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Thầy Minh’s Education Studio


Practice Test 1
1 1
Of all the horned dinosaurs, Triceratops is 1

probably best known. But even that behemoth’s Which choice completes the text so that it
impressive three bony spikes pale in conforms to the conventions of Standard
comparison to the massive horns found atop a English?
newly discovered dinosaur, the Nasutoceratops
titusi. When paleontologists unearthed the A) nicknamed “the Texas longhorn of
fossils of a Nasutoceratops in the Utah desert in dinosaurs,”
2013, they said it was unlike anything they had B) nicknamed, “the Texas longhorn of
seen before. The Nasutoceratops's dinosaurs,”
intimidatingly large horns were forward C) nicknamed, “the Texas longhorn of
pointing, curving nearly all the way to the tip of dinosaurs”
the dinosaur’s outsized nose. These horns
immediately became this dinosaur’s primary D) nicknamed “the Texas longhorn of
identifying feature: Its name, Nasutoceratops, is dinosaurs”
Latin for “big-nosed horn face.” Nasutoceratops
was even ______ because of it’s horns similarity
to those that adorn the heads of that breed of
Texas cattle.

Nasutoceratops lived some 76 million years 2

ago, during the late Cretaceous period. It had a
wide body, weighed as much as two and a half Which choice completes the text so that it
tons, and ______ Like its “cousin” Triceratops, conforms to the conventions of Standard
Nasutoceratops was also part of the ceratopsid English?
group—rhinoceros-like dinosaurs that walked A) a length of fifteen feet.
on four legs and ate plants.
B) growth to fifteen feet in length.
C) growing a length of fifteen feet.
D) grew to fifteen feet in length.

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1 1
Many Italian coffee enthusiasts agree that 3

there is only one correct way to make coffee: Which choice completes the text so that it
this involves filtering water through freshly conforms to the conventions of Standard
ground coffee beans at specific temperatures English?
and pressures, which produces the concentrated
form of coffee known as espresso. This type of A) is a cappuccino: for example,
coffee is drunk in Italy in several forms, either B) is a cappuccino, for example:
unadulterated or with varying amounts of milk,
C) is, a cappuccino for example—
and each form has a different name. An
espresso mixed with frothed and steamed milk D) is a cappuccino, for example,
______ while an espresso with just a dollop of
steamed milk on top is a caffè macchiato.

Come spring, the Arctic becomes a suitable 4

habitat, providing many benefits: an abundant
Which choice completes the text so that it
supply of food, permanent daylight, ample
conforms to the conventions of Standard
nesting space, fewer pathogens, and fewer
predators to invade the nests of these ground-
dwelling birds. These benefits are found in all A) Arctic regardless of latitude
regions of the ______ yet some shorebirds
B) Arctic, regardless of latitude
continue on to the high Arctic. If these birds are
simply looking for open space and enough food C) Arctic, regardless of latitude,
to eat, then why not end their long journey in D) Arctic: regardless of latitude,
the low Arctic?

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1 1
It used to be that a move to a metropolis such 5

as New York City was an inevitable step for Which choice completes the text so that it
aspiring artists. Stories of talented, ambitious conforms to the conventions of Standard
young people getting by on “pluck and luck” in English?
the big city were commonplace. To some
degree, these tales may have been true. These A) an artist
days, however, they are more fiction than fact. B) artists
Today the United States economy is much less
C) one
forgiving. Once ______ could make a living as a
temporary office worker or a waiter, leaving D) you
plenty of time to practice your art. In many of
the nation’s largest cities, however, this life is no
longer possible.

Given the role that honeybees play in 6

agriculture, the impact of loss of hives on fruit,
Which choice completes the text so that it
vegetable, seed, and nut crops cannot be
conforms to the conventions of Standard
ignored. A reduction in bee numbers leads to
less pollination, which in turn leads to smaller
harvests and higher food prices. Some farmers A) crops; when there is a shortage of bees this
have resorted to renting hives from beekeepers being an expensive proposition.
to pollinate their ______ Other farmers have B) crops, this is an expensive proposition
increased they’re dependence on costly hand- when there is a shortage of bees.
pollination by human workers.
C) crops, an expensive proposition when
there is a shortage of bees.
D) crops; an expensive proposition when
there is a shortage of bees.

