Suggested Lesson Planning

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Suggested Lesson Planning


Students are able to comprehend and identify main ideas and details about youth life
Students participate in a listening activity and answer comprehension questions
Key Points:
 Understanding Vocabulary related to youth life
 Identifying main ideas and supporting details
 Making inferences
 Students answer teachers questions related to youth life
 Students are exposed to vocabulary related to listening text
 Students listen to conversation between teenagers
Guided Practice:
Students work in pairs or groups, answering comprehension questions. Start with easy questions
and gradually increase difficulty
Independent Practice:
Students listen to and comprehend listening text by answering comprehension questions.
Students share reflections
Students answer few reinforcement questions from teachers

Practice 1
Referring to the listening, decide whether the statement below is similar (S) or different (D)

1. Both of the speakers have meals at fastfood restaurants many times. ____

2. The woman is fond of fried chicken sandwich. ____

3. The speakers talk about fastfood they enjoy most. ____

4. The man recommend sweet and spicy chicken wrap. ____

Practice 2

Referring to the listening, choose a, b, c, or d rhat best answer the questions.

1. What is the main topic of conversation in the video?

a) The features of their phones
b) The amount of screen time they have
c) The benefits of social media
d) The importance of taking a break from social media
2. Why does the speaker use social media for 7 hours every day?
a) To check how many people have liked their photos
b) To update their status and comment on photos
c) To see everyone's photos and upload their own
d) To feel better about themselves when their photos get more likes

3. What does the speaker mean when they say, "everyone does"?
a) Everyone uses social media for 7 hours every day
b) Everyone feels better about themselves when their photos get more likes
c) Everyone has over 1,000 friends online
d) Everyone scrolls through their newsfeed

4. Why does the speaker think taking a break from social media might be a good
a) Because social media can be addictive
b) Because the speaker has seen people get addicted to social media
c) Because the speaker's screen time is too high
d) Because the speaker wants to see how many people have liked their photos

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the transcript?

a) The speaker's average screen time per day is around 2 hours
b) The speaker frequently uses social media for scrolling through their newsfeed
c) The speaker believes getting more likes on photos is important for self-esteem
d) The speaker has witnessed people getting addicted to social media
Listening - Speaking
Students are able to ask and respond to open-ended questions about youth life

Students participate in pairs/a group discussion where they ask and respond to open-ended
questions about youth life. Their participation and ability to generate thoughtful questions and
responses will be assessed.
Key Points:
 The importance of open-ended questions in promoting deeper understanding and discussion
 Strategies for asking open-ended questions
 Active listening skills to respond effectively to open-ended questions
 Connecting open-ended questions to personal experiences and perspectives
 Using open-ended questions to foster critical thinking and reflection

 Students watch a short video of a real-life story youth life.
 Students discuss in pairs or small groups what they noticed or found interesting in the video
 Students differentiate closed questions from open-ended questions related to youth life
Presenting: Introduction to New Material
 Explain that open-ended questions are designed to encourage thoughtful and detailed
responses, rather than simple yes/no answers.
 Share examples of closed-ended and open-ended questions related to youth life.
 Address the common misconception that open-ended questions have a single correct answer.

use student-centered learning strategies
Guided Practice:
 Students generate open ended questions from a list of prompts related to youth life
 Teacher Scaffolds the questioning from easier prompts to more challenging ones, encouraging
students to think critically and creatively.
 Teacher monitors students performance by circulating the classroom, providing feedback, and
addressing any misconceptions or difficulties.

Independent Practice:
 Students make a dialog about youth life (target context) that includes open-ended
questions(target expressions)
 Students act out/perform the dialog (encourage multimodal: podcast, video, ppt with sound)

 Students share one open-ended question they have about youth life and another student
 Students summarize the key points of today’s lesson
 Teacher emphasizes the importance of open-ended questions in promoting deeper
understanding and critical thinking.
Students interview a family member about his/her experiences during their youth, use open-ended
questions to gather detailed information.

Tape script:
W: I just noticed that my phone has a feature that tell me how much screen time I had.

M: Oh yes, mine has that feature too.

W: What’s your average amount per day?

M: Around two hours. How about yours?

W: Oh. Mine was around seven.

M: No way. Why is it so high?

W: Well, I often use social media. You know scrolling through newsfeed, updating my status and
commenting on photos. Those kind of things.

M: I don’t use social media much. Why do you use it?

W: Why? Because everyone does. I have over 1.000 friends online, I can see everyone’s photos and
upload my own.

M: Ok. But how do you do that for seven hours everyday?

W: Well, I use it to check how many people have liked my photos.

M: Ok. Let me ask you something, why is that important? Do you feel better about yourself when your
photos get more likes?

W: I guess so. Is that a bad thing?

M: No, not at all. I’ve just heard that people getting addicted to social media for that reason.

W: Oh yes, I’ve seen that happened actually. Maybe I am using it too much, do you think I should take
a break from it?

M: I think that might be a good idea. Just for couple of days.

Closed versus Open-ended questions

Decide whether the question is closed or open-ended.

1. How many social media account do you have?

2. What do you like about having social media account?
3. How long have been active in social media?
4. Why do you decide to have/not to have social media account?
5. Do you plan to quit social media?


Questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer are close-ended questions, because no more
information in needed or required.
Q: “Did you eat lunch today?” A: “Yes, I did.”
Q: “Have you ever used a computer?” A: “Yes, I have.”

Questions that require the answerer to give more information or details are open-ended,
because they “open” a conversation and provide an opportunity for new questions to be
Q: “Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?” A: “My son was sick and I had to take
him to the doctor. Then I had to go to the drugstore to fill a prescription, …”
Q: “When are you available to work?” A: “I can work days and some weekends.” Q:
“What about evenings? “

A. When is it most appropriate to use close-ended questions and yes/no or short


1. In an emergency
Medic: Are you allergic to penicillin?
Patient: No

2. To make a quick report of work finished or unfinished

Manager: Did you finish everything on the list?
Employee: Yes, just now

3. In class

B. When is it most appropriate to use open-ended questions and detailed responses?

1. At a party
Guest 1: So, how do you know Sue?
Guest 2: Oh, we met in school. We had a lot of classes together…

2. . At a scholarship interview
Interviewer: Why do you choose civil engineering as your major?
Interviewee: I love math and physics, I also dream to create buildings that are
environmentally friendly, and ….
3. ….……………………………………………………………………………………

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