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- Dr. Ajith Kumar S

Immunisation & Environment

1. Rotavirus vaccine:

a. Type of vaccine:
b. Dosage & route:
c. Storage
d. Schedule under UIP:

2. Vaccine Carrier:
a. What is its name?
b. What is cold chain?
c. Two Uses in Public health
d. How long the vaccine carrier can
maintain the temperature between +2degree C
and +8degree C?

3. Cold Box:
a. Identify the spotter?
b. What are its uses?
c. How long the cold box can maintain the
temperature between +2degree C and +8degree C?
d. How many ice packs are needed to load
vaccines safely in a cold box?
4. Yellow bin

a. What is it?
b. What wastes are disposed in it?
c. How is it disposed?

5. White Translucent Container

a. Which category of waste goes into it?
b. Characteristics of the container?
c. How are the contents disposed?

6. Red non-chlorinated bag:

a. What is it?
b. Which category of waste goes into this?
c. How is this bag disposed?
7. Blue bag:
a. Which waste goes into this?
b. How is this bag disposed?

8. Dettol
a. To which group does it belong?
b. What is its chemical name?
c. What is the minimum contact period?
d. Why is it used in hospital?

9. Bleaching Powder
a. Mechanism of Action?
b. Uses-
c. Advantages of using
10. NP-NCD Logo:
a. What is the name of the programme with this logo?
b.What are the diseases covered under this programme?

11. ILR – Ice Lined Refrigerator

a. Identify ?
b. What is the temperature maintained by an ILR?
c. At what level of healthcare delivery are the
vaccines tored in an ILR?
d. What is the coldest part of an ILR?

1. Rotavirus vaccine
a. Type of vaccine: Live attenuated
b. Dosage & route: 0.5mL, 5drops, Oral
c. Storage: -20degree C
d. Schedule under UIP: 6, 10 & 14weeks of age.

2. Vaccine Carrier
a. What is its name? - Vaccine carrier
b. What is cold chain? – It is a procedure for ensuring the maintenance of
recommended temperatures while transporting and storing the vaccines at
different points from the place of production to the place of vaccination.
c. Two Uses in Public health
• For transporting vaccines from ILRs to the immunisation centres &
bringing it back.
• In reverse cold chain – carrying stools samples in suspected AFPs.
d. How long the vaccine carrier can maintain the temperature between +2degree C
and +8degree C? – 16-20hours.

3. Cold Box
a. Identify the spotter? – Cold Box
b. What are its uses?
• Transport of large amounts of vaccines for storage at a big health facility.
• Safe storage of vaccines & ice packs during maintenance of ILR or during
power failure.
c. How long the cold box can maintain the temperature between +2degree C and
+8degree C? – 5 days.
d. How many ice packs are needed to load vaccines safely in a cold box? – 25-50 ice
4. Yellow Bin
a. What is it? - Non-chlorinated yellow plastic bag
b. What wastes are disposed in it?
• Human & animal anatomical waste, soiled waste, chemical &
microbiological waste.
c. How is it disposed? – Incineration or deep pyrolysis.

5. White Translucent Container

a. Which category of waste goes into it? Waste Sharps including metals.
b. Characteristics of the container? Puncture proof, leak proof, tamper proof.
c. How are the contents disposed? Autoclaving/dry heat sterilization.

6. Red non-chlorinated bag:

a. What is it? – Red nonchlorinated bag.
b. Which category of waste goes into this? – Recyclable Contaminated plastic waste.
c. How is this bag disposed? - Autoclaving/microwaving/hydroclaving

7. Blue bag:
a. Which waste goes into this? - Glass & metallic implants.
b. How is this bag disposed? - Disinfection or

8. Dettol
a. To which group does it belong? - Phenol related compounds.
b. What is its chemical name? – Chloroxylenol.
c. What is the minimum contact period? - 15minutes
d. Why is it used in hospital? - Disinfecting – Instruments & Plastic equipment.

9. Bleaching Powder
a. Mechanism of Action? - Disinfects by emitting chlorine.
b. Uses- *For disinfecting water, feces & urine. *as a deodorant
c. Advantages of using it – Relatively cheap & rapid disinfection.

10. NP-NCD Logo:

a. What is the name of the programme with this logo?
NP-NCD : National Programme for Prevention & Control of Non-Communicable
b. What are the diseases covered under this programme?
Cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic
respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma)
and diabetes.

