Thermal death rate or survival rate

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Thermal death rate or survival rate Prepared by : Bhanu ghimire

The rate of thermal destruction of microorganisms (dN/dt) at a specific lethal temperature

is directly proportional to the number of microorganisms (N) present
= - CN ………………..i

(where C is a reaction rate constant and { - } sign signifies that N is decreasing as t


To obtain information about the concentration of microorganisms after different period of

heating this equation can be integrated. Taking N=N0 at t = 0 and N=N at t = t the equation
(i) can be integrated to

ln = -Ct
𝑁 𝐶𝑡
log =- ……….ii
N0 2.303

Taking D= 2.303/C eq ( ii ) is written as

𝑁 𝑡
log =-
N0 𝐷
or log N = log N0 - ……………..iii

Where D = decimal reduction time and eqn satisfy the y=mx+c where c= log N0 , m= 1/D
( the slope of line represent the organism heat resistance)

Slope=1/ D


When bacteria and their spore are exposed to lethal heat they die at an exponential tare. Microbial
destruction rate is generally defined in terms D value
I. The time required (in min) for 90% microbial papulation destruction
II. The time required for the thermal date rate curve to traverse through one log cycle
III. The time required to reduced microbial papulation by 1/10th

It is a logarithmic process, meaning that in a given time interval and at a given temperature,
the same percentage of the bacterial population will be destroyed regardless of the
population present. For example, if the time required to destroy one log cycle or 90% is
known, and the desired thermal reduction has been decided (for example, 12 log cycles),
then the time required can be calculated. If the number of microorganisms in the food
increases, the heating time required to process the product will also be increased to bring
the population down to an acceptable level.
The heat process for pasteurization is usually based on a 12 D concept, or a 12 log cycle
reduction in the numbers of this organism. and define the rate of thermal lethality. The D
value is a measure of the heat resistance of a microorganism. It is the time in minutes at a
given temperature required to destroy 1 log cycle (90%) of the target microorganism. (Of
course, in an actual process, all others that are less heat tolerant are destroyed to a greater
extent). For example, a D value at 72°C of 1 minute means that for each minute of
processing at 72°C the bacteria population of the target microorganism will be reduced by

For example, a 1 log reduction corresponds to inactivating 90 percent of a target
microbe with the microbe count being reduced by a factor of 10. Thus, a 2 log
reduction will see a 99 percent reduction, or microbe reduction by a factor of 100,
and so on.

12D concept

12D concept is used mainly in low acid canned foods (pH >4.6) where C.
botulinum is a serious concern. 12D concept refers to thermal processing
requirements designed to reduce the probability of survival of the most heat
resistant C. botulinum spores to 1012 . This helps to determine the time required
at process temperature of 121oC to reduce spores of C. botulinum to 1 spore in
only 1 of 1 billion containers (with an assumption that each container of food
containing only 1 spore of C. botulinum).

Thermal death time curve (TDT curve)
When D values at different temperatures plotted against corresponding temperature the resultant
curve is called thermal death time curve (TDT curve). The temperature sensitivity of D values at
various temperature is expressed by TDT curve. The temperature sensitivity indicator is denoted
by z and defined as the increase in temperature in oC or in 0 F required for D value to decrease by
one log cycle or temperature change required to change the TDT by 10 folds.

Z-value refers to degrees of Fahrheit required for the thermal destruction curve to drop by one log
cycle. Z value gives information on the relative resistance of an organism for different destruction
temperature. It helps to determine equivalent thermal process at different temperature.

Example: If adequate heat process is achieved at 150oF for 3 min and Z -value was determined as
10F, which means the 10oF rise in temperature reduces microorganisms by 1 log unit. Therefore,
at 140oF , heat process need to be for 30 min and at 160oF for 0.3 min to ensure adequate process.
It is defined as the temperature change required to change the D value by a factor of 10. In the
illustration below the Z value is 10°C.

If we select reference temperature (Tr) and reference D value (Dr) then

Log (DT) = log Dr - – ……………….iv
Commercial thermal process are designed for the inactivation of C. botulinum so T r=
1210C, Dr= 0.2min.
What are the Similarities Between D Value and Z Value?

 Both D value and Z value are important in assessing the effectiveness of the thermal
inactivation processes in different applications.
 Z value is related to D value, and it is the number of degrees Celsius needed to change a D-
value by one factor of ten.
 Both D value and Z value measure the heat resistance of microorganisms.

What is the Difference Between D Value and Z Value?

D value is the time required to destroy 90% of the target microorganism in a given medium at a
given temperature while Z value is the temperature change required to change the D value by a
factor of 10. So, this is the key difference between D value and Z value. Besides, the D value is
measured in minutes while Z value is measured in Celsius. Thus, the unit of measurement is
another difference between D value and Z value.

