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Candidate Assessment – Writing +

Task 1: Write an objective piece of no more that 500 words on the following topic:

“5 Ways the World Changed After Covid”

Please make sure your piece contains:

• Two authentic external hyperlinks

• Sources for any information cited
• Zero plagiarism
• A decipherable beginning (intro), middle (main body), and end (conclusion)

The development of one of the deadliest diseases in the world, formally known as COVID-19, has
shaken the way the world works. Whilst most changes that went underway were part of the ride and
most people would’ve forgotten about them, I’ll give you a deep dive on 5 ways the world changed after
the most traumatic experience anyone has experienced ever.

1. One of the major impacts of Covid was its mandatory isolation for an extended period of time.
Because of this extended isolation period, many people became used to self-isolating and anxiety
increased exponentially, especially for the younger generation. Because of this prolonged period of
self-sustenance, the internet proved to be the best escape.

2. As stated in the Washington’s Post on “Gyms, Pets and takeout: How the pandemic has shifted daily
life,” the influx of hybrid work environments and remote work has led to people opting to work for
themselves. But surprisingly hybrid work is still as prevalent as ever. The term “bleisure” was also
coined where there was an influx of vacations being brought after work trips. Covid-19 made many
people slow down and really think about their priorities and therefore has led to such an increased
level of a mixture of stress and relaxation.

3. The increased awareness of mental health and health issues also came from Covid. Since everyone
in the world was forced to take a break in their life, it really redirected the focus of what was
actually important and meaningful to us humans. Realizing that we only have one life to live and
that life is short, an idea that was further emphasized because of Covid, made many individuals look
towards self-care rather than lifelessly working hard.

4. In my opinion, one of the biggest changes that happened in the world after Covid was the
introduction of Social Media work opportunities. Social Media not only became a leisure tool but
became one of the main sources of content creation.

5. An example would be Preston Mutunga . Preston is a 14-year-old boy living in Canada with his
parents. He had created a 2-minute recreation of the Across the Spider-Verse trailer in a Lego style.
Once the video went viral on social media, Preston was offered the job to animate a scene in the
new Spider verse movie. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller hired Preston, and the current Lego scene
in the movie has been animated by Preston. This example in my opinion is the best example of how
the world is adapting to nontraditional formats.

All in all, it’s fair to say that Covid put the world into a complete 180 degrees in many ways. From
economical to social, Covid has changed everything. There are an infinite number of changes that have
occurred after Covid and sometimes its hard to keep up with this ever-evolving world, but its better
than yesterday. We just have to keep moving forward and things will eventually work itself out.

Task 2: Write a descriptive fiction piece of no more than 800 words, using the following points for
guidance. Elaborate on the points to add substance.

• Start with a description of the main character. Suggest a name, describe his appearance, and tell
the reader a little about his age, interests, and anything else that may be relevant.
• Describe the home he lives in, starting from how the home looks both outside and in, then
moving on to a description of his neighborhood.
• Introduce the conflict or issue that occurs. This could be anything from supernatural activity to
simple boredom. Anything that leads to your protagonist deciding to leave home.
• Discuss how the protagonist plans to leave their home.
• End your story at the point when all preparations have been made and the protagonist is ready
to leave.

“Until death do, we part.” Jinny stares at a picture of himself. The younger version of him. The cooler
version of him. The version of him that he was proud of. His slicked back hair gave him the most chiseled
jawline, he believed. His blemish free skin that he relishes. The confidence in his stature exuded from the
photo. He looks down at himself.

He doesn’t look TOO bad. Nothing a shower and some decent clothes wouldn’t fix. Jinny always looked
like he was about to go to bed; always dressed in matching PJ set (today it was a cars pajama set. His bed
hair covered his hair making him look mysterious when in actuality he just put off going to the
hairdresser for weeks and never bothered to maintain it. Looking back at the 16-year-old version of
himself, he wonders how did he get here. At 22, not knowing how to make a decent social relationship.
His thin physique made the pajama set look like a blanket, and he drags his feet across the floor to sit on
his bed, reminiscing.

He looks around. A framed picture of his family portrait 2 years ago; him, his mom and his dog, Charlie.
Actually, where is Charlie? Jinny hasn’t seen him anywhere today. As he gets up to go on a search and
rescue for Charlie, the little poodle comes running from the kitchen and jumps into Jinny’s arms. A trail of
wet paws follows him on the carpet that is collected with all his favorite chew toys. Between Jinny’s
partially clean laundry and Charlie’s chewable toys, you would think there is no space to even walk but
somehow Jinny makes do.

