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For the complex number z= a+ ib, a is

called Thus a = Re(z) =
and b=Im(z)=-Z
the real part, denoted by Re(z) and b is called
the imaginary part denoted by Im(z). Acomplex Let z, z, and z, be complex numbers. The following
number z is said to be real if Im(z) = 0 and is results can easily be proved.
said to be purely imaginary if Re(z) = 0. Thus (1) z= Z z is a real number.
the complex number 0 = 0 + 0i, is both real and (ii) z= - 7 z is apurely imaginary number.
purely imaginary. a + ib is called an imaginary (iv) z-zy =Z-2
number if b 0.
Two complex numbers z, = a + ib and (vi)1 0
2y =C+ id are equal if and only if a cand
b=d. However there is no order relation in the set
of complex numbers i.e., the expressions of the form (viii) (2")=(z'", neI
a+ ib <c+ id and a+ ib >c+ id are meaningless
(vi) (7)=z
unless b = d= 0. (ix) f(z)= f(7),f being a polynomial with real
Let a, b, c, d, àe R, then (x) Let z = x+ iy, then zz =x+y. Thus zz
) Addition : (a +ib) tlc +id) =(a +c) +i(b +d) is a non-negative real number for any complex
(ii) Subtraction : (a +ib) - (c+ id) =(a -c) + i(b- d)
(iii) Multiplication : NOTE: The imaginary roots of apolynomial
(a+ ib)(c + id) = (ac - bd) + i(ad +bc) equation over reals, occur in conjugate pairs and
(iv) Division : hence any polynomial equation of odd degree over
a+ib ac+ bd bc- ad
reals has at least one real root. Obviously this is
For c+id +0, +1
c+id +a'td not the case for the polynomial equations over C,
(v) Multiplication by a real number : the set of complex numbers.
THECONJUGATE OF ACOMPLEX NUMBER Let z = a + ib be a complex number. The modulus
Let z = a + ib be a complex number. The conjugate of z, denoted by z, is defined to be a non-negative
of z, denoted as Z, is the complex number a - ib,
i.e., z =a-ib. realnumber va+b², ie. |z|=va?+b?.
see that z - z, is the
Alternate definition : and z,, it is easy to
Let z be a complex number then lzl can be defined
of z, from z,, When z, and z, are represented as
pointson the argand plane.
as (zz)/2
Let z, z, and z, be complex NOTE : The locus of zsatisfying |z| = ,
) |2|720 and equalitynumbers, then the circle having centre at origin and
r>0 is
Z= 0.
holds if and only it Similarly, locus of z satisfying = , r> 0r.
(i) Re(z) s|2 and equality holds if and only if thecircle having centre at z, and radius r
Im(z) = 0 and Re(z) > 0. The Geometrical representation of z, t z,
(iii)Im(z) sla| and equality holds if and only if and z, - y : Let P Qrepresent two
Re(z) = and Im(e) 0. numbers x, + iy, and x, t 1', respectively in complex
Argand plane. Join the origin O with the
(iv) 7=|z and hence Z0
Pand Qand complete the parallelogram
It is clear that the coordinates of the OPRQ.
point Rare
(v) l<+z, =|4+|z, P +2 Re(z7,) +y,) and hence the point Rrepresents the
complex number (x, +x) +i(y, +y)= z t zy:
(vi) |3-z, l= |z4+|z-2Re(z,~,) In triangle OPR, OR = distance of
(vii) |z +z, +|z-2, P=2(1z +|zz from O = |Z + z2|. Similarly OP = lz| and
PR = 0Q=|z,1. Using the triangle inequalityin
(viii) |z,z,l=|z,z,l triangle OPR, we get OR < OP + PR ’ z, +zl
<lzl+ lz,|. However if 0, P and Q arecollinear
(ix) (P and Q being on the same side of O), then
OR = OP+ PR, i.e. lz + < = lz|+ |z|.
Hence for any complexnumbers z, 2 lz tz,s
la|+ lzzl. This is called the triangle inequality.
Iz, +z4| + lz - z| =2(]2,|² + |zzl)
P(a, b) Its geometrical interpretation can now be explained
Ja +b as OR? + PQ² = OP? + PR² + RQ² + Q02, in
a parallelogram the sum of the squares of the
diagonals is equal to the sum of the squares of
the four sides.
A complex number a + ib corresponds to the Let z be a non-zero complex number, which
ordered pair (a, b), which can be represented corresponds to the point P on the Argand plane.
geometrically as the unique point (a, b) in the xy If z = r, then 0satiafies x = rcos, y = rsinb,