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1 1
Theodore Roosevelt, often considered one of 7

the most dynamic presidents of the United Which choice completes the text so that it
States, is known for accomplishments as diverse conforms to the conventions of Standard
as negotiating the end of the Russo-Japanese English?
War, fighting to eliminate corruption in
business and politics, and founding the modern A) someone who spends time
conservation movement. He was also a B) time spent
significant champion of healthful habits,
C) to be spending time
believing that exercise, good nutrition, and
______ outdoors benefited one’s body and D) for someone to spend time

As president, Roosevelt continued to enjoy a 8

lifestyle of exercise and physical activity. He
Which choice completes the text so that it
called this lifestyle the strenuous life. He
conforms to the conventions of Standard
regularly swam in the Potomac River, and often
boxed, wrestled, and played tennis. In addition
to practicing the strenuous life himself, he A) others, publishing a book—titled The
advocated it for ______ in 1900. He was also Strenuous Life,
known to invite White House visitors to join B) others; publishing a book titled The
him on long, arduous outdoor treks that often Strenuous Life,
involved swimming and rock climbing.
C) others, publishing a book—titled The
Strenuous Life—
D) others, publishing a book titled The
Strenuous Life,

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1 1
One thing I especially like is an example of 9

German “fluted” armor, in which the metal is Which choice completes the text so that it
hammered to create dozens of uniformly angled conforms to the conventions of Standard
facets-a surprisingly modern look. Next to this English?
is a suit of jousting armor complete with
______ pieces of metal added to the original A) garnitures, and garnitures are
armor for extra protection and decoration. B) garnitures in order to have
C) garnitures, thus having
D) garnitures,

Pieces of silver, gold, or black ______ are 10

used to create extravagant designs for Which choice completes the text so that it
ceremony. Nearby is the jousting armor of conforms to the conventions of Standard
Emperor Ferdinand I as well as that of English?
England’s Earl of Pembroke.
A) metal or sometimes all three,
B) metal, or sometimes, all three
C) metal, or sometimes all three,
D) metal, or sometimes all three

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1 1
Artists such as Brooklyn performers find that 11

crowdfunding exacerbates problems that Which choice completes the text so that it
already exist. ______ while more complex conforms to the conventions of Standard
work goes unnoticed. Time that could be used English?
creating art is spent devising clever perks to
draw the attention of potential contributors. In A) Work, that is easily understood and
addition, audiences may contain many “free appreciated, is supported,
riders” who did not make contributions. B) Work that is easily understood and
appreciated is supported,
C) Work that is easily understood, and
appreciated is supported
D) Work—that is easily understood and
appreciated—is supported,

It is not difficult to understand why a cash- 12

strapped, understaffed publication might feel Which choice completes the text so that it
pressure to cut teams of investigative ______ conforms to the conventions of Standard
their work is expensive and time-consuming. English?
Undertaken in the public interest, investigative
journalism involves original, often long-form A) reporter's—
reporting on such topics as illegal activities, B) reporters:
street crime, corporate wrongdoing, and C) reporters,
political corruption. An investigative story
D) reporter’s;
involves one or more experienced journalists
dedicating their full energy and the resources of
the publisher to a piece for a prolonged period
of time. Expensive legal battles may ensue.

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1 1
The first step di Suvero took was to lease the 13

land from the city, which he did for a relatively Which choice completes the text so that it
low cost given the unattractiveness of the area. conforms to the conventions of Standard
Di Suvero then enlisted local kids to help clean English?
up the lot and partnered with other sculptors to
raise money and awareness of the site’s A) artworks; some of which
possibilities. For years New York City sculptors B) artworks, some of which
had not had a suitable place to exhibit their C) artworks, some of them
large-scale ______ could not even fit through
the doors of existing galleries. As a result, they D) artworks, some
jumped at the chance to join di Suvero in
promoting his venture, the Socrates Sculpture
Park, which opened in 1986.