The single bed sits in the corner of the room, facing a wall to ceiling window that got direct sunlight in
the winter. As the sun peaked across the horizon, the wall lit up again and Jinny looked towards it. He saw
all his trophies neatly lined up in order of the year it was won in, arranged by his mom obviously since
Jinny didn’t know a thing about organization. “National Champion 2020.” It glistened in the sunglow.
Jinny’s eyes teared up.

He got up and made his way to the kitchen, maneuvering through the organized mess on the floor whilst
holding on the Charlie. The living room comprised of just a beanbag and a TV, since Jinny moved in only a
month ago. There was another floor to ceiling window but instead of a view of the skyline, it had a
gorgeous view of the ongoing construction of another building coming up front.

Jinny wonders what his apartment must look like from the outside. Sure, it is one of many generic
apartment floor layouts, but the people looking into his house must think he’s an unorganized freak. At
least that’s what he thinks. Should he start cleaning? There is no real reason why he should but if any of
his neighbors drop by and see this mess, they’ll probably kick him out. Charlie runs out of his hands.

He goes towards the kitchen, ignoring the pile of a dirty dishes in the sink. He opens one of his overhead
cabinets to find a glass but is disappointed. There’s no island or elaborate kitchen, just the normal
appliances in any normal kitchen. Although he could watch TV from the kitchen which was nice.

Jinny starts feeling overwhelmed. He can’t wash the dishes. Because if he washes the dishes, then hell
need to put the laundry in, and vacuum the carpet. And all of this is too much work for him.

He has two options; staying at home and decluttering his house, or ignoring his problems and going out
to eat. Jinny chooses option number 2. The decluttering is a problem for future Jinny. He makes his way
to the bedroom in attempt to put on a nice pair of clothes, probably clean ones that smell nice. He takes
one look at his wardrobe that is about the space of a tiny washroom and shuts it again. He takes out the
cologne, does a spritz here and there, gives himself a sniff and nods in agreement. He smells fine.

He takes a deep breath in and lets a deep breath out. He starts chanting mantras to himself which makes
him look a little crazy in Charlie’s eyes. He scavenges for his wallet and keys amongst the mess on his
bedroom floor. Charlie comes to help him in his search. He sifts through the monotone clothing he owns,
mainly black and shades of gray, until he hears a dingle. Charlie found his keys. Charlie and Jinny have a
stare down and as Jinny approaches Charlie to grab the key, the fluffy poodle runs away. He eventually
bribes Charlie with his favorite treats and grabs the keys. He heads for the door, excited to get some

Task 3: Describe an event from your childhood and elaborate on why it may have impacted you as
well as on how. Please make sure that this task is completed entirely in past tense and reported

I suffered from immense body dysmorphia as a child. I went through very extreme phases of starvation
and binging, that led me to have very unhealthy eating habits. A specific even I recall is when my
immediate family members would always comment on my weight as a child. Whether it be negative or
positive, it always made me overly self-conscious about my physical appearance.

Task 4: Keeping track changes on, edit the following until it reads correctly in every way. This includes
tenses, sentencing, punctuation, and use of vocabulary:
I was born in 1950, back when the world was still unexplored and mysterious. We didn’t used to go to
school in cars, instead, we would walk for miles, chatting and joking along the way. My family spended
would spend a lot of time together and we make made each other happy by being loving and caring. No
one was ever excluded.

My father was a carpenter and he have had only three people working for him. All of them were
extremely loyal and they were also skilled at what they did. We would often visit my father’s work
shop after school and watch his workers perform their duties. the men doing their thing. One of my
favorite things to watch was the process of carving. I loved how the workers would carve intricate and
elaborate intoxicant details on the wooden furntiure furnature.

Life was simple then and we didn’t need to worry about the kind kid of things people worry about
today. In a sense, things were a lot lot better.

Task 5: MCQs – Select the best possible choice for the following:

1. I didn’t know that the test was scheduled for today.

a) Know
b) Knew
c) Knewd
d) Known

2. Please inform me about the changes in our daily schedule.

a) Informed
b) Inform
c) Highlight
d) Highlighted

3. There are many reasons that one should exercise daily.

a) Reasons
b) Issues
c) Issue
d) Reason

4. We didn’t go to our grandmother’s house yesterday.

a) Went
b) Reached
c) Reach
d) Go

5. If we hire you conditionally, you will have to your worth on ground. a) Prove
b) Proven
c) Established
d) Proved

6. Where ______ you think you’re going?

a) did
b) do
c) does
d) were

7. I wish ________ nicer to me so that I could have enjoyed the event more!
a) they are
b) they were
c) they is
d) they be

8. I ____ think it was going to take so long to complete a chapter.

a) wasn’t
b) doesn’t
c) weren’t
d) didn’t

9. I need the task to be ________ by 10:00 a.m.

a) finished
b) completed

10. Charlie has been a pilot _______ four years.

a) since
b) for
c) through
d) to

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