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Entered into by and between:


(a public higher education institution established in terms of the Higher Education Act,

1997 (Act No.101 of 1997)

(herein represented by the Co-operative Education Coordinator)

(herein after referred to as “CPUT”)


ORGANIZATION NAME: …………………………………………………………………………..

WHEREAS CPUT is a public higher education institution providing instructional

programmes in higher education, as defined in the Higher Education Act; and

WHEREAS …………………………................................. is an organization operating in the

………………………………………………………………………………………… sector; and

who has indicated their willingness and ability to offer experiential learning opportunities to
CPUT students during the period …..…………..………….. to ………..………………………..

NOW THEREFORE the parties agree as follows:


1.1 Unless the context of this agreement clearly indicates otherwise:-

1.1.1 „Co-operative Education means a philosophy of learning that promotes the
concept of enhanced learning based on co-operation between the education
institutions on the one hand, and industry, commerce or the public sector on
the other;
1.1.2 “Experiential Learning” means a type of learning that extends the educational
component of the tuition to the work place with the object of facilitating

learning in the real world of work. This is curriculated, monitored and

assessed to meet the outcomes of the learning program;
1.1.3 “Experiential Learning Guidelines” means a guiding document, provided by
CPUT, which stipulates the experiential learning outcomes required for a
specific program.

1.2. In this agreement –

1.2.1 the singular includes the plural and vice versa; and
1.2.2 reference to any gender includes reference to the other gender.
1.2.3 Clause headings appear for reference purposes only and shall not affect the
interpretation of this agreement, nor modify or amplify its terms.


This agreement shall commence upon the signature of the party doing so last and will
remain valid for a maximum period of three years.


3.1 Acknowledge the employer‟s right to offer experiential learning opportunities to
students according to the employer‟s hiring and acceptance of volunteers‟ criteria
as well as availability of workstations;
3.2 Orient the students to the Experiential Learning program;
3.3 Conduct Work Preparedness Program workshops in order to equip students with
basic employability skills;
3.4 Meet with supervisors and students at least once a semester to evaluate the
student‟s progress in achieving learning objectives;
3.5 Make every effort to ensure that the students register at the institution in order to
gain recognition for the experiential learning undergone;
3.6 Orient students on the importance of non-disclosure and confidentiality of
information pertaining to the employer‟s operating methods, business affairs, trade
secrets, technical data, databases, etc; as well as the Intellectual Property Policy of
3.7 Make every effort to ensure that work presented by students at feedback sessions
on completion of the Experiential Learning has been sanctioned by the employer;

Community Engagement & WIL: Co-op MOU 2011


3.8 In accordance with the MOA signed between the student and CPUT, institute a
disciplinary enquiry against a student in the event of a written transgression report
from the employer.


4.1 Orient the student regarding work performance expectations;

4.2 Orient the students on the Occupational Health and Safety regulations as
applicable in the employer‟s environment;
4.3 Incorporate into the student‟s training, the learning outcomes as stipulated in
the Experiential Learning Guidelines;
4.4 Provide adequate supervision, which includes, but is not limited to, guidance
to the student towards achieving learning outcomes, signing monthly log
sheets, meeting with CPUT to discuss the student‟s performance;
4.5 Inform CPUT of any transgressions by the student.

THUS MADE AND SIGNED AT ………………………. on this ……. of………………… 20….

for Cape Peninsula University of Technology As Witness

……………………………………… …………………………………………
As Witness As Witness

THUS MADE AND SIGNED AT ………………………. on this ……. of………………… 20….

for Employer

……………………………………… …………………………………………
As Witness As Witness

Community Engagement & WIL: Co-op MOU 2011

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