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Republic of the Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Minisiry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education SANDIGAN COLLEGES INC. School [.D: 410977 ‘NAME; YEAR & COURSE: DATE: INSTRUCTOR: Amjedah U. Zarrah, RSW MOCK BOARD EXAMINATION SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH INDIVIDUALS INSTRUCTION: Select the crest answer for each ofthe following questions. Mark only one answer fo exc itera by shading the box corespating tothe leter oF your oie on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO FRASURES ALLOWED. MULTPLE CHOICE, 1 May the sateen ha des NOT sii withthe wening of assez in social work practi "A. Syste process where infiemation and fs ae gathered, esiewed and agalyzed to gain better understanding of the person, problem ‘and situation Folie biospycho-soio-ultua-spiiual assesment that employs a plethora of decries and iameworks Witten statement hat includes an analy is of fos gator integrating socal worker's pofessiona judgment abut cients PI Integration of the social workers personal ugrent hat includes ov buses, values end expertise 1 deny the unique characteristic of socal work counseling o distinguished frm othe discipline that wei part ofthc profesional practice ‘A. Cente decide solely whether they need counseling and determine tbe esti an conten of counseling work tobe dene for them, Chen do not necessarily nod sci] services un free to decide whether cr not to include their socal environment inthe counseling work (©. Clhents er often compel by societal and legal daa or drven 1 ask belp due to poverty and sen oer types of disadvantage 1. All clints ne counseling service which spr of social werk interventions to address ther personal and social nods oss 3. Which ofthese coework principles aligned with the bei hut every parson is usique in hisher own person n-siuatin entiation, pores an ‘nkerent worth and dignity. end endowed wih potentialities that can be tuppad for hier growth and development? ‘A. SelPevarenes W Chit selfdetermination C. Indivdaaton Resource wilization 4 Youre scl woken hid caring intton, Quen an ome 100 ol oahu gobo was bout te isc by a tnt ant for shel ncrafing Your asx, whet portant clprs of init re od i ses the et, het station and pecbien? Fe esi of te ate of Que’ s nets nd eps |. Destin of Quis apes toads ar eee |W Soport ven toe bythe oe W. Contribution of relevant welfare policies and legislations A. andi ©. Lana B Mand lV D. tand ‘Case recog mast reflec the application of the principles ol parsimony in data cllesion. Which ofthese MUST guid the social worker in recording hisher nae interview witha client? ‘A. Social worker may audio record the ete ivoke interview and make a writen transition ofthe interview as pat ofthe lien s ease Be. [BL Entice should be elvan to the cliets need and problem including his/her neo for provision of serves ©. Itisalihs for social workers personal velue tobe included in hier evel inyresion ofthe lent’ problems All inforatcn shared by the cient mast be entered inte client's case le including those sited ona personal basis 6 Dew, at LGU social worker was tache and affected bythe sory of his lent who ld been experiencing abuse from her husband, As port of his approve, hedbetended the cin, so they bee frends in Facebook. He talked to her 0 the telephone at anytime the client felt the ned otk to Fm and spect longer tne wit bt neither scheduled cr unschodled fice visits. He did thse to gain te clin’s ts, provide er with company and help her eseape fio feeling depressed, In ths case, what was rssed in the soil worker-let relationship? ‘A Confidentiality Chia boundary Chen's ttonany D. Gender-sensitvity 7. Pick he statement that BEST deseribes the concept of problem” asa component othe problem-solving approach ‘A Ablem refers tothe bio-psyche-social causes of cients sci dsfiction FR. Sosa work concord with peclams in cen'sintpeychie disturbances ce peyehetogical imbalances which ense pychescal ots © A prolem eer to client's wet desis, mismatch of needs and wants, and wnsitsactoy toe performance 1D. Sool Wak i sonserned wth problem inthe coe! ie stuton, dicu inpeson to person relaership ot pesen task reltonehip, (Choose the statement that EST distinguishes the concep of problem-solving proses fom the helping proces. ‘A. Bath helping proces and pober-slving proces arene and hese cone a sa muse of terminology hat differentiate ther. 1B Helping proces ss focused on objeive and nalctual processes wae problem-solving yocess is Focuses! othe