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Hawassa University

Institute of Technology (IoT)

Faculty of Informatics
Department of Computer Science

Practical Attachment Report





By: Mesfin Ashenaf

(ID): COScW/0039/13
Company Supervisor: XXXXXXXXX
September …, 2022
Internship Report Format

Part one (maximum of 7 pages)

 Cover page
 Declaration
 Acknowledgements (If any) – only one page
 An executive summary – only one page
 Table of content
 List of tables and figures (if any)

Part Two
Company Back Ground: maximum of 7Pages describing the background of your internship
hosting company, including:
 Its brief history
 Its main products or services
 Its main customers or the end users of its products or services
 Its organizational structure
 Its work flow

Part Three
Internship experience: (8-12)Pages describing the overall benefits you gained from the
internship, including:
 In which section of the company you have been working and why?
 Which work piece or work tasks you have been executing
 What types of System Development, tools and techniques you have been using while
performing your work tasks.
 What major challenges and problems you have been facing and identifying while
performing your work tasks.
 What measures you have taken (propose as a solution for the selected problems) in
order to overcome these challenges and problems, etc.
 What you gained in terms of improving your practical skills
 What you gained in terms of upgrading your theoretical knowledge
 What you gained in terms of improving your team playing skills
 What you gained in terms of improving your leadership skills
 What you gained in terms of understanding about work ethics issues, company
psychology and related issues.
 What you gained in terms of entrepreneurship skills
 What you gained in terms of improving your interpersonal communication skills
 Recommendation and conclusion on your internship

Part Four
Project Work (10–20 pages)
 Summary of the project
 Problem statement & Justification
 Objective of the project
 Methodology
 Results and discussion
 Conclusion and recommendation

Part five

General conclusion and Recommendation

References (including company documents and reports)

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Article Index

Hawassa University (HwU) was established in 2000 with formerly named as Debub University
through the merger of three independently operating colleges in the SNNPRS region (but now in
Sidama Regional State.) namely: Hawassa College of Agriculture (ACA), Wondo Genet College
of Forestry and Natural Resources (WCFNR) and Dilla College of Teacher Education and Health
Sciences (now Dilla University).

Making structural reform again in 2007 the University reorganized itself merging the following
Campuses: College of Medicine and Health Sciences which detached itself from Dilla College
and moved to Hawassa City Main Campus and the existing two ACA and Wondo Genet College
of Natural Resource and named as Hawassa University. Within its five campuses. Currently, HU
operates with its 8 Colleges, 3 institutes. Moreover, the giant University currently has nearly
2000 teaching staffs and more than 43,000 Students in regular, summer, and continuing
programs. Currently, it runs 110 undergraduate, 146 Masters, 10 Speciality, 1 sub speciality and
52 PhD/DEd Programs. According to the directive from MoSHE to advance the mission of the
country, HU became one of the Eight 1st generation Research University in Ethiopia.

Previously, the School of Education and Training (SoT) was one of the key constituents of the
College of Social Sciences and Humanities of HU since 2011. It acquired its new name
following the restructuring of the University as a result of the BPR study, whose implementation
was started in 2011. Historically, however, the SoET has started its operation as a “Faculty of
Education” in 2007 with the objective of training teachers and educational professionals.

Currently, the former school of education and training has transformed to full-fledge college of
education since September 2016 and with three dep'ts and one school: Dep’t of Educational
Panning and Management (EdPM), Dep’t of Adult Education and Community development
(AECD), Dep’t of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (SNIE) and School of Teachers’
Education (STE) respectively .Currently, it runs 33 programs (3 BA, 8 MA, 3 PhD, 2 DEd , 12
post graduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT), 5 Certificate (PGDSL, PGCPS,PGCSS, Women’s
leadership, HDP and induction training); and 13 BED in four years Degree Programs, 9 MEd
and 7 DEd Programs in collaboration with CNCSc, CLG, and CSSH. Currently, 43 PhD and
DEd, 329 MA, 169 BA, 1462 PGDT and Totally 2,003(Male 1609 and Female 394) students
enrolled in regular, summer, and weekend programs. In addition, 430 trainees were taking HDP
training. Moreover, the college currently has nearly 58 teaching staff (3 GAI, 35 Lecturers, 11
Asst. Prof, 7 Asso. Prof and 1 professor. From 58 academic staff, 16 were on study leave. There
are also 16 administrative staff currently in college of education.

Having recognized the contribution of the College of Education in addressing the demand for
trained manpower and the myriad of challenges that the country is confronted with, the Ministry
of Education recognized our college as one among other five other universities in the country as
a “Centre of Excellence for Teacher Education and Educational Leaders”. This has enabled the
College of Education to foster joint effort not only with other colleges and institutes of HU but

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also the wider community at large.