plane and vice-versa. where z=x+ iy, and 0 is called the argument of
Thexy plane having a complex number assigned the given complex number.
to each of its points is called the complex plane The angle of the line segment OP with the positive
or the Argand plane. direction of x-axis is 0. The angle can also be taken
Let z = a + ib. Then z is represented as the as 2nTt + 0, n E I. This angle is
point P(a, b) on the argand plane. Obviously or amplitude of the complex number zargumen. denoted
OP= ya+8 |z|. Hence (zl is the distance of by arg(z) or amp(z). Value of 0 having
z from origin. Further if Qla, -b) is the mirror modulus value is called the principal minimum
of z.
image of P(a, b) in the x-axis (also called as real
Thus for any non-zero z EC, principal
axis), then Q is the geometrical representation (-n, T]. Obviously a non-zero complex arg(z)e
of Z. Also note that a complex number is real if zis real if and only if numbe
and only if it lies on the real axis and a complex Oor n and it is purely principal argument ofZ
number is purely imaginary if and only if it lies imaginary if and only
on the imaginary axis. For any complex number z, principal argument of z is t*.
Some Properties of Argument -i
Let z be a
(1) arg(-z) = arg(2) complex number and n e I Thus, cos =
and sin 9=
+ (2n + I)n
(i) arg(z+Z) =nT, z not DE MOIVRE'STHEOREM
being purely imaginary. We define e = cos + i sin).
(iii) arg(z -7)=(4nt1)* z not
real. 2 being purely Let n be any integer, then
(cos0 +isin 9)" =(ey" =eib = cOS no+isin n
(iv) arg Z=arg + 2nn Thus (cos + isin0)" = cos n + isin n, nE I
(v) arg z+arg~ = 2nT This result is called De Moivre's Theorem for a
Method of finding principal argument of a non integer. However if n= P.q¬.¬l,p#0 and q>
zero complex number then
Let z =x+ iy be a given non-zero (cos®+ isin 9)" = (cos +isin )PIq = cos . +isin
whose principal argument is to be found.number, which is one of the values of (cos + isin)P
Let a= tan Now , n , - T + ,
To make this point more clear, consider (-1)/
- O
i.e., allthe complex numbers whose square is -1
becomes the principal argument of z according which are i and-i, for -1 = cosT + isint. Hence
as the point P(z) lies in first, second, third, fourth
(-1)"2 = (cos T + isin )/2 =cos+isin=i,
2 2
quadrant respectively.
which is one of the value of (-1)1/2,
POLAR FORM OF A COMPLEX NUMBER For the other value, we write -1 = cos 3Tt + isin3c
Let z be agiven non-zero complex number, 3T 3T
which corresponds to the point P in the Argand ’ 1 =cos 2
plane. Let z'= x + iy. Then OM = x, PM = y. Let NOTE:De Moivre's Theorem is true for irrational
t= z, then OP = r. Let O= argl),then POM = 0. values ofn also.
Now x = rcos and y = r sin. Applications of De Moivre's Theorem to
Hence z=X+iy=r (cos + i sin0). This form is
called polar form of z, sometimes written in short as (i) Let n be a positive integer. Then
rcis). Note that (r, 0) are polar coordinates of z. (cos + i sin 9)" = cos n + isinno. Also
NOTE: It is a known fact that
expanding (cose + isin®)" by using Binomial
cos=1 Theorem and comparing the real and imaginary
2 4 6 parts, we get
cos ne = cos"e "C, cos-20 sin?0
and sin0=0 + "C, cos"-40 sin0 -
sin n = "C, cos"-0 sin "C, cos"-0 sin 0 +...
i0. (0)
Hence cos +isin =1++
(i0) t...... "G, tan 6-"C, tan +....
Hence, tan n =
3 1-"C, tan0+"C, tane-....
Also we know that e =lt;2 3 (ii) Let z, =r,(cose, + isin,)
and z, = r, (cos®, + isinl,), then
Hence, ei = cos + isin
Some Consequences of Euler Formula
Let z be a non-zero complex number and let rei®
=Hg(cos(®,+,) +isin(, +6,))
be its polar form. As arg(z) = 0, so Hence |2,2, =r,=lllzl
arg(z) = 2nT +0, ne I. Hence z=reltn) and arg(z,,) =0, +6, =arg(z,) +argz,)
NOTE: (i) Infact, arg (z,2,) = arg z t arg z,
Now logz= logreaim) =logr +i(0+2nr),nel. + 2nTt, for some n E I

