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Design and implementation of Smart

Hybrid System for UNDP Hodeida Sub office

Hybrid-System design
(civil works)
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report


UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Wind load calculations according to the drawings and dimensions shown above.

Input Data

• Terrain category: = 0
• the highest temperature in Hodeida= 39C.
• the highest pressure in Hodeida= 1015mb.
• Basic wind velocity at the project site : v = 10 m/s ,according to wind atlas website ,but we
will take 2 safety factor to be vb = 20 m/s
• Horizontal dimension of rectangular plan parallel to the wind direction: d = 4.12 m
• Horizontal dimension of rectangular plan perpendicular to the wind direction (crosswind
dimension): b = 11.618 m
• Height of solar panels from rooftop: h = 4.5 m
• Roof pitch angle: α = 15 °
• Degree of blockage under the canopy roof: φ = 0
• Orography factor at reference height ze: c0(ze) = 1
• Structural factor: cscd = 1

Calculation of air density

We can calculate the air density in Hodeida as follows:

Air density = P/(R×T)

T=the highest temperature in Hodeida= 39C=312.15 deg K.

P=the highest pressure in Hodeida= 1015mb=101500P.
R=specific gas constant for dry air=287.05J/(kg× deg K)

Air density = P/(R×T) = (10100)/( 312.15×287.05)=1.132779 kg/m3

Calculation of peak velocity pressure

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Reference height

The reference height for the wind action ze is equal to the maximum height above rooftop of the
solar panels h, as specified in EN1991-1-4table7.3(8). Therefore:

ze = h = 4.5 m

Reference area (per sloped face)

The reference area for the wind action Aref is equal to the area of sloped solar panels. It is
calculated from the plan dimensions b and d by taking into account the inclination of the area of
sloped solar panels surface with angle α. Therefore:

Aref = b ⋅ d / cos(α) = (11.658 m ⋅4.120 m) / 0.97 = 49.516 m2

Basic wind velocity

The basic wind velocity vb is defined in EN1991-1-4 table4.2(2)P as a function of the wind
direction and time of year at 10 m above ground of terrain category II. The value of vb includes the
effects of the directional factor cdir and the seasonal factor cseason and it is provided in the National
Annex. In the following calculations the basic wind velocity is considered as vb = 35.00 m/s.

Terrain roughness

The roughness length z0 and the minimum height zmin are specified in EN1991-1-4 Table 4.1 as a
function of the terrain category. For terrain category 0 the corresponding values are z0 = 0.003 m
and zmin = 1.0 m.

The terrain factor kr depending on the roughness length z0 = 0.003 m is calculated in accordance
with EN1991-1-4 equation (4.5):

kr = 0.19 ⋅ (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.19 ⋅ (0.003 m / 0.050 m)0.07 = 0.1560

The roughness factor cr(ze) at the reference height ze accounts for the variability of the mean wind
velocity at the site. It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation 4.4. For the examined
case ze ≥ zmin:

cr(ze) = kr ⋅ ln(max{ze, zmin} / z0) = 0.1560 ⋅ ln(max{4.500 m, 1.0 m} / 0.003 m) = 1.1411

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Orography factor

As we know that the Terrain category: = 0 and based on the recommended procedure in EN1994-
1-1table4.3.3 for calculation of the orography factor c0(ze) is described in EN1994-1-1tableA.3, the
orography factor is considered as c0(ze) = 1.000.

Mean wind velocity

The mean wind velocity vm(ze) at reference height ze depends on the terrain roughness, terrain
orography and the basic wind velocity vb. It is determined using EN1991-1-4 equation (4.3):

vm(ze) = cr(ze) ⋅ c0(ze) ⋅ vb = 1.1411×1.000 × 20.00 m/s = 22.822 m/s

Wind turbulence

The turbulence intensity Iv(ze) at reference height ze is defined as the standard deviation of the
turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity. It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4
equation 4.7. For the examined case ze ≥ zmin.

Iv(ze) = kI / [ c0(ze) ⋅ ln(max{ze, zmin} / z0) ] = 1.000 / [ 1.000 ⋅ ln(max{4.500 m, 1.0 m} / 0.003 m) ] = 0.1367

Basic velocity pressure

The basic velocity pressure qb is the pressure corresponding to the wind momentum determined at
the basic wind velocity vb. The basic velocity pressure is calculated according to the fundamental
relation specified in EN1991-14table4.5(1):

qb = (1/2)×ρ × vb2 = (1/2) ×1.132779 kg/m3× (20 m/s)2 = 226.5558 N/m2 = 0.2265558 kN /m2

Peak velocity pressure

The peak velocity pressure qp(ze) at reference height ze includes mean and short-term velocity
fluctuations. It is determined according to EN1991-1-4 equation 4.8:

qp(ze) = (1 + 7×Iv(ze)) ×(1/2) ×ρ × vm(ze)2

= (1 + 7×0.1367) ×(1/2)× 1.132779 kg/m3×(20 m/s)2

1.9569 ×0.5× 1.132779 kg/m3×(20 m/s)2 = 443.347 N/m2

⇒ qp(ze) = 0.443347 kN/m2
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Calculation of local wind pressure on the solar panel installation area

Net pressure coefficients

The net pressure coefficients Cp,net represent the maximum local pressure for all wind directions
and they are used in the design of local elements such as solar panels surface area. Net pressure
coefficients are given for four zones A, B, C, D as defined in the figure included in EN1991-1-4
Table 7.7 that is reproduced above. Zones B, C extend at the sides of the solar panel installation
area, Zone D extends along the ridge, and Zones A extend at the remaining area for each of the
two sloped faces of the solar panels surface area

The inclined length of the solar panels surface area parallel to the wind direction is:

d' = d / cos(α) = 4.120 m / 0.966 = 4.265 m

Zone C corresponds to the regions parallel to the windward and leeward edges having width d'/10
= 0.427 m. Zone B corresponds to the regions parallel to the side edges having width b/10 = 1.191
m, where b is the width of the solar panels surface area transverse to the wind direction. Zone D
corresponds to the region parallel to the ridge having width d'/10 = 0.427 m at each side of the
ridge. Zone A corresponds to the remaining central region for each of the two sloped faces of the
solar panels surface area

The net pressure coefficient cp,net for each of the zones A, B, C, D are defined in EN1991-1-4
Table 7.7 as a function of the roof angle α and the blockage factor φ. For the examined case: α =
15.00 ° and φ = 0.000. Therefore, according to EN1991-1-4 Table 7.7 the following net pressure
coefficients and overall force coefficient are obtained, using linear interpolation where appropriate:

For zone A: cp,net,A = -0.900 or +0.900

For zone B: cp,net,B = -1.700 or +1.900

For zone C: cp,net,C = -1.400 or +1.400

For zone D: cp,net,D = -1.800 or +0.400

Negative values for the external pressure coefficient correspond to suction directed away from the
upper surface inducing uplift forces on the roof. Both positive and negative values should be
considered for each zone.
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Net wind pressure on pressure zones

The net wind pressure on the surfaces of the structure wnet corresponds to the combined effects of
external wind pressure and internal wind pressure.

For structural surfaces consisting of only one skin the net pressure effect is determined as:

wnet = cp,net ⋅ qp(ze)

For structural surfaces consisting of more than one skin EN1991-1-4table7.2.10 is applicable.

