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Performance Analysis Method for Robotic Process Automation
Rosa Virginia Encinas Quille 1, * , Felipe Valencia de Almeida 2 , Joshua Borycz 3 ,
Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Corrêa 1,2 , Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras 2 , Jeaneth Machicao 2 ,
Gustavo Matheus de Almeida 4 , Edson Toshimi Midorikawa 2 , Vanessa Rafaela de Souza Demuner 5 ,
John Alexander Ramirez Bedoya 5 and Bruna Vajgel 6

1 School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, Rua Arlindo Béttio,
1000-Ermelino Matarazzo, São Paulo 03828-000, Brazil
2 Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 380-Butantã,
São Paulo 05508-010, Brazil
3 Sarah Shannon Stevenson Science and Engineering Library, College of Arts and Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37212, USA
4 Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Pampulha,
Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil
5 EdP Brazil, Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, São Paulo 04543-011, Brazil
6 Ernst & Young, Praia de Botafogo 370, 6 Andar, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro 22250-040, Brazil
* Correspondence: encinas@usp.br

Abstract: Recent studies show that decision making in Business Process Management (BPM) and
incorporating sustainability in business is vital for service innovation within a company. Likewise, it
is also possible to save time and money in an automated, intelligent and sustainable way. Robotic Pro-
cess Automation (RPA) is one solution that can help businesses improve their BPM and sustainability
practices through digital transformation. However, deciding which processes to automate with RPA
technology can be complex. Consequently, this paper presents a model for selecting indicators to
Citation: Quille, R.V.E.; Almeida, determine the profitability of shifting to RPA in selected business processes. The method used in this
F.V.d.; Borycz, J.; Corrêa, P.L.P.; work is the Performance Analysis Method, which allows for predicting which processes could be
Filgueiras, L.V.L.; Machicao, J.; replaced by RPA to save time and money in a service workflow. The Performance Analysis Method
Almeida, G.M.d.; Midorikawa, E.T.;
consists of collecting data on the speed and efficiency of a business process and then using that data
Demuner, V.R.d.S.; Bedoya, J.A.R.;
to develop discrete event simulations to estimate the cost of automating parts of that process. A
et al. Performance Analysis Method
case study using this model is presented, using business process data from an international utility
for Robotic Process Automation.
company as input to the discrete event simulation. The model used in this study predicts that this
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702.
Electric Utility Company (EUC) will save a substantial amount of money if it implements RPA in its
call center.
Academic Editors: Carlos
Llopis-Albert, Ralf Plattfaut and
Keywords: RPA; performance analysis modeling; robotic automation
Amy Van Looy

Received: 14 January 2023

Revised: 7 February 2023
Accepted: 13 February 2023 1. Introduction
Published: 17 February 2023 Modern technological advances in simulation, robotics, machine learning and data
analytics have recently been adapted for use in business and industry (often referred
to as Industry 4.0 [1]). Currently, automation is based on robots, and at an industrial
level, there is a demand for robots with increasingly advanced and robust capabilities.
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
These requirements can be implemented using advances in control theories [2,3] and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
artificial intelligence (AI) [4]. Control theories help reduce trajectory errors and improve
distributed under the terms and
the precision of industrial robots [5] through controllers, as well as the use of intelligent
conditions of the Creative Commons systems to obtain high precision, for example, incorporating Fuzzy Logic when useful [6,7].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// Moreover, AI is essential to train robots; their use is varied [8,9], whether in physical
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ or software robots. On the other hand, the digitization and automation of processes in
4.0/). different business areas is a trend that evolves [10] and positively impacts customers’

Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15043702 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability

Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 2 of 19

well-being [11]. Companies use Business Process Management (BPM) approaches [12]
to continuously improve their business processes and incorporate sustainability as an
essential strategy [13–15].
One of the ways to improve and optimize business processes considering sustainabil-
ity is by automating processes through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technologies.
For example, workforce efficiency can be improved by replacing repetitive technical work
with automation, simulating different process workflows and analyzing the data to predict
the most cost-effective organizational method [16]. The business processes best suited for
RPA have low complexity, high error rates when performed by humans and are highly
valuable to the enterprise [17,18]. RPA can be seen as an alternative to outsourcing, which
reduces costs by shifting jobs to countries that can perform tasks with less effort. Therefore,
RPA is often referred to as insourcing and can be seen as a less controversial and easier to
control method of cost savings [19,20]. Ideally, RPA would allow companies to cut costs,
reduce errors and reserve employees for more complex tasks and face-to-face customer
interactions. Recent technological developments have unlocked the ability of RPA to handle
more complex tasks that are not governed by well-defined business rules. However, there
is still a gap in the literature related to when we want to decide what to automate [21].
Desai (2020) [22] indicates that many organizations need help deciding if they require
RPA; this work proposes prerequisites for the organization to have RPA. These consist of
selecting the primary business process and analyzing each level. These levels answer four
questions: "Q1. Is the Business Process eligible for RPA?, Q2. How to asses RPA possibility
and business process/use case?, Q3. How to assess if RPA is appropriate? and Q4. Can
we allocate the assessment to categories if one can proceed/reject RPA?" A confusion
matrix is used to evaluate the acceptance or rejection; if the levels’ results are equal to 1,
the organization can select the RPA. In another work, Yi-Wei et al. (2019) [23] propose a
cyclical method of eight steps to evaluate the benefits RPA offers to help decision-making
in an organization. The first step is planning the project, evaluating and selecting resources,
and labor for the execution. Although the method presents the design and implementation
of RPA based on agile development, it does not present details on how to conduct this
planning and decide which business processes to implement without taking significant
risks. Asatiani’s (2023) [24] work notes that organizations must carefully determine which
business processes to automate with RPA before implementation. Nevertheless, the model
presented is operational, based on a decision checklist helping the model’s decision-making
process that best suits the organization’s needs. This list focuses on the implementation of
RPA, leaving an open question of how to determine which processes to automate.
Determining which tasks can be automated is often quite tricky, as decision making
is required to identify and select the most beneficial plans. It usually helps to start with
a simple filter to exclude processes that require complex decision making. The next step
is to evaluate the potential performance of the RPA process. The process of evaluating
performance is currently something of an art that requires the input of humans and exten-
sive data gathering [25]. This is because there are many ways to evaluate performance,
which change from task to task and depend on the organization’s priorities. Performance
evaluations require a thorough knowledge of the processes involved and a careful selection
of methods, volume constraints and analytical tools. With these constraints in mind, we
attempt to evaluate the performance of a specific business process within a utility company.
In this way, the work answers questions such as: Can we estimate the cost savings from
switching to RPA for a specific business process using simulations based on employee
performance and cost data?
It is often difficult to analyze the performance of real-world processes because they
cannot be easily stopped or changed to gather data. This is one of the reasons why RPA
capacity planning is essential to avoid financial losses, ensure user satisfaction and maintain
a company’s external image. This often requires detailed studies of all business layers
affected by a process, as the consequences of a process change cannot be foreseen directly.
Thus, this work contributes to a method proposal (cyclical and evolutionary method)
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 3 of 19

