Curiculum Vitae Faizal 2022

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A highly motivated Occupational Health, Safety and Environment specialist wannabe who is
able to work creatively on own initiative or as a part of a team, highly-experienced, fast-
learner, trustworthy, innovative, discipline, conform to adaptations,used to working on
depressive situations, having a good sense in analytical thinking, having a good
communication, negotiationand never stop aiming for the best.


Full Name : Faizal Aditya Perdana S, ST

Nick Name : Faizal
Born / Date of Birth : Magetan /April20 , 1991
Marital Status : Married
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesian
Religion : Islam
Address : RT.002/RW.001
Mobile Phone : +6281224246689
Email :


2009 – 2013 Barchelor Degree of Occupational Health & Safety Engineering, PPNS,
Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology (ITS) (GPA : 3.16 / 4.00)
2006 – 2009 Senior High School, SMAN 1Paciran - Lamongan
2003 – 2006 Junior High School, SMPN 2Sunandrajat, Paciran - Lamongan
1997 – 2003 Elementary School, MIM 15Banjarwati – Paciran - Lamongan

Team Works:

1. HSE Officer of Asuka Engineering 2013 - 2014

2. HSE Officer of SBU Energi PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) 2014 – 2015
3. HSE Coordinator of KSOSCI- BKI - PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) 2016 –2018

4. HSE Officer PT HPU job site Damai - 2018 - 2019
5. HSE Supervisor PT Sucofindo Cabang Jakarta Proyek PLN Pusmanpro - 2019 - 2022

2008 – 2010 Member of Coach PSHT Rayon SMA - Ranting Brondong – Cabang Lamongan
2006 – 2008 Member of OSIS SMA N 1 Paciran


No Software Type Level

1. Microsoft office Non-engineering Advance

2. Internet applications Non-engineering Advance

1. ESQ (Emotional Quantum Learning ) – 2009
2. Occupational Health and Safety Seminar “Implementasi Budaya Keselamatan dan
Kesehatan Kerja di Indonesia” - 2010
3. Occupational Health and Safety Seminar “Risk Management Based on Industrial
Behavior” – 2011
4. Nasional Seminar of K3 “Seeing Company Quality From OHS Performance” – 2011
5. Occupational Health and Safety Management System based on OHSAS 18001:2007 -
6. Safety Engineering Study Excursion 2011 at PT. Trans - Pacific Petrochemical
Indotama, Tuban – East Java - 2011
7. Integrated Of Management System Awareness (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 And
OHSAS 18001:2007) – 2012
8. General Occupational Health and Safety Expert Training ( AK3 Umum ) – Surabaya –
9. The Fundamentals of K3 & Emergency Response by Safety Training Indonesia –2014
10. Basic Sea survival by PT. Safetindo perkasa , Jakarta - 2014
11. Fire Emergency Response Plan – Depok - 2015
12. Supervisor Safety & Health Oil & Gas BNSP – Jakarta - 2015
13. Socialization for Implementation Integrated Management System (Quality, Health,
Safety and Environmental) PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia –2016
14. Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training (TBOSIET) OPITO, PT
SMTC, Bogor - 2017


(Nov/ 2013 - Feb/ 2014) HSE Officer Asuka Engineering

~ Inspection & Supervise cooll box repair
~ Inspection & Supervise replacement piping system

2014 – 2018 PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)

Mei/2014 – 2015 HSE Staff SBU Energi PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

2014 ~ Inspection & Re-certification Pedestal Crane Kakap field,

Star Energy Ltd.
~ Inspection & Certification RTGC Terminal Petikemas
Indonesia - Pelindo III, Jakarta
~ Preparing HSE Bid Document for “Quality Assurance /
Quality Controll PT. Pertamina EP Asset 5, Jakarta
~ Preparing HSE Plan for “Pekerjaan Inspeksi untuk
Offshore Asset Integrity Management 5 unit
Platform field X – ray, PT. Pertamina EP Asset 3
Jatibarang Field.
~ Site Inspection for Pekerjaan Inspeksi untuk
Offshore Asset Integrity Management 5 unit
Platform field X – ray, PT Pertamina EP Asset 3
Jatibarang Field.
~ Preparing HSE Performance for Static Equipment
Assessmen PT Pertamina EP, Jakarta
~ Preparing VQHSE Document Contractor Safety
Management System for CNOOC, Jakarta
~ Preparing Document Contractor Safety Management
System for Star Energy, Jakarta
~ Preparing SMHSE for PT Pertamina EP, Jakarta
~ Getting Star Energy CSMS Certificate for PT BKI
~ Getting SMHSE Certificate PT Pertamina EP for PT

