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Darmody’s Classwork/Class Participation/Responsibility Grading Rubric

Exemplary – 4 Proficient – 3 Developing – 2 Beginning – 1 Score
Class All class Most class Some class Few class
Assignment assignments are assignments are assignments are assignments
Completion completed on time completed on time, completed on time, are completed
or early by by using effective using some time on time, due to
*Refer to independently & time management management skills ineffective use
School-wide consistently using skills to with teacher of time
Rubric #8 – effective time accommodate prompting. management
Responsible management skills multiple skills.
Behavior to accommodate responsibilities.
Class Class assignments Class assignments Nearly all class Few class
Assignment meet or exceed all meet all criteria assignments meet assignments
Quality criteria detailed in detailed in criteria detailed in meet criteria
assignment assignment assignment detailed in
directions. directions. directions. assignment
Class Actively participates Actively participates Actively Rarely
Participation in all class activities in most class participates in participates in
& Work Ethic & related activities & related some class class activities
discussions & discussions & activities & related & related
always works usually works discussions & discussions &
diligently in class. diligently in class. sometimes works rarely works
diligently in class. diligently in
Teamwork & Always Usually Occasionally Rarely
Respect demonstrates demonstrates losses self-control, demonstrates
respectful behavior, respectful behavior, respectful respectful
*Refer to strong self-control self-control & behavior, & behavior, self-
School-wide & willingness to willingness to help willingness to help control or
rubric #8 – help classmates as classmates as classmates even willingness to
Responsible needed. needed, with when prompted by help
Behavior minimal teacher teacher. classmates.

Rubric Scoring Guidelines:

Points 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B B- C+ C C- D+ D U

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