For the different pressure zones on the solar panels surface area the following net pressures are

- For zone A: wnet,A =-0.900 ×0.443347 kN/m2 =-0.3990123 kN/m2

Or =+0.900 ×0.443347 kN/m2 =+0.3990123kN/m2

(zones A is the remaining central region of the two sloped faces located more than d'/10 = 0.427 m
or b/10 = 1.191 m from the edges and the central ridge)

- For zone B: wnet,B = -1.700 ×0.443347 kN/m2 =-0.7536899 kN/m2

or = +1.900 ×0.443347 kN/m2 = +0.8423593 kN/m2

(zone B extends up to b/10 = 1.191 m from the side edges)

- For zone C: wnet,C = -1.400 ×0.443347 kN/m2 =- 0.6206858 kN/m2

or = +1.400 ×00.443347 kN/m2 = +0.6206858 kN/m2

(zone C extends up to d'/10 = 0.427 m from the windward and leeward edges)

- For zone D: wnet,D = -1.800 ×0.443347 kN/m2 =-0.7980246 kN/m2

or = +0.400 ×0.443347kN/m2 = +0.1773388 kN/m2

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

(zone D extends up to ±d'/10 = 0.427 m from the central ridge)

Negative net pressure values correspond to suction directed away from the external surface
inducing uplift forces on the solar panels surface area. Both positive and negative values should be

Calculation of overall wind force on the solar panels surface area

Overall pressure coefficient

The overall pressure coefficients cf represents the overall wind force and it will be used in the
design of the overall load bearing structure. The overall pressure coefficient cf is defined in
EN1991-1-4 Table 7.7 as a function of the roof angle α and the blockage factor φ. For the
examined case: α = 15.00 ° and φ = 0.000. Therefore, according to EN1991-1-4 Table 7.7 the
following overall pressure coefficient is obtained, using linear interpolation where appropriate:

cf = -0.800 or 0.400

Negative values for the overall pressure coefficient correspond to suction directed away from the
upper surface inducing uplift forces on the solar panels surface area. Both positive and negative
values should be considered, as explained below.

Structural factor

The structural factor cscd takes into account the structure size effects from the non-simultaneous
occurrence of peak wind pressures on the surface and the dynamic effects of structural vibrations
due to turbulence. The structural factor cscd is determined in accordance with EN1991-1-4 Section

Overall wind force for the solar panels surface area

The wind force Fw corresponding to the overall wind effect on each sloped face of the solar panels
surface area is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation 5.3:

Fw = cscd×cf×Aref×qp(ze)

where Aref = 49.107 m2 is the reference wind area for the sloped face of the solar panels surface
area as calculated above.

For the examined case:

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

- Maximum overall wind force (acting downwards):

Fwd = 1.000×(+0.400) × 49.107 m2 × 0.443347 kN/m2 = +8.70857 kN

- Minimum overall wind force (acting upwards):

Fwu = 1.000×(-0.800) × 49.107 m2 ×0.443347 kN/m2 = -17.41715 kN

Dead load calculations

Input Data

• Solar panel dimension 2.094×1.038×0.03m

• Array 11×2.
• Panel wight 23.8 kg
• Solar panel mid and end clamp number 92 and each one weight is 0.05kg.
• 4 Rail number, the length of each one is 11.668 m and its properties show at table (1)
• Rail clamp number 32 and each one weight is 0.05kg.
• 3 Beam and the length of each one is 4 m and its properties show at table (2)
• 4 Front columns, the length of each one is 2.6m and its properties show at table (3)
• 4 Front columns, the length of each one is 4m and its properties show at table (4)

Aluminum 6005-T5 properties

• Density 2700kg/m3
• Tensile Strength, Ultimate :260 MPa.
• Tensile Strength, yield :240 MPa.
• Modulus of Elasticity :69GPa
• Poisson Ratio:0.33.
• Fatigue Strength: 100 GPa.
• Shear Modulus:26 GPa.
• Shear Strength:205 MPa.
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Solar panels dead load

Based on the solar panel properties
Solar panel self-weight load = panels number ×weight of panel
Solar panel self-weight load =22×23.8kg= 523.6 kg = 523.6 kg=5.13476 KN
Solar panel clamps self-weight load= panels clamp number ×weight of clamp
Solar panel clamps self-weight load= =32×0.05kg=1.6kg= 0.01569KN.
Total solar panels weight = Solar panel self-weight load+ clamps self-weight load
Total solar panels weight =5.13476 KN+0.01569 KN=5.15045 KN.
Total width of solar panel =number of panels ×panel width+ mid space gap+end
Total length of solar panel installation area = (11×1.038) +(10×0.02)+2×0.02 =
= 11.418+0.10+0.04= 11.658 m

Solar panel load PL= total solar panels weight/ length of solar panel installation area
Solar panel weight per meter=5.15045 KN/ 11.658 m = 0.441795 KN/m
As we know the solar panels are installed above 4 rails, so the solar panel load per rail
= 0.441795 KN/m /4=0.11044875 KN/m

Rail design calculations

Rail dead load.

Based on table (1), rail Cross-sectional area (A) is 6.234cm2=0.0006234m2

The rail self-weight =rail Cross-sectional area (m2)× Density 2700kg/m3
The rail self-weight = 0.0006234m2×2700kg/m3 =1.68318 kg/m=0.0165KN/m.
Total rail dead load = rail self-weight+ Solar panel and clamps weight
Total rail dead load (Gk )=0.0165 KN/m+0.11044875 KN/m =0.12694875 KN/m

Wind load on rails

1- Maximum overall wind load (acting downwards):

Wind load (WD )=wind force/ total width of solar panel

= +8.70857 kN/11.658 m=0.747 kN/m

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

2-Minimum overall wind load (acting upwards):

Wind load (WU)=wind force/ total width of solar panel

= -17.41715 kN /11.658 m =-1.494 kN/m

As we know this wind load is distributed for 4 beams beneath, that means

1- the wind load acting downwards (Wkd )= 0.747 kN/m/4 =0.18675 kN/m

2- the wind load acting upwards (Wkup )=- 1.494 kN/m /m/4 =- 0.3735 kN/m

Rail Load combinations

LC1 , Gk = 0.12694875 KN/m=0.17138 KN/m
LC2, Gk + Wkd = 0.12694875 KN/m + 0.18675 = 0.313698 KN/m

Based on the calculations above, the rail uniform distributed load is 0.313698 KN/m

According to drawing above ,the rail reaction forces

F1= 0.788 KN F2=1.043 KN F3=1.043 KN F4= 0.788 KN

The rail bending moment

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

According to drawing above ,the maximimum bending moment is 0.288 kNm.

The rail shear stress

According to drawing above ,the maximimum shear force is 0.540 kN.

Input Data

• Steel yield strength: fy = 240 MPa

• Total height of cross-section: h = 90 mm
• Total width of cross-section: b = 55 mm
• height thickness: th = 2 mm
• width thickness: tw = 2 mm
• Outer rounding radius: ro = 0 mm
• Inner rounding radius: ri = 0 mm
• section length: L = 11.658m
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

• Shear force along z-z axis (parallel to width): Vz,Ed = 0.540 kN.
• Bending moment about minor axis z-z: Mz,Ed = 0.288 kNm
• Buckling length factor for flexural buckling about minor axis z-z: Lcr,z/L = 1
• Shape of Mz bending moment inside the effective length Lcr,z: = Uniform (no internal
• Ratio of end moment with smallest absolute value to end moment with largest absolute
value, taking into account signs, inside the effective length Lcr,z: ψz = 1
• Steel partial material safety factor for cross-section resistance: γM0 = 1

• Steel partial material safety factor for member instability resistance: γM1 = 1
• Factor η for shear buckling verification: η = 1.2
• Calculation method for the interaction factors kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz: = Both methods

