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Future Trends in

Information Technology

H. M Udara Isanka
 Q&A
Introduction of future Trends in
Information Technology
 The field of Information Technology is ever -evolving, continuously
driving innovation and transforming industries worldwide. As we look
to the future, several trends are set to shape the landscape Of IT.
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of interconnected devices that can
communicate with each other and exchange data over the internet. These devices
include everyday objects such as home appliances, wearable technology, vehicles, and
industrial equipment, all embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies.

Example of the Internet of things

 Smart Homes Benefits of IoT:

 Wearable Technology 1.Improved efficiency and productivity.

 Industrial IOT 2. Enhanced data collection and analytics.

 Smart cities 3. Better decision-making capabilities.

 Healthcare

 Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science focused on creating systems capable of performing tasks
that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception,
language understanding, and decision-making

AI technologies can be broadly categorized into two types

 Narrow AI

 General AI

subfields and techniques within AI include

 1Machine Learning (ML)

 2Deep Learning

 3Natural Language Processing (NLP)

 4Computer Vision

 5 Robotics
Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that securely records
transactions acros multiple computers. It was originally developed for Bitcoin, the first
cryptocurrency, but its applications have expanded to various fields

components and features of blockchain

❖ Decentralization

❖ Immutability

❖ Security

❖ Transparency
5G technology
5G technology, or fifth-generation technology, refers to the latest generation of
mobile networks and telecommunications standards. It promises significantly faster
data speeds, lower latency (delay), increased capacity for simultaneous
connections, and support for a wide range of devices beyond smartphones, such as
IoT (Internet of Things) devices and autonomous vehicles.
features of 5G Technology
 Higher Speeds
 Increased Capacity
 NImproved Efficiency
 Enabling Technologies
Edge computing
Edge computing refers to a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage
closer to the sources of data. Instead of relying solely on centralized cloud data centers, edge computing
processes data on local devices or nearby servers, which can significantly reduce latency, improve
performance, and increase reliability.

benefits of edge computing

▪ Reduced Latency

▪ Bandwidth Efficiency

▪ Enhanced Security and Privacy

▪ Reliability

▪ Scalability
 What is cybersecurity?
Cyber security consists of technologies, processes and Controls designed to protect system, networks,
programs, devices and data from cyber attacks
components of cybersecurity
 Network Security
 Application Security
 Information Security
 Operational Security
Important of Cybersecurity
 Prevent losing Deta
 Restrict unauthorized users
 Ensuring privacy and Confidentiality

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