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Volume 25, Number 3 - July 2009 through September 2009

Monte Carlo Analysis of Real-Time

Electricity Pricing for Industrial Loads
By Dr. Carl J. Spezia

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The Official Electronic Publication of The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering •
© 2009
Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

Monte Carlo Analysis of

Real-Time Electricity Pricing
for Industrial Loads
By Dr. Carl J. Spezia

Abstract load curtailment risk and high price

Maintaining a competitive industrial volatility (Borenstein, 2006).
business demands close cost control.
Carl J. Spezia is an Assistant Professor in the Free market wholesale electricity sup- Electricity price control is especially
Electrical Engineering Technology Program in pliers offer a variety of purchase agree- important in high consumption industry
the Department of Technology at Southern Il- ments. Suppliers now offer real-time sub-sectors. Federal government sta-
linois University Carbondale (SIUC). He joined tistics show that the top five sub-sector
the program in1998 as a Visiting Assistant Pro-
pricing to all customer classes with the
fessor. He has eight years of utility experience promise of potential savings. Real-time electricity consumers are chemicals,
as a power systems engineer and is a licensed price tariffs mirror the dynamic nature primary metals, food, paper and trans-
professional engineer in Illinois. His industrial of the wholesale electricity market. portation equipment (Energy Informa-
assignments included power system modeling, tion Administration, 2009). These sub-
power systems protection, and substation design. This market exhibits high price volatil-
He received his M.S. and Ph.D. from SIUC in 1991 ity due to constantly changing demand sectors can realize significant savings
and 2002 respectively. He teaches courses in and lack of large-scale electricity stor- by studying consumption patterns and
electric power and machinery, industrial automa- age technology. Businesses may benefit alternative tariffs.
tion, and electric circuits. He won outstanding
departmental teaching awards two of the last from these market changes depending
five years. His research interests include power on their load characteristics. This paper Suppliers now market to all customer
systems economics, power markets, and electric uses Monte Carlo analysis to deter- classes a real-time price (RTP) tariff
energy management. as a cost saving alternative to the fixed
mine the potential economic benefit of
adopting a real-time price rate under rate tariff (Power Smart Pricing, 2008).
different load parameters. Sections of Over 70 U.S. based utilities offer RTP
this paper introduce load models for tariffs on a permanent or pilot basis to
electric demand, define a benefit model, various customer classes (Barbose et al,
develop an expression for equivalent 2004). Programs exist in every region
break-even fixed rates, examine para- of the country and have varying levels
metric variation, and record simulation of acceptance. The programs help
results. Simulations show that business- mitigate suppliers’ market power and
es with a high load factor have a greater reduce price volatility by sending eco-
probability of profiting from real-time nomic signals to customers that allow
price tariffs without adopting any load them to modify their power demand
control strategy. Businesses with low based on market price.
load factors require higher equivalent
break-even rates to benefit from real- The RTP tariff gives customers access to
time price tariffs. the daily price variations of the whole-
sale electricity market. These prices
Introduction reflect the hourly supply and demand
A competitive industrial business must conditions on the grid and are highly
pay attention to all production costs and volatile. Although this tariff may have
take advantage of all process improve- savings potential, customers must study
ments that provide potential savings. their load pattern and compare it to the
Free market electricity increased the RTP before adopting the tariff. Load
number of energy suppliers and created patterns that peak coincident to RTP
opportunities to reduce electricity costs. rates introduce higher electricity costs,
These suppliers offer a wide variety especially for sustained load peaks.
of service agreements that may reduce
customer costs when compared to fixed Customers who require steam for in-
rate tariffs, but customers must assume dustrial processes can co-generate elec-