On the other hand, the Center of Excellence for teacher education and educational leadership is
supposed to engage in teaching-learning, research and community service functions. Primarily,
the center is concerned with producing quality and competent secondary school teachers and
educational leaders by admitting motivated and competent students, in well-resourced
(furnished), and adequately staffed institutions. Furthermore, the center is conceived as an
incubation center/ hub that maintain best practices, inject new ideas and changes, identify best
practices, and disseminate evidence-based professional knowledge and skills to different
beneficiaries (stakeholders). More specifically, the center has been established to meet the
following goals:

identify, develop and share good practices to improve the quality of teachers & educational
leaders training;
support teacher & educational leader institutes at the regional and national level and establish
networks on how to improve the pedagogy of the pre-service and in-service training within the
develop quality professional development models, advance the innovative practices, model
schools for observation and student teaching
assess, develop and disseminate state of the art teacher education and leadership development
programs for primary and secondary school teacher education;
serve as a resource center in managing knowledge on teacher education and teaching through
developing and disseminating instructional designs, instructional materials, including modern
develop good teaching practices and promote their dissemination through the establishment of
model schools;
establish collaboration with renowned international and national institutions to advance best
experiences and solicit resources that can fill the gaps of the resources and experts;
provide need driven short and long-term professional training and for university side programs,
educational offices, training institutes and organizations.
serve as the hub of providing quality experts for Education Offices, Ministry of Education, REBs
and CTEs;
provide technical support to the Ministry of Education in matters relating to teacher education
and educational leadership based on the results of research studies; and,
offer Masters and PhD programs and other need driven training related to Teacher and
Educational leadership programs and so forth.
Conduct problem solving and experience-based researches focusing on designing an intervention
strategy and develop directive documents that can serve the institutional, local and national
The following are excellent performances of the college from many to a few:-

From 2002-2014 more than 14,000 students were graduated in BA, MA, PGDT, HDP, PGDSL,
PGCPS,PGCSS, and Women’s leadership and; currently running 33 programs.

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Center of Excellence for Teachers Education & Educational leaders was established.
Participated in community Services, published research findings in reputable journals and
disseminating research findings for stakeholders.
Coordinating with CoEx University 9-12 grade students text book preparation.
As part of its mission, the College of Education is playing a central role in the capacity
development of the University’s academic staff through its Higher Diploma Program (HDP) &
induction on Instructional Skills for novices Instructors.
Conduct research in to the speed school curriculum and pedagogy in Ethiopia in collaboration
with Sussex University, UK with the financial support of Geneva Global in 2015-2016.
Center for research in Eastern Africa and Sweden (CREAS) was applied for grant project on
joint program development of PhD, MA and research work to SIDA which is expected to be
launched soon.
Has launched a journal entitled '“Journal Ethiopian Education Studies”
Has won the NORAD grant project of 2020 about 20MN Kroner on Special Need Education, &
ICT to work collaboratively to enhance equity in the institution, and research in collaboration
with other University( Gondar, DMU,AASTU).
Has conducted Research Project on practices, prospects and challenges secondary school of
science and mathematics in SNNPRS
Has conducted and intervene the research project with SNNPRS Education Bureau entitled
’Assessment of Mathematics and science Teachers’ Teaching Competence in Southern Ethiopia
Upper Primary schools
Has conducted determinants of Educational wastage and completion in Sidaama Regional State:
Possible intervention Strategies suggested.
Has conducted an assessment of the organization, practices and performance of the preprimary
education modalities in SNNPR and Oromia Regional States sponsored by the MoE.

Programs in College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Faculties (2)

i. Faculty of Health Sciences

ii. Faculty of Medicine

Bachelor Programs (17)

i. Nursing
ii. Surgical Nursing
iii. Pediatric Nursing
iv. Emergency & critical care nursing
v. Psychiatric Nursing
vi. Midwifery
vii. Public Health Officer
viii. Environmental Health
ix. Medicine

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x. Post basic Midwifery

xi. Medical Lab Science (Generic)
xii. Medical Lab Science (Post basic)
xiii. Optometry
xiv. Anesthesia
xv. Medical Radiology Technology (Generic)
xvi. Medical Radiology Technology (Post basic)
xvii. Pharmacy

Masters Programs (10)

i. Environmental Health
ii. Public Health in Epidemiology
iii. Public Health in Reproductive Health
iv. Public Health in Environmental Health
v. Epidemiology
vi. Field epidemiology
vii. Reproductive Health
viii. Clinical Midwifery
ix. Clinical Laboratory Sciences
x. General Master of public Health

Specialty Programs (6)

i. Internal Medicine
ii. General Surgery
iii. Obstetrics and Gynecology
iv. Ophthalmology
v. Pediatrics and Child Health
vi. Pathology

PhD Programs (1)

i. PhD in Public Health


College of Education aspires to be one of the Top 10 Education University Colleges in

Africa by 2030.


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Producing internationally competent, committed, innovative and transformative

educational professionals who are agents of innovative research and technology
transfer through practical based education & training in order to contribute the country’s
over-all inclusive development.