The Socrates Sculpture Park provides 14

exciting opportunities for artists. A fellowship Which choice completes the text so that it
program invites sculptors to apply for grant conforms to the conventions of Standard
money and access to the park’s studio space, English?
materials, and staff. The park also serves the
nonartist public, offering a variety of A) visitors have been inspired by the Socrates
educational programs and free community Sculpture Park
events, including a kite festival and a bike B) visitors to the Socrates Sculpture Park
parade. Beloved by sculptors and the local have been inspired
community, ______ for over twenty-five years.
C) the Socrates Sculpture Park’s visitors have
been inspired
D) the Socrates Sculpture Park has inspired

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1 1
By using innovative materials, civil engineers 15

can make bridges stronger and longer lasting. Which choice completes the text so that it
The Mars Hill Bridge in Wapello County, Iowa, conforms to the conventions of Standard
for instance, was reconstructed using an ultra- English?
high performance concrete (UHPC), so the
113-foot span does not need traditional A) high,
reinforcing steel bars. Without such “rebars,” B) high;
the bridge is smaller and lighter than many
C) high, yet
other bridges, though it is just as strong. The
absence of steel bars means the bridge is also D) high; however,
less susceptible to corrosion. Although the
initial costs of materials such as UHPC are
______ those expenses can be more than offset
over the long term through reduced
maintenance costs and a longer life span.

The need for significant infrastructure 16

reengineering is an opportunity that holds the
Which choice completes the text so that it
promise of wide-ranging benefits. Innovative
conforms to the conventions of Standard
and forward-thinking civil engineers have the
chance to make US infrastructure truly
sustainable—environmentally and financially. A) Engineers
As Gregory DiLoreto, president of the
B) Engineers;
American Society of Civil ______ noted upon
release of the 2013 report, C) Engineers,
“Investment in our infrastructure will help grow D) Engineers—
our economy; it will help create jobs and
improve our quality of life.”

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1 1
In order to understand how caffeine works, 17

one must first know how another compound, Which choice completes the text so that it
adenosine, functions. Neurons produce conforms to the conventions of Standard
adenosine molecules, which build up over the English?
course of the day and bind to adenosine
receptors in the brain. Adenosine is an A) neurotransmitter; which
inhibitory ______ means that it slows down the B) neurotransmitter, it
activity of neurons, or nerve cells. As the
C) neurotransmitter, which
molecules bind to these receptors, the nervous
system slows the body down and increases D) neurotransmitter: which
drowsiness, which causes one to fall asleep.
Adenosine is then broken down while one

Caffeine molecules have a shape very similar 18

to that of adenosine molecules. Therefore, when
Which choice completes the text so that it
a person consumes caffeine, the caffeine
conforms to the conventions of Standard
molecules bind to the adenosine receptors.
While caffeine occupies the receptors,
adenosine is blocked from ______ the nervous A) binding; as a result,
system does not receive adenosine’s signal to B) binding, as a result
cause sleepiness. Furthermore, since the
C) binding, as a result,
neurons are not slowed down, other chemical
compounds produced in the brain are not D) binding; as a result:
inhibited. These chemicals include dopamine, a
stimulant whose presence heightens the
wakefulness effect.

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1 1
As I enter the central gallery of the Arms and 19

Armor collection at the Metropolitan Museum Which choice completes the text so that it
of Art in New York City, an imposing array of conforms to the conventions of Standard
heraldry flags flies above me, each flag ______ a English?
coat of arms. Below, several armored figures
stand as sentinels around the gallery. When I A) is bearing
overhear a child expressing her wonderment at B) are bearing
these “knights in shining armor”, I realize that C) bearing
she is partially correct.
D) bears

While worrisome, the decline of traditional 20

print media need not entail the end of Which choice completes the text so that it
investigative journalism. Nonprofit enterprises conforms to the conventions of Standard
such as the Organized Crime and Corruption English?
Reporting Project have begun to fill the void
created by staff losses at newspapers and A) cooperation among journalists and
magazines. Enterprising freelance reporters, ordinary citizens has been facilitated by
newly funded by nonprofits, make extensive use the advent of the digital age through an
of social media. Far from marking the end of increase in the number of potential
investigative journalism, ______ investigators.
B) the number of potential investigators has
increased since the advent of the digital
age owing to the facilitation of
cooperation among journalists and
ordinary citizens.
C) the advent of the digital age has increased
the number of potential investigators by
facilitating cooperation among journalists
and ordinary citizens.
D) by facilitating cooperation among
journalists and ordinary citizens the
advent of the digital age has increased the
number of potential investigators.