suiyectve and emo processes. (C. Feoas ofboth he helping proces and problem-solving process is che resolution of the problem which the client and worker ages to warkon 1D. lly process Focused on he worker sustaining cliene-werker elatinsip while cient proceeds wih hier problem solving eat What statements are CORRECT with respect to seurces of social work know as applied o casework t “They ae base on rescarches and tubes UL THeyee ake om the spel worker's expenenses Fl, They ars borrowed fom ober rated dplies IV. They oeall derived from ober professions. A Allan v © thattand 1 BL Mandi BVittana tv ‘Among the spy of probs, what yp aries fom the relationship bawcen individuals wharin the behavior of ones not acceptable or iitates ‘teeter! satiation in social restions Diol in iterpesceal elaticoship Problems of ivstnowd iis in oe performance Wish soo] work role is performed in situation where the sci) Worker provides encouragement to er cient who appears figiten ond sortable nant mere? ‘A Caubst © Comscor Bo Educate D. Enabler In asersment oa sto repre the tenths, assets and abies he sit brings into the cioa-worker eationship, Which ofthese is NOT an ‘example of cca strengths? ‘A Spiritual sources & Mesivation B. Persistence B_ Anagonse ‘A set exclaimed: “My station ic hopeless and Lost fpees Thought {ove my husband, {canst haar is wertll suse beaver and ant ‘dosnything to counter hin because lam inancally dependent erin.” Choose he item hats NOT an aproprae soil wouker empathic response 0 ‘Be chen. A “You re now esing helpless and hoplees beste so cannot do anything shout your verbally abusive husband” “What hed you saying tht you are feeling hopelos an bapless because yeu cinot bear enor your sts verbally abusive treatment on you, shat © “Doyo cealy lve your ban” Tks ike yu fl hat you hve no chor ba jst have to lar a ive with him or you jas wa ion tochange "| 1D. "Am hering you caret tha yo feo yu cant bea your husband's ueatmen! on you anymore but you could net do anything defend yous” {A single mer sought the assistance of criss intervention uit neque wo submit hee 3-year od hid fr temporary shelter besause she has. no ‘ne nett he child with She plans o lake er eld hack as soon as se sublet eam a ving fr te wo of tem. In tis instance, wens what shoei NOT bea feu of he social worker's assessment and intervention efor ‘A. Oppo in the ruth’ soca exsionment Ben's cepa ta pros sereoe C Meahers capacity end potvation 1D. Acceantilit nnd sili of social servis “The sirengtt tase appevach provides thrapcte or pontve psychological pact onthe enbancernent of the clients wellbeing which involes taking upon one's ests and apubiiie "In order eehueve this em hat cient «stem asset MUST be the fous ef tervertion fo bald the liens well-being? ‘A. Fatblsh« mening cet worker relationship |B. Develop the lea’ decision-making Sills © Wistton the ohn s sol ncn Develop and mintnn the set's hope and crene a climate of optima comap uso diferent kinds of ince ax symbols o connect lett oer systems to deni) soures of eth weak and strong sippots inte cit’ rururing and sistaining environments Which re of line used a smelt desert coficing ar stress reatonhipof lint wih hia ‘vironment? ‘A Braken ine © Sole hin tine Soli ie D. ‘Slashed ie Uilicng the aterdng sil ring the preparatory stage of sunseing lps the cin prepare to aoop professional help, gl toknow the warker better sal allow the worker to explain the goals and naire of the weeking relationship What is NOT an example ofan ending hill” ‘A. Obversing sal istening 1B Adendingpoysicaly CDamensating socal kills 1D. Spoting drsfantional behavior a 25 2. 28 ». Tobe effective in your iaterview, what MUST be avoided in demenstating ative listening?” 4 ssa pot rg sound sush a3 "ho ha BL Asking shmeended questions © Uaingnon-serial wes soc a odin your bead or siting 1D. Making eye conic ocoavey Your iret Sele he MAIN bases or premises ofthe sna spproash fet systoms change in oder to enance the person's sci functioning I Eencing the functioning of Yo tamsan stem nu be effete by ehanging the system tse {i Fmcig scl inctioring may beacbioved by modiing enon interactions wi her environment Ft, Eifecnyshnge inthe fanctning oa spoteu i culy pone Got syn ase eapiy to change sel TV, Pafncng scl fanetoning may be achioved by changing ll systems oie the cea's enviroment A Font © banat Bandit D. tangy ‘What gender responsive counseling techniques MUST apples n helping a woman whofe madequte ws wile and undertans tht ae x tbe ‘mal ee he shuns vertlly abusive behavior Dut the social expetatos, presses