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First trimester, 2nd submission. November, 2023.

Name: ____________________________________ List number: _______

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the idiom to its meaning.

a) I feel a bit under the weather. I should go home. 1. to be depressed or sad

b) The test was a piece of cake. I’m sure I passed it. 2. done badly to save money
c)Stop pulling my leg! Tell me the truth now. 3. to play a joke
d) If you need help, just call me. I’ll be there at the 4. immediately
drop of a hat. 5 not difficult at all
e) He’s feeling blue today. We should do something 6. go to sleep
to cheer him up. 7. very easy.
f) I’m exhausted. I think I’ll hit the sheets now. 8. cannot assess something on
g) You should give it a try. You can't judge a book by appearance
its cover. 9. feeling slightly ill.
h) You shouldn’t cut corners when buying a new 10. come to the point-leave out
phone. details.
i) That exam was easy as a pie. I’m sure I passed it
j) To make a long story short, I never saw him

INSTRUCTIONS: Select the word that matches the definition.

a) something that is difficult

1. challenge
2. abroad
3. visit

b) very surprised
1. huge
2. amazed
3. magnificence

c) nice to look at
1. pretty
2. amazed
3. magnificence

d) very big in size

1. visit
2. challenge
3. huge

e) in a foreign country
1. abroad
2. visa
3. visit

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct answer.

a) The prince saw a princess, ______ he wasn’t interested in her.

1. but
2. because
3. so

b) The monster felt like eating me; ______, I ran like crazy to safety.
1. yet
2. therefore
3. since

c) Get into the car, please, ______ put on your seat belt.
1. then
2. as
3. although

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the columns.

a) Although this landscape is beautiful, 1. I’m really tired and want to go home.
b) I dislike graffiti 2. although many people consider it art.
c) He is the most handsome guy I have ever 3. yet he is not very nice.
seen, 4. as we still don’t know which room will be
d) Don’t unpack yet ours.
e) You should pay attention in class 5. despite the fight with your friend.
f) Take your credit card with you, 6. then you won’t have to carry cash.
g) I love dogs; 7. however, I prefer cats.

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct connectors in the Word Bank.

Patrick went to the Principal’s office. He wanted a glass of water _____

he had the hiccups; _____, there wasn’t any water, _____ the principal
told him “you’re suspended,” _____ instead of getting scared, Patrick
thanked him. His hiccups were gone!

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense form of the verb in

1) Ana __________ (dream) of going abroad on her summer vacation.

2) She __________ (want) to go to Australia but she couldn’t get any cheap flights.

3) When summer vacation __________ (come), she just stayed at home relaxing.

4) She __________ (have) to babysit her little brother and sister, but she was glad to do it.

INSTRUCTIONS: Select correct if the sentence is written correctly or incorrect if it

is not.

a) A young man was taking photographs.

1. correct
2. incorrect

b) A woman were looking at her phone contacts.

1. correct
2. incorrect

c) Three boys was riding bicycles.
1. correct
2. incorrect

d) Two men and a woman were hiking.

1. correct
2. incorrect

e) The girl was riding a boat.

1. correct
2. incorrect

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the columns to complete the sentences.

a) I lost my money 1. when I was walking in the street.

b) My brother choked 2. when he was eating a hamburger.
c) My father lost his luggage 3. when he was traveling.
d) My mother burned herself 4. when she was cooking.
e) My sister was stuck in traffic 5. when she was driving to her job

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the words to complete the sentences.

a) I ______ be scared of _____ when I was a child. 1. used to/snakes

b) ______ they ______ jog every morning? 2. Did/use to
c) My brother _____ love _____. 3. used to/chocolate
d) We ______ have ______ hair. 4. used to/long
e) I ______ (not) ______ like school. 5. didn’t/use to
f) My mother ______ punish _______ a lot. 6. used to/me
g) Kate ______ study ______. 7. used to/French

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct synonym for the vocabulary words.

a) magnificence
1. booking
2. sensation
3. littleness
4. grandness

b) landscapes
1. scenery
2. impressive
3. official marks
4. booking

c) reservations
1. booking
2. suitcases
3. scenery
4. impressive

d) experience
1. scenery
2. suitcases
3. adventure
4. booking

e) baggage
1. suitcases
2. impressive
3. scenery
4. booking

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct answer.

a) I just love the outfit you ______ !

1. give up
2. have on
3. put off

b) ______ all the instructions, please.

1. Turn off
2. Write down
3. Put off

c) Never ______ till tomorrow what you can do today

1. put off
2. write down
3. turn off

d) We ______ the lights when we left the room.

1. gave up
2. had on
3. turned off

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.

a) If you want to get better _____ (periods / quizzes / grades) this

term, you need to work harder.

b) I really liked my new classmates. They are so _____ (easygoing /

fluent / surprising).

c) I’m not sure I can _____ (part-time / get around / afford) the ticket to the concert.

d) I need to get a _____ (part-time / period / fluent) job.

e) This school year, I’ll _____ (grade / take / club) some really interesting classes.

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

a) Lisa ____ her vacation so far.

1. have enjoyed
2. has enjoyed
3. is enjoyed

b) Kate and Thomas ____ hard for the exam.

1. hasn’t studied
2. haven’t study
3. haven’t studied

c) John is the only one who ____ his computer password.

1. has forgotten
2. have forgot
3. has forgot

d) Adam _____ a bicycle.

1. has ridden never
2. has never ridden
3. never has ridden

e) Nobody ____ on the cat’s tail.

1. have stepped
2. have been step
3. has stepped

f) I ____ to Stockholm.
1. have been never
2. have never been
3. never have been

g) The author _____ the final part of the saga yet.

1. hasn’t written
2. haven’t written
3. have written

h) My sister ____ by airplane. She’s really looking forward to it.
1. hasn’t traveled
2. has traveled
3. hasn’t travel

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the sentences.

a) in / Have / restaurant? / ever / a / you / worked


b) homework. / finished / They / already / their / have


c) that / not / I / series / seen / yet. / have


d) have / I / think / read / they / ever / this / don’t / book.


e) the / ever / you / Have / street? / lost / on / money


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