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1 1
A light fog lingers above the water. The air is 21

cold, but the waves are calm, which will make Which choice completes the text so that it
for a good diving day. Women clad in wet suits conforms to the conventions of Standard
and goggles assemble on the beaches of Jeju English?
Island, fifty-three miles south of the Korean
mainland. The women soon disperse, some A) beach while
entering the shallow water at the ______ others B) beach;
venturing out onto the rocks to access deeper
C) beach; while
waters. These women are haenyeo. Sea women.
Divers. D) beach,

Interval training, known as IT, is the practice 22

of alternating periods of high-intensity exercise Which choice completes the text so that it
with periods of lighter exercise or rest. First conforms to the conventions of Standard
developed as part of a training regimen for English?
Olympic athletes, IT was initially considered
too intense for the average person. However, A) conditions that
several studies have demonstrated that healthy B) conditions, which
nonathletes and some individuals who have
C) conditions; they
chronic health ______ can benefit from a
particular form of IT: high-intensity interval D) conditions

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1 1
In the winter of 1968, scientists David 23

Schindler and Gregg Brunskill poured nitrates Which choice completes the text so that it
and phosphates into Lake ______ of the 58 conforms to the conventions of Standard
freshwater bodies that compose Canada’s English?
remotely located Experimental Lakes Area.
Schindler and Brunskill were contaminating the A) 227, this is one
water not out of malice but in the name of B) 227. Which is one
C) 227. One
D) 227, one

Critics of employer-provided professional 24

development argue that employees should lean
Which choice completes the text so that it
heavily on their employers. If employees find
conforms to the conventions of Standard
themselves falling behind in the workplace,
these critics ______ it is the duty of those
employees to identify, and even pay for, A) contend. Then
appropriate resources to address their B) contend; then
deficiencies. This argument ignores research
pointing to high employee turnover and C) contend then
training of new staff as significant costs D) contend, then
plaguing employers in many fields. Forward-
thinking employers recognize the importance of
investing in the employees they have rather
than hiring new staff when the skills of current
workers become obsolete.

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1 1
By using innovative materials, civil 25

engineers can make bridges stronger and Which choice completes the text so that it
longer lasting. The Mars Hill Bridge in conforms to the conventions of Standard
Wapello County, Iowa, for instance, was English?
reconstructed using an ultra-high
performance concrete (UHPC) that is so A) to where
durable and lightweight ______ the 113-foot B) that
span does not need traditional reinforcing
C) which
steel bars. Without such “rebars,” the bridge
is smaller and lighter than many other D) so that
bridges, though it is just as strong.

The National Aeronautics and Space 26

Administration (NASA) is a US government Which choice completes the text so that it
agency whose budget is frequently contested. conforms to the conventions of Standard
Many people think of NASA’s programs as English?
trivial. In truth, the agency has a widespread
positive effect on society by serving as a A) to create jobs,
catalyst for innovation and scientific B) creating jobs,
understanding, ______ and showing C) for job creation,
humanity its place within the universe.
D) the creation of jobs,

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1 1
In the 1860s and the 1870s, powerful 27

political organizations known as “political Which choice completes the text so that it
machines” started taking control of city conforms to the conventions of Standard
governments. These political machines were English?
able to pack legislatures and courts with hand-
picked supporters by purchasing ______ a form A) votes,
of election fraud involving the exchange of B) votes, being
money or favors for votes. Once a political
C) votes, that is
machine had control of enough important
positions, its members were able to use public D) votes, which it is
funds to enrich themselves and their friends.