 Values
 Academic excellence
 Quality
 Inclusiveness
 Commitment
 Internationalization
 Ethics and Dignity
 Teamwork and Building Collegiality
 Motto

Ever to Excel

1. Strategic Themes, Corporate Goals and Result

2. Strategic Themes

 Teaching-Learning
 Research, Technology Transfer and Community Service
 Operational Excellence
 Institutional Capacity Development

2. Corporate Goals and Result

S.N Corporate Goals Corporate Results

1 Increasing human resource development Capacity enhancement of human power
2 Increasing infrastructure & resources Complete infrastructure and resources
3 Education, training, quality, relevance and Qualified and competitive graduate
equity raising
4 Increasing Nationwide local needs based Research results, technologies and
problem solving research and technological creative work published in reputable
innovation activities ledgers
5 Research and innovation on the basis Community access to a research and
undertaking in community service accessibility innovative products on the basis of service
and strengthen
6 Strengthening strategic partnerships and Education, training and other support
globalization obtained through the link

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7 Service delivery efficiency, effectiveness, Growing modern and equitable service

access and equity raising
8 Program budget, resource generation, and the Increased income and wisely used
utilization efficiency raising. resource
9 Increasing customer satisfaction Growing customer satisfaction

Part Three
Internship experience: (8-12)Pages describing the overall benefits you gained from the
internship, including:
 In which section of the company you have been working and why?
 Which work piece or work tasks you have been executing
 What types of System Development, tools and techniques you have been using while
performing your work tasks.
 What major challenges and problems you have been facing and identifying while
performing your work tasks.
 What measures you have taken (propose as a solution for the selected problems) in
order to overcome these challenges and problems, etc.
 What you gained in terms of improving your practical skills
 What you gained in terms of upgrading your theoretical knowledge
 What you gained in terms of improving your team playing skills
 What you gained in terms of improving your leadership skills
 What you gained in terms of understanding about work ethics issues, company
psychology and related issues.
 What you gained in terms of entrepreneurship skills
 What you gained in terms of improving your interpersonal communication skills
 Recommendation and conclusion on your internship



3.1 Objectives of the Internship

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3.1.1 General Objective

The main objective of this internship program is to facilitate opportunities in which the students
obtain experiences, attitudes, interpersonal relationships and to enhance understanding of
academic materials by application in the internship setting.

3.1.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the program are to acquire and demonstrate competencies expected in
a professional managerial environment
such as:
 Gain work experience in a professional environment and be creative and problem solving
 Apply our theoretical knowledge into practice.
 Improve interpersonal communications skills, team playing skill, entrepreneurship skill
and leadership skills.
 Able to understanding about work ethics related issues and responsibility.

3.2 How we get into the Company

The internship program is one way of implementing for university linkage program. Most
computer science programs have minimum of one semester internship programs as part of
their undergraduate degree program. My department Computer science is
designed to have an internship program at 3 rd semester of the 4th year. So Based on this
scheduled internship program of Hawassa University I applied to Hawassa university college of
medicine and Health science comprehensive specialized Referral Hospital to work on mine
eMRIS by submitting formal request letter from HU IoT campus, for instance I ask chief
executive director for the campus and the coordinator for eMRIS associated professor Alemu .T
to practicing my internship attachment in their institution. Then, he was confirmed mine
acceptance letter, after I got the acceptance letter I spend the last one month’s there by learning
valuable lessons.

3.3 Sections those where working in the hospital

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Hawassa University College of medicine and Health science comprehensive specialized Referral
Hospital has two main sections which are central triage section, MRU section, OPD sections,
laboratory/pathology section, radiology/imaging section, pharmacies sections, liaison section,
wards/IPD sections, morgue section, finance (casher, credit and CBHI) sections and HMIS. But I
have been working at MRU section, finance i.e CBHI sections and HMISsection.

MRU is busy department in context of Hawassa referral is a department of the

systematic documentation of a patient’s medical history and current treatment and care given to
the patient. It serves as a basis for planning future patient care, documenting communication
between the hospital and any other health professionals contributing to the patient care, and
assisting in protecting the legal interest of the patient and the hospital responsible for patient
care. The MRD must have the areas like entry and reception, receipt, compilation desk/sorting
room, indexing/coding, statistical analysis, computer lab, storage for files/register, dictation
room/cubicles, transcription room, photocopy/printing room, record scanning room, binding
room, waste holding area, store, administrative area and public utility etc. by using currently
bahamn application.

CBHI is modernized community based health insurance that gets negotiation with the hospitals
or health centers besides of their woreda /zones/regions for the payments of services that used in
the health facility. But cbhi case team collects each and every fee from each services. The role
mine is registering the patients authorizing the patients for the services. And I also staff member
of them.

HMIS is a data collection system specifically designed to support planning,

management, and decision making in health facilities and is the field that
I was graduated my diploma and also I helps my staff by encoding the data to the DHIS2
application during the weekly and monthly reporting times.

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