11. ILR – Ice Lined Refrigerator

a. Identify ? – Ice Lined Refrigerator (ILR).
b. What is the temperature maintained by an ILR? - +2 degree C & +8 degree C.
c. At what level of healthcare delivery are the vaccines tored in an ILR? – Used to
store all vaccines under UIP at Primary Health Centre (PHC) level.
d. What is the coldest part of an ILR? Bottom of ILR.



a) Identify the following vector?

b) Describe its characteristics?
c) What are the breeding sites of this vector?
d) What are the diseases transmitted by it?


a) Identify the following vector?

b) Describe its characteristics?
c) What are the breeding sites of this vector?
d) What are the diseases transmitted by it?

a) Identify the following vector?

b) Describe its characteristics?
c) What are the breeding sites of this vector?
d) What are the diseases transmitted by it?


a) Identify the following vector?

b) Describe its characteristics?
c) What are the breeding sites of this vector?
d) What are the diseases transmitted by it?

a) Identify the spotter.

b) How many types are present.
c) Which type of data is represented by using the above chart.
d) In Which year failed students are least.


a) Identify the spotter.

b) Which type of data is represented by using the above chart.
c) Which weight has 2 nd least frequency?

a) Identify the spotter?

b) What type of data is represented using this chart?
c) What is the formula for calculating angle size?
d) What is the percentage of dairy and grains together in the recommended diet?


a) Identify the following spotter.

b) Which type of data is represented using this chart.
c) Give 2 examples.
d) What is frequency of number of students with weight 45.5-50.5 kgs

a) Identify the spotter.

b) What type of data is represented using this type of graphs?
c) Which months have highest and least cases of asthma?


a) Identify the spotter.

b) What is the total area of the curve, mean and standard deviation?
c) Describe the characteristics of the curve?

a) Identify the spotters.

b) Describe the characteristics of the graph.


a) Identify the spotter.

b) What type of data is represented using this?
c) Give examples.

a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are its responsibilities?
c) Where is its HQ located?


a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are its services?

a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are its functions?


a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are its uses?

a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are its uses?


a) Identify the spotter.

b) what are its uses?

a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are its uses?
c) What is the other thermometer similar to it
d) How many time in a day temperature is recorded


a) Identify the spotter.

b) What is its use
c) What are the cut off values?

a) Identify the spotter.

b) What are the cut off values of HB for diagnosis of anaemia.


a) Aedes mosquito
b) Adult- unspotted wings, dark coloured body, white stripes on legs – also called as
tiger mosquito.
Eggs – cigar shaped eggs, laid singly.
Larva – siphon tube is short and stout.
They are day biters.
flight range is less than 100 metres.
c) Artificial collection of water such as desert coolers, flowerpots, overhead tanks,
discarded tins, coconut shells, earthen pots.
d) Dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, rift valley fever are transmitted.

a) Mansonia mosquito
b) Adult- big, black or brown mosquitos with speckling on wings and legs
Eggs- laid in star shaped clusters on undersurface of leaves of aquatic plants.
Larva- siphon tubes present
c) Ponds and lakes containing aquatic plants like pistia stratiotes and water
d) Brugian filariasis is transmitted.
a) Culex mosquito
b) Adult – unspotted wings, no stripes on body
Eggs- laid in raft like groups.
Larva- siphon tube is long and slender.
also called as nuisance mosquito
flight range is 11 kilometres.
c) Dirty and polluted water collection like open drains, cesspools, leaking septic
tanks, and dirty water puddles.
d) Bancroftian filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile fever, Viral arthritis are


a) Anopheles mosquito
b) Adult - spotted wings
Eggs- laid singly, boat shaped eggs.
Larva- nose iPhone tube for breathing
Flight range is 3 to 12 kilometres.
c) Clean slow-moving water such as small streams, irrigated lands, freshwater
marshes, forest pools.
d) Malaria, Filariasis are transmitted.

a) It is a multiple bar chart.
b) Common types of bar charts are simple bar chart multiple bar chart and
composite bar chart.
c) Qualitative data is represented using bar charts.
d) 1991-92

a) It is a histogram.
b) Quantitative data is represented using histogram.
c) 134.5 & 144.5 weights are having second least frequency.
a) It is a pie chart.
b) Qualitative data is represented using pie charts.
class frequency
c) x 100
total observations

d) Dairy + grains = 15+9 = 24%

a) It is a frequency polygon.
b) Quantitative data is represented using frequency polygon.
c) Weight, height, etc
d) Frequency of number of students with weight 45.5 to 50.5 kgs is 3.