that establishes steps and models to be adopted in order to perform the selection of
processes and performance analysis, identifying, for example, business objectives, metrics
and performance indicators, the impact of the implementation of RPA, and predicting the
performance of the implementation of RPA.
The objective of this work is to present a method of analysis of the performance of
robotic process automation that should work for any generation of robots (G1, G2 and G3+
generation robots). This methodology establishes phases for process selection, techniques
that can be used to filter out possible tasks and metrics and performance indicators that
can be used to evaluate the impact of shifting to RPA for the selected processes, including
barriers and bottlenecks that could limit efficiency. Figure 1 presents the robot generations
based on the EY concepts—the first generation (G1) features rule-based automation of
processes previously performed by humans. The second generation (G2) has improved
process automation—robots can process unstructured data and use cloud technologies.
The new generation of RPA, called G3+, can make decisions using artificial intelligence (AI)
and machine learning (ML) to increase automation efficiency and scope [26–30]. The RPA
G3+ architecture has a robotic intelligence component [31] that requires either a model
that has been previously trained using data gathered for the business process in question
or by linking the model to a database that can be quickly updated as new information
emerges [32,33].

Robot Generations

Automation of Expanding G1 with Expanding G4

Complex Data
repetitive and cloud capabilities Data analysis with real-time
analysis and
operational and use of functions. smart decision-
IA functions.
functions. unstructured data. making capabilities.

First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation Fifth Generation
(G1) (G2) (G3) (G4) (G5)

Rules-based Enhanced and intelligent Cognitive
automation process automation platforms

Figure 1. Classification of robot generations G1, G2 and G3+ for RPA.

The organization of this paper is as follows: Section 2: Related Works; Section 3:

Methodology; Section 4: Case study; Section 5: Result and Discussion. Lastly, the conclu-
sions are discussed in Section 6.

2. Related Works
Simulation models represent a system abstraction, which aims to describe the system
with a focus on performance analysis. These models can be classified according to their
characteristics and purposes for which they are intended. The two types are the semi-formal
descriptive models and the formal models. Semi-formal descriptive models describe the
computational system without the need for simulation but with the fundamental concern
of documentation and communication between different actors involved in the modeling.
In this model, we have modeling languages, such as Icam Definition for Function Modeling
(IDEF0), a functional modeling language for analysis, development, information integration,
systems integration and business processes [34]; Unified Modeling Language (UML), which
is a modeling language used on software engineering [35]; Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN)—a graphical notation to represent business processes [36]. This technique
has the advantage of being standardized, thus allowing a unique understanding of complex
business semantics and workflows, and Value Chain represents a set of activities to perform
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 4 of 19

or deliver a service or product. It has an essential role in representing business processes in