Aluminum 6005-T5 properties

• Density 2700 kg/m3

• Tensile Strength, Ultimate :260 MPa=260000 N/m2
• Tensile Strength, yield :240 MPa=240000K N/m2
• Modulus of Elasticity :69GPa
• Poisson Ratio:0.33.
• Fatigue Strength: 100 GPa.
• Shear Modulus:26 GPa.
• Shear Strength:205 MPa.
• Thermal expansion =23.4 µm/m-°C =0.0000234 (1/-°C).
• An aluminum construction is designed for temperatures ranging -30 oC to 50 oC .
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Design properties of section profile

The following design properties are obtained for the examined cross-section:

Geometric Properties of the Section

Parameter Value Unit of
A Cross-sectional area 0.0006234 m2
Av,y Conventional shear area along U-axis 0.000111736 m2
Av,z Conventional shear area along V-axis 0.000352972 m2
a Angle of principal axes of inertia 0.21 degree
Iy Moment of inertia about centroidal 0.000000622 m4
Y1-axis parallel with Y-axis
Iz Moment of inertia about centroidal 0.00000016 m4
Z1-axis parallel with Z-axis
It Torsional moment of inertia (St. 0.000000246 m4
Iw Sectorial moment of inertia 2.501059086e-010 m6
iy Radius of gyration about Y1-axis 0.031580586 m
iz Radius of gyration about Z1-axis 0.016012512 m
Wu+ Maximum section modulus about U- 0.000013966 m3
Wu- Minimum section modulus about U- 0.000013616 m3
Wv+ Maximum section modulus about V- 0.000005846 m3
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Wv- Minimum section modulus about V- 0.000005776 m3
Wpl,u Plastic section modulus about U-axis 0.000017704 m3
Wpl,v Plastic section modulus about V-axis 0.00000942 m3
Iu Maximum moment of inertia 0.000000622 m4
Iv Minimum moment of inertia 0.00000016 m4
iu Maximum radius of gyration 0.031580743 m
iv Minimum radius of gyration 0.016012203 m
au+ Core size along positive Y(U)-axis 0.009377383 m
au- Core size along negative Y(U)-axis 0.009265053 m
av+ Core size along positive Z(V)-axis 0.022402964 m
av- Core size along negative Z(V)-axis 0.021840969 m
ym Y-coordinate of the center of mass 0.02748937 m
zm Z-coordinate of the center of mass 0.044418137 m
Yb Y-coordinate of the shear center 0.027454641 m
Zb Z-coordinate of the shear center 0.034338953 m
P Perimeter 0.574870911 m
Pi Internal perimeter 0.215392396 m
Pe External perimeter 0.359478516 m
Ip Polar moment of inertia 0.000000782 m4
ip Polar radius of gyration 0.035408106 m
Wp Polar section modulus 0.000014959 m3

Classification of the cross-section

The classification of the cross-section parts (height and width) is specified in EN1993-1-1
Table 5.2. In this calculation cross-section classification is carried out for the case of
predominant axial force NEd and bending moment My,Ed about the major axis y-y. For this
case the height is classified for the combination of bending and compression and the
compressive width is classified for pure compression. The class of the compression part
depends on its width c to thickness t ratio, adjusted by the factor ε = 0.990. The
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

classification of the total cross-section is determined by the class of its most unfavorable
compression part, height or width.

Width classification

For the compression width: c / t = (b - 2⋅th - 2⋅ri) / tw

= (55.0 mm - 2⋅2.0 mm - 2⋅0.0 mm) / 2.0 mm = 25.500

Because c / t = 25.500 ≤ 33⋅ε = 33⋅0.990 = 32.654 the compression width is classified as

Class 1.

height classification

For the height: c / t = (h - 2⋅tw- 2⋅ri) / th

= (90.0 mm - 2⋅2.0 mm - 2⋅0.0 mm) / 2.0 mm = 43.000

For constant axial force N = 0.0 kN (compression negative) and increasing value of bending
moment My the fully plastic profile of the cross-section corresponds to plastic neutral axis
at normalized height α = 0.500 (where α > 0.5 when the axial force is compressive, α = 0
for height fully in tension, and α = 1 for height fully in compression).

Because α < 0.5 and c / t = 43.000 ≤ 36⋅ε / α

= 36⋅0.990 / 0.500 = 71.246, the height is classified as Class 1.

Classification of total cross-section

The class of the total cross-section corresponds to the most adverse of the width class
(Class 1) and the height class (Class 1). Therefore, the cross-section is classified as Class 1.

Shear buckling resistance of height and width

The shear buckling resistance of the height and width is verified in accordance with
EN1993-1-1 table6.2.6(6).

Shear buckling resistance without additional measures is proved when:

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

hw/tw ≤ 72 ⋅ ε / η

For the height of the examined case:

hw/th = 86.0 mm / 2.0 mm = 43.000 ≤ 72 ⋅ ε / η = 72 ⋅ 0.990 / 1.20 = 59.372

Therefore, the shear buckling resistance of the height is sufficient:

• No additional shear buckling verifications are required for the height.

• No intermediate height stiffeners are required.

For the width of the examined case:

hf/tf = 51.0 mm / 2.0 mm = 25.500 ≤ 72 ⋅ ε / η = 72 ⋅ 0.990 / 1.20 = 59.372

Therefore, the shear buckling resistance of the width is sufficient:

• No additional shear buckling verifications are required for the width.

• No intermediate width stiffeners are required.

(1) Tension (EN1993-1-1 table 6.2.3)

The critical cross-section is verified for tensile axial force in accordance with EN1993-1-1

NEd / Nt,Rd ≤ 1.0

Where NEd = 0.0 kN is the design tensile axial force. The tension resistance Nt,Rd is
estimated as the plastic tension resistance Npl,Rd on the basis of the gross cross-section area
A and the steel yield stress fy:

• Npl,Rd = A ⋅ fy / γM0 = 0.0006234 m2 ×240000KN/m2 / 1.00 = 149.616 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the tension resistance verification is:

u = NEd / Npl,Rd = 0.0 kN / 149.616 kN = 0.000 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

(2) Compression (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.4)

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

The critical cross-section is verified for compressive axial force in accordance with EN1993-
1-1 table6.2.4:

NEd / Nc,Rd ≤ 1.0

Where NEd = -0.0 kN is the design compressive axial force. For the case of class 1, 2, or 3
cross-section the compression resistance Nc,Rd is estimated as:

Nc,Rd = A ⋅ fy / γM0 = 0.0006234 m2 ×240000KN/m2 / 1.00 = 149.616 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the compression resistance verification is:

u = NEd / Nc,Rd = -0.0 kN / 149.616 kN = -0.000 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

According to EN1993-1-1 table6.2.4(3) the previous verification is sufficient for steel

members without holes or with fastener holes filled with fasteners with the exception of
oversize and slotted holes.

(3) Bending moment (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.5)

The critical cross-section is verified for bending moment in accordance with EN1993-1-1

MEd / Mc,Rd ≤ 1.0

For class 1 or 2 cross-sections the design resistance Mc,Rd for bending about one principal
axis is estimated as the corresponding plastic bending resistance Mpl,Rd on the basis of the
corresponding plastic section modulus Wpl:

For the minor axis z-z: Mc,z,Rd = Wpl,z ⋅ fy / γM0

= 0.00000942 m3 ×240000KN/m2 / 1.00 = 2.2608 kNm

Therefore, the utilization for the bending resistance verification is:

For bending about the minor axis z-z: u

= Mz,Ed / Mc,z,Rd = 0.288 kNm / 2.2608 kNm = 0.12738≤ 1.0 ( OK )

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

The previous verifications are sufficient for steel members

(4) Shear (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.6)

The critical cross-section is verified for shear force in accordance with EN1993-1-1

VEd / Vc,Rd ≤ 1.0

For class 1 or 2 cross-sections the design shear resistance for shear force along one principal
axis is estimated as the plastic shear resistance Vpl,Rd on the basis of the corresponding shear
area Av:

For the shear force along z-z:

Vpl,Rd,z = Av,z ⋅ (fy / √3 ) / γM0 = 0.000352972 m2×( 240000KN/m2 / √3 ) / 1.00

= 48.967 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the shear resistance verification is equal to:

For sheer force along axis z-z

= Vz,Ed / Vc,Rd,z = 0.540 kN / 48.967 kN = 0.0110278 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Beam design calculations.

