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TEST 2 (Module 2)

NAME: ...................................................................... DATE: .................................

CLASS: ...................................................................... MARK: _____

(Time: 50 minutes)

A Fill in the missing word/phrase. There is one answer you do not need to use.

ñ light candles ñ flying ñ sculptures ñ colours

ñ tower ñ bad luck ñ costumes ñ parade
ñ carving ñ full moon ñ contest

1 This bag comes in many different 7 Mathew wants to make a wood .................
................. and sizes. of a bird for his grandmother.
2 There are some amazing snow ................. 8 Some people believe black cats bring
in the park. ................. .
3 The children are wearing colourful carnival 9 Do you want to watch the song
................. . ................. on TV with me?
4 There’s a wonderful ................. in the 10 In Spain, there is a festival where people
sky tonight. stand on each other and make a human
5 We ................. and put them in the river ................. .
to carry away bad luck.
6 Look at that balloon ................. high in
the air!
( Marks: ___
20 )
B Complete the sentences with the correct word.

ñ throw ñ take ñ dancing ñ doing ñ crown ñ carve ñ raining ñ make

11 Try not to ............... noise. The baby is 15 Students ............... a king and queen at
sleeping! the school dance.
12 It’s carnival time and people are ............... 16 I’m cold! Don’t ............... snowballs at
and having fun in the streets. me!
13 I’m ............... my shopping tomorrow. Do 17 I’m not going to the park. It’s ............... .
you want to come with me? 18 Let’s ............... a photo of the children.
14 Some people ............... pumpkins on

( Marks: ___
16 )
TEST 2 (Module 2)
C Underline the correct item.

19 Bill is wearing a hat because it’s very warm/ 22 The children are at the park flying their
cold outside. masks/kites.
20 Mary’s birthday party/parade is on Friday. 23 This film is very funny/full!
21 The decorated/freezing houses look

( Marks: ___
10 )
D Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.

24 Mum ....................... (make) hamburgers 28 ....................... (they/come) to the play

for dinner tonight. tonight?
25 When ........................ (Sandy/leave) for 29 It’s not raining now and the sun ...............
the airport? (shine).
26 Marc ......................... (not/work) today. 30 Why ................... (Bill/run) out the door?
27 Kim ............... (play) the guitar right now.

( Marks: ___
7 )
E Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

31 Every Thursday Bobby .......................... 35 Rebecca ........................ (want) to go to

(drive) us to football practice. the supermarket.
32 Make sure you wear warm clothes, it 36 .................................. (Nicole/do) her
.......................... (snow) outside. homework at the moment?
33 I can’t hear the music because everyone 37 Sonya and her brother ..........................
........................ (talk). (always/clear) the table after dinner.
34 Susan ........................... (come/usually)
home at nine.

( Marks: ___
14 )
TEST 2 (Module 2)

Everyday English
F Choose the correct response.

e.g. How about meeting at 6:00? ®A

38 How old is John? ... A See you then.

39 Do you know where I live? ... B Oh, nothing much.
40 What are you doing on Friday? ... C He turns 15 this Saturday.
41 Why don't you come to the shops with us? ... D At 7:30
42 What time is Mum picking us up? ... E No, I don't.
F I’d love to!

( Marks: ___
10 )
G Read the text and answer the questions.

In the UK, the USA and Canada, people celebrate Halloween on 31st
October. The word Halloween comes from ‘All Hallows’ Eve’ because it is the
night before All Saints’ Day, a religious holiday in some parts of the world. On this night,
children dress up in costumes, put on masks and go door to door, saying trick or treat to get delicious
sweets or other treats. Many people decorate their homes with ghosts and other things to give their
houses a scary look. People also decorate their homes with jack-o-lanterns. They carve scary faces on
pumpkins and light candles that they put inside the pumpkin. Schoolchildren dress up and have
costume and pumpkin carving contests. Adults also enjoy the celebrations by having costume parties
and giving prizes for the best costumes. In some places, both children and adults can take tours of
haunted houses. In Canada and the USA, children also carry small Unicef boxes and together with their
treats, they collect money for this International children’s charity.

e.g. When do people celebrate Halloween? ® On 31st October

43 Do people wear special clothes on Halloween? ...........................................

44 What do children say when they knock on someone’s door? ...........................................
45 What do people use to decorate their homes on Halloween? ...........................................
46 How do adults celebrate Halloween? ...........................................
47 How do some children help Unicef during Halloween? ...........................................

( Marks: ___
10 )
TEST 2 (Module 2)

H Write a speech about a special day (e.g. festival, international/local celebration.) Use the
article in exercise G and the ideas below to help you (50-60 words).

Introduce yourself
Para 1 ñ Say who you are
(Hi, my name is … and I am from …)

Talk about the celebration

Para 2 ñ Name of festival, celebration.
(I would like to talk about …)
ñ When and where do we celebrate it?
(We celebrate …)
ñ How do we celebrate it?
(On that day …)

Finish your speech

Para 3 ñ Ask if there are any more questions and thank
your audience
(Do you have any questions? Thank you for listening

( Marks: ___
10 )
I Listen and answer the questions.

48 How long does the Carnival last? 50 What is Tekgut?

A forty days B four days A beef soup B dumplings
C three days C rice cake

49 What are the boys’ hats decorated with?

A stars B belts C candles

( Marks: ___
3 )

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