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

tricity to control their peak demands Electrical Load Representation Equations (2) and (3) simulate high and
and reduce purchased electricity costs One metric for classifying industrial low load factor industrial loads respec-
when RTP rates spike (Sarimveis et al., electric load patterns is load factor tively. These demand functions gener-
2003; Coffy and Kutrowski, 2005). In (Turner, 2001). Load factor compares ate times series load data normalized to
general, industrial load control would average power demand to peak power peak power demand.
require additional investment in energy demand for a defined period such as
management systems and customer- a month or year. Equation (1) defines
owned generators to reduce consump- load factor mathematically. In this d H (nTm ) = a 1H sin(2πf 1 nTm ) + a 2 H sin( (2)2πf 2 nTm
tion during times of high prices. equation, Etotal is the
Recovering the cost of this equipment d H (nTm ) = a 1H sin(2πf 1 nTm ) + a 2 H sin(2πf 2 nTm + φ 2H + ε φn ) + d baseH + ε bn
depends on the potential savings,
d (nT )if=any, a sin(2πf 1 nTm ) + a 2 H sin(2πf 2 nTm + φ 2H + ε φn ) + d baseH + ε bn
realized from adopting the HRTP mtariff. 1H E
Shifting or curtailing industrial opera- LF = total (1)
tions is another method of load control Ppeak N
but maybe too costly or impractical to d L ( nT m ) = − a 1L d base sin( 2 πf 1 nT m +(3)
φ 1L ) + a 2 d
implement. total period electric energy usage in
d L ( nT m ) = − a 1L d base sin( 2 πf 1 nT m + φ 1L ) + a 2 d base sin( 2 πf 2 nT m + φ 2 L + ε φn ) + d
kilowatt-hours, Ppeak is the maximum
Previous researchers produced deter-
d L ( nT m ) = − a 1L d base sin( 2 πf 1 nT m + φ 1L ) + a 2ind base
period power demand kilowatts
sin( 2 πf nT + φ 2 L + ε φn ) + d baseL + ε bn
ministic dynamic models of industrial during the period, and N is the period2 m
customer types using linear and non- length in hours. Customers with high
linear programming to test the impact load factors present a nearly constant These equations represent industrial
of RTP tariffs (David and Lee, 1989). power demand over time to suppli- operations that exhibit daily periodic
The models generate optimal operating ers while customers with a low load changes. They include cycles for shift
schedules for plant production under an factor have more cyclic power demand work changes reflecting three eight
RTP with production constraints. These patterns. Low load factor industrial hour work periods. The variable, Tm,
theoretical models are for evaluating operations exhibit cyclic electricity represents the demand meter totalizing
supply and demand interactions, and consumption due to daily production period and n is the period index over
have value in industrial site planning and changes and shift operations. Industrial the total study interval N. The other
process expansion. Hughes and Bailey customers that operate at full capacity parameters are:
developed a scheduling methodology continuously have higher load factors.
using discounted cash flow modeling f1 = daily frequency = 1/T1, T1 in hours,
for optimally allocating co-generating Electric demand meters totalize energy
resources in a nylon plant using RTP consumption over periods varying from f2 = shift frequency = 1/T2, T2 in hours,
information (Hughes and Bailey, 2004). five minutes to one hour. These inter-
In this work, a Monte Carlo simulation val values provide industrial custom- a1H, a2H = daily and shift component
evaluated a number of fuel cost and ers with power demand information amplitudes for high load factor,
electricity price scenarios to aid in the and energy consumption data. Simple
decision process and risk analysis of calculations convert shorter interval a1L, a2L = daily and shift component
optimal co-generator schedules. data into equivalent hourly values. amplitudes for low load factor,
Graphing demand meter data produces
This paper examines demand func- time series plots of consumer electricity φ2H = phase delay of shift load compo-
tions to determine what factors influ- consumption. A Fast Fourier Transform nent for high load factor,
ence RTP tariff savings by introducing (FFT) decomposition of power demand
a benefits index to calculate savings time series values identifies significant φ1L , φ2L = phase delay of daily and shift
potential. The nominal values of the cyclic load components that can be load components for low load factor,
demand functions derive from analysis modeled mathematically using sinusoi-
of actual plant electricity consumption dal terms. The FFT decomposition pro- dbaseH, dbaseL = average power demands
data. The analysis uses a power demand vides amplitude, frequency and phase for high and low load factors,
measure, load factor, to character- parameters for the load model (Cohen,
ize industrial load types. The analysis 1995). Random load variations occur in εbn = stochastic average load compo-
also compares the potential benefits of industrial loads also. Stochastic phase nent,
adopting the RTP tariff to load factors and amplitude parameters represent this
with high and low values. The analysis part of customer load. The sum of the εφn = stochastic phase delay component.
assumes industrial customers purchase periodic and stochastic load compo-
no additional load control equipment. nents gives the total customer power
demand function.

