Course Pack Education-1

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Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz

Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)

Unit: 01 Introduction to Education critical 'thinking. That is, he acquires
knowledge of history, geography, arithmetic,
1.1 Meanings of Education languages and sciences. He develops some
understanding about the deeper things in life,
The root of Word education is derived from
the complex human relations, and the cause
Latin words Educare, Educere, and
and effect relationship and so on. He gets
Educatum. Word educare means to
some skills in writing, speaking, calculating,
nourish, to bring up. The word educere
drawing, operating some equipment etc. He
means to lead froth, to draw out. The latine
develops some interests in and attitudes
“educatum”, which itself is composed of two
towards social work, democratic living, co-
terms, “E” and “Duco”. ‘E’ Implies a
operative management and so on.
movement from inward to out word and
“duco” means developing or progressing. Definitions of Education
Discipline and Knowledge are the most
important aspect of human personality Aristotle: Education is the process of training
during ancient period of education. Education man to fulfill his aim by exercising all the
is the process of facilitating learning. faculties to the fullest extent as a member of
Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of society.
a group of people are transferred to other
people, through storytelling, discussion, M.J. Langeveld: Education is every
teaching, training, or research. Education interaction that happens is every association
frequently takes place under the guidance of that occurs between adults with children is a
educators, but learners may also educate field or a state where the educational work in
themselves in a process called autodidactic progress.
learning. Any experience that has a formative Socrates: Education means the bringing out
effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts of the ideas of universal validity which are
may be considered educational. Meaning: latent in the mind of every man.
According to some learned people, the word
"Education" has been derived from the Latin John Dewey: Education is all one with
term "Educatum" which means the act of growing; it has no end beyond
teaching or training. A group of itself. (Education is everything along with
educationists say that it has come from growth; education itself has no final
another Latin word "Educare" which means destination behind him).
"to bring up" or "to raise". According to a few
others, the word "Education" has originated 1.2 Scope of Education
from another Latin term "Educere" which
Scope of Education means the range or the
means "to lead forth" or "to come out". All
breadth of education. The scope of education
these meanings indicate that education seeks
includes the following
to nourish the good qualities in man and draw
out the best in every individual. Education 1. Educational psychology: Main aim of
seeks to develop the innate inner capacities of education is the development of child.
man. By educating an individual we attempt Psychology helps to understand the child
to give him some desirable knowledge, better and development of child with respect
understanding, skills, interests, attitudes and of physical, mental, emotional, social
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
adjustment, individual difference, personality, 9. Environmental education: Ecological in
thinking, reasoning, problem solving. balances have drown the attentions of
intelligence today. So, looking at the
2. Methods of teaching: In ancient time the environmental problems study of
pupils were passive listeners but now they environment education has great importance.
actively participate with the teacher in the 10. Educational technology: It is very recent
process of education. So, the skill and branch that has come under the scope of
proficiency of difference teaching methods education. It makes education a technical and
needs to be developed. systematic subject through application of
3. Philosophy of education: Philosophy of technology in teaching-learning process.
education covers aims of education, nature of
1.3 Types of Education
education, importance of education and
function of education. It is very old and There are three types of education as:
essential part of education.
1-Formal, 2-Informal, and 3-Non-formal
4. Educational Sociology: A child lives in the
society so it is important for him to know 1.3.1- Formal education: Formal
about the society the nature of society, type of education or formal learning usually takes
society. place in the premises of school, where a
person may learn basic, academic, or trade
5. Problems & issues of education: This skills. It is associated with a specific or stage
scope includes problems of teaching and is provided under the certain set of rules
management of education and suggestion and and regulations. The formal education is
remedies for it. given by specially qualified teachers they are
supposed to be efficient in the art of
6. Educational administration and
instruction. It also observes strict discipline.
supervision: The educational institution and
The student and the teacher both are aware
the system must be supervised and
of the facts and engage themselves in the
administrated smoothly so that the process of
process of education.
education goes well e.g. regulation of fund,
democratic administration, autonomy, Characteristics of Formal Education:
personnel management etc.
 Formal education is structured
7. History of Education: It is also important hierarchically.
to know background, origin, development,  It is planned and deliberate.
growth, and aspect of the subjects. It includes  Scheduled fees are paid regularly.
various methods and technics that apply  It has a chronological grading system.
during instruction.  It has a syllabus and subject oriented.
 The syllabus must be covered within
8. Economics of education: For the growth
a specific time.
of business and market the world class
 The child is taught by the trained
economical education is important for each
and important.
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
1.3.2 Non-Formal Education: experiences and living in the family or
Non-formal education includes adult
basic education, adult literacy education Characteristics of Informal Education:
or school equivalency preparation. In
non-formal education, someone (who is  It is independent of boundary walls.
not in school) can learn literacy, other  It has no definite syllabus.
basic skills, or job skills. Home education,  It is not pre-planned and has no
individualized instruction (such as timetable.
programmed learning), distance learning  No fees are required as we get the
and computer-assisted instruction are informal education through daily
other possibilities. experience and by learning new
Characteristics of Non-Formal  It is a lifelong process in a natural
Education: way.
