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Solutions to the Olympiad Maclaurin Paper 2015

M1. Consider the sequence 5, 55, 555, 5555, 55 555, ….

Are any of the numbers in this sequence divisible by 495; if so, what is the smallest
such number?

Note that 495 = 5 × 9 × 11, so that a number is divisible by 495 if it is divisible by
all of 5, 9 and 11, and not otherwise.
Every number in the sequence has ‘units’ digit 5, so is divisible by 5.
Each even term of the sequence is divisible by 11, but each odd term is not, since it has
a remainder of 5 when divided by 11.
It is therefore enough to find the first even term which is divisible by 9.
Suppose a term has 2k digits; then its digit sum is 10k . But a number is divisible by 9
when its digit sum is divisible by 9, and not otherwise. So the first even term divisible
by 9 is the one for which k = 9.
Therefore the first term divisible by 495 is the 18th term
555 555 555 555 555 555,
which consists of 18 digits 5.

M2. Two real numbers x and y satisfy the equation x2 + y2 + 3xy = 2015.
What is the maximum possible value of xy ?

Subtracting x2 and y2 from each side of the given equation, we obtain
3xy = 2015 − x2 − y2.
Now adding 2xy to each side, we get
5xy = 2015 − x2 + 2xy − y2

= 2015 − (x − y)2 ,
which has a maximum value of 2015 when x = y.
Therefore xy has a maximum value of 403 and this occurs when x = y = 403.
M3. Two integers are relatively prime if their highest common factor is 1.
I choose six different integers between 90 and 99 inclusive.
(a) Prove that two of my chosen integers are relatively prime.
(b) Is it also true that two are not relatively prime?

(a) Consider the five pairs (90, 91), (92, 93), (94, 95), (96, 97), and (98, 99); each is a
pair of relatively prime integers. Since we are selecting six numbers, we have to
choose two from one pair; thus there is a relatively prime pair.

(b) If two or more of the six numbers chosen are even, then they have a common factor
of 2.
If only one is even, then the others are 91, 93, 95, 97 and 99. Therefore two of the
chosen numbers (93 and 99) have a common factor of 3.
In either case, two of my six chosen numbers have a common factor greater than 1,
so are not relatively prime.
M4. The diagram shows two circles with radii a and b and two
common tangents AB and PQ. The length of PQ is 14 and
the length of AB is 16. P

Prove that ab = 15.


Let the centres of the circles be C and D.

C a

F a 14

A D b Q
b 16
Firstly, consider the tangent AB (see the left-hand figure above). Join C to A and D to B,
forming two right angles, as shown, since tangent and radius are perpendicular. Let F be
the foot of the perpendicular from D to CA. Then AFDB is a rectangle, so that AF = b
and FD = 16.
From Pythagoras' Theorem for right-angled triangle CDF, we therefore obtain
CD2 = 16 + (a − b)2 . (1)
Next, consider the tangent PQ (see the right-hand figure above). Join C to P and D to Q,
once again forming two right angles, as shown, since tangent and radius are
perpendicular. Let G be the foot of the perpendicular from D to CP. Then PGDQ is a
rectangle, so that PG = b and GD = 14.
From Pythagoras' Theorem for right-angled triangle DCG, we therefore obtain
CD2 = 142 + (a + b)2 . (2)
It follows from equations (2) and (1) that
142 + (a + b)2 = 162 + (a − b)2 ,
and hence
2 2
(a + b)2 − (a − b)2 = 16 − 14 .
In order to simplify this equation we could just multiply out the brackets, but it is a little
quicker to use the ‘difference of two squares’ factorisation x2 − y2 = (x − y) (x + y)
for each side, which also avoids any squaring! On doing this, we get
2b × 2a = 2 × 30
and hence
ab = 15.
Now in the diagrams we assigned each of a and b to be the radius of a particular circle,
whereas the question does not do so. However, interchanging a and b in the result leaves
it unchanged, which means that the result is independent of the assignment of letters.
M5. Consider equations of the form ax + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c are all single-digit
prime numbers.

How many of these equations have at least one solution for x that is an integer?

Note that a, b and c, being prime, are positive integers greater than 1.
If the equation has an integer solution, then the quadratic expression factorises into two
‘linear’ brackets (...)(...).
Since c is prime, the ‘constant’ terms in the brackets can only be c and 1. Similarly,
since a is prime, the x terms can only be ax and x. Hence the factorisation is either
(ax + c) (x + 1), in which case b = a + c, or (ax + 1) (x + c), in which case
b = ac + 1. Each case leads to an integer solution for x, either x = −1 or x = −c.
In the first case exactly one of a or c is 2, since b is prime and b = a + c. Therefore
(a, b, c) is one of (2, 5, 3), (2, 7, 5), (3, 5, 2) or (5, 7, 2).
In the second case one or both of a and c is 2, since b is prime and b = ac + 1.
Therefore (a, b, c) is one of (2, 5, 2), (2, 7, 3) or (3, 7, 2).
Hence altogether there are seven such quadratic equations.

M6. A symmetrical ring of m identical regular n-sided polygons is

formed according to the rules:
(i) each polygon in the ring meets exactly two others;
(ii) two adjacent polygons have only an edge in common; and
(iii) the perimeter of the inner region–enclosed by the ring–
consists of exactly two edges of each polygon.

The example in the figure shows a ring with m = 6 and n = 9.

For how many different values of n is such a ring possible?

Let the exterior angle in each polygon be α°, so that α = , and let P, Q, R, S and T
be five consecutive vertices of one of the polygons, as shown, where QRS is part of the
perimeter of the inner region.

S α°

From the symmetry, the point O where PQ and TS meet is the centre of the inner region
and hence
∠QOS = .
Now the sum of the angles in quadrilateral OSRQ is 360°, so we have
360 = + α + (180 + α) + α
and therefore
2 6
1 = + .
m n
Multiplying each term by mn, we obtain
mn = 6m + 2n,
so that

(m − 2) (n − 6) = 12.
Now m > 2 for the ring to exist. Hence (m − 2) (n − 6) is a product of two positive
integers, so that n − 6 is a positive factor of 12. The only possibilities for n − 6 are
therefore 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12, and thus the only possibilities for n are 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and
18. The following figures show the corresponding rings.

Thus a ring of polygons of the required form is possible for six different values of n.

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