Beam dead load
Based on table (2), beam Cross-sectional area (A) is 7.1575cm2=0.00071575m2
The beam self-weight =rail Cross-sectional area (m2)× Density 2700kg/m3
The beam self-weight = 0.00071575m2×2700kg/m3 =1.932525kg/m.

As we know from the calculations above that:

1- The beam self-weight =1.932525kg/m=0.01932525KN/m
2- the rail reaction forces on the beam are as follows:
F1= 0.788 KN F2=1.043 KN F3=1.043 KN F4= 0.788 KN
The highest point load is F2=1.043 KN that means we have on the beam two types of loads
,the first one is the distributed load due to its self-weight which is 0.0193KN/m and the second
one is point load which 1.043 KN as shown below.

According to drawing above ,the beam reaction forces

F1= 1.447 KN F2=1.354 KN F3=1.447 KN
Thr beam bending moment
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

According to drawing above ,the maximimum bending moment is 0.207 kNm.

Beam shear stress

According to drawing above ,the maximimum shear force is 1.054 kN.

Input Data

• Steel yield strength: fy = 240 MPa

• Total height of cross-section: h = 80 mm
• Total width of cross-section: b = 55 mm
• height thickness: th = 2 mm
• width thickness: tw = 2 mm
• Outer rounding radius: ro = 0 mm
• Inner rounding radius: ri = 0 mm
• section length: L = 11.658m
• Axial force NEd =1.043 KN
• Shear force along z-z axis (parallel to width): Vz = 1.054 kNm.
• Bending moment about minor axis z-z: Mz = 0.207 kNm
• Buckling length factor for flexural buckling about minor axis z-z: Lcr,z/L = 1
• Shape of Mz bending moment inside the effective length Lcr,z: = Uniform (no internal
• Ratio of end moment with smallest absolute value to end moment with largest absolute
value, taking into account signs, inside the effective length Lcr,z: ψz = 1
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Defined Parameters

• Steel partial material safety factor for cross-section resistance: γM0 = 1

• Steel partial material safety factor for member instability resistance: γM1 = 1
• Factor η for shear buckling verification: η = 1.2
• Calculation method for the interaction factors kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz: = Both methods

Aluminum 6005-T5 properties

• Density 2700kg/m3
• Tensile Strength, Ultimate :260 MPa=260000 N/m2
• Tensile Strength, yield :240 MPa=240000K N/m2
• Modulus of Elasticity :69GPa
• Poisson Ratio:0.33.
• Fatigue Strength: 100 GPa.
• Shear Modulus:26 GPa.
• Shear Strength:205 MPa.
factor ε according to EN1993-1-1 § ε = (235 MPa / fy)0.5 = (235 MPa / 240
MPa)0.5 = 0.990

Design properties of section profile

The following design properties are obtained for the examined cross-section:
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Geometric Properties of the Section

Parameter Value Unit of
A Cross-sectional area 0.00072375 m2
Av,y Conventional shear area along U-axis 0.000114058 m2
Av,z Conventional shear area along V-axis 0.000179833 m2
a Angle of principal axes of inertia -0.303 degree
Iy Moment of inertia about centroidal Y1-axis 0.000000517 m4
parallel with Y-axis
Iz Moment of inertia about centroidal Z1-axis 0.000000316 m4
parallel with Z-axis
It Torsional moment of inertia (St. Venant) 0.000000228 m4
Iw Sectorial moment of inertia 2.454639041e- m6
iy Radius of gyration about Y1-axis 0.02671783 m
iz Radius of gyration about Z1-axis 0.020894666 m
Wu+ Maximum section modulus about U-axis 0.000013179 m3
Wu- Minimum section modulus about U-axis 0.000012574 m3
Wv+ Maximum section modulus about V-axis 0.000011405 m3
Wv- Minimum section modulus about V-axis 0.0000114 m3
Wpl,u Plastic section modulus about U-axis 0.000017128 m3
Wpl,v Plastic section modulus about V-axis 0.000014193 m3
Iu Maximum moment of inertia 0.000000517 m4
Iv Minimum moment of inertia 0.000000316 m4
iu Maximum radius of gyration 0.026717975 m
iv Minimum radius of gyration 0.020894481 m
au+ Core size along positive Y(U)-axis 0.015757616 m
au- Core size along negative Y(U)-axis 0.015751952 m
av+ Core size along positive Z(V)-axis 0.018209696 m
av- Core size along negative Z(V)-axis 0.017373795 m
ym Y-coordinate of the center of mass 0.0275 m
zm Z-coordinate of the center of mass 0.039056937 m
Yb Y-coordinate of the shear center 0.027675866 m
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Zb Z-coordinate of the shear center 0.029614446 m

P Perimeter 0.722005276 m
Pi Internal perimeter 0.330384776 m
Pe External perimeter 0.391620499 m
Ip Polar moment of inertia 0.000000833 m4
ip Polar radius of gyration 0.033917982 m
Wp Polar section modulus 0.000016882 m3

Classification of the cross-section

The class of the compression part depends on its width c to thickness t ratio, adjusted by
the factor ε = 0.990. The classification of the total cross-section is determined by the class
of its most unfavorable compression part, height or width.

Width classification

For the compression width: c / t = (b - 2⋅th - 2⋅ri) / tw

= (55.0 mm - 2⋅2.0 mm - 2⋅0.0 mm) / 2.0 mm = 25.500

Because c / t = 25.500 ≤ 33⋅ε = 33⋅0.990 = 32.654 the compression width is classified as

Class 1.

height classification

For the height: c / t = (h - 2⋅tw- 2⋅ri) / th

= (80.0 mm - 2×2.0 mm - 2×2 mm) / 2.0 mm = 36

For constant axial force N = 0.0 kN (compression negative) and increasing value of bending
moment My the fully plastic profile of the cross-section corresponds to plastic neutral axis
at normalized height α = 0.500 (where α > 0.5 when the axial force is compressive, α = 0
for height fully in tension, and α = 1 for height fully in compression).

Because α < 0.5 and c / t = 36 ≤ 36×ε / α

= 36 ×0.990 / 0.500 71.28 , the height is classified as Class 1.

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Classification of total cross-section

The class of the total cross-section corresponds to the most adverse of the width class
(Class 1) and the height class (Class 1). Therefore, the cross-section is classified as Class 1.

Shear buckling resistance of height and width

The shear buckling resistance of the height and width is verified in accordance with
EN1993-1-1 table6.2.6(6).

Shear buckling resistance without additional measures is proved when:

hw/tw ≤ 72 ⋅ ε / η

For the height of the examined case:

hw/th = 72.0 mm / 2.0 mm = 36.000 ≤ 72 ⋅ ε / η = 72 ⋅ 0.990 / 1.20 = 59.372

Therefore, the shear buckling resistance of the height is sufficient:

• No additional shear buckling verifications are required for the height.

• No intermediate height stiffeners are required.

For the width of the examined case:

hf/tf = 51.0 mm / 2.0 mm = 25.500 ≤ 72 ⋅ ε / η = 72 ⋅ 0.990 / 1.20 = 59.372

Therefore, the shear buckling resistance of the width is sufficient:

• No additional shear buckling verifications are required for the width.