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1 1
Most research addressing the cognitive 28

benefits of playing musical instruments finds Which choice completes the text with the
that music lessons have positive effects on most logical transition?
school-age children, as the formative years
facilitate easy absorption of new skills. Young A) By contrast,
people who learn to play an instrument B) In fact,
strengthen auditory skills, memory and C) However,
cognitive development, sensory abilities,
creativity, and problem solving. ________ some D) Similarly,
of these improvements occur because the act of
playing music changes the way the mind itself
works. Brain function in areas such as verbal
memory and visual-spatial judgment is
enhanced in a way that results in significant
differences between a musician’s brain and a

There are several problems with fish farming. 29

Raised as a cash “crop,” thousands of fish were
Which choice completes the text with the
unhealthily crowded together in pens. Waste
most logical transition?
products, including feces, uneaten food, and
dead fish, were flushed from the pens into the A) While pests
ocean, lake, and stream water near the farms, B) Besides pests
contaminating the water supply. ______ such as
sea lice, capable of eating a live fish to the bone, C) Since pests
thrived in the artificial environment, as did D) Pests
viral, fujigal, and bacterial diseases, which
spread to wild fish populations. Nonnative fish
often escaped from farms and competed with
native species in local waters for food. Pesticides
and drugs used to treat afflicted fish affected the
entire ecosystem.

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1 1
Along with its impressive horns, 30

Nasutoceratops had a massive nose. Researchers Which choice completes the text with the
remain uncertain about the purpose of most logical transition?
Nasutoceratops's enormous snout. Its olfactory
receptors were further back in the head, A) Similarly unknown is
refuting the theory that the big nose may have B) Therefore, it is unknown
led to a heightened sense of smell. The reason
C) In sharp contrast, it is unknown
for the dinosaur’s large nose remains a mystery.
______ which of the Nasutoceratops had D) Yet it is unknown
those characteristic horns atop their heads. Was
it only the males of the species that had horns,
the way male elk and deer do in modern times?
Or did both Nasutoceratops sexes wear those
horns, as male and female water buffalo do

The catastrophic developments with fish 31

farming prompted creative solutions. To begin
Which choice completes the text with the
with, the industry moved inland, at least
most logical transition?
partially addressing one of aquaculture’s
greatest challenges: keeping contaminated water A) Therefore,
contained. Innovation has taken other forms, B) Nonetheless,
too. ______ Dave Roeser, owner of Garden
Fresh Farms, has created a unique farm-in-a- C) For example,
bubble system in which plants and fish meet D) Subsequently,
each other’s needs. In this system, fish exhale
what plants inhale, excrete what plants eat, and
swim in water that plants clean.

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1 1
Ever since coffee was introduced to Italy 32

several centuries ago, it has been a ubiquitous Which choice completes the text with the
part of Italian culture. ______ coffee is so most logical transition?
central to Italian culture that one cannot visit
any city or town in Italy without seeing several A) However,
coffeehouses (called caffetterie in Italian). Such B) In fact,
coffeehouses have existed since 1640, when the
C) Even so,
first was established in Venice, and they have
since become a part of Italy’s national identity. D) Despite this history,

Armstrong left Henderson’s band in 1925. 33

His influence, ______ is discernible in the Which choice completes the text with the
band’s later recordings. The collaboration most logical transition?
between Armstrong and Henderson had put
into motion a significant stylistic shift in jazz A) for instance,
music: the polished sound of dance-hall music B) therefore,
had given way to the prominent solo features
C) likewise
and call-and-response arrangements that would
become hallmarks of the 1930s swing era music. D) however,

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1 1
Following the lunar calendar, lunar farming 34

is driven by the belief that the Moon influences Which choice completes the text with the
levels of moisture in the soil, just as the Moon’s most logical transition?
gravitational pull affects great bodies of water.
Lunar farmers believe, ______ that from the A) for example,
new Moon to quarter Moon phases, when the B) however,
Moon is waxing, a soil’s moisture content
C) by contrast,
increases, whereas drier periods occur during
the waning phase. D) thereafter,