a global way of companies.
Formal models describe the computational system to allow its simulation in real time
and dynamically. That is, their values change over time. Within this classification [25],
we have the Discrete Simulation Model, which uses variables that assume discrete values
in a certain period; Deterministic Simulation Model, in which the results of the models
(variables) can be accurately determined; and the Stochastic or Probabilistic Simulation
Model, in which the variables occur according to a probabilistic distribution. Vergidis et al.
(2008) [37] review and classify the main techniques for modeling business processes con-
cerning their analysis and optimization capabilities. Three primary groups are identified,
and a selection of representative business process modeling techniques are classified based
on them. The main contribution of the work is that it identifies which types of business
process models are suitable for analysis and optimization.
Within the formal models focused on simulation, we can have [38] (1) Queuing Net-
works, a technique used for analytical modeling and simulation of computational systems.
Through it, it is possible to evaluate the performance of a system, identify bottlenecks
and estimate essential performance measures, such as predicting waiting times and queue
sizes. (2) Petri Nets is a mathematical model for describing of distributed systems. A Petri
Net is a directed bipartite graph in which the nodes represent transitions (events that may
occur, represented by squares) and places (conditions, represented by circles). It has been
applied in modeling and simulating dynamical systems and discrete events, for example,
in software projects process automation, workflow management, data analysis, concurrent
programming and reliability engineering).
A performance case study, considered relevant for the survey of this work, was con-
ducted by Menascé (2002) [39]. Menascé presents a case study of modeling simulation of an
e-commerce application, establishing four distinct and integrated performance models at
the levels of business, services, user behavior and infrastructure. The business model uses
metrics defined from the current financial profit of a fictitious company and the financial
goal for the next year, discussing how this new goal should influence performance at other
levels, particularly the impacts on the system’s infrastructure. The services responsible
for generating the primary business goals are defined in the Service Model. For example,
the services considered are sales of products and advertisements (banners) on the site.
To represent the User Behavior Model, they used the Customer Behavior Model Graph
(CBMG) model [40,41]. The graph nodes represent site pages, and the arcs are the naviga-
tion probabilities between the pages. The infrastructure model represents computational
elements (web servers, networks, database servers, application servers) through Queue
Networks. This model is integrated with the other models through performance goals
(response time), evaluating which changes are necessary for the infrastructure to guarantee
the business performance goals, including bottleneck analysis and the demands of each
element, among others.
In the case of call centers, performance indicators are fundamental. It is essential
to monitor the quality of this service and customer satisfaction. In addition, as there
is an associated high cost, it is necessary to monitor the resources involved in detail.
Effective management and optimization of resources are crucial to avoiding unnecessary
costs. In general, the Queuing Network model is adopted, which allows its simulation,
representing each system element (attendant, Audible Response Unit, computational
support systems, among others) as a Queue [42]. Karakus et al. (2016) [43] define a
Big Data infrastructure for call centers monitoring analytics, analyzing all recorded calls
and measuring the performance of a customer service representative or agent.
In this work, unlike other works, the novelty is a proposed methodology for the selec-
tion of indicators and performance analysis of already existing robots/RPAs (monitoring)
to specify possible implementations of new RPAs in a company. As a case study, we present
the case of a large electric company in Brazil to guide the evaluation of the G1, G2 and G3+
robots. The method was defined based on previous work applied by Ernst & Young (EY) in
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 5 of 19

the project. The predictions of this research were presented to the EUC and were taken into
account according to the results obtained. In this way, they led to the decision to implement
a "Proactive Notification" RPA that is capable of alerting with high precision customers with
a higher probability of complaining; the work was published by Vajgel et al. (2021) [33].
EUC collected data on the number of customers using each of the services within
the flowchart representing electrical damage reimbursement services, such as the average
amount of employee time that must be spent servicing each customer at each step of the
process, among other useful variables. Finally, a User Experience (UX) study with RPA after
18 months of adoption was conducted to capture the multifaceted experience of workers.
RPA provided a positive user experience mainly because of the significant time saved.
The work was recently published by Filgueiras et al. (2022) [44]. Thus, we can highlight the
importance of the throughput analysis method for RPA.

3. Methodology
The methodology used consists of a set of steps (see Figure 2). These steps were
developed based on a previous work with RPA system development by Ernst & Young
(EY) [45] and on the related works in [25,40,46].

Performance Analysis Method

Determine EUC's performance objectives

Analyze and interpret Understand processes

results and architecture of
Step (4) Step (1)

Design model based on

Identify and select
system infrastructure
RPA processes

Step (3) Step (2)

Figure 2. USP/EY/EDP Performance Analysis Method with each of the steps.

Figure 2 illustrates the USP/EY/EDP Performance Analysis Method, which comprises

four steps. Step (1) Understand processes and architecture of RPAs; Step (2) Identify and
select RPA processes: Step (3) Design model based on system infrastructure; and Step (4)
Analyze and interpret results. Each of these steps is described below:
Step (1) The RPA system must be studied in detail. The boundaries that delimit the system
(main processes) and its interfaces with external systems, the leading current
performance indicators and expected performance targets must be determined.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 6 of 19

Step (2) In this step, the target processes are listed, identifying their indicators, busi-
ness metrics, computational infrastructure and personnel involved, according to
Figure 3.

Current and future

performance (goals)

Tropos Model

Indicators, Weights
and Metrics

Ernst Young Model

Figure 3. Process Identification and Selection Stage.

Figure 3 shows the process identification and selection step through a sequence.
First, current and future performance (goals)—the indicators are based on the
previous step’s business goals. Second, to map business goals into indicators
and find their weights, the Tropos Model is used [47]. Third, mapping indicators
into metrics is applied to the proposal by Barone et al. (2012) [48]. Furthermore,
finally, the generated indicators, weights and metrics are used as parameters for
the Ernst & Young Model (EY Model), which aims to support the preliminary
selection of processes to be considered for robotization.
Step (3) Using the information obtained in the previous steps, a document is elaborated
with the conceptual model of the system that specifies the conception that one has
of the system and everything that was assumed. The model details depend on
project objectives, performance measures, data availability, issues of credibility of
the information obtained, limitations of computing resources, opinions of experts
in the business areas and time and financial limitations. In this stage, the Perfor-
mance Analysis Models are defined using metrics obtained in the previous stages
and the new measures collected in the existing computational systems or through
estimates. The models considered are the Service Utilization Model Based on User
Behavior (CBMG) and the Queuing Network Simulation Model. Experiments are
planned and executed from the finished model to perform measurements on the
models. The experiments should involve varying levels (or values) of factors that
affect system performance, including the workload to be put through the system
regularly and in peak situations.
Step (4) The results of the experiments are random quantities that require a statistical
analysis for their correct interpretation. The results will be used in decision-
making processes if they are valid and credible.
RPA performance analysis cannot be performed in one step. Constant feedback and
iterative optimization are required to achieve good results. The entire automation process
must be thoroughly analyzed with two questions in mind: (1) “Where are we?” and (2)
“Where do we want to go?”.
The first question helps determine which processes we want to automate, and the
second question determines which indicators can be used to determine whether the au-
tomation method serves the company’s goals. Iterations of the process (Figure 2) may
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 7 of 19

