Ms. Ly Lesson 8

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Lesson 8
Presented by: Ms. Ly
Analyse the
question type
More and more people are migrating
to cities in search of a better life, but
city life can be extremely difficult.
What are the main problems people
in cities face, and how can these
problems be solved?
More and more people are migrating
to cities in search of a better life, but
city life can be extremely difficult.
What are the main problems people
in cities face, and how can these
problems be solved?
Structure of a
Problem-Solution essay
An increasing number of people are moving
to large metropolises in the hope of a better
future. This essay will discuss some of the
challenges of living in urban areas and
propose several measures that could be
taken to tackle these.

→ Paraphrased statement
→ Thesis statement: Answer the question
Body 1
To begin with, there are several problems that
city dwellers have to deal with. The first
drawback of living in a major city might be the
high property prices… Another issue is that
the air quality in cities is often poor, due to
pollution from traffic…

→ This paragraph presents problems of the

given phenomenon
Body 2
Feasible solutions should be produced to tackle these
aforementioned problems. Firstly, governments could
invest more money and resources in the building of
affordable or social housing… In addition, politicians have
the power to implement policies of limiting the use of
private vehicles from city centres and promote the use of
cleaner public transport,...
→ This paragraph presents solutions for the problems
mentioned above
In conclusion, various steps could be taken in
order to solve the high cost of housing and air
pollution, which are the two main problems of
urban life.

→ Paraphrase the thesis statement (and

summarise the problems/solutions if possible)
Useful language
Paraphrased statement
- In modern society, clause.

- These days, clause.

Thesis statement
- This essay will discuss some of the problems/dangers/challenges of
living in urban areas and propose several measures that could be
taken to tackle these.

- This essay will discuss the problems resulting from this phenomenon
and propose several measures that could be adopted to address
Body 1
Topic sentence: To begin with, there are several
problems caused by + Noun.
Supporting point 1:
- The first consequence/negative effect is that +
- The first consequence/negative effect (of + Noun)
might be + Noun
Supporting point 2: Another issue is that + clause.
Body 2
Topic sentence: Feasible solutions should be produced
to cope with these aforementioned problems.

Supporting point 1:
Firstly, clause.

Supporting point 2: In addition/Moreover, clause.

In conclusion, although it is clear that there
are several problems stemming from noun
(topic) [including problem 1 and problem 2],
governments/individuals should/can take
the lead in dealing with these challenges.
● A be caused by B = A results from B = A
stems from B
● solutions (n) = measures = actions
● solve (v) = tackle = address = deal with
Paraphrased statement
- In modern society, clause.

- These days, clause.

Thesis statement
- This essay will discuss some of the problems/dangers/challenges of
living in urban areas and propose several measures that could be
taken to tackle these.

- This essay will discuss the problems resulting from this phenomenon
and propose several measures that could be adopted to address
Body 1
Topic sentence: To begin with, there are several
problems caused by + Noun.
Supporting point 1:
- The first consequence/negative effect is that +
- The first consequence/negative effect (of + Noun)
might be + Noun
Supporting point 2: Another issue is that + clause.
Body 2
Topic sentence: Feasible solutions should be produced
to cope with these aforementioned problems.

Supporting point 1:
Firstly, clause.

Supporting point 2: In addition/Moreover, clause.

In conclusion, although it is clear that there
are several problems stemming from noun
(topic) [including problem 1 and problem 2],
governments/individuals should/can take
the lead in dealing with these challenges.
● A be caused by B = A results from B = A
stems from B
● solutions (n) = measures = actions
● solve (v) = tackle = address = deal with
Writing practice
The world’s natural resources
are being consumed at an
ever-increased rate. What are
the dangers of this situation?
What should we do?
The world’s natural resources
are being consumed at an
ever-increased rate. What are
the dangers of this situation?
What should we do?

Synonyms Active-Passive Word Form

to be consumed B are being PII the consumption
of natural
→ to be used up → A + are V-ing + resources is
B increasing
→ to be over dramatically all
exploited over the globe
The world’s natural resources are being consumed at an
ever-increased rate.
- The world’s natural resources = natural resources such as
water, forest and oil in the world/worldwide/globally
- are being consumed = are being used up = are being overused =
are running out = are being depleted = are being over exploited
- at an ever-increased rate = at an alarming level
Fossil fuels?
The United States gets 81% of its total energy from oil,
coal, and natural gas, all of which are fossil fuels. We
depend on those fuels to heat our homes, run our
vehicles, power industry and manufacturing, and
provide us with electricity.
→ Paraphrased statement
● are being consumed
● at an ever-increased rate
→ Thesis statement
Body 1: Problems
Supporting point 1: adverse impacts on the environment

→ (explain/fact) in many countries = depend on fossil

fuels to meet growing energy demand (running vehicles)

→ (effect) large amounts of greenhouse gases =

emitted into the air
→ serious air pollution and global warming
Body 1: Problems
Supporting point 2: natural resources = run out in the
near future
→ (example) coal – non-renewable → it is predicted that
many countries (the US) – consume all of this source of
energy within the next hundred years

→ (effect) conflicts between nations → posing a threat

to the survival of people around the globe
Body 2: Solutions
Supporting point 1: governments = introduce laws to
protect and conserve natural resources

→ (example) impose heavy fine or even imprison those

who exceed the limits of exploitation

→ (effect) deter others from having similar actions

Body 2: Solutions
Supporting point 2: governments = encourage their
citizens to use renewable energy more

→ (example) Vietnam → the introduction of tax-free

electric vehicles = promote the use of these
environmentally friendly products
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