aed er fast inthe envionment? A Keossunng CO Amserive taining BRefaming D. Probie termine which of these BEST explains the sefilnes ofan Beamep in working with ict ant hither Si A Uncovers family aliance and confi the exsiene of fanly secrets and fbr information tht wil sed ight tote family's pesent 1B Giner a pate ofthe exe ofthe socal and family connections er map dares of soa odscenestions that may nee Wo De adaressel © tSenutonsanfcant persons an eves the fay history an tein luce in the crret fans fenton 1. Draws te inerpencratowl gaps, conte celts and aianoos ffetng fly relationships and communication yates “The cee cements ofthe vaucsstustue of the Filipino portent theory ate wefal fameworks for understanding te client's mature of relationship ‘uh sicnt socal newer end eter sosal sitnioas Thess elamens are closely eat othe eapept of the PTE, Which ofthese is NOT s ene ‘leat ofthe oles sractre of the Filipino personality? ‘A. Shared entiy (C. Shared social staas Bi Shared inner pooepion 1D. Stare bm ‘Dsteine the MOST effective pode in formulating «specific, measurable, atanable eis andtne-bound statements of obesives, TA. "What isto be done by whom! 1B. “Who will do what by wher (C._“Who ts doing wat nd Bow 1D. “Who wil do what eth who” In family conework: racttiones must havea clear grasp of the see wd tre sbout the definition ofa fay. Meni what is NOT 2 eamogpts dkfintion of tal "A. Recognition ha iterent cultures and grup ve diferent ins and coeeptions aboot whut fly menns 2 Theil nus mean to deeribe wn group of peop who sae about cach ether und defines themselves as family Any group of pope who nay idea themselves siapstant o each ther 1. Alun oy procreation tergencrtiona fly sstre and extend fae te the ony typeogis of family set-up. ‘You ure assign! to handle on IP Gndigenous poop) male patient whose diferent hts, ws and practice about keeping his personal yeni TRING Ne Nouns to prevent ifort ran conrary tothe borpal'sprosodren ar standards. As acatrally-sensitve seal worker, choos the ties a BEST deonmutrte your sete in eumancing ie engagement eof teeing relaousiup wi te lick aa Gennaio ham hat somplance with hospital es and proces is fr his own vod, cers an usimely discharge from the ewptal avait hi 1h Resemmend for hs immediate discharge so he will not be abi oiniuene eer rates with his weoopeaive aide and nen ‘compliant bebasor ‘Cll the cent exprest is opposition 1 the howls procedures and suas bu insist tat be shold comply wih host ‘egulitiens 1D. Begum sare the client's tual ws, drstads asa hs vals and bis a wl show respest for is eens Who was the proponent of the problem soving mode in sia work? ‘A Herence Kelis ‘C. Helen Keller 8 Helen Harss Pearman D. May Elen Richmond {Which ofthese i the sci workers compete in staning a ffstive voekerlioteationbip? "A Absity to apy the stl yoriers cv awe ara prjadioe othe working alliance {8 Abit to roognice uch any heat the chen werker working aan Applian of epenses erent od sells 1D. Abit to adept oterveations based on social work's pefire peaches In family casework, which of hese BEST deserts the olf theme wonkorinbelpng resol marital confit cause disemane nthe ies ‘havior nd in the fal elaticnship at a whole? wa Conduct risk assessment to determine the effect of paras problem onthe ikren's bsbavoe 6, eet! rl mere roamtye te cane he proUnn atenge th hte vehi hi parents nes CAs parcts ose ep advice relative to thi uscd o thei ealen and esposiility of providing thr support 1D. Help the prefs aes the sts so hat chey ca both work eter in ringing ht childeon ‘Choose the sateen! hat BEST desertes the relevance ofthe PE pspasive to sxiel work posi ee IE perspective fens the davelopment of yous tht wil abies he environmental soe or pobem easing the inividat's sexi dsstietion. 1h, PIE perspective vides a hoitc method or assessing and intervening on the clits el notoning 31 2 2. 4 35. 