change the answers to these two questions somewhat, but the questions serve as a general
guide for future refinements.

3.1. Performance Analysis Models in Consideration

The generalized cycle of performance analysis in Figure 2 can be refined to meet the
purposes of the entire business, specific services, customers, or resources. As previously
discussed, the computational systems’ modeling and capacity planning process is defined
by several steps to generate Performance Analysis models. The generated models can be
classified into four types, as outlined in Figure 4.

Types of models for performance analysis

Business Business
Business Model Bussines Features
Approach Metrics

Service Model Available Services

Customer Model User Behavior

Technological Technological
Resource Model Network Infrastructure
Approach and Demand Metrics

Figure 4. Relationships between different applications of performance analysis.

Figure 4 provides a graphic showing how the performance analysis applications are
related. In this relationship, four models (business, service, customer and resource model)
with approaches and metrics at the business and technological levels can be observed.
The upward pointing arrows indicate a higher level of sophistication and interoperability
of the components of a business process. Fully integrating and accounting for the impact of
process changes requires consideration of more complex variables, such as user behaviour,
the services offered by the business and the unique features of the business. Iterations of
the performance analysis process should attempt to include these higher-level features.
This can be accomplished by using standard metrics that serve as indicators of technical
efficiency, user behaviour and desired business features.
The four types of applications for performance analysis are the following: (1) Business
model, which provides a global vision of results that includes financial expenditures,
social and environmental benefits, employee performance, and other factors relevant to
the business as a whole. These metrics are fundamental for supporting mid and long-
term process optimizations; (2) Service model, which addresses services that support the
ultimate goals of the business, such as e-commerce, website efficiency, or service/product
catalog for customers; (3) Customer/user model, which addresses issues of customer
usage and satisfaction with business services and products; (4) Resource model, which
defines the resource usage of the system in question and considers how to properly allocate
those resources.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 8 of 19

These models require the use of calculations and simulations that incorporate values
based on service and usage data, such as the number of customers relative to the number
of employees, customer service rates, error rates, and customer satisfaction rates. Statistical
distributions with random variables and stochastic processes are used to represent the
inputs and outputs of system processes about service time.

3.2. Metrics and Indicators for Process Selection

This subsection describes the metrics and indicators used for the performance analysis
of a business process. Indicators refers to outcomes that allow evaluation of business
processes (e.g., customer satisfaction, the efficiency of employee–customer interaction,
product distribution), and metrics refers to the actual numerical values calculated for
evaluation (e.g., percentage of satisfied customers, client interaction rate, employee error
rate, products distributed per day). The indicators in this section are based on the work
of Lacity et al. [49]. Table 1 lists the indicators to be considered for the first and second
generations (G1 and G2) of the RPA process. The first column contains nine indicators,
followed in the second column by a brief description.

Table 1. Indicators for Process Automation based on Lacity et al.

Indicator Description
Frequency of task completion.
Transaction volume
It should be very high for RPA to be practical.
The number of systems needed to complete a task
Access to multiple systems
should be high.
Stability of the
The environment should change only slightly.
Cognitive requirements The task does not require creativity or interpretation.
The rules of the process can be easily and completely
Maturity of the process
Decomposition of The task can be divided into simple and measurable
unambiguous tasks tasks.
The error rate is high when performed by humans,
Likelihood of human error
but low when automated.
The task is highly standardized
Number of exception rules
(i.e., the rate of anomalies is low).
The cost and value of task performance are easily
Costs incurred
defined and the value of the task outweighs the cost.

Table 2 lists the indicators used in the suggested model for selecting Project Processes.
Fifteen indicators are described; note that the indicators adopted in the Project Model
correspond to the indicators for Process Automation for RPA G1 and G2 (see Table 1).
However, the need to include cost indicators that can be used to assess the impact or even
the Return on Investment should be emphasized. Another indicator for RPA G1 and G2,
which are fundamental for G3, is the process reliability performance indicator.
These indicators are essential for evaluating the performance of machine learning
algorithms. In the case of machine learning, the following indicators can be considered:
Error rate and accuracy are two metrics commonly used for clustering algorithms and
mean square error and average absolute distance are commonly used for regression algo-
rithms [50].
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 9 of 19

Table 2. Indicators for selection of processes considered by Ernst & Young.

