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Republic of the Philippines


Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

A. Course Code / Title : SM 224 / Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

B. Module Number : Module 5 – Stresses in Beams
C. Description:
This module looks into the concept of Stresses in beams.
D. Objectives:
At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:
1. Gain knowledge of different stresses develop in the beam.
2. Have a better understanding about stresses develop in the beam.
3. Able to solve problems relating to stresses in beams
E. Contents:
Forces and couples acting on a beam cause bending (flexural stresses) and shearing stresses
on any cross section of the beam and deflection to the longitudinal axis of the beam.

➢ Flexure / Bending Stress

If couples are applied to the ends of the beam and no forces act on it, the bending
is said to be pure bending. If forces produced the bending, the bending is called
ordinary bending.

𝑓𝑏 =

fb = bending stress, MPa
M = moment, N – mm
c = distance of the outermost fiber from the neutral axis (n.a.), mm
I = moment of inertia about the n.a., mm4

➢ Shearing Stress
Shearing stress is developed due to shear force and is expressed as
𝑓𝑣 =

fv = shearing stress, MPa
V = shear force, N
I = moment of Inertia about neutral axis, mm4
b = effective width, mm
Q = Statical moment of area in consideration above or below the neutral axis
about the neutral axis.
Q = A’ y
A’ = partial area / area in consideration, mm2
y = distance from centroid of partial area to neutral axis, mm

1. Determine the maximum flexural stress and shearing stress developed for the
beam loaded as shown.

2. The beam loaded as shown, is made up of 6 – 200mm by 50mm wood planks

glued together to form a 200mm by 300mm beam.
a. Determine the bending stress and shearing stress at 2m from R1.
b. Determine the maximum bending and shearing stress developed in the
c. The shearing stress developed at every glued joint from top to bottom of the
beam at midspan.
15 kN 15 kN

300 mm
20 kN/m

2m 2m 2m

R1 R2 200 mm

3. Determine the safe load P that the beam can carry at its middle thirds if fbT ≤
48 MPa, fbC ≤ 80 MPa and fv ≤ 0.90 MPa.

75 mm mm 75 mm

20 kN/m 225 mm

2m 2m 2m

75 mm
R1 R2

F. References:
1. Strength of Materials 3rd Ed. by Ferdinand Singer and Andrew Pytel
2. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 10th Ed. R.C. Hibbeler
3. Mechanics of Materials 7th Ed. Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, and De Wolf

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