 The certificates/degrees are not
 The non-formal education is involved.
planned and takes place apart  One has no stress for learning the
from the school system. new things.
 The timetable and syllabus can  You can get from any source such as
be adjustable. media, life experiences, friends, family
 Unlike the theoretical formal etc.
education, it is practical and
vocational education. MCQs
 Non-formal education has no age
limit. ▪ Fees are certificates may 1. Education is derived from a Latin
or may not be necessary. word ?
 It may be full time or part-time a. educate b. educere c.
learning and one can earn and evolution d. learning
learn together. 2. Educere means ?
 It involves learning of a. to draw out b. to guide c. to
professional skills. piont d. to help
3. “Education is the creation of a sound
1.3.3 Informal Education: mind in asound body” is the saying of?
4. The best definition of education is
Informal education may be a parent teaching that it is.
a child how to prepare a meal or ride a a. preparation for life b. getting
bicycle. Informal education is when you are knowledge c. learning d.
not studying in a school and do not use any growth resulting from experiences
learning method. In this type of education, 5. Education according to John Dewey is:
conscious efforts are not involved. It is a. preparation for life b. getting
neither pre-planned nor deliberate. It may be knowledge c. learning to do by
learned at some marketplace, streets, or at doing d. schooling
home. Informal education consists of
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
6. Which of the following is not the a. School b. Museum c.
characteristic of education ? Library d. Home
a. lifelong activity b . Factual 16. Informal education is
absorption c. Formal and informal a. Planned b. Incidental c.
activities d. Experiences of life Systematic d. Arranged
7. Non formal education has ? 17. Formal education has well defined
a. Flexible rules of entry and exit a. Curriculum b. System
b. Rigid rules of entry and exit c. Method d. Approach
c. Few rules of entry and exit 18. What is the origin of the word
d. No rules of entry and exit Education?
8. Formal education has?
a. Flexible rules of entry and exit (a) ‘E’ and ‘Catum’
b. Rigid rules of entry and (b) Edu and ‘Catum’
exit c. few rules of entry and exit
d. No rules of entry and exit (c) Word ‘Educate’
9. Informal education has
a. Flexible rules of entry and exit (d) None of these.
b. Rigid rules of entry and exit
19. Which of the following statements is
c. few rules of entry and exit
d. No rules of entry and exit
10. The education confined to educational (a) Education is an art
institution is
a. Informal education b. Non formal (b) Education is a science
education c. Formal education
(c) It is neither an art nor science
d. Learning
11. Education is imparted mostly by (d) To some extent it is art and to some
correspondence in extent it is science.
a. Informal education b. Non formal
education c. Formal education 20. What is called education acquired without
d. Technical education any specific purpose, fixed period and place?
12. Education is not pre planned in
(a) Indirect Education
a. Informal education b. Non
formal education c. Formal (b) Individual Education
education d. Both a and c
13. Informal education is ? (c) Informal Education
a. Just schooling b. Time bound
(d) Formal Education.
c. Lifelong d. Preplanned
14. What is the most important element
of non-formal education
a. Teacher b. Student c.
Media d. School
15. Which one is not the source of formal
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
Unit 02 Aims of Education specific and definite than aims, but they are
still no behavioral and therefore no
2.1 Aims, goals and objectives observable and non-measureable.
Aims: General statements that provide a Wilson (2005, p. 46): “Goals are the
sense of direction and serve as guiding statements of educational intention which are
principles for educational policy. more specific than aims but less specific than
Aims are the translations of the general objectives.”
philosophy and needs of the country. Aims Examples of Goals: The development of
are designed at the national/state level by reading skills. • The appreciation of arts. •
policy making groups. Aims can be based on The understanding of scientific and
the constitution of the country. mathematical concepts.
Ornstein (1990, p. 84) “We use the term Objectives: Objectives are stated in
Aims to refer to broad statements about the observable and measurable terms (outcomes,
intent of education. They are value-laden proficiencies or competences). Objectives are
statements, written by panels, commissions, behavioral in nature and more precise than
or policy-making groups, that express a goals. Objectives state what students should
philosophy of education and concepts of the know at the end of the course and what is
social role of schools and the needs of schools expected from them.
and youth. In short, they are broad guides for
translating the needs of society into Examples of Objectives: • To identify the
educational policy.” main idea of the author; • To be able to
express advice, apology, complaint, etc.; • To
Ennaji (1994, p. 158) “Educational theorists be able to locate the topic sentence and the
distinguish three types of ELT aims: the supporting details; • To be aware of the
government’s aims, the educational differences between the present simple and
administrators’ aims, and the teachers’ aims. present perfect.
The first type is termed ends, the second
goals and the third objectives.” Why use learning objectives?

Examples of aims: To prepare students for (Gronlund, 2000) • To provide a focus for
democratic citizenship; • To develop a moral instruction; • To provide guidelines for
character and personal discipline; • To learning; • To provide targets for assessment;
strengthen ethical and spiritual values; • To • To communicate expectations to learners; •
teach the rights and duties of citizenship; • To To convey instructional intent to others; • To
encourage creative and critical thinking. provide for evaluation of instruction.