Indicator Description
Based on rules Does the process rely primarily on business rules?
Frequency What is the frequency of execution of the process?
Level of standardization Is the process standardized?
Data Sources What are the process data inputs?
Is the input data structured (i.e., tables and forms) or
Data Types
unstructured (i.e., sentences, emails, letters and contracts)?
Transaction Volume Does the process have high transaction volumes?
Does the process have frequent exceptions that require judgment
Human Intervention
and treatment via phone, email or other means of communication?
Time per transaction What is the time spent per transaction?
Total number of FTEs What is the total number of FTEs working on the process?
Business logic complexity What are the complexity and variations of calculations required?
Number of Applications How many applications does the process interact with?
Is the process prone to errors or data quality issues (i.e., an
Quality Impacts
improvement in data quality will significantly impact the process)?
Is the process time-sensitive? Does the decrease in response time
affect the subsequent process?
Does the process have well-defined procedures?
Process Documentation
(i.e., work instruction).
Is the process considered sensitive (i.e., information security, data
Process Sensitivity privacy requirements, or does it involve compliance with
legal/regulatory requirements)?

Other indicators could be considered in later iterations within the Performance Anal-
ysis Model for G3+ RPA and refined based on the initial results. The ability of a robot to
handle exceptions when processes require decisions is an example of a G3+ RPA indicator.
Monitoring these indicators is essential for optimizing business process simulations. Track-
ing specific metrics during modeling is necessary to obtain information transferable to a
real-world scenario. Business process data should inform these metrics. The robot-level
metrics tracked in this work were velocity, reliability and availability.
1. Velocity is a measure of how long it takes to complete a process. This metric can be
subdivided into three parts:
(a) Throughput is the number of executed requisitions per unit time. This unit of
time depends on the request types that are sent to the system. For example, for a
web server, the unit could be access requests per second;
(b) Use refers to the percentage of time a resource set is busy. This is measured by
comparing the time usage of a process to the time it takes to complete the entire
(c) Response time is the time from the beginning to successful completion of an
available service within a business process. The response time can be decomposed
into service time and queue time:
i. Service time refers to the time each resource (i.e., humans, robots or machines)
is in use;
ii. Queue time refers to the waiting time required to access each resource;
2. Reliability is the probability of failure and the time interval between failures. A failure
has occurred when a function of the business process could not be completed properly;
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 10 of 19

3. Availability refers to times when the system cannot complete a service, which is called
a fault. The types of faults depend on the process, but each one must be classified,
monitored and assigned a probability in order to solve problems with the model.
Figure 5 shows a schematic representation of the workflow for the performance
analysis process and associated metrics. The possible results for executing an order (request
to a system) can be classified as follows [25,46]:
• Correct execution;
• Incorrect execution due to the occurrence of an error. An error occurs when the
expected result of a particular functionality is not fulfilled due to a functional failure
of the system;
• Lack of execution due to a failure occurring. A fault occurs when something unex-
pected happens in the environment, preventing the execution of a specific functionality
or system.

Response Time

Correctly Throughput VELOCITY

i-th Service Order (utilization)
Error (j-1)

Incorrectly Error (j) RELIABILITY

SYSTEM Interval
Error (j+1) errors

Executed Failure (k-1)

Failure (k) Failure AVAILABILITY

Failure duration

Failure (k+1)
Types of Metrics for Performance Analysis

Figure 5. Some applied metrics for performance analysis: possible results and metrics to be obtained
from requests made to the systems.

Table 3 organizes information about the metrics to be identified at different model levels.

Table 3. Services mapped to metrics of interest.

Service Description Used Metrics

Response time
Package Flow rate
delivered Processing time at origin/destination
on order Intermediate node time
Variance in response time
Executed Out-of-order or
Probability of out-of-order or duplicate packets
Incorrectly duplicate packages
Failure Lost packages Disconnection probability

Metrics applied to different levels of models are listed below:

• Hits/sec: number of requests for objects (infrastructure).
• Page Views/Day: number of pages per day (Infrastructure).
• Unique Visitor: how many different visitors accessed a site in a period (user behaviour).
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 11 of 19

• Revenue Throughput: measures return in monetary values per unit of time (business).
• Potential Loss Throughput: measured in monetary values per unit of time of
purchases not made, that is, customers who gave up completing a purchase service
(user behavior).
• User response time: total time the user waits for the service to run (user behaviour).
• Service probability: probability of a service being requested by a user (user behaviour).
• Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) or Whole Time Equivalent (WTE): indicates a person’s
workload in order to make workloads comparable in various contexts (business).

3.3. Finding Indicators by Analyzing Company Data

The goal of an analytic process is to discover the patterns and anomalies that exist in
a collection of data. An analytic process can be applied in any of the RPA development
phases, including data preprocessing, model construction and RPA implementation. For ex-
ample, analytics can be used for data preprocessing to extract features that can be used
as input to the robotic process model. During construction, model analytics can be used
to refine parameterization. In the production phase, analytics can be used to monitor the
performance of each robot or the process to determine operational efficiency.
Analytics can also be applied to the entire RPA process to determine the potential
for implementation in a broader business process. For performance monitoring that is
intended to evaluate a single system, it is essential to communicate information to the data
analyst through a dashboard of some sort so that metrics and systems can be changed or
moved. Monitoring and diagnosing issues with the robot in the post-implementation phase
is also an important step in the parameter refinement process.
Some important considerations for performing analytics during iterations of the RPA
process are:
1. Data availability, which refers to the proportion of data that can actually be systemati-
cally monitored and used in the modeling process. How much company data can be
accurately monitored and how accurate are these data?
2. Is it possible to process unstructured data? Can customer behavior, employee morale
or word analysis be performed and used as the basis for a simulation?
3. Input/output relationships—can the changes that the product or service undergoes
be known at each stage of the process?
4. What is the exception rate for this process? How often do exceptions to the rules of
the system occur?
5. When is judgment/decision making required? When and how often does the process
require judgment, input and decision making by human or artificial intelligence?

