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IBT (2000 to date) – convergence of the personal

DOMESTIC computer, fiber-optic Internet connections, and

-Buyers & sellers belonging to the same country software creating a “flat- world platform” that
-Within the geographical country allows small groups and even individuals to go
-known as home trade or internal business global; world from “small to tiny.”
✓ Lower level of risk
✓ More issues in currency THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN (THE WORLD IS
Ex. Meralco FLAT)
INTERNATIONAL “The central logic of globalization exactly
-It involves cross-border transactions of goods mirrors the logic of the Internet.
and services between two or more countries. We are all increasingly connected, but nobody's
-Outside the geographical boundaries of a in charge.”
-known as multi-national or transnational 1. Collapse of the Berlin wall (11/9/89) -
companies The event not only symbolized the end
✓ Higher level of risk of the cold War, but it also allowed
✓ Less issues in currency people from other side of the wall to join
Ex. IKEA the economic mainstream. “11/9/89” is a
NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS discussion about the Berlin Wall coming
• All value-adding activities including down, the “fall” of communism, and the
sourcing, manufacturing, and impact that Windows powered PCs
marketing, can be performed in (personal computers) had on the ability
international locations. of individuals to create their own
• The subject of cross-border trade can be content and connect to one another.
products, services, capital, technology, 2. The Revolution: Worl Wide Web -
know- how, and labor. Netscape and the Web broadened the
• Firms internationalize via exporting, audience for the Internet from its roots
foreign direct investment, licensing, as a communications medium used
franchising, and collaborative ventures. primarily by “early adopters and geeks”
SERVICE INDUSTRY SECTORS THAT to something that made the Internet
ARE RAPIDLY accessible to everyone from five-year-
INTERNATIONALIZING olds to ninety-five-year-olds. The
-Architectural, construction and engineering digitization that took place meant that
-Banking, finance, and insurance everyday occurrences such as words,
INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL files, films, music, and pictures could be
SERVICE SECTOR accessed and manipulated on a computer
- Banking and financial services are the screen by all people across the world.
most active international services. 3. Workflow Software - technologies that
GLOBALIZATION - is the integration of allowed work to flow. The ability of
capital, technology, and information across machines to talk to other machines with
national borders, in a way that is creating a no humans involved, as stated by
single global market and, to some degree, a Friedman. Friedman believes these first
global village. three forces have become a “crude
(1492-1800) – centered around countries; how foundation of a whole new global
much horsepower, wind power, and steam power platform for collaboration”. There was
a country had and how creatively it was an emergence of software protocols
deployed; world from “large to medium.” (SMTP – simple mail transfer protocol;
(1800-2000) – MNCs as dynamic force driving HTML – the language that enabled
change; interrupted by two world wars; world anyone to design and publish documents
from “medium to small.” that could be transmitted to and read on
any computer anywhere) Standards on
Standards. This is what Friedman called therefore shaped, manipulated and
the “Genesis moment of the flat world.” transmitted; virtual – these processes
The net result “is that people can work can be done at high speed with total
with other people on more stuff than ease.
ever before.” This created a global 4 RISKS IB
platform for multiple forms of Commercial risk – firms’ potential loss or
collaboration. The next six flatteners failure from poorly developed or executed
sprung from this platform. business strategies, tactics, or procedures.
4. Outsourcing - has allowed companies These may be economic, compliance, security,
to split service and manufacturing reputation, operational and competitive risks.
activities into components which can be Ex. A company's financial data is hacked,
subcontracted and performed in the most exposing the company to financial loss and
efficient, cost-effective way. This damaging its reputation.
process became easier with the mass Cross-Cultural risk- a situation or event where
distribution of fiber optic cables during a cultural miscommunication puts some human
the introduction of the World Wide Web. value at stake.
5. Offshoring - internal relocation of a Ex. KFC’s Finger-lickin’ good” wrongfully
company’s manufacturing or other translated into “Eat your fingers off” in Chinese
processes to a foreign land to take when it opened their first restaurant in China.
advantage of less costly operations Currency risk - risk of adverse unexpected
there. China’s entrance in the WTO fluctuations in exchange rates. It is a form of
(World Trade Organization) allowed for financial risk that arises from the change in price
greater competition in the playing field. of one currency against another.
Now countries such as Malaysia, Ex. If you are a U.S. investor and you have
Mexico, Brazil must compete against stocks in Canada, the return that you will rea
China and each other to have businesses lize is affected by both the change in the price of
offshore to them. the stocks and the change in the value of the
6. Open Source - Communities uploading Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar.
and collaborating on online projects. ✓ Also known as foreign exchange risk.
