01 Entry Test ACTION 2

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NAME: ...................................................................... DATE: .................................

CLASS: ...................................................................... MARK: _____

(Time: 50 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Is this .......... bike? 12 .......... any milk in the fridge.

A an B your C you A This isn’t B There isn’t C It isn’t

2 Mary needs .......... new umbrella. 13 George ……. wake up early at weekends.
A any B a C an A isn’t B doesn’t C don't

3 Kelly bought some nice tulips from the 14 .......... many photos when you were in
.......... . London?
A chemist’s B butcher’s C florist’s A You took B Did you take
C Were you take
4 Jim .......... goes to the opera because he
hates it. 15 Where .......... my sunglasses?
A always B often C never A are B is C be

5 .......... is Ray’s birthday? 16 Be quiet! The baby .......... .

A How old B When A sleeps B sleeping C is sleeping
C What time
17 The bookshop is .......... the park and the
6 We saw a great film .......... Sunday. school.
A at B in C on A between B under C on

7 .......... open the window, please! 18 .......... are my favourite summer fruit.
A Not B No C Don’t A Cherrys B Cherries C Cherries’

8 He .......... like pizza. 19 This is .......... beautiful cat!

A doesn’t B don’t C can’t A the B a C an

9 Look at that cat! It .......... the fish! 20 John was happy when we told .......... the
A must eat B is going to eat good news.
C eats A he B his C him

10 My brother .......... me a digital camera for 21 We .......... always wear sunscreen when we
my birthday last year. sit out in the sun.
A is giving me B gave C give A can B must C do

11 Emma .......... speak French very well. 22 There are clean glasses in the ..........
A do B is C can under the sink.
A cupboard B desk C cooker
23 How .......... money do you need to buy a 35 She always .......... her children before they
new car? leave for school.
A many B far C much A kissed B kisses C kiss

24 Please bring me .......... books from the 36 They .......... a house two years ago.
table over there. A are going to buy B bought
A this B these C those C are buying

25 Did you like the last Harry Potter book? 37 We haven’t got .......... biscuits.
A No, I did. B No, I didn’t. A some B the C any
C No, I didn’t like.
38 I always brush my .......... before I go to
26 You .......... use my computer right now. I bed.
need it to do some work. A tooth B teeth C teeths
A aren’t B can’t C don't
39 .......... to the same school as Sue?
27 Are you busy right now? A Do Sally goes B Does Sally go
A Yes, I’m. B Yes, am I. C Is Sally goes
C Yes, I am.
40 .......... jeans you’re wearing are very nice.
28 Jess .......... to bed at 10 pm. A The B A C An
A usually goes B goes usually
41 These are the .......... dresses.
C does usually goes
A girls B girls’s C girls’
29 Helen never gets angry with people. She’s
42 .......... did you go on holiday last year?
very .......... .
A What B Where C Who
A patient B funny C naughty
43 George went to sleep .......... midnight.
30 Jonathan .......... for Paris yesterday.
A on B in C at
A leaved B left C leave
44 Look at Alex! He .......... to catch the bus.
31 .......... an MP3 player?
A runs B is running C running
A Sam have got B Have Sam got
C Has Sam got 45 .......... you home yesterday?
A Were B Did C Was
32 There’s a big swimming pool in ..........
garden. 46 You .......... talk loudly in the library; you
A they B their C them need to be quiet.
A mustn’t B don't C must
33 Take an umbrella because it’s a .......... day
today. 47 This is Pete. .......... is my best friend.
A windy B sunny C rainy A His B Him C He

34 .......... dog is this? 48 Look in your .......... to see where the

A Who B Whose C Who’s Amazon River is.
A atlas B desk C dictionary
49 Our flat is on the .......... floor of the 60 I’m wearing my .......... today so my hands
building. aren’t cold.
A fourth B forth C four A scarves B ties C gloves

50 I saw .......... nice shoes in the shop. 61 Jane and Julie are .......... .
A any B some C much A sister’s B sisters’ C sisters

51 We can’t see the moon right now because 62 Do you want to .......... swimming
it’s .......... a cloud. tomorrow?
A next to B on C behind A make B go C do

52 Adam .......... on the phone right now. 63 Emma’s got lovely curly .......... .
A is not talking B not talking A hair B ears C eyes
C is not talk
64 Some trees lose their .......... in winter.
53 It .......... in my country in winter. A leaves B leafs C leafes
A often snows B is often snow
65 “When is David’s birthday?”
C often is snowing
“ .......... March, I think.”
54 They .......... at a very nice hotel when they A At B In C On
went to Madrid.
66 We need to buy a .......... of meat for
A weren’t stay B didn’t stayed
C didn’t stay
A kilo B loaf C bowl
55 The Irish celebrate St Patrick’s Day ..........
67 James .......... got a cute dog.
17th March.
A is B has C have
A at B in C on
68 “.......... is the park?”
56 Paul went to the supermarket to buy
“It’s only half a kilometre from here.”
.......... .
A How long B How far C How much
A the milk B milks C milk
69 Always wear a .......... to protect your head
57 Mark’s mother is .......... .
when you ride a bike.
A Japanian B Japan
A helmet B raincoat C cap
C Japanese
70 .......... the answer to this question.
58 The .......... isn’t working.
A I am not knowing B I don't know
A light of the fridge
C I don't knowing
B fridge’s light
C fridges light 71 Lisa .......... play the guitar.
A can not B cant C can’t
59 They ….. this weekend at their house in the
country. 72 George lives .......... England.
A are going to spend B spending A in B on C to
C be going to spend
73 Kate and Linda are beautiful .......... . 77 Her brother is four years old and he can
A women B womans count to twenty. He’s very .......... .
C womens A sweet B funny C clever

74 Is Patty going to come to your party? 78 You .......... leave your car here. It isn’t
A Yes, she’s going. B Yes, she’s. allowed.
C Yes, she is. A can’t B don’t C must

75 Elephants .......... in Asia and Africa. 79 Bob walks his dog .......... the afternoons.
A lives B are living A at B in C on
C live
80 Would you like .......... water?
76 .......... a book, a pencil case and a ruler in A the B a C some
my bag.
A There are B There is
C They are

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