Goals: Goals are derived from aims. Aims Types of Educational Objectives
become goals when they become more
specific and refer to a particular school or According to Orenstein, 1990 educational
school system and to a specific subject area of objectives are as follow:
the curriculum. Goals translate aims into • Program Objectives: • Address subjects at
statements that will describe what schools particular grade levels • Course Objectives: •
are expected to accomplish. Goals are more
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
Relate to particular courses within grade • S--------- Specific
levels • Classroom Objectives: • Divided into • M---------Measurable
unit objectives and lesson plan objectives • A----------Achievable
• R----------Result-based
2.2 Taxonomies of Objectives • T-----------Time-bound.
Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956): In sum, an objective is a specific, measurable
and observable behviour of less than a day’s
In 1956, Benjamin Bloom with collaboration duration. A goal is the outcome of successfully
of Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill, completed objectives measured over a series
and David Krathwohl published a framework of days. An aim is the product of a long term
for categorizing educational goals with the endeavor measured over a course of one or
tittle as “Taxonomy of Educational more years.
Objectives” which is familiarly known as
Bloom’s Taxonomy, this framework has been 2.3 Aims and Objectives of Education in
applied by generations of K-12 teachers and Pakistan
college instructors in their teaching. It has Education and training should enable the
three domains: citizens of Pakistan to lead their lives
1- Cognitive Domain according to the teachings of Islam as laid
2- Affective Domain down in the Quran and Sunnah and to
3- Psychomotor Domain educate and train them as a true practicing
Cognitive Domain: In Bloom’s Taxonomy it Muslim. The national aims of education and
has following elements are included. their implementation strategy as outlined in
• Knowledge; • Comprehension; • the National Education Policy 1998–2010 are
Application; • Analysis; • Synthesis; • as follows:
Evaluation  To make the Quranic principles and
Islamic practices an integral part of
Affective Domain: This is also called curricula so that the message of the
Krathwohl’s Taxonomy. It has following Holy Quran could be disseminated in
elements. the process of education and training;
 Receiving; • Responding; • Valuing; • to educate and train the future
Organization; • Characterization; generation of Pakistan as a true
practicing Muslim who would be able
to usher into the next millennium
Psycho-motor Domain: This is also called as
with courage, confidence, wisdom and
Harrow’s Taxonomy. It has following
 To achieve universal primary
• Reflex Movements; • Fundamental education by using formal and non-
Movements; • Perceptual Abilities; • Physical formal techniques and to provide a
Abilities; • Skilled Movements; • No second opportunity to school drop-
discursive Communication. (Body language) outs by establishing basic education
community schools all over the
Smart Objectives: Objectives are country.
characterized as for easy understanding.
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
 To meet the basic learning needs of  To develop a viable framework for
children in terms of learning tools and policy, planning and development of
contents. teacher education programmes, both
 To expand basic education in-service and pre-service.
qualitatively and quantitatively by  To develop opportunities for technical
providing the maximum opportunities and vocational education in the
for free access of every child to country for producing trained
education; imbalances and disparities manpower, commensurate with the
within the system will be removed to needs of industry and economic
enhance the access with increased development goals.
number of middle and secondary  To improve the quality of technical
schools. education so as to enhance the
 To ensure that all boys and girls chances of employment of technical
desirous of entering secondary and vocational education graduates
education will get this basic right by moving from a static, supply-based
because of the availability of the system to a demand-driven system.
schools.  To popularize information
 To lay emphasis on diversification so technology among children in order to
as to transform the system from prepare them for the next century,
supply-oriented to demand-oriented; emphasizing the different roles of
to attract educated youth in the world computers and employing
of work is one of the policy objectives information technology in the
so that they may become productive planning and monitoring of
and useful citizens and give their educational programmes.
positive contributions as members of  To encourage the private sector to
the society. enroll a percentage of poor students
 To make curriculum development a giving them a possibility of free
continuous process and to make education.
arrangements for developing a  To institutionalize the process of
uniform system of education. monitoring and evaluation at the
 To prepare students for the world of lower and higher levels; to identify
work, as well as for entering reliable indicators in terms of quality
professional and specialized and quantity and to adopt corrective
education. measures during the process of
 To increase the effectiveness of the implementation.
system by institutionalizing in-service  To achieve excellence in the different
training of teachers, teacher trainers fields of higher education by
and educational administrators; to introducing new disciplines and
upgrade the quality of pre-service emerging sciences in universities, and
teacher training programmes by to create new centres of advanced
introducing parallel programmes of studies, research and extension.
longer duration at the post-secondary
and post-degree levels.