4. Case Study
The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate the viability of the performance
analysis method defined outlines in the previous sections. To this end, discrete process
modeling and queueing theory were used to describe and investigate the potential of
RPA implementation in the call center of an EUC and to outline future interaction goals
between the EUC and the University of São Paulo (USP). We follow the iterative steps
shown in Figure 2: (1) Determine performance objectives, (2) Understand process and
architecture, (3) Identify and Select RPA Processes, (4) Design Model and (5) Analyze and
Interpret results.

4.1. Determining Performance Objectives

The business process considered in this paper is used to compensate EUC’s customers
for electrical damage to their property. The goals of EUC in optimizing this process are:
• Minimize in-person damage inspections through remote technical analysis with an
equipment availability database and visit scheduling algorithms;
• Complete pricing analyses based on equipment availability surveys and replace-
ment/repair costs;
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 12 of 19

• Approve compensation payments;

• Request new budgets from customers.
These improvements should cover more than 90% of the current workflow and directly
impact the speed of the electrical damage compensation process, the number of customer
complaints, the number of technical visits and the Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) required
to provide each customer service. The estimated cost to implement this plan is $516,000
for three months of RPA development, $971.21 for monthly hardware and software costs
and $1000 for maintenance. EUC and EY helped develop three different scenarios to model
the potential cost savings of investing in these improvements (Table 4).

Table 4. Three example scenarios that could help predict the potential cost savings of an investment
in RPA. Net Present Value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the
present value of cash outflows over a period of time.

Benefit 1 2 3
Reduce Hours (%) 33% 50% 60%
Reduce Survey (%) 20% 40% 60%
Payback (months) 31 19 16
Monthly Benefit ($) 21,256 36,642 47,086
NPV 5 years ($) 285,476 919,504 1,349,885

4.2. Understand Process and Architecture

A detailed flowchart of the electrical damage reimbursement process for the EUC call
center and back office workers was provided as a guide for developing a discrete process
model. A simplified version of the flowchart can be found in Figure 6. This flowchart
provided the basic structure of the model.

30% 24% Send survey
Register &
check account team

YES - ONLY REFUND Will they need

46% service?
3% Client damage
Exit estimate 90 day
YES Receive in 90 NO - 2nd
97% days? CHANCE 3%
3% Check estimate

Prices match?


Figure 6. Simplified flowchart outlining the basic steps for the electrical damage reimbursement
process in the EUC.

Figure 6 shows the main services in the process and the percentage of customers using
each service. The service that takes the longest time is estimated to be the one checking the
cost estimate accuracy, which takes approximately one hour on average. The remaining
services take approximately 40 min of employee time to complete. The client damage
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 13 of 19

estimate represents the period when the client must determine how much replacement
parts they need and provide that information to EUC. These estimates are based on data
from EY, collected from monitoring EUC’s call center operations.
The EUC and EY also provided 2017 call center data that included an estimate of
customer throughput (11,000 customers per year from the first state: State-A; 4000 from the
second state: State-B) and overall customer service time. State-A and State-B each require
two FTEs to complete these tasks. Employees from the EUC call center are paid an average
of $5000 per month. The cost to dispatch an electrical damage repair team is $60 per day in
State-A and $120 per day in State-B. Some of the important statistics on customer service
time for each service and the percentage of customers using each service are not yet known,
but in many cases estimates have been provided.

4.3. Identify and Select RPA Processes

Most of the processes in this flowchart will be affected by the adoption of this RPA
process to optimize business operations and reduce costs. The number of employees
needed to complete the process will likely decrease for almost all services. For example,
determining whether a customer needs service and estimating the damage and validity
of the claim will be replaced largely, but some employees should remain for exceptional
cases. The number of teams dispatched to inspect and repair damages for customers will
decrease by 20%, 40% and 60% as a result of automation (Table 4).

4.4. Model Design

The model in this paper was developed using the discrete event simulation software
Anylogic 8.0. Queues and delays were assigned to services that involve interaction between
customers and employees. Delays were assigned to services that involve only system
checks by computer software. The flowchart designed by the EUC and EY was used
to structure this model, and statistics provided by the EUC and EY were inserted into
the appropriate services to calculate predictions. The statistics for State-B and EY were
calculated separately to account for the different service costs, service times and service
rates of customers. The simulation ran until the relevant metrics reached equilibrium so
that the mean approximation could be used to derive results comparable to the predictions
in EUC’s scenarios from Table 4.
Data provided by EUC and EY were averaged over thousands of callers. In this work,
a triangular distribution was used to model delay times for all services because the only
inputs required were the mode and range of possible outcomes. For example, EUC reported
an average service time for performing a price check after the customer estimated the cost
of damages to be one hour. This value was used as the mode for this service and lower and
upper bounds of 30 min and 2 h were set around this value. These values can be changed
in future models to optimize results or reflect new information from the EUC.
The equations used to derive the cost savings of the three scenarios outlined by the
EUC establish a relationship between the cost savings from reducing the number of FTEs
and the number of surveys that must be sent out to inspect electrical damage. The equation
used to calculate employee cost per unit time for the State-A and State-B models is given
by Equation (1).
EC = NUw · S · t T (1)
Here, EC is the cost of employees per unit time, N is the number of employees, Uw is
the utilization of those employees, t T is the average time spent on work tasks and S is the
salary paid to employees over time t T .
The cost of paying workers to investigate the electrical damage claims of customers
can be calculated using Equation (2).