Thus logarithm of an imaginary number is not Similarly, arg =argz - arg z, +2nT,
unique. ,-i0 for somneneI
cos 0+isin 9= e cos(-0) +isin(-0) =e and arg (2") = narg(z) + 2kn, ke I
Using the concept of
get rotation at the point R, we (iii) General equation of a line is given by
z +a~ +b=0, where a is a complex number
and b is a real number. Slope of this line is

If Rdivides PQ 1+À given by Re(a) and its distance from a point

externally in à :1, then it can be Im{a)
shown that z=-Az az t az, +b|
Z is given by
1-7 2|a|
Consider the polynomial equation z" = 1.
The roots of this

equation are n in Ifa line passes through the points z and z, then its
are called nth
roots of unity. number and complex slope is defined as 1 2. The complex
In order to find the roots of z" = 1, we write the
polar form of 1, i.e,
z" = cos 2k + i slope of the line az +a7 is given by -:
sin2kt, ke I
Z= C0S 2kT
+isin =e n ,keI (i) The equation of the circle having centre at z,
Now if we give different integral values to k, and radius ris given by |z - Z =r
we always get roots of z" = 1, but some of then (ii) The general equation of circle is
be repeated. However, if we take k = 0, them may z7 +z +az + b= 0, where a is a complex
1, 2, 3,
n- 1, then we get (all) distinct roots of z" = 1... number and b is a real number. The centre
Thus n, nth roots of unity are
e n , k=0, 1, 2, ....., n - 1.
of this circle is -a and radius is
(iii) The equation of the circle described on the
2Ti line segment joining z, and z, as diameter is
If we take a=e n, then the ntn roots of given by (z-z)(8-z,) +(z-z)(7-Z)=0.
are 1, ., a',. gn-l,
(iv) |z-z =,>0, 2 #1 represents a circle
(i) If n, nth roots of unity are represented on the having diameter AB, when A and B divide
argand plane, then they form the vertices of the join of z, and z, in à :1internally and
a regular n-gon having centre at origin and externally respectively.
circumcircle of this n-gon is |z =l, as modulus
value of every root is 1. () arg =9, represents an arc of the circle
(ii) 1+ + a't .... + -= 0
(iii) 1+ a + (a' +.. + (oa) -l = 0, if g.c.d. through z, and z,.
(p, n) = 1. (vi) |z - z' + z - z,' =k, represents a circle
(iv) 1--0a .... "-l= (-1)-l provided
(v) z"- l=(z- 1)(z - a)(z - a).(z - -l)
(vi) The imaginary roots form conjugate pair. FORM
EQUATION OF STRAIGHT LINE IN (1) Equation of parabola with focus at z, and directrix
(i) Equation of line through the points z and z, a~ +ãz+b=0 is az +az+b|
in parametric form is
given by |z-z|= 2|a|
R (ii) Equation of ellipse with foci at z, and z, and
Z=, t (z, - z,), 1e given by
and z, is length of major axis \, is <z - z +|z-z =
(i) Equation ofline through z, (ii) Equation of hyperbola with foci at z, and z,

il=) and length of transverse axis A, is

or 21
lz - z|- lz-z4l| =A.

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