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

Figure 1. Phase Relationship between Demand and RTP. rate, pnf. Equations (4) and (5) compute
normalized customer cost for a fixed
rate tariff over the interval [0, N] using
24 hours normalized power demands from (1)
and (2). The formulas assume a one
Per Unit Price and Demand

hour metering interval, Tm=1. The vari-
ables FECH and FECL are the fixed rate
0.6 electricity cost indexes for high and low
load factor time series respectively.

FECH = pnf ∑d ( n )
n =0
H (4)
� N

FEC L = pn f ∑d
n =0
L (n ) (5)
0 10 20 30 …….. N
Equations (6) and (7) compute normal-
Normalized Power Demand ized costs for RTP tariffs with RECH
Normalized RTP Tarriff and RECL representing the customer
electricity cost index for high and low
load factor consumption patterns.
Figure 1 shows the phase delay rela- reduced weekend activity and building
tionship between the price and load. indoor environmental control. N
Phase delay is the angular difference
between the real-time price daily peak Fixed rate tariffs remain constant over
REC H = ∑ pn d
n =0
n H (n ) (6)
and load series peak with price as defined contract periods. Fixed rate
reference. These parameters relate the tariffs account for utility fuel costs and N
temporal difference between the two
time series. The equations represent
capital investment in their systems,
and are based on average customer
REC L = ∑ pn d
n =0
n L (n ) (7)
random changes in operations with consumption. Fixed rate tariffs include
two stochastic variables: one for power cross-subsidies between customer
A benefit index quantifies potential
demand and another for phase delay. classes such as industrial, commercial,
industrial customer savings from adopt-
Using load models based on actual con- and residential (Borenstein, 2006).
ing a RTP tariff. The indices shown in
sumption data allows energy managers
equations (8) and (9) are the differences
to correlate operation parameters such Most industrial tariffs charge for both
between the fixed and RTP costs for
a work start times to the price series electric energy and power demand.
both high and low load factor power
and examine the impact of parameter Demand charges help suppliers re-
demand patterns.
changes quantitatively. cover costs associated with peak power
generation, transmission, and delivery. N N
Electricity Cost And Benefit
Electric system owners must construct
facilities to handle peaks that may oc-
BH = pn f ∑
n =0
d H (n ) − ∑ pn d
n =0
n H (n ) (8)
Suppliers provide real-time price cur for only a single hour annually. The
information to customers at regular demand charge penalizes customers N N
intervals ranging from five minutes
to one hour. Some markets publish
with lower load factors since their peak
power demand is large relative to their B
L = pn f ∑
n =0
d L (n ) − ∑ pn d (n) (9)
n =0
n L

day-ahead forecasts to help customers total consumption over a billing cycle.

manage their loads and reduce costs. The following analysis assumes the
When the index, B, is zero, adopting
These prices reflect the supply/demand same peak demand charges occur for
the RTP tariff produces no additional
relationship of the wholesale electricity both RTP and fixed customer tariffs.
benefits over a fixed rate. If B is nega-
markets. The RTP demonstrates high tive, then electricity costs under the
volatility over a daily cycle reflecting Dividing the components of the real-
RTP tariff are larger than the fixed rate.
the temporal nature of power demand. time price series, pn and the fixed rate,
Adopting the RTP rate is not cost effec-
Weekly and seasonal price cycles ap- pf, by the maximum RTP price during
tive for negative values of the benefits
pear in long-term time series, reflecting an interval gives a normalized price
index. If B is positive, then the cost of
the changes in electric demand due to sequence, pnn and normalized fixed
adopting the RTP rate structure is less