FC = C · S · tS (2)
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 14 of 19

where FC is the cost of paying the teams from State-A or State-B, C is the number of
customers served by the workers, tS is the average time spent on the work tasks and S is
the salary paid to the work teams over time tS .

4.5. Analyze and Interpret Results

Since model optimization is an iterative process, this step will primarily serve to lay
the groundwork for future models. The first model will provide guidance on which system
metrics need to be changed and what data are needed from the EUC and EY. The data
gathering and analysis process for this project is ongoing. EUC and EY are still negotiating
the steps they will take to reduce costs and are gathering information about their call center
infrastructure and the software and hardware that would be required to replace these
services. The current model will essentially show whether the methodology in this work
can be predictive for the complex processes used within EUC.
The data used for this first stage are from EUC during 2017 and 2018 on business
characteristics, available services, customer behavior and infrastructure. In customer
services, through the UCI call center, there are 263 thousand incoming calls/month, 55%
in Sao Paulo (State-A) and 45% in Espirito Santo (State-B), of which 96% of calls are
answered. Service is also provided through 22 social media attendants (Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Claim Here, Contact Us, EDP Online, SMS, and others). Monthly online
media calls are Tablet Store—8306, Totem—108,546, Web Chat—16,689, Internet—1,245,950,
Mobile—546,649, SMS—3570, and others—5767. There are 30 agencies in State-A and
69 agencies in State-B. The most requested services in State-A based on quantity are
Shipping/Billing Issue, Change Data Partner, Change/Termination Contract, information,
Payment agreement, New connection, reconnections; the most requested services in State-B
are Shipping/Billing Issue, Change Partner data, Payment agreement, response change,
Review Billing and information. Moreover, other services related to the call center are
Electrical Damage Remedy (PID).

5. Result and Discussion

The results of this work were obtained from the first iteration of the model shown
in Figure 2 and therefore should not be considered quantitative. These results need to be
compared with further analysis performed by EUC and EY and then refined to make clear
predictions. Results for the three scenarios described can be found in Table 5.

Table 5. Predicted reduction in electric reimbursement costs over one year—A is Utilization (%), B is
Employee Pay (R$), C is Survey Cost (R$) and D is Total Savings (R$).

Original 1 2 3
State-A State-B State-A State-B State-A State-B State-A State-B
A 84 60 52 45 39 42 34 35
B 120,000 120,000 65,792 57,811 50,326 50,400 42,269 44,720
C 62,594 46,836 50,075 37,469 37,556 28,101 25,738 18,734
D - - 62,147 69,430 81,482 75,701 91,605 86,767

The EUC and EY predicted that it would take 31, 19 and 16 months, respectively,
to make the RPA investments in Scenarios 1, 2 and 3. This model predicts that it will
take 46, 35 and 32 months, respectively. These values suggest that the cost savings are
significantly underestimated, but one should not place too much weight on the absolute
values predicted by this preliminary version of the model. However, the proportion of
money saved by State-A and State-B can be used to make predictions that could guide the
EUC in their first implementation of RPA. The values of $120,000 per year for the initial
employee salary are based on EUC’s estimated average salary data (Table 5). The values
for Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 were calculated based on the percentage of hours spent on these
tasks by the employees in the back office and the call center.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 15 of 19

This model predicts that EUC is likely to save more money if it invests in RPA,
particularly in the State-A branch. EUC stated that two FTEs are needed in State-A’s
and State-B’s call centers, but State-B’s call center and back office have fewer callers per
year. State-B reduces its costs more than State-A only for Scenario 1 because State-B has
fewer inspections and repairs of electrical damage due to its higher price ($120 per day).
For Scenarios 2 and 3, State-A saves more money overall because employees have to spend
less time cuts (Table 5). It should be noted that this difference in savings could be due to
State-B employees performing other duties that are not included in this model.
It appears that Scenario 3 is likely to have the highest return on investment according
to the model developed in this paper. This does not take into account the difficulties
of integrating the RPA hardware and software with other services within this particular
process. It may be advantageous for EUC to start using RPA slowly to prevent unforeseen
challenges from adding costs. This model predicts that adding RPA to the suite of services
offered by State-B will likely save EUC more money. Therefore, a modest introduction of
RPA services in both states would likely be the best step for the first iteration.
The practical/professional consequences, according to the results of this study, have a
corporate impact. With the insertion of the methodology, decision making for implementing
RPAs can increase the assertiveness in its adoption and application. The economic impacts
in the distribution will happen through the reduction of costs and minimizing investments.
The operational efficiency results obtained can be replicated in other companies in the
electricity sector since the same regulations permeate their processes. The decision to
implement RPA could be the answer to more complex and costly business problems in the
electricity sector, impacting customer satisfaction. Regarding the impact on the workforce,
there will be the possibility of experiencing the ideal profile for the new area in practice,
re-qualifying the leaders to manage and act with this new digital workforce.
From the socio-environmental point of view, the construction of successful RPAs will
reduce the waste of inputs and greater availability of the electrical system to benefit the pop-
ulation. Proper routing of network services could help reduce CO2 emissions. On the other
hand, the academic consequences have a perspective of the evolution of a methodology
for selecting impact activities in energy generation and distribution companies, oriented
towards possible robotizations.
Consequently, periodic monitoring and critical analysis of the performance of the tech-
nologies is expected through the methodology developed to monitor market innovations,
maintaining a minimum alignment of performance. This is also the case supporting the
definition of policies, development standards, robot performance monitoring, governance,
ethical behavior issues, and digital performance. The limitations and scenarios in which it
could not be applicable at a corporate level are related to factors that may prevent its imple-
mentation, such as, for example, regulatory changes, the company’s cultural resistance to
adopting new technologies, unavailability of corporate systems and the lack of cooperation.