36, 37 x8 3. C. PA persposive dc thesia worker init change atthe scio-pitia leels ofthe environment o adress the persnal aes felis 1D. PIE perspective idenites apts nthe earns! tht cntibte to clits problems which nee intervention, ‘Amer placed he 0 year-old pir child a sildseringinsilton for temporary shar bt didnt vst ber fr the past six months sine placement. Here vsk reveal that he other Works ws cerca ex Wore and ambient in taking the child back besause he liven pares does nt Jn shout her chiA a funy and eid wellare social worker. ane! pide y the pple “in the bos intrest ofthe cl” and the igh of cid {a permanent home, which a hese must be ths MAIN foes of Our Permanency planing forthe child? "A Foc the cil to hive fester amily on lrg-erm hte who ca provide experience of actual family belongings |B. Fortheaiui w coin saying he raianon wove Deus pete pve subi ck care and oti patenting spores CC Inve ofthe child protection framework enforce the application of the Tas wuainst the rer wh neglected in providing her chi safety and protection 1D. Forthe lil oven safe family who oor sense of belongings legal and iene family tes “The esperton proces wi the lin she begioniog rc of eounseingie wine at gaining accurate infermaton abou! the views ofthe sient Seles the option tats NOT a fosus ofthe exloration proces ‘A. Peespivn afbinselfierelt 16 Pereetion of ensronment ©. View ofr problem D._Viewofhisber caren stustion Inexporing the nate ofthe “problem” as ne ofthe components ofthe prblem-solvag approach, which ofthese aspects MUST be known inthe lions toga fantuong? “A. Client’ willingness wo shange hier environment 1B. Avmlubili of rescurces forts cient ¢ D In appiving the emporernentapprvch. which socal work ase minagemest ntryensio is MOST applicable in heping a hatred worsan overcome the eeie of batentg? 'A. Engage erin psychothersp sossions to hep her overcome tauns from pyc abuse FR Provie «vera fr catharsto elp hr telease pep emotions, pains and heartaches © Sot hero erumseing prgram to helper rv her dision 1D. Provide shill and rewurces to ele her ioe independent Cera tothe pot definition of soil work, chose the soca] work principle ht is NOT ciel creating resigrocel relationships smong an between Individuals groupe and comments. “AL Respecting or the inberet worth aod ais ot han beings 2. Uploiingexeosve and dieriminmioy pte © Uphing harman ight and social jute DL Respecting for eutrat deci ‘What foundational theory or sore clement of te generalist elect knowledge bat ute exon al aspect of roi work practi? ‘A. Humanistic © Beosystems Bh Persnahty D. Sociological ‘Which ofthese is exhibited by Tse old hoy who regent egmeses Woe that his parents wil eave him and never rei, ore wil be kip, {hen porsiterty refed oe at ene wou ator ‘A. Syoptone of melee BSepaion weet srr Symptoms of abuse 1D. Pamcdionder Ryan substance abs, yas appretdet by the pois or ile] postion ofababu He was recommended for dog ehaiiation. Determine the tire cements of change tht the social worker MUST exanze sn assessing the liens potential fer change. "A. Pest ili and societal opportamties fe change Pas, presat nd fre potas for change C. Motivation, capt and opprsaities For shange Mier, marzo are eto fstoes Listening to lent saying that“ jan do ret kno anymore how to please my husband. He eypect too mach frm me especial in puting the boose im one. nafterdng te hin ad he chides av to-day need” Pik tho statement ut BEST ilsttes a wellformulated erasing of what the elias yng te convey ‘A. "Youre overwbsimed by yourbuchans unreasonable expectations and demands 1 ~You fel tat your hushed ssn ve aad sain C. “Yourushand soo unreasonable in Bie expecanins of ou." 1B. *Yourhshand expect you to give more me and efort a wie ae modus.” What sl e MOST important in the assessment phase that when aptly apie wil lad to ientifiention of x clear objective and evdence-bsed esse sidy wnteap? ‘A. Menfying he presenting problem ‘Staring wid elie your om opinion abou the cause of hist problew ‘Awuring elent onthe eons fhe Tinrker elton Charing issues or problems For wank Pick testa oucome ofa collaborative assessment process ber cc the social worker andthe lin hat lends tothe entiation of the problem for work pow Workers perso view othe en's problem Cocaine forthe termination of cen ‘Chents eligible for weeny spect ‘Chanson ofthe problem for ork cope 8 4 4. ”. » ‘Wha casework interven aprauchrplaod treatment wth he concept o service, crphasiving thease oie as well as agency Fintona serves inbaping chest ards on development and wee? {A Dire posision model © Briezeanent method 8 Functional approach . Tesk-eteed approach Ivan is a teenager, he thi five siblings who areal in schoo. Tis paras are hot working and wie to meter his poor promanes in acho nan docs not go long wel wih is two eer bee, He fel his pret ake sider and have Lavo. In ths stato, which is NOT appienble voit pace of fay Socal work? ‘A Dchavir of Ian must be viewod within the contest of hi Emily vans fy ona wie must bo segunda ie ut of auton CT i detted as dhe ont ad target of shange isis Ll DD. Majorcesoune for chang es within the fal What is wed to desrbe the pve of cousin that ushers the begining of atl counseling and wiesin the client is fonmlly admitted into