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

than the cost of the fixed rate, so a cus- mand series. Highly correlated prices by comparing the benefits from the two
tomer would realize savings by switch- and demands increase the magnitude different demand patterns.
ing to the RTP tariff. of this term. Large demand swings also
increase it. For each experiment, N=648 hours.
Setting the benefit equations to zero This number represents 27 consecutive
finds the break-even normalized fixed Monte Carlo days of hourly usage. Each experiment
rate for adopting a RTP tariff with a Experimental Design computes results for 5000 iterations of
given load factor, pnf0. The RTP se- Monte Carlo simulation is a tool for the benefit indices using the fixed and
quence can be written as the sum of the analyzing systems with parameter random variables from Table 1. The
average RTP over N, pnave, and the se- variation or incomplete knowledge of experiments use historical real-time
ries residuals, pnrn. Setting the benefits data. This type of analysis is one way to price data (Ameren, 2009) normalized
equation to zero and replacing the RTP quantify uncertainty in data and model to the peak hourly price over a 27-day
series with the above sum gives: parameters. Monte Carlo simulation interval in August, 2007 for these com-
results in a probability distribution that putations. All experiments use this RTP
N N N time series.
∑ ∑ ∑
describes how uncertainty propagates
pn f 0 d (n ) = pn ave d (n ) + pn r n d (through
n) a system. Statistical analysis
n =0 n =0 n =0 of the resulting distribution describes The Ameren site archives an hourly RTP
system performance (Wittwer, 2004). time series beginning on December 28,

∑ d(n) +∑ pn
2006 and running to the present. This
r n d(n ) Four statistical experiments examine data derives from the Midwest regional
=0 n =0 wholesale electricity market. Similar
the impact of load and price parameter
variations on customer benefit func- data is available for every region of the
Solving this equation for pnf0 gives the tions, equations (7) and (8), for differ- U.S. from the Federal Energy Regulato-
break-even normalized fixed rate for ing load factor demand patterns. Two ry Commission Website (Federal Energy
any load pattern and price time series. statistical experiments analyze the Regulatory Commission, 2009). The
impact of demand parameter variations Ameren site also posts day-ahead prices
N on the break-even fixed rate given by that are next day RTP forecasts. The site
∑ pn rn d(n ) (10). Table 1 shows the fixed and ran-
dom variables for the six experiments.
updates the day-ahead prices with RTP
prices at 4:30 pm CST each day. RTP
pn f 0 = pn ave +

n =0
N (10) The first four experiments study how tariff customers use the day-ahead prices
∑ d(n )
n =0
variation of average power demand, as indicators of the actual RTP to adjust
their load profile.
phase delay, and fixed rate prices im-
pact customer benefits when compared
The second term in (10) quantifies the to a real-time price tariff. The remain- Table 2 lists the parameter values and
variation in cost due to price changes ing two experiments examine how load probability distributions for the power
about the mean. It accounts for the function parameter variations affect demand functions used in the first four
correlation between the price changes the break-even fixed rate. The first four experiments. This analysis assumes
about the series mean and power de- experiments capture load factor effects a uniform probability distribution for

Table 1. Customer Benefits Experiment Construction

High Load Factor Demand Low Load Factor Demand Function Parameters
Experiment Function Parameters
Fixed Random Fixed Random
1 a1, a2, f1, f2, φ1, φ2, pnn dbaseL, pnf
2 a1, a2, f1, f2, pnn φ1, φ2, dbaseL,
3 a1, a2, f1, f2, φ1, pnn dbaseH, pnf
4 a1, a2, f1, f2, pnn φ1, dbaseH, pnf
5 f1, f2, pnn a1, a2, φ1, dbaseH
6 f1, f2, pnn a1, a2, φ1, φ2, dbaseL