• No intermediate width stiffeners are required.

(1) Tension (EN1993-1-1 table 6.2.3)

The critical cross-section is verified for tensile axial force in accordance with EN1993-1-1

NEd / Nt,Rd ≤ 1.0

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Where NEd =1.043 KN is the design tensile axial force. The tension resistance Nt,Rd is
estimated as the plastic tension resistance Npl,Rd on the basis of the gross cross-section area
A and the steel yield stress fy:

• Npl,Rd = A ⋅ fy / γM0 = 0.00072375 m2 ×240000KN/m2 / 1.00 = 173.7 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the tension resistance verification is:

u = NEd / Npl,Rd =1.043 KN / 173.7 kN = 0.0060 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

(2) Compression (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.4)

The critical cross-section is verified for compressive axial force in accordance with EN1993-
1-1 table6.2.4:

NEd / Nc,Rd ≤ 1.0

Where NEd = 1.043 KN kN is the design compressive axial force. For the case of class 1, 2,
or 3 cross-section the compression resistance Nc,Rd is estimated as:

Nc,Rd = A ⋅ fy / γM0 = 0.00072375 m2 ×240000KN/m2 / 1.00 = 173.7 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the compression resistance verification is:

u = NEd / Npl,Rd = 1.043 KN / 173.7 kN = 0.0060 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

According to EN1993-1-1 table6.2.4(3) the previous verification is sufficient for steel

members without holes or with fastener holes filled with fasteners with the exception of
oversize and slotted holes.

(3) Bending moment (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.5)

The critical cross-section is verified for bending moment in accordance with EN1993-1-1

MEd / Mc,Rd ≤ 1.0

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

For class 1 or 2 cross-sections the design resistance Mc,Rd for bending about one principal
axis is estimated as the corresponding plastic bending resistance Mpl,Rd on the basis of the
corresponding plastic section modulus Wpl:

For the minor axis z-z: Mc,z,Rd = Wpl,z ⋅ fy / γM0

= 0.000014193 m3 ×240000KN/m2 / 1.00 = 3.40632 kNm

Therefore, the utilization for the bending resistance verification is:

For bending about the minor axis z-z: u

= Mz,Ed / Mc,z,Rd = 0.207 kNm / 3.40632 kNm = 0.06076 ≤ 1.0 ( OK )

The previous verifications are sufficient for steel members

(4) Shear (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.6)

The critical cross-section is verified for shear force in accordance with EN1993-1-1

VEd / Vc,Rd ≤ 1.0

For class 1 or 2 cross-sections the design shear resistance for shear force along one principal
axis is estimated as the plastic shear resistance Vpl,Rd on the basis of the corresponding shear
area Av:

For the shear force along z-z:

Vpl,Rd,z = Av,z ⋅ (fy / √3 ) / γM0 = 0.000179833 m2×( 240000KN/m2 / √3 ) / 1.00

= 24.9479 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the shear resistance verification is equal to:

For sheer force along axis z-z

= Vz,Ed / Vc,Rd,z = 1.054 kN kN / 24.9479 kN = 0.042248 C

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Front column load calculations.

Front column dead load
Based on table (3), front column Cross-sectional area (A) is 4.63 cm2= 0.0004630m2
The front column self-weight =rail Cross-sectional area (m2)× Density 2700kg/m3
The front column self-weight = 0.0004630m2×2700kg/m3 =1.2501kg/m.
Front column properties

Geometric Properties of the Section

Parameter Value Unit of
A Cross-sectional area 0.000463 m2
Av,y Conventional shear area along U-axis 0.000203406 m2
Av,z Conventional shear area along V-axis 0.000170424 m2
a Angle of principal axes of inertia 90 degree
Iy Moment of inertia about centroidal 0.000000199 m4
Y1-axis parallel with Y-axis
Iz Moment of inertia about centroidal 0.000000223 m4
Z1-axis parallel with Z-axis
It Torsional moment of inertia (St. 0.000000313 m4
Iw Sectorial moment of inertia 1.10974875e-012 m6
iy Radius of gyration about Y1-axis 0.020749175 m
iz Radius of gyration about Z1-axis 0.021930707 m
Wu+ Maximum section modulus about U- 0.000008098 m3
Wu- Minimum section modulus about U- 0.000008098 m3
Wv+ Maximum section modulus about V- 0.000007249 m3
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Wv- Minimum section modulus about V- 0.000007249 m3

Wpl,u Plastic section modulus about U-axis 0.000009396 m3
Wpl,v Plastic section modulus about V-axis 0.000008558 m3
Iu Maximum moment of inertia 0.000000223 m4
Iv Minimum moment of inertia 0.000000199 m4
iu Maximum radius of gyration 0.021930707 m
iv Minimum radius of gyration 0.020749175 m
au+ Core size along positive Y(U)-axis 0.015655573 m
au- Core size along negative Y(U)-axis 0.015655573 m
av+ Core size along positive Z(V)-axis 0.017489306 m
av- Core size along negative Z(V)-axis 0.017489306 m
ym Y-coordinate of the center of mass 0.0275 m
zm Z-coordinate of the center of mass 0.0275 m
Yb Y-coordinate of the shear center 0.0275 m
Zb Z-coordinate of the shear center 0.0275 m
P Perimeter 0.43 m
Pi Internal perimeter 0.21 m
Pe External perimeter 0.22 m
Ip Polar moment of inertia 0.000000422 m4
ip Polar radius of gyration 0.030190796 m
Wp Polar section modulus 0.000010851 m3

Columns buckling check can be analyzed with the Euler column formula

Fcr = (n ×π2 ×E ×I )/ L2


Fcr = allowable load (N)

n = factor accounting for the end conditions=0.25

E = modulus of elasticity (N/m2) = 69000000000

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

L = length of column (m)=3.2m

I = Moment of inertia ( m4)= 0.000000199

Fcr = (0.25×3.142×69000000000×0.000000199)/3.22

Fcr =33,845.5419/10.24= 3,305.2287 N=3.3526 KN

Allowable stress

σcr = Fcr /A=3.3526 KN /0.000463= 7241.0367 KN/m2= 7.2410367MPa

normal stress σ =F/A=1.447 KN/0.000463= 3,125.269 KN/m2 = 3.125269 MPa

3.125269 MPa /7.2410367 MPa=0.4316 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

Limiting slenderness

Material slenderness λ1 (where σcr = fy) may be found to be:

λ1= л fy = 3.14×(69000MPa/240MPa) ½ = 3.14 ×16.9558=53.241212

column slenderness

k=(1/ n)1.2 =(1/ 0.25 )1.2 =2

λ= Lcr/i = kL/i = 2×3.2/0.020749175= 308.4459


column member capacities

design axial force resistance
Npl.Rd = A×fy/ymo
A= the cross-sectional area= 4.63 cm2=0.000463m2 according to table (4)
fy = the material yield strength =240 MPa=240000KN/m2
ymo = the material partial safety factor= 1.25
Npl.Rd = 0.000463m2 × 240000KN/m2/1.25=88.896 KN
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

NEd /Npl.d =1.447 KN < 88.896 KN (ok)

Wind load at the column

Reference area and height

The reference height for the wind action ze

ze = z = 3.200 m

Aref = b ⋅ l = 0.055 m ⋅ 3.200 m = 0.18 m2

For terrain category 0 the corresponding values are z0 = 0.003 m and zmin = 1.0 m.