In 1990, chef Louis Szathmary, a voracious 35

collector of cookbooks, donated approximately
Which choice completes the text with the
20,000 culinary artifacts to the University of
most logical transition?
Iowa library. ______ the astonishing size and
range of Szathmary’s donation to the University A) Because of
of Iowa, making this cornucopia of information B) Regardless of
available to readers was a challenge.
C) In contrast to
D) In addition to

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1 1
In 1990, chef Louis Szathmary, a voracious 36

collector of cookbooks, donated approximately Which choice completes the text with the
20,000 culinary artifacts to the University of most logical transition?
Iowa library. The gift included more than 100
manuscript recipe books. Librarians were A) so
happy to show the Szathmary collection to B) for
people who were able to visit the library, C) and
______ the manuscripts, too delicate to be
checked out to library patrons, remained largely D) but

In addition to advocating for the strenuous 37

life by example and in his writing, Roosevelt
used his position as president to enact new Which choice completes the text with the
policies intended to emphasize the importance most logical transition?
of health and wellness to the public. ______ A) However,
convinced that many military officers had
become too accustomed to comfortable office B) Nonetheless,
jobs and were unprepared for the physical C) For example,
rigors of war, he instituted new fitness D) Still,
standards for the United States Army.

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1 1
When movies were introduced at the turn of 38

the twentieth century, some people viewed Which choice completes the text with the
these motion pictures as novelties, no more most logical transition?
than just moving photographs. Georges Méliès,
______ saw the potential that film had as a A) especially,
medium for telling meaningful stories B) therefore,
enlivened by dramatic effects. His vision would C) though,
make him a pioneer in the motion picture
industry whose influence is still felt. D) furthermore,

Primatologists, scientists who study primates, 39

have long observed that individuals at the top of
Which choice completes the text with the
the primate hierarchy display distinctly
most logical transition?
different postures from those displayed by
lower-status individuals. In short, dominant A) Interestingly,
primates tend to be expansive—spreading out B) As a result,
their arms and legs, pulling their bodies up to
C) On the other hand,
full height, taking up more space—while others
are contractive, protecting their bodies and D) At the same time,
making themselves as small as possible. ______
these postures correlate with levels of
testosterone, a hormone associated with power,
and cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.

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1 1
Mudskippers, just like other fish, spend a 40

significant portion of life on land. Its ability to Which choice completes the text with the
thrive out of the water as well as in it stems most logical transition?
largely from certain physical adaptions that are
generally not observed in other fish. ______ A) In particular,
bimodal respiration— the ability to acquire B) Nevertheless,
oxygen using gills or through wet skin-sets
C) Similarly,
mudskippers apart from their purely water-
based counterparts. D) By contrast,

Due to their ability to respire both on land 41

and in the water, mudskippers have a Which choice completes the text with the
significant advantage over other fish and even most logical transition?
over some land-based animals. Bimodal
respiration makes it possible for mudskippers A) Despite this,
to live in areas subject to drastic changes in B) Overall,
water level and chemical composition. ______
C) As an additional benefit,
mudskippers thrive in intertidal regions that are
marked by regular, cyclical changes in water D) In fact,
levels, adjusting 10 its respiration depending on
how much water is available.

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1 1
Crossing the main gallery, I linger in front of 42

the armor of an Italian cuirassier, or mounted Which choice completes the text with the
soldier, created in the early seventeenth century most logical transition?
for both battle and tilt. “Tilt” was used then to
describe what we call a jousting tournament, in A) For example,
which a soldier on horseback charges forward B) Indeed,
with a lance, attempting to unseat his opponent. C) Nonetheless,
The armor is 16 composed of several sections
D) However,
hinged together to allow maximum mobility.
Country to popular belief, these outfits were
designed to be movable and light. ______ they
are less heavy than much of the equipment
worn by soldiers today.

The haenyeo used to dive wearing only thin 43

cotton gowns so as not to inhibit their Which choice completes the text with the
movements with extraneous equipment. Today, most logical transition?
they wear wet suits for protection from the cold
and swimming fins for increased speed in the A) For example,
water. They do not, however, use oxygen tanks. B) Likewise,
______ the haenyeo train to hold their breath
C) Instead,
for minutes at a time. While diving, they leave a
taewak floating on the water’s surface. D) In spite of this,

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