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
Unit 3 Ideological Foundation of Education by reason alone is restrictive, according to
Islam, because spiritual and temporal reality
3.1 Islamic Foundations are two sides of the same sphere.
Ideology is the common understanding and Education in Islam is twofold:
believes that people in a group have accepted
by which to live their lives. Here Islamic a. acquiring intellectual knowledge
ideology will be discussed. (through the application of reason
and logic)
The Arabic language has three terms for b. Developing spiritual knowledge
education, representing the various (derived from divine revelation and
dimensions of the educational process as spiritual experience).
perceived by Islam. According to the worldview of Islam,
Ta’lim: The most widely used word for provision in education must be made equally
education in a formal sense is ta'līm, from the for both. Acquiring knowledge in Islam is not
root 'alima (to know, to be aware, to perceive, intended as an end but as a means to
to learn), which is used to denote knowledge stimulate a more elevated moral and spiritual
being sought or imparted through consciousness, leading to faith and righteous
instruction and teaching. action.

Tarbiyah: from the root raba (to increase, to Ideological Foundations

grow, to rear), implies a state of spiritual a. Ontological Concepts
and ethical nurturing in accordance with  The only ontological reality is God
the will of God. himself.
Ta'dīb: from the root aduba (to be cultured,  God is external and the universe and
refined, well-mannered), suggests a person's man’s existence is a reality but it is an
development of sound social behavior. What apparent reality.
is meant by sound requires a deeper  The creation of the universe and man
understanding of the Islamic conception of is not a futile thing but it has an aim.
the human being. b. Epistemological Concept
 The ultimate source of knowledge is
Education in the context of Islam is regarded revelation from God.
as a process that involves the complete  The five senses and reason are also
person, including the rational, spiritual, sources of knowledge but those
and social dimensions. should be under the theological
teachings. (Theology: the study of the
In Islamic educational theory knowledge is nature of God and religious belief.)
gained in order to actualize and perfect all c. Axiological Concept
dimensions of the human being. From an  Since Islamic values are dependent on
Islamic perspective the highest and most orders from God, so values have been
useful model of perfection is the prophet devised by Almighty God, the creator
(peace be upon him), and the goal of Islamic of the universe.
education is that people be able to live as he  These are, therefore, permanent,
(peace be upon him) lived. To ascertain truth eternal and heavenly.
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
 Whatever are the ways of passing or universe as a model of peace and harmony.
living our lives, these are accountable There are innumerable astronomical bodies
and good will be rewarded and vice in space. All are in motion, but all follow their
will be punished. own orbits without the slightest deviation.
Aims of Education in Islam Holding up this phenomenon as an ideal, the
Quran asks us to follow the same course of
 The aim education is to seek the will peace, that is, to move in one’s own orbit and
of God and to have the fear of Day of not trespass (3:83). Thus peaceful living is the
Judgment. religion for both: man and the universe.
 An individual should be made God- There is a traditions of the Holy Prophet
fearing so that he may become and (Peace be upon him). Once a man came to the
prove a pious person for the society. Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and asked,
 Islam stresses material development “O Prophet (Peace be upon him), give me a
provided it is according to the dictates master advice which will enable me to
of God. manage all the affairs of my life.” The Prophet
 Islam stresses the welfare of human of Allah (Peace be upon him) told him: “Don’t
society. be angry.”
 Islam holds the life of Prophet That is to say, stick to positive behaviour in
Muhammad (PBUH) as model for all all situations. In fact, in normal conditions
human beings. man is governed by his own nature. And
nature always takes the course of peace.
3.2 Islamic Concept of Peace When people are provoked their nature is
Islam is a religion of peace. The very first upset, and they are derailed into negativity.
verse of the Quran reads: In the name of God, So the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him)
the Most Merciful, and the most advised people never to take a negative
Compassionate. This verse, which is repeated course of action, and to keep to peaceful and
in the Quran 114 times, clearly shows that the positive behaviour in all situations, even in
God of Islam is the God of Mercy and the face of provocation.
Compassion, and the book of Islam too is the According to another tradition, the Holy
book of mercy. The people of Islam must also Prophet (Peace be upon him) once observed:
possess the quality of mercy and compassion; Don’t wish for confrontation with your
otherwise they could not be true believers. enemy; instead always ask for peace from
If you go through the Quran you will find that God.
from most verses, either directly or indirectly This means that even when they have
there emanates the spirit of peace. There is a enemies. Muslims are not allowed to take the
verse, which says ‘And God calls to the home course of confrontation. They must rather
of peace.’ (10:25), this means that the seek the way of avoidance. The Quran further,
destination of Islam is peace. All the teachings states that if you deal with your enemy
of Islam are oriented towards the goal of positively and return good for evil, he will
peace. become your closest friend (41:34). These
If you make a detailed study of the Quran you references from the Quran and Sunnah make
will discover many verses, which deal with it clear that peace is the greatest concern of
the objects and events of the universe, as Islam. The Islamic method is a peaceful
signs of nature. These verses project the
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
method. Islamic activism is a peaceful
Why does Islam lay such a great emphasis on
peace? Because all the good things which
Islam wants to see in human life can be
brought about only in peaceful environment.
For instance, such constructive activities like
spiritual uplift, character building,
educational activity, social welfare, worship
and prayer — and above all dawah work can
be performed only in peaceful conditions. No
peace, no progress; no peace, no
development. Peace in Islam is not required
for the sake of peace. It is required for the
sake of God that is for the sake of a great
purpose. It is because no Islamic activity can
be carried out except in peaceful conditions.