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

phase delay, base power demand, and Table 2. Parameter Values and Probability Distributions for Load Functions.
fixed tariff parameters. A normal dis- Parameter High Load Factor (H) Low Load Factor (L)
tribution represents the random phase
delay and base load variations in the a1 0.05 0.80
power demand functions. The analysis a2 0.08 0.30
considers a daily power demand period φ1 (rad) N/A PU(π/12,π)
of 24 hours and a production shift φ2­(rad) PU(3π/12,3π) PU(3π/12,3π)
period of eight hours. Figure 2 shows
dbase PU(0.3,0.6) PU(0.3,0.6)
weekly high and low load factor time
series computed using nominal pa- T1 (hrs) 24.00 24.00
rameter values of φ2H=φ2L=π/4, φ1L=π/3 T2 (hrs) 8.00 8.00
dbaseH=0.8 for high load factor and f1 rad/hr π/12 π/12
dbaseL=0.5 for low load factor. The high f2 rad/hr π/4 π/4
load factor demand model is based on εφn PN(M=1, SD=2.5) PN(Μ=1, SD=2.5)
a case study of a blow-molding factory
running continuously at full capacity εbn PN(Μ=0.01,SD=0.025) PN(Μ=0.01,SD=0.025)
producing plastic soda bottles. The low pnf PU(0.10,0.80) PU(0.10,0.80)
load factor demand model is based on a
case study of a soda bottling facility op-
erating a 5-day week and a single shift. Figure 2. Power Demand Time Series Showing Weekly Patterns
of High and Low Load Factor Industrial Operations.
For price experiments 5 and 6, a1 and
a2 are uniformly distributed normalized High LF Demand
values. Table 3 lists the distributions 1.2
Low LF Demand
Normalized Power Demand

used in experiments 5 and 6 for the

parameters that differ from the 1
benefits experiments. The simulation
computes 5000 iterations of the break- 0.8
even fixed rate, pnf0, for both load factor
cases. 0.6

Simulation Results 0.4

And Discussion
The Monte Carlo simulation results
show how load and fixed rate variations 0.2
impact potential customer savings from
adopting a RTP tariff. These simula- 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
tions assume that an industrial cus-
Time Index (hours)
tomer takes no other actions to control
peak load or overall electricity usage. Table 3. Parameter Probability Distributions for Price Experiments.
Experiment 1 simulates customer Parameter High Load Factor (H) Low Load Factor (L)
benefits using the low load factor power
demand function with uniformly dis- a1 PU(0.05, 0.01) PU(0.80, 0.10)
tributed average power demand factors a2 PU(0.08, 0.01 PU(0.80, 0.10)
and fixed electricity rates. The daily
and shift phase delay parameters re- Table 4. Monte Carlo Simulation Results-Benefit Index.
main constant at φ1L=π/3 and φ2L=3π/4. Load Factor Benefits Index
Experiment 2 computes customer Experiment Mean Variance Mean Variance
benefits for three uniformly distributed
1. Low load factor, random fixed rate and
variables: average power demand, elec-
tricity rates, and phase delay. Experi- average load parameter. 0.481 2.0⋅10-6 24.680 3927
ments 3 and 4 replicate Experiments 1 2. Low load factor, random fixed rate,
and 2 using the high load factor power average load, and phase delay parameter. 0.464 9.7⋅10-6 38.91 4211
demand equation. Experiments 3 and 4 3. High load factor, random fixed rate and
only include a shift phase delay param- average load parameter. 0.711 1.581⋅10-3 45.650 3781
eter, φ2H=3π/4 . 4. High load factor, random fixed rate,
average load, and phase delay parameter. 0.710 1.782⋅10-3 45.970 3756

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

Table 4 summarizes simulation results Figure 3. Cumulative Probability Distributions Comparing Low Load Factor Power
for the first four experiments. The low Demand Having Random Price, and Average Demand with a Case Having Random
load factor with random average loads Price, Average Demand, and Shift Phase Delay.
gives the lowest benefit index value. 1
In this case, the random time series Random Price and Demand
parameters are average power demand Random Price,Demand and Phase
and fixed rate tariff. If power demand 0.8
peaks when RTP peaks, the customer
experiences an increase in electricity

Cumulative Probability
costs compared to a fixed rate. Moving 0.6
the power demand series with respect
to the peak RTP series improves the
benefits index by making the peak
demand and price coincide less. High
values of daily phase delay correspond
to moving industrial operations out-
side the time of peak electricity usage,
which may increase production costs
due to increased labor expenses.
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250
The high load factor demand series
Benefit Index
produces the highest benefit index
values. The index does not improve
significantly with changes in shift phase Figure 4. Cumulative Probability Distributions Comparing High Load
delay. The low variation in the daily load Factor Power Demand Having Random Price, and Average Demand with a Case
pattern increases the savings potential Having Random Price, Average Demand, and Shift Phase Delay.
of the RTP tariff since most of the daily
price cycle is lower than the fixed rate. Random Price and Demand
The lower hourly rates produce savings Random Price,Demand and Phase
while the RTP is below the fixed rate. As 0.8
long as price spikes are of short dura-
tion, an industrial customer will realize
Cumulative Probability

cost benefits from using a RTP tariff if 0.6

they have a high load factor. Facilities
that are operated around the clock and
have almost constant process electricity 0.4
demands exhibit a high load factor.