a) It is a line graph.
b) Quantitative data is represented using line graph.
c) Month with highest cases of asthma is November.
Month with least cases of asthma is June.
a) It is a normal curve.
b) Total area of the curve is 1.
Mean – 0
Standard deviation is 1.
c) Characteristics- it is a smooth bell-shaped curve, symmetrical, curve stretches
from infinity to infinity and mean, median, mode coincide and are equal to 0

a) These are left and right skewed distribution curves.
b) Right skewed distribution- also known as positive skew, mode<median<mean.
Left skewed distribution- also known as negative skew, mean<median<mode.
a) It is an ogive or cumulative frequency graph.
b) Quantitative data is represented using this graph.
c) Population growth, cricket scores.

a) It is a logo of World Health Organisation
b) Prevention and control of specific diseases, development of comprehensive
health services, family health, environmental health, health statistics, biomedical
research, health literature and information, cooperation with other organisations
c) HQs are located at Geneva.

a) It is the logo of United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
b) Child health, child nutrition, family and child welfare, education

a) It is the logo of International Red Cross Society.
b) Service to war veterans, disaster service, first aid and nursing, health education,
maternity and child welfare services.

a) It is a kata thermometer.
b) It is used to measure cooling power of air which depends upon temperature,
humidity and movement of air.
a) It is an anemometer.
b) It is used for the measurement of air/wind velocity.

a) It is an infantometer.
b) It is used to measure the length of infants.

a) It is a dial thermometer.
b) It is used to monitor the temperature during storage and transport of vaccines.
c) Other thermometer similar to it is stem thermometer
d) Temperature is recorded twice a day- morning and evening.

a) It is Shakir’s tape.
b) It is used to measure the mid upper arm circumference in children.
c) >12.5 cm – green zone- mild or no malnutrition.
12.5-11.5cm yellow zone- moderate acute malnutrition.
<11.5cm red zone- severe acute malnutrition.

a) It is a Sahlis hemoglobinometer.
b) Adult male- 13g/dl
Adult non pregnant female- 12g/dl
Adult pregnant female- 11g/dl
Children ( 6- m to 6 yrs.) – 11g/dl
Children 6-14 yrs.- 12g/dl

1.What type/method of contraception?

A. Injectable hormonal contraceptive

2.Mechanism of action?

A. Inhibiting the ovulation by suppressing the

midcycle LH peak, causes endometrial atrophy
and thickens the cervical mucus.

3.Frequency of administration?
A. It is a 3 monthly injection.

4.Mention 2 contraindications of use

A. a) Active thrombophlebitis

b) Thromboembolic disorders
c)Known or suspected pregnancy
d)BP-more than 160/100mm of Hg

e) Liver disorders

1.Which method of contraception?

A. Non hormonal oral contraceptive

2.Mechanism of action
A. Inhibition of fertilized ovum from
3.Frequency of administration

A. Twice a week for 1st three months and once

a week there after.
4.Mention 2 advantages

A. Safe for lactating mother, least side effects, can be given to women of all ages, prompt
return to fertility.
5.Trade name included in the national family planning program and in private sector

A. Chhaya and Saheli (Private)


1. Which method of contraception?

A. Hormonal oral emergency contraceptive.

2. What is the recommended time frame
within which Ezy Pill should be taken
following unprotected sexual intercourse to
ensure its effectiveness?"

A. Immediately or as soon as possible with in

72 hrs after unprotected sexual intercourse.
3. Composition Of this contraception

A. 1.5 mg of Levonorgestrel.

1.Name the device.

A. Copper T. Intra uterine contraceptive device (IUCD).

2.What is the ideal timing of its usage?

A. Within 10 days of menstruation period or immediately after delivery of placenta.

3. Name 2 contraindications of its usage.

A. Pregnancy, PID, Unexplained bleeding

4. Who is the ideal candidate for using it

A. Having at least one child, no history of pelvic disease, willingness to check the IUCD
thread, Monogamous relationship, Ready for follow up visit and treatment if any problem

1. Name the method and type of contraception

A. Method: Hormonal contraception

Type: Oral combined pills.

2. What is the composition?
A. Ethinyl Estradiol 30 mcg and levonorgestrel 0.15mg.
3. When to start using this contraceptive
A. Within first 5 days of starting the menstrual cycle, continue for 21 days followed by break
of 7 days.

4. What is the Mechanism of action

A. Inhibiting Ovulation and interfering with tubal motility.

5. Mention two absolute and two relative contraindications of its use

A. Absolute: Breast cancer, Liver disorders, genital cancer, thromboembolism, pregnancy.

Relative: Breast feeding, migraine, hypertension, depression, varicose veins, age > 35 years.