Due to this great importance, the Prophet of
Islam (Peace be upon him) always wanted to
maintain peace even at the price of unilateral
The Quran says that on the day of the
Judgment, God will say: ‘O peaceful soul, come
and enter my paradise’ (89:28). And only
those who have followed the path of peace in
this world will be allowed an entrance into
God’s Paradise.
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)

MCQs Bank-1 7. Responsible for the curriculum

1. Every system of education is based on? planning and development in Pakistani
a. Ideology of nation is?
b. Social development A. Objectivity
c. Intellectual development B. Curriculum wing
d. Skill development C. Affective
Answer is = a D. Students
2. Word philosophy is derived from ? Answer is = B
a. Alpha and Amphia 8. Which domain of objectives is not being
b. Phila and Sophia evaluated through our present system
c. Sila and Sophia of examination?
d. Neo and Latvia A. Objectivity
Answer is = b B. Classroom
3. Expected life outcomes from education C. Affective
are referred as ? D. Students
a. Learning Answer is = C
b. Evaluation 9. Which of the following is the nature of
c. Aims curriculum?
d. Pedagogy A. Conservative
Answer is = c B. Critical
4. Being the science of wisdom philosophy C. Creative
aims at? D. All of these
a. Search for activity Answer is =D
b. Search for reality 10. curriculum provides guidance for?
c. Search for probability A. Student
d. Search for utility B. School
Answer is = b C. Parents
5. What is Curriculum? D. Teacher
A. Overall activities of an Institution Answer is =A
B. Objectivity 11. Syllabus is a part of?
C. Classroom A. Student
D. Affective B. School
Answer is = A C. Parents
6. Important factor of curriculum is to D. Curriculum
help to achieve the? Answer is =D
A. Objectivity 12. Benefits A.V Aids are that they?
B. Classroom A. Create interest
C. Affective B. Reduce verbalization
D. Students C. Stimulate self activity
Answer is = A
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
D. All of above D. None
Answer is =D Answer is = A
13. Relationship of subjects at different 19. Curriculum is supposed to?
level is called? A. Achieve the objectives
A. Centralization B. Be organized by the school
B. De centralization C. Both
C. Horizontal organization D. None
D. Vertical organization Answer is = C
Answer is =D 20. Curriculum reflects the culture of?
14. An outline of the topics of a subject to A. Society
the covered in specific time is called? B. Home
A. Curriculum C. School
B. Course D. Area
C. Syllabus Answer is = A
D. None 21. A. Learning means?
Answer is = C B. Change in behavior
15. Curriculum organization used for C. Teaching process
different concepts at the same class is? D. Curriculum
A. Vertical E. None
B. Horizontal Answer is = A
C. Logical 22. The outline of the contents is?
D. None A. Course
Answer is = B B. Syllabus
16. The category of Audio Visual Aids is? C. Programe
A. Radio D. All above
B. Television Answer is = B
C. Tape recorder 23. Component of curriculum is?
D. All of these A. Evaluation
Answer is = D B. Objectives
17. Major concern of curriculum is? C. Teaching strategies
A. Personal satisfaction D. All
B. Change in individual’s behavior Answer is = D
C. Preparation for service 24. Models of curriculum presently being
D. None used at any stage in Pakistan is?
Answer is = B A. Activity
18. The importance of curriculum in the B. Subject
system of education is just like a? C. Integrated
A. Constitution in a country D. All of above
B. Provision of latest knowledge Answer is = D
C. Preparation of students for service 25. The selection of the particular design is
influenced by?