Figures 3 and 4 show the cumulative 0.2

probability distributions for the four
benefit simulations. The low load factor
simulation with no shift phase delay
adjustment produces the lowest prob- -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
ability of positive benefit. (P=0.63, Benefits Index
B>0) Adjusting the phase delay along
with the average demand parameter im-
proves this probability to P=0.72. The an RTP rate, but may require extensive costly and mitigate any potential sav-
high load factor cases produce nearly load control to achieve the benefit lev- ings from a rate switch.
identical positive benefit index prob- els of a high load factor demands. Table 5 lists results from mean equality
abilities with a value of P=0.76. These tests of the benefits experiments. The
results indicate that industrial electrical If the load pattern is highly correlated first two rows indicate that low load
loads that have high load factors can with the price pattern, electricity cost factor mean benefits are statistically
produce cost savings when a RTP tariff will increase on a RTP tariff. Peak less than high load factor mean benefits
is applied. The savings are realized shaving and load shifting based on pro- regardless of parameter variation in the
without instituting additional energy jected prices minimize the risk of high load model. Comparing mean benefits
management programs. Low load factor cost consumption. However, instituting between low load factor experiments 1
demands can produce cost savings on these load control programs could be and 2 shows that delaying highly cyclic

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

loads with respect to the RTP tariff Table 5.Mean Equality Test Results.
produces a statistically significant im- Experiment Means Z Statistically Different
provement in the benefit means. High Compared α=0.05
load factor experiments show no statis-
tically significant difference between 1-3 -16.88 Yes
benefit means when load parameters
vary. This result indicates that adjust- 2-4 -5.590 Yes
ing shift operations in high load factor 1-2 -11.16 Yes
demands will produce no statistically
significant benefits when compared to 3-4 -0.256 No
high load factor demands without shift
operation adjustment.
Figure 5. Break-Even Fixed Rate Distribution for Low Load Factor Power Demand.
Experiments 5 and 6 examine the im-
pact of power demand variations on the 350
break-even normalized fixed rate. The
M=0.3177 pu
histograms in Figures 5 and 6 show the SD= 0.0460 pu
simulation results.

The fluctuations of the power demand 250

and the RTP increase the variability of
the break-even fixed rate for the low

load factor series. The break-even fixed
rate varies 0.18 per unit (pu) over the
range of simulation values. The load 150
variations add to the average RTP rate
and relate to the load changes. The 100
high load factor simulation results in a
very sharp price distribution, which is
consistent with the low demand varia- 50
tion about the mean in this model. The
break-even fixed rate is very near the 0
average RTP for the analysis period for 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4
high load factor demands. Normalized Break -Even Rate (Low LF)

The presented methodology uses load

models based on Fourier decomposi- Figure 6. Break-Even Fixed Rate Distribution for High Load Factor Power Demand.
tion of actual load data with stochastic 600
components to compute benefits. This
technique ignores the impact of outli- M=0.290 pu
SD=0.003 pu
ers in the original data series that may 500
affect study results. It also assumes that
operations remain cyclic over the study
period. Using actual normalized power 400
demand data to compute customer

benefits eliminates these limitations but

make it more difficult to identify pa- 300
rameters that relate to work processes.

Conclusion 200
Introducing real-time price tariffs to
all customers creates opportunities
for electricity cost saving in industrial
operations. The shape and timing of
the load time series relative to the price 0
series impacts the potential benefits 0.27 0.275 0.28 0.285 0.29 0.295 0.3 0.305
a business realizes from adopting a Normalized Break -Even Rate (High LF)

Journal of Industrial Technology • Volume 25, Number 3 • July 2009 through September 2009 •

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