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Graffiti: Is It Really Art Work?

“I despise graffiti. It is not art, it is vandalism. It is not a youthful prank, it is a

crime. It is not harmless, it is costly to remove.” (Phil Riggan, 2010). Do you believe
in what Riggan said? According to Riggan, graffiti is not art, but vandalism. Before
we go more deeply into the discussion, let us see what graffiti is. Graffiti is writing
or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed on a wall or other surface in a public
place. Graffiti is usually done illicitly. Graffiti can be found from simple written
words to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has existed since ancient times. The first
drawings on walls were found in caves thousands of years ago. Later, the Ancient
Romans and Greeks wrote their names and poems on buildings. Modern graffiti
seems to have appeared in Philadelphia in the early 1960s, and by the late 60s, it
had reached New York. Graffiti is not always gang-related, although the common
image of graffiti is a stylistic symbol or phrase of a street gang. Although graffiti
can be understood as an expressive art form, it can be understood as antisocial
behavior performed to gain attention or as a form of thrill-seeking.

According to Oxford Languages and Merriam-Webster, graffiti is mostly done

illegally without any authorization in a public place. The action of doing graffiti
often damages not only public facilities but also personal properties. There are a
lot of cases where a civilian’s house walls are suddenly found painted with graffiti
with no permission. It may be done when the house is empty, when the people are
sleeping, or else, nobody knows about it. That is why graffiti impacts local
neighborhoods by making public spaces appear unsafe.

Graffiti is a form of vandalism, not art, as mentioned by Riggan. Art is typically

defined by its creation in a legal and intentional context, often within spaces
designated for artistic expression like art galleries or museums. Some people
consider it as art because it’s creative, but art should not devalue any kind of
property. It’s more about territory marking rather than expressing art vision.
Graffiti is a deliberate act of rebellion, usage of free speech that is not done in the
right place.

Graffiti also usurps the social norms and narratives of most social hierarchies.
Graffiti can spread hate speech through their drawings. Besides, when graffiti is
created without any permission, it crosses public and personal property
boundaries. By appearing in random public facilities, graffiti also disturbs
established aesthetic standards. Graffiti will make something nice, elegant, and
neat turn into something “gang-looking”. How would anyone like that form of “art”?

Although we all believe that everyone should have the freedom of expression,
graffiti is still a form of vandalism considering how it’s mostly made without any
authorization. Graffiti is identical in its illegality; being illegal and its rebellious
nature. Graffiti can also spread hate speech and disorganize aesthetic standards.
Its illegality and how it damages public and personal property often make the
public feel uncomfortable and unsafe. After all, graffiti, may not be a form of art,
but a form of anti-social behavior. Even worse, it can be a form of vandalism.

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