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
A. Types B. Behavior
B. Elements C. Design
C. Foundation D. Logical sequence
D. Principle Answer is = B
Answer is = C 32. Percentage of knowledge gained
26. Intelligence level of gifted student is? through observation is?
A. 140 and above A. 75 %
B. 110 B. 50 %
C. 90 C. 34%
D. None D. None
Answer is = A Answer is = A
27. The scope of curriculum include 33. The base on which the subject activities
A. Programme of studies and experience are planned is called?
B. Programme of Activites A. Course
C. Programme of Guidance B. Behavior
D. All C. Design
Answer is = D D. Logical sequence
28. The concise Oxford Dictionary defines Answer is = C
curriculum as a? 34. Keeping in view the types of students in
A. Course of learning a class are generally grouped as?
B. Chariot race course A. Average
C. Course of study B. Below average
D. None C. Above average
Answer is = B D. All
29. The model of curriculum could not Answer is = D
move above elementary stage is? 35. Without suitable curriculum, aims of
A. Core curriculum education
B. Activity curriculum A. Can be achieved
C. Subject curriculum B. Cannot be achieved
D. None C. Can be changed
Answer is = B D. None
30. Detailed contents of the subjects for a Answer is = B
class are called? 36. How many basic components of
A. Course curriculum have?
B. Behavior A. 2
C. Design B. 4
D. Logical sequence C. 6
Answer is =A D. 8
31. A curriculum is the sum total of a school Answer is = B
efforts to influence a child? 37. Curriculum development refers to the
A. Course total process of curriculum?
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
A. Designing 43. The forces that effect the development
B. Implementing of curriculum are called?
C. Evaluating A. Observation
D. All B. Education psychology
Answer is = D C. Foundation of curriculum
38. Which one is not the component of the D. Is the purpose of life?
curriculum? Answer is = C
A. Design 44. Philosophy and curriculum are
B. Evaluation concerned with the question of what?
C. Curriculum design A. Observation
D. Abilities B. Education psychology
Answer is = A C. Foundation of curriculum
39. Effectiveness of curriculum is D. Is the purpose of life?
determined by? Answer is = D
A. Design 45. Student needs and interests are
B. Evaluation important in?
C. Curriculum design A. Ideas
D. Abilities B. Psychological foundation
Answer is = B C. Society
40. The arrangement of the elements of D. Content
curriculum can be defined as? Answer is =B
A. Design 46. Prior planning is characteristic of?
B. Evaluation A. Subject centered curriculum
C. Curriculum design B. Learner centered curriculum
D. Abilities C. Activity centered curriculum
Answer is = C D. None
41. On way of finding out, what is going on Curriculum based on thinking of John
in a class room is? Dewey is?
A. Observation A. Subject centered curriculum
B. Education psychology B. Learner centered curriculum
C. Foundation of curriculum C. Activity centered curriculum
D. Is the purpose of life? D. None
Answer is = A Answer is =C
42. When, what, why and How, to teach is 47. What is the origin of the word
the main task of? Education?
A. Observation (a) ‘E’ and ‘Catum’
B. Education psychology (b) Edu and ‘Catum’
C. Foundation of curriculum (c) Word ‘Educate’
D. Is the purpose of life? (d) None of these.
Answer is = B 48. Which of the following statements is
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
(a) Education is an art (b) To make teaching interesting, easy to
(b) Education is a science understand and effective
(c) It is neither an art nor science (c) To make teaching attractive
(d) To some extent it is art and to some (d) To assist the teacher
extent it is science. 55. What are the three components of the
49. What is called education acquired without educational process?
any specific purpose, fixed period and place? (a) Education, teacher and books
(a) Indirect Education (b) Teacher, student and education
(b) Individual Education (c) Teaching, learning and practice
(c) Informal Education (d) Direction, instruction and skill.
(d) Formal Education. 56. What is teaching through deductive
50. Which one of the following sentences is method?
correct about the nature of teaching? (a) From general to specific
(a) It is diagnostic (b) From specific to general
(b) It is remedial (c) From macro to micro-
(c) It is diagnostic as well as remedial (d) From easy to difficult.
(d) All the above statements are correct. 57. What is the main center of informal
51. What is the compulsory element of Education?
learning? (a) Society
(a) Ability to read (b) Family
(b) Bright Mind (c) Radio and Television
(c) Tendency to know (d) All of the above.
(d) None of these. 58. Which is the first school for a child’s
52. What is the place of principal in an education?
educational institute? (a) Society
(a) Overall head of the school (b) Friends
(b) Manager of the school (c) Family
(c) Owner of the school (d) School.
(d) Founder of the school. 59. Which one of the following education
53. If a student failed in any class what systems supports scientific progress?
should be done to him? (a) Realistic Education
(a) He should be given a chance to (b) Idealistic Education
improve and sent to the next class after (c) Naturalistic Education
he improves (d) None of these.
(b) He should be kept in the same class 60. What is the meaning of lesson plan?
(c) He should be advised to leave studies (a) To read the lesson before teaching it
(d) All the above methods are right. (b) To prepare all that the teacher wants
54. Why are curriculum activities used in to teach in a limited period
teaching? (c) To prepare detailed answers of all the
(a) Make teaching easy questions to be asked in the class
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
(d) To prepare the list of questions to be 65. What do you mean by curriculum?
asked. (a) A child learns through curriculum
15. On what depends the values of an (b) Sum total of the annual study
educational experience in the eyes of the (c) Sum total of the activities of a school
idealist? (d) Indicates the course to be taught by
61. Whether or not the pupil has been the teachers to the students throughout
properly motivated the year.
(b) Whether or not it preserves accepted 66. Who raised the slogan “Back to Nature”?
institutions (a) Realism
(c) The extent to which it satisfies pupil (b) Pragmatism
desires (c) Naturalism
(d) The manner in which it affects future (d) Existentialism.
experience. 67. According to which school of philosophy
16. Which educational activity is most of education, exaltation of individual’s
desirable to the pragmatist? personality is a function of education?
62. Approximates the goals which (a) Pragmatism
educational scientists have set up (b) Idealism
(b) Results from the indiscrimination of (c) Marxism
the pupil in democratic theory. (d) Idealism and Marxism both.
(c) That is beneficial effect upon the 68. Which is not the nature of philosophy?
future experiences of the pupil (a) It is a science of knowledge
(d) That characterizes by spontaneous, (b) It is a collective ensemble of various
active, continuously pleasurable and viewpoints
practical for the pupil. (c) It is a planned attempt on search for
63. What is the view point of progressive the truth
educators regarding the issue of liberal vs. (d) It is the totality of man’s creative
vocational education? ideas.