Examples. blogs, and Wikipedia. Country risk - potentially adverse effects on
Friedman considers the phenomenon company operations and profitability holes by
“the most disruptive force of all”. developments in the political, legal, and
7. Supply-Chaining - Friedman compares economic environment in a foreign country
the modern retail supply chain to a river, Ex. Coca Cola’s business fell off in Germany
and points to Wal-Mart as the best when the government enacted recycling plan.
example of a company using technology New laws required consumers to return
to streamline item sales, distribution, nonreusable soft drink containers to stores for a
and shipping. refund of 0.25 euros. Rather than cope with
8. Insourcing - uses UPS as a prime unwanted returns, big supermarket chains pulled
example for insourcing, in which the Coke from their shelves.
company’s employees perform services ✓ Also known as political risk
beyond shipping for another company. PARTICIPANTS IN IB
9. In-forming - The growth of search Multinational enterprise (MNE) - A large
engines is tremendous, for example, company with substantial resources that
Google. performs various business activities through a
10. The Uploading - Wireless, Voice over network of subsidiaries and affiliates located in
Internet, and file sharing. Personal multiple countries.
digital devices like mobile phones, all Ex. Caterpillar, Kodak
analog content and processes (from Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) - A
entertainment to photography to word company defined (in the U.S.) as having 500
processing) can be digitized and or fewer employees.
Born global firm. - a young entrepreneurial of time (or can produce a good using the
company that initiates international business least amount of resources.)
activity very early in its evolution, moving • National - exists when a country can
rapidly into foreign markets. ‘Born Global’ and produce more of a good/service than
SMEs. another country can in the same time
Focal firm – initiator of an IB transaction ex. COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE - refers to the
MNEs and SMEs ability to produce goods and services at a lower
opportunity cost, not necessarily at a greater
Distribution channel intermediary –
volume or quality.
Specialist firm that provides distribution,
✓ The ability to produce a good at a lower
logistics and marketing services in the opportunity cost than another producer.
international value chan. SOCIETAL IMPLICATION
Facilitator – Firm that provides special - Large banks and international
expertise in banking, the law customs investment brokers have disrupted the
clearance, market research, or another field. economies of nations with aggressive
Governments – Active in IB as supplier, currency trading or by manipulating
buyers and regulators stock markets.
-Seek opportunities for growth through OF?
market diversification transactions that are devised and carried out
WHY DO NATIONS TRADE? across national borders to satisfy the objectives
-Nations trade to grow their economies and of individuals, companies, and organizations.
offer people more choices. By specializing in TYPES OF IB
what they do best and accessing resources • Export-import trade - products sold to
globally, they can make more and better another country versus products
products. purchased by a home country
ADAM SMITH (FATHER OF MODERN • Foreign direct investment - (FDI)
(typically long-term):An
internationalization strategy in which the
- “never to attempt to make at home what it
firm establishes a physical presence
will cost him more to make than to buy. The abroad through acquisition of productive
tailor does not attempt to make his own assets such as capital, technology, labor,
shoes but buys them of the shoemaker. The land, plant, and equipment.
shoemaker does not attempt to make his own • Licensing - is an agreement through
clothes but employs a tailor. The farmer which a licensee leases the rights to a
attempts to make neither the one nor the legally protected piece of intellectual
other..” property from a licensor the entity which
Imports owns or represents the property for use
–Goods produced abroad and sold domestically in conjunction with a product or service.
Exports • Franchising - is a method of distributing
–Goods produced domestically and sold abroad products or services involving a
ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE - refers to the franchisor, who establishes the brand’s
ability to produce more or better goods and trademark or trade name and a business
services than somebody else. system, and a franchisee, who pays a
✓ The ability to produce a good using royalty and often an initial fee for the
fewer inputs than another producer. right to do business under the
• Individual - exists when a person can franchisor's name and system.
produce more of a certain good/service • Management contracts - is defined as an
than someone else in the same amount agreement between a firm or investor
and a management company that production, including land, capital, labor, and
enables the latter to coordinate and physical resources. An economic system
oversee all operational functions of the encompasses many institutions, agencies,
former. It helps to lower the burden of entities, decision-making processes, and patterns
operating a firm, which otherwise would of consumption that comprise the economic
have to expend additional staffing and structure of a given community.
capital for the same. Types of economic
THE NATURE OF FDI (foreign direct A market economy, a command economy, and
investment) – asset ownership and long-time a mixed economy.
frame Pure market economy - All productive
DRAMATIC GROWTH OF FDI since 1980’s activities are privately owned, as opposed to
Developed economies = Australia, Canada, being owned by the state.