1) Identify this spotter, Mention the type of contraceptive method.

A. Male condom, Barrier method


2. Mention Two advantages and two disadvantages

Advantages: Low cost, easily available, protects against STI’s.

Disadvantages: Can slip or get torn, may result in allergic reactions in persons who are
suffering from latex allergy.

1. Identify the spotters

A. Blister packs for multidrug treatment of Leprosy

2. Name the national program related to this spotter

A. National leprosy eradication program

3. What is the duration of treatment for paucibacillary and multibacillary Leprosy

Paucibacillary: 6 months, can be completed in 9 months.

Multibacillary: 12 months, can be completed in 18 months.

1. Mention the national health program

A. It is the emblem of National Leprosy Eradication Program

2. Name the campaign which was introduced to create awareness?
A. Sparsh Leprosy awareness campaign.

1. How many sustainable development goals are there?


2. Which goal was set specifically for health?

A. Goal 3 with 13 targets.

1. Name the national program?

A. National AIDS Control Program

2. What is target 95-95-95?

A. 95% of PLHIV know their status of which, 95% of PLHIV are on ART of which, 95% of PLHIV
have viral suppression.

1. Name the National program

A. National tuberculosis Elimination program

2. Name the drugs which are present in DOTS regimen

A. Isoniazid (H), Rifampicin (R), Pyrazinamide (Z), Ethambutol (E)

3. Name the online portal which is used for the management of TB patient

A. Nikshay portal.
Spotters – Nutrition and communicable diseases
Spotter 1

1. Identify the food item.

2. Type of food item?
3. What is the calorific value?
4. What is the limiting amino acid?
5. Those who sustain mainly on polished rice are
susceptible to which nutritional disorder?

Spotter 2

1. Identify the food item.

2. What is the appearance?
3. What is parboiling?
4. What are the advantages of parboiling?

Spotter 3
1. Identify the food item.
2. What is the Nutritive value ?
3. What is the Limiting amino acids?
4. What is Disease caused by excessive consumption?
5. How Pellagra develops in excess consumption of the
food item?
6. How it can be prevented?
Spotter 4
1. Identify the food item.
2. Type of food item?
3. What is the Nutritive value ?
4. Which mineral is abundant in this food item?
5. How does it qualify as weaning food?

Spotter 5
6. Type of food item?
7. What is the Nutritive value ?
8. Why is it called complete protein?
9. Why eating this food item raw is not suggested?
10. Name the deficient vitamin in the food item?

Spotter 6 : Tb DRUGS
1. This drug is used in the treatment of which disease?
2. In which national program these drugs are used?
3. What is the drugs used in the intensive phase of treatment of drug-sensitive
4. What is the duration of the intensive phase of treatment of drug sensitive Tb?
5. What is the drugs used in the continuation phase of treatment of drug
sensitive Tb?
6. What is the duration of the continuation phase of treatment of drug sensitive


1. Name the National Health programme under which the dress drug is used
2. name the species of malaria-causing agent against which it is used?
3. what is the dose in adults for the treatment of vivax malaria?
4. Name two side effects of the drug?
Spotter 8: ALBENDAZOLE (400 mg)

1. List its two uses in public health.

2. What are the dose schedules for deworming in
different beneficiaries under the AMB programme?
3. List two side effects of this drug.
4. Name two organisms that this drug is effective against.

Spotter 9: Iron and Folic Acid tablet.

1. Who are the six groups of beneficiaries as per

the AMB programme?
2. What is its prophylactic dose schedule for
pregnant and lactating women under the AMB
3. What is the treatment dose schedule of IFA in
mild to moderate anaemia for pregnant women (less
than 34 weeks of pregnancy) as per the AMB
4. How is anaemia classified on the basis of
haemoglobin level in pregnancy?
Spotter 10 : Oral rehydration Salts/solution

1. Uses of ORS:
2. Composition of ORS (grams per litre of water):
3. What is the mechanism of action of ORS?
4. How to make a home substituent to ORS?
5. Which drinks should be avoided in acute
Spotter 1