(a) Vocational ends load one to degrade 69. Which branch of philosophy deals with
learning knowledge, its structure, method and
(b) Liberal arts subject should precede validity?
vocational training (a) Logic
(c) Vocational and liberal education (b) Aesthetics
should not be separated (c) Epistemology
(d) All subjects should have a vocational (d) Metaphysics.
orientation. 70. Which branch of philosophy examines
64. Who was the supporter of Naturalism in issues pertaining to the nature of “reality?”
Education? (a) Ontology
(a) Frolbel (b) Metaphysics
(b) Armstrong (c) Axiology
(c) John Locke (d) Epistemology.
(d) Rosseau
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
71. On what is based the need for teaching (b) Moral values
philosophy of education? (c) Skills
(a) All pupils are not alike (d) Self-expression.
(b) Different systems of education found 77. Religious education is strongly advocated
in different countries by
(c) Different philosophies expressed (a) Pragmatists.
different points of view on every aspect (b) Idealists
of education (c) Realist.
(d) Different ways of teaching-learning. (d) Existentialists.
72. What is the goal of education according to 78. Which of the following is said about the
Idealism? idealists?
(a) Perfect adaptation to the environment (a) They are content with “briars”
(b) Realisation of moral values (b) They like “roses”
(c) Satisfaction of human wants (c) They are satisfied neither with
(d) Cultivation of dynamic, adaptable “briars” nor with “roses”
mind which will be resourceful and (d) They want “roses” and “briars” both.
enterprising in all situations. 79. Which school of philosophy of education
73. The aim of education according to the advocated Project method of teaching?
Existentialists is (a) Realism
(a) Humanitarian and humanist self- (b) Pragmatism
realization. (c) Idealism
(b) Adaptation to practical life. (d) Naturalism.
(c) Objective knowledge. 80. Which is the most widely accepted
(d) A good understanding of the world method of education, according to the
outside. pragmatists?
74. The Realist’s aim of education is (a) Lecturing by the teacher.
(a) Self-realization (b) Leaving the child free to learn.
(b) Spiritual and moral development (c) Learning by doing.
(c) Happy and moral development (d) Heuristic method.
(d) Total development of personality. 81. The pragmatists are against
75. Which philosophy of education considers (a) The external examinations
psychology as an incomplete study of and an (b) The specialist teachers
inadequate basis of educational theory? (c) Breakdown of knowledge into
(a) Realism separate subjects.
(b) Pragmatism (d) Eternal spiritual values.
(c) Idealism 82. Pragmatism has a greater sense of
(d) Naturalism. responsibility than Naturalism with regard to
76. Which among the following does not fit moral training because
into the scheme of educational goals of the (a) The free activity which pragmatic-
Idealists? system of education entails does not
(a) Care of body
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
mean licence; rather it means a guided (c) Realists
activity. (d) Naturalists.
(b) They emphasize teaching of values 88. Which statement about truth is not
(c) They consider education, basically, a correct according to the philosophy of
social process. Pragmatism?
(d) They do not want the teacher to (a) It is made by man
abdicate from the scene. (b) It is ever changing
83. Which of the following claims of the (c) It is eternal
pragmatists is not acceptable? (d) It is what emerges to be true in actual
(a) The free activity of the pupil is likely practice.
to result in permanent attitudes of 89. In whose methodology of teaching
“Experimentation” is the key-note of?
initiative and independence and moral
discipline (a) Idealism
(b) Training in citizenship is possible (b) Existentialism
through school and community activities (c) Realism
(c) Training in character through school’s (d) Pragmatism.
co-curricular activities is possible 90. The term “progressive education” related
(d) Child’s own experience is valuable for to
adequate development of child’s (a) Realism.
personality. (b) Pragmatism.
(c) Idealism.
84. Education, according to the Pragmatist is
(a) Wholly pupil-oriented. (d) Existentialism.
(b) Wholly society-oriented. 91. Who said, “No fixed aims of education and
(c) Wholly purposive. no values in advance”?
(d) Wholly interdisciplinary. (a) Progressive educators
85. Who among the following is not a follower (b) Idealists
of Pragmatic Philosophy? (c) Realists
(a) William James (d) Marxists.
(b) Peshtalozzi 92. Which school of philosophy of education
(c) John Dewey stresses the direct study of men and things
(d) Kilpatrick. through tours and travels?
86. What is not associated with Pragmatism? (a) Social realism
(a) Purposive education (b) Idealism
(b) Experience-based education (c) Existentialism
(c) Freedom-based education (d) Marxism.
(d) Education for self-realization. 93. Which school believes that all knowledge
87. Who emphasised realization of Truth, comes through the senses?
Beauty and Goodness as the aims of (a) Idealism
education? (b) Sense Realism
(a) Idealists (c) Pragmatism
(b) Pragmatists (d) Existentialism.
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
94. Which school raised the slogan “Things as (d) Processing of awareness.
they are and as they are likely to be 99. Who believe that “Objects have a reality
encountered in life rather than words?” independent of mental phenomena”?