F- value
Number of minutes at a specified temperature (T) required to destroy a specific number of
organisms having a specific z value. It is the capacity of heat process to reduce the number of
spores or vegetaive cells of an organism.

𝑇− Tr
Log FT =log Fo -
Fo value(lethality or sterilizing value) is a reference value when z= 100C and T=1210C

Fo= FT x 10( )
Fo= FT x 10( 10 )
Fo= FT x L (L= lethal rate)

Standard processing

FT = DT (log N0 – log N )

1. Food D at 111 0 C for C. botulinum (z= 100 C) when D value at 1210 C
is 0.2min?
Z= 10 0 C
Dr= 0.2 min
T=1110 C
Tr=1210 C

From TDT curve ,

Log (DT) = log Dr – 𝑧
Log (D111)= log(0.2)- (111-121)/10
Log (D111)= -0.7+1 =0.3
D111 = 2 min
In other words, at 121 0 C it takes 0.2 min to reduce C. botulinum spores by one log cycle.
At 111 0C it required 2 min to achieve the same reduction.

2. Determine the time required to reduce the C. botulinum (z= 100 C,
D121= 0.2 min) spore count from 102 to 10-6 per can at 1150 C.

Z= 10 0 C
Dr= 0.2 min
T=1150 C
Tr=1210 C
From TDT curve
Log (DT) = log Dr - – 𝑧
Log (D115)= log(0.2) - (115-121)/10
Log (D115)= -0.7 + 0.6 = -0.1
D115 = 0.8 min
We know

Fr= DT{log (N0) –log (N)}

Given N0=102 N=10-6

F115= D115{log (102) –log (10-6)}
F115 = 0.8x 8=6.4

3. A culture containing a C. botulinum spore count of 102 is subjected

to 1140C for 6 min. What is the probability of a non sterile unit (PNSU)
after this process?

Z= 10 0 C
Dr= 0.2 min
T=1140 C
Tr=1210 C

From TDT curve

Log (DT) = log Dr - – 𝑧
Log (D114)= log(0.2)- (114-121)/10
Log (D114)= -0.7+0.7 =-0
D114 = 1 min

The number of log cycle for the destruction of C. botulinum can be the computed by

Log cycles = total time / D114 = 6/1 min =6

Log (N0) – log (N)=6

Log (102) – log (N)=6
N = 10-4 = PNSU

4. A microbial culture containing C. botulinum spore count of 1000 is subjected

to 2420F for 3 min. what is the PNSU after this process.

Z= 10 0 C
Dr= 0.2 min
T= 2420F = 116.170 C
Tr=1210 C
N0= 1000

From TDT curve

Log (DT) = log Dr - – 𝑧
Log (D116.17)= log(0.2)- (116.17-121)/10
Log (D116.17)= -0.7+0.483 =-0.217
D116.17 = 0.60 min

The number of log cycle for the destruction of C. botulinum can be the computed by

Log cycles = total time / D116.17 = 3/0.60 min =5

Log (N0) – log (N)=5

Log (1000) – log (N)=5
N = 10-2 = PNSU

5. Calculate the number of log cycles and process time if an initial C.
botulinum count of 103 is to be reduced to 10-9 in can at 1150 C.( D121
= 0.2 , z=10)

Number of log cycle (n)= log (103) – (10-9)= 3- (-9)=12
That is the final count will be reduced to 1/1012 times the initial count. The time required at
temperature T for the count to be reduced to 1/10th of its starting value (DT) can be computed
DT = D121 x 10(121-T)/z
D115= D121 x 10(121-115)/10
= 0.2 x 100.6
=0.79 min
To achieve 12 log cycles reduction at 115 0C heating time is given by

FT = nDT
= 12 x 0.79
=9.48 min

6. The F value at 121.10C for 99.999% inactivation of a strain of

Clostridium botulinum is 1.2 min. calculate D⸰ value of this

F value at 121.10C (F0) = 1.2 min
According to questions, there is 99.999% inactivation of strain
of clostridium botulinum. This means, if the initial microbial
load (N0) was 105, final load (N) is 1.
D-value at 121.1 0C (D0) = ?