2015 ~ Preparing HSE Bid Document & HSE Plan for “SKPP
GRISSIK – DURI 28 ” GAS PIPELINE ” Transportasi
Gas Indonesia
~ Site Inspection & Preparing Permit to work
Document for “SKPP GRISSIK – DURI 28” GAS
PIPELINE” Transportasi Gas Indonesia
~ Preparing HSE Bid Document & HSE Plan for lifting
gears and color coding Inspection PT Pertamina EP
Asset 1 – 5

~ Preparing HSE Performance for lifting gears and
color coding Inspection PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 –
~ Preparing HSE Bid Document & HSE Plan for
Maintenance Services & Lifting gear Inspection
Exxon Mobil Cepu Ltd.
~ Preparing HSE Plan for Asistensi & Konsultasi
Implementasi Risk Based Inspection (RBI) PT
Pertamina EP, Jakarta
2016– Okt / 2018 HSE Coordinator KSO BKI - PT Biro Klasifikasi
Indonesia (Persero)

2016 ~ Attending meeting to Preparing HSE Bid Document &

HSE Plan for Inspection & MIGAS Certification
BW,CW & DW Platform PT. Pertamina EP Asset 4
Poleng field.
~ Site Inspection for Inspection & MIGAS Certification
BW,CW dan DW Platform PT. Pertamina EP Asset 4
Poleng field, Surabaya
~ Attending KPI for Inspection & MIGAS Certification
BW,CW dan DW Platform PT. Pertamina EP Asset 4
Poleng field, Surabaya
~ Attending KPI for Annual Platform Inspection and
Certification services Chevron Makassar Ltd. Project.
~ Attending Kick Of Meeting for SKPP MIGAS
Certification RTLA PBAS.
~ Site Inspection & Supervise for Pipeline Inspection
CB1 & CB2 PT Pertamina RU IV Cilacap

2017 ~ As CSMS Vico Team PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia,

Jakarta & Balikpapan
~ As CSMS CIVD SKK Migas Team PT Biro Klasifikasi
Indonesia, Jakarta
~ As Developing Security Management System Team
for PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia, Jakarta
~ As team leader SMHSE PT Pertamina EP for PT Biro
Klasifikasi Indonesia, Jakarta
~ Attending HSE meeting for MIGAS Certification.
SKPP & SKPI Depot LPG Donggala, PBAS
~ Attending HSE meeting for MIGAS Certification
SKPP & SKPI Depot LPG Balongan PT Pertamina
~ Attending Kick of meeting for CIPS & DCVG Survey
PT Pertamina MOR IV Semarang
~ Site Inspection & Supervise MIGAS Certification
SKPP 9 Unit Storage Tank TBBM Tg. Gerem PT
Pertamina (Persero)
~ Site Inspection & Supervise MIGAS Recertification
SKPP PT Pertamina RU VII Kasim

2018 (Jan - Okt)

~ Site Inspection & Supervise Certificate of Inspection
(COI) 5 Unit Storage Tank & 10 Unit Pump TBBM Tg.
Gerem PT Pertamina (Persero)
~ As team leader CSMS PT Pertamina (Persero)
Certificate for PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia, Jakarta
~ Attending Kick of Meeting & HSE Meeting for
~ Site Inspection for ROV sub-sea pipeline Inspection
PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng Field.

Nov/2018 - Juli/2019 HSE Officer - PT Harmoni Panca Utama (HPU)

~ Daily & Weekly Site Inspection

~ Daily & Weekly Safety Talk & Safety Induction Employees
~ Monitoring & Maintenance Trafic Safety sign on Pit
~ Mobilitation Unit Track & Wheel
~ Daily Random check compliance survey / RCCS
~ Commissioning & Re-Commissioning Unit Track & Wheel
~ Weekly Fatigue Test
~ Investigation Incident

Augs/2019 - Juni/2022 HSE Supervisor - PT Sucofindo (Persero) to

PLN Construction Project UPMK1

~ Safety Talk / Safety briefing Employees

~ Safety Induction Employees
~ Monthly meeting HSE
~ HSE Daily & Weekly Implementation report
~ Supervise Dismantling stringset & Rewinding Conductor
~ Supervise Dismantling Pondation & Tower set.
~ Supervise pondation, Erection New Tower & Stringing


1. Indonesian : Fluent
2. English : Good



Reading books,watching movies, traveling and Fishing.

I know and understand that the originality of all contents in my curriculum vitae is very important,
so I hereby declare that the curriculum vitae I wrote is true and correct.

Sincerely Yours,

Faizal Aditya Perdana

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