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Presented by: MS. HUONG LY
NOTE (Comparative Graphs)
Can you notice any difference between a trend chart (previous lesson) and a
comparative chart (today lesson) ?
● There is no changes over time in a comparative chart → Do not have to describe
TRENDS (increase, decrease)
● Missions: report and compare figures
(3 ways to report:

(4 ways to compare:
● Learn other ways to compare figures (double, twice as much as, a half, v.v) →
increase the word length
more/fewer/less + noun + than

Overall, more students sat examinations in

science-related subjects than in arts-related
adjectives of one syllable: -er + than

A higher percentage of students gained top marks in

Mathematics than in Chemistry.
more/less + adjective of two or more syllables + than

Science-related subjects were more popular than arts-related

adjectives of one syllable: -est

The number of cars was highest in 1990.

The number of cars was lowest in 1990.

the most/least + adjective of two or more syllables

The most popular subject was Mathematics.

Fish is the least favorite dish of mine.
1.3 Equal
Art and Design was as popular as Chemistry.

Coffee in France is not as expensive as in the UK.

twice/ three times/ half + as + adj + as
Số lần + So sánh bằng
Số lần + so sánh hơn

The number of elementary students is three times higher than the number
of students in middle schools, at 90 and 30 respectively.
There are twice as many students in the elementary level as students in the
advanced classes.
*Lưu ý: tuân thủ Parallelism

The number of elementary students is three times higher than students in

middle schools, at 90 and 30 respectively.
Số lần + so sánh hơn

The number of elementary students is three times higher than the number of
students in middle schools, at 90 and 30 respectively.
The number of elementary students is three times higher than that of middle
schools, at 90 and 30 respectively.

● Superlative : to be the adj-est in/ among

to be adj-est (highest/lowest)
● Comparative : to be adj-er than
to be more adj than / have more Ns than
● Equal Comparison : the number of A is [X times] as + adj + as
Half as much as
Twice as popular as
Three times as high as
1. REPORT FIGURES (3 structures)
Vietnam - car users : 5 million (year 2008)

a. Figure in the end

The number of Vietnamese car users was 5 million.

The quantity of people using cars in Vietnam stood at 5 million.

b. Figure in the beginning

5 million Vietnamese people used cars.

5 million individuals in Vietnam traveled by cars.

c. Figure in the middle (THERE WERE)

There were 5 million Vietnamese people using cars.

1. REPORT FIGURES (3 structures)

Vietnam - Internet users : 20% (year 2008)

a. Figure in the end

The percentage of Vietnamese Internet users was 20% of the total Vietnamese population. (1)

The percentage of Vietnamese Internet users was 20% of the total Internet users. (2)

a. Figure in the beginning

20% of Vietnamese population used the Internet. (1)

20% of global Internet users came from Vietnam. (2)

a. Using “accounted for/ made up/ occupied”

Internet users accounted for 20% of Vietnamese population. (1)

Vietnamese people made up 20% of the total global internet users. (2)
The percentage of boys aged 12-16
choosing to play basketball was 25%.
25% of boys aged 12-16 chose to play basketball.
→ Number/% + of + X + V.
Basketball players made up 25% of boys aged 12-16.
→ S + make up/account for + number/% + of + X.
There was 25% of boys aged 12-16 who chose to
play basketball.
→ There + to be + number/% + of + X.
The chart below shows the type of
transport young people in four
countries prefer to use.
The chart below shows the type of transport young people in
four countries prefer to use.

The bar graph gives __________ _______ the vehicles

_____ young generations in four different _________
like to use.
The chart below shows the type of transport young people in
four countries prefer to use.

Overall, what ______ _____ ____ that cars are _____

_______ __________ means of transport among young
people in _____ out of four countries, while the _____
______ _________ for motorbikes.
The chart below shows the type of transport young people in
four countries prefer to use.

Regarding the figures for cars, _______ _________ ______ young people in France who
prefer to use this type of transport is ____________, at about 75%. This is nearly
________ _____ __________ ______ the figure for Germany which is around 40%.
Meanwhile, ______ of the youth in both Great Britain and USA shows a preference for
The bar graph gives information about the vehicles that young
generations in four different nations like to use.

Overall, it can be seen that cars are the most popular means of
transport among young people in three out of four countries, while the
opposite is true for motorbikes.

Regarding the figures for cars, the percentage of young people in

France who prefer to use this type of transport is highest, at about 75%.
This is nearly twice as much as the figure for Germany which is around
40%. Meanwhile, 60% of the youth in both Great Britain and USA shows
a preference for automobiles.
Vietnam - car users : 5 million
motorbike users: 20 million

a. Respectively

The numbers of Vietnamese cars and motorbike users were 5 million and 20 million respectively.