1. Milled rice
2. Cereals
3. Calorific value : 354 Kcal per 100g
4. Lysine
5. Beriberi

Spotter 2

1. Parboiled rice
2. Appearance: glassy translucent appearance
3. Soak paddy in hot water (65-70◦C) for 3-4 hours followed by draining the water and
steaming the paddy in the same pot for 5-10 minutes.Paddy is then sun-dried and
4. The vitamins and minerals are driven into deeper layers of the grain and are not lost
by milling and washing grain becomes harder and rendered resistant to insect
The starch present in the grain gets gelatinised and improves the keeping quality.
Spotter 3
1. maize
2. nutritive value:
i. Protein 11.1g/100g
ii. Carbohydrate: 66.2g/100g
iii. Fat: 3.6g per 100g
iv. Calories: 342 per 100g
3. Lysine and tryptophan
4. Pellagra
5. Due to a deficiency of tryptophan and excessive leucine
6. Prevented by taking niacin supplement along with maize

Spotter 4
1) Ragi
2) Group of food: Millets
3) Nutritional value :
(1) Protein 7.3g/100g
(2) Carbohydrate: 72g/100g
(3) Fat: 1.3g per 100g
(4) Calories: 328 per 100g
4) Calcium: 344mg/100g
5) High content of calcium.It has all amino acids in adequate amounts unlike other
cereals and millet
Spotter 5

1. Egg
2. Nutritive value :
Protein 13.3g/100g(average egg 60-70g)
Carbohydrate: nil
Fat: 13.3g per 100g
Calories: 173 per 100g
Per egg:
Protein 6 gm
Fat 6gm
Energy: 70kcal

3. Egg protein contains all the nine essential amino acids in the right proportions
4. Raw egg contains avidin which prevents absorption of biotin by the body.
Cooking destroys avidin.
5. Deficient vitamin: vitamin C

Spotter 6

1. Tuberculosis
3. Isoniazid, Rifampicin,Pyrazinamide,Ethambutol, In fixed drug combination
4. 2 months
5. Isoniazid,Rifampicin, Ethambutol,In fixed drug combination
6. 4 months

Spotter 7
1. National Malaria Elimination program
2. plasmodium vivax
3. Dosage:
Day 1: 600 milligrams
Day 2: 600 milligrams
Day 3: 300 milligrams
Tablet of 250 mg chloroquine phosphate contains 150 milligram of
chloroquine base.The dose is calculated by base amount.
4. Side effects: nausea vomiting, blurring of vision, headache.

Spotter 8
1. Public health uses:
a. Deworming in children (aged 12–59 months and 5–9 years), school-
going adolescent boys and girls (aged 10–19 years), out-of-school
adolescent girls (aged 10–19 years), pregnant women, reproductive
age women (aged 20–49 years) under the AMB programme.
b. Mass drug administration (MDA) of albendazole along with
diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and ivermectin under the Lymphatic
Filariasis Elimination Programme.
2. Dosage :

Pregnancy: 400 mg one tablet during the second trimester (not to be

given in the first trimester.).

Children aged 12–24 months: Biannual 200 mg (i.e. half tablet of 400

Other beneficiaries: Biannual dose of 400 mg tablet.

3. Nausea, vomiting, rash, abdominal pain, urticaria.

4. Hookworm, roundworm, all helminthic infections.

Spotter 9

1. Beneficiaries:
Children (6–59 months).
Children (5–9 years).
Adolescent girls and boys (10–19 years).
Women of reproductive age (15–49 years).
Pregnant women.
Lactating mothers.
2. Prophylactic dose:

Pregnancy: Prophylaxis – 180 tablets (one tablet daily for 180 days, starting at
14–16 weeks).

Lactation: Same dose and duration as given in pregnancy.

Each red tablet contains 60mg of elemental iron and 0.5mg of folic acid.

3. Two tablets of IFA (red) daily (one in the morning and one in the night after food) for
2 months with monthly follow-up for improvement in haemoglobin level.
4. Classification
No Anaemia: ≥11 g/dL
Mild: 10–10.9 g/dL
Moderate: 7–9.9 g/dL
Severe: <7 g/dL
Spotter 10
1. Uses :
To prevent or treat dehydration, especially due to diarrhoea.
It is used in patients of all ages, particularly effective in cases of gastroenteritis and
ORS can also be used during heavy exercise or exposure to high heat to prevent
2. Composition;
a. Sodium chloride (NaCl): 2.6 g
b. Potassium chloride (KCl): 1.5 g
c. Trisodium citrate dihydrate: 2.9 g
d. Anhydrous glucose: 13.5 g

3. Glucose enhances the intestinal absorption of salt and water via the cyclic AMP-
dependent process of the sodium-glucose cotransport system.
4. Simple mixture of 1 level teaspoon of table salt and 6 level teaspoon of sugar
dissolved in one litre of drinking water.
5. Drinks sweetened with sugar: carbonated drinks, commercial fruit juices, sweetened
tea, coffee, medicinal tea or infusions.

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