the sounsaing program? ‘A. Prperatory Assesment DB Warmngsip D. Expomtory [A seial wothe's intake ror client who wa seeking help procure medicines fr the «ye operation ois wether nuded the lensing {nformaton hat ithe clon 2 gay, curently as a sew erie of to sare sex and is seal ative. Which principe am dat election and ‘econing I led in he sci! worker's take write-up? Empowerment Parser ‘hat selfdtermiation ‘Coafdentay tine the MAIN cjestive ofa generalist cil work practioner. ‘AW Vieng selected and specail rang of professional oes BL Advocating fr cangesn the ermant/s0cies C._Empowcringsliets yhethr individuals, pups or communis D. Appling plied change base on yressrptive preach 6 shane ick whats NOT within the spe and ate ofthe soil worker's houndary an mandate to pstce the profession as stipulates inthe ANo, 4373 and enenry bs "A. Egeinpad wth basic mata and technics of cecil work 1B. May pasice aw hoensed profesional counselor C._ Compltd the necesny ade tasing on socal work eeaion 1D. Licensed to engage in the profesional pacts oscil work ‘You are deting wit sverladbesoent gtk who are survivors of seal abuse. They have similar experiences and they ll ene fom por fais, ‘Stn of them shaved siminrfelngs as enimerts abo thei expres From abuse Other pls have different perspectives on ther situations ‘Wek casework pincpleis MOST appropiate tat wl dp you undsrvand he individual nocd ofthese and fappropiatly applisd wil iba fn viablisng sclien-werker relationship and baking of st. ‘Ay Worker self-awareness 1B Client pariciation| © Chit seltsenination D. lolividuatzation Amen ten he cng een it MOST goin wing wih women FW wh wk ot ets eer "A. "Clic eestive odin dope undeoaaning of thi on PE BB Pastsatery and open esnaniation ia working with ulnar tex C._Autonmy ad sell detention in making devstns and taking achons fo their welt and wellbemg D,Stemareness and elf nowlodge about century fot ote timization When eaten pretive, what social work competency is THES aon with hele of respect fer te worth and dignity ofthe person by being scone and responsive eeliants of vend cultures angio tics andor diversity Eictrs such as soe sala, sexual riantion and gener ‘Mente and expression? Ar Sirengledssed , Ganke-sensiiviey 1B Casermanagement 1D. Cull competenes elpingpocple elp themselves” the most commonly cited primary purpose of soa work. Select the statements th HET eypnin the mesning oF this cnsept inthe contest o Socal werk 1 Ability ote eens to mak dessins an actively patipte in the peblem-solving proces Ti, ‘Ai of the cients to enamine opens and decide which opin is apropnat Capacity of the tens to sonra thir seal situations in favor of thet selnrest TV. Gap of the cients to exarine ther own dinetonal emotional aad menial sate AC Uandiv ©. Lend tt Masa D. Ta SITUATIONAL ‘Sinatin 1 ~Zorayd is 1 young sing moher. She entrusted er two-year oll daughter her neighbor fiend und decided to work overseas to cam a living. She twokevup with her pater afer hang experiened domestic vclnon She stayed 3 Bahrn al straighten vears afer se left and had the chine co wit be ‘Ghughter once during «Christe body and aly fora week. Sbe communicated with her friend ant religiously provided all he financial neds of er cd Incling cash allowance for he ent er fend ok eae of her daicr well and the hil became 0 close o he. Air a desde, Zinayd planed osu ‘hone tbe wth her dager who i gow 12 years ld Zayas former rend lard aur her recur and expressed tht emis so mac and that he jn wll to reenele th her On the hes und x neighbor frien searing pare righs over her dager whoch upset Zorayda Seals learned! tr Cather former boy rind iste staying wi er neighbor fend. Zarayda bece note se and seus desided to mmetatly return to her horntown to shim ya daughter Prior to her action, she comnnicted tothe los sia wef fice tough the interme! fr advioe 1. What support ation ean the social welie office provide to Zorayd? "A. eatin asstnee for her dace 1B Financial esinanse C_Proision of ivinond support DD. Raferalforlegal action ifnecesary 52. What's th pear concer of Zor at hs moment? Flew cae agninst her fend B. Files cate aint her former boy friend Secure ie extension ont ecensnt a Baaia D. Goteck home imedatly o elim ber daughter 53. What social work sil fare nosey in handing this type of eas? ‘A. Handling complicated casos Hanging legal ses in cour Saal work case managert dill 1, Legal remarch werk ‘4, Whats tbe preseting prem inthis ase? ‘Being’ ole parent Domestic voknoe Pure authority over biological hid rtand-wif elavonship onee. 58. Asw social worker