5 million and 20 million Vietnamese people used cars and motorcycles respectively.

a. Compared to + figure

The number of Vietnamese car users was 5 million, compared to 20 million motorbike users.

There were 5 million Vietnamese people who used cars, compared to 20 million motorbike users.
Vietnam - car users : 5 million
motorbike users: 20 million

c. while/ whereas

- The number of Vietnamese car users was 5 million, while the number of motorbike
users was 20 million.
- 5 million Vietnamese people used cars, while there were 20 million individuals
travelling by motorbikes.

d. By contrast, / Meanwhile, / At the same time,

_______________________. Meanwhile, ________________________

The percentage of school aged boys in two different age groups
who participated in 5 different sports in the UK in 2010.
Sports Boys 6-11 Boys 12-16

Football 87 78

Basketball 35 25

Cricket 45 34

Rugby 23 21

Swimming 19 19

The percentage of boys aged 12-16 choosing to play

basketball was 25%.
→ S (X) + V + number/%.
The table shows the percentage of school aged boys in two different
age groups who participated in 5 different sports in the UK in 2010.

Sports Boys 6-11 Boys 12-16

Football 87 78

Basketball 35 25 →Introduction
Cricket 45 34 Paraphrase the
Rugby 23 21 question
Swimming 19 19

The table illustrates the proportions of 6-11 and

12-16-year-old boys taking part in 5 kinds of sport in
the UK in 2010.
Overall, what stands out from the table is that football was
the most popular type of sport for both age groups.
→ The largest/smallest figure(s)
Another interesting point is that boys aged 6-11 were
generally more likely to play sports than the other group.
→ The largest discrepancy(ies)/The main
Detail paragraphs
(2 paragraphs)
→Group, report and compare/contrast data


- Use a range of SENTENCE STRUCTURES to report data

- Use LINKING DEVICES (while/whereas/regarding, etc.)

The chart below shows the type of
transport young people in four
countries prefer to use.
INTRO: Paraphrase
the type of transport = vehicles = means of transport
young people in four countries prefer to use = young generations in four different nations like to
use = the youth shows a preference for = favor

OVERVIEW: cars - most popular - three out of four countries >< motorbikes.

BODY 1: cars
France - highest (75%) - twice as much as - Germany (around 40%)
60% - both Great Britain and USA - automobiles (=cars).

Motorbikes - 30% - favor these vehicles in the USA - double that of Germany (15%)
Great Britain and France - the same (only 10%).
Bikes - most popular vehicles - Germany (about 45%)
Great Britain, France and USA - significantly lower (29%, 15%, and 10% respectively)
The bar graph gives information about the vehicles that young generations in four different
nations like to use.
Overall, it can be seen that cars are the most popular means of transport among young
people in three out of four countries, while the opposite is true for motorbikes.

Regarding the figures for cars, the percentage of young people in France who prefer to use
this type of transport is highest, at about 75%. This is nearly twice as much as the figure for
Germany which is around 40%. Meanwhile, 60% of the youth in both Great Britain and USA
shows a preference for automobiles.

In terms of motorbikes, there is 30% of the young who favor these vehicles in the USA,
which is double that of Germany, at approximately 15%. The figures for both Great Britain
and France are the same, at only 10%. Bikes are the most popular vehicles among young
people in Germany, with about 45% of the young people using them. At the same time, the
figures for Great Britain, France and USA are significantly lower, at around 29%, 15%, and
10% respectively.
The pie charts below show the average household
expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in 2010.
The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in
Japan and Malaysia in 2010.

expenditure = spending

→ the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia = the average

household spending of Japan and Malaysia on five important categories

the percentage of spending on housing

= the proportion of expenditure on housing

= the proportion of budget spent on housing

= the figure for housing

→ The largest/smallest figure(s)

both countries – spent the most on housing, food and other

goods and services

→ The largest discrepancy(ies)/The main difference(s)

expenditures on transport and health care in Japan > Malaysia

Detail 1
→Housing + Other goods and services + Food

- Housing: highest in Malaysia >< just 25% in Japan

- Other goods and services: highest in Japan, slightly

higher than in Malaysia

- Food: both countries – nearly similar (respectively)

Detail 2

→ Transport + Health care

- Japan: transport – 20% + health care – 6%

→ These figures – twice as much as – Malaysia

The table below gives information on consumer spending on
different items in five different countries in 2002.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
1. Introduction
- expenditure = spending
- categories of products and services

2. Overview:
- Spent the most money on F/D/T
>< L/E received the least expenditure

3. Body 1: F/D/T
- Highest - Turkey
- Followed by Ireland
- Other three countries <18.8% - Sweden - the lowest

4. Body 2: C/F and L/T

- C/F: Highest - Italy >< lowest - Sweden
- L/E: Turkey - higher than other countries >< Spain : smallest

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