We know.
Log (N0/N) = F0/ D0
Log (105/1) = 1.2/D0
5= 1.2/ D0
D0 = 1.2/5 = 0.24 min

7. An organism isolated from a spoiled canned food is a spore forming organism and
the spore were found to be have a D0 value of 1.35 min. A process was tested for the
adequacy of inactivation of this organism using FS 1518 as the test organism.
Calculate the level of inoculation for FS 1518 such that if 1 can in every 100 can
will spoil, the process would be sufficient to allow a probability of Spoilage of 1 in
105 from an initial spore load of 100 per can of the isolated spoilage organism. The
FS 1518 spores have a D0 value of 2.7 min in the food under consideration.
The F0 of the process can be calculated from the heat resistance and spore reduction
needed for the spoilage organism
F0 = D ( log N0 – logN)
N0 = 100, N = 1/105 , D0 = 1.35 min
= 1.35 ( log 100 – log 10 – 5)
F0 = 9.45 min

For FS 1585
F0 = D ( log N0 – logN)
9.45 = 2.7 (log 100 – log N)

N = 31.62 = 32 spores

8. A suspension containing 3 x 105 spores of organism A having a D value of 1.5 min

at 121 0 C and 8 x 106 spores of organism B having a D value of 0.8 min at 121 0
C is heated at a uniform constant temperature of 121 0 C . calculate the heating
tome for this suspension at 1210 C needed to obtain a probability of spoilage of

For organism A time (t) = DA log N0 / N
= 1.5 log (3 x 105 / 0.001 )
= 12.72 min

For organism B time (t) = DB log N0 / N

= 0.8 log (8 x 106 / 0.001 )
= 7.92 min

Ultra-High Temperature Processing (UHT) and Aseptic packaging

The combination of UHT and aspectic packaging is another form of commercial sterilization. It
involves the application of "ultra high temperature" (heat) to food before packaging, then filling
the food into pre-sterilized containers in a sterile atmosphere. This process will render the food
shelf stable or commercially sterile without the need for refrigeration. UHT- Aseptic packaging is
a relatively new development whereby food can be heated to 140-150°C very rapidly by direct
injection of steam, held at that temperature for short period of time (e.g. 4-6 seconds) and then
cooled, in a vacuum chamber to flash off the water added in the form of condensed steam. This is
carried out as a continuous flow operation. The decrease in processing time due to the higher
temperature, and the minimal come-up time and cool-down time leads to a higher quality product.
Steps involves in aseptic packaging
I. Pre sterilization of equipment
II. Pre sterilization of the food and filler
III. Pre sterilization of cans and covers
IV. Filling of presterilized food and filler in presterilized can and sealing with cover under
aseptic conditions
V. Maintenance of sterility

Dole process/conventional process

It involves of rapidly sterilize and cool food products before they are filled aseptically in
sterilized cans. The standard Dole process consist of five components
I. A tunnel heated by super heated steam in which empty can are sterilized at a temperature
of 2200C (above 2350C the solder binding will lost)

II. A cooling section in which the sterilized container are cooled by spraying sterile water on
the outside of the container
III. A cover sterilizer in which the can ends are heated by superheated steam
IV. A filling section in which cool sterile products is filled into the cans
V. Sealing aseptically and Maintenance of sterility

Flash 18 or Smith-Ball process

This process is carried out for foods having pH > 4.5. The entire canning is carried within
a pressure chamber of 18 psi(above atmospheric). Under this pressure water does not boil
even at 1250C. Therefore low acid foods can be pre sterilized by HTST methods and
pumped to the filling line with in the pressurized room without boiling during filling. Cans
are then sealed and cooled.

Deterioration and spoilage of canned foods

Causes of spoilage

 Microbial: under processing, inadequate Cooling, leaker infection, pre-

process spoilage
 Chemical: internal corrosion given rise to hydrogen swells or pinhole
 Physical: faulty retort operation, under exhausting, over filling, internal
vacuum too high.

Some terminologies
 Leaker: a very small leak may be appear in can owing to faulty seam
and presence of pinholes as a result of corrosion from the inside of the
 Breather: very tiny leak in the can through which air may pass but not
the microorganism
 Swelling or bulging: due to production of gases (hydrogen, hydrogen
sulphide, carbondi oxide etc)

Swelling of cans
 Flat: no evidence of swelling
 Flipper: a can with normal appearance which when brought
down sharply on a flat surface causes a flat end to flip out. The
bulged can be forced back by very slight pressure.
 Springer:one end is flat, the other end is bulged. When the bulged
end is pressed in then the flat end springs out.
 Soft swell: both end are bulged but not tightly.
 Hard swell: both ends are permanently and tightly bulged

Discoloration in canned foods

 Non enzymatic: maillard rexn
 Enzymatic

Metallic contamination
 Formation of ferric tannate
Tannin +iron=terric tannate( black coloration)
 Formation of iron sulphide
So2 + H2= H2S + Fe =FeS (black) + H2
 H2S + Cu= CuS(black color) +H2


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