The terrain factor kr depending on the roughness length z0 = 0.003 m is calculated in

accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation (4.5):

kr = 0.19 ⋅ (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.19 ⋅ (0.003 m / 0.050 m)0.07 = 0.1560

For the examined case ze ≥ zmin:

cr(ze) = kr ⋅ ln(max{ze, zmin} / z0) = 0.1560 ⋅ ln(max{3.200 m, 1.0 m} / 0.003 m) = 1.0879

Mean wind velocity

It is determined using EN1991-1-4 equation (4.3):

vm(ze) = cr(ze) ⋅ c0(ze) ⋅ vb = 1.0879 ⋅ 1.000 ⋅ 20.00 m/s = 21.76 m/s

Wind turbulence

It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation 4.7.

For the examined case ze ≥ zmin.

Iv(ze) = kI / [ c0(ze) ⋅ ln(max{ze, zmin} / z0) ] = 1.000 / [ 1.000 ⋅ ln(max{3.200 m, 1.0 m} /

0.003 m) ] = 0.1434

Basic velocity pressure

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

The basic velocity pressure is calculated according to the fundamental relation specified in
EN1991-14 table 4.5(1):

qb = (1/2) ⋅ ρ ⋅ vb2 = (1/2) ×1.132779 kg/m3 ×(20.00 m/s)2

= 226.5558 N/m2 = 0.2265 kN/m2

Peak velocity pressure

The peak velocity pressure qp(ze) at reference height ze includes mean and short-term
velocity fluctuations. It is determined according to EN1991-1-4 equation 4.8:

qp(ze) = (1 + 7⋅Iv(ze)) ⋅ (1/2) ⋅ ρ ⋅ vm(ze)2

= (1 + 7×0.1434) × (1/2) ×1.132779 kg/m3 ×(21.76 m/s)2 = 537.3872 N/m2

⇒ qp(ze) = 0.53738 kN/m2

Calculation of wind forces on the column

The wind force on the structure Fw for the overall wind effect is estimated according to the
force coefficient method as specified in EN1991-1-4 §5.3.

Fw = cscd ⋅ cf ⋅ qp(ze) ⋅ Aref

Fw = 1.000 ×1.911 ×0.53738 kN/m2 ×0.18 m2 = 0.1848 kN

Design Wind Force on the front column

Fw,u = Fw  γF  γf3

Fw,u ( (ULS) = 0.1848 KN.  1.35  1.0 = 0.24948 KN.

Fw,d (SLS) = 0.1848 KN. 1.0  1.0 = 0.1848 KN.

Ultimate Action Effects (wind action)

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Ultimate bending moment column, Md

Md = Wind force  column length
= Fw,d (ULS)  l
=0.24948 KN  3.2 = 0.798336 kNm

Desing elastic bending moment resistance

Mel.Rd,z = Wel,z×fy/ymo
Wel,z = the elastic section modules about z axis
Iz = section moment of inertia =19.933458333 cm4 =0.000000001993345833 m4
according to table (4)
b= section with =8cm =0.08 m, according to table (4)
Wel,z = 0.000000001993345833 / 0.04= 0.000000011428909 m3
fy = the material yield strength =240 MPa=240000KN/m2
ymo = the material partial safety factor= 1.25
Mel.Rd,z = 0.000000049833645 m3 x 240000KN/m2/1.25= 0.00956805984 KNm
Md /Mpl.Rd,z =1.16208 kNm/2.2551 KNm= 0.5153 1.0 ⇒ ok

Shear (EN1993-1-1 table6.2.6)

Ultimate shear force in column (wind action)

Vd = Fw,d (ULS)= 0.24948 KN

The critical cross-section is verified for shear force in accordance with EN1993-1-1

VEd / Vc,Rd ≤ 1.0

For class 1 or 2 cross-sections the design shear resistance for shear force along one principal
axis is estimated as the plastic shear resistance Vpl,Rd on the basis of the corresponding shear
area Av:

For the shear force along z-z:

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Vpl,Rd,z = Av,z ⋅ (fy / √3 ) / γM0 = 0.000170424 m2×( 240000KN/m2 / √3 ) / 1.00

= 23.6426 kN

Therefore, the utilization for the shear resistance verification is equal to:

For sheer force along axis z-z

= Vz,Ed / Vc,Rd,z = 0.24948 kN kN / 23.6426 kN =0.0105 C ⇒ ok

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Back column load calculations.

Back column dead load
Based on table (4), back column Cross-sectional area (A) is 7.1575cm2=0.00071575m2
The back column self-weight =rail Cross-sectional area (m2)× Density 2700kg/m3
The back column self-weight = 0.00071575m2×2700kg/m3 =1.932525kg/m.

Geometric Properties of the Section

Parameter Value Unit of
A Cross-sectional area 0.00072375 m2
Av,y Conventional shear area along U-axis 0.000114058 m2
Av,z Conventional shear area along V-axis 0.000179833 m2
a Angle of principal axes of inertia -0.303 degree
Iy Moment of inertia about centroidal Y1- 0.000000517 m4
axis parallel with Y-axis
Iz Moment of inertia about centroidal Z1- 0.000000316 m4
axis parallel with Z-axis
It Torsional moment of inertia (St. Venant) 0.000000228 m4
Iw Sectorial moment of inertia 2.454639041e-010 m6
iy Radius of gyration about Y1-axis 0.02671783 m
iz Radius of gyration about Z1-axis 0.020894666 m
Wu+ Maximum section modulus about U-axis 0.000013179 m3
Wu- Minimum section modulus about U-axis 0.000012574 m3
Wv+ Maximum section modulus about V-axis 0.000011405 m3
Wv- Minimum section modulus about V-axis 0.0000114 m3
Wpl,u Plastic section modulus about U-axis 0.000017128 m3
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Wpl,v Plastic section modulus about V-axis 0.000014193 m3

Iu Maximum moment of inertia 0.000000517 m4
Iv Minimum moment of inertia 0.000000316 m4
iu Maximum radius of gyration 0.026717975 m
iv Minimum radius of gyration 0.020894481 m
au+ Core size along positive Y(U)-axis 0.015757616 m
au- Core size along negative Y(U)-axis 0.015751952 m
av+ Core size along positive Z(V)-axis 0.018209696 m
av- Core size along negative Z(V)-axis 0.017373795 m
ym Y-coordinate of the center of mass 0.0275 m
zm Z-coordinate of the center of mass 0.039056937 m
Yb Y-coordinate of the shear center 0.027675866 m
Zb Z-coordinate of the shear center 0.029614446 m
P Perimeter 0.722005276 m
Pi Internal perimeter 0.330384776 m
Pe External perimeter 0.391620499 m
Ip Polar moment of inertia 0.000000833 m4
ip Polar radius of gyration 0.033917982 m
Wp Polar section modulus 0.000016882 m3

Columns buckling check can be analyzed with the Euler column formula

Fcr = n π2 E I / L2


Fcr = allowable load (N)

n = factor accounting for the end conditions=0.25

E = modulus of elasticity (N/m2) = 69000000000

L = length of column (m)=4m

I = Moment of inertia ( m4)= 0.000000316

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Fcr = (0.25×3.142×69000000000×0.000000316)/42

Fcr =33,845.5419/10.24= 3,359.042475 N=3.359042475 KN

Allowable stress

σcr = Fcr /A=3.359042475 KN /0.00072375= 4,641.1640 KN/m2= 4.6411640 MPa

normal stress σ =F/A=1.447 KN/0.00072375=1,999.309 KN/m2 =1.999309 MPa

1.999309 MPa /4.6411640 MPa=0.4307 ≤ 1.0 ⇒ ok

Limiting slenderness

Material slenderness λ1 (where σcr = fy) may be found to be:

λ1= л fy = 3.14×(69000MPa/240MPa) ½ = 3.14 ×16.9558=53.241212

column slenderness

k=(1/ n)1.2 =(1/ 0.25 )1.2 =2

λ= Lcr/i = kL/i = 2×4/0.026717975= 299.4238

299.4238 ≥53.241212 ⇒ ok

column member capacities

Compression resistance
Npl.Rd = A×fy/ymo
A= the cross-sectional area= 0.00072375 m2 according to table (3)
fy = the material yield strength =240 MPa=240000KN/m2
ymo = the material partial safety factor= 1.25
Npl.Rd = 0.00072375 m2 × 240000KN/m2/1.25=138.96 KN

The column cross-section is verified for compressive axial force in accordance with EN1993-1-1
table 6.2.4:
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

NEd / Nc,Rd ≤ 1.0

As we know from the above calculations that NEd = 1.447 KN

NEd / Nc,Rd= 1.447 KN /138.96 KN=0.0104 <1 (ok)

Ultimate Action Effects (wind action)

Ultimate bending moment column, Md

Md = Wind force  column length
= Fw,d (ULS)  l
=0.24948 KN  3.2 = 0.798336 kNm

Desing plastic bending moment resistance

Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl,z×fy/ymo
wpl,z = the plastic section modules about z axis
= 0.000014193 m3 according to table (4)
fy = the material yield strength =240 MPa=240000KN/m2
ymo = the material partial safety factor= 1.25
Mpl.Rd,z = 0.000014193 m3 x 240000KN/m2/1.25= 2.725056 KNm

Ultimate Action Effects (wind action)

Ultimate bending moment column, Md

Md = Wind force  column length
= Fw,d (ULS)  l
=0.24948 KN  4 = 0.99792 kNm

Md / Mpl.Rd,z =0.99792 /2.725056 =0.366 <1 (ok)

Design shear force resistance
VEd =Fw,d (ULS)= 0.24948 KN.
Vpl.Rd,z = Av,z×(fy/1.73)/ymo
A= the shear area for shear force along z-z axis
= 0.000179833 m2 according to table (4)
fy = the material yield strength =240 MPa=240000KN/m2
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

ymo = the material partial safety factor= 1.25

Vpl.Rd,z = 0.000179833 m2 × (240000KN/m2/1.73 )/ 1.25
= (0.000179557 m2 ×38728.324) )/ 1.25
=19.958 KN

the column cross-section is verified for shear force in accordance with EN1993-1-1 table

VEd / Vc,Rd ≤ 1.0

As we know from the above calculations that VEd = 0.24948 KN.

0.24948 KN/19.958 KN KN= 0.0125 < 1 (ok)

Column concrete foundation dimensions

As mentioned in the calculations above that the axial force from the column at the column
base is NEd = 1.447 KN
We try to select foundatio with deminsions L=0.5m ,W=0.5m,T=0.5m
Overturning Check
Overturning moment, Mover = Design load ×lever arm to the foundation base
Mover = Fw,d ×(h + 0.5)

Mover = 0.24948 kN ×(3.2 + 0.4)= 0.1848 kN ×3.6 =1.097712 KNm

the self-weight of the foundation

Wf = L×W×T×24= 0.5×0.5×0.5×24= 3KN
the foundation has load from the axial load of the structure which is 1.447 KN that means
the the weight of the foundation with its self weight will be

3KN+1.447 KN =4.447 KN

Restoring moment, Mrest = 4.447 ×W / 2= 4.447 ×0.5/ 2=1.11175 kNm

Factor of safety 1.11175 / 1.097712 = 1.01278 > 1 OK

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Concrete foundation for diesel genset installation

Given data based on the diesel genset datasheet.

Dry weight of gen set = 1490kg.

Oil density=700kg/m3

M3=1000L .

Oil volume = 8 L

Oil volume =8L× (M3/1000L )=0.008 M3

Oil weight= volume ×density

Oil weight=0.008 M3×700kg/m3 =5.6kg.

Fuel volume =209L

Fuel density = 0.85 kg/L

Weight= volume ×density

Fuel volume =209L×0.85 kg/L =177.65kg

Weight of Coolant =17L=17kg.

Genset length =2.4m

Genset width =1m.

D = Density of concrete 2,400 kg/m3

Based on these given data, we can calculate the required foundation to install the diesel
genset as follows:

Foundation depth = W/DxBxL

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W = Total wet weight of gen set(kg)

= Dry weight of gen set +weight of fuel + weight of oil + Weight of Coolant

W = Total wet weight of gen set(kg)=1490+177.65+5.6+17= 1690.25kg.

L = Foundation length = Genset length+ two side clearances.

L =2.4+0.4=2.8m.

B = Foundation width = Genset width+ two side clearances.

B =1+0.4l=1.4m.
Foundation depth = W/(DxBxL)

Foundation depth = 1690.25 /(2,400 kg/m3×1.4m×2.8m) =1690.25 /9408=0.1797m


Safety factor =1.25.

Foundation depth =17.97cm ×1.25=22.9=22.4625= 23cm

That means the required concrete foundation is:


Width =140cm.

Depth =23 cm.

The total concrete volume is 0.90161m3 and its concrete mixture ratio of 1:2:3 (cement:
sand: aggregate)
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Lightning terminal pole and its foundation

Input Data

• Terrain category: = 0
• Basic wind velocity: vb = 20 m/s
• Diameter of the cylindrical element: b = 0.0842 m
• Length of the cylindrical element: l = 6 m
• Maximum height above ground of the cylindrical element: z = 6 m
• Orientation of the cylindrical element: = Vertical
• Surface type: = galvanized steel
• Orography factor at reference height ze: c0(ze) = 1
• Structural factor: cscd = 1
• Air density: ρ = 1.132779 kg/m3

Calculation of peak velocity pressure

Reference area and height

The reference height for the wind action ze is equal to the maximum height above ground
of the section being considered, as specified in EN1991-1-4 table7.9.2(5). The reference
area for the wind action Aref is the projected area of the cylinder, as specified in EN1991-1-4
table7.9.2(4). Therefore:

ze = z = 6.000 m

Aref = b ⋅ l = 0.0842 m ×6 m =0.5052 m2

Basic wind velocity

The basic wind velocity vb is defined in EN1991-1-4 table4.2(2)P as a function of the wind
direction and time of year at 10 m above ground of terrain category 0. The value of vb
includes the effects of the directional factor cdir and the seasonal factor cseason and it is
provided in the National Annex. In the following calculations the basic wind velocity is
considered as

vb = 20 m/s.
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Terrain roughness

The roughness length z0 and the minimum height zmin are specified in EN1991-1-4 Table
4.1 as a function of the terrain category. For terrain category 0 the corresponding values are

z0 = 0.003 m and zmin = 1.0 m.

The terrain factor kr depending on the roughness length z0 = 0.003 m is calculated in

accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation (4.5):

kr = 0.19 ⋅ (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.19 ⋅ (0.003 m / 0.050 m)0.07 = 0.1560

The roughness factor cr(ze) at the reference height ze accounts for the variability of the
mean wind velocity at the site. It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation
4.4. For the examined case ze ≥ zmin:

cr(ze) = kr ⋅ ln(max{ze, zmin} / z0) = 0.1560 ⋅ ln(max{6.000 m, 1.0 m} / 0.003 m) = 1.1860

Orography factor

It is not applicable in this case because the terrain category is 0,so in the following
calculations the orography factor is considered as c0(ze) = 1.000.

