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GURPS Character Assistant 4 Name Lonyi Yundis Barek Pl layer Laurence Point Total 225 Hr 198 wt59 Size Modifier 0 Age 28 Unspent Points -25 Appearance Oreilles pointues, peau dorée, bien foutue, cheveux long chatain clair, bien ‘CHARACTER SHEET habillé z Tanguages ‘Spoken Witten ] ST) 9 [-10] HP| 9 [0] (Wate) (Naw) 4 (Accented) (Accented) [2] 5 | ‘Te-Zapet Darian) (Native (Native) (Native) | 0] DX) 12 |[ 40] will) 14 [59] |e DR |[ TL: 12 Ty] IQ) 13 |[60] Per} 13 [Ory © || Cultural Fami | unas 0 | | Darian (Native) [ 0} HT 10 [0] FP 10 [0] | | BASICLIFT 16 DAMAGE Thr 142 Sw 1d [PARRY | Reaction Modifiers BASICSPEED 5,5 [ 0 ] BASICMOVE. 5 [ 0 ]} | Rectan ENCUMBRANCE MOVE DODGE 9 || Unappmaing Includes: 2 fom Appearance! None (0)= BL 16 BMx1 5 Dodge 8 | depeatine cade: +4 fom 'Apperenz Light()=2xBL 32. BMxO8 4 —Dodge-1 7, nea ; Medium (2)=3xBL 48 BMx06 3 Dodge-2 6 ee a ere x__|| Conditions: +1 trom Merchant? when baying or sling, Heavy (3)=6xBL = 96 = BMx0.4 2 Dodge-3 5 BLOCK | | +1 from ‘Fashion Sense’ when in social situations, when X-Heavy (4)=10xBL_160__BMx02 1 _Dodge-4_4 “|| yourave a chance to plan your ati in advance, +1 From Mathematical Ability’ when Engineers and TEMPLATES AND METATRAITS cee = Capitalist (Traveller: Interstellar Wars) [0] 7) || eae te emaee sine | Datyis known, +1 fom Business Acume’ when ADVANTAGES AND PERKS Anyone with whom you do busines, +2 from "Voice Acute Vision 1 [229 x _| | shenyour voice ean be heard ‘Appearance (Beautiful) [12] ae Biases curr! £10)) | ame evel Relative Level ‘Charisma 2 £10] ) | Accounting 14 oer [2] Empathy [15] | | tam tom nana Ay 1 om Bea Ane Fashion Sense | 8)) | Aebavos @ oxo 1 4) Independent Income 4 1 4]| | SOS sun et aw Bee Language Talent [10] | Administration 14 Wott 2) Mathematical Ability 1 [ 101) | prea Knowledge (Conte Raacod Concer [ 12) | Aisaknowidge (Coniétraton 12 Woof 1) Voice 1101) | autonypnosis 13 wit 2) ‘Androgynous [ 01]| | Body Language (Human) 2 Pert [1] Honest Face [211] | Brees Cento! es ae Resistant to (Froid si sutfisement nourrie pour ca) { | | Catousing seers t 2 |S feeaciele Sanitized Metabolism £13) | Computer Hacking/TL12. 10 a3 [ 1) Style Familiarity (T'ai Chi Chuan) [ 0}| | Computer Operation TL12 18 Wor | 4) Ultraviolet Tolerance [ 0]| | Computer Programming TL12. 11 2 | 4) (Current affais/TL12 (Business) 14 won| 2] DISADVANTAGES AND QUIRKS rete a oe pia oe ‘Chummy £51) | Detect ties 4 Pert [ 1) ‘Code of Honor (Code of darrian (Thaledh code)) 1. [ -5]| | suse") 800 ty | Curious (12 or less) (51) | pee ei toe ele Ad Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [15] | | Contin om Chars! wie making iter as ‘Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) { -5]| | Economics” 12 rf ty Seaizeer (51) | Fasttak 15 fra. Pree] Attentive {11 | item ve oe | Broad:Minded [1 | ik ha hem et | Habit Toujours une tasse & la main) (-1}| |e ian: vitea reer Of td Humbie [ -1]) | First aigL12. “3 of 1] Likes Chats [-1]| | Sembtng ce 8 io of 4] GunsiTL12 (Piste) 2 ox 1] | Judo 1 OX [2] Law (Conféderation Darienne) 11 wo 4 | | Law (imperium) it oz 4) | | te 15 faz [ 2) http sw sigames com/gurps/characterassistant v4.0.423 GURPS Character Assistant 4 Languages (continued) Spoken Written Te-Zapet (Darian) (Native) (Native) [| 0] (Native Language) Includes: +! from ‘Language Talent Trokh (Accented) (Accented) [ 2] Includes: +1 from ‘Language Talent Vargr languages (Accented) (Accented) [ 2] Inches: +1 from Language Talen? Zeet! (Accented) (Accented) [ 2] Includes: +1 from ‘Language Talent SKILLS (continued) Name Level Relative Level Market Analysis, 14 CoS Includes: + from Mathematical Ability’, +1 from "Business Acumen’ Mathematics/TL12 (Pure) 12 lot (1) Inchides:+1 from Mathematical Ability Mathematics/TL12 (Statistics) 12 1o4 ey Includes: +1 from Mathematical Ability’ Meditation 12 wik2 [1] Merchant 6 lars 8] Includes: +1 from "Business Acumen! Musical Instrument (Harpe) 11 a2 1] Observation 12 1O-1 let Piloting/TL12 (Contragravity) 12 Dx4o [2] Psychology (Human) 1 G25 [41] Conditional: +3 from Empathy when you can converse with subject Public Speaking 16 las | 1) Includes: +2 from ‘Charisma, +2 from "Voice Research/TL12 14 a1 4) Savoir-Faire (High Society) 13 lao ff 1] Conditional: +2 from ‘Charisma’ when making influence rolls Savoir-Faire (Merchant) 13. aro | 1) Conditional: +2 from ‘Charisma! when making Influence rolls Search 12 10-4 Tam Sex Appeal 15 Hs [1] Includes +4 from ‘Appearance’, +2 from ‘Voice Conditional: +2 from ‘Charisma’ when making Influence rolls Sociology 14 WOR aC 1) Speed-Reading 12 arf 1] Streetwise 12 fort 1] Conditional: +2 from ‘Charisma when making nfuence ols Swimming 10 HTH [1] http: /iwwrw.sigames.comigurpe/characterassistant! va.0.423 GURPS Character Assistant 4 HAND WEAPONS Qty Weapon Damage Reach Lyi(Pry)ST Notes | Cost Weight Bite 1d-3cr C 12 (No) CHARACTER SHEET Kick td2er C1 10(No) Lonyi Yundis Barek Punch 1d-3 cr c 12 (9) RANGED WEAPONS . Qty Weapon Damage Acc Range RoF Shots Lvl ST Bulk Rel LC Na Gost — Weight SPEED/RANGE TABLE ‘HIT LOCATION “ARMOR & POSSESSIONS For complete table, see p. 550. Qty Item, Location. Cost ‘Weight Modifier Location Speed! Linear Range Measurement Modifier (rans ) 7 Imp ot i attacks can target vital at -3 or eyes at. | “4 500 yd | Coepapesoet nen ae: 1S 700 yd reserved CHARACTER NOTES | POINTS SUMMARY Attributes/Secondary Characteristics C 95) Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages) (98 J Cultural Familiarity Disadvantages/Quirks C 45) Skills Techniques [oe Other C ] wo4ze hip: /

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