Japan, the United States, and most countries in Pure command economy - In such a system,
Western Europe. there is no private ownership of resources or
Developing economies = Parts of Africa, Asia, means of production, and all economic activities
Latin America, and the Middle East. are controlled and coordinated by the
Of particular significance is the growth of FDI government.
into developing economies despite widespread Mixed economy – Governments tend to take
poverty and less investment capital than over troubled firms they consider to be vital to
advanced economies. national interests. (For example, Renault was
The improved lives of billions are directly linked taken over by the government, reasoning out that
to world trade and investment. the social costs of the unemployment which
INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT could results if it collapsed were unacceptable.)
International Portfolio investment (typically
short-term): Passive ownership of foreign POLITICAL AND LEGAL FACTORS
securities such as stocks and bonds, to generate Type of government – a set of fundamental
financial returns. principles followed by a government to ensure
GEOGRAPHY – The climate, terrain, seaports effective governance.
and natural resources of a country will influence Democracy – a form of government in which
its business activities. the supreme power is retained by the people, but
CULTURAL SOCIAL FACTOR – which is usually exercised indirectly through a
Religion – transcends other cultural system of representation and delegated authority
characteristics because it can affect periodically renewed.
lifestyles, beliefs, values and attitudes. Republic – a representative democracy in which
Values – ideas, beliefs and customs to which the people's elected deputies (representatives),
people are emotionally attached. not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
Attitudes – positive or negative evaluations, Monarchy – a government in which the
feelings, and tendencies that individuals supreme power is lodged in the hands of a
monarch who reigns over a state or territory,
usually for life and by hereditary right; the
toward objects or concepts.
monarch may be either a sole absolute ruler or a
Customs – common established practices sovereign - such as a king, queen, or prince
and manners or types of behavior that are - with constitutionally limited authority.
regarded as appropriate in a particular Dictatorship – a form of government in which a
society. ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not
restricted by a constitution or laws).
ECONOMIC CONDITIONS - Economic Communist – a system of government in which
System is a means by which governments the state plans and controls the economy and a
organize and distribute available resources, single
services, and goods across a geographic region - often authoritarian - party holds power; state
or country. It regulates the factors of controls are imposed with the elimination of
private ownership of property or capital while ✓ Provide protection to domestic
claiming to make progress toward a higher producers against foreign competitors by
social order in which all goods are equally increasing the cost of imported foreign
shared by the people (i.e., a classless, stateless goods.
society in the best interests of all its citizens). ✓ Force consumers to pay more for certain
Political Stability – is a qualitative condition of imports.
public development, expressed as public order,
achieved by controlling and balancing 2. Subsidies -: a government payment to a
stakeholders in a society to achieve specific domestic producer; may be in the form
goals, ideals, and targets. It is also a reflection of of cash, grants, or tax breaks to improve
good governance, which is defined as the act of the supply of certain goods and
overseeing the performance of the state services. Subsidies help domestic
apparatus. producers. Compete against low-cost
Governments often attempt to directly create imports (Example: fertilizer subsidies
value by producing public goods, which have to help farmers) Gain export markets.
two identifying factors:
• Non-rivalrous: An individual's 3. Import quotas. - A direct restriction on
consumption of goods doesn't prevent the quantity of some good that may be
anyone else from accessing them. imported into a country
• Non-excludable: Nobody is prevented Tariff rate quota.
from using the good A hybrid of a quota and a tariff where a
Primary challenges: Corruption lower tariff is.
3 primary forms of corruption applied to imports within the quota than
• Extortion: Public officials using their to those over the quota.
power to obtain wealth through threats Quota rent.
or force- The extra profit that producers make
• Theft: Public officials appropriating when supply is artificially limited by an
government assets for personal gain import quota.
• Capture: Firms paying government 4. Voluntary export restraints(VER) -
officials to influence political decision- Quota on trade imposed by the
making for profit exporting country, typically at the
Free trade - refers to a situation where a request of the importing country’s
government does not attempt to restrict what its government
citizens can buy from another country or what 5. Local content requirements - refer to a
they can sell to another country; smaller specific fraction of a product that needs
industries might shrink and die since the to be manufactured domestically.
domestic economy will tend to produce what is 6. Administrative policies - bureaucratic
good. rules that are designed to make it
Protectionism - is when governments set trade difficult for imports to enter a country.
restrictions to help domestic industries; may be 7. Antidumping duties - selling goods in a
associated with increasing the price of the good foreign market below their cost of
to create a shortage of that good; domestic production, or selling goods in a foreign
producer benefit but consumer pays the price. market at below their “fair” market
POLICY Nontariff barriers include:
1. Tariffs - is a tax levied on imports that 1. Subsidies
effectively raises the cost of imported 2. Quotas
products relative to domestic products. 3. Voluntary export restraints
✓ Increase government revenues; 4. Antidumping duties

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