assigned inthe local goverment uit, which ofthese wil be your INITIAL advice to Zorayda ‘Av Noto rac heme, wot er neighbor and be esto toa er a BB. _Secare legal documents to prove that seis the mehr and report to the sil welfare oie up her rete {C.Disraa the upto oat her neighbor rad , Roce wi ber neighbor Fiend and her forest iad Siuotion2~ Chaise sa young mothe ofan 11-year od boy. She ask the help ofthe City social walle ice fr the release fom the i of her on who was ‘ares by the burg police due to solvent sipping. She fa 9 wowed about he eld who wasp bend ars and mixed wih ad pisos Ta short ‘ccerston with her wn while nj, Charisse discovered that hr so was besten by the barangny pole and ad Bre hi back. 56, Whats the nstionl pote ha must be api to Chassse's son illus in thi case? "A. Jusnile Delingueney~ reali with he Ta DL Family Code ofthe Phipps C. _Juveile Justice and Welfire Act Dative for Cabden Act 57. In dealing with chik-n-contit with he lw as shown in tis ase, who are the stakeoldes wesssary 1 be involved in heping the cil? A Sangguniang Ka Ixy Car wsrksr 1B, Parents, goverment mica office, nw carer und soeal werkt Dragos plice Social werkerand harangay police 5K Whit professional helping assistuace is MOST efactive in Jaling wishes! considering hie age and type of situation bing presented?” “A. Beople-centerol intervention B__ Maltsscypinery and eum approach C._Physiologica proc D,_Piyehologoal lervention 59. Whats therole of soca worker in a case where the alleged offender who | yours ol is ing charge fan offense ad pa bebind bars? ‘Cansutthe Senior Social Worker am what oo about the ae ‘Advise the clea ond make him admit is ff ‘eeitate the inmodite uenser ofthe cat toa temporary wefoe fii Place he child under your perso estos In youranlyis, which ofthese sateen rights Snsed in its perspectives? ‘A. Childra-n-enfliet with he aw do vot deserve apyeopeat and proper cre ithey omit an offen 1 Individuals who late the ha must bs able and deserve pisieal dashing (C. Indiduals ho belong to the elogoey as “shies deserve professional help tian Guy-besrers, guided by plicy provisions sppicable 1D, Te Dabight Gran 11-year old child stay bebi bers together with adults ‘Sinusion 3 ~ Aurora, 25 yar ld and soo paren, seperate from her len pane ale he experienced severe and fequen psi viele and verbal abi from him. She works ata Iocal bar o car and provide forthe pes of he two eilsen aged, 3 ahd 7. er? year eld sen stared ising hie atendanos in school tsa: of lying, Her 5-year old som i suffering fam high over for the ns eee da apd suspected of having “dengue.” Arora rsd ber soa to fesl Fhwptal with very limited funds She is wesiad shout her chldrn espcinly her youngest. Sho wae refered 40 the medical sec serves wait and as sscomumodate fr assesment 61. What isthe presen problem of Ausra? AY tings wlorerent B. “Genderased wolence © Balying experience of her son D. See who iesick 62. Asa-ssial worker, how do you asst Aurora with her problems? AY point Aurora to concentrate on her work at he bar B. Adse Aurra to reconcile with her ves pric C. Provide her counseling sessions on festive porsntng D. Hla viduals an sources that ean support Bar 6, What soxial work pace sills are MOST useful in eating and beping Aura in his statin? "A. Recording and fllow-up weak 'B. Listening und ideatfaton of clien's esihence (C._Advowsey en policy supper fr the prevention of gender-based violence D. Coordination and inkages 64, How san Aurora ts assisted wi ir isa nes 0 supa cen? ‘AL Advise Aurora to hep her wodk at te bat 1B. Provide lveood lon essiance to her €. Extend your personal support 1D. _Asist Aur To map her ruppot system end identify the people who ean extend he sistance (65. How willyprapaize and ident th weeking problem in this siturtion? "A. Gender has violence elting to seeration of spoutes Bain slo parent with vo crea C._Ineflestive parenting renting o lack of supervision fm parents 1. mesponible mothe toto children de othe sbwence af the father Situation 4 ~Karen ea yong, single cer of 0 (2) cilen. They ve a congested ensiteoment ats frequently flooded durng beavy rans. Avast of potale water too ecw. Many eidren inthe commit ate slerng fom skin problens du to uncollected patage and poor dinage system, Karen is ying Fer het oatigment her income to beable to tnsfer her fanly toa titer environment. She evn thought of working abvoad. She seeming emia income a5 fore werker i nearby company (4 ‘What natin policy applies to Karen sisted in this eas? ‘A. Family Code ofthe Philippines BL Labor Cade of te Philipines ©. Sole Parent Ast 1. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act 67, ‘What isthe PRIMARY concor of Kaen? "A. Bats lvelinood opportunites 1D. Asses to eerentemal fetes €. Safety af herehileen 1D. Heeptazaton offer cbideon (6% What profesional help is LEAST eflstve in dealing with the clic as desea in thi instance? "A. Peschesoial approach 1 Individual ela intervenion CC. Muliseiplinary tn approach 1D. Group coursing (69. What she MEDIA! tsk ofthe socal worker inthe given stuion? “A. Filia the mediate tafe of Karen's cdr otmporary sheler 1B. Consul the senior son worker on how tone the station . Counel the sent end make bt fel somforabie 1D. Provide financial prise to suppt Kaco'sivelibod 70, In your eal, which of these statements relates to Karen's cus? ‘A. Herenvizoament provide softy and security ober fly. Sheds hapless and unble osupprt her chien (C__Karen reson, struggling support ar procs hr ciren DD. Thsircarmanty sporti to soppoet her chides ‘ination 5 ~ among the urgent esis associated withthe phenomenon of stot cilden ar the shildren-in-confli wit he lw (CICL. CICL ave insressing in ‘pmb pti inthe eran eaters “ns thay commit an ffeac ee are append, scmse of hana mana witha offers nal. ‘71. Nea sooial worker, what is youre inthe prevetin of juvenile deingeney ‘AL Broker of available community and goverment facies 1H, _Advoeatein tha jreventen of jer delingueney © Trine of sre tildren ad Us fas 1D. Mediator between the fender and the offended pty 72, What refers oh vuivement of ysis sthchr in responding 1 the issues of CICL? "A. Training and developenent Bh Awareneseasing © Rewari 1D Newrorkng and coontinaton 73. What pertains to he enactment of chili Iw to protest the hts of CICL? ‘A Research work {CSc moblztion 1 Programa development D Patsy advocacy 74, What special yuth-are ality that 12-13 yer old uvonle delinquent wh cemsmitod crime agains person ad propery shale mandatciy pee? ‘A. Reception und Action Center 1B Intensive hen Intervention and Spport Center C, Natiowsl Manpower and Youth Center 1D. National Veoatona Rehabition Coter 75. Which of thw lterative interventions ix MOST appropnste fora juve dlinguet who commited an offense without resorting to cour proveetings? < careatibesin 1B, Undergoing &civersion program C.Enooutaging a amicable selement 1D. Applying fry casework ‘Sinmtion 6 ~ Donsto i 17 years ol nd the youngest cid enon the bed of Dee (3). His ther worked oversens hit decid to sp when hs mother passed sy, 0 Re could tke care of them His two elder brohers ere nol, wile Donato was unable oi year highschool due to peer presse. Being an ‘@i-oschoo! yout, Donato eneyod the samp of pects vo mtluened him badly. His fake wed 1 dscpine him but Wo no aval. As a consequence, he ‘comrade of robbery and eas adived wa yeu bane far cus cate an disposi oe case 16. Whats te presenting problem in Donatos exe? "A. His stubbornness and being aay from home Bh Hisbeing acased ofa eine of robbery ©. Damo s suscep to pees" bd inuence 1D. Histeiny outof school 77 Stoak vu ead mare indormaton abou! Donato, whe wil be te peasy sources) f data? ‘A Doastoand his tse (C.Pressetor Bo Mrsibtings D. Complaint 78. Which of hese lore will propery ado the cso of Donato asa chil-in-conlict wit the aw”? ‘A The Fay Code ofthe Pilippines 1B Jowett sco and Welle Act Youth in Nation Fusing Act 1, Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, xpoitation and Discrimination 19, morro ensine tat the entity of ta ivolved party i this case wil be protected fom being known, wa penpl will yu apply? AA Sell-determination > Workers sel-aareness 1 Panicpaion D_ Confidentatis 80, Should diversion roceeding be conduc in Donatos ase, bow log wil tbe completed ‘AL Within 13 clyy ali subason of ere Fr iverson BRAN 9344 does spt ime mit ©. Notltr than days afer submission of ease fr diversion 1, Not ser han 30 dia afer ulna of ane or diversion ‘Siuation 7 — Carts, 8 yar ld a rportad ina asl pois tation fr ere if simple tel. The plice-on-duty imma trae him over fo the oe soa allie ofogr, Ths parents’ bores we usknown tothe ld. Henjie was referred toa heensedchiktcaring agency foe temporary shelter. SL. Aste seal worker nthe canter, how will you stat te helping process? ‘A. Plan fora snow progres 1B, Retin the cid tous community (C._Rofar the child fr other services D__ Conduct an sake servi 42. Given:he dreumstance, wha wl be the fas fr program development in Carls” case? ‘A Fisher of the il B.Noots an interests of he client tht must be met © Avail social sree inthe emer 1. Avalos resuroe and neste support 88. How