6. Conclusions
This paper presented a method for indicator selection for business services modeling
with G1, G2 and G3+ robots. The proposal was created through meetings and studies
carried out by USP, EY and EDP teams with data provided by EUC and EY from 2017 and
2018. The method allows to establish scenarios and propose simulations for performance
analysis to generate more detailed and accurate models for the different generations of RPA.
In terms of sustainability, the method can be adapted for the Management of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) Projects. The process of selecting indicators for the
EUC call center was described, and the results of the first iteration were provided. This
method allowed us to make reasonable predictions with a first-generation RPA model
based on the direct evaluation.
Compared with other works from the literature, the novelty of this work is a method
of indicator selection and RPA performance analysis to guide the evaluation of robots
(robots G1, G2 and G3+). The methodology is described within a set of steps called
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 16 of 19

the USP/EY/EDP Performance Analysis Method. The Performance Analysis Method is a

cyclical and evolutionary process, allowing, in each of its iterations, to establish increasingly
reliable models, indicators and metrics of business processes and computational systems,
to support decision making. Iterative optimization of parameters through cyclic testing is
sometimes referred to as a continuous evolution method, where each iteration can serve
as input to the next set of parameters. The values, variables and system arrangement
itself can be changed based on the results of one iteration of this process. The next step
in this research will be to gather more detailed data on employee behavior and workflow
efficiency to improve the current method of performance analysis. The speed of response
of employees and the computer system to customer needs is critical to predicting which
services could be replaced by automation.
The generalizability and adaptability of this performance analysis method are its
most important characteristics. The process can be adapted to narrow, technical business
processes or to comprehensive, company-wide services. The iterative nature of the pro-
cess allows easy incorporation of data collected on employee behavior, total expenditure
and customer satisfaction. In future iterations of the project, we hope to expand the scope
to include business-wide processes that could be organized more effectively and what
aspects of those processes could be automated.
Theoretically, the word “robot” used in this work means software, not physical robots.
The result of the work is the explanation of the criteria suitable to the company for the fu-
ture selection of robots (continuous scalability). The managerial and practical implications
can be created as an “Observatory of Disruptive Technologies”, which will coordinate the
development of robots of different generations for key activities of the company. This Ob-
servatory is responsible for following up and monitoring technological evolution, creating
and monitoring the methodology for aligning and standardizing robotic development in
the organization, and developing rules for information security and training, among other
related responsibilities.
The selection of which process will be automated with RPA has application in com-
pany activities that impact the operation and are relevant to the company. This involves its
customers, regulatory bodies and society, covering activities in the commercial areas, oper-
ation and asset management, among other possible and applicable areas. The Observatory
will provide constant monitoring and evaluation of processes that may impact the company,
providing a methodology for selecting activities, monitoring, and critical analysis of the
selection performance through the methodology developed. The limitation of the work is
that it are based on metrics generation strategies (performance measurements) obtained
through simulation models, analytical modeling and measurements of the real system.
In future work, one should consider performance analysis under different orders of
magnitude by combining the relevant system performance analysis experiments under
different levels of request data volume in real application scenarios. Other simulation
techniques could also be applied, for example, the Petri Net model, to simulate the conduct
of customers/users in concurrent scenarios. It is also possible to incorporate different
machine learning models, such as deep learning, within the methodology for data training
and performance comparisons.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.V.E.Q., F.V.d.A., J.B., P.L.P.C. and B.V.; methodology,
R.V.E.Q., P.L.P.C., V.R.d.S.D., J.A.R.B. and B.V.; software and validation, R.V.E.Q., F.V.d.A., V.R.d.S.D.,
J.A.R.B. and B.V.; investigation, R.V.E.Q., J.B., P.L.P.C., L.V.L.F., J.M., G.M.d.A., E.T.M., V.R.d.S.D.,
J.A.R.B. and B.V.; writing—original draft preparation, R.V.E.Q., F.V.d.A. and J.B.; writing—review
and editing, R.V.E.Q., F.V.d.A., J.B., P.L.P.C. and J.M.; supervision, P.L.P.C., L.V.L.F., G.M.d.A., E.T.M.,
V.R.d.S.D. and B.V.; project administration, P.L.P.C.; funding acquisition, P.L.P.C. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Brazilian National Energy Power Agency (ANEEL)’s R&D
program. Research funded by FAPESP (2019/21693-0 and 2020/03514-9).
Sustainability 2023, 15, 3702 17 of 19

Acknowledgments: This work was partially supported by the ANEEL (Brazilian Electrical Energy
Agency) Research & Development Program. Thank you to the staff and faculty of the University of
São Paulo for providing guidance and assistance with this research experience. Thank you to Suzanne
Allard and Carol Tenopir from the University of Tennessee for their help in initiating this collaboration.
Thanks to Denis Mollica and Bruna Vajgel for their participation during the initial project. Thank you
to São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP): grant #2019/21693-0 and #2020/03514-9. The authors
also would like to thank Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq) grant number 140253/2021-1.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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