Mean wind velocity

The mean wind velocity vm(ze) at reference height ze depends on the terrain roughness,
terrain orography and the basic wind velocity vb. It is determined using EN1991-1-4
equation (4.3):

vm(ze) = cr(ze) ⋅ c0(ze) ⋅ vb = 1.1860×1×20 m/s = 23.72 m/s

Wind turbulence

The turbulence intensity Iv(ze) at reference height ze is defined as the standard deviation of
the turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity. It is calculated in accordance with
EN1991-1-4 equation 4.7. For the examined case ze ≥ zmin.
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Iv(ze) = kI / [ c0(ze) ⋅ ln(max{ze, zmin} / z0) ]

= 1.000 / [ 1.000 ⋅ ln(max{6.000 m, 1.0 m} / 0.003 m) ] = 0.1316

Basic velocity pressure

The basic velocity pressure qb is the pressure corresponding to the wind momentum
determined at the basic wind velocity vb. The basic velocity pressure is calculated according
to the fundamental relation specified in EN1991-14 table4.5(1):

qb = (1/2) ⋅ ρ ⋅ vb2 = (1/2) ×1.132779 kg/m3 ×(20.00 m/s)2 = 226.5558 N/m2 = 0.226 kN/m2

Peak velocity pressure

The peak velocity pressure qp(ze) at reference height ze includes mean and short-term
velocity fluctuations. It is determined according to EN1991-1-4 equation 4.8:

qp(ze) = (1 + 7⋅Iv(ze)) ⋅ (1/2) ⋅ ρ ⋅ vm(ze)2

318.6724 = (1 + 7×0.1316) × (1/2) ×1.132779 kg/m3 ×(23.72 m/s)2

= 1.9212× (1/2) ×1.132779 kg/m3 ×(23.72 m/s)2

⇒ qp(ze) = 612.2335 N/m2 =0.6122335 kN/m2

Calculation of wind forces on the structure

The wind force on the structure Fw for the overall wind effect is estimated according to the
force coefficient method as specified in EN1991-1-4 table5.3.

Fw = cscd ⋅ cf ⋅ qp(ze) ⋅ Aref

Structural factor

The structural factor cscd takes into account the structure size effects from the non-
simultaneous occurrence of peak wind pressures on the surface and the dynamic effects of
structural vibrations due to turbulence. The structural factor cscd is determined in
accordance with EN1991-1-4 Section 6. A value of cscd = 1.0 is generally conservative for
small structures not-susceptible to wind turbulence effects such as buildings with height
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

less than 15 m or chimneys with circular cross-sections whose height is less than 60 m and
6.5 times the diameter.

In the following calculations the structural factor is considered as cscd = 1.000.

Reynolds number

Reynolds number characterizes the air flow around the object. For air flow around
cylindrical objects Reynolds number is calculated according to EN1991-1-4 table7.9.1(1):

Re = b ⋅ v(ze) / ν = 0.084 m ⋅ 57.53 m/s / 15.0 ×10-6 m2/s = 0.3230 ×106

where the kinematic viscosity of the air is considered as ν = 15.0 ×10-6 m2/s in accordance
with EN1991-1-4 table7.9.1(1).

Effective slenderness

The effective slenderness λ depends on the aspect ratio and the position of the structure
and it is given in EN1991-1-4 table7.13(2).

For circular cylinders with length l ≤ 15 m the effective slenderness λ is equal to:

λ15 = min(l / b, 70) = min(6.000 m / 0.084 m, 70) = 70.000

Therefore λ = λ15 = 70.000

End effect factor

The end effect factor ψλ takes into account the reduced resistance of the structure due to
the wind flow around the end (end-effect). The value of ψλ is calculated in accordance with
EN1991-1-4 table7.13. For solid structures (i.e. solidity ratio φ = 1.000) the value of the
end effect factor ψλ is determined from EN1991-1-4 Figure 7.36 as a function of the
slenderness λ.

The estimated value for the end effect factor is ψλ = 0.910

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Equivalent surface roughness

The equivalent surface roughness k depends on the surface type and it is given in EN1991-
1-4 table7.9.2(2). According to EN1991-1-4 Table 7.13 for surface type "galvanized steel"
the corresponding equivalent surface roughness is k = 0.2000 mm.

Force coefficient without free-end flow

For circular cylinders the force coefficient without free-end flow cf,0 depends on the
Reynolds number Re and the normalized equivalent surface roughness k/b. The force
coefficient without free-end flow cf,0 is specified in EN1991-1-4 table7.9.2. The value cf,0 is
determined according to EN1991-1-4 Figure 7.28 for the values of Re = 0.3230 ×106, k =
0.2000 mm, b = 0.084 m, k/b = 0.002375.

The estimated value for the force coefficient without free-end flow is cf,0 = 0.836

Force coefficient

The force coefficient cf for finite cylinders is given in EN1991-1-4 table7.9.2(1) as:

cf = cf,0 ⋅ ψλ

where cf,0 is the force coefficient without free-end flow, and ψλ the end effect factor, as
calculated above. Therefore:

cf = cf,0 ⋅ ψλ = 0.836 ⋅ 0.910 = 0.761

Total wind force

The total wind force on the structure Fw is estimated as:.

Fw = cscd ⋅ cf ⋅ qp(ze) ⋅ Aref = 1.000 ⋅ 0.761 × 0.6122335 kN/m2 ×0.5052 m2 = 0.2353 kN

According to EN 12899 Table NA 2 Class PAF1 Table 6

ULS (bending and shear) γF = 1.35

SLS (deflection) γF = 1.0

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

additional factor γf3, taken as 1.0, but could alternatively be 1.1

Design Wind Force on the pole ×

Fw,d = Fw  γF  γf3

Fw,d (ULS) = 0.2353  1.35  1.0 = 0.317655kN

Fw,d (SLS) = 0.2353  1.0  1.0 = 0.2353 kN

Wind Force Equivalent to 1-year Return Period

According to EN 12899-1clause 5.4.1 note 1

The wind velocity for calculating the temporary deflection (SLS) criterion is 75% of the
reference wind velocity, as it is based upon a 1 year mean return period. The 0.96 factor
below reverses the cprob conversion from 50 to 25-year return period used above (in 1.2.3).

Ultimate Design Action

Fw,d (ULS) = 0.317655 kN

Ultimate Action Effects (wind action)

Ultimate design bending moment per post, Md

Md = Wind force  lever arm to foundation
= Fw,d (ULS)  l
= 0.317655 kN  6 = 1.90593 kNm

Ultimate design shear per post, Vd, = Wind force / number of posts
Vd = Fw,d (ULS) = 0.2353 kN

Support Properties
Circular Hollow Section, CHS 88.9  4.0 (S355 steel) is to be tried.
Characteristic member capacities
Mc,Rd = 5.95 kNm
Vc,Rd = 96.47 kN
UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

Partial Material Factor for Sign Support

According to BS EN 12899-1 Table 7
γm = 1.05 for steel sections (elongation > 15%)
Ultimate Capacity Check
Ultimate bending capacity = Mc,Rd / γm = 5.95/ 1.05 = 5.66 kNm
5.66 kNm > 1.90593 kNm ( OK)
Ultimate shear capacity = Vc,Rd / γm = 96.47 kN/ 1.05 = 91.876 kN
91.876 kN> 0.2353 kN (OK)

Overturning Check

foundation dimensions: W = 1 m, L = 1 m, T = 0.40m

Unit weight of reinforced concrete foundation taken as 24kN/m3
weight of the foundation
Wk = 1 × 1 × 0.40 × 24 = 9.6 kN

Overturning moment, Mover = Design load ×lever arm to the foundation base

Mover = Fw,d×(H+T)= 0.317655 kN×(6+0.3) =2.0012265 kNm

Restoring moment, Mrest=N×(W/2)= 9.6 kN×(0.6/2)= 2.88 kNm

Safety factor=2.88 kNm/2.0012265 kNm=1.439 (ok)

UNDP Hodeida office Site Survey Report

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