can casework effet charges tothe eld inti case? "A. With he compete ad skills of be weaker BL When the nonmns ofthe cantare set ©. Thrcugh expericnos tht are postive and reling 1. _ When the cient cooperates 84. Which of thee interventions are useful tothe sient in the given situation? ‘AL Spots activities B.Exourion or eanping C. Commis ivelvunant o services 1D. Uneof diferent therpeutic modal 85. Which of these guiding principles of socal work i premised on he aes ha there ha hen extalishad an acceptance Detween the ci ne ‘worker? A. Newjucemontal ated of the worker 1, Parpoell worker-clent lationship Acceptance D._ tnviduization Situation 8 Frank 5 yrs old, ws refered by his moter for istintonalization His mother is a slo parental ams ving by doing lady. She hs 0 ‘be sons, aged 8 and 3 yeas old) Afr w caf evalutin ofthe cave bythe social Worker, he was aceped atthe Reception and Stay Center fr Children wRscO), 16, What mst be the reson for accepting Frank even ihe has il fay? (A. Ha mother lace paring alt tas care of is. DB. Fuanh's mother isan irespersible prea C.Inahity of the amily to prose fr his basic nts 1D, Mismustheris working and unable lake cre of bm 87, What trent is TRUE with respect tothe istiutonalization of Frank? raat based sic peor dn icittina cre Intnl ove fr hm ster than fal cre sno is Samay bas problems. Insuittonalizton ithe right nersention for him whose fil econcncally-andieappe yore 8, How can the vocal wosker vite the infornation provid by the mother? ‘A Inervew with Prank BL Omerton with the mote daring ber interview a the center Uneof secondary data ,Colatea imouto hun reaver igdots 89. Whit guing principles shouldbe observed by the soa worker in his case L ‘Aseptance T.—— Convdenttiny Ti Seleeteminaon TV, Worker's seleawareness A. kltandv tana ut Be Ltesdiv D. Hilfend IY 9 Which of hoe ete ond- goa with respuet tothe iasttitionl cae tr Fink ‘A. Pept infor pemenen: placement BL Prepure hi to ear formal school (C._Build the fails copay to take are of him D._Plce lam teopocani nan nation Suaton 9 ~ Norn, astret child, was defiant and cbltous when he was refered othe temporary shelter forse! boys. He was foe tobe a aubstanoc abuses “Thewetel worker has ion in extatlishing rap with hin ad in repr for his weal ease uy report ‘31, What instinson should be strengthened by the socal werk that can iia tain de heping els for Neem? Temporary sheler C. Funly BL Goverment D. Schoo! 92, What par in he soit cae ty report nates the fetes tat bring abot ths enstence ofthe probe? A Clea afirmation ‘Co Ascott seman BL Helping gels D,_ Presenting problem 92, What INITLAL step mt the social worker J to lelp Norman? ‘A. taro lr to gather the nosey infomation B._Referkim toon agency for substance abuser {C___Coennuniat wth him and eeablsh rep to show him your iverest to hl D._ Refer lan fr poschologicl or pyshiane eaaton ‘94 What oe itervetions must he dane by te son worker oe Norman? ‘A. Ting hi ingroup wk activities BL Assist Noman for is adjstent inthe certer C._Trovide counseling series D___ Asis in is edoational ness 9. Which of thee the soil worker's ULTIMATE gui heping Noman? "A. Foie ebay atin BL Saengiten is cptng capacities to erable han to Faction in bis enironment {C._Prepre hima ogo to femal schoo! 1, Engage him in wert wetvites Situation 10~A 33-year old wife was refered by the Barangay Chaipsront your socal agney for inervnton. She was maul blak and bey ber husband {pon discovering Her unpaid dct of PL30000 from seghbur. The wife herowed the money without forming her husband where abe vse. She allege that ‘er hastond es iespensbl, ae th she only mae even with Bir to teach hr a lesson As the assigned social work, you intend © conduc a home Visit, ‘ever, vow ould not decide whether ornot ol he wie of sock plan. 96. What shoud the ssl worker do to be ale to arsive at clear understating othe cents prem susie? a © Phasing, B D. Implementation 97, Inthe cue cite, wh sould determine the prcber feu? A Ageney ©. Client Worker Dien and worker 98, Wham the worker do to lp the wife manage he eoblems in less complicated way? ‘Implementation © Plasning 2B Claning D, Paralzang 99. What principle gues the enseworker to sega the wife a an nial with nore wath and dignity. and endows wih reason and wll? ‘A. Selfdstermsmtion C. Ascepance B Nonjiulpreal atinale D, Indication 100. Which of hse was the seal worker expensing when she planed fr a home visit, bu ould nt cide whether not ot the wie boat ie? a Pay C.Conficng vaes DL Empathy D. Simpsth 10

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