(a) Pragmatist (a) Idealists
(b) Realists (b) Realists
(c) Idealists (c) Naturalists
(d) Existentialists. (d) Existentialists.
95. Realism in education was born out of 100. Whose is the ultimate concern-“What is
(a) The enthusiasm of the Renaissance. existence”?
(b) The great religious movement of the (a) Idealists only
17th century. (b) Realists only
(c) A cleavage between the work of the (c) Existentialists and Idealists both
schools and the life of the world outside (d) Existentialists only.
that occurred during the 19th century. 101. Who was the nineteenth century founder
(d) The degeneration of humanism after of Existentialism?
Renaissance. (a) Hegel
96. Which of the following is not criticised by (b) Soren Kierkegaard
realism in education? (c) Rousseau
(a) Teachers denying the value of school (d) D.J. O’Connor.
co-curricular activities 102. Who was twentieth century
(b) Pupils cramming for knowledge from Existentialist?
books for reproducing in examination (a) Soren Kierkegaard
(c) Organizing schools in a way that is (b) D.J. O’Connor
conducive to practical training in (c) Jean Paul Sartre
citizenship (d) Hegel.
(d) Teaching which drifts away from life of 103. Which of the following is more generally
the child. acceptable by modern educationists?
97. The most important thing to keep in mind (a) There should be one single aim of
for a teacher according to Realism in education unchangeable over time and
education is space
(a) The method of teaching. (b) There is one grand objective of
(b) The value and significance of what education; and that is the development of
is taught. the inner nature of the child
(c) The nature of the child. (c) Contribution to the welfare of the
(d) Organization of the content to be society should be the only aim of
taught. education
98. Which is not an aspect of mind according (d) Education is bound to have several
to the Realists’ theory of knowing? aims since its concerns are several such
(a) Awareness as the individual, the society, the family,
(b) Consciousness the nation and so on.
(c) Behaviour
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
104. What is development of human (c) Every individual is unique;
potentialities in education? development of his potentialities is
(a) Individual aim essential
(b) Social aim (d) Society is supreme and all
(c) Individual as well as social aim individuals are only parts of it.
(d) Specific aim. 109. Which statement is most acceptable to
105. What is development of social sense and the academicians about “Bread and butter
cooperation among the individuals through aim” of education?
education? (a) It is the most important aim and
(a) Individual aim should be given top priority by
(b) Social aim educationists
(c) National aim (b) It is equally important along with
(d) Constitutional aim. other aims of education
106. Which among the following is not an (c) It is only partly acceptable
acceptable criticism of social aims of (d) It is important for only a section of the
education? society.
(a) They are anti-individual 110. Which of the following does not pertain
(b) They are un-psychological as they do to intellectual development aim of education?
not take into account the capacities and (a) Cultivation of intelligence
interests of the individual (b) Spiritual development
(c) They hinder the growth and (c) Development of cognitive powers
development of art and literature (d) Training and “formation” of mind.
(d) Man, in them, becomes only a means 111. Preparing the child for future life as an
to an end. aim of education is preparing child for
107. Which among the following is not (a) Some suitable vocation.
emphasized by the individual aims of (b) Some particular course of study.
education? (c) Facing all kinds of emergencies and
(a) Individual freedom situations of future life.
(b) Self-expression (d) A happy married life.
(c) Development of inner potentialities. 112. the most effective method of character-
(d) Development of values of tolerance formation is
and non-violence. (a) Teaching virtues through religious
108. Which of the following statements does books.
not go in favour of the individual aims of (b) Organizing specialists’ lectures on
education? importance of values in life.
(a) The individual is an asset to the (c) Teaching by high character teachers.
society; his development and growth are (d) Rewarding virtuous behaviours and
necessary presenting high character models in the
(b) The society is strong if the individual schools.
is strong 113. Harmonious development of the child
aim of education means
Afro-Asian Institute, Lahore Course Instructor: Najam Sarfraz
Course Pack: Education-1 (EDU-421)
(a) Development of all the qualities of the 117. Who emphasized that education should
mind to the maximum possible extent. be a social process?
(b) Development of a sound mind in a (a) Vivekananda
sound body. (b) Rousseau
(c) Development of physical, mental, (c) Dewey
moral and spiritual potentialities of the (d) Pestalozzi
child in a balanced manner.
(d) Development of the adjustment
capacities of the child.
114. The social aims of education imply that
(a) The state is an idealized metaphysical
(b) The state is above the individual
(c) The state is superior to the individual
transcending all his desires and
(d) The state has to give not to take
anything from the individual.
115. Social aims of education imply the
training of
(a) The individuals for the purpose of
serving the needs of the society.
(b) Individuals according to their needs.
(c) The individuals according to their
(d) The individuals according to the
116. What does the individual aim of
education imply?
(a) Education must secure for everyone
the conditions under which the
individuality is most completely
(b) It must contribute to the peace and
happiness of the whole society
(c) It should have more and more
institutions every year
(d) It should be by and large the concern
of the private sector.

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