever fox came by. The fox dashed up, seized the kid in his jaws by his
teeth, and whisked it off.

The mighty lion and the powerful bear could only watch with helpless rage as a much weaker
animal managed to get the prize, which they had themselves set their eyes upon. “It would have
been much better,” agreed the Lion and Bear, “to have shared the prey between us ourselves in a
friendly spirit, rather than lose it to a third party!”

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

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(i) They fought savagely for it. (Identify the part of speech of the underlined word) 1

(ii) 1
Find the synonym of “tired” from the second paragraph.

(iii) Write the message of the story in a sentence or phrase. 1

(iv) How was the fox able to get the Kid? 2
Attempt ANY FIVE of six of the following tasks, as directed.
1. 1
Which sentence contains an incorrect verb form?

a) She has sang beautifully.

b) He sings in the choir.
c) They have eaten already.
d) We were swimming at the beach.

2. 1

In which sentence is the verb in the past perfect tense?

a) They will finish the project soon.

b) She is eating lunch right now.
c) By the time we arrived, they had already left.
d) He plays the piano every evening.

3. Ram said,” I am busy”. (Change this sentence into reported speech) 1

4. The team ______ (are/is) playing well. 1

5. Write the past tense of the verb "teach"? 1

6. 1
The Sun rises in the East. (Identify the type of tense)

a. You bought a mobile phone from a reputed showroom but after a month it
developed a serious fault and stopped working. Write a complaint letter to the
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manager of the showroom asking for immediate replacement of the same.
You are Anand/Anitha,
157, Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai.

b. You saw deforestation taking place on the outskirts of your city. Make a diary
entry expressing your feelings.


V. Reference to context
A Read the extracts given below and choose the correct answers. Answer any one out of two 5M
The house — the only one in the entire valley — sat on the crest of a low hill. From this
height, one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that
always promised a good harvest. The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at
least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho — who knew his fields intimately —
had done nothing else but see the sky towards the north-east. (A Letter to God)

i. 1
What is the assumption about the flowers in the field?
A. They are an indication of a bad harvest
B. They are not important for the harvest
C. They always promise a good harvest
D. They have no relation to the harvest

ii. 1
What can be assumed about the geographical location of the valley where the house is
A. It is prone to natural disasters
B. It is a remote area with limited access to modern amenities
C. It is a fertile area with a diverse range of flora and fauna
D. It is a tourist hotspot with many local attractions

iii. 1
What does the mention of the “entire valley” assume about the size of the area?
A. The area is relatively small
B. The area is very large
C. The area is densely populated
D. The area is sparsely populated
iv. What does Lencho’s constant watch of the sky assume about his personality? 1
A. He is hopeful
B. He is anxious
C. He is patient
D. He is pessimistic

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v. 1
What does the mention of “a downpour or at least a shower” assume about the rainfall in
the area?
A. The area receives a lot of rain
B. The area doesn’t receive enough rain
C. The area receives an average amount of rain
D. The area receives no rainfall at all

2. Read the extracts given below and choose the correct answers.
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued. (Dust of Snow)

i. Write the name of the poet of this poem. 1

ii. Whose heart is referred to in this extract? 1
iii. Did the speaker’s mood change for the better or worse? 1
iv. Write the present form of the verb’ shook’. 1
v. Write the meaning of the word ‘rued’. 1
VI. Short Answer Questions
Attempt any two out of three short answer questions: (40-50) words. 3×2=6M

a) What made Lencho angry? 3M

(A Letter to God)
b) What are the two opinions discussed in the poem about the end of this world? (Fire and Ice) 3M
c) What, according to Nelson Mandela, are a man’s twin obligations? 3M
(Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)

2. Attempt any one out of two short answer questions (40-50) words. 3×1=3M
a) Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki? (A Triumph of Surgery)

b) Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is a ‘triumph of surgery’?
(A Triumph of Surgery)

VII. Long Answer Questions.

1. Answer any one out of two long answer-type questions (100-120) words. 6×1=6M
a) How did Mandela’s ‘hunger for freedom’ change his life?
Write it in about 100-120 words. (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
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b) Briefly write about the ideas about how the world will end. (Fire and Ice)

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